pg. 1 © Jerry L. Clark of ClubRhino.com – All Rights Reserved Network Marketing: The Philosophy Behind the Success Information contained in this eBook is based on a Training that Jim Rohn Conducted at one of Jerry “DRhino” Clark’s Live Events… The Live Audio Training that this written content is based on can be found in the Insider’s Secrets Vol. 2 course which you can access for a special discounted price by CLICKING HERE

Network Marketing: The Philosophy Behind the Success · Network marketing is a chance, if you’re interested, in big time business. Now it’s okay to have a little neighborhood

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Page 1: Network Marketing: The Philosophy Behind the Success · Network marketing is a chance, if you’re interested, in big time business. Now it’s okay to have a little neighborhood

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Network Marketing: The

Philosophy Behind the


Information contained in this eBook is based on a Training that Jim Rohn Conducted at

one of Jerry “DRhino” Clark’s Live Events… The Live Audio Training that this written

content is based on can be found in the Insider’s Secrets Vol. 2 course which you can access

for a special discounted price by CLICKING HERE

Page 2: Network Marketing: The Philosophy Behind the Success · Network marketing is a chance, if you’re interested, in big time business. Now it’s okay to have a little neighborhood

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Success can happen to anyone. But here’s the key: success is not measured by money.

Money is one count, but it’s not the only count.

If a guy says to you, "Hey, I’m going to cash it in soon. I’m headed for the mountains. I’m

going to live in a cabin, live off the land and feed the squirrels." If he goes and does that, he's a

smashing success.

Success is designing your life to be whatever you want it to be. Develop the skills it takes

and understand how to achieve what you want. You make your own success.

But don’t be misguided by the money. One person might be making $6 million a year and you're

not making that kind of money, but in reality, you may not have to make that kind of money.

So money is part of the equation, but it’s not the only equation. So when somebody’s got the

fancy car and the fancy home and the $6 million, that’s not the only equation for happiness.

Can you be happy with more modest millions? The answer is yes. The key is to design a life

that suits you.

And that’s the luxury of network marketing. Someone says I want to build a little business

right around my neighborhood. Enough money to live a little better than I have been

living. That’s what they do, and that’s the beauty of network marketing.

This is the beauty of network marketing in the new millennium

If you want to directly or indirectly affect the lives of millions, the best way to do it is network

marketing. Especially with people of limited capital and limited education and a limited start.

Once you understand the philosophy that governs success in network marketing, you can sit back

and enjoy the life you made for yourself.

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The System

Now in network marketing there’s such a variety, right, of good products, things that you can

believe in.

You have to find that something you truly can believe in and get excited about. That’s what’s


Network marketing, is a marketing system that allows people to start at the bottom and go

to the top. With a limited education and limited capital, you have a chance to start at the

bottom and go to the top. Limited education and limited capital and no regard or interest

in your age.

Now maybe there are some products out there in network marketing where age is important, but

in a fair share of them it isn’t age that counts. Those that do the work get the pay.

We don’t look at age. We don’t look at whether you’re retired or a teenager. We don’t look at

woman or man. All we look at is those that do the work get the pay. Anybody can do the work.

It is a marketing system that would allow you to start with limited resources and limited

education or limited experience in terms of success and maybe some colossal failures, in spite of

all of that, a chance to start at the bottom and get to the top.

Now here’s what else is exciting about network marketing. You’re only limited from the

bottom to the top by your own imagination. Self-imposed limitations are the only ones,

because the system allows you to go as far as you wish to go.

Here are the questions everybody asks. Number one, what is it? This is the network marketing


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Number one, what is it? Number two, how does it work? Number three, how do you get

started? Number four, can someone like me do it? These are fairly basic questions in network


And then here are the last two. The fifth one, is how far can I go? If you have the ability to

describe, it’s unlimited how far you can go.

Then here’s the last question. Will you help me? And that’s the whole seam of network

marketing, someone to help you, someone to be a sponsor. A sponsor is a very important


Here’s what the sponsor is: a bridge. The sponsor is a bridge helping somebody from one side

of the bridge to the other: from doubt to faith, from lack of self-confidence to beginning to


The bridge, a very important, responsible position.

In the marketing system, for most, at least well-established companies, here’s what the

opportunity is in network marketing: an opportunity to be a world-class entrepreneur

without the burdens of the corporate structure. That is the extraordinary opportunity of

network marketing.

Starting in a very limited way, and if you would be happy with modest millions, you don't need

to start your own company usually, unless the company you’re with fell apart and you felt

inclined to do so.

But if it’s a fairly responsible company, give someone else the burdens of the corporate

structure and you be free to be the world-class entrepreneur without the burdens.

Now if you need, you know, $500 million or $1 billion or $2 or $3 billion, then you’ve got to

start your own company.

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But if you would be happy with modest millions, let’s say from $5 or $6 to $8 or $10 to $20 or

$30, to maybe $40 or $50, maybe, depending on the company and its worldwide reach, maybe

$50 to $100 million, if you’d be happy with those modest millions, you don’t need to start your

own company.

The network marketing system allows you to do that. It is a marketing system that gives you a

chance to directly and indirectly affect dozens of people with products and opportunity. A

chance to affect maybe hundreds of people directly and indirectly with products and opportunity.

For some, a chance to affect thousands of people directly and indirectly with products and

opportunity. And for some, a chance to affect hundreds of thousands of people directly

and indirectly.

Network marketing is a chance, if you’re interested, in big time business. Now it’s okay to have

a little neighborhood business, because that’s what network marketing thrives on, a little

neighborhood business, a little home-based business.

But if you’d like to go from home-based to doing business around the world, if your

company is that extensive, then it’s unlimited how far you can reach and touch the lives of

other people.

It is a marketing system that can make you rich. You just have to learn the skills.

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The Language

First of all, don't be lazy in language, because language opens up the door to everybody’s

personal future.

It’s by words that we create enterprises. It’s by words we create a government that blesses us

with freedom and free enterprise like America.

It’s words that formulate and give expression to ideas, and whether the idea is a university or

whether the idea is a network marketing company, ideas have transformed all of our lives, but all

of that comes from the use of the language.

So work on your vocabulary. Work on your ability to see that by vocabulary, you translate

for yourself; you use it to express yourself and who you are.

We use vocabulary for two things. One, to interpret what we hear and what we see and what we

feel. And you can only translate to yourself with your present vocabulary. If it’s restricted, then

your ability to see is restricted.

There’s definitely a relationship between vocabulary and behavior. The more limited the

vocabulary, the more tendency to poor behavior.

You say why is that? Well, you can only translate what you see to yourself by your present

vocabulary. If it’s limited, you have a limited way of seeing and it’s easy to make mistakes

when you can’t see very well.

It’s like looking at the world through this little tiny hole. Somebody says the world is like this

and you say, no, it’s like this. And we say why do you keep insisting that it’s like this when it’s

like this?

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And the reason they think it’s like this is because that’s all they can see. So our sight to imagine

our future is only as good as our present vocabulary. So we translate for ourselves with our

present vocabulary.

We also use our present vocabulary to express. We use it to learn. We use it to be

impressed by whatever we see, read, hear, touch, feel, sense. But then we also use our

present vocabulary to express.

And we can only express as good as our present vocabulary. That’s why to be lazy in language

leaves you restricted in what you can interpret from life for yourself, to build your dreams and

your goals and your future.

And it’s also restrictive in your ability to share what’s in your head and what’s in your


You know, if you can’t see very well and vocabulary is a way of seeing, if you can’t see very

well and you can’t express very well, then you live in a very small world.

The expression of language, especially the English language, is incredible. There are so many

ways to say things in English. From Shakespeare to all the rest, a good education in a wide

range of vocabulary understanding, especially using the English language, it’s incredible.

So stay sharp. Stay educated. Stay interested in how people express things that gives you

another way of looking, seeing, appreciating what’s going on.

It's okay to struggle with the language as long as you keep learning.

This includes learning from other languages. If you don't know a word, translate it, look it up.

By the struggle, we illuminate ourselves. By the struggle.

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If you struggle to help someone to see, if you take the time to help someone to see, you, in

return, can see better yourself. If you try your best to make it clear for someone, you make

it clear for yourself at the very same time.

Remember this when you are giving a presentation. Whether there’s a small group or 10,000 or

35,000, it shouldn't make any difference in the drive and the push of your presentation.

The presentation is as much for you as it is for them. For them to give you the opportunity to

present what’s going on in your head and your heart, gives you a chance to struggle with the

language so that you can see better yourself.

This is your workshop for your own personal development. It’s a way, one more time, to

use your language and use your audience as a sounding board.

Through struggling you're engaging in your own personal development. You're engaging in the

improvement of your own skills. It's an incredible exchange that takes place, and it's all because

of language.

So here’s a good idea to ponder. How far can an idea go? And it’s almost

incomprehensible how really far an idea can go and how many people it can eventually


Maybe it’s true that good ideas never die, but they’re passed on, passed on, generation after

generation after generation through language. So pay attention to your words and the words of


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The Teacher

Accompanying language must be a good education. And that does not mean a formal, textbook

education, but one in the form of an experienced teacher.

Someone has to teach you the network marketing program. It will, of course, revolutionize

your whole life, but you will learn so much more than just the program. You first mush

find someone to teach you, and then, you will find a new and refined philosophy.

It is probably one of the most joyous discoveries is to find someone to teach you, to take the time

to tip you off. To give you some wise advice based on both positive and negative experience.

You can’t put a price tag on it.

You know, it’s interesting. When a seminar is being put together and you have to set a price tag

for it, the money is not to pay for the seminar. The money is to pay for the light and the room

and, you know, the people who brought it to you and all of the expenses involved.

That’s what it’s for. You can’t pay for the seminar. How would you calculate the worth

and the value of the seminar and pay for that? It would be impossible.

So here’s what the deal is. The money that people pay for seminars doesn’t pay for the ideas.

The ideas are free because there is no way to calculate what the ideas are worth.

It’s like a book. When you buy a book you pay for the cover and the pages and the ink and what

it cost to have it printed and what it cost to have it shipped to you, and when you add up all the

costs it’s $19.95.

But that is not paying for the content. The contents have to be free because there is no way

to calculate the value. Ideas are free.

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To find someone to teach you, whether you pay or whether you get it for free, is absolutely, as

we look back on it, some of the most incredible occasions of our lives.

Here’s what it can be: life-changing. And the unique thing about network marketing is the

variety of teachers to give you ideas from a variety of experiences, because you can’t learn

everything from one person. It’s impossible.

We all need a variety of points of view that might more line up with our own life and our own

experiences, so we need a variety of teachers.

But to find someone who is willing to teach you, specifically, that’s a good find. That’s a unique


Now the key is to be that person that someone finds. To become an extraordinary person

of good ideas, good information, spirit, heart, soul.

And in being taught, you will in turn want to return the favor to someone else. You'll wonder if

it would it be possible for you to affect someone else’s life like your teacher affected you?

Would that be possible?

And then a little prayer said if that’s at all possible, you would like to do that. Because the

thrilling adventure that your teacher takes you on, economic and social and personal and some

spiritual, the journey you're taken on is so extraordinary.

It is so revolutionary and life-changing, especially the first year when you're just starting to

learn, and then the ongoing years.

You'll begin to think that if you could, in some way and in some small measure, affect other

people like you had been so extraordinarily affected, you would like to have the command of the

language and the words and the ideas and the flow of the spirit and the power with which it’s


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Your teacher is someone who will level with you and tell you the truth. It’s important to be that

person, who levels with someone and tells the truth. .

The truth sets you free. You need to affirm the truth. If you’re broke, best thing to affirm

is "I am broke." That’s what you affirm. You put that up on the refrigerator where you

can see it every day.

It’s called life-changing. If that doesn’t do it, you put this up there. "I’m 40 and broke.

Something is wrong. It isn’t put together yet. What’s missing? What’s lacking?"

If that still doesn’t do it, put this up there. "I live in America and I’m 40 and I’m broke.

Something is really wrong. I mean this shouldn’t be happening."

And here’s what sets you free to change your life for the future: the truth. Here’s what

brings us all to a poor place: errors in judgment repeated every day over some period of

time and you get off track. Emotionally get off track.

You have to find someone who will level with you. You have to find someone who will

challenge how you look at things.

For example, he will ask you why you're not doing so well financially and you'll show him your

paycheck. And you'll say this is all the company pays. And he'll say, no, that’s all they pay you.

Most likely, you hadn’t looked at it like that before. He'll say to you, doesn’t your company pay

people three, four, five times this amount? And you'll say, well, yes. So he'll say well, then this

isn’t all the company pays.

See that is the truth, and it takes that kind of truth to set you free. It’s easy to keep the

same conclusions for the rest of your life and live one one-hundredth of what you could live

simply because along the way you never heard the truth.

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Or if you heard the truth it was too easy to ignore. So you have to find someone to teach you and

tell you the truth.

Now here’s also the truth, no matter where you are, it’s not the end of the story. The truth

also is no matter how badly you’ve messed up, it can all be changed into the future.

The truth is you can turn doubt into faith. The truth is you can turn nothing into something. The

truth is you can turn pennies into fortune. That’s the truth.

But you start with the truth as to how come you’ve only got pennies, that’s where you start.

Then the truth is, you know you’ve made mistakes. Then, it's time to change that and be

converted to a new way of thinking so that you can turn your pennies into fortune.

You can turn nothing into something, doubt into faith, losses into victories and lack of self-

esteem into high soaring self-confidence. All of that can be done. That’s also the truth.

The truth is you don’t ever have to be the same again after today. That’s the truth. You don’t

have to walk the same road after today.

The truth will give you what nothing else can: a new way of seeing things, a new vision.

When you say, things cost too much. He'll say, no, you can’t afford them. You'll think for

sure that your income was determined by the economy. He'll say, no, your income is

determined by your philosophy.

If you want to change your income you don’t have to work on the economy. You only have to

work on your philosophy.

For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better.

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The Commitment

So now jot this little phrase down: commit yourself to the role of effectiveness that you

really want to play. Commit yourself to that, that you would like to be a little piece of the

drama in somebody’s life.

If you commit yourself to be a bit of the drama in somebody’s life, one-on-one or one-on-ten

thousand, what difference does it make? To be part of the drama in somebody’s life is using and

relating from your own experiences things that will help people change.

Here’s the key: commitment to excellence. Commit yourself to the excellence of affecting

other people with your language and your words and yourself and your spirit and your

personality and your ability to have unusual compassion and really care. That’s the key.

They’ll look back on it and say, “That was the moment. I’ve had some since then, but that was a

moment. It was an illuminating moment. It was a clear moment. It was an exciting moment

when I went from doubt to trust in a matter of 20 minutes thanks to you."

That’s why all occasions are worth qualifying for and striving for and paying for and going to as

many things as you can.

The early Christians were taught, do not neglect the assembly. Every time we call an assembly,

make sure you’re there because number one, we’re new, right, and we’re not that well

appreciated by many.

So every assembly is important. So every time there’s an assembly called, make sure you

do your best to try to be there. And here’s why.

Some of those assemblies, the occasion will be life-changing. You’ll look back on it and say, "I

was never the same again after that little meeting," or big meeting. It doesn’t matter little or big.

"That assembly was magical."

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Now you can’t pick the one that’s going to be magical, so you go to all of them. Making it

unusual, making it delightful, making it sometimes painful, making it truthful, making it hopeful;

everybody can do that.

Guess how many people are hoping to find you because you’ve got the message, you’ve got

the story, you’ve got the gift, you’ve got the language, you’ve got the skill. No telling how

many people are waiting for you to be the teacher, the mentor.

So commit to it. Commit to it with excellence and the rest will come.

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Personal Development

The major question to ask on the job is not what you are getting here. The major question

to ask is what you are becoming here, because it’s not what you get that makes you


It’s what you become that makes you valuable.

Life is a workshop as well on personal development. But network marketing is probably the


Network marketing is the best personal workshop of a variety of learning and experiences

that can help you make whatever changes you need to make to be as strong as you want to

be, as rich as you want to be, as powerful as you want to be, as influential as you want to

be, as articulate as you want to be.

There is no better workshop for getting the information, being touched by others, developing a

program for yourself, trying it out, developing your own wings until finally you can fly.

There is no better place to do that than within the scope and the community and family of

network marketing, because there’s nothing like it.

Here’s one of the reasons: exposure to a variety of voices. No one person has all the answers.

People disclose information based on their experiences and views and give you different

ways to look at things. And if you look at something another way, it could turn on those

extra lights that give you some accelerated personal development as well as economic


It all begins to flow once you see something sometimes from a different light. Somebody needs

to give you some startling information that wakes you up.

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If you think it’s impossible, it isn’t. If you think you know everything, you don’t. If you

think you’re alone, you’re not.

How extraordinary it is to have somebody to teach you, whether it’s on the television or whether

it’s in church or whether it’s a seminar or whether it’s a class, it doesn’t matter where it is.

If you have the opportunity to teach, teach. Whatever you believe in, spirituality and all the rest,

remember this: study, practice and teach. Develop yourself constantly every day and share it

with others.

Study, practice, and teach. Don’t let important issues of your life go unstudied. Don’t let

them go unpracticed. And don’t let them go untaught.

Pass it along to someone else so they can go out and teach a new and refined philosophy, a

marketing system that will make them rich, and an understanding of the power of personal


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The Importance of a Skill

Every nation, every country, every industry, every business, every person has a brand new

accelerated chance in the 21st century to make something extraordinary out of their lives.

We’ve got the communication. We can pick up a phone now and talk to somebody on the other

side of the world. It’s incredible.

Transportation: you get on an airplane and 14 hours later you're in Tokyo. Five meals, three

movies and you’re there.

So in every field you can imagine, we’ve got this unique opportunity. And because of its nature,

we have it even more so in network marketing.

And to be successful in network marketing, you are going to need multiple skills, a whole set of

skills. The skills listed in this eBook are just some of the skills you'll need to develop, and if you

do, network marketing will change your life.

Don’t be caught in the 21st century with just one skill. It’s too vulnerable economically.

People who, five or ten years ago with all the downsizing, lost their job and now they're

vulnerable because they only knew one thing.

So for the economic safety of you and your family, you have to have a set of skills. If you want

to build a financial wall around your family nothing can get through, you need multiple skills.

You need to learn more than one language. People who make $3, $4, $5, and $6 million a year

speak three, four, five languages. Not that money is the only reason, but it is so useful.

And if you think it’s passed you by, that it's too late to learn another language, give the gift to

your children.

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That extra language will be so valuable. So multiple languages and multiple skills.

You know, you can make a sale and you know now you need another sale. But if you

develop a skill, that’s forever.

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The Sale

Sales is the biggest skill to learn in network marketing. So what is sales in terms of a skill? It's

learning how to tell a personal story about how you loved the product and somebody else ought

to try it.

The skill is to make it more like sharing than selling. And if you can make selling more like

sharing, it’s just that much easier.

Now here’s what is also exciting about network marketing. Person to person; instead of the

product being in the store, you represent it by a person. Person to person opens up all kinds of


When you talk to somebody it’s like a window of opportunity using a little space language. The

window opens.

It’s like spring; a short season but the opportunity is there to plant a seed. And sales it like that.

Every time you talk to somebody it’s an open window. Sometimes it’s a little difficult to get

the window open. Sometimes it doesn’t stay open very long. And sometimes you knock

and nobody’s home.

But you do the best you can. Window of opportunity; open and then shut. If they’re going to

launch the spacecraft, right, they’ve got a certain amount of time.

You have to learn sales: presenting a product and its merits based on maybe your testimonial

and others, persuading so strongly that somebody says, "I want the product."

And then you have to follow-up. Because one sale can lead to 50. One customer well taken

care of can lead to multiple sales. It’s worth far more than advertising. These are excellent

skills to learn.

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Here’s another good thing about sales. Sales lays the foundation for an entrepreneurial career.

Like piano is the foundation for a music career, so is sales the foundation for an entrepreneurial


This also starts the leadership training. If you someday want to be a leader and a great

influencer, you might as well start right here.

You say, well, it’s only a customer. And if that’s your attitude then we’ll dismiss you as a

potential leader. If you’ll be disciplined when the amounts are small, then you can be

trusted when the amounts are large.

Someone says, oh, if I had a big organization I’d really take care of it. But I’ve only got three or

four people and I don’t know where they are.

The three or four and not knowing where they are disqualifies you now for the big amounts that

would be available if you learned the lessons when the amounts were small.

Somebody said, you know, if I had a fortune I’d really take care of it. But I’ve only got a

paycheck. I don’t know where it goes. Wrong philosophy. Did you ever hear that expression? I

don’t know where it all goes.

If you don't know where small amounts go, how can you successfully be in charge of large

amount? It doesn't work that way.

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The Recruitment

The next major skill is recruiting, finding good people. And that’s really what recruiting is all

about, finding good people.

And you know the story about finding good people. In the bible there’s a little story called the

parable of the sower. And in this little bible story, it says there was an ambitious sower who

planted the seed back in the old days and he had excellent seed.

A good place to start--an ambitious sower and excellent seed.

But then it goes through a little scenario of what happened to him when he’s out there planting

seed. Here’s what it says. The first part of the seed that he sowed fell by the wayside and the

birds got it.

So just make this note; the birds are going to get some. That’s part of the life system. And

the birds come in strange and wondrous forms.

For example, John promised you he’d be at a meeting tonight and he’s not there. What’s

happened? The birds, the birds. His brother-in-law said to him, “Vitamins? You’re not going to

sell vitamins.” He says, "Well, no, I guess not." So he doesn’t come. The birds are going to get


Now here’s what’s important, don't chase the birds. Because if you chase the birds, you

leave the field, and now your chances really drop. Don’t leave the field.

Stick to the simple, easy approach. A little wit and an easy approach. That’s really all you need

to do.

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For example, when you are talking about your product, if someone says, "I heard some people

died using that product." All you have to say in reply is, “Not that many.” A little wit is better

than trying to straighten them out.

There's no use giving a logical answer to a silly comment. A little wit’s helpful.

Lady Astor said to Churchill, “Mr. Churchill, if you were my husband, I’d put poison in your

coffee.” Churchill said, “Lady Astor, if I was your husband, I would drink it.”

Find the right people and just be prepared for the birds. There will always be a few.

Now in the story, it says the sower keeps sowing the seed. To his credit, he didn’t chase the

birds. And here’s what that means. If you keep sowing, you can sow more than the birds

can get. There aren’t enough birds.

You have to give yourself great confidence. If you meet a real horrible, nasty, miserable person,

you’ve got a smile on your face.

So in the story, the sower keeps sowing the seed, but this time the seed falls on shallow

ground, rocky ground. And it says now this little plant starts to grow, but the first hot day

it withers and dies.

So you have to remember, the hot weather is going to get some, and there’s nothing you can do

about that. It’s a little painful to watch.

John says I’m going to take it around the world. Somebody says, “Boo,” and he quits. I mean

the first hot day, the first hard day, it's over. You say I thought sure John would last a month.

But he’s gone.

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So the hot weather is going to get some. First little thing; people use it as an excuse not to

work anymore. So that’s going to happen. This is called the law of averages. This is

network marketing as its best.

Now the story continues and the sower keeps sowing the seed. Now it says the seed falls on

thorny ground, and this time the little plant grows again but the thorns choke it to death. Not a

pleasant sight to watch, but that’s part of life as well.

You said to John, “John, we had a meeting last night and you weren’t here.” John says, “Well, I

can’t make every meeting.” I said, “Why not?” He said, “Well, the screen door just came off

the hinges and you can’t let things at home just fall apart.”

You can hear the thorns coming up. He said some extra trash had piled up in the garage.

You can’t let mountains of trash take over your home. You have to keep trash hauled out.

He’s soon going to be gone.

So hot weather’s going to get some and the thorns, or life's challenges, are going to get some.

The thorns are the little distractions, little things that keep people out of the big thing.

And we all have to watch that. We can't let little things dislodge you from a larger purpose for

yourself and your family.

But now it says the sower keeps on sowing the seed. Now it falls on good ground. It always

will fall on good ground. If you keep sharing a good idea often enough--and that’s the

magic of network marketing-- it will fall on good people, good ground.

Now what was interesting about the good ground, was there was a variety of production; you

must expect a variety. It said some of the good ground did 30 percent, some 60 and some 100


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Every person on your team, in your business, has a purpose. Let the 30’s do 30, let the 60’s do

60, and let the 100’s do 100. Don’t try to rearrange life.

The key is to inspire people to do the best at whatever they want to do. All life is a


All personal ambition is different. That’s the difference, and you can’t rearrange that. So you’ve

got to be satisfied with what each person can do. As long as they are doing their best, that's all

that should matter to you.

If somebody wants to remain at a lower level, your job is just to show them how to do that

the best they can. And maybe someday later the light will go on and they’ll start climbing

up the ladder.

But however life is, you know, let it be. Someone said don’t send your ducks to eagle school. It

isn’t helpful.

So in recruiting you will find good people. How do you get some people to do 100 percent?

You’ve got to go through the birds and the hot weather and the thorns and be patient and happy

with those that do 30 and those that do 60 and you will have some to do 100.

That is called the miracle of network marketing, and the reason why it works so well is

because surrounded by a host of testimonials and a variety of teachers to give various

aspects of life to help in the acceleration of personal development. That is the strategy.

Now in recruiting, there are just some very simple things to remember. Number one, a good

invitation. Formulate your story so they want to hear more. It has to interest people, really

inspire them so they will want to join you and create their own story.

So here’s some of the magic of network marketing; the incredible magic of a part-time

income. Here’s what it starts to do: change lifestyle.

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An extra thousand a month starts to change somebody’s lifestyle. And the change of lifestyle is

the greatest recruiting tool.

Taking two vacations in one year instead of one. Buying the second car and the kids have got

extra clothes and you’re going to the shows and going to the performances and all the stuff.

It doesn’t take much to change somebody’s lifestyle. It doesn’t take $5,000 a month.

That's the magic of part-time.

Now here’s the key on recruiting: take care of what you start. The sponsor has the responsibility

to give each new start early food and early defense.

If you start a garden, you’ve got to feed it and you’ve got to defend it, because every garden will

be invaded. So will every new distributor. The minute they leave you, there are all the other

voices, all the voices trying to convince them not to do it.

Some of the things that are in their own head: you’re too short, you’re too tall, you’re too

old, you know, you don’t belong to the right religion, it’s not going to work for you, it’s

never worked for you before, what makes you think it’s going to work now?

We have to help people defend themselves against themselves. You have to coach them so they

do not become a victim of themselves.

One of the greatest roles in helping people in the adventure of network marketing is

showing them how not to be a victim of themselves, let alone the victim of outside influence.

Beware of the thief on the street that’s after your purse, but also beware of the thief in your mind

that’s after your promise.

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The Organization

Now when you have your good people, you have to know how to organize them. You have to

have structure to your business. You have to have this skill - organization.

Once you’ve got a few, getting them to work together now is the big stroke.

It doesn’t take two or three thousand; just two or three to agree on a common purpose. The Old

Testament says one can become so strong they can defeat a thousand. If two get together, they

can defeat ten thousand, giving us the idea that two could multiply the power by ten.

When two or three agree; nothing is impossible.

That’s why, in network marketing, husband and wife teams, they’re making mega-millions now.

Sometimes the wife gets started first, a little part-time business. It goes so well he joins, and

then the two together build these monstrous organizations around the world.

Here’s what’s exciting about two or three: shared testimonials, shared vision, and shared

teaching. What one can’t think of the other one can.

Working together. And here’s what life is all about, figuring out ways to increase your odds. If

you want to live as long as you can, you have to do the things that increase your odds.

You do the things that increases your odds to decrease the negative and increase the positive.

The things that increase your odds?

Some of them are fairly basic and then some of them are refined. And if you do both the

basic and the refined, your odds really begin to grow. You have to be organized to do this.

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Now organizing independent distributors is a challenge. It’s like your own family with different

personalities, different ages and different points of view. It’s tough to run a family, because

they’re all independent and different.

The same is really true in network marketing. They’re not employees so you can’t fire

them. So here’s what we say in network marketing. It’s called leadership by invitation.

Not by intimidation but by invitation. We entice people to work together. We reward those who

do. It’s called leadership by vision.

Promise of the future is an awesome force that you can portray if people will just work together.

Now you can go off like a maverick and work by yourself because network marketing allows

you to do that. But it’s hard to find a rich hermit.

You can’t get rich by yourself. We all need each other. Each of us need all of us. All of us

need each of us.

Now in network marketing especially, the dynamics of working together are so extraordinary

that it’s worth the risk. If the value is high, it’s worth the risk. And then usually, when it has

passed, we say small risk for such a big return.

And partnerships are risky. Everything’s risky. Having a child is risky. It’s a throw of the

genetic dice. You have no idea what’s coming up, right?

But it’s worth the risk because a chance to create a new life, a chance to recruit a new

distributor, a chance to get people to work together, that’s how fortunes are made. People

working together.

Somebody to lead. Somebody to say if we have common interest, let’s go, let’s go. By

ourselves, you know, we can’t do that much. But together, two, three, four people, it’s powerful.

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Now if people are independent, it is challenging. In network marketing, getting people to

work together is like herding cats. Sheep are easy. Very quickly sheep all get going the

same direction.

Cats, on the other hand, if you’ve got nine cats, they’re going nine directions likely. And to get

them to work together, getting your arm around nine, let alone nine hundred or ninety, is a

challenge. But here’s the deal. It pays huge fortunes for those that are interested.

Find somebody to work with, inspire each other. Instead of saying you go do it, you go do it,

here’s what’s powerful. Let’s go do it. Let’s affect the world. Let’s build a team second to


Let’s affect the industry. Let’s directly and indirectly make a major contribution to

millions of people’s lives. Let’s. Not you go do it, let’s go do it. See, that’s so powerful.

Let’s go do it. So if you want to make the big money, organize.

Once you're organized, you can begin to promote your business. But again, like everything else,

it is a skill that you must develop.

The marketing system itself is a promotional system, where you start at the bottom and

start working your way to the top.

The company will take care of the big steps; you take care of the little steps. Rewarding people

for small steps of progress. That’s part of the magic of network marketing. The company will

reward for the bigger steps.

Vacation on the cruise ship and all the stuff. But you’ve got to think of the little promotion, the

little rewards. Just recognition alone is one of the rewards. Giving somebody the gift of


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You can’t believe people will work day and night just for some attention. Our children will do it.

They want your direct attention. Your distributors want the same.

The gift of attention. It’s magic, and especially in network marketing, it will make you a

fortune if you perfect this gift.

Promotions: spring campaign and the summer campaign and the winter campaign. Make

recruiting promotional: this month we’re recruiting school teachers. Anything you can think of;

use your imagination.

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The Communication

One of the most important underlying skills you will absolutely have to possess in order for

everything else to come together, is communication.

Affecting other people with your words. What if someone can’t see how they could possibly

become successful and you come along and give them your testimonial.

When you finish, they say, now I can see. Before you got here I was blind, in the dark.

While you were talking some things dawned on me. The sun started coming up. Your

communication did it. That’s how powerful words are.

Words give light. Words give hope. Words give promise. Learning to communicate is magical.

Communication is so important that it is best to divide it into three parts.

Number one is training. Showing someone how the business works. And sometimes you don’t

have to go into the whole complicated part. Easy training to start.

Training consists of teaching people how to sell. First you teach how to sell and then you

teach how you sell. And you teach how you sell maybe to a more select group who might be

ready for a little advanced technique.

The next part of communication is teaching. Training deals with business skills, teaching deals

with life skills.

Teaching people how life works, because we need both business skills and life skills, and

they both dramatically affect each other. Business skills affect life skills. Life skills affect

business skills.

Teaching people leadership. Teaching people time management.

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Time management is key. Don’t start the day until you have it finished. Don’t start the week

until you have it finished. A month is a little more challenging, but don’t start the month until

it’s finished.

Plenty of room for improvising. Plenty of room for surprises. But have a pretty good idea

of what this month is going to look like in terms of everything--personal, business, family

and home.

Teaching people personal development. It’s not what happens that determines your future

eventually. It’s what you do about what happens. What happens, happens to us all. The

difference is what we do about it.

Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.

This is the kind of teaching people need. Don’t wish for less problems. Wish for more

skills. This is how life works. This is how the business works.

Don’t wish for less challenge. Wish for more wisdom. Destination is not determined by the

wind if you’re in a sailboat. It’s not only determined by the wind. It is determined by the set of

the sail.

So teaching people to set sail no matter how the wind blows. The same wind blows on us all.

The difference in where we arrive is the set of the sail, not the blowing of the wind.

You can do the most remarkable things no matter what happens. That’s also the truth.

Truth is, if you’re broke at 40, something’s wrong. But the truth also is, you can do

remarkable things no matter what happens.

The reason we affirm the truth is because the truth sets you free to do two things. One, correct

old errors in judgment. If you don’t affirm the truth, you won’t correct the errors. So truth helps

you to correct errors.

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Here’s what truth also does. It helps you to set up new, easy disciplines so that the future is

totally different than the past.

The truth is we suffer from our mistakes. The truth is a few easy disciplines can erase them all

and multiple your future by five, by ten. Both truths should guide your life.

The final aspect of communication is learning to inspire. Communicating, training for

business, teaching for life skills, and learning to inspire.

Show people they can become better than they are. Help people to see themselves better than

they are. To help our children, we need to help them see themselves as they are.

But then, if they’ve messed up, we need to say you’ve messed up. But then here’s the key.

Don’t leave them in the mess, but show them the way out.

You have to see for others what they can't see for themselves. That’s what sponsoring in

network marketing is all about; helping to see people better than they are before they see it

for themselves.

Help them to walk the first 100 feet on a foggy night. If you can only see 100 feet, you walk the

first 100 feet and now you can see another 100 feet. If you don’t walk the first 100 feet, the

future is too obscure.

That kind of inspiration. That kind of teaching and training.

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Extra Knowledge

On top of learning sales, recruiting, organization and communication, you also have to learn to

work with the people who deserve it, not the people who need it.

Classic training for network marketing. But now here’s the second part. Show them how

to deserve it. Don’t leave them hanging.

Tell them, if you take these two steps, I’ll do this. If you take two more, then I’ll do this. You

take no steps, I don’t take a step. We don’t get what we need; we get what we deserve. Not

from a moral sense, but from following the basic laws.

It says if you wish to find, you much search. Finding is reserved for the searchers. If you want

doors to open, you must knock. Not wish; you can’t affirm an open door. You knock until the

door opens.

You can affirm that if I knock on enough doors I will find some open doors. That you can

affirm, which is the truth. But you can’t just say the doors are open, and expect the doors

to open.

Don't expect a pear tree to bear apples. You need to be working with the right people.

And you can't do everything. The people you work with have to be self-driven. We say this a

lot in network marketing, you can help 1,000 people, but you can’t carry 3 on your back.

With that said, you must also remember that all prospects are equal. It remains to be seen who

does what.

If a guy says, I’m taking it around the world and you can retire on me. But then, by the

third meeting he’s gone. He doesn’t show up. Then with someone else you say this, this

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person won't not do much. Sure enough, now they’re classic fortune makers. There is no

way of knowing. Time will tell. It remains to be seen.

And then just find it interesting how it works out. Somebody quits early and you say isn’t that

interesting. And then somebody that you didn’t have much hope for and they do extremely well,

you say isn’t that interesting? Let your curiosity just find it amazing how life works.

So what we learn in network marketing, it’s not who you recruit, but how many. Sometimes you

see these ads in there. Looking for heavy hitters. Pass. You don’t need heavy hitters.

Network marketing is a lot of people doing a little not a few people doing a lot. Without a

lot of people doing a little, there’s no hope for the future.

With a lot of people doing a little, comes a profitable future. And profits are better than wages.

Every American and every child should be taught profits are better than wages. Every American

should turn part of their wages into capital.

Now for the definition of capital, because Marx was wrong and Lenin was wrong. The

communist philosophy was wrong. First, the communist philosophy said all the capital

belongs to the state and not the people.

We were taught that’s ridiculous. The capital belongs to the people, not the state. The

communists said no, people are too dumb and stupid. You’ve got to take capital away from all

the dumb, stupid people and give it to the all-wise, all-knowing state. But we know that's not


So what, really, is capital? Capital is any value you set aside to be invested in an enterprise

that brings value to the people hoping to make a profit. That’s about as simple a phrase as

you can use on what capital is and the process called capitalism.

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The capital is the dollar; the process of investing it in an enterprise bringing value to the people

with the hopes of making good profit is called capitalism.

The capital is any value you set aside. So if you set aside a dollar, here’s what that’s called: the

money capital.

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The Irrefutable List

The beauty of network marketing, is that you don't need money to get money. You don't have to

have money to start and you don't need it to be the most successful person.

Once you have the skills it takes to be successful, you next need to know and you need to

focus on a list of items, without which you cannot succeed.

With all your skills, how do you get from in debt to riches? There are much more important

things than money that make you a millionaire.

There are certain key items that play a role in someone becoming a millionaire or not.

They each play a vital role, and without them all working together, you cannot reach the

highest levels of success.

Number one is time, besides the money. Now this is now called capital time. Remember, capital

is any value you set aside with the purpose to be invested in an enterprise bringing value to the

marketplace hoping to make a profit. So you set aside the money.

Now the money, like the dollar, is what we call seed corn that the farmer has to plant in the

spring. The seed corn he wouldn’t eat. The seed corn he would not feed to his family. The seed

corn he wouldn’t be generous with and give it away.

You can’t be generous with your capital. You can only be generous with your profits.

Once you understand that, a lot of things clear up.

Beside whatever small amount of money you set aside to be invested, which is capital money,

you have to set aside time, which is capital time.

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Here’s what time is. Time you don’t waste. Time you don’t give away. Time you don’t use

up. It’s time that’s invested in an enterprise that brings value to the marketplace hoping to

make a profit.

So now you have two things working for you: capital money and capital time. Guess what’s

more valuable? Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you can’t get

more time.

So what else do you need? Next is desperation, which if channeled into a purpose can be

constructive instead of destructive.

Desperation, if you now have some purpose toward which to direct your desperation, can

turn out to be a positive instead of a negative. So here’s what we call it. A positive


They say if you survive your first heart attack, you may now live to be a very old person, if you

survive the first one. And then the doctor says, you know, if you have another one of these, it’s

over. And you say, whoa.

And you make it for the health food store and you start buying the books and jogging and doing

the pushups and taking the stuff so that alert, if it didn’t kill you, became an alert now becomes

positive instead of negative.

So it’s a positive negative; a negative that turned out positive. It is that, "I have to," that is

one of the most powerful forces in the world if it’s channeled in a hopefully positive


But now somewhere along the line, and here’s the mystery and who knows when this happens.

For each of us, it’s at a different time. When desperation turns to determination.

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And the language changes from "I have to," to "I will." Who knows when that happens,

but "I will" is ten times more powerful and less dangerous.

Now the will can be out of control. Power tends to correct. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

But "I will" can be the most extraordinary force in your life if you can finally get from "I have

to," to "I will."

Benjamin Disraeli said that nothing can resist the human will. Determination is more valuable

than money.

If you’ve got enough determination you only need a dollar in some programs, depending on the


Next, you have to invest your energy and vitality. Guess how much we’ve got? A limited


You have to not only understand time management but also, energy management. Don’t let all

your energy flow into little non-essential things and then not have any left for the big occasion.

Energy management as well as time management. You can't keep up the kind of schedule it

takes to get yourself from a dollar to a million without energy and vitality. It is so powerful.

Now here’s the next one. Now we start getting into some heavy stuff here. Next is courage,

because when you first start with the brochure and the story, people say no.

Now you’ve got to have courage to talk to the next person. All the money in the world can’t buy


But if you’ve got it and you reach for it and it’s there, it will serve you well. But your mind goes

into all kinds of spasms when it doesn’t work at first, saying it’s not going to work. It’s not

going to work.

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But that’s part of the game. Could you win if you couldn’t lose, and the answer is no. That

would be silly. You can’t win if you couldn’t lose.

What if you took a football today and walked out to the stadium and walked across the goal line.

Would we cheer and say you made a touchdown? No.

We don’t call it a touchdown until there’s a game to play. And you’ve got to face the 350-

pounders that want to smash your face in the dirt.

Then if you muscle by and dance by, cross the goal line, we cheer and say you made a

touchdown and maybe you won the championship. But without a game and without

opposition, there is no championship. You can’t win if you can’t lose.

So this is where courage comes in, to get past this. But it’s the life scenario. Sadness and joy.

There’s a time to laugh and there’s a time to cry.

Most of the music of the world is written in the minor key. This whole scenario of good and

evil. The clash, and we’re in the middle. It’s called a grand adventure.

And if you treat it that way, I’m telling you it’s the greatest game to play. So now when

someone says no, you need courage to talk to the next person.

Now finally you find someone who says, yes, these products look good. I want these products.

But now you have to say, "I don’t have any." Now what do you need?

Ingenuity. How do you do it without any money? Is it possible? Of course. Because

here’s what you can do engaging in capitalism. You can buy and sell or you can sell and


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So what you have to come up with is a classic line. "Let me give it to you. It’s one of the best.

Let me tell you my story." That’s magic.

And follow with, "I’m going to do really well. So here’s what we must do. If you’ll give me

your money for your products, I will go get the products, bring them back and deliver them to

you. When I do that, I will make a small profit. And if I do that often enough, I’ll have enough

profit to buy these products for myself and my children."

Then ask the classic question: "Wouldn’t you like to be part of my story?" That kind of

ingenuity is irresistible.

Figuring out a way to make it work. That’s what ingenuity is. You figure out a way. You

try the front door. If that isn’t open, you try the back door. If that isn’t open, there’s got

to be a window open.

Plan A, plan B, plan C; if that one doesn’t work, we’ll do this. There is always a way, isn’t

there? Where there’s a will, there’s a way. With ingenuity and an opportunity.

All you need is ingenuity and an opportunity, then you only need a dollar. The rest you can

figure out. Too much money sometimes clouds the issue.

That’s why sometimes it’s best to go broke sometimes and then you can figure out how to

scramble back, not only for your own sake, but also to help others. Ingenuity.

Now let’s go for the rest of it. Now here’s what takes over immediately with your first customer.

Ambition. How long does it take to create an incredible reservoir of ambition?

If you’re desperate and then you’re determined and you’ve taken some of your time and your

energy and your vitality and you’ve sparked up your courage and you’ve figured out something

and it works, immediately a flow of ambition starts to come your way.

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Guess where the ambition comes from? Your own testimonial. If you can do it once, you

can do it again. If you can sell one, you can sell ten.

If you can get 10, you can get 50. If you can get 50, you can be rich. Suddenly ambition starts.

With the least excuse, ambition is ready to work for you. And the least excuse is to make some

progress, whatever progress. By your ingenuity, by whatever. Ambition.

Next is heart and soul. You have to put everything you've got into everything you do. If

you haven’t tried that, you really should try it. Or try it for a year. If it doesn’t work, you

can always go back to the old ways.

Next is personality. Everybody’s got one. It needs to be refined to fit your situation. Whatever

unique personality you need to make it work, work on it.

Maybe you need to smile more in your situation. Maybe you need to give people more of

the gift of attention in your situation. Work on your personality.

Work on language, because sometimes we use inside lingo on the outside world and it doesn’t fit


You’ve got to be careful not to use inside lingo on the outside world. Instead focus on charisma,

becoming an unusual person. We recognize charisma when we see it. John Kennedy. Some

people, they walk in the room and just their presence.

Jesus must have had it. Unusual charisma. Because he didn’t say that much to recruit the first

12. I mean he just wandered around the countryside and every once in a while he would say,

you, follow me.

See, that’s short. That’s short. And I think the reason he got by with such few words was

because of his charisma. One left his tax job. Another one left his fishing nets. They just

followed this charismatic, unique person.

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And if you work on it, you can become an unusual person gifted in sight, gifted in language,

gifted in heart and soul, gifted in getting across the message of your sincerity and your


Next is faith. Here’s the greatest part. Faith in yourself. "I can do this. I can learn it." Those

early steps of faith are so colossal in terms of their effect on your life and your future. But guess

what? Faith is available to everyone.

Here’s another one. Compassion. For whatever business you happen to be involved in,

compassion can really work for you.

Truly trying to understand other people’s challenges and see if you might have an answer. The

key to fortune is given in such a way. The chance to be enlightened in a self-interest way.

Enlightened self-interest. John Kennedy taught the fortune formula. The bible teaches it. Zig

Ziglar says it in a unique phrase. Here it is from the bible, "Service to many leads to greatness."

The question is often asked how we can achieve greatness. Great wealth, great power, great

influence, great recognition?

There are all kinds of greatness, and here is the answer: find a way to serve the many.

And one of the greatest, exciting adventures of network marketing is a way, the ways and

means to serve the many.

You might wish to serve the many and you haven’t got the ways and means. And here comes

along an opportunity that says here’s an opportunity. Maybe this one would help you to serve

the many.

Now you can achieve all kinds of greatness. Trophies to put on the mantle above the fireplace.

Great money, great wealth, great power, great influence.

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pg. 43 © Jerry L. Clark of ClubRhino.com – All Rights Reserved

Now John Kennedy taught it in his inaugural. Don’t ask what the country can do for you, not the

key to greatness. But ask what you could do for your country.

That’s the beginning of what we call grassroots capitalism, what you could do for your

country. Kids can do it. Don’t tell me a child can’t buy a bottle of soap for $2 and sell it

for $3 next door.

Ms. Brown, momma uses this soap. It’s only $3. Ms. Brown says, “I’ll tell you Johnny. I’ve got

plenty of soap.” Johnny says you better let me come in and check. Kids know how to sell,

right? They don’t need classes. They don’t need to go to school. She says okay, here’s my $3.

Now he has to be taught not to spend the whole $3. And the kid says well, that makes sense.

You’d be out of business. That’s right. Some adults don’t know that. What a great way to learn

capitalism at its grassroots, right?

Here’s the final one, trust. Trust the future. Trust the possibilities. The future is going to

be better than the past, because we can use the past to design a better future, that’s why.

The gift of turning nothing into something and pennies into fortunes.

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So here’s the deal with network marketing. You’ve got to write it down. A chance to make an

investment in other people’s lives.

The opportunity, every day, to invest life into life. You take a piece of your life and your

time and invest it in this many lives.

You have the opportunity to invest life into life, and network marketing is the greatest place, the

greatest area to do that. And it’s also fortune making.

Now Zig’s philosophy. Zig says money isn’t everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen,

right? But here’s the one’s Zig’s famous for right around the world.

Zig says, if you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want. And

the best way to achieve that for people with modest education and modest means, is network


Network marketing is the secret and the answer that will take you from here to there and

give you a chance to invest in a lot of people.

You know, the dynamics of network marketing, the increasing discount schedule as it used to be

called back then, starting at the bottom and going to the top, is absolutely the same now as it was

back then, with unique refinements.

But now, in the new millennium, technology is going to multiply it by three, by five, by ten, by a

hundred; who knows where it goes from here.

But it is still the same magic of person to person. That’s always been the magic. And no

matter how advanced everything gets, there will still be that basic fundamental that makes

network marketing magical, because the next person you meet might be a friend for life.

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The next person you meet might be a colleague forever. Next person you meet could make you

rich beyond your wildest imagination.

And it doesn't matter whether you meet on the Internet or you meet in person. Some people

aren’t going to use the Internet, but they still can have the same magical effect on people by

meeting them person to person.

Success is something you attract by the person you become. So you don’t have to work on

the economy. You don’t have to work to get taxes lower. You don’t have to work on your

boss. You don’t have to work on the company.

You only have to work on yourself, to make yourself a more skillful and attractive person, and

then work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

If you work on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can

make a fortune. So success is something you attract.

And so the key question is just be honest with yourself and ask, "Am I continually becoming an

attractive person by manner and speech and language and vision and compassion and willingness

to do my job for my children and for myself?"

That’s a good commitment to make, to become a more attractive, skillful and capable person.

If you become 10 times wiser, 10 times better, 10 times stronger, think of what that will do for

your friendships and for your business. Self-sacrifice doesn’t work. Self-investment works.

And the stronger you become, the more you will need to invest.

Here’s what you have to remember always and repeat to yourself, "I’ll take care of me for

you, if you’ll take care of you for me." This is network marketing.