NetQoPE: A Model-driven Network QoS Provisioning Engine for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems Jaiganesh Balasubramanian , Sumant Tambe , Balakrishnan Dasarathy , Shrirang Gadgil , Frederick Porter , Aniruddha Gokhale , and Douglas C. Schmidt Department of EECS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA Telcordia Technologies, Piscataway, NJ, USA Abstract This paper provides two contributions to the study of quality of service (QoS)-enabled middleware that supports the network QoS requirements of distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems. First, we describe the design and implementation of NetQoPE, which is a model-driven component middleware framework that shields applications from the details of network QoS mechanisms by (1) speci- fying per-flow network QoS requirements, (2) performing resource allocation and validation decisions (such as ad- mission control), and (3) enforcing per-flow network QoS at runtime. Second, we empirically evaluate NetQoPE’s capabilities on a representative DRE system that deploys reusable software code in a range of deployment con- texts. Our results demonstrate that NetQoPE can pro- vide network-level differentiated performance to each of those application flows without modifying their program- ming model or source code, thereby providing greater flex- ibility and extensibility in leveraging network-layer mecha- nisms. 1 Introduction Emerging trends. Distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems, such as as shipboard computing systems, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, and enterprise security and hazard sensing subsystems, con- sist of multiple communication-intensive applications with multiple end-to-end application flows. These systems have network quality of service (QoS) requirements, such as low end-to-end roundtrip latency and jitter, that must be satis- fied under varying levels of network connectivity and band- width availability. Network QoS mechanisms, such as in- tegrated services (IntServ) [12] and differentiated services (DiffServ) [2], help provide diverse network service levels for applications in DRE systems. For example, applications can use advanced network QoS mechanisms (e.g., a DiffServ bandwidth broker [3]) to (1) request a network service level and (2) allocate and man- age network resources for their remote invocations. Appli- cations invoke remote operations by adding a service level- specific identifier (e.g., DiffServ codepoint (DSCP)) to the IP packets. DiffServ-enabled network routers parse the IP packets and provide the appropriate service level-specific packet forwarding behavior. Limitations with current approaches. Although ad- vanced network QoS mechanisms are powerful, it is te- dious and error-prone to develop applications that interact directly with low-level network QoS mechanism APIs writ- ten imperatively in third-generation languages, such as C++ or Java. To overcome this problem, middleware-based so- lutions [22, 18, 16, 4] have been developed that allow ap- plications to specify their coordinates (source and destina- tion IP and port addresses) and per-flow network QoS re- quirements via higher-level frameworks. The middleware frameworks—rather than the applications—are responsible for converting the higher-level QoS specifications into the lower-level network QoS mechanism APIs. Although middleware frameworks alleviate many acci- dental complexities of low-level network QoS mechanism APIs, they can still be hard to evolve and extend. In par- ticular, application source code changes may be needed whenever changes occur to the deployment contexts (source and destination nodes of the applications), per-flow re- quirements, IP packet identifiers, or the middleware APIs. What is needed, therefore, are middleware-guided network QoS provisioning solutions that (1) are not tied to a par- ticular network QoS mechanism and (2) do not modify application source code to specify and enforce network QoS requirements. These solutions should ideally oper- ate on well-defined system abstractions (e.g., per-flow re- quirements and source/destination nodes) that are provided without programmatically modifying the application source code, thereby facilitating application reuse across a wide range of deployment and network QoS contexts. Solution approach A model-driven component middleware network QoS provisioning framework that uses declarative domain-specific techniques [1] to raise the level of abstraction of DRE system design higher than us- ing imperative third-generation programming languages. A model-driven framework allows system engineers and soft- ware developers to perform deployment-time analysis (such as schedulability analysis [10]) of non-functional system properties (such as network QoS assurances for end-to-end application flows) and helps provide deployment-time as- surance that application QoS requirements will be satisfied.

NetQoPE: A Model-driven Network QoS Provisioning Engine for

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Page 1: NetQoPE: A Model-driven Network QoS Provisioning Engine for

NetQoPE: A Model-driven Network QoS Provisioning Enginefor Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems

Jaiganesh Balasubramanian†, Sumant Tambe†, Balakrishnan Dasarathy‡,Shrirang Gadgil‡, Frederick Porter‡, Aniruddha Gokhale†, and Douglas C. Schmidt†

†Department of EECS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,USA‡Telcordia Technologies, Piscataway, NJ, USA


This paper provides two contributions to the study ofquality of service (QoS)-enabled middleware that supportsthe network QoS requirements of distributed real-time andembedded (DRE) systems. First, we describe the designand implementation of NetQoPE, which is a model-drivencomponent middleware framework that shields applicationsfrom the details of network QoS mechanisms by (1) speci-fying per-flow network QoS requirements, (2) performingresource allocation and validation decisions (such as ad-mission control), and (3) enforcing per-flow network QoSat runtime. Second, we empirically evaluate NetQoPE’scapabilities on a representative DRE system that deploysreusable software code in a range of deployment con-texts. Our results demonstrate that NetQoPE can pro-vide network-level differentiated performance to each ofthose application flows without modifying their program-ming model or source code, thereby providing greater flex-ibility and extensibility in leveraging network-layer mecha-nisms.

1 Introduction

Emerging trends. Distributed real-time and embedded(DRE) systems, such as as shipboard computing systems,supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems,and enterprise security and hazard sensing subsystems, con-sist of multiple communication-intensive applications withmultiple end-to-end application flows. These systems havenetwork quality of service (QoS) requirements, such as lowend-to-end roundtrip latency and jitter, that must be satis-fied under varying levels of network connectivity and band-width availability. Network QoS mechanisms, such as in-tegrated services (IntServ) [12] and differentiated services(DiffServ) [2], help provide diverse network service levelsfor applications in DRE systems.

For example, applications can use advanced networkQoS mechanisms (e.g., a DiffServ bandwidth broker [3]) to(1) request a network service level and (2) allocate and man-age network resources for their remote invocations. Appli-cations invoke remote operations by adding a service level-specific identifier (e.g., DiffServ codepoint (DSCP)) to theIP packets. DiffServ-enabled network routers parse the IP

packets and provide the appropriate service level-specificpacket forwarding behavior.

Limitations with current approaches. Although ad-vanced network QoS mechanisms are powerful, it is te-dious and error-prone to develop applications that interactdirectly with low-level network QoS mechanism APIs writ-ten imperatively in third-generation languages, such as C++or Java. To overcome this problem, middleware-based so-lutions [22, 18, 16, 4] have been developed that allow ap-plications to specify their coordinates (source and destina-tion IP and port addresses) and per-flow network QoS re-quirements via higher-level frameworks. The middlewareframeworks—rather than the applications—are responsiblefor converting the higher-level QoS specifications into thelower-level network QoS mechanism APIs.

Although middleware frameworks alleviate many acci-dental complexities of low-level network QoS mechanismAPIs, they can still be hard to evolve and extend. In par-ticular, application source code changes may be neededwhenever changes occur to the deployment contexts (sourceand destination nodes of the applications), per-flow re-quirements, IP packet identifiers, or the middleware APIs.What is needed, therefore, are middleware-guided networkQoS provisioning solutions that (1) are not tied to a par-ticular network QoS mechanism and (2) do not modifyapplication source code to specify and enforce networkQoS requirements. These solutions should ideally oper-ate on well-defined system abstractions (e.g., per-flow re-quirements and source/destination nodes) that are providedwithout programmatically modifying the application sourcecode, thereby facilitating application reuse across a widerange of deployment and network QoS contexts.

Solution approach → A model-driven componentmiddleware network QoS provisioning framework thatuses declarative domain-specific techniques [1] to raise thelevel of abstraction of DRE system design higher than us-ing imperative third-generation programming languages. Amodel-driven framework allows system engineers and soft-ware developers to perform deployment-time analysis (suchas schedulability analysis [10]) of non-functional systemproperties (such as network QoS assurances for end-to-endapplication flows) and helps provide deployment-time as-surance that application QoS requirements will be satisfied.

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This paper describes theNetwork QoS Provisioning Engine(NetQoPE), which is a model-driven component middle-ware framework that deploys and configures applications inDRE systems and enforces their network QoS requirementsusing the four-stage design-, pre-deployment-, deployment-and runtime approach shown in Figure 1. The innovative

Figure 1: NetQoPE’s Four-stage Architecture

elements of NetQoPE’s four-stage architecture include thefollowing:

• The Network QoS Specification Language(NetQoS), which is a domain-specific modeling lan-guage (DSML) that supports design-time specification ofper-flow network QoS requirements, such as bandwidthand delay across a flow. By allowing application devel-opers to focus on functionality—rather than the differentdeployment contexts (e.g., different bandwidth and delayrequirements) where they will be used—NetQoS simplifiesthe deployment of applications in contexts that require dif-ferent network QoS requirements,e.g., different bandwidthrequirements.

• TheNetwork Resource Allocation Framework(Ne-tRAF), which is a middleware-based resource allocatorframework that uses the network QoS requirements cap-tured byNetQoSas input at pre-deployment time to helpguide QoS provisioning requests on the underlying net-work QoS mechanism at deployment time. By providingapplication-transparent, per-flow resource allocation capa-bilities at pre-deployment-time,NetRAFminimizes runtimeoverhead and simplifies validation decisions, such as admis-sion control.

• The Network QoS Configurator (NetCON), whichis a middleware-based network QoS configurator that pro-vides deployment-time configuration of component middle-ware containers, which at runtime add flow-specific identi-fiers (e.g., DSCPs) to IP packets when applications invokeremote operations. By providing container-mediated andapplication-transparent capabilities to enforce runtimenet-work QoS, NetCON allows DRE systems to leverage theQoS services of configured routers without modifying ap-plication source code. As shown in the Figure 1, the outputof each stage in NetQoPE serves as input for the next stage,

which helps automate the deployment and configuration ofDRE applications with network QoS support.

Paper organization. The remainder of the paper is or-ganized as follows: Section 2 describes a case study to mo-tivate common requirements associated with provisioningnetwork QoS for DRE systems; Section 3 explains howNetQoPE addresses those requirements via a model-drivencomponent middleware framework; Section 4 empiricallyevaluates the capabilities provided by NetQoPE; Section 5compares our work on NetQoPE with related research; andSection 6 presents concluding remarks and lessons learned.

2 Motivating NetQoPE’s Network QoS Pro-visioning Capabilities

Figure 2 shows a representative DRE system in an of-fice enterprise security and hazard sensing environment,which we use as a case study to demonstrate and evaluateNetQoPE’s model-driven, middleware-guided network QoSprovisioning capabilities. Enterprises often transport net-

Figure 2: Network Configuration in an Enterprise Securityand Hazard Sensing Environment

work traffic using an IP network over high-speed Ethernet.Network traffic in an enterprise can be grouped into sev-eral classes, including (1) e-mail, videoconferencing, andnormal business traffic, and (2) sensory and imagery traf-fic of the safety/security hardware (such as fire/smoke sen-sors) installed on office premises. Our case study makesthe common assumption that safety/security traffic is morecritical than other traffic, and thus focuses on model-driven,middleware-guided mechanisms to assure the specified QoSfor this type of traffic in the presence of other traffic thatshares the same network.

As shown in Figure 2, our case study uses softwarecontrollers to manage hardware devices, such as sensorsand monitors. Each sensor/camera software controller fil-ters the sensory/imagery information and relays them tothe monitor software controllers that display the informa-tion. These software controllers were developed using


Page 3: NetQoPE: A Model-driven Network QoS Provisioning Engine for

Lightweight CCM (LwCCM) [14] and the traffic betweenthese software controllers uses a bandwidth broker [3]to manage network resources via DiffServ network QoSmechanisms. Although this case study focuses on DiffServand LwCCM, NetQoPE is designed for use with other net-work QoS mechanisms (e.g., IntServ) and component mid-dleware technologies (e.g., J2EE).

Component-based applications in our case study obtainthe services of the bandwidth broker via the followingmiddleware-guided steps: (1) network QoS requirementsare specified on each application flow, along with informa-tion on the source and destination IP and port addresses,(2) the bandwidth broker is invoked to reserve network re-sources along the network paths for each application flow,configure the corresponding network routers, and obtainper-flow DSCP values to help enforce network QoS, and(3) remote invocations are made with appropriate DSCPvalues added to the IP packets so that configured routerscan provide per-flow differentiated performance. Section 3describes the challenges we encountered when implement-ing these steps in the context of our case study and showshow NetQoPE’s four-stage architecture shown in Figure 1resolves these challenges.

3 NetQoPE’s Multistage Network QoS Provi-sioning Architecture

As discussed in Section 1, conventional techniques forproviding network QoS to applications incur several keylimitations, including modifying application source codeto(1) specify deployment context-specific network QoS re-quirements, and (2) integrate functionality from networkQoS mechanisms at runtime. This section describes howNetQoPE addresses these limitations via its model-driven,middleware-guided network QoS provisioning architecture.

3.1 Challenge 1: Alleviating Complexities in QoS Re-quirements Specification

Context. For each application flow, DRE systems mustspecify a required level of service (e.g., high priority vs. lowpriority), the source and destination IP and port addresses,and bandwidth and delay requirements, so that network re-sources are allocated and configured to provide the requiredQoS.Problem. Network QoS requirements (such as the band-width and delay requirements mentioned above) can changedepending on a deployed context. For example, in our casestudy from Section 2, multiple fire sensors are deployed atdifferent importance levels and each sensor sends its sen-sory information to its corresponding monitors. A fire sen-sor deployed in the parking lot has a lower importance thanthose in the server room. The sensor-monitor flows thushave different network QoS requirements, even though thereusable software controllers managing the fire sensor and

the monitor have the same functionality.The use of conventional techniques, such as hard-coded

API approaches [4], requires application source code mod-ifications for each context. Writing this code manually tospecify network QoS requirements is tedious, error-prone,and non-scalable. In particular, it is hard to envision at de-velopment time all the contexts in which the source codewill be deployed.

Sidebar 1: Overview of LightweightCORBA Component Model (LwCCM)

Application functionality in LwCCM is provided throughcomponentswhich collaborate with other components viaports to create componentassemblies. Assemblies inLwCCM are described using XML descriptors (mainly thedeployment plandescriptor) defined by the OMG D&C [15]specification. Thedeployment planincludes details aboutthe components, their implementations, and their connec-tions with other components. Thedeployment planalsohas a placeholderconfigPropertythat is associated with ele-ments (e.g., components, connections) to specify their prop-erties (e.g., priorities) and resource requirements. Compo-nents are hosted incontainers, which provide the appropri-ate runtime operating environment (e.g., transactions sup-port) for components to invoke remote operations.

Solution approach→ Model-driven visual network re-quirements specification. NetQoPE provides a DSMLcalled theNetwork QoS Specification Language(NetQoS).Using NetQoS, DRE system developers (1) model com-ponent assemblies, (2) assign target node assignments forcomponents, and (3) declaratively specify the following de-ployment context-specific network QoS requirements on themodeled application flows: (a) network QoS classes, suchasHIGH PRIORITY (HP), HIGH RELIABILITY (HR), MUL -TIMEDIA (MM ), andBEST EFFORT(BE), (b) bi-directionalbandwidth and delay requirements, and (c) selection oftransport protocol.

In the context of our case study, NetQoS’s network QoSclasses correspond to the DiffServ levels of service providedby our Bandwidth Broker [3].1 For example, theHP classrepresents the highest importance and lowest latency traf-fic (e.g., fire sensing reporting in the server room). TheHR

class represents traffic with low drop rate (e.g., surveillancedata). NetQoS also supports theMM class for sending mul-timedia data and theBE class for sending traffic with noQoS requirements.

After a model has been created, NetQoS’s model in-terpreter traverses the modeled application structure andgenerates adeployment plan(described in Sidebar 1).

1NetQoS’s DSML capabilities can be extended to provide requirementsspecification conforming to a different network QoS mechanism, such asIntServ.


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Figure 3: NetQoS Capabilities

NetQoS’s model interpreter also traverses each modeled ap-plication flow and augments thedeployment plan config-Propertytags (also described in Sidebar 1) to express net-work QoS requirement annotations on the component con-nections. Section 3.2 describes how network resources areallocated based on requirements specified in the deploymentplan descriptor.

Our case study has certain application flows (e.g., amonitor requesting location coordinates from a fire sensor)where the client (monitor) controls the network prioritiesatwhich the requests and replies are sent. This capability en-ables real-time actions irrespective of network congestion.There are other examples (e.g., a temperature sensor sendstemperature sensory information to the monitors) where theserver controls the network priorities at which the requestsand replies are sent. This capability prevents misuse of Diff-Serv priority classes by clients, thereby avoiding unneces-sary network congestion.

To support these two models, NetQoS can assignthe following priority attributes to connections: (1)CLIENT_PROPAGATEDnetwork priority model, that allowsthe clients to dictate the bi-directional priorities, and (2)SERVER_DECLARED network priority model, that allowsthe server to dictate the bi-directional priorities. NetQoS’smodel interpreter updates the deployment plan with thesepriority models for each of the flows, and Section 3.3 ex-plains how NetQoPE’s runtime mechanisms honor thesepriority models when applications invoke remote opera-tions.Application to the case study. Figure 3 shows a NetQoSmodel highlighting many of its key capabilities. Multipleinstances of the same reusable application components (e.g.,FireSensorParking and FireSensorServer components) canbe annotated with different QoS attributes using an intuitivedrag and drop technique. This method of specifying QoSrequirements is thus much simpler than modifying appli-cation code for each deployment context, as demonstratedin Section 4.2.1. Moreover, the same QoS attribute (e.g.,

HR_1000 in Figure 3) can potentially be reused across mul-tiple connections. NetQoS thus increases the scalability ofexpressing requirements for large numbers of connectionsthat are prevalent in large-scale DRE systems, such as ourcase study.

3.2 Challenge 2: Alleviating Complexities in NetworkResource Allocation and Configuration

Context. DRE systems must allocate and configure net-work resources based on the QoS requirements specified ontheir application flows so that network QoS assurances canbe provided at runtime.Problem. In our case study, the temperature sensory infor-mation from the server room is more important than the in-formation from a conference room. It is not desirable, how-ever, to modify the temperature sensor software controllercode to directly interact with a middleware API or net-work QoS mechanism API since certain deployment con-texts (such as the deployment in a conference room) mightnot require network QoS assurances. Moreover, if applica-tion source code is modified to provide resource allocations,decisions on whether to allocate resources or not cannot bedetermined until the applications are deployed and opera-tional. This approach forces DRE system deployers to stopapplication components and deploy them on different nodesif required resources cannot be allocated across the sourceand destination nodes.

Figure 4: NetRAF’s Network Resource Allocation Capabil-ities

Solution approach→ Middleware-based Resource Allo-cator Framework. NetQoPE’sNetwork Resource Alloca-tor Framework(NetRAF) is a resource allocator engine thatcan provide network resource allocations for DRE systemsusing a variety of network QoS mechanisms, such as Diff-Serv and IntServ. As shown in Figure 4, the NetQoS DSMLdescribed in Section 3.1 captures the modeled per-flow net-work QoS requirements in the form of adeployment planthat is input to NetRAF.

The modeled deployment context could have many in-stances of the same reusable source code, such as the tem-


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perature sensor software controller is instantiated two times,one for the server room, and one for the conference room.When using NetQoS, however, application developers onlyannotate the connection between the instance at the serverroom and the monitor software controller. Since NetRAFoperates on thedeployment planthat captures this modelingeffort, network QoS mechanisms are used only for the con-nection on which QoS attributes are added. NetRAF thusimproves conventional approaches [18] that modify appli-cation source code to work with network QoS mechanisms,which can become complex when source code is reused ina wide range of deployment contexts.

NetRAF’sNetwork Resource Allocator Manageracceptsapplication QoS requests at pre-deployment-time and de-termines the network QoS mechanism (e.g., DiffServ orIntServ) to use to serve the requests. As shown in Fig-ure 4, NetRAF’s Network Resource Allocator Managerworks with QoS mechanism-specific allocators (e.g., Diff-Serv Allocator), which shields it from interacting directlywith the complex network QoS mechanism (e.g., DiffServBandwidth Broker) APIs, thereby enhancing NetQoPE’sflexibility and extensibility.

Multiple allocators (e.g., IntServ Allocator and DiffServAllocator) can be used by NetRAF’s Network ResourceAllocator Manager to serve the needs of small-scale de-ployments (where IntServ and DiffServ are both suitable)and large-scale deployments (where DiffServ often pro-vides better scalability). For example, the shaded cloudconnected to the Network Resource Allocator Manager inFigure 4 shows how NetRAF can be extended to work withother network QoS mechanisms, such as IntServ.Application to the case study. Since our case study isbased on DiffServ, NetRAF uses theDiffServ Allocatortoallocate network resources. This allocator invokes the ad-mission control capabilities of the Bandwidth Broker [3]by feeding it one application flow at a time. If all flowscannotbe admitted, NetRAF allows developers an optionto change the deployment context since applications havenot yet been deployed. Example changes include changingcomponent implementations to consume fewer resources orchange the source and destination nodes. As demonstratedin Section 4.2.3, this capability helps NetRAF incur loweroverhead than conventional approaches [22, 18] that per-form validation decisions when applications are deployedand operated at runtime.

NetRAF’s DiffServ Allocator instructs the BandwidthBroker to reserve bi-directional resources in the speci-fied classes. The Bandwidth Broker determines the bi-directional DSCPs and NetRAF encodes those values asconnection attributes in the deployment plan. In addition,the Bandwidth Broker uses itsFlow Provisioner[3] to con-figure the routers to provide appropriate per-hop behaviorwhen they receive IP packets with the specified DSCP val-

ues. Section 3.3 describes how component containers areauto-configured to add these DSCPs when applications in-voke remote operations.

3.3 Challenge 3: Alleviating Complexities in NetworkQoS Settings Configuration

Context. After network resources are allocated and net-work routers are configured, applications in DRE systemsneed to invoke remote operations using the chosen networkQoS settings (e.g., DSCP markings) so that the networklayer can differentiate application traffic and provision ap-propriate QoS to each of the flow.Problem. Application developers have historically writtencode that instructs the middleware to provide the appro-priate runtime services,e.g., DSCP markings in IP pack-ets [16]. For example, fire sensors in our case study fromSection 2 can be deployed in different QoS contexts thatare managed by reusable software controllers. Modifyingapplication code to instruct the middleware to add networkQoS settings is tedious, error-prone, and non-scalable be-cause (1) the same application code could be used in differ-ent contexts requiring different network QoS settings and(2) application developers might not (and ideally shouldnot) know the different QoS contexts in which the applica-tions are used during the development process. Application-transparent mechanisms are therefore needed to configurethe middleware to add these network QoS settings depend-ing on the deployment context in which applications areused.

Figure 5: NetCON’s Container Auto-configurations

Solution approach → Deployment and runtime com-ponent middleware mechanisms. Sidebar 1 describeshow LwCCM containers provide a runtime environment forcomponents. NetQoPE’sNetwork QoS Configurator(Net-CON) provides capabilities to auto-configure these contain-ers to add DSCPs to IP packets when applications invoke re-mote operations. As shown in Figure 5, NetRAF performsnetwork resource allocations, determines the bi-directionalDSCP values to be used for each application flow, and en-codes those DSCP values in the deployment plan.

During deployment, NetCON parses the deploymentplan and its connection tags to determine (1) source and des-tination components, (2) the network priority model to be


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used for their communication, (3) the bi-directional DSCPvalues, and (4) the target nodes on which the componentsare deployed. NetCON deploys the components on theirrespective containers, and creates the associated object ref-erences that can be used by clients in a remote invocation.When a component invokes a remote operation in LwCCMits container’s context information provides it the objectreference of the destination component. Other componentmiddleware provide similar capabilities via containers,e.g.,EJB applications interact with containers to obtain the rightruntime operating environment.

The NetCON container programming model can trans-parently add DSCPs and enforce the network prior-ity models described in Section 3.1. To supportSERVER_DECLARED network priority model, NetCON en-codes aSERVER_DECLARED policy, and the associated re-quest and reply DSCPs on the object reference of the server.When a client invokes a remote operation with this objectreference, the client-side middleware checks the policy onthe object reference, decodes the request DSCP and sendsit on the request IP packets. In the server-side middleware,before sending the reply, the policy is checked again, andthe reply DSCP is added on the IP packets.

To support CLIENT_PROPAGATED network prioritymodel, NetCON configures the containers to apply aCLIENT_PROPAGATED policy at the point of binding anobject reference with the client. In contrast to theSERVER_DECLARED policy, the CLIENT_PROPAGATED

policy can be changed at runtime and different clients canaccess the servers with different network priorities. Whenthe source component invokes a remote operation using thepolicy-applied object reference, NetCON adds the associ-ated forward and reverse DSCP markings on the IP packets,thereby providing network QoS to the application flow. Acontainer can therefore transparently add both forward andreverse DSCP values when components invoke remote op-erations using the container services.Application to the case study.NetCON allows DRE sys-tem developers to focus on their application business logic,rather than wrestling with low-level mechanisms for provi-sioning network QoS. Moreover, NetCON provides thesecapabilities without having the applications to modify theirapplication code, which simplifies development without in-curring runtime overhead, as described in Section 4.2.2.

4 Evaluating NetQoPE

This section empirically evaluates the flexibility andoverhead of using NetQoPE to provide network QoS assur-ance to end-to-end application flows. We first validate thatNetQoPE’s automated model-driven approach can providedifferentiated network performance for a variety of appli-cations in DRE systems, such as our case study. We thendemonstrate that NetQoPE’s network QoS provisioning ca-

pabilities significantly reduce application development ef-fort incurred by conventional approaches.

4.1 Hardware/Software Testbed and Experiment Con-figurations

The empirical evaluation of NetQoPE was conductedat ISISlab (www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/ISISlab), whichconsists of (1) 56 dual-CPU blades running 2.8 Gz XEONswith 1 GB memory, 40 GB disks, and 4 NICs per blade, and(2) 6 Cisco 3750G switches with 24 10/100/1000 MPS portsper switch. As shown in Figure 6, our experiments wereconducted on 16 of dual CPU blades in ISISlab, where 8blades hosted linux router software. The remaining 8 blades

Figure 6: Experimental Setuphosted software controllers (e.g., a fire sensor controller)developed using the CIAO middleware, which is an open-source LwCCM implementation developed on top of TAOreal-time CORBA Object Request Broker (ORB). Our eval-uations used DiffServ QoS and the associated BandwidthBroker [3] software was hosted on bladeC. All blades ranFedora Core 4 Linux distribution configured using the real-time scheduling class. The blades were connected over a 1Gbps LAN via virtual 100 Mbps links.

In our evaluation scenario, a number of sensory and im-agery software controllers sent their monitored informationto monitor controllers so that appropriate control actionscould be performed by enterprise supervisors monitoringabnormal events. For example, Figure 6 shows severalfiresensor controllercomponents deployed on blades A andB. These components sent their monitored information tomonitor controllercomponents deployed on blades D andF. communication between these software controllers usedone of the traffic classes defined in Section 3.1 with thefollowing capacities on all links:HP = 20 Mbps,HR = 30Mbps, andMM = 30 Mbps. TheBE class used the remainingavailable bandwidth in the network.

To emulate the network traffic behavior of the softwarecontrollers developed using NetQoPE, we developed theTestNetQoPE performance test. This test creates a sessionfor component-to-component communication with config-urable bandwidth consumption. High resolution timer


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probes we used to measure roundtrip latency accurately foreach invocation made by a client.

4.2 Experimental Results and Analysis

Below we describe the experiments performed using theISISlab configuration described in Section 4.1 and analyzethe results.

4.2.1 Evaluating NetQoPE’s QoS Customization Ca-pabilities

Rationale.NetQoPE’s model-driven approach provides theflexibility of developing application source code once andreusing it multiple times in different deployment contexts. Itcan also address the QoS needs of a wide variety of applica-tions by supporting multiple DiffServ classes and networkpriority models. This experiment empirically evaluates thebenefits of these capabilities.Methodology. We identified four flows from Figure 6 andmodeled them using NetQoS as follows: (1) a fire sen-sor controller component on blade A uses the high reli-ability (HR) class and sends potential fire alarms in theparking lot to monitor controller component on blade D,(2) a fire sensor controller component on blade B usesthe high priority (HP) class and sends potential fire alarmsin the server room to monitor controller component onblade F, (3) a camera controller component on blade Euses the multimedia (MM ) class and sends imagery infor-mation of the break room to the monitor controller com-ponent on blade G, and (4) a temperature sensor controllercomponent on blade A uses the best effort (BE) class andsends temperature readings to the monitor controller com-ponent on blade F.CLIENT_PROPAGATEDnetwork policywas used for all flows,exceptfor the the temperature sen-sor and monitor controller component flow, which used theSERVER_DECLARED network policy.

We performed two variants of this experiment. The firstvariant used TCP as the transport protocol and 20 Mbps offorward and reverse bandwidth was requested for each typeof QoS traffic. For each application flow,TestNetQoPE wasconfigured to generate a load of 20 Mbps and the averageroundtrip latency over 200,000 iterations was calculated.The second variant used UDP as the transport protocol andTestNetQoPE was configured to makeonewayinvocationswith a payload of 500 bytes for 100,000 iterations. We usedhigh-resolution timer probes to measure the network delayfor each invocation on the receiver side of the communica-tion.

At the end of the second experiment, at most 100,000network delay values (in milliseconds) were recorded foreach network QoS class, if there were no invocation losses.Those values were then arranged in increasing order, andevery value was subtracted from the minimum value in thewhole sample,i.e., they were normalized with respect to therespective class minimum latency. The samples were di-

vided into fourteen buckets based on their resultant values.For example, the 1 millisecond bucket contained only sam-ples that are less than or equal to 1 millisecond in their resul-tant value, the 2 millisecond bucket contained only sampleswhose resultant values were less than or equal to 2 millisec-ond but greater than 1 millisecond, etc.

In both the experiments, to evaluate application perfor-mance in the presence of background network loads, sev-eral other applications were run, as described in Table 1(where TS stands for “temperature sensor controller,” MSstands for “monitor controller”, FS stands for “fire sensorcontroller,” and CS stands for “camera controller”). Ne-tRAF allocated the network resources for each flow anddetermined the DSCP values to use. After deploying theapplications, NetCON configured the containers to use theappropriate network priority models to add DSCP values toIP packets when applications invoke remote operations.

Background Traffic in MbpsTraffic TypeBE HP HR MM

BE (TS - MS) 85 to 100HP (FS - MS) 30 to 40 28 to 33 28 to 33HR (FS - MS) 30 to 40 12 to 20 14 to 15 30 to 31MM (CS - MS) 30 to 40 12 to 20 14 to 15 30 to 31

Table 1: Application Background Traffic

Analysis of results. Figure 7a shows the results of experi-ments when the deployed applications were configured withdifferent network QoS classes and were sending TCP traffic.This figure shows that irrespective of the heavy backgroundtraffic, the average latency experienced by the fire sensorcontroller component using theHP network QoS class islower than the average latency experienced by all othercomponents. In contrast, the traffic from theBE class doesnot get differentiated from the competing background traf-fic and incurs a high latency (i.e., throughput is very low).Moreover, the latency increases while using theHR andMM

classes when compared to theHP class.Figure 7b shows the (1) cardinality of the network de-

lay groupings for different network QoS classes under dif-ferent millisecond buckets and (2) losses incurred by eachnetwork QoS class. These results show that the jitter valuesexperienced by the application using theBE class are spreadacross all the buckets (i.e., are highly unpredictable). Whencombined with packet or invocation losses, this property isundesirable in DRE systems. In contrast, predictability andloss-ratio improves when using theHP class as evidenced bythe spread of network delays across just two buckets. Theapplication’s jitter is almost constant and is not affectedbyheavy background traffic.

The results in Figure 7b also show that application usingthe MM class experiences predictable latency than applica-tions usingBE and HR class. Approximately 94% of theMM class invocations had their normalized delays within 1


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Network QoS classes

88,939 97,300



(a) Average Latency under Different Network QoS Classes (b) Jitter Distribution under Different Network QoS Classes

Figure 7: Performance of NetQoPE

millisecond. This result occurs because the queue size atthe routers is smaller for theMM class than the queue sizefor theHR class, so UDP packets sent by the invocations donot experience as much queuing delay in the core routers aspackets belonging to theHR class. TheHR class providesbetter loss-ratio, however.

These results demonstrate that NetQoPE’s automatedmodel-driven mechanisms (1) support the needs of a widevariety of applications by simplifying the modeling of QoSrequirements via various DiffServ network QoS classesand (2) provide those modeled applications with differen-tiated network performance validating the automated net-work resource allocation and configuration process. By us-ing NetQoPE, applications can leverage the functionalitiesof network QoS mechanisms with minimal effort (as de-scribed in Section 4.2.3).

The results also demonstrated the following QoS cus-tomization possibilities for a set of application communica-tions (e.g., fire sensor and monitor controller component):(1) different network QoS performance, e.g.,HP communi-cation between blades A and D, andHR communication be-tween blades B and F, (2)different transport protocols forcommunication, e.g., TCP and UDP, and (3)different net-work access models, e.g., monitor controller componentswere accessed using theCLIENT_PROPAGATED networkpriority model and theSERVER_DECLARED network pri-ority model.

Taken together, these results demonstrate thatNetQoPE’s “write once, deploy multiple times fordifferent QoS” capabilities increase deployment flexibilityand extensibility for environments where many reusablesoftware components are deployed. To provide this flexibil-ity, NetQoS generates XML-based deployment descriptorsthat capture context-specific QoS requirements of appli-cations. For our experiment, communication between firesensor and monitor controllers was deployed in multipledeployment contexts,i.e., HR and HP QoS requirements.In DRE systems like our case study, however, the samecommunication patterns between components could occurin many deployment contexts.

For example, the same communication patterns could

use any of the four network QoS classes (HP, HR, MM , andBE). The communication patterns that use the same net-work QoS class (e.g., HP) could make different forward andreverse bandwidth reservations (e.g., 4, 8, 10 Mbps). Insuch scenarios, as shown in Table 2, NetQoS auto generates∼1,300 lines of XML code, which would otherwise need tobe handcrafted by application developers.

Deployment contextsNumber of communications2 5 10 20

1 23 50 95 1855 47 110 215 42510 77 185 365 72520 137 335 665 1325

Table 2: Generated Lines of XML Code

4.2.2 Evaluating the Overhead of NetQoPE for Nor-mal Operations

Rationale.NetQoPE provides network QoS to applicationsby using the four-stage architecture shown in Figure 1. Thisexperiment evaluates the overhead of using NetQoPE to en-force network QoS.Methodology. As described in Section 3.1, DRE systemdevelopers can use NetQoPE at design time to specify net-work QoS requirements on the application flows. Based onthe specified network QoS requirements, NetRAF interactswith the Bandwidth Broker at pre-deployment time to al-locate per-flow network resources. By providing design-and pre-deployment-timecapabilities, NetQoS and NetRAFthus incur no runtime overhead. In contrast, NetCON pro-vides deployment-time configuration of component middle-ware containers by adding DSCP markings to IP packetswhen applications invoke remote operations, as described inSection 3.3. There is thus the potential for runtime overheadwhen containers apply one of the network policy models toprovide the the source application with an object referenceto the destination application.

To measure the runtime overhead incurred by Net-CON, we ran an experiment to determine the runtime over-head of the container when it performs extra work to ap-


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ply the policies to add DSCPs to IP packets. This ex-periment had the following variants: (1) the client con-tainer not configured by NetCON (no network QoS re-quired), (2) the client container configured by NetCON toapply theCLIENT_PROPAGATED network policy, and (3)the client container configured by NetCON to apply theSERVER_DECLARED network policy. All experiment vari-ants had no background network load.

In our experiment, the network priority models wereconfigured with DSCP values of 0 for both the forward andreverse direction flows, as there was no network congestionand QoS support was not needed.TestNetQoPE was con-figured to make 200,000 invocations that generated a loadof 6 Mbps, and average roundtrip latency was calculated foreach experiment variant. The routers were not configuredto perform DiffServ processing (provide routing behaviorbased on the DSCP markings), and hence no edge routerprocessing overhead was incurred. We configured the ex-periment to pinpoint only the overhead of the container andnot of any other entity in the path of the remote communi-cation invoked by the clients.

99 percentMeanMax












Figure 8: Overhead of NetQoPE’s Policy Framework

Analysis of results. Figure 8 (CP refersto CLIENT_PROPAGATED and SD refers toSERVER_DECLARED network priority models) showsthe different average roundtrip latencies experienced byclients in the three different variants of the experiment. Tohonor the network policy models, the NetQoPE middle-ware added the request and reply DSCPs to the IP packets.The latency results shown in Figure 8 are all similar,which shows that NetCON is efficient and adds negligibleoverhead to applications.

Since Network QoS was not needed for this experimentthe network resources were not allocated and a DSCP valueof 0 was used. If a different variant of the experiment isrun with background network loads—and network QoS isrequired for some of the application flows—network re-sources will be allocated and the appropriate DSCP valueswill be used in those application flows. The middlewareoverhead will remain the same, however, since the samemiddleware infrastructure is used, only with different DSCPvalues. This result thus shows that NetCON incurs minimalruntime overhead when enforcing network QoS support forapplications.

4.2.3 Evaluating NetQoPE’s Model-driven QoS Provi-sioning Capabilities

Rationale. As discussed in Section 3, a key design goal ofNetQoPE is to provide network QoS to applications in anextensible manner. This experiment evaluates NetQoPE’sapplication-transparent network QoS provisioning capabil-ities.Methodology. We first define a taxonomy for evaluatingtechnologies that provide network QoS assurances to end-to-end DRE application flows. Conventional approachescan be classified as being (1) object-oriented [8, 18, 22, 16],(2) aspect-oriented [7], and (3) component middleware-based [4, 19]. Below we describe how each approach pro-vide the following functionalities needed to leverage net-work QoS mechanism capabilities:

• Requirements Specification. In conventional ap-proaches applications use (1) middleware-based APIs [8,22], (2) contract definition languages [18, 16], (3) run-time aspects [7], or (4) specialized component middlewarecontainer interfaces [4] to specify network QoS require-ments. Whenever the deployment context and the associ-ated QoS requirements change, however, application sourcecode must also change, thereby limiting reusability. In con-trast, as described in Section 3.1, NetQoS provides domain-specific, declarative techniques that alleviate the need toprogrammatically specify QoS requirements and increasereusability across different deployment contexts.

• Network Resource Allocation. Conventional ap-proaches require the deployment of applications before theirper-flow network resource requirements can be provisionedby network QoS mechanisms. If those applications can-not have their required resources allocated they must bestopped, their source code must be modified to specify newresource requirements, and the resource reservation processneeds to start again. This approach is tedious since it in-volves deploying and re-deploying applications (potentiallyin different nodes) multiple times. In contrast, NetRAFhandles deployment changes through NetQoS models, asdescribed in Section 3.2. This process occurs during pre-deployment before applications have been deployed, whichreduces the efforts needed to change deployment topologyor application QoS requirements.

• Network QoS Enforcement. Conventional ap-proaches modify application source code [16] or program-ming model [4] to instruct the middleware to enforce run-time QoS for their remote invocations. Applications musttherefore be designed to handle two different usecases—toenforce QoS and when no QoS is required—thereby limit-ing application reusability. In contrast, as described in Sec-tion 3.3, NetCON uses a container programming model thattransparently enforces runtime QoS for applications withoutchanging their source code or programming model.

Using the conventional approaches and the NetQoPE ap-


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proach, we now compare the manual effort required to pro-vide network QoS to the four end-to-end application flowsdescribed in Section 4.2.1. We decompose the manual ef-fort across the following general steps: (1)implementa-tion, which involves software engineers writing code, (2)deployment, which involves the system deployers to map(or stop) application components to their target nodes, and(3) modeling tool use, which involves the application devel-opers to use NetQoPE to model a DRE application struc-ture and specify per-flow QoS requirements. In the contextof our evaluation, a complete QoS provisioning lifecycleconsists specifying requirements, allocating resources,de-ploying applications, and stopping applications when theyare finished.

To compare the manual efforts, we devised a realisticscenario for the four end-to-end application flows describedin Section 4.2.1. In this scenario, three sets of experimentsare conducted with the following different deployment vari-ants:

• In the first variant, all the four end-to-end applicationflows are configured with the QoS requirements as specifiedin Section 4.2.1.

• In the second variant, to demonstrate the effect ofchanges in QoS requirements on manual efforts we mod-ify bandwidth requirements from 20 Mbps to 12 Mbps foreach of the four end-to-end flows.

• In the third variant, we demonstrate the effect ofchanges in QoS requirements and resource (re)reservationstaken together on manual efforts. We modify bandwidth re-quirements of all the flows from 12 Mbps to 16 Mbps. Wealso change temperature sensor controller component to usethe high reliability (HR) class instead of the best effortBE

class as described in Section 4.2.1. We also increased thebackgroundHR class traffic across the blades, so that theresource reservation request for the flow between tempera-ture sensor and monitor controller components fails. In re-sponse, deployment contexts (e.g., bandwidth requirements,source and destination nodes) were changed and resourcere-reservation was performed.

For the first deployment, the effort required using con-ventional approaches is the following 10 steps: (1) modifysource code of each of the eight components to specify theirQoS requirements (8 implementation steps), (2) deployingall the components (1 deployment step), and (3) shutdownall the components (1 deployment step). The effort requiredusing NetQoPE involves the following 4 steps: (1) modelthe DRE application structure of all the 4 end-to-end appli-cation flows using NetQoS (1 modeling step), (2) annotateQoS specifications on each of the end-to-end applicationflow (1 modeling step), (3) deploying all the components(1 deployment step), and (4) shutdown all the components(1 deployment step).

For the second deployment, the effort required using

a conventional approach is also 10 steps because this ap-proach require source code modifications as the deploymentcontexts changed (in this case, the bandwidth requirementschanged across four different deployment contexts). In con-trast, the effort required using NetQoPE is 3 steps and isdescribed as follows: (1) annotate QoS specifications oneach of the end-to-end application flow (1 modeling step),(3) deploying all the components (1 deployment step), and(4) shutdown all the components (1 deployment step). Forthe second deployment, application developers reused theNetQoS application structure model that was created for theinitial deployment and this helps reduce required efforts bya step.

For the third deployment, the effort required using a con-ventional approach is the following 13 steps: (1) modifysource code of each of the eight components to specifytheir QoS requirements (8 implementation steps), (2) de-ploying all the components (1 deployment step), (3) shut-down the temperature sensor component (1 deployment step– resource allocation failed for the component), (4) mod-ify source code of temperature sensor component back touseBE network QoS class (deployment context change) (1implementation steps), (5) redeploy the temperature sensorcomponent (1 deployment step), and (6) shutdown all thecomponents (1 deployment step).

In contrast, the effort required using NetQoPE for thethird deployment is the following 4 steps: (1) annotateQoS specifications on each of the end-to-end applicationflow (1 modeling step), (2) re-annotate QoS requirementsfor the temperature sensor component flow (1 deploymentstep – NetRAF’s pre-deployment-time allocation capabili-ties determined the resource allocation failure and promptedNetQoPE application developer to change the QoS require-ments) (3) deploying all the components (1 deploymentstep), and (4) shutdown all the components (1 deploymentstep).

Approaches # Steps in Experiment VariantsFirst Second Third

NetQoPE 4 3 4Conventional 10 10 13

Table 3: Comparison of Manual Efforts Incurred in Con-ventional and NetQoPE Approaches

As shown in Table 3, the results from this exerciseshow that conventional approaches incur roughly an orderof magnitude more effort than NetQoPE to provide networkQoS assurance for end-to-end application flows. Closer ex-amination shows that in conventional approaches, applica-tion developers spend substantially more effort designingand implementing software that can work across differentdeployment contexts. Moreover, this process must be re-peated as and when the deployment contexts and the asso-


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ciated QoS requirements change. Moreover, implementa-tions are complex since the requirements are specified us-ing external APIs, such as middleware-based APIs [22] ornetwork QoS mechanism APIs [12].

Further, application (re)deployments are required when-ever reservation requests fail. In this experiment, only oneflow required re-reservation and that incurred additional ef-fort of 3 steps. If there are large number of flows —andenterprise DRE systems like our case study tend to havedozens or hundreds of flows—the level of effort required issignificantly more than for conventional approaches.

5 Related WorkThis section compares our R&D activities on NetQoPE

with related work on middleware-based QoS managementand model-based design tools.

Network QoS management in middleware. Priorwork on integrating network QoS mechanisms with mid-dleware [22, 18, 16, 8] focused on providing middle-ware APIs to shield applications from directly interactingwith complex network QoS mechanism APIs. Middlewareframeworks transparently converted the specified applica-tion QoS requirements into lower-level network QoS mech-anism APIs and provided network QoS assurances. Theseapproaches, however, modified applications to dictate QoSbehavior for the various flows. NetQoPE differs from theseapproaches by providing application-transparent and au-tomated solutions to leverage network QoS mechanisms,thereby significantly reducing manual design and develop-ment effort to obtain network QoS.

QoS management in middleware.Prior research hasfocused on adding various types of QoS capabilities to mid-dleware. For example, [11] describes J2EE container re-source management mechanisms that provide CPU avail-ability assurances to applications. Likewise, 2K [24] pro-vides QoS to applications from varied domains using acomponent-based runtime middleware. In addition, [4] ex-tends EJB containers to integrate QoS features by provid-ing negotiation interfaces which the application developersneed to implement to receive desired QoS support. Syn-ergy [17] describes a distributed stream processing middle-ware that provides QoS to data streams in real time by ef-ficient reuse of data streams and processing components.These approaches are restricted to CPU QoS assurances orapplication-level adaptations to resource-constrained sce-narios. NetQoPE differs by providing network QoS assur-ances in a application-agnostic fashion.

Deployment-time resource allocation.Prior work hasfocused on deploying applications at appropriate nodes sothat their QoS requirements can be met. For example, priorwork [13, 21] has studied and analyzed application commu-nication and access patterns to determine collocated place-ments of heavily communicating components. Other re-search [6, 9] has focused on intelligent component place-

ment algorithms that maps components to nodes while satis-fying their CPU requirements. NetQoPE differs from theseapproaches by leveraging network QoS mechanisms to allo-cate network resources at pre-deployment-time and enforc-ing network QoS at runtime.

Model-based design tools. Prior work has beendone on model-based design tools. PICML [1] enablesDRE system developers to define component interfaces,their implementations, and assemblies, facilitating deploy-ment of LwCCM-based applications. VEST [20] andAIRES [10] analyze domain-specific models of embeddedreal-time systems to perform schedulability analysis andprovides automated allocation of components to processors.SysWeaver [5] supports design-time timing behavior ver-ification of real-time systems and automatic code genera-tion and weaving for multiple target platforms. In contrast,NetQoPE provides model-driven capabilities to specify net-work QoS requirements on DRE system application flows,and subsequently allocate network resources automaticallyusing network QoS mechanisms. NetQoPE thus helps as-sure that application network QoS requirements are met atdeployment-time, rather than design-time or runtime.

6 Concluding Remarks

This paper describes the design and evaluation ofNetQoPE, which is a model-driven component middlewareframework that manages network QoS for applications inDRE systems. The following is a summary of the lessonswe learned developing NetQoPE and applying it to a repre-sentative DRE system case study:

• NetQoPE’s domain-specific modeling languages helpcapture per-deployment network QoS requirements of ap-plications so that network resources can be allocated ap-propriately. Application business logic consequently neednot be modified to specify deployment-specific QoS re-quirements, thereby increasing software reuse and flexibil-ity across a range of deployment contexts.

• Programming network QoS mechanisms directly inapplication code requires that applications are deployedand running before they can determine if the required net-work resources are available to meet QoS needs. Providingthese capabilities via NetQoPE’s model-driven middlewareframework helps to guide resource allocation strategiesbe-foreapplication deployment, thereby simplifying validationand adaptation decisions.

• NetQoPE’s model-driven deployment and configura-tion tools help transparently configure the underlying com-ponent middleware on behalf of applications to add context-specific network QoS settings. These settings can be en-forced by NetQoPE’s runtime middleware framework with-out modifying the middleware programming model used byapplications. Applications consequently need not changethe way they communicate at runtime since network QoS


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settings can be added transparently.• NetQoPE’s strategy of allocating network resources to

applications before they are deployed may be too limitingfor certain types of DRE systems. In particular, applica-tions in open DRE systems [23] might not consume their re-source allotment at runtime, which may underutilize systemresources. We are therefore extending NetQoPE to overpro-vision resources for applications on the assumption that notall applications will use their allotment. If runtime resourcecontentions occur, we are also developing dynamic resourcemanagement strategies that can provide predictable networkperformance for mission-critical applications.

NetQoPE’s model-driven middleware platforms andtools are available in open-source format fromwww.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic, and along with the CIAO com-ponent middleware available atwww.dre.vanderbilt.edu.

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