NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE OVERVIEW: One type of Dementia that involves progressive change in personality two or more areas of cognition, usually memory and one or more of the following: language, calculation, visual (spatial perception), judgment, abstraction,. C/M: First Stage > Memory loss >Poor judgment and problem solving skills > Personality changes – Irritability, suspiciousness, or indifference Second Stage >Language disturbances– Impaired word finding Circumlocution (talking around t subj.) Empty spontaneous speech, paraphasia (words used in wrong context), echolalia (repetition Of words) > Motor Disturbances – Apraxia (difficulty using everyday objects like a toothbrush) > Increase a memory loss > Forgetfulness > Hyperorality (desire to take everything into mouth, to suck, chew or taste) > Increased irritability and depression > Delusions, hallucinations > Psychotic behavior > Wandering > Occasional incontinence Third Stage > Virtual loss of all mental abilities > Minimal voluntary mov‘t; limbs become rigid with flexor posturing. > Frequent urinary and fecal incontinence > Lost ability for self care MED’L MNGT: Low-dose antipsychotic agents – Haloperidol Antidepressants – nortriptyline, desipramine. NURSING MNGT: Adapt communication to the level of the client. Speak slowly and simply, with firm volume and low pitch Asses non-verbal behavior AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLROSIS OVERVIEW: Involves degeneration of both Anterior horn cells and the corticospinal tracts. Consequently both upper and lower motor neuron s/s are seen. Sensory system is not involved. Occurs in the middle-aged-men are affected often the women

Neurologic Disorders- Ncm 102 Lectures

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OVERVIEW: One type of Dementia that involves progressive change in personality two or more areas of cognition, usually memory

and one or more of the following: language, calculation, visual (spatial perception), judgment, abstraction,.

C/M: First Stage

> Memory loss>Poor judgment and problem solving skills> Personality changes – Irritability, suspiciousness, or indifference

Second Stage >Language disturbances– Impaired word finding Circumlocution (talking around the subj.) Empty spontaneous speech, paraphasia (words used in wrong context), echolalia (repetition Of words)

> Motor Disturbances – Apraxia (difficulty using everyday objects like a toothbrush) > Increase a memory loss > Forgetfulness > Hyperorality (desire to take everything into mouth, to suck, chew or taste) > Increased irritability and depression > Delusions, hallucinations > Psychotic behavior > Wandering > Occasional incontinence

Third Stage > Virtual loss of all mental abilities> Minimal voluntary mov‘t; limbs become rigid with flexor posturing.> Frequent urinary and fecal incontinence> Lost ability for self care

MED’L MNGT: Low-dose antipsychotic agents – Haloperidol Antidepressants – nortriptyline, desipramine.

NURSING MNGT: Adapt communication to the level of the client. Speak slowly and simply, with firm volume and low pitch Asses non-verbal behavior


OVERVIEW: Involves degeneration of both Anterior horn cells and the corticospinal tracts. Consequently both upper and lower

motor neuron s/s are seen. Sensory system is not involved. Occurs in the middle-aged-men are affected often the women Weakness @ upper extremities; lower extremities are not affected till later in the disease. Cognition as well as bowel and bladder sphincters, remain intact even the client is is totally debilitated. Course is relentlessly progressive.Death usually occurs from to pneumonia due to respiratory compromise w/in 2-


Weakness, fatigue Muscle atrophy Muscle twitching Spastically and hyprreflexia Dysphagia(difficulty swallowing) Dysarthria(slurred speech) Ineffective cough

MEDICAL MNGT. - Supportive therapy is the only interventions for ALS

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NURSING MNGT: Assess client’s ability to perform self-care. Conserve client energy by spacing activities and allowing rest periods. Encourage fluid intake Initiate aspiration precautions. Collaborate with physical and occupational therapy for exercises and adaptive devices for ambulation and self

care. Allow plenty of time to complete activities. Assure that suction equipment is maintained @ the bedside. Monitor respiratory status and laboratory arterial blood gas results.


OVERVIEW: Intracranial aneurysm is congenital. Traumatic, arteriosclerotic, or septal weakening or out-pouching in vessel

walls. Aneurysm may weaken, leak or rupture and cause bleeding into the subarachnoid space called Subarachnoid

Hemorrhage (SAH). SAH maybe caused by head trauma, blood dyscrasias, intracranial tumors, vascular anomalies or CNS infexn. Risk Factors for SAH are:

>Head trauma, HPN, cocaine use. C/M:Aneurysm is usually asymptomatic until it ruptures:

Sudden, severe headache w/ vomiting. LOC, confusion, lethargy Seizures Motor weakness Coma ( w/in hours)

MED’L MNGT: Use of albumin & vasopressors to induce hypertensive, hypervolemic hemodilation to minimize vasopressin and

force blood thru spastic vessels Nifedine ( a calcium channel blocker) to inhibit vasopressin.

NURSING MNGT: Provide calm, quiet env’t Assess client’s response to family visits & adjust visiting schedules accordingly. Avoid sedation w/c interferes w/ accurate neurological assessment. Maintain aneurysm precautions:

>elevate head of the bed 15-30 degrees>Instruct client to avoid straining.>placed needed items w/in easy reach>assist w/ pos.change>instruct client not to rotate or flex the neck>instruct the client that no isometric or active exercises are permitted.>instruct client on avoidance of Valsalva’s maneuver>avoid rectal stimulation or straining at stool>No enemas or rectal temperatures>administer stool softener and mild laxatives as prescribed

BELLS’S PALSY or Facial Paralysis

OVERVIEW: Is an acute, unilateral paralysis of the facial muscles of expression with no evidence of a pathologic cause. Most

clients recover from Bell’s palsy within a few weeks w/o residual syndrome.

C/M: Upward mov’t of the eyeball on closing the eye ( Bell’s Phenomenon) Drooping of the mouth Pain behind the face or ear Inability to wrinkle forehead, smile, whistle, grimace or closed eyelid. Difficulty eating.

MED’L MNGT: No known cure- symptoms are treated with analgesics

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Cortisone therapy Physiotherapy-moist heat, gentle massage Corneal protection-artificial tears, eye patch @ night, sunglasses, etc…

NURSING MNGT: Administer medications and assess effectiveness Apply moist heat PRN to affected area of the face. Provide measures to protest cornea-patch, artificial tears, etc….


OVERVIEW: D/O of balance and coordination results from problem of the Vestibular system and righting renursing flexes. Causes of balance problems or Vertigo are:

1. Viral neuronitis-self limiting d/o, sometimes associated w/ influenza and characterized by a sudden onset of vertigo w/o a hearing loss.

2. Viral labyrinthitis- d/o affecting hearing and balance. Balanced maybe recovered but hearing is loss permanently.

3. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo(BPPV)- short burst of vertigo precipitated by quick head mov’t or sudden changes in position, no associated hearing loss.

4. Prebyastasis- a balance d/o of aging.5. Meniere’s disease- recurring, episodic, incapacitating bouts of vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus. Thought

to inherit the d/o from an abnormality in the formation or absorption of endolymph.C/M:

Spinning vertigo Sensation of falling Staggering Lightheadedness Veering in one direction while walking Faintness Clumsiness Feeling of floating Nausea and vomiting

MED’L MNGT: Vasodilator for chronic vertigo Antibiotics, steroids, diuretics, tranquilizers and vitamins for specific d/o. Vestibular rehabilitation – head and total body exercises performed by the client to compensate for the d/o. Low sodium diet, diuretics and balance exercises for Meniere’s disease.

NURSING MNGT: Discuss ways to prevent injury when dizzy. Provide desired foods and small frequent meals if nausea & vomiting are present. Assist w/ ambulation. Discuss nature of d/o & planned tests.


OVERVIEW: CTS is frequently seen, painful d/o caused by Pressure on the Median Nerve @ Wrist. Etiologic Factors include:

1. recent fracture2. arthritis3. lipomas4. ganglion5. strenuous or repetitious use of the hands

occurs in women 5x more often than men and in clients b/n 40 to 50 yrs oldC/M:

Burning or tingling pain in thumb, index or middle finger. may radiate to upper extremity, shoulder, neck or chest. maybe episodic or constant w/ exacerbation @ night and by mov’t.

Presence of Tinel’s Sign (tingling or shock like pain elicited by light percussion over the median nerve) Presence of Phalen’s Sign( hand tingling w/ acute wrist flexion)

MED’L MNGT: Pain mngt. Wrist immobilization.

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NURSING MNGT: Administer Analgesics


OVERVIEW: CVA or stroke is infarction(death) of a specific portion of the brain due to insufficient blood supply. Stroke may occurs:

1. Thrombosis – due to Atherosclerosis2. Embolism – a cerebral vessel is occluded by emboli(fragments of clotted blood, tumor, fat, bacteria or

air.3. Intracerebral hemorrhage – rupture of cerebral vessel that causes bleeding into the brain tissue.4. Cerebral Arterial Spasm – usually due to some irritation of the outer part of the arterial wall, it reduces

blood flow to the area of brain supplied by the vessel.5. Compression of cerebral vessel due to tumor, large blood clot, swollen brain tissues.

Risk Factors r/t stroke:> Prior ischemic episodes> Cardiac disease>DM>atherosclerotic dse of intracranial and extracranial vessels.>HPN>Polycythemia>Hypercholesterolemia>smoking>Oral contraceptive use>Emotional stress> Obesity>Family Hx of stroke> Age(incident increases w/ age)

C/M:Warning signs that may precede CVA:

Paresthesias involving one-half of the body Transients’ loss of speech. Hemiplegia(paralysis on the side of the body) Severe Occipital or nuchal headaches Vertigo(dizziness) or Syncope(fainting) Motor or sensory disturbances(tingling, transient paralysis) Epistaxis(nosebleed) Retinal hemorrhage Vomiting Seizures Fever Aphasia( a defect in using and interpreting the symbols of language Apraxia- a condition in w/c a client can move the affected part but cannot use it for purposeful axns.(walking,

speaking or dressing) Homonymous Hemianopia-defective vision or visual loss in the same half of the visual field of each eye Agnosia-disturbances in interpreting visual, tactile or other sensory information. Dysarthria-(Anarthria) imperfect articulation that causes difficulty in speaking

EMOTIONAL OR BEHAVIORAL RXN: Severe mood swing Social w/drawal Inappropriate sexual behavior Outburst of frustrations/anger Perform neurological assessment hourly using the Glasgow Coma Scale. Monitor for changes in LOC and for

s/s of increased intracranial pressure. Prevent any increased in intracranial pressure:

> Suction minimally>Keep head of the bed elevated>Prevent excessive coughing, straining with stool, vomiting, lifting, or use of arms to change position.>Administer laxatives or stool softeners>Treat fever w/ antipyretics and cooling blanket (avoid inducing shivering)

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>Avoid restraints w/c may increase agitation.


OVERVIEW: Is a paroxysmal neurologic d/o causing recurrent episodes of:

> LOC>Convulsiveness mov’t or other motor activity>Sensory Phenomenon>Behavioral Abnormalities

Always recurrent. An isolated single seizure does not mean the client has epilepsy. Seizures maybe caused by brain tumors, head trauma or metabolic disturbances. A tendency to cerebral dysrythmia is inherited.

Important Terms when discussing Epilepsy:> Prodromal Phase – a vague change that occurs emotional reactivity or affective response (eg.depression and anxiety) that may precede by minutes or hours.>Aura – a brief, sensory experience that occurs a few seconds before the seizure. Maybe an odor or a feeling of weakness or dizziness.>Ictus – seizure phase>Epileptic Cry – a cry occurring w/ some seizures; caused by a thoracic & abdominal spasm w/c expels air thru the glottis>Seizure – a paroxysmal, uncontrolled, abnormal discharge of electrical activity in the brain’s gray matter; causes events that interfere w/ normal fxn.>Post-Ictal – the post seizure phase during w/c the client experiences some change in consciousness, behavior or activity.>Status Epilepticus – the state w/c a client has continuous seizure(s) in rapid succession lasting for 30 minutes. This is a med’l emergency and may result in permanent damages to the brainDangerous

C/M: Generalized Tonic-Clonic(grand mal)

> Sudden LOC>Tonic Phase-entire body maybe interrupted in rigid contraction.------respirations maybe interrupted temporarily and cyanosis maybe present.------jaws are fixed and the hands clenched.------eyes open wide, pupils fixed and dilated------last 30-60 seconds.>Clonic Phase------rhythmic, jerky contraction and relaxation of all body muscles, especially the extremities------incontinence of urine or feces------saliva blown from the mouth (creates froth @ the lips)------Biting of lips, tongue and inside of the mouth.

Petit Mal(absence) Seizures------brief episodes of altered consciousness (periods of absence) lasting for 5-30minutes.------usually begin during childhood & diminished or disappear @ puberty

Minor Motor Seizures------Myoclonic- involuntary jerking contractions of major muscles.------Akinetic- momentary loss of muscle mov’t.------Atonic- total loss of muscle tone.

MED’L MNGT: Antiepileptic drugs – usually single drug therapy is used, eg. Phenytoin(Dilantin), Carbamazepine (Tagretol) Investigational Drugs- Lamotrigine, telbamate & vigabatrin

NURSING MNGT: Initiate seizure precautions Monitor for seizure activity. Administer anticonvulsants.


OVERVIEW: Is an inflammatory dse of unknown etiology that involves degeneration of the Myelin Sheath of peripheral


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Onset of the syndrome is 1 to 4 weeks. Characterized by ascending weakness, usually beginning in the lower extremities and spreading, sometimes

rapidly thru the trunk, upper extremities and face w/ maximal deficit by 4weeks in 90% cases. Improvement & recovery occur w/ Remyelination

C/M: Weakness Paresthesia(Tingling sensation) of the limbs Loss of DTR Deep, aching muscle pain in shoulder girdle & thighs Respiratory compromise or failure-dyspnea, decreased breath sounds, decreased tidal volume. Autonomic Dysfxn – orthostatic hypotension, hypertension, papillary disturbances, sweating dysfxn, cardiac

disrhythmias, paralytic ileus and urinary retention. Facial weakness, Dysphagia, diplopia.

NURSING MNGT: Monitor cardiac & respiratory status Monitor laboratory arterial blood gas results Monitor results of daily pulmonary fxn studies. Assure respiratory support equipment is maintained @ bedside ( O2, ambu bag) Asses ability to perform self care and provide assistance based on level of client’s ability Collaborate w/ physical & occupational therapy for adaptive devices & exercises. Monitor for signs of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism while on bedrest Initiate appropriate safety measures Provide measures to prevent skin breakdown.


OVERVIEW: HD is genetically transmitted degenerative neurologic d/o. This dse is Autosomal meaning can be inherited by the offspring of an affected person by 50% chances. Pathology involves Degeneration of the striatum (Caudate & Putamen) in Basal Ganglia. Leads to a reduction

of some neurotransmitters & relatively higher concentrations of other neurotransmitters (Dopamine & Norepinephrine). The excess of Dopamine in HD-a d/o of excessive mov’t; can be contrasted to the lack of Dopamine in Parkinson’s Dse- a d/o of lack of mov’t.

Characterized by abnormal mov’t ( chorea), intellectual decline, and emotional disturbances. s/s begins @ the 4th & 5th decade of life. Dse is relentlessly progressive leading to disability & death- due to Respiratory Complications.

C/M: Restless & fidgety appearance Rapid, jerky choreiform mov’t involving all muscles. Dysphagia Poor balance Hesitant, explosive speech Bowel & bladder Incontinence Emotional disturbances- becomes negative, suspicious, & irritable Depression Psychosis Temper outburst sexual promiscuity Dementia

MED’L MNGT:No known treatment to cure or alter the course:

Dopamine blocker-Haloperidol(Haldol) to control abnormal mov’ts and some behavioral manifestation Anti-anxiety med’n- diazepam(Valium) Anti depressants

NURSING MNGT: Assess client’s ability to do self care activities & provide care as indicated Collaborate w/ physical and occupational therapy for exercises and adaptive devices for ambulation and self

care. Determine strategies to optimize communication

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Initiate aspiration precaution Maintain high caloric intake due to excessive mov’t Initiate appropriate safety measures. Provide quiet, restful env’t. Conserve client’s energy by spacing activities and allowing rest pd.


OVERVIEW: Is the pressure exerted in the cranium by its contents: brain, blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF. The pressure is measured via the CSF. Normal pressure of CSF is 5-10 mmHG or 160 to 180 mm H2O. Pressures over 250mm H20 are called Increased ICP. The skull is a bony container. Since the skull cannot expand, compensatory mechanisms come into play:> Initial Compensation – displacement of CSF into the spinal canal or into venous blood thru the arachnoid mater.> Secondary Compensation – reduction of blood volume to the brain. This stage alters cerebral metabolism and eventually produces brain tissues Hypoxia & Necrosis.> Final Compensation – displacement of brain tissue (herniation) Increased ICP is often asso. w/ rapidly expanding lesions(eg.bleeding) an obstruction to the outflow of

CSF(e.g. Tumor) or increased CSF formation.

C/M: Alteration in LOC Restlessness Irritability Confusion Decrease in Glasgow Coma Score Changes in speech Papillary rxn changes Motor or sensory changes Cardiac rate(bradycardia) and rhythm changes Headache Nausea and vomiting Double vision(diplopia) HPN w/ widened pulse pressure Irregular respirations Seizure activity

MED’L MNGT:> Intracranial pressure monitoring-insertion of Subarachnoid or ventricular probe thru a hole in the skiull to measure ICP.> Osmotic Diuretics—Mannitol> Loop Diuretics—furosemide> Steroid therapy- dexamethasone (Decardon)- to control edema> Antacids & Hydrogen blockers – Pentobarbital- to reduce ICP> Mechanical Ventilation – hyperventilation induces hypocapnia, w/c reduces cerebral blood volume & ICP> anti convulsant therapy.

NURSING MNGT:\ Measure for increased Intracranial Pressure readings and accompanying s/s (posturing & disorientation) Manually hyperventilate the client if ICP increases (Hypocapnia decreases cerebral blood vol. & ICP. Plan nsg.interventions so that activities known to increase ICP are not performed when the ICP is

elevated(e.g.,suctioning,excessive hip flexion, repositioning) Monitor for other fx that may increased ICP:

>excess H2O in ventilator tubing>excessive pulmonary secretions (Increased pCO2)>end tracheal tube taped too tightly against jugular vein, retarding venous circulation from the head.

Avoid ICP Catheter infection by1. keeping the area around catheter site clean2. reporting leakage from catheter3. maintaining a closed system

Monitor respiratory status closely

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Perform suctioning only when necessary to prevent increasing ICP>never exceed 15 seconds in suctioning time (causes increased ICP)>never suction thru the nose (may cause trauma and CSF leak)

Monitor arterial blood gas results to correct acid base imbalance promptly Perform complete neurologic assessment using Glasgow Coma Scale

> Even if the client is in coma, assessment of the pupils should continue as the pupils will dilate if the brain stem is compressed and necessitate notification of the physician immediately.

Prevent venous obstruction. Administer diuretics and steroids as prescribed.



Acute viral meningitis (aseptic meningitis) is usually due to mumps virus or one of the picornaviruses. Aseptic meningitis involving the Subarachnoid space usually resolves within two weeks.

C/M: Drowsiness Photophobia Headache Pain when moving the eyes Neck and spine stiffness with flexion Weakness Rash Fever Positive Brudzinski’s and Kernig’s sign

NURSING MNGT: Treatment is asymptomatic and involves bed rest and control of fever, headache, pain and seizures.


OVERVIEW: MG is an autoimmune dse that presents as muscular weakness and fatigue that worsens w/ exercises &

improves with rest. MG is caused by loss of Acetylcholine receptors in the post-synaptic neurons of the neuromuscular

junction. 2 peaks of onset: early onset MG @ age 20-30 yo, women are often affected than men. After age 50 men

are often affected.C/M:

Increasing weakness with sustained muscle contractions Muscle weakness increased @ end of day Ptosis (drooping of the eyes) Diplopia(double vision) Expressionless face and tendency for mouth to hang due to weakness of the facial muscles Dysphagia(muscles of chewing and swallowing involved) Nasal quality of speech Respiratory distress(respiratory muscle involvement)

MED’L MNGT: Short acting anticholinesterase compounds – pyridostigmine (Mestinon), neostigmine (Prostigmine) Corticosteroid – prednisone ( reduces the level of serum acethylcholine receptor antibody) PLASMAPHARESIS – to remove plasma proteins containing antibodies believed to cause MG.

NURSING MNGT: Administer anticholinesterase drugs precisely on time to maintain blood levels. Ensure suctioning equipment is maintained at bedside & instruct client on self-suctioning Initiate aspiration precautions Plan activities at time of client’s highest energy level and allow for rest periods. Assess muscle strength before & after activity

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Observe for MG crisis(an exacerbation w/ myasthenic symptoms caused by under-medication w/ anticholinesterase drugs:

Increased pulsed and respirations Increased blood pressureAnoxia, cyanosisBowel & bladder incontinenceAbsence of cough, & swallow reflexIncreased secretions, increased lacrimation Restlessness

Intervene in myasthenia crisis:.> support respiratory fxn – suction excess secretions, administer supplemental O2 & assisted

ventilation.> administer add’l anticholinesterase med’n.

Observe for cholinergic crisis (an acute exacerbation of muscle weakness caused by over-medication with anticholinesterase (cholinergic) drugs.

> nausea & vomiting, diarrhea> Abdominal cramps> blurred vision>facial muscle twitching

Intervene in cholinergic crisis:> support respiratory fxn – suction, administer supplemental O2 & assisted ventilation> monitor blood pressure> hold cholinergic drugs until cholinergic effects decrease.

Collaborate w/ physical and occupational therapy for exercise & adaptive process.


OVERVIEW: MS is a progressive dse that affects the myelin sheath of neurons in the CNS. Precipitating factors: injection, infection, physical injury, emotional stress, pregnancy and fatigue.

C/M:Weakness or tingling sensations(Paresthesias) of one or more extremitiesVision lossLoss of coordinationBowel & bladder dysfxnSeizuresFatigue that worsens as day progressesMuscle spasticity.Depression

NURSING MNGT:Encourage high fiber dietAdminister stool softenerInstitute a bowel training programAssess ability to perform ADLProvide adequate rest periodsInstitute measures for neurogenic bladder:

> maintain fluid intake> avoid fluid intake @ 2000 ml/24 hours> encourage attempting voiding q 3 hours> Intermittent catheterization if indicated.


OVERVIEW: Is an idiopathic syndrome characterized by tremor and rigidity. Involves degeneration of dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra, which leads to

degenerations of neurons in the basal ganglia. 3 cardinal signs of PD are: Tremor, Rigidity and Bradykinesia (slowing of the ability to initiate

voluntary mov’t.)C/M:

Generalized feelings of stiffness Mild diffuse muscular pains

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Hand tremor @ rest(“pill-rolling” mov’t of the thumb against the fingers) Difficulty initiating voluntary mov’ts (bradykinesia) Inability to initiate mov’t. Involuntary drooling Decrease lacrimation (tearing) Constipation, incontinence Dysphagia

NURSING MNGT: Maintain fluid intake of 2000 ml/24 hours Established bowel training program Initiate appropriate safety measures. Assess activity to perform ADL Allow plenty of time to complete activities. Established a progressive activity/exercise program w/ adequate rest periods.


OVERVIEW:Usually constant, pain in a lower extremity that occurs along the course of the sciatic nerve & its branches.Causes by ruptured intervertebral disc or osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral spine, producing mechanical

pressure on the nerve or its spinal roots.

C/M: Pain begins in the buttocks and extend down the back of the thigh and leg to the ankle Limited straight-leg raising on the affected side Complete extension of leg not possible when the thigh flexed on abdomen (Lasegue’s sign)

TREATMENT:Treatment of the underlying cause.


OVERVIEW:Injury to the spinal cord can range in severity from mild flexion-extension “whiplash” injuries to complete

transection of the cord with quadriplegia. Trauma to the cord may occurred @ any level but most commonly occurs in the cervical & lower thoracic upper lumbar vertebrae.

Trauma is the most common cause of spinal cord injury.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY:I. Mechanism of injury:

Flexion-Rotation, dislocation, or fracture dislocationOccurs in cervical spine C5 & C6Ruptures supporting ligaments, fractures the vertebrae, damages blood vessels & leads to ischemia of

the spinal cord.HypoExtensionCompression

II. Level of injury:> injury to the cervical spine & cord produces quadriplegia> injuries above C4 maybe fatal due to loss of innervations to the diaphragm & intercostals muscles.>injuries to the thoracic or lumbar spine produce paraplegia.

III.Syndrome Causing partial paralysis:>Central of cord syndrome:

- produces more weakness in upper extremities than lower- Weakness is caused by edema and hemorrhage

> Anterior Cord Syndrome- complete motor fxn loss & decreased pain sensation- touch, position & vibration sensation remain intact

> Brown-Sequard Syndrome:- Lateral hemisection of the cord- Ipsilateral motor paralysis, loss of vibratory and position sense- Contralateral loss of pain & temperature sensation.

IV.Complete transection> results in immediate loss of all sensation and voluntary mov’t in areas below the transection

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>initially all reflex activity is lost, but recovery does occur, though reflexes maybe hyperactive. Spinal shock (post traumatic areflexia) spasticity loss of bladder


initial clinical manifestations of acute spinal cord injury defend upon the level & extent of injury. Below the level of injury there is loss of :

> voluntary mov’t> sensation of pain, temperature, pressure, respirations and proprioception> bowel and bladder fxn> spinal and automatic reflexes.

MED’L MNGT:spinal cord immobilizationHomodynamic monitoring – heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, temperature, fluid balance.Shock therapy- vasopressors, fluid replacementSkeletal traction – tp decrease inflammationAntispasmodic therapy – dantolene (Dantrium)

NURSING MNGT: Monitor respiratory status Maintain traction as ordered Encourage to cough, deep breathe and to use incentive spirometer Suction PRN Initiate aspiration precaution Provide frequent oral care Provide measures to maintain skin integrity. Provide nutritional support Monitor the client for indications of autonomic dysreflexia.

> severe hypertension> throbbing headache> profuse diaphoresis> flushing of the skin above the lesions> blurred vision> nausea


OVERVIEW: TIA’s are brief, reversible episodes of neurologic dysfxn caused by temporary, focal cerebral ischemia. During a TIA, a transient decrease occurs in the blood supply to a focal area of the cerebrum or brain stem.

Factors that can cause this ischemia Includes: Occlusive dse of the extracranial Cerebral Vessels; Occlusions in the vertebrobasilar system; and emboli. The most frequent site of occlusion is the origin of the Internal Carotid Artery.

C/M:Symptoms are transient, lasting usually from 2-15 minutes up to an hour. They vary depending upon w/c area of the brain is affected:

Visual auditory or vestibular disturbances Motor and sensory disturbances Headache Slowed mental processes Seizures.

NURSING MNGT: Administer antihypertensives, antiplatelet drugs, r aspirin as prescribed. Administer Coumadin as prescribed; monitor prothrombin time (PT) and for any s/s of bleeding Monitor blood pressure Monitor neurological status Maintains safety precautions.

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OVERVIEW: TN is pain in the distribution of the 5th cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve. Has 3 branches: the Opthalmic, Maxillary and Mandibular nerves.

The causative mechanisms can be divided into Intrinsic ( abnormalities of the axon or myelin) or

Extrinsic(mechanical compression from a tumor or from vascular anomalies) Common b/n the ages of 50 & 70 yo. Most are women.

C/M: Intermittent episodes of intense pain w/ sudden onset Pain not relieved by analgesics Attacks are triggered by tactile stimulation (touch, facial hygiene) and talking. The right side of face is more commonly affected.

NURSING MNGT: Administer medications as ordered and assess effectiveness Instruct client on ways to prevent triggering events.