Neurobics: Exercising the Brain Body Connection Tamara Burket, RN, MS, ACNS-BC, GCNS- BC, CCRN, FGNLA Penn State Hershey Medical Center Thanks to: David Gill, MD Linda Shumaker Pennsylvania Health and Aging Coalition

Neurobics: Exercising the Brain Body Connection

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Neurobics: Exercising the Brain Body Connection. Tamara Burket , RN, MS, ACNS-BC, GCNS-BC, CCRN, FGNLA Penn State Hershey Medical Center Thanks to: David Gill, MD Linda Shumaker Pennsylvania Health and Aging Coalition. Theories Of Aging. Wear & Tear Free radicals Breakdown DNA damaged - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Neurobics:  Exercising the Brain Body Connection

Neurobics: Exercising the Brain Body

ConnectionTamara Burket, RN, MS, ACNS-BC, GCNS-BC,

CCRN, FGNLAPenn State Hershey Medical Center

Thanks to: David Gill, MD

Linda ShumakerPennsylvania Health and Aging Coalition

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Theories Of Aging• Wear & Tear

– Free radicals– Breakdown– DNA damaged

• Cells can only reproduce a limited # of times

• Immune system– Less functional– Attacks itself


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The Aging Brain

• Biologic• Psychologic• Social


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Normal Aging of the Brain• Brain weight

drops• Ventricles widen• Fewer neurons• Increase in

plaques & tangles• Less blood flow• Atrophy

• Neurons shrink• Fewer synapses• Slower• Word lists



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• Starts with general decline at age 30!

• After 60 verbal decline more notable

• Decision making slows

• Reaction time lengthens

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Normal Brain Changes in Older Adults

• Normal age-related memory changes

• Attentional changes in the aged


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What’s Normal?• “I can’t think of the word—it’s on the tip of my

tongue”– Can be normal– Difficulty with naming (especially people’s names)

is normal, but other parts of language should not change

• “It’s normal to be forgetful at my age”– Not normal– Short term memory should be preserved at least

until your 70’s


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What’s Normal?“Mom, you just aren’t as flexible as you used to be.

Why is it taking you so long learn how to use the computer?”– Can be normal– Mental flexibility and abstract reasoning decline

with age

• “I am just not as fast at things anymore”– Can be normal– Processing speed slows with age

• “I get distracted so easily”– Can be normal


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What’s Normal?

• “I just am not as smart as I used to be”– Not normal– Comprehensive knowledge should remain



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GeneticsEducationHealthSocial environment

Brain diseasesStrokeHead injuryAlcoholStress

HealthDietExerciseAlcoholSocial engagementMental activity


Figure adapted from Richards M and Deary I J. Ann. Neurol. 2005.

This animation shows how we achieve maximal “smartness” early in life and need to work against those forces that negatively affect our cognition (cognitive reserve idea) .


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No Longer Thought to Prevent Dementia:

• High intake of fish & n-3 fatty acids –less cholesterol & fatty acid

• Post-menopausal hormone therapy

• NSAIDS• Cholinesterase inhibitors• Vitamin E


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Recommendations: The news is no news!

• Modify risk factors– Antihypertensives– Glucose management

• Increase physical activity• Increase mental activity• Eat well (fish, fruits, vegetables)• Stay social• Sleep


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Stay Positive!!

Positive People• View their cup as half full• Have self-care efficacy• Report better subjective

health ratings• Stay socially engaged• AGE BETTER!!


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Staying Well(3 times & we’ll remember!)

• Keep medically healthy• Follow a healthy diet• Remain physically and mentally

active• Reduce stress• Relationships are a good thing


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Remember the Bad News:Normal Aging of the Brain

• Brain weight drops• Ventricles widen• Fewer neurons• Increase in plaques

& tangles• Less blood flow• Atrophy

• Neurons Shrink• Fewer synapses• Slower• Word lists



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Good News!• Capacity to develop

new synapses• Still have the

capacity to develop neurons we have

• Thought processes, memory, reasoning, learning are retained but may be slower


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“Neurobics” • Invented by Duke University neurobiologist Lawrence Katz and author Manning Rubin.

• Theory: Certain brain exercises that use specific kinds of sensory stimulation to cause brain cells to secrete molecules called neurotrophins that act like nutrients to improve cellular health.

• The activity should be completely removed from your regular routine. And the more senses you engage, the better.

• Example: If you normally go to work using the same route, try a different one. At a stop light, roll down the window and close your eyes, listening to the sounds, feeling the air on your face.


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Basics of Neurobics :

• Turn on those synapses!!– Turn on those

switches regularly– Old neurons grow

new dendrites– Brain can still

grow, adapt, and change patterns


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Compare Brain Exercise to Body ExerciseHow it works:

Word = ExerciseBrain areas = Muscle groups Maintain mental fitness,

strength, & flexibility20

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Mind Body ConnectionKeep the synapses working!


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Demonstrate the Connection• Creative Imagery• Let’s listen• Tap, tap, tap…• Count back from 100 by 7• Remember an event from your past & recall the

details- who was there, what did you wear, what did you smell, how did you feel?

• Pinch yourself!!


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Neurobic Exercises

• Present the brain with unusual experiences

• Stimulate neural activity & connections


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Neurobic Exercises• Use your non-

dominant hand• Spice up your sex life• Try new foods• Use your other

senses to do common tasks

• Tie your shoelace backwards


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• Read something new

• Daydream• Try different music• Add a new word• Try a new dance,

skill, or sport• Change a path• Stop somewhere

new• Make a new friend

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• Debate• Listen closely• Seek criticism• Try a new food• Use all your

senses• Do without one

(sense, hand…)• Play games

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The Eyes Have It!• Stare straight ahead, don’t

move your eyes, what’s on the periphery?

• Look ahead, but scan side to side

• Show and tell• Tunes versus TV• Take a mental picture• Keep up with news


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Be Creative!!

• Develop your own neurobic exercises!!


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Resources• Alzheimer’s Association – www.alz.org

1- (800) 652-3370 Greater PA Chapter• ADEAR – [email protected]• The DANA Alliance for Brain Initiatives-

www.dana.org • Family Caregiver Alliance – www.caregiver.org• Geriatric Mental Health Foundation –

www.gmhfonline.org• Positive Aging Resource Center – positiveaging.org• Medline Plus – medlineplus.gov• Suicide Prevention Network USA –
