Page 1 of 18 NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Three: HYBRIDS, UFO’S, ALIENS/DEMONS Strong’s # 7700 – shed a demon. Brown-Driver-Briggs [ ד ש] noun [masculine] apparently demon (loan-word from Assyrian šêdu, a protecting spirit, especially of bull-colossus, Dl Pa 153 f. ; WB 645 COT Deuteronomy 32:17 Zim KAT3. 460 f. , 455, 649; compare

NEPHILIM ARE HERE Part Three: HYBRIDS,threeheartschurch.org/Sermons/2016-03-20_NEPHILIM... · NEPHILIM ARE HERE – Part Three: HYBRIDS, UFO’S, ... 17 And every man made unto himself

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Strong’s # 7700 – shed – a demon.


ד] noun [masculine] apparently demon (loan-word from Assyrian šêdu, a protecting [ש

spirit, especially of bull-colossus, DlPa 153 f.

; WB 645 COTDeuteronomy 32:17

ZimKAT3. 460 f.

, 455, 649;


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The lamassu / shedu is a protective deity with the body of a winged bull, most

commonly depicted with a bearded head, though female faced lamassu have also

been found. The etymology of the name may suggest that the origin of the

lamassu was a female deity. The oldest image appears in 3000 BC, and is thought

to have originated in ancient Mesopotamia. Lamassu were carved at the

entrances to palaces and temples. Tablets with images of lamassu were also

buried beneath the entrances to houses for protection. They are often depicted in


Deut.32:17 – They sacrificed unto devils, (7700 – shed) not to God; to gods whom

they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.

Sphinx – part man/woman and lion.

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SPHINX / ROMAN COPY OF PHIDIAS / C5 BC. Greek, Phidias, 5th century BC. The

Theban Sphinx with a young man as sacrifice. Roman copy of a figurative detail

from the throne of the statue of Zeus at Olympia, c. 440/30 BC. Bronze.

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horus / tammuz – nimrod reincarnated / ra the sun god

Donald Marshall says he is talking to this at the cloning center.

**Remember in Egypt they believed that Pharoah was their god in the flesh. They

believed he controlled the weather and the sun.**

Exodus 10:21-23 – And the LORD said unto Moses, stretch out thine hand toward

heaven that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which

may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven, and there was a

thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days. They saw not one another,

neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had

light in their dwellings.

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There are floors in the DUMBS (deep underground military bases) that have

people with wings,

some with multi-legs like octopi, and all sorts of stuff – hybrids. They cry out and

talk, they want out.

This was on two different videos I had pulled in research that have been taken

down already. One was by James Casbolt. The second is by Sherry Shriner and

the following is regarding the Dulche DUMB that Phil Schneider talked about.

Sherry Shriner shared this information: The sixth level is called "Nightmare Hall."

It contains the genetic labs, and this is where the crossbreeding experiments of

humans and animals are conducted. People have reportedly seen fish, seals,

birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original creations. There are

multi-armed and multi-legged humans and several cages and vats of humanoid

bat-like creatures up to 7 feet tall, 7 foot humans with wings and bat-like


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We are doing the same things that were happening in the days of Noah.

Luke 17:26 – And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of

the Son of Man. (2nd coming)

Jasher 4: 16-18 - And all the sons of men departed from the ways of the Lord in those days as they multiplied upon the face of the earth with sons and daughters, and they taught one another their evil practices and they continued sinning against the Lord. 17 And every man made unto himself a god, and they robbed and plundered every man his neighbor as well as his relative, and they corrupted the earth, and the earth was filled with violence. 18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.

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Phil Schneider –

He was a geologist who worked in high level “Black Ops” until he discovered truth

that he could not keep to himself. He gave many speeches and presentations

about the truth of what has been going on in this world, in the government, the

military, in DUMBS (deep underground military bases). He spoke out warning the

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What a grey alien/demon might look like.

public about gray aliens/demons working in the government and making

decisions and giving orders in UN meetings and in our government. He talked

often about NWO (new world order) and their plan to bring that about and also

he talked about how they were planning to enslave and kill the general


He said in 1909 our government knew about horse shoe ships and gray

aliens/demons everywhere. He talked about the atomic bomb testing we were

doing in 1946 out at Bikini Island.

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He said there was a shallow under water base there of UFO’s (aliens/demons) and

he figured that is why we went there and bombed so heavily.

Remember Hitler exploring in Antarctica and it was no secret that he was looking

for the lost city of Atlantis.

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Reported in 2014: The Russian scientific team that has successfully drilled 3,768

meters into the world’s largest submerged lake on the continent of Antarctica,

believed to be untouched for over 20 million years, states that the underwater

video camera discovered the “striking image” of a

“golden-like swastika” estimated to be no less than 100 meters in height and

width. (The swastika with a sword in front of it as the symbol of the thule society,

and remember this was what Madame Blavatsky taught – in the esoteric and

occult teachings that the nazi’s were involved in.)

According to this report, the discovery of this underwater swastika was made late

January, followed immediately by the Ministry ordering the scientists who have

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been working on this project for the past 20 years into silence.

“It is thought that towards the end of the Second World War, the NAZIs moved to the South Pole and started constructing a base at Lake Vostok. In 1943, Grand Admiral Karl Dontiz was quoted saying “Germany’s submarine fleet is proud that it created an unassailable fortress for the Fuehrer on the other end of the world, in Antarctica." Russian interest in Antarctica, particularly Lake Vostok, were heightened after World War II when in 1947 American Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the US., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called “Operation Highjump”, but who were reported to have encountered heavy resistance from Nazi “flying saucers” and had to call off the invasion.

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According to German naval archives, months after Germany surrendered to the Allies in April, 1945, the German submarine U-530 arrived at the South Pole from the Port of Kiel. Crewmembers constructed an ice cave and supposedly stored several boxes of relics from the Third Reich, including Hitler’s secret files. It is also rumored that later the submarine U-977 delivered elite genetics to Antarctica for DNA cloning purposes. The subs then entered the Argentinean port of Mar-del-Plata and surrendered to authorities.

Admiral Byrd’s “Operation High Jump” - 1005 Hours- I alter altitude to 1400 feet

and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with

either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The light here seems different. I cannot

see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a

large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant!

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NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed – it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to base camp. **The elite have been using the dna of extinct animals to bring them back again. My friend Joy who the elite used MK Ultra on and SRA said that she remembers something about Antarctica having to do with the elite cloning and bringing back nephilim that were frozen in tact. ** Though deliberately obscured by the West today, Nazi German leader Adolph

Hitler was obsessed with New Swabia (German: Neuschwabenland) which was

the name given to the area of Antarctica located between 20°E and 10°W in

Queen Maud Land which he believed would one day be the world capital of his

“master race.” (the Aryans)

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The plot concerns the discovery of a lost city beneath the sea off the coast

of Cornwall. Price is the captain overseeing a group of sailors who have lived there

for more than a century where the peculiar mix of gases has allowed them to

extend their lifespan.

When God was delivering the Israelites from Egypt we find that the first plague

was inflicted on the waters. That is because Pharoah and the Egyptians

worshipped water gods.

Exodus 7:15 – 18 - Read out

This plague was an affront to many of the greatest gods of Egypt.

The great god Khnum was the guardian of the Nile River -- he is usually represented as a human being with a ram's head.

Hapi was the "spirit of the Nile" and its "dynamic essence." Hapi was the god of the annual Nile inundation.

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Epithets for Hapi describe him as being the "lord of the fishes and birds and marshes."

"The very position of Hapi made it certain that he would become successful as a deity. The entire country looked to the Nile as the source of all wealth and provender, so that the deity which presided over it rapidly rose in public estimation. Thus Hapi quickly became identified with the greater and more outstanding figures in early Egyptian mythology. He thus became a partner with the great original gods who had created the world, and finally came to be regarded as the maker and molder of everything within the universe. We find him credited with the attributes of Nu, the primeval water-mass, and this in effect made him a father of Ra, who had emerged from that element. Hapi, indeed, stood in more immediate relationship to the Egyptians than almost any other god in their pantheon. Without the sun Egypt would have been plunged into darkness, but without the Nile every living creature within its

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borders would assuredly have perished." (Spence, Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends, p. 170).

One of the greatest gods of Egypt was Osiris, the god of the underworld; the Egyptians believed the Nile was his bloodstream.

When God brought the 10 plagues against Egypt, He was showing them that He is the Sovereign God and beside Him there is no other.

Exodus 12:12 – For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I AM THE LORD.

Pharoah’s daughter said, “The river gods have answered my prayer.” - in

Kennedy’s cartoon “Heroes and Legends” about Moses being pulled from the Nile

River by Pharoah’s daughter.

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Psalm 146:5-6 – Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope

is in the LORD his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that

therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:

God is LORD of ALL!!!


Shed or Shedu – bull with man’s face


Bible Study on animal/human hybrids – Dante Fortson



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Fallen Angels / Part human and part animal - nephilim




Under the water spirits - demons


Egypt/ Pharoah worshipping water gods


Sherry Shriner – D.U.M.B.S. – Dulce Base / Phil Schneider / aliens/demons


Antarctica – Hitler

