NESSI-Grid Strategic Research Agenda

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NESSI-Grid Strategic Research Agenda. Ricardo Jimenez-Peris (SRA Chief-Editor) Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Introduction: Goal & Timeline. May 06Sep06 Oct06 May 07 Oct07 June 08 … Oct 08 v0.9 v1.0 v1.5 v2.0 v2.5 … v3.0 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ricardo Jimenez-Peris (SRA Chief-Editor)Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
NESSI-Grid Strategic Research Agenda

Introduction: Goal & Timeline
Goal: A Vision & SRA fora grid-like service-oriented infrastructure for business environments and business applications

Context: NESSIvision of a service-oriented economyNESSI scenarios & architecture


Introduction: Contributors
Contributors (so far)NESSI-Grid consortium: Telefonica, ATOS, BT, IBM, NOKIA-Siemens, Thales, INRIA, Engineering, SAPRicardo Jimenez-Peris (UPM): SRA Editor-in-chiefIgnacio Martn Llorente (UCM): Grid Community Liaison Coordinator for SOI-NWG17 research projectsASSESSGRID, A-WARE, BRIDGE EDUTAIN@GRID, G-ECLIPSE, GRID4ALL GRIDCOMP, GRIDTRUST, HPC4U, KWF GRID, ONTOGRID, SIMDAT, SORMA, XTREEMOS, ProGRID, UNIGRIDS BEinGRID8 Infrastructures & Middleware solutionsCESGA, EGEE, GRIA, gLite, UNICORE, GRID4ALL, Globus GridWay, KNOWARC23 individual expertsParticipants fromSOI NWG meetings, NESSI SRA working group

SRA aspects & evolution

AspectVisionWhats the overall goal? MethodologyHow to harmonize perspectives? ScenariosWho cares for which specific reason? State-of-the artWhere are we now? ChallengesWhat is missing? Business indicatorsWhats needed to monitor the expected impact? RoadmapHow to get there?

DriverAgile businesses drive adaptive IT

VisionBusiness Grids - the adaptive service-oriented utility infrastructure for business applications

Applied SOKU paradigmService-OrientedKnowledge-assistedUtility

ContextBusiness applications

Driver & Vision
Scenarios & Requirements
State of the art (Research & Technology)
Context (Business Applications)
Compare & Contrast Challenges
Expert knowledge
Business Indicators

Context: Business ApplicationsOnline applications: Most business applications are online.Clients of business applications care about the response time they observe.Industrial benchmarks for online applications set strict statistical distribution thresholds for the provided response times.Stateful nature:Business applications are typically stateful: Conversational (sessions) or persistent state.Persistent state is updateable with typical workloads ranging from 20-50% of updates.Transactional Semantics:State belongs to business so it requires consistency guarantees.In the advent of concurrent accesses to shared state isolation should be provided.In the advent of failures, all-or-nothing semantics should be guaranteed.The outcome of successful transactions should be durable despite failures.Multi-Tier ArchitecturesBusiness applications are typically constructed on top of multi-tier architectures.Their gridification should be transparent.

Context: What is Different from Scientific Applications?Online vs. offline: Scientific applications are characterized by being batch applications.The main concern is high utilization of the underlying infrastructure.No concern about response time of individual requests.Stateful vs. stateless:Scientific applications typically stateless.Persistent state typically read-only, in some cases write-once read-many.Read-only workloads.Transactional Semantics:Scientific applications are not concerned about transactional semantics.Scientific grids are not aware of transactions.Multi-Tier Architectures:Scientific applications are not typically built on top of multi-tier architectures.Scientific grids are not aware of multiple tiers.

Business Scenarios
Business scenariosEnterprise: core scenario for traditional infrastructuresHierarchical Enterprise: includes notion of enterprise policy hierarchiesHosting: special case of enterprise & virtual organisationExtended enterprise: includes devices beyond the traditional backend (pervasive, sensors, )Dynamic Outsourcing: dynamic migration of IT resources between administrative domainsMergers & acquisitions: merge of previously separated administrative domainsVirtual organizations: multi-party (at least 3) collaboration and resource/service sharingBusiness value networks: complex chains including multiple providers/administrative domainsMega Services: services to millions of customers across the globe

State of the Art
Considered under 3 main perspectives:InfrastructuresResearch and Scientific GridsEnterprise GridsVirtual-machines based GridsMobile GridsResearch fieldsData Grids, Data Replication, Multitier Systems, Application Development, Performance Engineering, Cost & Revenue Management, Autonomic Computing, Virtualisation, Security, InteroperatiblityNew Technology TrendsStorage and Data Management; Processor Technology; Virtualisation; Network Connectivity; Mobile devices; Sustainability

Research Challenges
47 research challengesData Management (scalability, low latency geo, autonomy)Application Development (automatic parallelism, mobility app support, automatic distribution)Network Connectivity (end2end, heterogeneity, mobility, adaptiveMiddleware)Accounting and SLAs (transparent, holistic)Dependability (self healing, cost awareness, mobile)Security (isolated zones, policies, identity mngmt, reputation&trust)Performance (predictable virtualisation, integrated scheduling, prediction, resource mng)Interoperability (standards, composed multi tiers, dynamic, non functional)Manageability (mng4Business, new devices, virtualisation&deploy, ctrl&monitor, multiple domains, mediation conflict, self management)Governance (specifications, enforcement, translation)Flexibility (support changes, autonomy, scalability, dynamic allocation, large scale, dynamic security)Mastering Complex Systems (holistic modelling, flexible simulation, integrated tooling)Overarching Challenges (business value, complexity, architecture driven)

Research Challenges
Challenges Dependency Analysis

Market & business indicators
ObjectivesTo define a collection of GRID-related market & business indicators to:Help defining the SRA challenges and roadmapMonitor the impact of the SRA implementation

Main areasTarget market and main players: Identify from where to extract business indicatorsStakeholders that will benefit from a Service-Oriented InfrastructureSectors and main playersIdentify how SOI-related tech can improve the solution for the main needsNeeds functional requirements priorities SRA roadmapIndicatorsPurpose: To measure the actual use of SOI-technology at certain moment in timeTo show evolution of this usage Impact measurementBy comparing periodic snapshots of Business Indicators valueDefinition of a collection of relevant Business IndicatorsEmergence of new vendors, new GRID middleware products, new consulting companies, adoption level on companies,.

Hierarchical Enterprise
Extended Enterprise
Virtual Organization
Dynamic Outsourcing
Mega Services
Value Networks
Merger & Acquisition


Conclusions: Key Challenges
Summarizing key challenges

New system architecturesharmonize & advance SOA, SOI, multi-tier, federated and Internet scalesupport all kinds of business models, applications and emerging HW env.provide transparent and integrated access for all relevant stakeholders

Advanced system lifecycle approaches support transparent knowledge tracking, feedback loops, prediction and simulation from engineering to decommissioning clear separation of concerns between different stakeholders (Biz vs. IT, )adhering to overarching sustainability req. for full variety of Biz scenarios

Advanced infrastructure technologies in terms of hardware (energy efficient, flexible allocation, virtualization )middleware (scalability, new multi-tier system design, flexible storage systems, harmonized virtualization on all layers)related programming models (parallel & distributed programming, multi-core)

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Enabling the next wave of services


Do Business Grids make a difference?Are the scenarios relevant?Are there other scenarios?