1 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris Neutrino-nucleus cross sections at MiniBooNE and T2K energies Marco Martini CEA/DAM/DIF

Neutrino-nucleus cross sections at MiniBooNE and … · M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 5/10/2011 1 Neutrino-nucleus cross sections at MiniBooNE and T2K energies

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1 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Neutrino-nucleus cross sections at MiniBooNE and T2K energies

Marco Martini CEA/DAM/DIF



•Introduction - relevant channels for accelerator experiments - link with Ʋ oscillation physics - why nuclear physics is important? •Our model: nuclear response functions •Comparison with experimental results - quasielastic - pion production - coherent pion production - inclusive cross section In collaboration with:

M. Ericson, G. Chanfray, J. Marteau

Phys. Rev. C 80 065501 (2009) Phys. Rev. C 81 045502 (2010) arXiv:1110.0221

IPN Lyon

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

3 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


4 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Neutrino - nucleus cross sections

•Relatively precise measurements at high neutrino energies, where deep inelastic scattering is important

•Less precise measurements in few-GeV region, where many processes contribute

•Nuclear effects important at all energies, especially low energies

•Large uncertainties, some puzzles

p p n n n p p

n p

p n n Ʋ

5 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Neutrino - nucleus interaction @ EƲ ~ O (1 GeV)

p p


p p n n

n p p

n p

p n p p n

n n

p p n p

p n n

p p n n

n p p

n p

p n n

p p n n

n p p

n p

p n n

Two Nucleons knock-out (2p-2h)

Incoherent π production

Coherent π production

μ μ







Quasielastic (QE)

6 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

νμ Disappearance – 2-3 sector – QE channel


The measurement of θ23 and Δm223 is based on comparing

the initial energy spectrum of Ʋμ measured at a near detector to the final spectrum measured at a far detector The ability to reconstruct neutrino energy, which is not known for broad fluxes, is crucial

EƲ from (Ʋμ n μ- p) CCQE

Eμ and θμ measured

EƲ reconstructed with two-body kinematics


•This is exact only for free neutrons •Detector are composed of nuclei •EƲ is smeared due to momentum distribution of n •Events not CCQE but look identical to them: -Two nucleons knock-out -CC1π production if π is not detected

Cherenkov: μ,π detected n,p not detected

Ʋ beam θμ


p p n n n p p

n p

p n n

7 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

νe Appearance – 1-3 sector – NC π0 production

High sensitivity searches for Ʋμ Ʋe appearance associated with θ13 and CP violation

NC π0 most important background

NC π0 events can mimic CCQE νe signal events when 1 of the 2 γ associated with π0 γγ decay is not detected

24/02/2010 First T2K event seen is Super-Kamiokande


8 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

νe and νe Appearance in MiniBooNE

PRL 102, 101802 (2009)

EƲ reconstructed through QE

NC π0 most important background

Events in the region 200<EνQE<475 MeV are

consistent with being either electron events produced by CC scattering or photon events produced by NC scattering.







9 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Monte Carlo


10 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Theoretical model: nuclear response functions

11 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Neutrino-nucleus cross-section



In terms of the nuclear response functions:

isovector nuclear response


isospin spin-longitudinal

isospin spin-transverse

interference V-A

12 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Nuclear response functions

Nuclear matter

QE Δ(πN)

p p n n

n p p

n p

p n n


NN interaction switched off

Nucleons respond individually

Nucleus excitations Nucleon excitations (e.g. Δ resonance)

Nucleon at rest: R δ(ω-q2/2MN)

Fermi momentum spreads δ distribution (Fermi Gas)

NN interaction switched on (RPA)

Force acting on 1N is transmitted

The response R becomes collective

Decrease, increase, divergences,…

Ext. perturbation


NN off


NN on

The nucleus is one of the multi-faceted many-body systems in the universe. It exhibits a multitude of responses depending on the way one probes it.


Response functions

Response picture

p h π

p p p n

n n

p p n p

p n

easy to separate the several channels


p p n n

n p p

n p

p n n π





p p n n

n p p

n p

p n n

p p p


1p-1h QE

1p-1h 1π production

h h h h

2p-2h: two examples

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

14 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

NN QE NN 2p-2h NΔ 2p-2h

ΔΔ πN ΔΔ 2p-2h ΔΔ 3p-3h

q=300 MeV/c

•QE (1 nucleon knock-out) •Pion production •Multinucleon emission

Several partial components (final state channels)

Bare nuclear responses

15 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


Bare polarization propagators



Pion production

16 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Three equivalent representations of the same process

Final state: two particles-two holes

2 body current 2p-2h matrix element 2p-2h response

Cut (optical theorem)

p p h h

Two particle-two hole sector (2p-2h)

17 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 17

Some diagrams for 2 body currents

Nucleon-Nucleon correlations

Meson Exchange Currents (MEC)

Pion in flight Contact Delta

18 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 18

Some diagrams for 2p-2h responses

NN correlation-MEC interference

MEC NN correlations

16 diagrams 49 diagrams 56 diagrams

19 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 19

Where 2p-2h enter in Ʋ-A cross-section?

isovector nuclear response


isospin spin-longitudinal

isospin spin-transverse

interference V-A

(spin-isospin, στ excitation operator)

The 2p-2h term affects the magnetic and axial responses (terms in GM , GA )

20 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 20

Other processes, with the same excitation operator (στ), where 2p-2h are relevant

•Pion absorption

•Transverse response in electron scattering

Absorptive part of the p-wave pion-nucleus optical potential at threshold:

UπNopt =

•Photon absorption

Two-nucleon mechanism: πNN --> NN (πN --> N strongly suppressed)



coherent π production


Switching on the interaction: random phase approximation


exclusive channels: QE, 2p-2h, ΔπN …

Several partial components treated in self-consistent, coupled and coherent way

q=300 MeV/c

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

22 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Effects of the RPA in the quasielastic channel

QE totally dominated by isospin spin-transverse response Rστ(T)

RPA reduction •expected from the repulsive character of p-h interaction in T channel •mostly due to interference term RNΔ < 0 (Lorentz-Lorenz or Ericson-Ericson effect)

Lowest order contribution to QE


23 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Testing our responses: QE and np-nh

Electron scattering

QE pic


24 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Pion-nucleus cross-section

π+ - 12C

Overestimation of inelastic ch. in the

peak region

Underestimation of absorption

Absence of π FSI

25 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Coherent channel

π on-shell

Reshaped by collective effects per nucleon

Softening of the responses

Test: π - 12C elastic cross-section

q=300 MeV/c

Dominated by Rστ longitudinal


26 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Comparison with data I) Quasielastic

27 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

MiniBooNE Quasielastic cross section

Comparison with a prediction based on RFG with MA=1.03 GeV (standard value) reveals a discrepancy

In RFG an axial mass of 1.35 GeV is needed to account for data

AIP Conf. Proc. 1189: 139-144 (2009); Phys. Rev. D 81, 092005 (2010)

The introduction of a realistic spectral function does not alter this conclusion (Benhar et al, PRD 80: 073003, 2009; PRL 105:132301, 2010 )


28 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 28

A possible explanation of this puzzle

M. Martini, M. Ericson, G. Chanfray, J. Marteau Phys. Rev. C 80 065501 (2009)

Agreement with MiniBooNE without increasing MA


N’ μ

Ʋ W+





N’ N’


p p n n n p p

n p

p n



p p n n n p p

n p

p n n

Genuine CCQE

Two particles-two holes (2p-2h)

W+ absorbed by a pair of nucleons

Inclusion of the multinucleon emission channel (np-nh)

29 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 29

Ʋ p

p p n n

n p p

n p

p n μ


p p

p p n n

n p p

n p

p n n



p p n n

n p p

n p

p n μ + +...

CCQE-like e.g. MiniBooNE

CCQE and CCQE-like

30 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 30

Theoretical studies on 2p-2h excitations in CCQE-like

M. Martini, M. Ericson, G. Chanfray, J. Marteau Phys. Rev. C 80 065501 (2009)

Phys. Rev. C 81 045502 (2010)

J.E. Amaro, M.B. Barbaro, J.A. Caballero, T.W. Donnelly

Phys. Lett. B 696 151-155 (2011)

Phys. Rev. D 84 033004 (2011)

+ C. F. Williamson

+ J.M. Udias

J. Nieves, I. Ruiz Simo, M.J. Vicente Vacas Phys. Rev. C 83 045501 (2011)

arXiv: 1106.5374

A. Bodek, H.S. Budd, M.E. Christy EPJ C 71 1726 (2011)

arXiv: 1110.0221

31 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 31

Total CCQE and comparison with flux unfolded MB

Bodek et al.

Martini et al. Nieves et al.

Amaro et al.

{ QE

-only vector -only MEC 2p2h

N.B. The experimental unfolding is model dependent

32 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris 32

MiniBooNE CCQE-like flux-integrated double diff. X section

MiniBooNE, Phys. Rev. D 81, 092005 (2010)

p p n n n

p p n p

p n n Ʋ

μ ) θμ

MiniBooNE flux

Model independent measurement

33 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Flux-integrated double differential X section vs cos θμ

Agreement with MiniBooNE without increasing MA Martini, Ericson, Chanfray, arXiv: 1110.0221

34 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Flux-integrated double differential X section versus Tμ

Important multinucleon contribution at low muon energy

The algorithm commonly used to reconstruct the neutrino energy is badly suited for this region

35 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Charged current Q2 distribution

low Q2: opposite actions of RPA quenching and np-nh enhancement

Historically of interest for the determination of the axial form factor

Q2 > 0.2 GeV2: np-nh contribution singled out

36 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Neutral current Q2 distribution

Exp. Data: MiniBooNE, Phys. Rev. D 82, 092005 (2010)

obtained indirectly from the energy of ejected nucleons

is not clear how multinucleon component shows up in the data

low Q2: opposite actions of RPA quenching and np-nh enhancement

Q2 > 0.3 GeV2: np-nh contribution singled out


Antineutrino vs Neutrino-nucleus cross-section

The 2p-2h term affects the magnetic and axial responses (terms in GA ,GM)

The isovector response Rτ (term in GE ) is not affected

isovector nuclear response


isospin spin-longitudinal

isospin spin-transverse

interference V-A

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


Various response contributions to the ν and ν CCQE

The role of interference term (in GAGM) is crucial: it enhances the contribution of Rστ(T) for neutrinos. For antineutrinos instead the destructive interference partially suppresses this contribution leaving a larger role for isovector Rτ which is insensitive to 2p-2h

Rστ ν

Rστ ν

Rτ ν or ν

Hence the relative role of 2p-2h should be smaller for antineutrinos

Martini et al. Phys. Rev. C 81 045502 (2010)

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

39 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Martini et al. Phys. Rev. C 81 045502 (2010)

Nieves et al. Phys. Rev. C 83 045501 (2011)

A.Bodek et al. EPJC 71, 1726 (2011)

Total cross sections for antineutrinos

Antineutrino X section very sensitive to RPA

Attention: not Martini QE

cfr to corresponding neutrino case: different behavior


relative role of 2p-2h smaller for antineutrinos

40 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Inclusive CC cross section on Carbon

SciBooNE, Phys. Rev. D. 83, 012005 (2011)

QE + np-nh + π

QE + np-nh


Less affected by background subtraction with respect to exclusive channels

41 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Comparison with data II) pion production

42 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Charged current total 1π+ production over QE ratio

MiniBooNE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 081801 (2009)

In our model π FSI are not included; a reduction of ~ 15 % is expected

43 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Total cross section MiniBooNE PRD 81, 013005 2010

σ [10^-40 cm^2/nucleon]

Our model

σ [10^-40 cm^2/nucleon]

ν @ 808 MeV 4.76 ± 0.05 st ± 0.76 sy 5.42

ν @ 664 MeV 1.48 ± 0.05 st ± 0.23 sy 1.37

Incoherent exclusive NC 1π0

corrected for FSI effects Our model

ν @ 808 MeV 5.71 ± 0.08 st ± 1.45 sy 5.14

ν @ 664 MeV 1.28 ± 0.07 st ± 0.35 sy 1.17

NC π0 production cross sections

π0 total NC/

σ total CC SciBooNE PRD 81 033004 ‘10 Our model

ν @ 1.1 GeV (7.7 ± 0.5 st ± 0.5 sy) 10-2 7.9 10-2

(without np-nh: 9.8)

44 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Ratio of σ Experiment Our model

π+ coherent CC/

σ total CC


u.l.@ EƲ 1.1 GeV

0.67 10-2

PRD 78 112004 ’08

0.71 10-2

(without np-nh: 0.89)

π0 coherent NC/

π0 total NC


(19.5±1.1±2.5) 10-2

Phys. Lett. B 664,41 ’08

6 10-2

π0 coherent NC/

σ total CC


(0.7±0.4) 10-2

PRD 81 033004 ’10

0.4 10-2

(without np-nh: 0.5)

π+ coherent CC/

π0 coherent NC


0.14 +0.30-0.28

PRD 81 111102 ‘10


Coherent pion production

coherent puzzle

45 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Coherent puzzle

π+ coh. CC

π0 coh. NC 30.0


π+ coh. CC

π0 coh. NC =1.5 ~2 !!


Theoretical models:

Boyd S. et al. AIP Conf. Proc. 1189 60 (2009)


46 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


Theory of neutrino interactions with nuclei

Nuclear responses treated in RPA

Unified description of several channels:

Comparison with experiments

•Quasielastic σ , d2σ/dTμ/dcosθ , dσ/dQ2

measured by MiniBooNE can be explained without any modification of MA

•Quasielastic ⇔ Eν reconstruction •Pion production ⇔ CC1π background of CCQE;

NC π0 background of νe appearance •Multinucleon emission ⇔ QE like scattering ⇔ Eν reconstruction

including the multinucleon emission channel

•coherent pion production puzzle

47 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


48 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

T2K ``


[28] SciBooNE Inclusive [29] MiniBooNE « Quasielastic » [30] SciBooNE

NC π0 •total •coherent

49 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

N U I N T 0 9

QE tot

QE diff

Monte Carlo


50 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


π+ cohérent π0 cohérent

π0 cohérent

π+ incoh.

Tπ (GeV)

Monte Carlo

•Neut: SuperKamiokande, K2K, T2K, SciBooNE

•Nuance: SuperKamiokande, MINOS, MiniBooNE

•Genie: T2K, MINOS, Minerva, NOvA,ArgoNEUT

•NuWro:Wroclaw theo. group

QE: Fermi Gas

π prod:Rein-Sehgal

MC larger than microscopic models

51 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Quasielastic total cross section

L. Alvarez-Ruso, arXiv:1012.3871; (Neutrino 2010)

52 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


Two different parameterizations of the multinucleon channel

a) from pion absorption b) from electron scattering



A few more words about our model

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


Delta in the medium



Self energy

Δπ N Pauli correction (FP)

Pion distortion (CQ)

2p-2h 3p-3h

E. Oset and L. L. Salcedo, Nucl. Phys. A 468, 631 (1987)

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


a) np-nh contributions from pion absorption

•Reducible to a modification of the Delta width in the medium

•Not reducible to a modification of the Delta width

E. Oset and L. L. Salcedo, Nucl. Phys. A 468, 631 (1987):

Microscopic calculation of π absorption at threshold: ω=mπ Shimizu, Faessler, Nucl. Phys. A 333,495 (1980)

Extrapolation to other energies

But no q dependence for NN corr. and NΔ interf. contributions !!


2p-2h 3p-3h

NΔ interference

Nieves et al. in PRC 83 (2011) and in 1106.5374 use the same model for these contributions

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

56 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Transverse magnetic response of (e,e’)

for some values of q and ω,but:

56Fe, few q and ω, too large Im C0

•Parameterization of the responses in terms of Extrapolation to

cover Ʋ region

•Global reduction 0.5 to reproduce the absorptive p-wave π-A optical potential

b) 2p-2h contributions from RT in electron scattering

Alternative treatment of NN correlations and NΔ interference in order to have a q dependence in these 2p-2h contributions

Microscopic evaluation: Alberico, Ericson, Molinari, Ann. Phys. 154, 356 (1984)


Main difficulties in the 2p-2h sector

•Huge number of diagrams -non relativistic calculation

Alberico, Ericson, Molinari, Ann. Phys. 154, 356 (1984) 49 from MEC 16 from NN correlations 56 from interference

- fully relativistic calculation (just of MEC !) 3000 direct terms More than 100 000 exchange terms

•Divergences in NN correlations

-nucleon propagator only off the mass shell (Alberico et al. Ann. Phys. 1984 )

-kinematical constraints + nucleon self energy in the medium (Nieves et al PRC 83 )

- regularization parameter taking into account the finite size of the nucleus to be fitted to data (Amaro et al. PRC 82 044601 2010 )


De Pace, Nardi, Alberico, Donnelly, Molinari, Nucl. Phys. A741, 249 (2004)

5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

58 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


59 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


60 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris


NN corr.



Analogies and differences of 2p-2h

M. Martini, M. Ericson, G. Chanfray, J. Marteau

J. Nieves, I. Ruiz Simo, M.J. Vicente Vacas

Non Relativistic

Non Relativistic


Axial and Vector

Axial and Vector

Only Vector

N∆ interf.

N-MEC interf. NN corr.

[ Genuine CCQE (1p-1h): LFG+RPA ]

[ Genuine CCQE (1p-1h): LRFG+SF+RPA ]

[ Genuine CCQE (1p-1h): Superscaling ]

J.E. Amaro, M.B. Barbaro, J.A. Caballero, T.W. Donnelly et al.

61 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Flux-integrated double differential X section versus Tμ

Amaro et al, PRD 84, 033004 (2011) Nieves et al, arXiv: 1106.5374

62 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Ʋμ-12C Cross sections

as a function of Ʋ energy

63 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Inclusive CC cross section on Carbon

Experimental data: SciBooNE, Phys. Rev. D. 83, 012005 (2011)

Nieves et al. Phys. Rev. C 83 045501 (2011) Our calculation

64 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Charged current coherent π+ production

σ CC π+coherent

σ CC total

K2K: 0.60 10-2 averaged over Ʋ flux <EƲ> 1.3 GeV PRL 95 252301

SciBooNE: 0.67 10-2 @ EƲ =1.1 GeV 1.36 10-2 @ EƲ =2.2 GeV


PRD 78 112004 (2008)

Our model @

EƲ=1.1 GeV

Upper limits

0.71 10-2

Just compatible

Without np-nh in σ CC total

0.89 10-2

Appreciably above u.l.

65 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Ʋμ induced coherent pion production off 12C

pion kinetic energy

neutrino energy

Total cross section

Differential cross section

66 5/10/2011 M. Martini, Frontiers in Neutrino Physics, APC Paris

Ʋμ induced coherent pion production