20052006 Period: Netherlands POLICE Netherlands 1. Police personnel, by sex, and financial resources, 20052006 Indicator Value Comments: 2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006 Police are part of the national security force Country has more than one police force Police or law enforcement personnel fulfill prosecutorial functions 1.1 Total police personnel 35,284 35,324 216.10 215.67 1.2 Female police personnel 6,463 6,779 39.58 41.39 1.3 Male police personnel 28,821 28,545 176.52 174.28 There is a specialised police body assigned to the policing of organized crime Yes Yes 1.4 Total police personnel assigned to the policing of organized crime 867 962 5.31 5.87 Total police budget/financial resources in millions of local currency Currency used Table 1: Use of an alternative reference date to "31 December" Table 1: Alternative date Annual Report (Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations) Table 1: Source(s) of the data provided Comments for Table 1 18 December 2008 Page 1426 of 2339 Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,

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Page 1: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,



POLICE Netherlands

1. Police personnel, by sex, and financial resources, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Police are part of the national security force

Country has more than one police force

Police or law enforcement personnel fulfill prosecutorial functions

1.1 Total police personnel 35,284 35,324 216.10 215.67

1.2 Female police personnel 6,463 6,779 39.58 41.39

1.3 Male police personnel 28,821 28,545 176.52 174.28

There is a specialised police body assigned to the policing of organized crime

Yes Yes

1.4 Total police personnel assigned to the policing of organized crime

867 962 5.31 5.87

Total police budget/financial resources in millions of local currency

Currency used

Table 1: Use of an alternative reference date to "31 December"

Table 1: Alternative date

Annual Report (Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations)Table 1: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 1

18 December 2008 Page 1426 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 2: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


POLICE Netherlands

2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime, 2005‐2006

2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Largest City Amsterdam Amsterdam

City population 742,783 743,079

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "total recorded crimes"

Yes Yes

2.0 Grand total of recorded crimes 1,255,079 1,218,447 7,686.81 7,439.08

2.1 Grand total of recorded crimes in city 105,562 106,732 14,211.69 14,363.48

2.2 Grand total of suspects 349,620 358,349 2,141.27 2,187.86

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "intentional homicide"

Yes Yes

2.3 Total recorded intentional homicide, completed 197 159 1.21 0.97

2.4 Total recorded committed intentional homicides in city 32 17 4.31 2.29

2.5 Committed intentional homicide suspects

2.6 Total recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm

2.7 Intentional homicide, completed with a firearm: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.8 Intentional homicide committed with a firearm suspects

2.9 Total recorded intentional homicide, attempted

2.10 Total recorded attempted intentional homicides in city

2.11 Attempted intentional homicide suspects

2.12 Intentional homicide, attempted with a firearm: Total recorded offences at the national level

2.13 Intentional homicide, attempted with a firearm: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.14 Intentional homicide, attempted with a firearm: Total persons suspected, arrested, cautioned

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "non‐intentional homicide"

2.15 Total recorded non‐intentional homicides

2.16 Total recorded non‐intentional homicides in city

2.17 Total non‐intentional homicide suspects

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "assault" Yes Yes

Data on assault include threats

Data on assault include slapping/punching

2.18 Total recorded assaults 56,107 57,651 343.63 351.98

18 December 2008 Page 1427 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 3: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


POLICE Netherlands

2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime, 2005‐2006

2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

2.19 Total recorded assaults in city 3,479 3,662 468.37 492.81

2.20 Total assault suspects 45,510 48,748 278.73 297.63

There is a distinction between aggravated and simple assault

2.21 Total recorded major assaults

2.22 Total recorded major assaults in city

2.23 Major assault suspects

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "rape" Yes Yes

Distinction between sexual assault and actual penetration

Includes consensual underage sexual relations

2.24 Total recorded rapes 1,540 1,434 9.43 8.76

2.25 Total recorded rapes in city 113 96 15.21 12.92

2.26 Rape suspects 1,165 976 7.14 5.96

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "robbery" Yes Yes

Includes muggings Yes Yes

Includes theft with violence Yes

2.27 Total recorded robberies 15,463 13,716 94.70 83.74

2.28 Total recorded robberies in city 3,460 3,487 465.82 469.26

2.29 Robbery suspects 7,107 6,640 43.53 40.54

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "theft" Yes Yes

Includes cases in which the property is returned

2.30 Total recorded thefts 613,172 573,340 3,755.41 3,500.46

2.31 All theft in the city 59,145 59,149 7,962.62 7,959.99

2.32 Total theft suspects 74,072 72,758 453.66 444.22

Distinction between grand (major) and petty theft

2.33 Total recorded major thefts

2.34 Major theft in the city

2.35 Major theft suspects

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "motor vehicle/automobile theft"

Yes Yes

Are data on motor vehicle/automobile theft included in total theft?

2.36 Total recorded automobile theft 25,928 22,667 158.80 138.39

18 December 2008 Page 1428 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 4: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


POLICE Netherlands

2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime, 2005‐2006

2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

2.37 Motor vehicle/automobile theft: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2,533 2,104 341.01 283.15

2.38 Automobile theft suspects 3,585 2,696 21.96 16.46

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "housebreaking / burglary"

Data include: Theft from a factory, shop or office

Data include: Theft from a military establishment

Data include: Theft by using false keys Yes Yes

Data include: Theft from a car

Data include: Theft from a container

Data include: Theft from a vending machine

Data include: Theft from a parking meter

Data include: Theft from fenced meadow/compound

Are data on housebreaking / burglary included in total theft?

2.39 Total recorded burglaries 69,697 70,066 426.86 427.78

2.40 Housebreaking / Burglary: Total recorded offences in the largest city

5,739 4,662 772.63 627.39

2.41 Burglary suspects 9,416 9,166 57.67 55.96

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "economic fraud" Yes Yes

Includes fraudulent obtaining of financial property

Are data on economic fraud included in total theft?

2.42 Total recorded frauds 17,846 20,296 109.30 123.91

2.43 Economic fraud: Total recorded offences in the largest city 1,491 1,676 200.73 225.55

2.44 Fraud suspects 5,674 6,187 34.75 37.77

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "embezzlement" Yes Yes

Includes fraudulent obtaining of financial property

Are data on economic fraud included in total theft?

2.45 Total recorded embezzlements 7,953 7,750 48.71 47.32

2.46 City embezzlement 706 775 95.05 104.30

2.47 Embezzlement suspects 3,830 3,854 23.46 23.53

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "drug‐related crimes"

Yes Yes

2.48 Total recorded  drug offenses 15,305 16,361 93.74 99.89

18 December 2008 Page 1429 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 5: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


POLICE Netherlands

2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime, 2005‐2006

2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

2.49 Drug‐related crimes: Total recorded offences in the largest city 2,485 3,125 334.55 420.55

2.50 Total drug crime suspects 21,793 23,088 133.47 140.96

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "drug trafficking"

Are data on drug trafficking included in drug‐related crimes?

2.51 Total recorded illicit drug traffic crimes

2.52 Drug trafficking: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.53 Drug trafficking suspects

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "bribery and/or corruption"

2.54 Total recorded bribery crimes 786 780 4.81 4.76

2.55 City bribery or corruption 64 84 8.62 11.30

2.56 Bribery/corruption suspects 602 545 3.69 3.33

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "active bribery"

2.57 Active bribery: Total recorded offences at the national level

2.58 Active bribery: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.59 Active bribery: Total persons suspected, arrested, cautioned

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "passive bribery"

2.60 Passive bribery: Total recorded offences at the national level

2.61 Passive bribery: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.62 Passive bribery: Total persons suspected, arrested, cautioned

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "kidnapping"

2.63 Total recorded kidnappings

2.64 City kidnapping

2.65 Kidnapping suspects

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "human trafficking"

Are data on sexual exploitation included in human trafficking?

Are data on forced labour included in human trafficking?

2.66 Human trafficking: Total recorded offences at the national level

2.67 Human trafficking: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.68 Human trafficking: Total persons suspected, arrested, cautioned

18 December 2008 Page 1430 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

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POLICE Netherlands

2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "smuggling of migrants"

2.69 Smuggling of migrants: Total recorded offences at the national level

2.70 Smuggling of migrants: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.71 Smuggling of migrants: Total persons suspected, arrested, cautioned

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "counterfeit currency offences"

Yes Yes

Are data on counterfeit currency offences included in economic fraud?

2.72 Counterfeit currency offences: Total recorded offences at the national level

776 570 4.75 3.48

2.73 Counterfeit currency offences: Total recorded offences in the largest city

48 64 6.46 8.61

2.74 Counterfeit currency offences: Total persons suspected, arrested, cautioned

393 313 2.41 1.91

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "participation in organized criminal groups"

2.75 Participation in organized criminal groups: Total recorded offences at the national level

2.76 Participation in organized criminal groups: Total recorded offences in the largest city

2.77 Participation in organized criminal groups: Total persons suspected, arrested, cautioned

CBS (Municipal base register) Source: city population

Comments for "Total recorded crimes"

Comments for "Intentional homicide"

Comments for "Non‐intentional homicide"

Comments for "Assault"

Comments for "Rape"

Comments for "Robbery"

Comments for "Theft"

18 December 2008 Page 1431 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 7: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


POLICE Netherlands

2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime, 2005‐2006

Comments for "Motor vehicle/automobile theft"

Comments for "Housebreaking / Burglary"

Comments for "Economic fraud"

Comments for "Embezzlement"

Comments for "Drug‐related crimes"

Comments for "Drug trafficking"

Comments for "Bribery and/or corruption"

Comments for "Kidnapping"

Comments for "Human trafficking"

Comments for "Smuggling of migrants"

Comments for "Counterfeit currency offences"

Comments for "Participation in organized criminal groups"

Statistics on reported crimes (Statistics Netherlands)Table 2: Source(s) of the data provided

18 December 2008 Page 1432 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 8: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


POLICE Netherlands

3. Persons brought into formal contact with the criminal justice system, regardless of the type of crime, by category and sex, age group and citizenship, where formal contact might include being suspected, arrested, cautioned, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Data refer to persons suspected Yes Yes

Data refer to persons arrested

Data refer to persons cautioned

Data refer to other categories

3.1 Total female suspects 47,480 50,713 290.79 309.62

3.2 Total male suspects 302,140 307,636 1,850.48 1,878.23

3.3 Total adult suspects 284,590 287,960 1,742.99 1,758.11

3.4 Adult female suspects 36,590 38,432 224.10 234.64

3.5 Adult male suspects 248,000 249,528 1,518.89 1,523.46

3.6 Total juvenile suspects 65,030 70,389 398.28 429.75

3.7 Juvenile female suspects 10,890 12,281 66.70 74.98

3.8 Juvenile male suspects 54,140 58,108 331.58 354.77

3.9 Formal contact with the criminal justice system: Citizens of other countries

CBS Statistics on reported crimeTable 3: Source(s) of the data provided

> 17 years of agePolice: Definition of 'adult' used in the national criminal justice system

< 18 and > 11 years of agePolice: Definition of 'juvenile' used in the national criminal justice system

Police: Definition of 'citizen of other countries' used in the national criminal justice system

including citizens of other countries  Comments for Table 3

18 December 2008 Page 1433 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

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POLICE Netherlands

4. Supplementary information on crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics

Indicator Value


YesAre there written rules regulating the way in which criminal (police) data are recorded?

1Data is collected: 1‐when reported to police, 2‐before invastigation, 3‐after investigation

YesA principal offence rule is applied

1Multiple offences are counted as: 1‐one offence, 2‐two or more offences, 3‐uncertain

1An offence committed by more than one person is counted as : 1‐one offence, 2‐two or more offences, 3‐uncertain

Data recording methods have been substantially modified during the reporting period

Statistics on reported crime (Statistics Netherlands) Table 4: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 4

18 December 2008 Page 1434 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

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5. Prosecution personnel, by category, and financial resources, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

5.0 Total prosecution personnel 626 675 3.83 4.12

5.1 Female prosecution personnel

5.2 Male prosecution personnel

There is a specialized prosecution body dealing with organized crime

5.3 Total prosecution officials assigned to the prosecution of organized crime

Total prosecution budget/financial resources in millions of local currency

Currency used

Prosecutor agency

Table 5: Use of an alternative reference date to "31 December"

Table 5: Alternative date

Annual Report, Public Prosecution ServiceTable 5: Source(s) of the data provided

Full‐time equivalentsComments for Table 5

6. Persons prosecuted, by selected types of crime, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

6.1 Total prosecuted for committed intentional homicide 3,308 2,810 20.26 17.16

6.2 Human Trafficking: Persons prosecuted 20 0.12

6.3 Smuggling of Migrants: Persons prosecuted 215 236 1.32 1.44

6.4 Participation in Organized Criminal Groups: Persons prosecuted 343 419 2.10 2.56

Statistics on Criminal Law (Statistics Netherlands)Table 6: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 6

18 December 2008 Page 1435 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

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7. Persons prosecuted, regardless of the type of crime, by sex, age group, and citizenship, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

7.0 Total persons prosecuted 253,833 257,017 1,554.62 1,569.19

7.1 Total females prosecuted 35,213 37,063 215.66 226.28

7.2 Total males prosecuted 218,620 219,954 1,338.95 1,342.90

7.3 Total adults prosecuted 217,971 220,501 1,334.98 1,346.24

7.4 Adult females prosecuted 29,485 30,887 180.58 188.58

7.5 Adult males prosecuted 188,486 189,614 1,154.39 1,157.67

7.6 Total juveniles prosecuted 35,862 36,516 219.64 222.94

7.7 Juvenile females prosecuted 5,728 6,176 35.08 37.71

7.8 Juvenile males prosecuted 30,134 30,340 184.56 185.24

7.9 Persons prosecuted: Citizens of other countries

Are citizens of other countries included in total persons prosecuted?

Statistics on Criminal Law (Statistics Netherlands)Table 7: Source(s) of the data provided

> 17 years of age  Prosecution: Definition of 'adult' used in the national criminal justice system

< 18 and > 11 years of ageProsecution: Definition of 'juvenile' used in the national criminal justice system

Prosecution: Definition of 'citizen of other countries' used in the national criminal justice system

Including citizens of other countriesComments for Table 7

18 December 2008 Page 1436 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 12: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


COURTS Netherlands

8. Judges, by status and sex, and financial resources, including in appeal courts, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

8.0 Total number of professional judges/magistrates 2,039 2,072 12.49 12.65

8.1 Number of female professional judges/magistrates 892 922 5.46 5.63

8.2 Number of male professional judges/magistrates 1,147 1,150 7.02 7.02

8.3 Number of part time professional judges/magistrates

8.4 Professional part time judges: Females

8.5 Professional part time judges: Males

Part‐time personnel is NOT included in total professional judges or magistrates

8.6 Number of lay judges/magistrates

8.7 Number of female lay judges/magistrates

8.8 Number of male lay judges/magistrates

8.9 Number of part time lay judges/magistrates

8.10 Lay part time judges: Females

8.11 Lay part time judges: Males

Data on part‐time personnel is NOT included in total lay judges or magistrates

There is a specialised court dealing with organized crime

8.12 Total professional judges or magistrates assigned to the judging of organized crime

Total court budget/financial resources in millions of local currency

Currency used

Table 8: Use of an alternative reference date to "31 December"

Table 8: Alternative date

Annual report on personnel (Council for the Judiciary Act) Table 8: Source(s) of the data provided

Full‐time equivalentsComments for Table 8

18 December 2008 Page 1437 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 13: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


COURTS Netherlands

9. Persons brought before the criminal courts and estimates on output statistics, regardless of the type of crime, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Data on total persons brought before the criminal courts (input statistics) are available

9.0 Total number of persons brought before the criminal courts 132,595 134,375 812.09 820.41

9.1 Conviction rate

9.2 Duration of criminal trials (months) 5.70 5.90 0.03 0.04

Statistics on Criminal Law (Statistics Netherlands)Table 9: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 9

10. Persons convicted in the criminal courts, by selected types of crime, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

10.1 Total convicted for committing intentional homicide 1,514 1,271 9.27 7.76

10.2 Human Trafficking: Persons convicted

10.3 Smuggling of Migrants: Persons convicted 158 116 0.97 0.71

10.4 Participation in Organized Criminal Groups: Persons convicted 245 171 1.50 1.04

Statistics on Criminal Law (Statistics Netherlands)  Table 10: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 10

18 December 2008 Page 1438 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 14: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


COURTS Netherlands

11. Persons convicted in the criminal courts, by sex, age group and citizenship, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

11.0 Grand total of persons convicted 122,242 122,578 748.68 748.39

11.1 Total females convicted  14,412 13,556 88.27 82.76

11.2 Total males convicted 107,830 107,622 660.41 657.07

11.3 Total adults convicted 110,852 111,163 678.92 678.69

11.4 Adult females convicted 12,941 13,397 79.26 81.79

11.5 Adult males convicted 97,911 97,766 599.66 596.90

11.6 Total juveniles convicted 11,390 11,415 69.76 69.69

11.7 Juvenile females convicted 1,471 1,559 9.01 9.52

11.8 Juvenile males convicted 9,919 9,856 60.75 60.17

11.9 Persons convicted: Citizens of other countries

Citizens of other countries are included in total persons convicted

Statistics on Criminal Law (Statistics Netherlands)  Table 11: Source(s) of the data provided

> 17 years of ageCourts: Definition of 'adult' used in the national criminal justice system

< 18 and > 11 years of age  Courts: Definition of 'juvenile' used in the national criminal justice system

Courts: Definition of 'citizen of other countries' used in the national criminal justice system

Including citizens of other countries  Comments for Table 11

18 December 2008 Page 1439 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 15: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


PRISONS Netherlands

12. Adult prisons, penal institutions or correctional institutions (including institutions for pre‐trial detention), 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

12.1 Total number of adult prisons, penal or correctional institutions (excluding temporary jail lock‐ups)

61 61 0.37 0.37

12.2 Adult prisons: Official capacity (intended number of places available without overcrowding)

16,803 14,781 102.91 90.24

Table 12: Use of an alternative reference date to "31 December"

30 septemberTable 12: Alternative date

Table 12: Source(s) of the data provided

figures do not include alien detention and offenders under a hospital/restriction order (TBS) 2005 Alien detention institutions: 7 Alien detention capacity: 1.292 2006 Alien detention institutions: 9  Alien detention capacity: 3.954  2005 TBS custodial clinics: 9 TBS capacity: 1.454 2006 TBS custodial clinics: 10 TBS capacity: 1.691 

Comments for Table 12

13. Juvenile prisons, penal institutions or correctional institutions, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

13.1 Total number of juvenile prisons, penal or correctional institutions (excluding temporary jail lock‐ups)

14 14 0.09 0.09

Data for juvenile prisons are included in adult prisons

13.2 Juvenile prisons: Official capacity (intended number of places available without overcrowding)

2,597 2,678 15.91 16.35

Data for juvenile prison capacity are included in adult prison capacity

Table 13: Use of an alternative reference date to "31 December"

30 septemberTable 13: Alternative date

Table 13: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 13

18 December 2008 Page 1440 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 16: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


PRISONS Netherlands

14. Staff of adult or juvenile prisons, penal institutions or correctional institutions (including institutions for pre‐trial detention), by sex, and financial resources, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

14.0 Total number of staff in adult prisons 13,858 14,039 84.87 85.71

14.1 Total number of female staff in adult prisons 4,603 4,824 28.19 29.45

14.2 Total number of male staff in adult prisons 9,255 9,215 56.68 56.26

14.3 Total number of staff in juvenile prisons 1,757 1,757 10.76 10.73

Total staff of juvenile prisons is included in total staff for adult prisons

14.4 Total number of female staff in juvenile prisons 705 683 4.32 4.17

Total female staff of juvenile prisons is included in total female staff for adult prisons

14.5 Total number of male staff in juvenile prisons 1,052 1,074 6.44 6.56

Total male staff of juvenile prisons is included in total male staff for adult prisons

Total prison budget/financial resources (adult and juvenile institutions) in millions of local currency

1,841,522 1,864,978 11,278.52 11,386.40

Table 14: Use of an alternative reference date to "31 December"

Table 14: Alternative date

Table 14: Source(s) of the data provided

Total prison budget x 1000.Comments for Table 14

18 December 2008 Page 1441 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 17: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


PRISONS Netherlands

15. Persons held in prisons, penal institutions or correctional institutions (including institutions for pre‐trial detention), regardless of the type of crime ‐ Legal status, sex, age group and citizenship, selected day, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

15.0 Total persons incarcerated 20,477 19,324 125.41 117.98

15.1 Total persons awaiting trial or adjudication 6,635 6,011 40.64 36.70

15.2 Total persons sentenced to incarceration 7,358 6,567 45.06 40.09

15.3 Incarcerated persons: convicted awaiting the sentence

15.4 Incarcerated persons: in other categories 6,484 6,746 39.71 41.19

15.5 Incarcerated persons: total adults 18,587 17,443 113.84 106.50

15.6 Incarcerated persons: total juveniles 1,890 1,851 11.58 11.30

15.7 Incarcerated persons: total females 1,779 1,788 10.90 10.92

15.8 Incarcerated persons: total males  18,698 17,536 114.52 107.06

15.9 Incarcerated persons: female adults 1,164 1,145 7.13 6.99

15.10 Incarcerated persons: female juveniles 615 641 3.77 3.91

15.11 Incarcerated persons: male adults 17,423 16,298 106.71 99.51

15.12 Incarcerated persons: male juveniles 1,275 1,210 7.81 7.39

15.13 Incarcerated persons: citizens of other countries 5,894 5,653 36.10 34.51

30 septemberTable 15: Selected day

Table 15: Source(s) of the data provided

A person who’s age is 18 ore above Prisons: Definition of 'adult' used in the national criminal justice system

A person who’s age is younger than 18Prisons: Definition of 'juvenile' used in the national criminal justice system

A person who’s nationality is not DutchPrisons: Definition of 'citizen of other countries' used in the national criminal justice system

18 December 2008 Page 1442 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 18: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


PRISONS Netherlands

15. Persons held in prisons, penal institutions or correctional institutions (including institutions for pre‐trial detention), regardless of the type of crime ‐ Legal status, sex, age group and citizenship, selected day, 2005‐2006

1)* Adult and minor alien detention; 2.405 in September 2005 and 2.583 in September 2006  *Adult and minor offenders under a hospital/restriction order or who are waiting for admission in a custodial   clinic. They are detained not as a punishment but a measure that is spoken out by a judge and imposed on   people who have committed a crime for which they can not be held (fully) accountable because of their   mental state at the time of committing the crime; 2.264 in September 2005 and 2.398 in September 2006 * Fine defaults; 301 in September 2005 and 218 in September 200615.4 :     * Otherwise/unknown; 360 in September 2005 and 266 in September 2006 * Extradition; 28 in September 2005 and 43 in September 2006  * Civil suited juveniles; 1.126 in September 2005 and 1.238 in September 2006 15.5/15.6:  2)*  In 2006 from 30 detainees their age was unknown; 2 are female and 28 male 15.3 : 3) * In 2005 from 729 detainees their nationality was unknown. In 2006 from 832 detainees their nationality was unknown. (Extramural detention forms for adults en minors are not included; 932 in September 2005 and 975 in  September 2006)  

Comments for Table 15

16. Persons on probation or under another form of supervision in the community, selected day, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "persons on probation"

16.0 Total persons placed on probation on given day

16.1 Adults placed on probation on given day

16.2 Juveniles placed on probation on given day

Table 16: Selected day

Table 16: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 16

18 December 2008 Page 1443 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 19: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


PRISONS Netherlands

17. Persons on conditional release/parole, by age group, selected day, 2005‐2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Definition consistent with questionnaire for "persons on conditional release/parole"

17.0 Total persons placed on release/parole on given day

17.1 Adult persons on conditional release/parole

17.2 Juvenile persons on conditional release/parole

Table 17: Selected day

Table 17: Source(s) of the data provided

Comments for Table 17

18. Estimated percentage of prisoners suffering from

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

18.1 Prisoners suffering from drug addiction 60 60

18.2 Prisoners suffering from HIV/AIDS

18.3 Prisoners suffering from tuberculosis .05 .10

18.4 Prisoners suffering from mental illness

Table 18: Source(s) of the data provided

18.r1 Report IVO (Oliemeulen, Lisette cs.: Problematic alcohol users, drug users en gamblers in penitentiary institutions, INO Rotterdam, 2007: 60% drug addicted, 30% alcohol addicted, 38% problematic use of hard drugs or high risk cannabis use), 6% gambling 18.r2: information not available on a national level 18.r3: prevalence of tuberculosis per 100.000 X‐rays 18.r4: depending on the definition estimates are: 75‐90% personality disorders (DSM‐IV‐R), abt. 16 % psychiatric illness (DSM‐IV‐R)  

Comments for Table 18

18 December 2008 Page 1444 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 20: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


Annex Netherlands

19. Statistics on police recorded crime: homicide and other crimes leading to the death of another person, by category ‐ Metadata

Indicator Value


1. recorded separately?

2. recorded as a group under ...

3. cons. intentional homicide

4. cons. non‐intentional homicide

5. cons. a crime, but not homicide

6. not considered a 


7. Wording in national language


19.1 Attempted homicide Poging tot moord / doodslag

19.2 Murder Moord19.3 Manslaughter Doodslag19.4 Infanticide Kindermoord / 

doodslag19.5 Homicide related to 

intimate/proximity19.6 Homicide related to family19.7 Homicide related to felony 

murder/robbery/assault leading to death

19.8 Homicide related to fight19.9 Homicide related to sex19.10 Homicide related to drug19.11 Homicide related to alcohol19.12 Homicide related to arson19.13 Homicide related to 

gang/organized crime19.14 Homicide related to 

juvenile gang killings19.15 Homicide related to act of 

terrorism19.16 Homicide related to 

professional negligence19.17 Abortion Abortus19.18 Euthanasia Euthanasie19.19 Help with suicide Hulp bij zelfdoding19.20 Causing death by 

dangerous driving19.21 Causing death by careless 

driving19.22 Other

Table 19: Source(s) of the data provided

18 December 2008 Page 1445 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 21: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


Annex Netherlands

20. Statistics on police recorded crime: homicide and other crimes leading to the death of another person, by category ‐ Years 2005 and 2006

2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

20.1 Attempted homicide: Total recorded offences

Attempted homicide: Cases solved (%)

20.2 Murder: Total recorded offences

Murder: Cases solved (%)

20.3 Manslaughter: Total recorded offences

Manslaughter: Cases solved (%)

20.4 Infanticide: Total recorded offences

Infanticide: Cases solved (%)

20.5 Homicide related to intimate/proximity: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to intimate/proximity: Cases solved (%)

20.6 Homicide related to family: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to family: Cases solved (%)

20.7 Homicide related to felony murder/robbery/assault leading to death: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to felony murder/robbery/assault leading to death: Cases solved (%)

20.8 Homicide related to fight: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to fight: Cases solved (%)

20.9 Homicide related to sex: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to sex: Cases solved (%)

20.10 Homicide related to drug: Total recorded offences

Annex Netherlands

19. Statistics on police recorded crime: homicide and other crimes leading to the death of another person, by category ‐ Metadata

Comments for Table 19 Both Murder and Manslaughter are "intentional, deliberate and unlawful killing". The differerence between murder (moord) and manslaughter (doodslag) is that murder is premeditated, manslaughter is not. Abortion and Euthanasia are considered crimes. But under special circumstances (done by a physician acting within strict guidelines) it is not punishable. Causing death by dangerous or drunk driving could be homicide (intentional or non‐intentional) or a traffic offence. It depends on how the prosecutor qualifies the case. 

18 December 2008 Page 1446 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 22: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


Annex Netherlands

20. Statistics on police recorded crime: homicide and other crimes leading to the death of another person, by category ‐ Years 2005 and 2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

Homicide related to drug: Cases solved (%)

20.11 Homicide related to alcohol: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to alcohol: Cases solved (%)

20.12 Homicide related to arson: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to arson: Cases solved (%)

20.13 Homicide related to gang/organized crime: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to gang/organized crime: Cases solved (%)

20.14 Homicide related to juvenile gang killings: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to juvenile gang killings: Cases solved (%)

20.15 Homicide related to act of terrorism: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to act of terrorism: Cases solved (%)

20.16 Homicide related to professional negligence: Total recorded offences

Homicide related to professional negligence: Cases solved (%)

20.17 Abortion: Total recorded offences

Abortion: Cases solved (%)

20.18 Euthanasia: Total recorded offences

Euthanasia: Cases solved (%)

20.19 Help with suicide: Total recorded offences

Help with suicide: Cases solved (%)

20.20 Causing death by dangerous driving: Total recorded offences

Causing death by dangerous driving: Cases solved (%)

20.21 Causing death by careless driving: Total recorded offences

Causing death by careless driving: Cases solved (%)

20.22 Other: Total recorded offences

Other: Cases solved (%)

Figures are checked with other sources

Details for checking with other sources

18 December 2008 Page 1447 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 23: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


Annex Netherlands

20. Statistics on police recorded crime: homicide and other crimes leading to the death of another person, by category ‐ Years 2005 and 2006

Figures are revised retrospectively

Details for retrospective revision

Used counting unit

Explicit counting unit

Table 20: Source(s) of the data provided

For homicide, detailed statistics are not yet available for the years 2005 and 2006

Table 20: Comments

Annex Netherlands

21. Statistics on police recorded crime: theft of motor vehicles, by category ‐ Metadata

1. recorded separately?

2. recorded as a group under ...

3. Wording in national languageIndicator

21.1 Attempted theft of motor vehicles

21.2 Theft from motor vehicle Diefstal uit/vanaf voertuig of vaartuig

21.3 Handling of stolen motor vehicle

21.4 Trafficking of stolen cars/ Organized crime

21.5 Aggravated motor vehicle theft (using force against the person)/ Car hijacking

21.6 Joyriding

21.7 Theft of Cars/automobiles Personenauto

21.8 Theft of taxi

21.9 Theft of vehicles for the transportation of livestock

21.10 Theft of vans/minibuses

21.11 Theft of motorcycles Motor / scooter

21.12 Theft of scooters/mopeds Motor / scooter

21.13 Theft of motorised miniscooters Bromfiets

21.14 Theft of cyclomotors

21.15 Theft of quad bikes

21.16 Theft of caravans/motor homes

21.17 Theft of buses

21.18 Theft of coaches

18 December 2008 Page 1448 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 24: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


Annex Netherlands

21. Statistics on police recorded crime: theft of motor vehicles, by category ‐ Metadata

Indicator Value


21.19 Theft of trains

21.20 Theft of trams

21.21 Theft of lorries

21.22 Theft of construction vehicles

21.23 Theft of agricultural vehicles

21.24 Theft of military vehicles

21.25 Theft of boats Vaartuig

21.26 Theft of other motorised seacrafts Vaartuig

21.27 Theft of snowmobiles

21.28 Theft of aeroplanes

21.29 Theft of other motorised aircrafts

21.30 Theft of other categories of vehicle not mentioned above

Table 21: Source(s) of the data provided

Table 21: Comments

18 December 2008 Page 1449 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 25: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


Annex Netherlands

22. Statistics on police recorded crime: theft of motor vehicles, by category ‐ Years 2005 and 2006

2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

22.1 Attempted theft of motor vehicles: Total number of recorded offences

22.2 Theft from motor vehicle: Total number of recorded offences 182,216 171,764 1,115.99 1,048.68

22.3 Handling of stolen motor vehicle: Total number of recorded offences

22.4 Trafficking of stolen cars/ Organized crime: Total number of recorded offences

22.5 Aggravated motor vehicle theft (using force against the person)/ Car hijacking: Total number of recorded offences

22.6 Joyriding: Total number of recorded offences

22.7 Theft of Cars/automobiles: Total number of recorded offences 19,431 17,231 119.01 105.20

22.8 Theft of taxi: Total number of recorded offences

22.9 Theft of vehicles for the transporetation of livestock: Total number of recorded offences

22.10 Theft of vans/minibuses: Total number of recorded offences

22.11 Theft of motorcycles: Total number of recorded offences 2,736 1,917 16.76 11.70

22.12 Theft of scooters/mopeds: Total number of recorded offences

22.13 Theft of motorised miniscooters: Total number of recorded offences

15,227 13,301 93.26 81.21

22.14 Theft of cyclomotors: Total number of recorded offences

22.15 Theft of quad bikes: Total number of recorded offences

22.16 Theft of caravans/motor homes: Total number of recorded offences

22.17 Theft of buses: Total number of recorded offences

22.18 Theft of coaches: Total number of recorded offences

22.19 Theft of trains: Total number of recorded offences

22.20 Theft of trams: Total number of recorded offences

22.21 Theft of lorries: Total number of recorded offences

22.22 Theft of construction vehicles: Total number of recorded offences

22.23 Theft of agricultural vehicles: Total number of recorded offences

22.24 Theft of military vehicles: Total number of recorded offences

22.25 Theft of boats: Total number of recorded offences 1,357 1,108 8.31 6.76

22.26 Theft of other motorised seacrafts: Total number of recorded offences

18 December 2008 Page 1450 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.

Page 26: Netherlands - unodc.org · POLICE Netherlands 2. Crimes recorded in criminal (police) statistics and persons brought into initial formal contact with the police, by type of crime,


Annex Netherlands

22. Statistics on police recorded crime: theft of motor vehicles, by category ‐ Years 2005 and 2006

Indicator Value


2005 2006 Rate 2005 Rate 2006

22.27 Theft of snowmobiles: Total number of recorded offences

22.28 Theft of aeroplanes: Total number of recorded offences

22.29 Theft of other motorised aircrafts: Total number of recorded offences

22.30 Theft of other categories not mentioned above: Total number of recorded offences

Figures are checked with other sources

Details for checking with other sources

Figures are revised retrospectively

Details for retrospective revision

Table 22: Source(s) of the data provided Statistics Netherlands / WODC

Table 22: Comments

18 December 2008 Page 1451 of 2339

Rates at the national level are given per 100,000 population based on World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. Rates at the largest city level are given per 100,000 population based on largest city population given in survey response, otherwise rates are not presented.