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Neuroscience Ethical Challenges of Simulation-Driven Big · that Big Neuroscience comes along with specific ethical challenges. By examining the justification of Big Neuroscience

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AJOB Neuroscience

ISSN: 2150-7740 (Print) 2150-7759 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uabn20

Ethical Challenges of Simulation-Driven BigNeuroscience

Markus Christen, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Berit Bringedal, Kevin Grimes, JulianSavulescu & Henrik Walter

To cite this article: Markus Christen, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Berit Bringedal, Kevin Grimes,Julian Savulescu & Henrik Walter (2016) Ethical Challenges of Simulation-Driven BigNeuroscience, A JOB Neuroscience, 7:1, 5-17

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21507740.2015.1135831

Published online: 04 Apr 2016.

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Page 2: Neuroscience Ethical Challenges of Simulation-Driven Big · that Big Neuroscience comes along with specific ethical challenges. By examining the justification of Big Neuroscience

Target Article

Ethical Challenges of Simulation-DrivenBig NeuroscienceMarkus Christen, University of Zurich

Nikola Biller-Andorno, University of Zurich

Berit Bringedal, Institute for Studies of the Medical Profession

Kevin Grimes, Karolinksa InstitutetJulian Savulescu, University of Oxford

Henrik Walter, Charit�e-Universit€atsmedizin Berlin

Research in neuroscience traditionally relies on rather small groups that deal with different questions on all levels of neuronalorganization. Recent funding initiatives—notably the European “Human Brain Project” (HBP)—aim to promote BigNeuroscience for integrating research and unifying knowledge. This approach is characterized by two aspects: first, by manyinteracting researchers from various disciplines that deal with heterogeneous data and are accountable to a large public fundingsource; and second, by a decisive role of information and communication technology (ICT) as an instrument not only toperform but also to structure and guide scientific activities, for example, through simulations in the case of the HBP. We arguethat Big Neuroscience comes along with specific ethical challenges. By examining the justification of Big Neuroscience and therole and effects of ICT on social interaction of researchers and knowledge production, we provide suggestions to address thesechallenges.

Keywords: Big Neuroscience, brain simulation, ethics in organizations, Human Brain Project, knowledge production,neuroethics

In January 2013, the Human Brain Project (HBP) wasannounced as one of two flagship projects funded by theEuropean Commission’s Future and Emerging Technolo-gies Programme (FET). The matched funding for the HBPof about 1.16 billion Euros over 10 years provided by theEuropean Union (EU) and partner shall enable a concertedeffort to “lay the technical foundations for a new model ofICT-based brain research, driving integration betweendata and knowledge from different disciplines, and cata-lyzing a community effort to achieve a new understandingof the brain, new treatments for brain disease and newbrain-like computing technologies” (HBP Report 2012, 3).Only a few weeks later, U.S. President Barack Obamaannounced the “Brain Research through Advancing Inno-vative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative” in theUnited States, aiming to invest several billion dollars toexamine the workings of the human brain (Markoff 2013).Also, Australia, China, and Japan have recently announcedlarge-scale projects in neuroscience (Grillner 2014).

Such large-scale initiatives aim to involve close collabo-ration among hundreds of scientists from widely diverse

disciplines, highly organized into several scientifically andtechnically distinct work subdomains (e.g., the HBP has 12research areas and more than 100 partner institutions) formany years. Such initiatives answer to large public fund-ing organizations (the HBP to the European Commission).Moreover, these consortia must address specific challengesto accountability and governance of the projects. In termsof duration, investment, and number of people involved,these projects are comparable in size to, up to this time, thelargest Big Science project in biology, the Human GenomeProject (1990–2003, US$2.7 billion, consortium of 20 institu-tions; see http://www.genome.gov/11006943). Further-more, such large-scale initiatives must emphasizemethodology. For example, the BRAIN Initiative focuses—as the name indicates—on neurotechnologies (e.g., imag-ing), and the HBP aims for an information and communi-cations technology (ICT) infrastructure for setting up anexperimental facility to study and to simulate the structureand functions of the human brain. The latter aligns withthe huge transformation of various scientific fields thatrely increasingly on computer power not only to organize

Address correspondence to Markus Christen, University Research Priority Program Ethics, University of Zurich, Zollikerstrasse 117,Zurich CH-8008, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected]

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AJOB Neuroscience, 7(1): 5–17, 2016

Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 2150-7740 print / 2150-7759 online

DOI: 10.1080/21507740.2015.1135831




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data, but to generate new knowledge (Winsberg 2010).These converging technologies are often referred with theacronym NBIC: nanotechnology, biotechnology, informa-tion technology, and cognitive science.

Such large initiatives are usually coined as “Big Scien-ce” projects that include—to our understanding, as we out-line in the following—two main features: first, a challengeto organize, coordinate, and manage such a large numberof researchers and research data in a way that enablesaccountability toward the funding organizations; and, sec-ond, an important role for advanced ICT serving as a struc-turing principle for the research carried out. In two words,Big Science is about structure and technology. Our aim isto outline potential consequences with ethical significancesof these two features of Big Science in the field ofneuroscience.

In doing so, we focus on the Human Brain Project fortwo reasons. The first is because the HBP has already facedopposition in the scientific community while setting upthis initiative (Waldrop 2012), which culminated in an“open letter” sent in July 2014 to the European Commis-sion signed by more than 800 scientists (http://www.neu-rofuture.eu). These scientists harshly criticized governancewithin the HBP and its technological focus—but they alsocalled for “redirect[ing] the HBP funding to smaller inves-tigator-driven neuroscience grants,” “strongly support[ing] the mechanism of individual investigator-drivengrants,” which points to a general skepticism about BigScience approaches used in neuroscience. Nobel laureateEdvard Moser recently emphasized that “The brain is toocomplex, and neuroscience is too young, for all funding tobe put into a single-aimed project” (in Requarth 2015).According to this opinion, neuroscience by its theory is notsufficiently developed for “Big Science”; rather, one shouldconcentrate research efforts on relatively small grants todiverse laboratories around the world (Requarth 2015).This criticism is in line with studies suggesting that impactper dollar remains constant or decreases with grant size,which favors funding strategies that target diversity (For-tin and Currie 2013). An effort at mediation was under-taken before arbitration (Marquardt 2015), before the HBPBoard of Directors changed the HBP scientific programand reframed its governance structure, which includedremoving the HBP Executive Committee and requiringrepresentation on the board of each of the subprojects.

Second, we focus on the HBP, indeed, because of ourroles. We are regular members of the Ethics AdvisoryBoard (EAB) of the HBP,1 except for one of us. We regularEAB members are independent advisors to HBP manage-ment on ethics issues and have no duties with the HBP to

perform scientific or technical work outside of our ethicswork. No regular EAB member receives funding from theHBP or is formally involved in research activities of theScience and Society program of the HBP. The one excep-tion is an ex officio member, paid for work in the HBP toestablish and coordinate the ethical committee(s) towardaccomplishing the committees’ mission. Thus, this contri-bution is well within the prescribed roles and responsibil-ity of the EAB to independently and critically comment,from our unique perspective, on the developing HBP. Ourviews expressed here we own, and are not intended toreflect either the view of the committee as a whole, or theviews of the leaders of the HBP.

Furthermore, we clarify our understanding of ethics, assome readers may question whether issues related to theorganization of scientific work or public policy really fallinto the domain of ethics. We see two reasons why the ethi-cal analysis should go beyond “classical” ethical topics thatalready are discussed in the HBP context, such as thedomain specific potential misuse of findings, or problemssuch as whether brain simulation might once create enti-ties with moral status (Choudhury et al. 2014; Lim 2014;Rose 2014). First, research carried out in Big Science con-texts can accentuate well-known ethical problems like dataand privacy protection. Second, such contexts affect howneuroscience is understood, pursued, and also perceivedin the public. This is ethically relevant. For, with respect tothe ethical climate of internal collaboration (Martin et al.2014), or where misallocation of public funding may possi-bly exist, policy decisions must involve moral judgments.Also, the European Commission’s first HBP ethical, as wellas technical, reviews, in January 2015, substantiallyaddressed ethical issues raised by organizational and gov-ernance issues of the HBP (Technical Review Report 2015).

This contribution is structured as follows. In the sec-ond section, we investigate whether Big Neuroscience isactually needed as claimed to promote progress in thisfield. In the third and fourth sections, we analyze in detailthe ethical issues related to structural aspects of Big Neuro-science and issues related to the role of ICT (in particular,simulations) to integrate project activities with knowledge.Finally, we offer recommendations on how the ethicalchallenges of Big Neuroscience might be addressed andwhich competences are needed within the neuroethicscommunity that would support implementation of suchinfrastructure.


Large, structured and formalized collaborations betweenscientists are a rather recent phenomenon in the history ofscience. This is related partly to the increasing importanceof science for the military (Mendelsohn et al. 1988), asexemplified by the Manhattan Project in World War II, butalso to the nature of certain research questions (e.g., in par-ticle physics) that require large research infrastructures, asexemplified by the CERN facilities of the European

1. Originally, two independent ethics bodies advised the HBPBoard of Directors: the Ethics, Legal and Social Aspects Commit-tee (ELSA) and the Research Ethics Committee (REC). In Septem-ber 2015, both committees merged into a single ethics advisoryboard in conjunction with structural reorganization of the HBP.All co-authors are currently EAB members and are unpaid exceptfor one (KG), who is an ex officio member.

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Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzer-land. The basis of these formal collaborations is that tech-nology, broadly conceived, exists and the consequentcollaborative activities can be characterized according tohow different types of data-generating technologies arecombined with levels of formalization in the modes oforganizing access to those data (Shrum et al. 2007). “BigScience” is defined as a substantial expansion of scientificcollaboration along several axes (Galison 1992): geographic(in the concentration of scientific expertise and technologi-cal capacities within cities or regions), economic (in themonetary sponsorship of major research endeavors, on theorder of several billion dollars), multidisciplinary (in thenecessary coordination of teams from previously distinctfields), and multinational (in the coordination of groupswith very different research styles and cultures). Further-more, more recent initiatives, like CERN’s Large HadronCollider, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, or the NASA Cli-mate Simulation Center, are strongly related to informa-tion technology infrastructure development allowing theseprograms to create and/or to handle large amounts of data(Markram et al. 2014).

Large-scale collaboration and a focus on technologi-cal infrastructure are also characteristic of Big Neurosci-ence initiatives (Grillner 2014), and Big Data effortspurportedly have become modus operandi in neurosci-ence, replacing smaller scale, hypothesis-driven science(Nature Neuroscience 2014). A major motivation is thatthe current research activities in neuroscience generatehuge amounts of data and scientific papers on all levelsof neuronal organization2: on gene expression in neu-rons, neuronal connectivity, brain activity patterns cap-tured with neuroimaging, and human and animalbehavior, just to name a few. And all these data are col-lected by distinct research traditions, structural biologyat one end of the spectrum (ion channel identification)and behavioral research at the other end. However, neu-roscientists face numerous problems when trying tointegrate diverse data sets into a coherent understandingof brain functioning, which will require a cultural shiftin not only sharing data across laboratories, but alsomaking theorists central players in its analysis and inter-pretation (Sejnowski et al. 2014). One example concernsthe reuse of so-called “long-tail” data, small data sets

whose reuse is often stymied by a lack of communitydata-sharing standards (Ferguson et al. 2014)—and cre-ating these standards is one aim of Big Scienceapproaches. Representing huge data sets related to brainhealth and disease as descriptive clinical data, labora-tory results or brain images are other examples thatassist diagnosis and medical decision making. A largedomain of ICT infrastructure must be set up and numer-ous technological and ethical problems will have to besolved (Christen et al. 2016)—an endeavor that is tackledby the Human Brain Project.

In summary, models, simulations, and large-scaleICT infrastructures acquire new functions within neuro-science as instruments to integrate systemic biologicalknowledge, gained on all levels of neuronal organiza-tion. Indeed, it is hard to imagine how neurosciencewould be able to address the most difficult questions ofits field—such as understanding how changes on all lev-els of neuronal organization affect behavior or how toaddress neurodegenerative diseases—without an inte-grative perspective that focuses not only on the pro-cesses in each level or organization, but also on theinterplay of levels—an insight that in social neuroscience(and other fields) has led to the notion of “multi-levelanalysis” (Cacioppo and Decety 2011). Therefore, mod-els and simulations are not only used as methods toobserve specific brain processes, but also as a strategictool to (re)organize knowledge. An example of successusing this approach was recently described, namely,semiautomated text mining of a considerable amount ofneuronal biophysical data from the vast electrophysio-logical research literature. Tripathy and colleagues(2015) found that experimental conditions (e.g., elec-trode types, recording temperatures, or animal age) canexplain to a substantial degree the biophysical variabil-ity observed within a neuron type; that is, electrophysio-logical data are far more reproducible across labs thanpreviously appreciated. Furthermore, a novel class ofcortical and olfactory bulb interneurons that exhibit per-sistent activity at theta band frequencies has been identi-fied using this approach.

From the onset, the HBP has been considered a projectthat aims to tackle the hard problem of integrating datawith knowledge. As the former HBP director Henry Mark-ram has pointed out: “We are not building a model; we arebuilding a data integration strategy to render biologicallyrealistic models” (personal communication, February 21,2013; Christen 2013). To pursue this data integration goal,the HBP is developing six ICT-based platforms dedicated,respectively, as Neuroinformatics, Brain Simulation, HighPerformance Computing, Medical Informatics, Neuromor-phic Computing, and Neurorobotics (for more detailedinformation compare https://www.humanbrainproject.eu). In that sense, the initiative not only aims to unifyknowledge on several levels, but also to guide empiricalresearch (see fourth section). Because it is practicallyimpossible to determine the connectivity pattern of neu-rons for individual human brains in the same way we can

2. Grillner (2014) estimates the number of neuroscientific publi-cation to be on the order of 100,000 papers a year. To put this incontext, the number of annual publications in the Web of ScienceCore Collection subject categories reveals the following numbersfor 2014: chemistry (physical and multdisciplinary) »140,000,material science »115,000, electrical/electronic engineering»105,000, applied physics »75,000, biochemistry and molecularbiology »70,000, oncology »70,000, multidisciplinary sciences»65,000, surgery »60,000, and neuroscience »55,000—i.e. thefields that are ranked before neuroscience cover a much broaderdomain of application (remember that the subject categories onlyprovide a rough estimate of the number of papers published in adiscipline).

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now sequence the genome of a person, neuroscientists willneed tools that tell them what to look for in real brains.According to the promotors of the HBP, simulations andbrain atlases hold the promise to be “integrators” ofknowledge and “lenses” through which scientists look totackle the complexity of the brain.

Although there are several caveats, as last year’s con-troversy around the HBP has demonstrated (Fr�egnac andLaurent 2014) and as we will outline in the fourth section,we consider this scientific strategy appropriate to narrowthe gap between brain data on the one hand, and brain the-ories and real-world applications of neuroscience on theother hand. We think that the fundamental critique towardthe HBP—namely, that the sheer complexity of the humanbrain involving the interplay of various organizational lev-els makes it impossible to “simulate the brain” (see firstsection)—fails to appreciate the main intended purpose ofthe HBP brain simulations. As explained earlier, they arenot simply a tool to investigate a specific brain process orfunction. Rather, they serve as mediators to structure exist-ing data such that they can be used for simulations,thereby shaping the processes on how new data is gener-ated. Thus, the uncertainty about whether the brain as awhole can or cannot be “simulated” is not the main issue,nor is it a question concerning the likelihood of success;rather, apart from delivering insights into the mammalianbrain in general, this strategy would generate new meth-odologies and techniques for handling large amounts ofdata, and would cause scientists to understand moredeeply the feasibility of transforming “brain sciences” intoBig Science (Dudai and Evers 2014).

Therefore, an ethical analysis should not focus solelyon potential results of brain simulations as such, but alsoon the methods, because the social process of designingand implementing simulations and the correspondingreorganization of knowledge have normative implicationseven if certain results will never be obtained. “Simulatingthe brain” is not only a matter of technical know-how orpractices involving creating simulation code, buildinginterfaces, and using the models; it also involves complexprocesses to organize empirical and theoretical knowledgethat aim to inform the models. The HBP promoters them-selves indirectly point to this when writing: “We proposethat the HBP use these techniques to generate a scaffold ofstrategically selected data [our emphasis] on the structureand functional organization of the human brain at differentages and at different levels of biological organization”(HBP Report 2012, 30). This indicates the necessity tochoose among potentially conflicting data, which involvesimportant but hidden normativity in model generation.We discuss this point in more detail in the fourth sectionwhen outlining the role of simulations as knowledgeintegrators.

In summary, the current Big Neuroscience initiatives,like the HBP, address a relevant goal, the achievement ofwhich would be unlikely in a looser cooperative setting,but that requires structured collaboration across a largerange and number of researchers and institutions. Like

many other Big Science projects, the HBP initiative is notjust a “container” in which research groups continue towork on their own agendas. This includes a technology-driven strategy to integrate data and to guide research—and doing Big Science also has significant effects on theway scientific collaboration itself is generated, structured,managed, and promoted. Taking this into account, to ouropinion, a fundamental rejection of this approach missesthe point. Rather, the focus of the analysis should be onhow Big Neuroscience features influencing neuroscienceare to be implemented and realized.



We analyze Big Neuroscience with respect to three basicstructural features: first, the size of the pool of scientistswho are involved in the collaborative structure (“BigNumber”); second, data, that is, the amount and heteroge-neity of the involved data (“Big Data”); and third, money,that is, the decision of a large funding body to invest a sig-nificant amount of research money into a single project(“Big Money”). We now discuss all three features in detailin order to inform a risk–benefit analysis regarding ethicalaspects related to them. Table 1 provides a summary ofthis analysis.

Big Number

In general, Big Science means that a large number of scien-tists, often from many institutions across many countries,are involved in a rather formal mode of collaboration thatcreates a trade-off between organizational coordinationand individual scientific freedom. In the “classic” bottom-up discovery ethos of many scientific fields, the interactionof research groups is a form of cooperation, where theinterests of the various groups are more or less equallytaken into account in decision making and everyday work.But in large research consortia, the interests of others maybe overridden in the pursuit of the collective goal (Shrumet al. 2007). If a researcher or a research group within alarge consortium has a better idea about what the consor-tium should be doing, the group may not be allowed to doit. Certainly, “small neuroscience” is also embedded intoinstitutional structures that impose constraints—but not inthe same way as in Big Neuroscience. This itself is not anethical problem, but may actually be a normative issue,that is, an ethically justified requirement called for giventhe increased accountability due to the large amount offunding involved (discussed later). This comes with anethical advantage due to the directive coordination neededin multiple projects, which can enable effective ethicallymotivated oversight, including protective measuresagainst publication bias and efforts ensuring adequate sys-tematic review prior to commencing research and detec-tion of research fraud. Such advantage is more possible, atleast, when such oversight structures are embedded as anintegral part of the organization. An example is to place

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ethics advisory functions in position to observe and reactaround major decisions concerning the infrastructure.Seen from that perspective, Big Neuroscience could seizethe opportunity to strengthen principles of responsibleresearch and innovation.

However, there is another important aspect related tosize that could turn into an ethical risk. As the collabora-tion among scientists is, by necessity, more formalized, thesize of the research groups will likely be larger comparedto “small neuroscience”3—at least in the sense that the gen-uine groups (many of them existed already before the col-laboration started) are more constrained in their work andare embedded in larger planning schemes after havingentered the collaboration. This may affect group climateand research productivity. The latter, in particular, hasbeen investigated empirically within scientometry andsociology of science. The majority of studies do not find apositive relation between research productivity and groupsize (Hemlin and Ollson 2013). Data rather indicate thatresearch groups tend to be most productive if a certainthreshold in size is not exceeded (Kenna and Berche 2011),a finding that is also supported by general theoretical con-siderations (Kao and Couzin 2014). The problem seems to

be further aggravated when the disciplinary diversity isincreased (Cummings et al. 2013), which is a characteristicof Big Neuroscience due to the involvement of informationtechnology (for a further discussion of this point see thefourth section). “Scaling up” the number of interactingresearchers could be a bad investment of research money.Big Neuroscience binds into one project a quite large partof available research money in neuroscience, and no exist-ing data inform proponents of small neuroscience andthose of Big Science which will, in the end, be the most effi-cient use of taxpayer money. The moral choice must bemade. The HBP reply toward the “open letter” (availableat https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/documents/10180/17646/HBP-Statement.090614.pdf) stating that HBP fund-ing is taken from an ICT arm of the European Commis-sion (EC) budget does not fully appreciate this point, asthe funding scheme demands matching the commission’sinvestment by third parties, which may have set differentpriorities for relative distributions to neuroscience versusICT. Thus, disadvantaged researchers may be competingfrom outside the HBP for some of the same researchmoney.

However, authors have argued that the usual way tomeasure research productivity—in terms of publicationsand citations (Kenna and Berche 2011; Fortin and Currie2013)—is not adequate to measure the performance of BigScience, as its success will include additional factors suchas infrastructure-built-up (like the CERN accelerator), thegeneration of more efficient methodologies (e.g., cheapgenome sequencing in case of the Human Genome Project),or public education due to a more coherent presentation ofthe object under investigation (the brain in our case).

Table 1. Risk–benefit analysis of structural features of Big Neuroscience.

Ethical risks Ethical benefits

Size: One big organizational unit withtop-down defined patterns ofcollaboration instead of many smallgroups as independent units, organizedmainly in a “bottom-up” way.

� Conflict with “bottom-up” workethics of scientific cooperation

� Suboptimal investment ofresearch money in terms ofproductivity

� More effective ethical oversight toprevent publication bias andresearch fraud

Data: Large and heterogeneous data setsemerging from coordinated researchactions instead of data mining andpattern recognition in existing databases (“classical Big Data”).

� Data security and privacy issuesacross countries

� Poor understanding of roleresponsibility in managing andprotecting data

� Informed consent proceduresacross different cultures

� Failure because of complexityand/or regulatory issues

� Larger database will yield morepower and reliability

� Data sharing, with clear under-standing of each party’s role,incorporated into science work asa virtue or even duty

� Maximization of data collection tocontribute to human welfare

Money: Connection to a large publicfunding body that commits itself to theproject, creating a special kind ofinterdependence.

� Big promises that undermineresearch credibility

� “Too big to fail” problem

� Anticipating and responding tocalls for accountability regardinguse of public money for research

3. Although this is often claimed, for example, also in the “openletter” (http://www.neurofuture.eu), we found no recent pub-lished data on neuroscience research group mean sizes. A countperformed in December 2014 in all 123 research groups of theNeuroscience Center Zurich that cover the whole disciplinaryspectrum of neuroscience and on which data was availablerevealed a mean group size of 8.4 members (professors, postdocs,PhD students, technicians).

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Big Data

It is often claimed that Big Neuroscience and Big Data gohand in hand. Big Data has become a large subject not onlyin biomedicine in general—as well as in many other fieldslike consumer research—but also in neuroscience (see thespecial issue of Nature Neuroscience in November 2014 ded-icated to this subject). Roughly, Big Data can be defined asthe availability of large amounts of heterogeneous datarequiring sophisticated data-processing algorithms includ-ing data mining and pattern recognition. Although it istrue that Big Science generally involves the generationand/or handling of large amounts of data, Big Data doesnot by itself imply Big Science; that is, it does not need aformal collaboration of a large number of scientists involv-ing Big Money. Already smaller research projects mightinclude Big Data (e.g., analyzing connectivity patterns inneuroimaging). Only when Big Data require new andhighly expensive technologies (e.g., the development ofnew high-performance computing architectures, which isone of the goals of the HBP), they imply Big Science (seethe next paragraph). More importantly, ethical issuesrelated to Big Data in general are not specific to Big Neuro-science. What is, however, of particular relevance for BigNeuroscience is that data size is combined with data het-erogeneity including sensitive personal data—and thisinvolves not only practical but also ethical issues that gobeyond traditional research; this is also because neurosci-entific data may contain, and therefore leave vulnerable,much more personalizing information in a way that genet-ics or other Big Data fields do not.

For example, if the research aim is to integrate heteroge-neous data across a large numbers of institutions and coun-tries, the data flow, transfer, and identification wouldrequire new ways to secure data privacy, and to deidentifyand tag data. Data are subject to differing jurisdictional reg-ulations governing informed consent, or—in the case of lab-oratory animals—animal protection laws (e.g., compared todata emerging from the United States or China). Althoughthe principle of subsidiarity offers guidance within the EU,integrating data from non-EU countries might be problem-atic—an issue that was also identified as being ethicallyproblematic by the European Commission itself in informa-tion written on the current “Horizon 2020” funding scheme.Heterogeneous data, due to its interdisciplinary nature, willalso require coordinating procedures across different disci-plinary cultures. Animal data use may encounter transna-tional welfare governance conflicts due to differentlegislations. Human brain data are, by nature, sensitive:even if they do not contain health care information, becausethey contain information about the organ of the mind. Theseissues will multiply in relevance whenever the medicalareas of neurology and psychiatry are concerned.

However, these potential pitfalls of Big Neuroscience, inparticular with relation to health care, should carefully beweighed against the potential positive effects on providingsounder knowledge, reliable databases, and sufficient largesamples with longitudinal data that are a necessary basis for

evidence-based medicine. “Codes of conduct” must be devel-oped to promote responsible research and innovation (RRI)and help create benefits for society (von Schomberg 2013). Amore difficult dilemma would emerge if evidence were to beinterpreted such that standards of data protection wouldhave to be lowered in order that the Big Data approachapplied to neuroscience would indeed create benefit.

Big Money

Big Neuroscience starts with the decision by a large fundingbody to invest ample research money into a single project.Clearly, whenever a big chunk of money is conspicuously(and correctly) visible to the public eye, its purpose shouldbe publicly explained and its responsible use also accountedfor publicly. But this may lead to unrealistic justifications onthe part of researchers and unrealistic expectations in thepublic, in research agencies, and in politicians who have tojustify their budget allocation in the political arena. Thus,justifying large investments of public money in research ismore and more accompanied by “big promises” that may inthe long run undermine the credibility of science. High-vol-ume funding creates considerable pressure for success andtangible outcomes that are in line with the expectations andpriorities of the sponsor. “Big promises” also affect the wayproject goals and achievements are communicated to thepublic. An example is the notion of “social bubbles,” that is,human expectations being inflated beyond reason. A recentstudy showed that the Human Genome Project shared sev-eral characteristics of financial market bubbles (Gisler et al.2010). If the picture is biased toward success, impact, and“return on investment,” it is difficult to convey a realisticpicture of progress as well as obstacles and problems to thepublic. This may in turn create unrealistic expectations bythe public of what science can realistically achieve, leadingto more pressure on the researchers, and increasing the riskof disappointment if the anticipated results cannot be deliv-ered. Furthermore, justification and expectations are usuallyinflated by simplified, often exciting and enticing explana-tions in mass media. Excessive societal investment andexpectations may have contributed to the fabrication of databy Woo Suk Hwang (Saunders and Savulescu 2008) in theearly stages of therapeutic cloning. Thus, expectation man-agement on side of the researchers should explicitly beaddressed by leaders of Big Neuroscience projects to down-modulate the amplitude in the well-known cycle of hypeand criticism (Caulfield et al. 2010).

Setting aside the expectation problem, Big Science, BigMoney, and public attention often combine in ways thatgenerate pressure to create strict governance and oversightstructure. More is “at stake,” and the pressure to deliverpractical applications often increases, which may inevita-bly call for “narrowing” the scientific work program, leav-ing out relevant subfields and collaborators. This maycounteract the ethical benefits mentioned earlier, namely,that Big Neuroscience could make it easier to implementethical governance within the organization.

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Related to this, the funding body is in a special waycommitted to the project. Large-scale funding in scienceinvolving hundreds of millions of dollars or Euros maybecome “not falsifiable” in a practical sense, as all involvedstakeholders have incentives to make the project a success.This is the “too big to fail” issue. Certainly, however, evenlarge projects can fail, as the recent cancelation of the so-called National Children’s Study shows. This longitudinalstudy involving 100,000 children that consumed more than$1.2 billion within the last 14 years was stopped on Decem-ber 12, 2014, despite this investment, the buildup of 40recruitment centers, and the enrollment of already 5,700children (Reardon 2014).

Each of these risks could be turned on its head. Greaterintegration could lead to better international oversight,ensuring coordinated and expert vetting of proposedresearch, requiring systematic literature review, an under-taking to make results publicly accessible (so preventingpublications bias) (Savulescu et al. 1996), and greater over-sight to detect fraud or misconduct internally. By establish-ing expert scientific and ethical review with full funding,such science could be conducted more efficiently and moreethically.



A second characteristic of Big Science, beside structuralfeatures, is the decisive role of ICT as an instrument tostructure and guide scientific activities. It’s unthinkablethat organizations like the CERN, which generates tera-bytes of data, or the Human Genome Project could everhave functioned without such technology. As large-scalesimulations4 have become important in many scientificfields, such as cosmology and climate research, supercom-puter infrastructures have become an indispensable tool.This is certainly also the case in neuroscience (Gerstneret al. 2012), and a broad spectrum of large-scale modelsand simulations is found in neuroscience (De Garis et al.2010). Examples include the “Blue Brain” (Markram 2006),the “SyNAPSE project” (Systems of Neuromorphic Adap-tive Plastic Scalable Electronics; Ananthanarayanan et al.2009), a large-scale model of the mammalian thalamocorti-cal systems (Izhikevich and Edelman 2008), and theSPAUN model (Semantic Pointer Architecture UnifiedNetwork; Eliasmith et al. 2012).

The interconnection of simulation tools and simulationobjects and the importance of the information metaphor inneuroscience raise various questions, some of whichalready are discussed in the literature (e.g., Bennett andHacker 2003; Garson 2003; Falkenburg 2012). This includesepistemic issues like the meaning of “information” or theepistemic status of simulation results. These are indeedimportant and should be investigated further in the dis-courses about in silico experiments in research—this is,however, beyond the scope of this article (see for furtherreading, e.g., DeLanda 2010; Dudai and Evers 2014; Gra-melsberger 2010).

In the following, we focus on the effects of using simu-lation technologies in neuroscience. We suggest that themodes of interactions of four basic units that characterizesimulation-driven neuroscience—the real brain, theknowledge generated out of researching the brain, thebrain simulations, and the public observer of neurosci-ence—are affected. Of concern are basic values that arealso of ethical concern: trust, community, truth, and credi-bility. We discuss each of these points separately—partlyby including experiences made in climate modeling, a fieldwith profound experiences in setting up large-scale simu-lations in a highly interdisciplinary setting to demonstratethat the risks identified are not merely theoretical butcould lead to consequences with ethical significance (mostof the examples referring to climate modeling emergefrom Lahsen [2005]).

Interrelation Between Real Brains and Brain


The first point relates to trust. Within the Human BrainProject, simulations are intended to be used as predic-tive tools; that is, they should guide which experimentalmeasures should be obtained in order to test theories.Predictive models, however, are an important extensionof the classical hypothetic-deductive approach in sci-ence. Deducible from complex theory, explaining theexperimental variables and measures may be difficult;indeed, neuronal dynamics may not any longer beunderstandable to the experimenter conducting theempirical tests. Simulation code represents the theoryand it can be used to generate hypotheses (e.g., a specificdistribution of synapses) that experimenters may thentest. Simulations are intended to guide experiments inthis way, which enlarges the usual scope of simulationsin science—namely, to solve problems that are intracta-ble to current analytical theory and to gain insight intophysical phenomena where the accuracy and scope ofexperimental results are limited.

If simulations “guide” experiments, several aspectshave to be considered. First, the better the laws are thatgovern the system, the more the predictive power of simu-lations increases. This is why simulations in solid-statephysics are a common tool used, for example, to validatethe integration of new chemical elements into computerchips (Pignedoli et al. 2007) and in this way informing the

4. To clarify the terminology used in this contribution: Modelsare abstractions of real-world structures and/or processes mostlyin the form of mathematical equations or algorithms (althoughsome models are physical, e.g., in hydrology). Simulations refer tothe behavior of the model in time, whereas the equations or algo-rithms are usually implemented on a computer, requiring in mostcases numerical approximations. Simulations may specify inputs,information handling mechanisms, or outputs in order to allowfor prediction, retrodiction, explanation, or exploration. Due to thenumerical nature of most simulation calculations, simulations canbe understood as approximations of models.

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actual chip design process. Neuroscience, however, is notphysics in terms of the precision and comprehensivenessof available first principles (e.g., the laws of quantumphysics). This may undermine trust regarding the guidingrole of simulations. Second, experiments in neurosciencecan be more difficult to conduct in terms of time and otherresources (e.g., animals) compared to solid-state physics.This means that there may be a gap in the speed of howthe simulations proceed and the time needed to actuallyperform the experiments the simulations propose. Main-taining insight and awareness of the mechanisms and basisfor predictions therefore is essential to enable close andintense collaboration between modelers and those whouse them.

These issues concern moral choices about the way toorganize research. Setting aside solid-state physics, simu-lation has (to our knowledge) not yet been used in a wayto guide experiments with complex systems like ecosys-tems or the climate system—so experience is lackingregarding the effects of a “reversed command structure”on the social environment within research groups. By“reversed command structure” we mean that simulationtechnologists suggest to empiricists what experimentscould be performed, and not vice versa. From an ethicalpoint of view, such a strategy benefits when it reduces thenumber of “unnecessary” animal experiments. Neverthe-less, we would like to note that this specific way of usingsimulations as guides to the research process may be insome tension with the ethos of science—namely, to beopen to the unexpected (i.e., experiments that are not sug-gested from simulations). Recall that a substantial part ofinitial scientific skepticism regarding the HBP refers tomistrust in the usefulness of simulations as “researchguidance,” given the vast complexity of the brain (Wal-drop 2012) and a perceived lack of corrective loopsbetween hypotheses and experimental tests within theHBP (Fr�egnac and Laurent 2014; see also Dudai and Evers2014). Simulations in other biomedical fields (protein fold-ing and molecular dynamical simulations) demonstratethe important role of coarse graining (i.e., finding physi-cally sound simplifications) in order to handle computa-tional complexity—but this coarse graining is based on awell-elaborated theoretical grounding of the underlyingprocesses (Kamerlin et al. 2011). Critics question that neu-roscience has achieved theoretical understanding to makedecisions for what levels of detail should be used for spe-cific simulations (Requarth 2015).

Interrelation Between Real Brains and Brain


The second point relates to community. The creation ofbrain simulation requires the integration of expertise thatis not traditionally present in neuroscience—building aneuroscience/ICT modeling community. This goes alongwith the integration of different scientific cultures that seethe object under investigation from different perspec-tives—which by itself might be a virtue. However,

historically, it is interesting to observe that the first attemptto grasp neurobiological processes in terms of informationtheory and computation in the 1950s and 1960s failed togenerate a productive research orientation in a similar wayas in molecular biology. In the latter field, the notion of a“genetic code” became a powerful unifying metaphor forguiding research, whereas the search for a “neural code”provided a perplexity of approaches in neuroscience(Christen 2006). This may partly explain why there is still alarge skepticism within neuroscience about the role of sim-ulation as a method—in particular when the intention is tosimulate the whole brain—as exemplified in the “openletter” and discussed in the HBP mediation report (Mar-quardt 2015). Therefore, the day-to-day collaborationamong scientists and technologists representing quite dif-ferent scientific cultures must be considered in design ofthe interactions.

Experiences in climate modeling demonstrate the pit-falls of interactions between different scientific cultures.First, climate simulations that intend to model a complexphenomenon are by themselves complex structures. Often,model developers build only parts of a model, integratingsubmodels and representational schemes (parameters)developed by other modeling groups. Even scientists(model users) who are not primarily model developers typi-cally modify the models they have obtained from elsewhere.The difficulty of distinguishing properly between develop-ers and users complicates a clear identification of the sourceof a model. Second, this increased specialization hasreduced the amount of timemodel developers have to studythe atmosphere using empirical data. This has contributedto an alienation of the empiricists from the real world whoserole is checking models against empirical knowledge.Empiricists live in a culture that also involves humilityabout the accuracy of forecasts of atmospheric conditions,which is supported by the common experience of seeingsynoptic and numerical weather forecasts turning outwrong. They complain that model developers often freezeothers out and tend to be resistant to critical input, living ina “fortress mentality” (Lahsen 2005). Therefore, an ethicalrisk emerges on the level of the climate of research groupsthat are intended to interact in an open fashion, for example,due to failures to acknowledge contributions in large-scalecollaborations or general distrust and noncooperation thatharm the execution of the project goals.

Interaction Between Brain Simulation and Brain


The third point relates to truth: Simulations as intended bythe HBP assume a certain model of knowledge. That is,structured access to data and integration and interpreta-tion of data across all levels will, due to the enormousnumber of publications in neuroscience,5 depend on

5. The promoters of the Human Brain Project estimate that the“publication body” relevant for the project consists of at least30 million papers (HBP 2012, 37).

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automated procedures of text mining and the like. Thisbuildup of knowledge models, that is, structured access todata and publications referring to the phenomena onewants to model, is guided by normative decisions—whatshould be included in these knowledge libraries and whatshould not? This selection procedure differs from tradi-tional strategies relying on peer review, as the latter allowsfor contradictory information and multiple disagreements(Rose 2014). But when creating models, at some point onehas to choose the framework of the model. Models utiliz-ing only one or very few mechanisms may be unproblem-atic—the model would be a tool to assess whichmechanism leads to better predictions (e.g., which distri-bution of synaptic weights onto cortical neurons shapetheir spiking activity; Iyer et al. 2013). But more complexmodels that use techniques like parameterization makemore decisions necessary. Thus, there may be an incentiveto resolve conflicting data to establish a “coherent” knowl-edge base by ignoring these conflicts. This problem isaggravated when knowledge once considered “confirmed”is questioned again. When this knowledge has alreadybeen embedded in simulation code, much greater effortwill be needed to resolve the conflict, tempting one toneglect this discrepancy. Those who manage the modelwould need to recognize that it needs to be modified, butthey may be heavily invested in maintaining the modelbecause of their effort in building the model and theirreputation.

As an illustration, the functional role of columns inthe cortex of higher mammals, according to the design-ers of the “Blue Brain” project—the forerunner of theHBP—was assumed to be “building blocks” in the sensethat simulating a column in the rat barrel cortex wouldbe a first step toward a whole cortex simulation. How-ever, whether columns have any such functional rolewithin neuroscience is controversial (Horton and Adams

2005). In that particular case, that would, perhaps, notbe relevant for validating the model (Srikanth Ramasw-amy, personal communication during the workshop“Future Neuroscience and the HBP,” June 11–13, 2015,Brocher Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland), but it illus-trates the problem of “strategic selection” of data. Con-flicting knowledge becomes critical when creatingmodels using data or generating hypotheses based onthe model’s assumptions. Dealing with this issuerequires careful governance during the buildup of large-scale simulations. It also requires a commitment to levelsof confidence rather than knowledge, and a prepared-ness and flexibility to use alternative models.

Again, experiences in climate modeling concerningthe effect upon the structure of knowledge demonstratethat this risk is not merely theoretical. This results fromthe fact that simulation codes are tricky to develop andwork with (Sundberg 2010). It often takes a long time todevelop a code that does not crash during calculationsand, when sufficiently stable, maintains sensitivity cali-bration, specifications, and parameters (see, e.g., Wins-berg 2003). Therefore, the psychological and socialinvestment in models, and the social worlds of whichthe modelers are a part, can reduce the critical distanceone has from one’s own creations. Although such per-sonal and professional investments are not unique to thefield of modeling, the problem is aggravated by the find-ing that, already in a time when codes were simpler,model codes were seldom subjected to peer review(Bankes 1993) and large-scale model studies are neverreplicated in their entirety by other scientists. Doing sowould require reimplementing an identical conceptualmodel. Replication in science is generally difficult (Col-lins and Pinch 1993), and in the field of climate model-ing the exact reproduction of a climate model outcomewill never happen due to the internal model variability

Table 2. Risk–benefit analysis of technological features of Big Neuroscience that substantially relies on simulations

Ethical risks Ethical benefits

Trust: Simulations as “guiders” ofempirical research.

� Interference with the ethos of freeand open science (also due topushing efficiency)

� More efficient empirical researchthat minimizes the use of resour-ces (in particular, animals)

Community: Integration of an ICT-based “simulation culture” inneuroscience.

� “Fortress mentality” and alien-ation phenomena

� Increased incentive for interdisci-plinary collaboration

Truth: Restructuring the knowledgebase of neuroscience to make itmore compatible for modeling.

� Ignorance of conflicts in data/knowledge

� Missing peer-review culture

� Better awareness for conflictingfindings due to systematic miningof available knowledge

Credibility: Using simulations astools for communicating researchresults.

� Lacking standards regardingvisualization blur the boundarybetween reality and simulation

� Novel ways to communicatecomplex phenomena increasepublic understanding ofneuroscience

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Table 3. Recommendations

Issue class Recommendations


Size � Ensure the HBP has scientific and ethical expertise to enable sys-tematic review, publication of all data, coordination betweengroups, and that it provides oversight for fraud and misconduct,etc., that is beyond the usual research ethics review processes.

� Scan the patterns of collaboration for potential ethical issues thataffect the climate in research groups.

� Embed ethics contact persons (ethics rapporteur) within each of theresearch divisions.

� Protect “whistleblowing” within the organization.Data � Harmonization of procedures across workgroups that may have

different political persuasions.� Cooperation agreement should include also standards for researchethics, including codes of conduct.

� Do not demand matching of every detail regulated by law(“appropriate granularity of regulations”).

Money � Enable project responsiveness to anticipate calls for accountabilityregarding use of public money for research.

� Engage project internal public relations office to develop and main-tain awareness of the need, and to design appropriate response, toavoid “overselling” results.


Trust � Ensure that the experimenters performing the verification/falsifi-cation tests meet core competency requirements regarding howsimulations are generating predictions, including system strengthsand weaknesses.

� Allow some openness for explorative neuroscientific experimentsoutside of the predictive range of simulations.

Community � Define interfaces and modes of collaboration between modelersand empirical scientists to allow for knowledge and experiencetransfer and to avoid “fortress mentalities.”

� Ensure through education some understanding of the scientific cul-ture of the counterparts.

Truth � Define procedures such that working with or adapting of simula-tion code is reproducible.

� Communicate openly when models involve choices among con-flicting data/theories.

� Use programming strategies to avoid having empirical knowledgeembedded in code that cannot be revised due to prohibitive invest-ments when revising the code.

� Determine protocols that allow for quality control of simulationcode in a similar way as peer review of scientific contributions.

� Support varieties of models/simulations that deal with similarproblems.

� Analyze the effect of model creation on structuring and selectingthe data that provides the foundation of the models.

Credibility � Communicate openly that simulation visualizations involvedesign decisions that are not present in the real object (e.g., regard-ing color choices). Develop some standards of different types ofvisualization that emerge out of simulations (e.g., regarding theappearance of neurons) and ensure distinctness from other types ofvisualizations (e.g., brain imaging).

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that results in chaotic dynamic perturbations. Thesucomponents of the optimal climate models are closelyscrutinized and compared in international peer-reviewed studies, among various models, aiming to findconvergence in their findings. This kind of lack of repro-ducibility could seriously threaten Big Neuroscience—ifspectacular predictions from climate models or, in ourcase, brain models don’t come true, this may jeopardizefunding for the whole field.

Interaction Between Brain Simulation/Knowledge and

the Public

The final point concerns credibility. Simulations becomecommunication tools; that is, they generate a new typeof evidence (visualizations, movies) relevant to commu-nication between scientists working on the various levelsof brain organization, as well as for informing the pub-lic. It is well known that representational formats gener-ate a certain authority and strength of persuasiveness,which grows out of its analytical power, its power tosuggest and to communicate (Giere 1988)—a claim thathas been empirically confirmed by Keehner et al. (2011)for different types of brain images. Visualizations guidescientific perception and interpretation of underlyingdata (Huber 2011). However, using simulations as com-munication tools requires conventions in informationvisualization of the output generated by the simulation.Whether these conventions are present in brain simula-tions can be questioned, given the lack of standards inneuroimaging (Christen et al. 2013). Thus, it will be cru-cial that as one goes from displaying a stream of num-bers (referring, e.g., to structural positions of synapses,current flow within dendrites, and the like) to visualiz-ing rich and dynamic data, for example, in animatedgraphics and movies, simulation results must be pre-sented in a visual language that distinguishes them fromempirical results.

A potential confusion of simulation with naturalisticdata may be part of a more general phenomenon. Confla-tion of simulations with “observations,” “samples,” and“data” has been identified in studies of scientists in severalfields of research (Dowling 1999). Simulation techniquesmay especially encourage such conflation, however. Forexample, Stefan Helmreich’s (1998) ethnographic study ofartificial life simulators revealed the powerful effect ofsimulations on the imagination of their creators and users.

In summary, although the use of technology within BigNeuroscience primarily relates to epistemological andsociological (i.e., on how the involved scientists interact)issues, it also can have relevant ethical effects—both posi-tive and negative ones. Table 2 provides an overview inthat respect.


Here, we have outlined that Big Neuroscience, due to itsstructural and technological features, is associated with

specific ethical challenges that should be a focus in neuro-ethical discourse. The intention of this article is to raiseawareness regarding these issues that—on first sight—appear to be more of a methodological or organizationalkind. Ethical reflection should not only concern the possi-ble products of Big Neuroscience, but also the specific waythese products are made. Certainly, the issues raiseddeserve a much broader analysis than our overview canprovide. Nevertheless, we would like to point to some gen-eral recommendations that could help to address them. Westructure them along the seven points we have outlined inthe article (see Table 3).

The analogy to climate modeling shows that ethicalrisks associated with Big Science gain relevance when BigScience is intended to be used to support solving globalproblems. It is thus not surprising that some of the critiqueraised against the political implications of climate model-ing relied on issues related to methodology or modes ofinteraction, for example, with respect to the “climate-gate”controversy of 2009 resulting from an illegal attack of theservers at the University of East Anglia in Britain.6 There isadmittedly much more to say on this debate—but the pointhere is merely that the practice of modeling involves vari-ous critical issues that have the potential to undermine thefunction of models and simulations, in particular whenthey obtain political relevance. Given the enormous bur-den brain-related diseases have, it is possible that alsobrain simulations will obtain such a political role, forexample, with respect to guiding allocation of resourcesfor research in neurodegenerative diseases. Possibly, brainsimulations, in combination with personalized medicalstrategies, may at some time in the future guide therapeu-tic decisions for individual patients, making the ethicalimpact immediate. Projects like the virtual brain (www.virtualbrain.org) have as an explicit goal to customize modelsto individuals for precisely this purpose. It will thus beimportant that the neuroethics community increases itsknowledge on issues related to information technologyand brain modeling in order to be able to critically accom-pany these new developments.&


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