OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide Sajid Akhtar and Robert Esker, NetApp Inc. April 2013 | Version 1.1

NetApp OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide · OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide Sajid Akhtar and Robert Esker, NetApp Inc. April 2013 | Version 1.1

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Page 1: NetApp OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide · OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide Sajid Akhtar and Robert Esker, NetApp Inc. April 2013 | Version 1.1

OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide Sajid Akhtar and Robert Esker, NetApp Inc.

April 2013 | Version 1.1

Page 2: NetApp OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide · OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide Sajid Akhtar and Robert Esker, NetApp Inc. April 2013 | Version 1.1

2 OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide


1 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 4

2 OpenStack Overview ............................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 OpenStack Foundation ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 OpenStack — A Collection of Cloud Services ................................................................................................ 5 2.3 OpenStack Releases and Distribution ............................................................................................................ 6

3 NetApp’s Participation in OpenStack ................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Foundation Membership ................................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Contributions ................................................................................................................................................... 7

4 About Data ONTAP and FAS Data Storage Systems ........................................................................ 7 4.1 Description of FAS Systems ........................................................................................................................... 8

5 NetApp Drivers for OpenStack Block Storage .................................................................................. 8 5.1 Multiple Deployment Options .......................................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Usage of the Term Volume ............................................................................................................................. 9 5.3 Usage of the Term “Driver” ............................................................................................................................. 9 5.4 Features and Benefits of NetApp Volume Drivers for OpenStack .................................................................. 9 5.5 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI Direct Driver ..................................................................................... 11 5.6 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI Driver ............................................................................................... 12 5.7 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP NFS Direct Driver ....................................................................................... 14 5.8 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP NFS Driver ................................................................................................. 16 5.9 NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI Driver ........................................................................................................................ 19 5.10 NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI Direct Driver .............................................................................................................. 35 5.11 NetApp 7-Mode NFS Driver .......................................................................................................................... 37 5.12 NetApp 7-Mode NFS Direct Driver ................................................................................................................ 39

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................... 40 Packaging and Downloading Requirements .......................................................................................................... 40 Install / Uninstall ..................................................................................................................................................... 41 Upgrading and Reverting ....................................................................................................................................... 41 Licensing ................................................................................................................................................................ 41 Versioning .............................................................................................................................................................. 41

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References ................................................................................................................................................ 41

Support ...................................................................................................................................................... 41

About NetApp ............................................................................................................................................ 42

Version History ......................................................................................................................................... 42

LIST OF TABLES Table 1) List of deployment options for OpenStack block storage with NetApp FAS systems. ...................................... 9 Table 2) List of configuration flags for clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI direct driver. ...................................................... 12 Table 3) List of configuration flags for NetApp clustered Data ONTAP NFS direct driver. ........................................... 16 Table 4) List of configuration flags for NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI direct driver. ................................................................. 36 Table 5) List of configuration flags for NetApp 7-Mode NFS direct driver. ................................................................... 40

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP. .................................................... 11 Figure 2) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP. .................................................... 13 Figure 3) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP. ...................................................... 15 Figure 4) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP. ...................................................... 18 Figure 5) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode. ................................... 20 Figure 6) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode. ................................... 35 Figure 7) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode. ..................................... 38 Figure 8) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode. ..................................... 39

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4 OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide

1 Executive Summary Many storage solutions used with OpenStack offer scalability, but they lack the features and performance needed for efficient and cost-effective cloud deployment. NetApp® brings a unique combination of auto-provisioning, advanced storage efficiency, integrated data protection, and non-disruptive operations with the ability to scale while preserving performance.

With NetApp, organizations can lower risk and enable a broad spectrum of cloud SLAs by combining the power and ingenuity of OpenStack cloud management with proven data integrity and fully-developed storage provisioning, data protection, and efficiency.

By leveraging the power of NetApp® clustered Data ONTAP® operating system, enterprise organizations and service providers can build a cloud storage platform with an agile data infrastructure that delivers high-performing, efficient, and scalable open-source cloud services. NetApp provides a single storage platform that enables quick deployment, nimble reaction to change, and low-entry points with ability to scale large.

With capabilities such as self-healing and integrated data protection for backup and disaster recovery, NetApp solutions are enterprise proven and can help reduce risk for OpenStack cloud deployments. A global network of service provider partners already deploys hundreds of high-SLA cloud services built on NetApp with over a billion people around the world using clouds built on a NetApp foundation.

Now, because NetApp® technology is integrated with OpenStack block storage and OpenStack Compute, users can build on this proven and highly scalable storage platform to optimize their private and public cloud architectures by reducing risk and increasing efficiency.

This document intends to describe the application of NetApp capabilities to enable production OpenStack block storage deployment. In particular, it’s meant to address the needs of system architects, system administrators, and storage administrators who are investigating the use or deployment of OpenStack block storage (aka Cinder).

2 OpenStack Overview OpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds. The project aims to deliver solutions for all types of clouds by being simple to implement, massively scalable, and feature rich. The technology consists of a series of interrelated projects delivering various components for a cloud infrastructure solution.

OpenStack implements services for establishing infrastructure-as-a-service released under the Apache 2.0 license. It is available for all types of clouds because it is simple to implement, massively scalable, and feature rich. The project is managed by the OpenStack Foundation, a nonprofit corporate entity established in September 2012 to promote, protect, and empower OpenStack software and its community.

This technology consists of a series of interrelated, but modular projects that control large pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface.

OpenStack is committed to an open design and development process. The community operates around a six-month, time-based release cycle with frequent development milestones. For additional information, refer to www.openstack.org.

OpenStack is available to be deployed on all major Linux® platforms. For additional information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/GetOpenStack.

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2.1 OpenStack Foundation The OpenStack Foundation promotes the development, distribution and adoption of the OpenStack cloud operating system. The goal of the OpenStack Foundation is to serve developers, users, and the entire ecosystem by providing a set of shared resources to grow the footprint of public and private OpenStack clouds, enable technology vendors targeting the platform and assist developers in producing the best cloud software in the industry. NetApp is a charter member of the OpenStack Foundation at the Gold level.

2.2 OpenStack — A Collection of Cloud Services The various OpenStack community projects and the services they implement are modular in nature and generally capable of being used independently. They are intended to knit together into a net capability greater than the sum of the individual parts.

• OpenStack Compute (project name: Nova) — OpenStack enables enterprises and service providers to offer on-demand computing resources, by provisioning and managing large networks of virtual machines. Compute resources are accessible via APIs for developers building cloud applications and through web interfaces for administrators and users. The compute architecture is designed to scale horizontally on standard hardware. OpenStack Compute is architected to avoid inherent proprietary hardware or software requirements and the ability to integrate with existing systems and third-party technologies. It is designed to manage and automate pools of compute resources and can work with widely available virtualization technologies, as well as bare metal and high-performance computing (HPC) configurations.

• OpenStack Object Storage (project name: Swift) — OpenStack object storage provides a fully distributed, scale-out, API-accessible storage platform that can be integrated directly into applications or used for backup, archiving and data retention. object storage does not present a traditional file system, but rather a distributed storage system for static data such as virtual machine images, photo storage, email storage, backups and archives. The OpenStack object storage API (aka Swift API), in a manner somewhat similar to CDMI, proposes an open standard for cloud storage. It can also function as an alternative endpoint for Amazon Web Services S3 and as a CDMI server through the use of add on components.

• OpenStack block storage (project name: Cinder) — OpenStack block storage provides a “block storage as a service” capability. It provides persistent block devices mapped to OpenStack compute instances (which are otherwise assumed to be ephemeral). The block storage system manages the creation, attaching and detaching of the block devices to instances. It also optionally supports instance booting and provides mechanisms for creating Snapshot copies and cloning. While fully integrated with OpenStack Compute and Dashboard, it can also be used independent of OpenStack to provide a standardized abstraction for block storage provisioning.

• OpenStack Dashboard (project name: Horizon) — The OpenStack dashboard provides administrators and users a graphical interface to access, provision and automate cloud-based resources. The extensible design makes it easy to plug in and expose third-party products and services, such as billing, monitoring, and additional management tools. The dashboard can also be made brand specific for service providers and other Enterprises who require customization. The dashboard is one of several ways to interact with OpenStack resources. Developers can automate access or build tools to manage their resources using the native OpenStack API or the EC2 compatibility API. The dashboard provides users a self-service portal to provision their own resources within the limits set by administrators.

• OpenStack Identity (project name: Keystone) — OpenStack Identity provides a central directory of users mapped to the OpenStack services they can access. It acts as a common authentication system across the cloud operating system and can integrate with existing backend directory services (for example, for example, LDAP). It supports multiple forms of authentication including standard user name and password credentials, token-based systems and AWS-style logins. Additionally, the catalog provides a list of all of the services deployed in an OpenStack cloud in that can be queried in

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a single registry. Users and third-party tools can programmatically determine which resources they can access. OpenStack Identity enables: − Configuration of centralized policies across users and systems − Creation of users and tenants and define permissions for compute, storage and networking

resources using role-based access control (RBAC) features − Integration with existing directories, allowing for a single source of identity authentication − As a user, get a list of the services that you can access and make API requests or log into the

web dashboard to create resources owned by your account • OpenStack Image Service (project name: Glance) — The OpenStack Image Service provides

discovery, registration and delivery services for disk and server images. The ability to copy or snapshot a server image and immediately store it away is a powerful capability of the OpenStack cloud operating system. Stored images can be used as a template to get new servers up and running quickly and more consistently if you are provisioning multiple servers than installing a server operating system and individually configuring additional services. It can also be used to store and catalog an unlimited number of backups. The Image Service can store disk and server images in a variety of back-ends, including through NFS and Object Storage. The Image Service API provides a standard REST interface for querying information about disk images and lets clients stream the images to new servers. A multiformat image registry allowing uploads of private and public images in a variety of formats.

• OpenStack Network Service (project name: Quantum) — OpenStack Networking is a pluggable, scalable and API-driven system for managing networks and IP addresses. Like other aspects of the cloud operating system, it can be used by administrators and users to increase the value of existing data center assets. OpenStack Networking ensures the network will not be the bottleneck or limiting factor in a cloud deployment and provides users self-service over their own network configurations. The pluggable backend architecture lets users take advantage of basic commodity gear or advanced networking services from supported vendors. Administrators can take advantage of software-defined networking (SDN) technology like OpenFlow to allow for high levels of multi-tenancy and massive scale. OpenStack Networking has an extension framework allowing additional network services, such as intrusion detection systems (IDS), load balancing, firewalls and virtual private networks (VPN) to be deployed and managed.

• OpenStack “Monitoring” (project name: Ceilometer) — The Ceilometer project (official OpenStack project name TBD) provides common infrastructure to collect measurements within OpenStack. Its primary initial targets are monitoring and metering, but the framework is expandable to collect for other needs. Ceilometer has been newly promoted from incubation status to an integrated component of OpenStack in the Grizzly (April 2013) release.

• OpenStack “Application Orchestration” (project name: Heat) — The “Heat” project (official OpenStack project name TBD) implements a service to orchestrate multiple composite cloud applications using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFormation template format, through both an OpenStack-native and CloudFormation-compatible API. It is intended, in part, to facilitate movement of workloads from AWS to OpenStack deployments. Heat has been newly promoted from incubation status to an integrated component of OpenStack in the Grizzly (April 2013) release.

Note: The OpenStack Foundation regularly evaluates new project contributions for eventual inclusion as officially integrated. As such, the list above is expected to grow over time.

2.3 OpenStack Releases and Distribution OpenStack’s major release cadence switched from every three months to 6 months starting with the Essex release. The Havana release date is tentative as of the date of this writing. Successive releases are alphabetically incremented. Hence, the release intended for April of 2014, by convention, will start with the letter “I.”

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• Austin – October 2010 • Bexar – February 2011 • Cactus – April 2011 • Diablo - September 2011 • Essex - April 2012 • Folsom - October 2012 • Grizzly – April 2013 • Havana - October 2013

Additionally, for each major version a stable branch is made available. These branches represent a centralized effort to maintain bugfixes and vulnerability fixes for released OpenStack project versions in ready-to-use branches.

OpenStack is often consumed through one of a variety of prepackaged methods (for example, OpenStack Cisco Edition, Red Hat’s RHOS, Rackspace Private Cloud Software, Canonical’s Ubuntu, SUSE, Piston Enterprise OpenStack, StackOps and a growing variety of other options). Additional distributions or packaged appliances (for example, for example, Nebula One) from leading technology vendors are currently under development or are in preview, and are expected to be released in the coming months.

This document is intended to be broadly applicable to deployment with distributions meeting the OpenStack Foundation’s requirements for a compliant software distribution.

3 NetApp’s Participation in OpenStack NetApp has a strong history of collaborating with and contributing to open source communities. Ongoing participation in Linux, FreeBSD, as well as a number of other open source projects continues and it is pleased to be a contributing member to OpenStack, the open source cloud operating system. NetApp’s participation in this community enables the integration of our storage and data management technologies into an open source cloud solution.

3.1 Foundation Membership NetApp is a charter member of the OpenStack Foundation. The OpenStack Foundation is an independent body providing shared resources to help achieve the Mission by Protecting, Empowering, and Promoting OpenStack software and the community around it. As a Gold member of the Foundation, we are pleased to be taking a leadership role in the community.

3.2 Contributions A suite of NetApp drivers for OpenStack block storage (aka Cinder) are built into and available now in the Grizzly release of OpenStack www.openstack.org/software/start/.

Where possible NetApp intends to (and has to date) contribute integrations upstream in OpenStack directly.

4 About Data ONTAP and FAS Data Storage Systems NetApp’s Data ONTAP operating system delivers an industry-leading, unified storage platform for unprecedented levels of scalability, and data storage flexibility to keep your workloads running round the clock.

Data ONTAP 8.x offers two operating modes, clustered Data ONTAP and 7-Mode. Clustered Data ONTAP operation enhances NetApp’s storage efficiency value by introducing massive scalability and nondisruptive operations. With clustered Data ONTAP 8, two or more controllers (or nodes) operate as

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one shared resource pool or storage cluster. The storage cluster can be expanded, contracted, and subdivided nondisruptively into one or more secure partitions, or NetApp® virtual storage server (Vserver). A Vserver is a logical storage container that includes allocated storage resources from within the cluster as well as security parameters, such as rights and permissions. Logical interfaces allow clients to access data within a Vserver from anywhere in the cluster. To the application, a Vserver presents a securely partitioned storage pool that can be dynamically deployed and redeployed according to changing business requirements.

For more information, refer to www.netapp.com/us/products/platform-os/data-ontap-8/.

4.1 Description of FAS Systems The FAS family is a unified storage systems family with integrated data protection, robust data management, and built-in storage efficiency for virtualized, shared infrastructure and business applications. FAS storage is excellent for data management efficiency, virtualized infrastructure, shared workloads, and IT as a service delivery. FAS systems are often referred to as “filers.”

Detailed information on the individual options within the FAS family is available here: http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/

Note: NetApp’s OpenStack block storage drivers operate against Data ONTAP and are abstract to the specific FAS platform. Any given hardware platform supported by a version of Data ONTAP that in turn is supported by a particular OpenStack block storage driver will function.

5 NetApp Drivers for OpenStack Block Storage NetApp offers an innovative combination of autoprovisioning, advanced storage efficiency, integrated data protection, and nondisruptive operations with the ability to scale while preserving performance. NetApp® drivers for the Data ONTAP® architecture operating in clustered Data ONTAP and 7-Mode have been written in two variants, namely, iSCSI and NFS drivers. Both of the variants provide OpenStack with access to NetApp clustered Data ONTAP and 7-Mode controllers for provisioning and maintaining OpenStack volumes.

5.1 Multiple Deployment Options A variety of OpenStack block storage deployment options for NetApp Data ONTAP based systems are available in the Grizzly OpenStack release and involve making deployment choices between the following:

• Clustered Data ONTAP or 7-Mode. • Direct to filer drivers or drivers that provide integration with the NetApp management software. • iSCSI or NFS-backed drivers.

The following lists all of the individual options and subsequent sections are intended to offer guidance on which drivers ought to be employed given varying use cases.

• NetApp clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI driver • NetApp clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI direct driver • NetApp clustered Data ONTAP NFS driver • NetApp clustered Data ONTAP NFS direct driver • NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI driver • NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI direct driver • NetApp 7-Mode NFS driver • NetApp 7-Mode NFS direct driver

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Table 1 lists the variety of OpenStack block storage deployment options with Data ONTAP and optionally intermediary management software employed to avail a service catalog. The OpenStack release that the feature was first made available is listed as well:

Table 1) List of deployment options for OpenStack block storage with NetApp FAS systems.

Deployment Options Mode Direct Management Software Integrated

Clustered Data ONTAP

iSCSI Grizzly Folsom NetApp Cloud Web Service

NFS Grizzly Grizzly

7-Mode iSCSI Grizzly Essex

OnCommand NFS Grizzly Folsom

5.2 Usage of the Term Volume Note: Data ONTAP FlexVols (commonly referred to as volumes) and OpenStack block storage volumes

(commonly referred to as Cinder volumes) are not semantically analogous. A FlexVol volume is a container of logical data elements (for example, for example, files, Snapshot copies, clones, LUNs, et cetera) that is abstracted from physical elements (for example, for example, individual disks, and RAID groups). A Cinder volume is a block device. Most commonly these block devices are made available to OpenStack Compute instances. NetApp’s various driver options for deployment of FAS as a provider of Cinder storage place Cinder volumes, Snapshot copies, and clones within FlexVol volumes.

5.3 Usage of the Term “Driver” Note: OpenStack object storage (Cinder) backend implementations are commonly referred to as

drivers. This often creates confusion given common understanding of the behavior of “device drivers” in operating systems. The term can connote software that provides a data I/O path. In the case of Cinder driver implementations the software provides provisioning and other manipulation of storage devices but does not lay in the data I/O path. For this reason, the term driver may be used interchangeably with the alternative term “provider.”

5.4 Features and Benefits of NetApp Volume Drivers for OpenStack OpenStack deployment spans a wide gamut of use cases. NetApp’s clustered Data ONTAP provides an ideal underpinning to enable the broadest array of workloads and associated SLAs. Data ONTAP provides unified storage capable of meeting block, file, and object storage requirements. OpenStack Compute instances, OpenStack Image repositories, OpenStack object storage nodes, and OpenStack block storage as well as infrastructure databases and ad hoc application data storage can reside on the same shared, fault-tolerant infrastructure.

Clustered Data ONTAP’s array of efficiency features (for example, deduplication, compression, thin provisioning, automated storage tiering, space-efficient replication, Snapshot copies, and clones), and data protection suite (such as self-healing storage and integrated backup and disaster recovery) can either be indirectly applied to OpenStack services or in the case of OpenStack block storage can be expressly accessed. Automated policy based provisioning and protection exposed through a service catalog are available through the use of NetApp OnCommand and WFA in the management-integrated variety of NetApp drivers. The debut of Quality of Service (QoS) policies in Data ONTAP 8.2 combined with clustered Data ONTAP’s ability to expand and contract seamlessly whilst maintaining continuous availability complete the picture.

Additionally, NetApp has contributed drivers that enable the use of NFS as a means of achieving vast scale. These drivers mount NFS to Compute Nodes (where the hypervisor resides). Creation of Cinder volume initiates creating a file that in turn is mapped as virtual block devices to the instances.

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The Data ONTAP 7-Mode drivers can optionally leverage NetApp OnCommand® management software for automation. This includes the ability to establish replication and archiving policies that are automatically executed upon creation of new volumes.

Considerations for Selecting Data ONTAP Mode of Operation • Clustered Data ONTAP represents NetApp’s platform for delivering future innovation in the FAS line.

Its inherent qualities of virtualization of network interfaces, disk subsystem, and administrative storage controller map well to OpenStack constructs. The virtual storage controller (aka Vserver) can span across all nodes of a given clustered Data ONTAP deployment, for example. The elasticity provided to expand or contract a Vserver across horizontally scalable resources are capabilities critical to cloud deployment unique to the clustered ONTAP mode of operation.

• The Data ONTAP 7-Mode drivers are primarily provided to allow rapid use of prior deployed FAS systems for OpenStack block storage requirements. The “management software integrated” version of the 7-Mode iSCSI driver is in some ways the most mature (as of Grizzly) of the available options and offers access to a Storage Service Catalog. However, there is no current intention to enhance the 7-Mode driver options beyond basic bug fixing.

Advantages of and Considerations for Direct Drivers The advantages of the direct drivers are as follows:

• Ease of installation and management. • Reduced complexity by eliminating dependencies on other management components (for example,

OnCommand, WFA). • Improved resiliency by eliminating potential single point of failure (SPoF) concerns. • Improved scalability by eliminating potential fan in points of contention. • Eliminates requirements for third-party software. • The direct drivers most closely correspond to the OpenStack distributed availability / scalability

model. • Direct drivers require one instance per vServer (or in the case of 7-Mode, storage controller).

Advantages of and Considerations for Management-Integrated Drivers The advantages of the Management-integrated class of drivers (for example, OnCommand, NetApp Cloud Web Service, and WFA) are as follows:

• Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) to manage workflow through WFA. • Management-integrated drivers allow one instance to manage multiple storage systems. In the

inverse, however, multiple Cinder instances cannot be used with one OnCommand instance. • Access to Protection and Provisoning policies. • In the case of WFA, automation can be extended to other portions/components of infrastructure.

Advantages of and Considerations for iSCSI and NFS Drivers Data ONTAP stores iSCSI LUNs in essentially the same way it stores NFS files internally. The primary difference is in the data access protocol used between the client and the server.

Both protocols are stateless and TCP/IP/Ethernet–based, and supports similar throughputs and latencies, Snapshot copies and cloning are supported to similar degrees, as well as mirroring features.

The differences are as follows:

• LUNs consume more management resources and some management tools also have limitations on the number of LUNs.

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• Files in NFS are not inhibited by such limitations, and it is perfectly reasonable to store millions of files in a given file system.

• For this reason, NetApp recommends NFS over iSCSI for installations with large numbers of Cinder volumes.

• NFS drivers require support from the hypervisor to virtualize files and present them as block devices to an instance.

• iSCSI drivers, particularly when OpenStack block storage is used independently of OpenStack Compute, are essential to provide direct access to block devices. The NFS drivers rely on libvirt and the hypervisor to represent files as virtual block devices. When Cinder is made use of for bare-metal or non-virtualized environments the NFS drivers are not an option.

Note: For deployment requirements involving significant scale, NetApp recommends employing the clustered ONTAP direct NFS driver. Future NetApp driver development is current slated to occur primarily on the clustered ONTAP direct drivers for NFS and iSCSI to offer the most advantaged and OpenStack ecosystem compatible model. Many of the advantageous characterisics (eg a service catalog) detailed above for the management-integrated variety of drivers are planned to be re-implemented in these direct drivers.

5.5 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI Direct Driver The NetApp iSCSI driver for clustered Data ONTAP is a driver interface from OpenStack block storage to clustered ONTAP storage systems to accomplish provisioning and management of the SAN block storage entity; that is, a NetApp LUN using the iSCSI protocol.

The NetApp iSCSI direct driver for clustered Data ONTAP does not require any additional management software to achieve the desired functionality. It uses NetApp APIs to interact with clustered Data ONTAP.

The NetApp clustered Data ONTAP driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting from the Folsom release. OpenStack is available for deployment on all major Linux platforms. For additional information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/GetOpenStack.

Figure 1 illustrates OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP.

Figure 1) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP.

Clustered Data ONTAP®




NetApp Direct iSCSI Driver

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Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and Clustered Data ONTAP The driver requires a storage controller running clustered Data ONTAP 8.1 or later.

The storage system should be installed with the following licenses:

• Base • iSCSI • FlexClone

Configuration Options for the Clustered Data ONTAP Direct Driver To set up the NetApp clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI driver for OpenStack, the following lines must be added to cinder conf (/etc/cinder/cinder.conf file): volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppDirectCmodeISCSIDriver netapp_server_hostname=${hostname} netapp_server_port=80 netapp_login=${cluster_management_username} netapp_password=${cluster_management_password}

Table 2 lists the configuration options available.

Table 2) List of configuration flags for clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI direct driver.

Flag Name Type Default Description

netapp_server_hostname Mandatory The cluster management IP address for clustered Data ONTAP.

netapp_server_port Mandatory The clustered Data ONTAP port to use for communication. As a custom, 80 is used for http and 443 is used for https communication. The default ports can be changed if other ports are used for ONTAPI on clustered Data ONTAP.

netapp_login Mandatory Login user name for clustered Data ONTAP management.

netapp_password Mandatory Login password for clustered Data ONTAP management.

netapp_transport_type Optional http Transport protocol for communicating with clustered Data ONTAP. Supported protocols include http and https.

netapp_size_multiplier Optional 1.2 The quantity to be multiplied to the requested OpenStack volume size, which then is used to verify that the final size is available on the clustered Data ONTAP Vserver before creating the OpenStack volume on the same.

netapp_vserver Optional openstack The Vserver on the cluster on which provisioning of OpenStack volumes will be done.

5.6 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI Driver The NetApp iSCSI driver for clustered Data ONTAP is a driver interface from OpenStack Cinder to

NetApp clustered Data ONTAP storage controllers to accomplish provisioning and management of a storage-area network (SAN) block storage entity; that is, a NetApp LUN using the iSCSI protocol.

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Figure 2 illustrates OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP.

Figure 2) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP.

NetApp® OnCommand

Clustered Data ONTAP®



NetApp® Cloud Web Service

NetApp Driver




Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and Clustered Data ONTAP The prerequisites for OpenStack components and NetApp clustered Data ONTAP are as follows:

• All OpenStack components must be installed before configuring NetApp clustered Data ONTAP. • OpenStack module Cinder is dependent on the NetApp driver to achieve iSCSI file provisioning and

maintenance operations on a NetApp clustered Data ONTAP controller.

The following NetApp software must be installed and accessed by the OpenStack environment for the driver to achieve the expected functionalities.

• OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package: The supported versions are 5.0 and 5.1. − You can download the software package from http://download.netapp.com/cgi-bin/software/. − Refer to the software-specific installation and support guide for installation, licensing, and

support-related information. • OnCommand Operations Manager: You need not install Operations Manager separately. Verify that

the OnCommand license applied to the Unified Manager Core Package includes Operations Manager. To access Operations Manager from the OnCommand dashboard, go to File > Operations Manager.

• Workflow Automation Tool (WFA): The supported version is 2.0.

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• NetApp Cloud Web Service (latest version): You can download the software package from the  NetApp  Community  and install it. Configuration instructions for the NetApp Cloud Web Service are part of the installation package in the “Installation and Configuration Guide” on the NetApp  Community.

• The driver requires a storage controller running clustered Data ONTAP 8.1 or later.

The storage system should be installed with the following licenses:

− Base − NFS − FlexClone

Note: Only the Vserver’s name prefixed with “openstack” will be used for OpenStack-related operations.

The NetApp Cloud Web Service is supported on Windows and Linux with Java® (NetApp recommends installing version 1.6 or higher).

• Software setup guide for clustered Data ONTAP: http://support.netapp.com/documentation/docweb/index.html?productID=61540

• System administration guide to manage the NetApp virtual storage server (Vserver): http://support.netapp.com/documentation/docweb/index.html?productID=61540

NetApp Cloud Web Service Application and Installation Procedure The NetApp Cloud Web Service is an application that acts as an intermediate communication interface between OpenStack Cinder and NetApp solutions/products. The current version of the application supports only NetApp clustered Data ONTAP-related operations.

For the installation procedure, refer to the “Installation and Configuration Guide” that is part of the NetApp Cloud Web Service installation package on the NetApp Community.

Installation Procedures The NetApp clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting from the Essex release. OpenStack is available for deployment on major Linux platforms.

For additional information, refer to the following link: http://wiki.openstack.org/Getopenstack

iSCSI Driver Deployment To set up the NetApp clustered Data ONTAP iSCSI driver for OpenStack, the following lines must be added to the cinder configuration file:

volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppCmodeISCSIDriver netapp_wsdl_url=http://${ntapcloud_host}:${ntapcloud_port}/ntapcloud/ws/CloudStorageService/?wsdl netapp_login=admin netapp_password=${ntapcloud_password} netapp_server_hostname=${ntapcloud_host} netapp_server_port=${ntapcloud_port}

Note: ONTAP_CLOUD refers to the NetApp Cloud Web Service.

5.7 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP NFS Direct Driver The NetApp NFS driver for clustered Data ONTAP is a driver interface from OpenStack block storage to a Data ONTAP cluster system to accomplish provisioning and management of OpenStack volumes on NFS exports provided by the Data ONTAP cluster system. The NetApp NFS direct driver for the Data ONTAP

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cluster does not require any additional management software to achieve the desired functionality. It uses NetApp APIs to interact with the Data ONTAP cluster.

The NetApp Data ONTAP cluster NFS driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting from the Folsom release. OpenStack is available for deployment on all major Linux platforms.

For additional information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/GetOpenStack.  

Figure 3 illustrates OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

Figure 3) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP.

Clustered Data ONTAP®


NetApp Direct NFS Driver






Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and Clustered Data ONTAP The driver requires a storage controller running Data ONTAP 8.1 or later. The storage system should have the following licenses applied:

• Base • NFS • FlexClone

Configuration Options for the Clustered Data ONTAP NFS Direct Driver To set up a NetApp clustered Data ONTAP NFS direct driver for OpenStack, the following lines must be added to cinder conf (/etc/cinder/cinder.conf file):

volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppDirectCmodeNfsDriver netapp_server_hostname=${hostname} netapp_server_port=80 netapp_login=${cluster_management_username} netapp_password=${cluster_management_password} nfs_shares_config=${File_path_containing_nfs_exports}

Note: File at nfs_shares_config should contain the nfs exports in the ip:/share format, for example, ( where “share” in clustered ONTAP refers to junction path for a volume. Make sure that volumes corresponding to exports have read/write permissions set on Data

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ONTAP controllers. Also, all exports should belong to the clustered ONTAP controllers while using the preceding driver. Restart the cinder service and start provisioning storage using the driver.

Table 3 the configuration options available.

Table 3) List of configuration flags for NetApp clustered Data ONTAP NFS direct driver.

Flag Type Default Description


Mandatory The cluster management IP address for clustered Data ONTAP.


Mandatory The clustered Data ONTAP port for communication. As a custom, 80 is used for http and 443 is used for https communication. The default ports can be changed if other ports are used for ONTAPI on clustered Data ONTAP.


Optional http Transport protocol for communicating with clustered Data ONTAP. Supported protocols include http and https.

netapp_login Mandatory Login user name for clustered Data ONTAP management.

netapp_password Mandatory Login password for clustered Data ONTAP management.

5.8 NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP NFS Driver The NetApp NFS driver for clustered Data ONTAP is a driver interface from OpenStack Cinder to a NetApp clustered Data ONTAP system to accomplish provisioning and management of OpenStack volumes on NFS exports provided by the clustered Data ONTAP system.

Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP The prerequisites for all the OpenStack components and NetApp clustered Data ONTAP are as follows:

• All OpenStack components must be installed before configuring clustered Data ONTAP. • The OpenStack block storage module Cinder is dependent on the NetApp driver to achieve NFS file

provisioning and maintenance operations on the NetApp clustered Data ONTAP controller.

The following NetApp software must be installed and accessed by the OpenStack environment for the driver to achieve the expected functionalities.

• OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package: The supported versions are 5.0 and 5.1. − You can download the software package from

http://download.netapp.com/cgi-bin/software/. − Refer to the software-specific installation and support guide for installation, licensing, and

support-related information. • OnCommand Operations Manager: You need not install Operations Manager separately. Verify that

the OnCommand license applied to the Unified Manager Core Package includes Operations Manager. To access Operations Manager from the OnCommand dashboard go to File > Operations Manager.

• Workflow Automation Tool (WFA): The supported version is 2.0. • NetApp Cloud Web Service (latest version): You can download the software package from the  

NetApp  Community  and install it. Configuration instructions for the NetApp Cloud Web Service are part of the installation package in the “Installation and Configuration Guide” on the NetApp  Community.

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The driver requires a storage controller running clustered Data ONTAP 8.0 or later. Data ONTAP 7.3.6 and later is also supported. The storage system should be installed with the following licenses:

• Base • NFS • FlexClone

Note: The nfs-common package should be installed on the node running cinder. Install the package depending on the platform if it is not available.

NetApp Cloud Web Service Application and Installation Procedure The NetApp Cloud Web Service is an application that acts as an intermediate communication interface between OpenStack Cinder and NetApp solutions/products. The current version of the application supports only NetApp clustered Data ONTAP–related operations.

For the installation procedure, refer to the “Installation and Configuration Guide” that is part of the NetApp Cloud Web Service installation package.

Figure 4 illustrates OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP.

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Figure 4) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp clustered Data ONTAP.

Clustered Data ONTAP®

NetApp® OnCommand®


NetApp® Cloud Web Service

NFS Mount




Installation Procedures The NetApp clustered Data ONTAP NFS driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting from the Essex release. OpenStack is available for deployment on all major Linux platforms. For additional information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/Getopenstack.

NFS Driver Deployment To set up the NetApp clustered Data ONTAP NFS driver for OpenStack, the following lines must be added to the cinder configuration file:

volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppCmodeNfsDriver netapp_wsdl_url=http://${ntapcloud_host}:${ntapcloud_port}/ntapcloud/ws/CloudStorageService/?wsdl netapp_login=admin netapp_password=${ntapcloud_password} netapp_server_hostname=${ntapcloud_host} netapp_server_port=${ntapcloud_port} nfs_shares_config=${File_path_containing_nfs_exports}

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Note: File at nfs_shares_config should contain the nfs exports in the ip:/share format, for example, ( where “share” in clustered ONTAP refers to junction path for a volume. Make sure that volumes corresponding to exports have read/write permissions set on Data ONTAP controllers. Also, all exports should belong to the clustered ONTAP controllers while using the preceding driver. Restart the cinder service and start provisioning storage using the driver.

Note: ONTAP_CLOUD refers to the NetApp Cloud Web Service.

5.9 NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI Driver The NetApp iSCSI driver for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode is a driver interface from OpenStack Cinder to NetApp 7-Mode storage controllers to accomplish provisioning and management of a storage-area network (SAN) block storage entity; that is, a NetApp LUN using the iSCSI protocol.

Solution Architecture • The NetApp OpenStack driver relies on Provisioning Manager to decide from where to provision new

storage. • Each "project" in OpenStack will map to a "dataset" in Provisioning Manager. • Datasets are created from a "storage service"; they specify policies to be applied to the datasets and

also specify which resource pools will be available for provisioning new storage. • The driver makes calls to Provisioning Manager to provision each new volume. If a dataset already

exists corresponding to the project for the new volume, the dataset is reused; otherwise, a new dataset is created before proceeding with the provisioning operation.

• The driver needs the storage service to have a SAN provisioning policy with LUN storage containers. • The remaining provisioning policy options and all of the protection policy options are up to the user. • The driver uses Provisioning Manager to perform LUN provisioning (and deletion), but does all of the

LUN mapping/masking operations through pass-through operations to the storage controllers. • In particular, creation of igroups and mapping of LUNs to igroups is done outside of Provisioning


Figure 5 illustrates OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

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Figure 5) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

Storage Service Catalog

NetApp® OnCommand®





e Po


iSCSI NetApp Driver





Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and Data ONTAP 7-Mode The prerequisites for OpenStack components and NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode are as follows:

• All OpenStack components must be installed before configuring NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode. • OpenStack module Cinder is dependent on the NetApp driver to achieve iSCSI file provisioning and

maintenance operations on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode controller.

The following NetApp software is required to be installed and accessed by the OpenStack environment for the driver to achieve the expected functionalities.

• OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package. The supported versions are 5.0 and 5.1. − You can download the software package from http://download.netapp.com/cgi-bin/software/. − Refer to the software-specific installation and support guide for installation, licensing, and

support-related information. • OnCommand Operations Manager. You need not install Operations Manager separately. Verify that

the OnCommand license applied to the Unified Manager Core Package includes Operations Manager. To access Operations Manager from the OnCommand dashboard, go to File > Operations Manager.

• NetApp Management Console. You can download the software from the OnCommand dashboard. Go to File > Download Management Console. The downloaded package can then be installed as a desktop client.

• The storage controller(s) should be discovered by OnCommand, and OnCommand should have the login/password configured for all storage controllers to enable active management.

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• The OpenStack controller node(s) must have network connectivity to the OnCommand management station. The OpenStack Compute nodes must have network connectivity to all storage controllers that are part of the resource pool(s) associated with the OpenStack storage service in OnCommand.

The driver requires a storage controller running Data ONTAP 8.0 or later (under 7-Mode). Data ONTAP 7.3.6 and later are also supported. The storage system should be installed with the following licenses:

− Base − iSCSI − FlexClone®1

− MultiStore® (if using vFiler® units for provisioning) • Configure a storage service specifically for use by OpenStack. • Configure a Web service definition language (WSDL) file for DataFabric® Manager (DFM server)

available to OpenStack.

For the software setup guide for Data ONTAP 7-Mode, visit: http://support.netapp.com/documentation/docweb/index.html?productID=61540.

Installation and Configuration of OnCommand The steps for installing and configuring OnCommand are as follows:

1. Download OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package version 5.1 from http://support.netapp.com/portal/download and install it.

2. Choose the 7-Mode option during installation. 3. Confirm that all prerequisites for installing OnCommand are met.

Installation Procedures Before configuring the NetApp OpenStack driver, verify that OnCommand is set up correctly and configure a storage service specifically for use by OpenStack. The storage service should have a SAN provisioning policy with a LUN container type, at a minimum. Make a note of the storage service name because you will need to enter it in cinder.conf.

Configuration of Storage Service for OpenStack 1. Open the NetApp management console and log in to the DataFabric Manager server to create the

resource pool. a. Select Data > Resource pools from the left pane and click Add.

1 FlexClone technology instantly replicates data volumes and datasets as transparent, virtual copies.

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2. Enter the name and owner of the resource pool in the Name and Owner fields.

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3. Click Next. Select the most appropriate aggregate from the Available physical resources option.

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4. Click Next, and type the Resource pool label. Type openstack_rp in the Resource pool label.

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5. Click Next, and then click Finish.

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6. Add the provisioning policy. Select Policies > Provisioning from the left pane, and click Add.

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7. Select SAN as the storage type. Continue with further options on default settings or modify as required. Leave provisioning script fields blank.

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8. Choose the disk failure protection. Click Next.

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9. Add the newly created resource pool to the resource label.

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10. Click Next, and then click Finish.

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11. Create storage service for OpenStack and update the service to cinder.conf (netapp_storage_prefix). a. Select Policies > Storage Services from the left pane, and click Add.

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12. Enter the name of the storage service.

You may assign a protection policy or proceed with no protection policy.

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13. Select the provisioning policy and resource pools in the Node Configuration page.

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WSDL File for DataFabric Manager Make the WSDL file of DataFabric Manager server available to OpenStack. This can be done in a number of ways, including copying the WSDL file to a place from where OpenStack can read it directly or making the file available over an HTTP interface. One simple way to do the latter is to use the Operations Manager (OM) Web server and to simply copy the file into the Web root. On Linux, run the following command:

cp /opt/NTAPdfm/misc/dfm.wsdl /opt/NTAPdfm/web

On Windows®, find the wsdl file <DFM_HOME>\DFM\misc\dfm.wsdl.

Installation Procedures The Data ONTAP 7-Mode iSCSI driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting with the Essex release. OpenStack is available for deployment on all major Linux platforms. For more information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/Getopenstack.

iSCSI Driver Deployment To set up the NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode iSCSI driver, the following lines must be added to the configuration file (cinder conf):

volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppISCSIDriver

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netapp_wsdl_url=http://${DFM_HOSTNAME}:8080/dfm.wsdl netapp_login=${DFM_LOGIN} netapp_password=${DFM_PASSWORD} netapp_server_hostname=${DFM_HOSTNAME} netapp_server_port=8088 netapp_storage_service=${STORAGE_SERVICE} netapp_storage_service_prefix=${STORAGE_SERVICE_PREFIX}

The preceding information assumes default port numbers, and you need to only supply the host name and login details for the DataFabric Manager server, as well as the storage service name.

Note: Refer to the storage service name that is created in DFM and copy the same name to ${STORAGE_SERVICE} (as per this example the value here is “openstack_ss”). When the volume is created, the ${STORAGE_SERVICE_PREFIX} will be prefixed before the actual volume name. Restart the Cinder service and start provisioning storage using the driver.

5.10 NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI Direct Driver The NetApp iSCSI driver for 7-Mode is a driver interface from OpenStack Cinder to the 7-Mode storage controller to accomplish provisioning and management of the SAN block storage entity; that is, a NetApp LUN using the iSCSI protocol.

The NetApp iSCSI direct driver for 7-Mode does not require any additional management software to achieve the desired functionality. It uses NetApp APIs to interact with the 7-Mode storage controller.

The NetApp direct 7-Mode driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting from the Folsom release. OpenStack is available for deployment on all major Linux platforms. For additional information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/GetOpenStack.  

Figure 6 illustrates OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

Figure 6) OpenStack block storage with iSCSI on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

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Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and Data ONTAP 7-Mode The driver requires a storage controller running Data ONTAP 8.0 or later (under 7-Mode). Data ONTAP operating in 7.3.6 and later is also supported.

The storage system should be installed with the following licenses:

• Base • iSCSI • FlexClone • MultiStore (if using vFiler units for provisioning)

Configuration Options for the 7-Mode Direct Driver To set up the NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode iSCSI direct driver, the following lines must be added to the cinder conf (/etc/cinder/cinder.conf file):

volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.iscsi.NetAppDirect7modeISCSIDriver netapp_server_hostname=${hostname} netapp_server_port=80 netapp_login=${cluster_management_username} netapp_password=${cluster_management_password}

Table 4 lists the configuration options available.

Table 4) List of configuration flags for NetApp 7-Mode iSCSI direct driver.

Flag Name Type Default Description


Mandatory The management IP address for the 7-Mode storage controller.

netapp_server_port Mandatory The 7-Mode controller port to use for communication. As a custom, 80 is used for http and 443 is used for https communication. The default ports can be changed if other ports are used for the ONTAPI® API on the 7-Mode controller.

netapp_login Mandatory Login user name for 7-Mode controller management.

netapp_password Mandatory Login password for 7-Mode controller management.

netapp_transport_type Optional http Transport protocol to use for communicating with 7-Mode controller. Supported protocols include http and https.

netapp_vfiler Optional The vFiler unit to be used for provisioning of OpenStack volumes. Use this only if using MultiStore.

netapp_volume_list Optional Comma-separated list of NetApp volumes to be used for provisioning on 7-Mode controller. This option is used to restrict provisioning to the specified NetApp controller volumes. In case this option is not specified, all NetApp controller volumes except the controller root volume are used for provisioning OpenStack volumes.

netapp_size_multiplier Optional 1.2 The quantity to be multiplied by the requested OpenStack volume size, which then is used to make sure that the final size is available on the 7-Mode controller before creating the OpenStack volume on the same controller.

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5.11 NetApp 7-Mode NFS Driver The NetApp 7-Mode NFS driver is used by the OpenStack Cinder component to accomplish provisioning and management of files to be used as a block storage device on NFS exports present on NetApp 7-Mode storage systems.

Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode The prerequisites for all the OpenStack components and NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode are as follows:

• All OpenStack components must be installed before configuring Data ONTAP 7-Mode. • The OpenStack block storage module Cinder depends on the NetApp driver to achieve NFS file

provisioning and maintenance operations on the NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode controller.

The following NetApp software must be installed and accessed by the OpenStack environment for the driver to achieve the expected functionalities.

• OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package. The supported versions are 5.0 and 5.1. − You can download the software package from

http://download.netapp.com/cgi-bin/software/. − Refer to the software-specific installation and support guide for installation, licensing, and

support-related information. • OnCommand Operations Manager.

You need not install Operations Manager separately. Verify that the OnCommand license applied to the Unified Manager Core Package includes Operations Manager. To access Operations Manager from the OnCommand dashboard go to File > Operations Manager.

• A storage controller running Data ONTAP 8.0 or later (under 7-Mode). Data ONTAP 7.3.6 and later is also supported.

• The storage controller(s) should be discovered by OnCommand, and OnCommand should have the login/password configured for all of the storage controllers to enable active management.

• The OpenStack Cinder node(s) must have network connectivity to the OnCommand management station. The OpenStack Compute nodes must have network connectivity to all storage controllers that are part of the resource pool(s) associated with the OpenStack storage service in OnCommand.

The driver requires a storage controller running Data ONTAP 8.0 or later (under 7-Mode). Data ONTAP 7.3.6 and later is also supported.

The storage system should be installed with the following licenses:

• Base • NFS • FlexClone • MultiStore (if using vFiler units for provisioning)

Note: The nfs-common package should be installed on the node running cinder. Install the package depending on the platform if it is not available.

• Configure the Web service definition language (WSDL) file for DataFabric Manager (DFM server) available to OpenStack.

• The software setup guide for Data ONTAP 7-Mode: http://support.netapp.com/documentation/docweb/index.html?productID=61540

• The system administration guide to manage the NetApp virtual storage server (Vserver): http://support.netapp.com/documentation/docweb/index.html?productID=61540

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Figure 7) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

NetApp® OnCommand®




CinderNFS NetApp Driver

NFS Mount

WSDL File for DataFabric Manager Make the WSDL file for the DataFabric Manager server available to OpenStack. This can be done in a number of ways, including copying the WSDL file to a place from where OpenStack can read it directly or making the file available over an HTTP interface. One simple way to do the latter is to use the Operations Manager (OM) Web server and to simply copy the file into the Web root. On Linux, run the following command:

cp /opt/NTAPdfm/misc/dfm.wsdl /opt/NTAPdfm/web

On Windows, find the wsdl file <DFM_HOME>\DFM\misc\dfm.wsdl.

Installation and Configuration of OnCommand Download and install the OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package version 5.1. You can download it from http://support.netapp.com/portal/download.

Note: Choose the 7-Mode option during installation.

Installation Procedures The NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode iSCSI driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting from the Essex release. OpenStack is available for deployment on all major Linux platforms. For additional information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/Getopenstack. OpenStack Cinder: http://wiki.openstack.org/Cinder. The 7-Mode NFS driver is the primary interface from the OpenStack environment to NetApp product and solution technologies for achieving NFS file management–related operations on NetApp 7-Mode storage systems. The NetApp 7-Mode NFS driver is part of Cinder components in OpenStack.

Note: NetApp recommends using one driver per cinder node.

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NFS Driver Deployment To set up the NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode NFS driver, the following lines must be added to the cinder.conf file:

volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppNFSDriver netapp_wsdl_url= http://${DFM_HOSTNAME}:8080/dfm.wsdl netapp_login=${DFM_LOGIN} netapp_password=${DFM_PASSWORD} netapp_server_hostname=${DFM_HOSTNAME} netapp_server_port=8088 nfs_shares_config=${File_path_containing_nfs_exports}

The preceding information assumes default port numbers, and you need to supply only the host name and login details for the DataFabric Manager server, as well as the file path of the NFS export.

Note: The file at nfs_shares_config should contain the nfs exports in the ip:/share format, for example, ( where “share” in Data ONTAP 7-Mode refers to nfs export for a volume. Verify that volumes corresponding to exports have read/write permissions set on Data ONTAP controllers. Also, all exports should belong to the same 7-Mode systems while using the preceding driver. Restart the cinder service and start provisioning storage using the driver.

5.12 NetApp 7-Mode NFS Direct Driver The NetApp NFS driver for 7-Mode is a driver interface from OpenStack block storage to NetApp. The 7-Mode storage controllers accomplish provisioning and management of OpenStack volumes on NFS exports provided by the 7-Mode storage controller. The NetApp NFS direct driver for 7-Mode does not require any additional management software to achieve the desired functionality. It uses NetApp APIs to interact with the 7-Mode storage controller.

The NetApp 7-Mode NFS driver is included in the OpenStack distribution starting from the Folsom release. OpenStack is available for deployment on all major Linux platforms. For additional information, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/GetOpenStack.  

Figure 8 illustrates OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

Figure 8) OpenStack block storage with NFS on NetApp Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.



NetApp Direct NFS Driver






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40 OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide

Prerequisites for OpenStack Components and Data ONTAP 7-Mode The driver requires a storage controller running Data ONTAP 8.0 or later (under 7-Mode). Data ONTAP 7.3.6 and later is also supported. The storage system should be installed with the following licenses:

• Base • NFS • FlexClone • MultiStore (if using vFiler units for provisioning)

Configuration Options for the 7-Mode NFS Direct Driver To set up the NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode NFS direct driver for OpenStack, the following lines must be added to cinder conf (/etc/cinder/cinder.conf file):

volume_driver= cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.nfs.NetAppDirect7modeNfsDriver netapp_server_hostname=${hostname} netapp_server_port=80 netapp_login=${cluster_management_username} netapp_password=${cluster_management_password} nfs_shares_config=${File_path_containing_nfs_exports}

Note: File at nfs_shares_config should contain the nfs exports in the ip:/share format, for example, ( where “share” in Data ONTAP 7-Mode refers to nfs export for a volume. Make sure that volumes corresponding to exports have read/write permissions set on Data ONTAP controllers. Also, all exports should belong to the same 7-Mode systems while using the preceding driver. Restart the cinder service and start provisioning storage using the driver.

Table 5 the configuration options available.

Table 5) List of configuration flags for NetApp 7-Mode NFS direct driver.

Flag Name Type Default Description

netapp_server_hostname Mandatory The management IP address for the NetApp 7-Mode storage controller.

netapp_server_port Mandatory The 7-Mode controller port to use for communication. As a custom, 80 is used for http and 443 is used for https communication. The default ports can be changed if other ports are for ONTAPI on the 7-Mode controller.

netapp_transport_type Optional http Transport protocol to use for communicating with the 7-Mode controller. Supported protocols include http and https.

netapp_login Mandatory Login user name for 7-Mode controller management.

netapp_password Mandatory Login password for 7-Mode controller management.


Packaging and Downloading Requirements Refer to the following link for packaging and downloading requirements: http://wiki.openstack.org/Getopenstack

Page 41: NetApp OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide · OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide Sajid Akhtar and Robert Esker, NetApp Inc. April 2013 | Version 1.1

41 OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide

Install / Uninstall Refer to the following link for install/uninstall-related information:


Upgrading and Reverting Refer to the following link for upgrading/reverting-related information: http://wiki.openstack.org/Getopenstack

Licensing OpenStack is released under the Apache 2.0 license. OpenStack requires contributions to be released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Versioning OpenStack as a whole has a versioning and release system. There is no separate versioning system for the driver.

References The following references were used in this paper:

• NIST Cloud Definition www.nist.gov

• OpenStack Foundation www.openstack.org

• Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) http://www.snia.org/cdmi

For additional information, visit:

• For more information on the NetApp volume driver for OpenStack compute: http://communities.netapp.com/groups/openstack

• For source code for OpenStack, including NetApp contributions, available through LaunchPad: www.github.com/openstack

• For more information about NetApp’s participation in OpenStack, visit the NetApp Community site: www.netapp.com/openstack

• For more information about OpenStack history: www.openstack.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenStack

Support Community support is available here: https://communities.netapp.com/groups/openstack.

The NetApp OpenStack team presently intends to provide maintenance of the two most recently released versions of OpenStack. For example, during Havana development, all code that is part of the Folsom and Grizzly official branches will be supported. Upon Havana release, direct maintenance for Folsom would be dropped and maintenance for Havana will be added.

NetApp can provide customized support options for production requirements. For more information, please contact your sales team.

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42 OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide

About NetApp NetApp creates innovative storage and data management solutions that deliver outstanding cost efficiency and accelerates business breakthroughs. Discover our passion for helping companies around the world go further, faster at http://www.netapp.com.

Version History Version Date Document Version History

Version 1.0 April 2013 Initial OpenStack Deployment and Operations Guide

Version 1.1 April 2013 Minor enhancements

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