A Regional Newspaper Scrvins Nine Irrigated Idnho Counties VOL. 27. NO. 112 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. FIUDAY KVKNING, AUGUST 2.'5. 1911 FINAL CITY EDITION PRICE 5 CENTS P A R I S S U R R E N D E R S T O A L L I E S Germans Yield to French Leader as Bradley Sends Yanks Storm ing Into City Nelson Will Take Over WPB Power Vacated in Row WASHINGTON. Aui;. 2n Ch reportedly will jriillior into liis iiwi from Cliinn, llic \asi wiiv iiroihitliiii yesterday l>y the stormy ri'sinn: Chiurnu-in Charles K. Wilson. A t President Hoi^s.'velt's rcc|ursl, (cmuit commaiKler, A. Knii:. ")ll ha Yank Woiiiidcd Shipped Back pcoi iiiK Nelsun'a Sion to Chun Mil 1 • ^ c nppolnlt mcrly TVA p more rcccnily n .................... man of WPB, cllnmxccl n rai)liMii succcsiiloii ot cvcnU Mlilcli In n fc lioura blew the litl off feud ond ncnrly Ic/t Iciulcrlf.vs for wftk.s. 'I'hp tlroaorkx >liirl( White H( innnccr i K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj OPAJLBH ASSUIDPOIRS t Br DEAN W. niTTSIKa ASHINOTON, AllR. 25 (UP.^ •lifclnl lioiLse commllice Invcs tInK cxcciillvc n(;cndr£, cltliiF of prlco nilmliilstrntlou. Ill ft report nnmlng no ispccllli #8flncy but believed nimca iirlmnrllj fit the OPA nn<l the wiir labor lionrcl th f commlltee virRed pnssnKc of IcR' Million to niiike sweepiiiK clmnue.s It mfthods of KCttllnR ilL^putr.^ bcl ivldiinh n: iviiimint which I nctunl government of rrolcctlon ( "If the dllreiis of II to hnvp niij- prolccl from the nrhltrnry nc Howard W, Smith, D.. Vii., In nf/cr- ing lllc rrixirt, "coiiBrfM niiiM ennct projier leKi'Ifitloii so that they inny ni.^'ert Ihclr rlgliLi In the proper coiirlA of the Inncl." Smllli Ihe new logWftlloii shmilfl tpcdfically prohibit any |i(p;illcd iwwcnj" by sovernincnt ?C^riclw, In the abscnce of coticres- tlonnl provLiloiis of powers to any ,c fald, thrlr "nwimptlon" OrA CrlllclKd In prcvlow rcporl.T. the commltlei singled out the OPA for ^p^clnl crl tlL'lam for "usiirpliiB* nuthorlly. It pnrtlcular, K denounced what li csllcri the ngtticy’s kun^iiroo coiirix where It neis na •'InvesllRiitor. prose- nnd JudKf" ........‘ ' • Toc< le Prcilden ......... hearing officers to settle dispute? tween Individuals nnd fetlera! ai clM, will) provlslona for uUlr court review. Tliese offleera. It i "would be Independent of tlie m ties Involved In the llllKiitlon. Ins ot being lubscn'lenl to the nci head*.- REICH FLAYED BY 1.100WARPLANES 25 iu.P)-hfore It'h. 'Dip boinljirs were iicf ed by strouK forces of UkI iiindcrbolt iind Miistnng I r. iinotlier bomber comi rit 111 Luebeck, n bomber phmt nl Hoilock, a sy pliint lit Polltz. “ Vliklar , Schwt ^ciibriinttenburg we.M k Gemiiin nlr force research cent It IWchlln. Relumlns erewTiien reported ge rnlly good resiilUi, FAIR AI nURLET. Aug. 25-Cnssln y'« Junior fnlr, being share ear with MUildokn county, r I Ihe local fairground-! this lono ulih llirongs of visitors Pnrtlelpat rlubs. FFA inlui 1 nd e mbcrs of 4-H nd hoi nomlrs clubs. Over 330 Cn-ssla youth nre Inking part nlong with mor thiin lOO from Mlnodlkn countj Cnsh nwitrds for the Cnsslo youth $1,000 while Mlnldoki Rive r *300. I botw (!.■< spcelnl nwards donnt* merchants. Acrhlent Initial ncclrtent of Uii 'Ictory Stampede came Tluirsclny fternoon anil as n result Frnnl Toones, Ogden, n member of thi Weber county mounted i>ossc which 1.1 parllclpatlnR •iiy*. 15 In CottaRC hospital for •catmcnt of ft broken collar bone nd ft frnctlircd left arm. , 'n ir mLihnp occurred during . ractlec sc.wlon when two horses collided, Tlicre are 35 mcr poMe. "our.H and rPA Judging eoiitc.sts •e featured with nil livestock clut mbers JudRliifr from I to 3 p. m ay. TliP club with the thre< highest BcorlnB member* wilt rep' rnt both Cauln and Mlnldoki eoiinlles at the district fair M Jer- lie in September. Ako slated this afternoon wiui Ihi oys' dcmonBtrntlon contest and idglng of beef and swine. Olrla ub work wns abo being Judged ils nfternoon. Llveslock Judclnf At 3:30 ft, m, Saturdftv Judgl eer,i nnd cattle will tnkc place t IiIIb <C*nllnuH en r>c« 1. Pope Declares Church Okays t Pimishment of W ar Criminals HOME. Aug. JJ (UPJ _ Vnllcan «mrces reported today that Pop« P^u XII hai Informed Prime y -islcr Wlniton Churchill durlni «-mlnute conversatli that the church rccosnlic* Uio Ji ticc of punishing war crlmlnnls. Tlie Poi>e, however, wns enld havo cxprtiMd the hope that pu {Jtunent nhoiild not be extended the people of Italy, which he sug. geitcd ahould be. made a full ally wlUi oUjer Unlled Nstiotu, Important Talki . •nic church'a atUtude toward nar crlmlnnla ku among many Iniiior- Ifljil International subjeclB dlscttu- ed by tlie Pope and Uie BtTOsh prune mlnbter at the Vatican, In- formed quwler# jjild. TheM source*, expressing belief that the confcrence tended to In* ertMe the church's Influence in world affairs, pointed out that lha nature of subjccta hnd eaiphaslied that Churchill's vbli to the Vat' wa-t not just n courtcay eail. Tlie Pope was said to have ... pressed Keen concern over forth* coming peace tcrma and ur^cd Churchill, when he la ot the pcace confcrence, to consider Uie principle of natlonalllles on Uie contention Uiat nalloiuillUes do not die. Plead* for Polnnd Infomicd qunnen said the Pope also, spiikc lengthily tn favor of Poland and pointed out Ui»t, the Poles had made terrible stchdcej during the entire war. Meantime, It was announced'at the VaUeaii that the Pope wUI make a World-Wide radio broadcost Sept. 1 on the occasion of the sixth annlver- sar>-, of ,thE outbreak of war In Europe. Wlillf llidr comradn wall the r»n» »ff rinni.lfrt frnm n Krrnrl A tio>pilal Irjln bruuslil llitm lo Jap s R ep o rt N ew U .S . Invasion in Pacific the Phil ippincs. To kyc The snme eiiem.y s. raided VI’usteni Sit:mat Indie.s, lin.ihirly w ilht These indicaliot Pacific 1 :ninciiled ,'ith harder blo\v!( aKa from soiithciist A;Ma: l«y The A».s«<iit«d I•r^^ le altempted n new i ■ndio said to<iay irce bnmilca.st t II ill the other ei ,l allied confirm: iiiK t( idoii .sland in'i-asion nearer ivithout ■ confirmaliuti. lial 28 carrier plane.s id of thi2 Dutch Kasl itiori. :ni|)o in the .soutlieni Us promisihK Im. Lord Louis Molinlbal iln with new pliin.s for ftcpplns he wur In tlint relatively :it -lecior; Adm. .Sir Dnice !•’ •od In Cejlon lo lake cnmmnnd of the nnilsli fur enstcrn fieri nsly successful ngalnst the Oer- Allled troop? Innded on the Mapla 51. Davldi Islands yestcrtlnv, Tokyo aid, but (lie Invaders were driven Iff in ft few hours with liravy lo,'.ses. nicre wns no Indication ot the Kopc jf the reported action. The Mnplas lie about 100 miles due north of aiiokwarl on norUiwest New ilnea, a bit over 400 miles south of ilau which K> ' illlpph tiard-h Ilnli Tokyo Kald Reported vBBuely cnUI "wcslo jumntrn’ was raided and llmt tv illled planc.1 were downed. Tli blnnd has suffered two prevlo eel raids on S.ibanR. Sumnt: ultre.yes the Japanese hold ( Ingapore naval base. Ocn. Joseph W. Slllwell offered suinmar}' of liLs north Bi iwrntlons ihl.i year, reporting 10,000 stjimre mile.s of tcrrltoo' ___ • • d more Uiati 20,000 J n p . . He reckoned Uie cnm- pnljn na partial recompense for the -hell of a bcatlnK" hU forcea nt in Burma in 1042. Ilalmaliera llil Halinuhem, iiepplng-stone to thi Philippines, took Its heaviest bomb' Ing Wednesday, Qen. Douglas Mnc- Arthur's airmen unlonded 156 ton;. >good effect, destroying buildings nd setting llres, Nlmltz nnnounced a Sunday raid .1 oft-hit Paramujhlro north of Japan, •nie Chinese ttrengthened their junter-attacki agaln-st 'Japanese trj'lng to expand ttieir Hengynng victory Into complete seizure of the Hankow-Canlon railway. Six Fliers Killed In Two Crashes MUROO AIIMY AIR BASE, Calif., ug. 25 (UB-Slx crew members ere killed yesterday when two Liberator bombers crnshed within ' air ait hour ot each other, base Ifleera reported today. Five airmen died norUi of Iloose- !lt, Calif., and one was killed In the Second pluie crash near Mojave, Calif,, Col. Qtrsld Hoyle, base com- mander, said. Other crew-tnember«- arachuted safely. Tlie tlend Included: Second Lieut.. John L. Onves, Boise, Ida. FLASHES of LIFE Hy AisoclaleU LlAIt PlrrSDURGH. Aug. 2 5 - 1 Klwiinls club declared Ed Khnu -holder of n "C" gnsollno ruti I—the winner of n "blgge.^t lli "My r ,t for t n board ga< nembcis. Then, NIP NEW YORK. AUR Schlelfer told a U, a Judge that he kept alcohol on hand bcca •occa.slonBl nip.'' Ag hnd 23 galloiu on court fined him *100 2S — Joseph district court n supply o' sc he liked ai nui found hi "Lerrsec your draft reglstrotloi ;urd." retorted Lleut.-Col, Normni 3. AdkLson, Idaho'.s belccllve scrvlci Both produced the proper ere lentlab, but the pitrolmnn had the ast word. He gave Adklson a. ticket ■or Ignoring a slop sign. DUBINKSS PASADENA. Calif,. Aug, 2 Business was good while It In-sted Two lo-year-old glrh took over the automatic elevator In the hall ot Justice, and charged pa.s.senRcrs “ I n ride—until police arrived. JUDGES BOISE. Ido.. Aug, 25—Unable nd tnalo Judgc-s for a IWi sto Hitcit, the BoLse Uoa< club d cldrd to Invite wlve.s. "Tliey ought lo make good Judgei. commented R, M. Logsdon. "They enough of them.” Missing Private Now in Hospital P/c. Warren H. Hoffman, who wos reported missing In action July 24 Prance, Is now In an English ho.?- ;al receiving medical care, accord- 1 to a letur from him. He did not tell what Ills Injuries were. Private Hoffman Is the son ot Mr, jiid Mrs. ChrU'H, Hoffman. Twin Falls, and he has seen c«o s-ears' service. os ' a mechanic of heavy trucks In the Infantry, Bclorc enlMtlna he farmed near Twin Pails. He went overseas AprU 6. 1M4. LONDON, Auff. 25 (UP) - - Paris was reported firmly in allied hands tonight, conquered by the overwhelminjf miffht of American and I'Yench armored forces and a motley street army of hundreds of thousands of Parisian patriots. A'secretfiprhting-French radio in.side the old capital fhished word to the world this afternoon that the commander of the nazi garrison had surrendered unconditionally, barely 12 hours after Lieut.-Gen. Omar N. Bradley ordered his French and American troops into the city. A llied iicad<|> parli.snn rejiorl of tin :ai)ital’a liberalior ;t the |Kissii)ility «fa tw o day.s nt’o, nia viclot-y iic n t i)eii(iinjr REICHCONFIRMS SPLII n King Mlhal’s draniiulc pi ;loii WMlne.'.day nlghi. Repercussions were ^wHl. Outnanked Biilgnrhi .■iviflL-d J-ondon too, -Hii; hbcra : YuKosliivliv an tre broUKht Infl icn I-lnlnnd. fn vho prcvloiL'ly had de.s , killed He.st cMlmales of Gennnn troops In Romanln rniiRC up to 40 divisions, many undcrMrenKlh. Tills force of prrhai» 400,000 men rcpre.sents nail survivors of their Ukrainian armies, chascd from that rich Russian re- public In tlie winter campalBn. Romnnla has pcrhaixi 25 to 30 divisions, many understrcngth from los.ses suffered In the Ill-fated Hus- FORSHEEPHERDER A pa'-^e of 15 or 20 men. headed by Sheriff Wurren W, Lowerj-, w as of the Mlnldokn slloniil for afte and < for Friday . 51. a eh«pherder who Ls be- lieved to be menially unbntanced was seen earning R high powered rifle and a pLitol. The PO.VSC, on horscbi.ck, will eon- :lnuG the search Saturday If the nan is not found tlirough tnlllal 'fforts. Sheriff Lowery- .inid that Che.w left the i;tah Construction compiiny ......,. .. range southeast of Mclntlre'n cabin on Shoshone creek In U>e Minidoka forest ba-sln coun- lost Satunluy— He-was.seen Monday at the Mclntlre cabin and It >as noted then ihat'he carried the :wo guns. He has not been seen ,lnce that time. The sheriff sold Ihot Chess wa.< ibout six feet tall and weighed kbout 14S pounds, lie has no teeth jnd probably now has a heavj' beard. The nherlff »b«o said he was believed lo be mentally unbolancetf and In poor health. Officers said It Ln possible tliat ..’here last seen, and for this reason anyone Itavlng given a ride to (i man answering his descrtpUon should conuct the sheriff* office In Tivln nee. Another theory Li that ............... is dead, and li Is on this belief that the posse was formed. N azis Flee N orthern France in Full R out Si:iMU-:.MK liKADQUAKTKllS, AKF, Ann. 25 (U,RI—The (.Icnnan arm ies nf tiorllicrn I’ninco wefP ivported in full riiKhl fur I he lihint'laiid tndav. iibiindoiiiti)' tlu-ir Seitiu river line I'rori! Paris to the' sea and the rolwl bomb ba.ses alonij the channel eoasl. W ilh th e ir sevenlli arniv rr,iticod from a fir.st-i-la.s.s fijflit- u iirni. sUlpiwd of much nior iind nrtlllery to rcln- seveiuh nrinj', wu,% reiwrtcd' cadlotig toward the Marne le nnd Uic Rhine, under U„aillcd i.lBn.;5,'. nncously, four alllcd.armles In on the broken rmnnnts icniy’.i seventh nrniy below e, converKlng on the great port of 1a; Hnvre. an troops .swung eiunwart: 0 cliftiincl coiisl to caiiturc endtjunrters spoke.^men said vlvors of the n«7j army were . Into a box betwren Ihe ind Se in e rivers, biitely 15 cep n n d 20 miles long, sltufttlon was moving .swiftly n c lim a x , and si>oke.'.ineii was (jiilte probable Hint by Saturdny tlio alller would be .........001 000 OOx-1 ; NATIONAL LEAGUK Chicago ................. Hofferth, Second gat Phlladelphlti ^oston ........ r. Karl i6i, .Scliumnn t (8) nnd Pracock; Inson i7), Tobin nnd SOVIEIS CAPTURE 41,000 GERINS MOSCOW. AUff, 25 (yn—Two armies, tlujlilng deeper Into nianln against ntt apparently terlnK enemy from whom 47,000 ....... hiivo been tnkon n? prlioncrs In five dw'*;'lpaiiy were \^*tliln.33 tiXcs^'f (he Galatl gap defenses gilanllng the Danube gateway to BucliArcit and the Ploestl oil fields. Tlie armies of Oen. Rodlo 'V, Malinovsky and Gen. Feodor Tol- bukhln, obvlou-Hly tnl:ln« no chanccs on the outcome of nomimla's peace bid through King MU ' I hbcs yesterday, Incliifl for counter-meiusurt took 35,000 G erm an prboners In n !:litKle d vll- irs. cruised through hundreds orthern Roniiinliui towi« and iM, followed by sweaty, dnsti’ rin.s of BlnginR Infantry,’ d iiriny political officers, : out the official Ru.s.slan explained to nomanlnn ; .nd rlvlllat« that llqiiidiitlon of German forces In the country mu.st ichlevcd before mllltnry oi Manager Chosen For Labor Camp a 'j will I h:i.s ly be WFA rndo effccth Maw merly t 1. It wns nnnDuncet succcpd E, E. Scannell :eii promoted und win . rcpre-sriilatlve In Colo- ,e ftboiit the same date been with the WFA tfor FSA) since 1041 and had 0 Port Hall, GOP, Demos May Sldp Politics To Chart Jouit Postwar Plan 5 (UP,)—Re- Uc foreiBi re believed n unprece- pleUBhn WASHINGTON. Aug, publican nnd Dcmocr policy leaders today v seeking aKrecment on dented Joint declnrall ' ith parties to support the i italls of th e American plan Intemallonnl pcace oriianlrjii Secretary o f Suite Cordell Hull Is laying Uie bn.se for sucli acllon-ln lUs talks w ith John Poster Duties, foreign pollcs* ndvUer to Cot. niom- fts E. Dewey. They have ronferrfd for five hours during the last ' und r laln at 11:30 a. m„ T novel In American polltlcai - Dulles told reporters when ho left Hull’s office at 7 p. m, last Ight. Hull, wdl aware of Woodrow Wil- son's mlstAkes In. 1919, lias worked diligently to crcate bl-pantsan con- gressional support of his pUa for world orgnnlzAUon. He was assured of It for the broad outlines of his plan late In May when a bl-partl senate commlllee gave him i K-orld S ' irlty. iiifcrenco o Before he met Dulles for the third Ume, Hull conferred ngalii wlUi that t^nate commlltee. prrsumnbly tostve them IQ progress report on Uie dls- cusslotis a t DumbATton Oak.4 and to discuss with them the nature nnd the goal of his talka with Dulles. -- Agreement Vital Dulles' emphasis that "we arc breaking new ground" lent credence to the belief of political and foreign pollcj- observers th a t unlcs.i some sort of declaration pledslng cooper* atlon on foreign policy matters Is Issued at Uie end of the Hull-Dulles utlki, Uie way would be open for bare-knuckle partisan debate Buch Issues. All the evidence, however, points In the other direction. Republican senators who havo conferred with DuUea thU week have without ex- ception stressed thnt the two par* ties are closo together on questions ot an IntemaUonal orgnnlsaiioa and that whatever dlirerences exUt aro “notlilns to cause a political Issue.' .. -iiieh ns the French oni from the froiiL. The Pnrla transm itter snid, uwcver, tlint the capitula- on of the enemy Kiirrison iili all arms and etjuipment hnd boon confirmed by allied •inimanderH in the city. UrlR. Gen, Jacciues LeClerc and le uniiainrd commander of the reiich nartUnns accepted Uie Ger- in the Montparnasse nnd is.'iued a stem «iiriiuiR that any GcnnftiiB who con- tinue fiqhtiiig would plnco them- .'elMs outside the rules of war and llBble to executjon If captured. A dli^iKiich from BBC Correspond- ent Hotiin Duff said all the Ger- iiiiiiu. hurt been cleared from Part* ihls afternoon. United Pre.w War Correspondents Jamc.s McGlUicy and Robert C. Miller both entered the capital In the wHke of tlie Amerlcjin and Frcncli armor, and oUicr United Press reporters were believed to have followed them In. Henry T . Oorrcll. writing from the outskirts ot Uib city, enld the roads leadlns to Paris were black with American tanks and troops, nnd Edward W.vBeatUe re- portrd thnt a similar ercitt force of Srltl^h nnnor and mcit was morchh.g on tJia capltAl. - Afi^'^nldcnUfled arrfiouncar. rc- porled lo be an American war cor- res[)ondenl, broadcasting from » secret French tmnsmlttcr said to have been Bet up In the center of the city, said the Yanks stormed through the Orleans gate on Uie south side of Parts at 10:40 Uils tiionilng and fanned o u t swlfUy along the main avenues. A few mlnu r the spokes announced that doughboy col- s hnd reached the Luxembourc ens and had gone on beyond the Latin tiunrter, where reg- 1of the French second armored Ion already were attacking nazl j DNB news ngcncy cans broke ficn»s the at two points Just iipllal under cover of Yvette rlv south of tl nn aerial b bulldhigs before retre French transmitter b ^nlo^:e covered the • capital. lermans put and public Ine. and the i a pall of Iter of the CE ROME. Aug, 2J (-D — American' troops of tlie seventh nnny have .seized Uie resort of Cannes on the French Riviera nnd Uie nearby In- land town of Omsse. extending Uie hold on soiitlicrn France eastward (today toward the lUillan fronUer, allied hendquarteni announced. \nothcr !, coliir from balon, norUiwest of Marwllle, wns reported w ithin eight miles of Arles nnd tlie lower Rhone river. In Uie drive on th a t vlUI nniural hlchwo}' for a Juncttire with allied Bmiles In northern Prance. Lleul. Gen. Ale.xnnder M . Patch's headquarters said nothlns of gains by American troops strHclng nnrth of Grenoble. Genevo dbpatches said troops had reached the Swiss frontier, about 70 airline miles north of Grenoble. PlElitlng continued In both Mar- seille and Toulon—the two big ports needed as major supply bases for Uie Blllca forces. Tlie allies lounched b smashing ittack on the four remaining ene- iiy strongpolnts In Marseille after .apturing two German sencmts and S.OOO prisoners In that area in the . 73 hours, Eol^amist, 82, Gets Jail Term VALE. Ore;, Auj, 85 ' ’ J. Wilson, 83-year-oM operator of ft senlce sUtUon near Jsrdan vauay. pleaded ritltr to a charge oi poi;- .' gamy yeatwrfay .and’WOi :»ent«>ced ■ to fight monU« -ln.-:th« MaUienr/r county Jatl,:JU(!g* n o b « '0 . ThB.ca man was . .... Uiude tUcbardMnV--....... he;married her.In JM iri ................... minlfd ».ye«T.old Dotdthjr .im r'/i wnsi^uw.aiuiijj.x. I aMirnna »«(., last Juos.vittaout'C

Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

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Page 1: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

A Regional N ew sp a p er S c r v in s N ine I r r i g a t e d Idnho C ounties

V O L . 27. N O. 112 T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O . FIU D A Y K V K N IN G , A U G U S T 2.'5. 1911



P R IC E 5 C E N T S


G e r m a n s Y i e l d t o F r e n c h L e a d e r a s B r a d l e y S e n d s

Y a n k s S t o r m i n g I n t o C i t y

N e lso n W ill T a k e O ver W P B P o w e r V a c a te d in R o w

W A S H IN G T O N . Aui;. 2n Ch re p o r te d ly will jriillior into liis iiwi f ro m Cliinn, llic \ a s i wiiv iiro ih itliiii y e s te rd a y l>y th e s to rm y ri's inn :Chiurnu-in C h a r le s K. W ilson.

A t P re sid e n t Hoi^s.'velt's rcc |u rsl,(cm u it commaiKler, A . K nii:. " ) l l ha

Y a n k W o ii i id c d S h ip p e d B a ck

pcoiiiiK Nelsun'a Sion to Chun

Mil 1• ^ c nppolnlt

mcrly TVA pmore rcccnily n ....................man of WPB, cllnmxccl n rai)liMii succcsiiloii ot cvcnU Mlilcli In n fc lioura blew the litl off feud ond ncnrly Ic/t Iciulcrlf.vs for wftk.s.

'I'hp tlroaorkx >liirl(White H(

innnccr i K vlcc- '

• Agcnc;

rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj



•lifclnl lioiLse commllice Invcs tInK cxcciillvc n(;cndr£, cltliiF

of prlco nilmliilstrntlou.Ill ft report nnmlng no ispccllli

#8flncy but believed nimca iirlmnrllj fit the OPA nn<l the wiir labor lionrcl thf commlltee virRed pnssnKc of IcR' Million to niiike sweepiiiK clmnue.s It mfthods of KCttllnR ilL putr. bcl

ivldiinh n: iviiimint

which I

nctunl government of rrolcctlon (

"If the dllreiis of II to hnvp niij- prolccl from the nrhltrnry nc

Howard W, Smith, D.. Vii., In nf/cr- ing lllc rrixirt, "coiiBrfM niiiM ennct projier leKi'Ifitloii so that they inny ni. 'ert Ihclr rlgliLi In the proper coiirlA of the Inncl."

Smllli Ihe new logWftlloii shmilfl tpcdfically prohibit any |i(p;illcd iwwcnj" by sovernincnt ?C^riclw, In the abscnce of coticres- tlonnl provLiloiis of powers to any

,c fald, thrlr "nwimptlon"

OrA CrlllclKdIn prcvlow rcporl.T. the commltlei

singled out the OPA for ^p^clnl crl tlL'lam for "usiirpliiB* nuthorlly. It pnrtlcular, K denounced what li csllcri the ngtticy’s kun^iiroo coiirix where It neis na •'InvesllRiitor. prose- — nnd JudKf" ........‘ ' •


le Prcilden .........hearing officers to settle dispute? tween Individuals nnd fetlera! ai clM, will) provlslona for uUlr court review. Tliese offleera. It i "would be Independent of tlie m ties Involved In the llllKiitlon. Ins ot being lubscn'lenl to the nci head*.-


25 iu.P)-hfore

It'h. 'Dip boinljirs were iicf ed by strouK forces of UkI iiindcrbolt iind Miistnng I

r. iinotlier bomber comi rit 111 Luebeck, n bomber

phmt n l Hoilock, a sy pliint lit Polltz. “

Vliklar , Schwt^ciibriinttenburg we.M k Gemiiin nlr force research cent It IWchlln.

Relum lns erewTiien reported ge rnlly good resiilUi,


nURLET. Aug. 25-Cnssln y'« Junior fnlr, being share ear with MUildokn county, r I Ihe local fairground-! this lono u lih llirongs of visitors

Pnrtlelpat rlubs. FFA inlui 1

nd e mbcrs of 4-H

nd hoinomlrs clubs. Over 330 Cn-ssla youth nre Inking part nlong with mor thiin lOO from Mlnodlkn countj Cnsh nwitrds for the Cnsslo youth

$1,000 while Mlnldoki

River *300. I

botw(!.■< spcelnl nwards donnt* merchants.

Acrhlent Initial ncclrtent of Uii

'Ictory Stampede came Tluirsclny fternoon anil as n result Frnnl

Toones, Ogden, n member of thi Weber county mounted i>ossc which 1.1 parllclpatlnR •iiy*. 15 In CottaRC hospital for •catmcnt of ft broken collar bone nd ft frnctlircd left arm. ,'n i r mLihnp occurred during

. ractlec sc.wlon when two horses collided, Tlicre are 35 mcr poMe.

"our.H and rPA Judging eoiitc.sts •e featured with nil livestock clut mbers JudRliifr from I to 3 p. m ay. TliP club with the thre<

highest BcorlnB member* wilt rep' rnt both Cauln and Mlnldoki

eoiinlles a t the district fair M Jer- lie in September.Ako slated this afternoon wiui Ihi

oys' dcmonBtrntlon contest and idglng of beef and swine. Olrla ub work wns abo being Judged ils nfternoon.

Llveslock Judclnf At 3:30 ft, m, Saturdftv Judgl eer,i nnd cattle will tnkc place t IiIIb

<C*nllnuH en r>c« 1.

P o p e D e c la re s C h u r c h O k a y s

t P im is h m e n t o f W a r C r im in a lsHOME. Aug. JJ (UPJ _ Vnllcan

«mrces reported today that Pop« P^u X II hai Informed Prime y

-islcr Wlniton Churchill durlni « -m lnute conversatlithat the church rccosnlic* Uio Ji ticc of punishing war crlmlnnls.

Tlie Poi>e, however, wns enld havo cxprtiMd the hope that pu {Jtunent nhoiild not be extended the people of Italy, which he sug. geitcd ahould be. made a full ally wlUi oUjer Unlled Nstiotu,

Important Talki .•nic church'a atUtude toward nar

crlmlnnla k u among many Iniiior- Ifljil International subjeclB dlscttu- ed by tlie Pope and Uie BtTOsh prune mlnbter a t the Vatican, In­formed quwler# jjild.

TheM source*, expressing belief that the confcrence tended to In* ertMe the church's Influence in

world affairs, pointed out tha t lha nature of subjccta hnd eaiphaslied tha t Churchill's vbli to the Vat' wa-t not just n courtcay eail.

Tlie Pope was said to have ... pressed Keen concern over forth* coming peace tcrma and ur^cd Churchill, when he la o t the pcace confcrence, to consider Uie principle of natlonalllles on Uie contention Uiat nalloiuillUes do not die.

Plead* for Polnnd Infomicd qunnen said the Pope

also, spiikc lengthily tn favor of Poland a n d pointed out Ui»t, the Poles had made terrible stchdcej during the entire war.

Meantime, I t was announced'at the VaUeaii th a t the Pope wUI make a World-Wide radio broadcost Sept. 1 on the occasion of the sixth annlver- sar>-, of ,thE outbreak of war In Europe.

Wlillf llidr comradn wall the r»n» »ff rinni.lfrt frnm n Krrnrl A tio>pilal Irjln bruuslil llitm lo

J a p s R e p o r t N e w U . S .

I n v a s i o n i n P a c i f i c

th e Phil ippincs. T o kycT h e snme eiiem.y s.

ra ided VI’usteni Sit:m atIndie.s, lin.ihirly w ilh t

T hese indicaliotPac ific 1:ninciiled ,'ithh a rd e r blo\v!( aKaf ro m soiithciist A;Ma:

l«y The A».s«<iit«d I•r l e a l te m p te d n new i

■ndio sa id to<iay irce bnm ilca .st t II ill th e o th e r ei ,l a llie d con firm :

iiiK t(idoii

.sland in 'i-asion n e a re riv ith o u t ■c o n firm a liu ti .lia l 28 ca r r ie r plane.sid o f thi2 D u tc h K aslitiori.:ni|)o in th e .sou tlien i

U s p rom isihK

Im. Lord Louis Molinlbal

iln with new pliin.s for ftcpplns he wur In tlint relatively :it -lecior; Adm. .Sir Dnice !•’•od In Cejlon lo lake cnmmnnd

of the nnilsli fur enstcrn fieri

nsly successful ngalnst the Oer-

Allled troop? Innded on the Mapla 51. Davldi Islands yestcrtlnv, Tokyo aid, but (lie Invaders were driven Iff in ft few hours with liravy lo,'.ses. nicre wns no Indication ot the Kopc jf the reported action. The Mnplas lie about 100 miles due north of

aiiokwarl on norUiwest New ilnea, a bit over 400 miles south of ilau which K> ’ ' illlpphtiard-h Ilnli

TokyoKald ReportedvBBuely cnUI "wcslo

jumntrn’ was raided and llm t tv illled planc.1 were downed. Tli blnnd has suffered two prevlo

eel raids on S.ibanR. Sumnt: ultre.yes the Japanese hold ( Ingapore naval base.Ocn. Joseph W. Slllwell offered suinmar}' of liLs north Bi

iwrntlons ihl.i year, reporting10,000 stjimre mile.s of tcrrltoo ' ___

• • d more Uiati 20,000 Jnp . . He reckoned Uie cnm-

pnljn na partial recompense for the -hell of a bcatlnK" hU forcea

n t in Burma in 1042.Ilalmaliera llil

Halinuhem, iiepplng-stone to thi Philippines, took Its heaviest bomb' Ing Wednesday, Qen. Douglas Mnc- Arthur's airmen unlonded 156 ton;.

> good effect, destroying buildings nd setting llres,Nlmltz nnnounced a Sunday raid

.1 oft-hit Paramujhlro north of Japan,

•nie Chinese ttrengthened their junter-attacki agaln-st 'Japanese

trj'lng to expand ttieir Hengynng victory Into complete seizure of the Hankow-Canlon railway.

Six Fliers Killed In Two Crashes

MUROO AIIMY AIR BASE, Calif., ug. 25 (UB-Slx crew members ere killed yesterday when two

Liberator bombers crnshed within ' air ait hour ot each other, base

Ifleera reported today.Five airmen died norUi of Iloose- !lt, Calif., and one was killed In

the Second pluie crash near Mojave, Calif,, Col. Qtrsld Hoyle, base com­mander, said. Other crew-tnember«-

arachuted safely.Tlie tlend Included: Second Lieut..

John L. Onves, Boise, Ida.

F L A S H E S o f L IF E Hy AisoclaleU

LlAItPlrrSD U RG H . Aug. 2 5 - 1

Klwiinls club declared Ed Khnu -h o ld er of n "C" gnsollno ruti

I—the winner of n "blgge.^t lli

"My r,t for t

n board ga<

nembcis. Then,


Schlelfer told a U, a Judge that he kept alcohol on hand bcca •occa.slonBl nip.'' Ag hnd 23 galloiu on court fined him *100

2S — Joseph district court n supply o '

sc he liked ai nui found hi

"L errse c your draft reglstrotloi ;urd." retorted Lleut.-Col, Normni 3. AdkLson, Idaho'.s belccllve scrvlci

Both produced the proper ere lentlab, but the pitrolmnn had the ast word. He gave Adklson a. ticket ■or Ignoring a slop sign.


Business was good while It In-sted Two lo-year-old glrh took over the automatic elevator In the hall ot Justice, and charged pa.s.senRcrs “

I n ride—until police arrived.

JUDGES BOISE. Ido.. Aug, 25—Unable nd tnalo Judgc-s for a IWi sto Hitcit, the BoLse Uoa< club d

cldrd to Invite wlve.s."Tliey ought lo make good Judgei.

commented R, M. Logsdon. "They enough of them.”

Missing Private Now in Hospital

P/c. Warren H. Hoffman, who wos reported missing In action July 24

Prance, Is now In an English ho.?- ;al receiving medical care, accord- 1 to a le tu r from him. He did

not tell w hat Ills Injuries were.Private Hoffman Is the son ot Mr,

jiid Mrs. ChrU 'H , Hoffman. Twin Falls, and he has seen c«o s-ears' service. os ' a mechanic of heavy trucks In the Infantry,

Bclorc enlMtlna he farmed near Twin Pails. He went overseas AprU 6. 1M4.

LONDON, Auff. 25 (UP) - - P a r is was reported firm ly in allied hands tonight, conquered by the overwhelminjf miffht o f American and I'Yench a rm o red forces and a motley s tre e t a rm y o f hundreds of thousands o f Parisian patriots.

A 'secretfiprhting-French rad io in.side the old capital fh ished word to the world this a fternoon th a t th e com m ander of the nazi g a rrison had su rrendered unconditionally, barely 12 hou rs a f te r Lieut.-Gen. O m ar N. B rad ley ordered his F rench a n d A m erican troops into the city .

A llie d iicad<|> pa rli .sn n r e j i o r l o f tin :a i) ita l’a lib e ra lio r

; t t h e |K issii)ility « f a tw o day.s n t’o, nia

v iclot-y i ic n t i)eii(iinjr


n King Mlhal’s draniiulc pi ;loii WMlne.'.day nlghi.

Repercussions were ^wHl. Outnanked Biilgnrhi .■iviflL-d


too, -Hii; hbcra : YuKosliivliv an tre broUKht Infl icn I-lnlnnd. fn

vho prcvloiL'ly had de.s

, killed

He.st cMlmales of Gennnn troops In Romanln rniiRC up to 40 divisions, many undcrMrenKlh. Tills force of prrhai» 400,000 men rcpre.sents nail survivors of their Ukrainian armies, chascd from that rich Russian re­public In tlie winter campalBn.

Romnnla has pcrhaixi 25 to 30 divisions, many understrcngth from los.ses suffered In the Ill-fated Hus-

FORSHEEPHERDERA pa'-^e of 15 or 20 men. headed by

Sheriff Wurren W, Lowerj-, w as of the Mlnldokn

slloniil forafte

and <forFriday .

51. a eh«pherder who Ls be­lieved to be menially unbntanced

was seen earning R high powered rifle and a pLitol.

The PO.VSC, on horscbi.ck, will eon- :lnuG the search Saturday If the nan is not found tlirough tnlllal 'fforts.

Sheriff Lowery- .inid that Che.w left the i;tah Construction compiiny......,. .. range southeast ofMclntlre'n cabin on Shoshone creek In U>e Minidoka forest ba-sln coun-

lost Satunluy— H e-w as.seen Monday a t the Mclntlre cabin and It >as noted then ih a t'h e carried the :wo guns. He has not been seen ,lnce th a t time.

The sheriff sold Ihot Chess wa.< ibout six feet tall and weighed kbout 14S pounds, lie has no teeth jnd probably now has a heavj' beard. The nherlff »b«o said he was believed lo be mentally unbolancetf and In poor health.

Officers said It Ln possible tliat

..’here last seen, and for this reason anyone Itavlng given a ride to (i man answering his descrtpUon should conuct the sheriff* office In Tivln

nee. Another theory Li that............... is dead, and li Is on thisbelief th a t the posse was formed.

N a z i s F l e e N o r t h e r n

F r a n c e i n F u l l R o u tSi:iM U-:.M K liK A D Q U A K T K llS , A K F , A n n . 25 (U,RI—T he

(.Icnnan a r m i e s nf tio rllic rn I’n inco w efP iv p o r te d in full riiKhl f u r I h e lih in t'la iid tndav . iibiindoiiiti) ' t lu - i r Seitiu r iv e r line I'rori! P a r i s to the' sea and th e ro lw l b o m b ba.ses a lon ij th e c hanne l e o a s l .

W ilh t h e i r seven lli a rniv rr,iticod f ro m a fir.st-i-la.s.s fijflit-

u iirn i. sUlpiwd of much nior iind nrtlllery to rcln- seveiuh nrinj', wu,% reiwrtcd' cadlotig toward the Marne le n n d Uic Rhine, under

U„aillcd i.lBn.;5,'. nncously, four alllcd.armles In o n the broken rm nnnts icn iy ’.i seventh nrniy below e, converKlng on the great p o r t of 1a; Hnvre. an troops .swung eiunwart: 0 cliftiincl coiisl to caiiturc

endtjunrters spoke.^men said vlvors of the n«7j army were . In to a box betwren Ihe ind Seine rivers, biitely 15 cep n n d 20 miles long, sltufttlon was moving .swiftly

n clim ax, and si>oke.'.ineii was (jiilte probable Hint by

Saturdny tlio alller would be

.........001 000 OOx-1 ;


Chicago .................

Hofferth, Second gat

Phlladelphlti ^oston ........

r. Karl i6i, .Scliumnn t (8) nnd Pracock; Inson i7), Tobin nnd


41,000 GERINSMOSCOW. AUff, 25 (yn—Two

armies, tlujlilng deeper Into nianln against n tt apparentlyterlnK enemy from whom 47,000 .......hiivo been tnkon n? prlioncrs In five dw'*;'lpaiiy were \^*tliln.33 tiXcs^'f (he Galatl gap defenses gilanllng the Danube gatew ay to BucliArcit and the Ploestl o il fields.

Tlie armies of Oen. Rodlo 'V, Malinovsky and Gen. Feodor Tol- bukhln, obvlou-Hly tnl:ln« no chanccs on the outcome of nomimla's peace bid through King MU '

Ihbcs yesterday, Incliifl

for counter-meiusurt took 35,000 G erm an prboners In n !:litKle

d vll-

irs. cruised through hundreds orthern Roniiinliui towi« and iM, followed by sweaty, dnsti’ rin.s of BlnginR Infantry,’ d iiriny political officers,: out the official Ru.s.slan explained to nomanlnn ;

.nd rlvlllat« th a t llqiiidiitlon of German forces In th e country mu.st

ichlevcd before mllltnry oi

Manager Chosen For Labor Camp

a 'j will I h:i.s ly be WFA

rndo effccth Maw

merly t

1. It wns nnnDuncet

succcpd E, E. Scannell :eii promoted und win . rcpre-sriilatlve In Colo- ,e ftboiit the same date been w ith the WFA tfo r

FSA) since 1041 and had

0 P o r t Hall,

G O P , D e m o s M ay S ld p P o l i t i c s T o C h a r t J o u i t P o s tw a r P la n

5 (UP,)—Re- Uc foreiBi re believed n unprece-


WASHINGTON. Aug, publican n n d Dcmocr policy leade rs today v seeking aKrecm ent on dented Jo in t declnrall ' ith parties to support the i

italls of th e American plan Intem allonnl pcace oriianlrjii

Secretary o f Suite Cordell Hull Is laying Uie bn.se for sucli acllon-ln lUs talks w ith John Poster Duties, foreign pollcs* ndvUer to Cot. niom - fts E. Dewey. They have ronferrfd for five h o u rs during the last '

und r laln a t 11:30 a. m„

T novel In American polltlcai - Dulles told reporters when ho

left Hull’s office a t 7 p . m , last Ight. —Hull, wdl aw are of Woodrow Wil­

son's mlstAkes In. 1919, lias worked diligently to c rc a te bl-pantsan con­gressional su p p o r t of his pUa for world orgnnlzAUon. He was assured of It for th e broad outlines of his plan late In May when a bl-partl

senate commlllee gave him i

K-orld S' irlty.iiifcrenco o

Before he met Dulles for the third Ume, Hull conferred ngalii wlUi tha t t^nate commlltee. prrsumnbly tostve them IQ progress report on Uie dls- cusslotis a t DumbATton Oak.4 and to discuss with them the nature nnd the goal of his ta lk a with Dulles. --

Agreement VitalDulles' emphasis tha t "we arc

breaking new ground" lent credence to the belief of political and foreign pollcj- observers th a t unlcs.i some sort of declaration pledslng cooper* atlon on foreign policy matters Is Issued a t Uie end o f the Hull-Dulles utlki, Uie way would be open for bare-knuckle pa rtisan debate Buch Issues.

All the evidence, however, points In the other direction. Republican senators who havo conferred with DuUea thU week have without ex­ception stressed th n t the two par* ties are closo together on questions ot an Intem aUonal orgnnlsaiioa and that whatever dlirerences exUt aro “notlilns to cause a political Issue.'

.. -iiieh n s t h e F r e n c h on i f ro m th e froiiL.T h e P n r la t r a n s m i t t e r sn id ,

uw cver, t l i n t th e c a p i tu la - on o f th e e n em y K iirriso n iili a ll a rm s a n d e tju ip m e n t

hnd boon c o n firm e d b y a llied •inimanderH in th e c i t y .UrlR. Gen, Jacciues LeClerc and le uniiainrd commander of the reiich nartUnns accepted Uie Ger-

in the Montparnasse nnd is.'iued a stem

«iiriiuiR that any GcnnftiiB who con­tinue fiqhtiiig would plnco them- .'elMs outside the rules of war and llBble to executjon If captured.

A dli iKiich from BBC Correspond­ent Hotiin Duff said all th e Ger- iiiiiiu. hurt been cleared from Part* ihls afternoon.

United Pre.w War Correspondents Jamc.s McGlUicy and R obert C. Miller both entered the capital In the wHke of tlie Amerlcjin and Frcncli armor, and oUicr United Press reporters were believed to have followed them In. Henry T . Oorrcll. writing from the ou tskirts ot Uib city, enld the roads leadlns to Paris were black with American tanks and troops, nnd Edward W.vBeatUe re- portrd thnt a similar e rc itt force of Srltl^h nnnor and m cit was morchh.g on tJia capltAl. -

Afi^'^nldcnUfled arrfiouncar. rc- porled lo be an American war cor- res[)ondenl, broadcasting from » secret French tm nsm lttcr said to have been Bet up In the center of the city, said the Y anks stormed through the Orleans ga te on Uie south side of Parts a t 10:40 Uils tiionilng and fanned o u t swlfUy along the main avenues.

A few mlnu r th e spokesannounced that doughboy col-

s hnd reached the Luxembourc ens and had gone on beyond the Latin tiunrter, w here reg-

1 of the French second armored Ion already were a ttack ing nazl

j DNB new s ngcncy cans broke ficn»s the a t two points Just iipllal under cover of

Yvette rlv south of tl nn aerial b

bulldhigs before retre French transmitter b ^nlo :e covered the • capital.

le rm ans put a n d public

Ine. and the i a pall of I te r of the

CEROME. Aug, 2J (-D — American'

troops of tlie seventh n n n y have .seized Uie resort of Cannes on the French Riviera nnd Uie nearby In­land town of Omsse. extending Uie hold on soiitlicrn France eastward (today toward the lUillan fronUer, allied hendquarteni announced.

\nothcr !, coliirfrom balon, norUiwest of

Marwllle, wns reported w ith in eight miles of Arles nnd tlie low er Rhone river. In Uie drive on th a t vlUI nniural hlchwo}' for a Juncttire with allied Bmiles In northern Prance.

Lleul. Gen. Ale.xnnder M . Patch's headquarters said no thlns o f gains by American troops strHclng nnrth of Grenoble. Genevo dbpatches said

troops had reached th e Swiss frontier, about 70 airline m iles north of Grenoble.

PlElitlng continued In b o th Mar­seille and Toulon—the two b ig ports needed as major supply bases for Uie Blllca forces.

Tlie allies lounched b smashing ittack on the four rem aining ene- iiy strongpolnts In M arseille after .apturing two German sencm ts and S.OOO prisoners In tha t a re a in the .

73 hours,

Eol^amist, 82,Gets Jail Term

VALE. Ore;, Auj, 85 ' ’J. Wilson, 83-year-oM opera tor of ft senlce sUtUon near Js rd a n vauay. pleaded r i t l t r to a charge o i poi;- .' gamy yeatwrfay .and’WOi :»ent«>ced ■ to fight monU« -ln.-:th« MaUienr/r county Jatl,:JU(!g* n o b « '0 .

ThB.ca man was . . . . .Uiude tUcbardMnV--.......he;married h e r .In J M i r i ...................m in lfd ».ye«T.old D otdthjr . im r '/ i

w nsi^uw .aiuiijj.x .

I a M ir n n a » « ( . ,

last Juos.vittaout'C

Page 2: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

Page Two

complete miuiii of Uic 6cliic.

Word ol Ihe m rtriiwsl uw. Jiiislip qu»rl<T6 by nlllrrt twrtcd till" ronrtr

TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Fritloy E v e n in g , August 25, 1944

Keep V ic W Jiltc F la gof sa/ctu yivt’tg

ALLIESof tlic south b

Irppc,vals ana me surmundlnB urn mod with acrmnn truffle.

Tliroiishoui nuirtdn)-. U rjOlf 21 days i

f ra //( c dea th in c V alltv.


Twin Falls News in Brief« T rlpnn !cfl Tniirsrtny for Salt Dll n bujliifsa irlp.

I'o Moodliurj follcjB MLii> Tiiinzy Webt), 5

ng In t«rdRn Ir«<lf ollcKf, Lo,' Angclr^, I.

Llcenird to Wed { A nuLrrliige llccii.sc 1 terdoy to Wcjley . Junnc PoB-nnll, 19, . t’aU»-

i. CuKfie Fnnn, on a 3M «y Ipuv liaji bfrii serving In the eoiiU I Pacific »iicl ulll rcltirn to h

T)if rrix» :

iKiiiili' liii'f 'Ilndl«riinliwtcly ilii finri BOiilhern Ennlii Jimt*. came ns four cnirticd throiish (In nania of 111" a tnn iiu .. wltli a speed tlml IlidlcalPd the bnt- .1 * .— 1.*^ 11 fj.

a lllrd armies

,c Klne liod rciiclicd

jcrtcd, bill 111.- i.roiiilses wci

NcL'oii, ftho (liiy.s ago sta chliirry ingpt Kriig bnrk li busied hliiisfllt »lih geltlMB mini named actlns chivl Wliion’s ftcnd, nnd did not


In mpldiy.nAF flier? unnslird oni-

Ofrmnn mi'inpt to r\n i Havre /•;irl> •nuirfdny mor *n iinciinllnnrd report, bro r«riio Frniier nl AIrIits mi aJrbonie iro«|i.. had br»-i near Uie port m the Sein

"P l«ren l „n , ,,

eligible to enler the Jetn

■ KofiiiRs premnturp , I ihnt hi^ pa rtisan troops arblans llicm.->elvfs

rusKle r barri­caded ctrcft

Tlie aerilian DNB s»W Hie lilsVoric V/jv Iiouje or the «-orid!i was the scene of bloody fiKlitiriB *nd asserted that a torct! of pntrlolji Ind tpltert tlie biiilriliiB iinrl « holding the welirmnclit b L bay al rifle and iiiachltie Kim fire.

beClrrc'a poliiis, however. »e reported nt the 61. Micliel bridce liie opposite bank of the Seine wit In BOO yards ol Ihe L.iuvrc. movi in rapidly lo h it the r.lecr.

SlUt Opp<nUlua Tlie first French regulars la break

Inlo the cRy met sllffer oppoaliloi tiian lind heeii expctted. m id lound

dpmolltlonn nnd himdrrdn of niliiei Many of the narls furrenrtrred nllei a brief fho\^ of reslsianre. lio»ever and early reiwiA said tli»* aiiack WI6 (toinu »eii.

rrhn Flshtlng FYeiirh rnriW said UClPrcV troop b 'snn rrcv.-.-sinR the St. Mirliel brodRe a i B:30 tir iiiorniiig Biter cinirinR Oermi troops from tiie Riie St. Jncqnes c tlie Ipli bnnk. Tlir Pont 8 t . Michel nms to the He de Lii d tp . iiit Island In the river, and the h eart of ParL'. Miere biller fishtlnK lind been reported ragliig iiround ilio police jirffecture. On the north b.nnk of tlie Seine and a flew blocks wp. i la the Louvre mid ndjolnlnR. the fa­mous ’nuieries Eiird^ii.s.'


Released From J a i l■IVo T»-ln Fail. men were reiewi-

1 from Ibe elty jail •nmrsday nnd Fridav after having been nrrcsted

1 drunkeniifu charges.Ouy H. Culbertson, comi ill Thnrsdiy afler talluri

(15 fine inipoeed by ^JiiriKC J. O. Piimphrey, was reclnaed ■ hen he i>al(l the balance Fridny. Arrested Timrsdav hIbIiI, Irving

;teinl)erg iwted a JIO bond and i\en liis freedom.

) pay

The Hospital

Mliler J In Idelayed dL'pntch from th e suburbs that the plight of tiie pn tilo lt had become desperate ve.'terday.

□ennan tanlc-- and armored care were reported prowling througli ilie Mrctls, siiooilns do-in poorly- amied bands of patriafs a n d split­ting them up Into dlsorgnnlied groups. Mlllpr said.

T ie situation uas believed to have been reversed with tlic arriva l of the tcgulars. lioaevcr. o n d hesd- ouarters six)ke.'mcn were optimis­tic that the complete a n d flnol tlelivery of the first city o f Europe

-vi-asat hand,‘The monkey business Is oil over,"

*n American colonel told Miller. •■We arc going Into P o rb in Btrengih."

Yankj Hove In •nirouglmt Wednesday night.

Miller added, the roada wcot ol Paris eehoftl lo the rumble o t tank*. l«lt-tn\ck^ trucks and armored car* as (tie Americana moved Ui lo Join the baltle for the cnp lu l.

FlgliUnE French broodciuts said

IBlh Arn>ndiMement and " th e shell# are fBlliig eyer>whfr«." "n ie Champs £ lw es niii* through the 18th dls-

■niree large fires were burning UtntV^ h) the city, lha brcwdcasl uld. JdentUjIng Uie »lt«* u Au- (etUI, the northWHtem section and the we»lem juburban a rc * »here the Oerronn b»rTle«le« » t r e report­ed «b!ue..'

\p:ATHEROoDlluQrd cool foday w ith leal-

(end th w e n fn hixher meun- Ultui wimaer Saturday;nijti niiir»«*j' n u b w , T h m d a y « ! low ftldaj- tnBralnc M.

. . hf Tw in h'olis county Rfnerai hospUiil.

A D M irrn)Buddy OaUihfr. .Melba W hittle , haron Hollkomp and Mrs- 'V fldon

HasKtlis. TR-ln raILn; Mr.«. A rt RojtTWK\’, Mr». tt. E. N tl-

.*on and Mrs. Le.«ler Forrest. IJuhl: Mm. Gall Sinclair, Murtnugh; Jess Dunk.', Klmberiv, and Mrs. & n e s t Albertson. Hszelton.

DISMISSED igelie Cnrlion, Dielrich: Bonnie Ronnie Letnke. Hansen; Jo jc c

;ncr and Mrs. Fred stokcsberry. Flier: Karen Latllmer. Eden: M nr-

Jcn-'.en, Mrs. Robert K. Bu.'^h. . n . II, FlUpalrlck. Mrs, Dick

Knight, Mrs. n . 0 . C<«sk, Mrs. J . C........................... F. G. Bracken.

TMn FaiU: LcrU Rojas. Ooodlng: Mrs. E. A. Donne. Enlnion City: M rs. tern Tliurman and daiiRhter. Buhl, ind Mrs, Dom Oreco and daughter. Bcaerson.

Army Dlseharte Ballard Hughes

. served oversea.' In , <'orded his honorai , the army Frldiiv n I tor's office. Tlie i

' emerert the ii • LfxIiiKtori. K

eharged June 2. .

Jiine 9, lOin,

Oack From Hawaii Frank Pei.vry ri'tii;

■ Falls Thurstliiy nlt*li' hn* been

c-onstnietlon encinrei hoUUnK


l.OOO.OOO aLsimillr.v A Rome dlspMch t.-.M aIvubp 0«r* an motor convoy stre tch ln s 20 ilc.-i wiui ftralfrt on ihr rond nortli- srd Uirougli YiigOdlAvla toward

Belgrade yesterd.iy. Tliero waa no immediate Indication wneUier thbi

I the Mart of a German with- »al from the Balkans following in Romania's capitniaiion.■leut. Oen. Ira C. Eoker. UBA, inlander of Medllprrttnean nir :e.v declared liiat when R om ania

. cspituinted, Uie country liad be-

Seen Today

or s lability

Frank Peavey looking larger and browner than ever as he drops In from Hawaii, alter irip via Clip­per. . . ^^vo Kiris tr)lns hard lo peek around edges ol covering that hides Idaho DepArlment store lil.'piay window while It's bring chniiKcd. . . C. C. and Andy Myersexamining cracked spot In corner of Kingsbury plinrmiicy wliiilow. . . Pretty blond young lady in blue checked dreu , balancing on one leg In middle of Second street north sidewalk a-i she ties shoo atrlng. . . Sign ttandliig against sldo of city Imll, "No Turn" . . . Leona Oae HUKhp.i with brand new reddish hue to that iisuiilly bruneiie hair. . . ESnbarrassed looking fellow who whi.'tlcd a t a Riri ha thoashl he knew. . . Slierllf dre.v.rd In irvis

tor poaso h u r l In lou th hllU, . . . And overheard : Soldier, leaning jgalost IlRht pole, to another, seated jn cu rb stone: Tx»k. there must be som eplace In toTO where we can get beer: so t It latt week."

P o p la r Hill Students To H a v e Bus Service

FILER. Aug. JS--Buse.i will pick up P o p lar Hill sludent* sonietlm# niter 8 n . ni. Monday." Mr*. D ais Btradley, county- superintendent of public ln.itriictlon. tsld todaj', TliU announcem ent came ofw r a flood of Inqulrlra followed ih« oewi of the consolidation of the poplar Bill and F ile r dlstrlcu. »

'•As y e t .-(cliedulu have not C«n arranged b u t Poplsr Hill students should bo w-nltlng tor the buses from B a. m . on ." »lic continued. Filer school will hold clissfs lui'll noon Monday, th e opening day, Mrs. Strndley sold.

1 !.0repcrte

B. Hts i: with 11

T»o pi to police yp.Vertli

Mr.', Rny OiirlKT. 1« Polk strcel, told polk-c UiHt she lost a sm.ill coin pur-e fontalnlng »10 somewhere m 'ip dD'ATitoftTi area.I. A. Pnlton, Twin Full.', reported le iOM of pocketbook containing t3 . ewh, HWon ci.rrts, draft paper ' id other personal iwpers, lost 'mewhere in Harmon park.

riew tVom Brodit N

war for iikJnpi

Iiayborn, prisoner re than two years li

. . imp. 1' In good health, icrordliig (o word received ' ineli’.'. F M Il.ivlxim, Fllr ?; L Rayborn. IM n P-nlIs •nrd m(llrale<l Uiat he un.s In good •

ay night from nm.^e aftor bpir

!r. Bleber. slnte Jiiyiee presldeii attended a hiiirlirnii nieellns! o( il Boise JayceeS a t I lir Holei lint- »iul Mrs. Sleber, Male Jay-C-cH president, nnd Mrs. Beer, stale Jay C-ette secretory, met. with Mrs. Bl Oalloway, Immediate past slat president, nnd M rs. Bob Waike president of the Boise Jay-C-ellt. to map plnns for fu ture state pro- : ]ccts.




> tor

t.-com dr M. J.

. Wash.a long .. stationed I

office In Ttt I open Indeflni

liing them brleli\ Her accounts, she ................ ...... ‘■■r departure

' Oeon-r CliflUles. Ciib-o Californi* L 'ftVlng Prlrt

VIsallB. C alif.. Mar

Ulah Visitors Mrs. Virgil LeweLs and 1

ters. Catherine nnrt Mnr

e Mr d Mrs.>• S. McCoy. »ho i;

ryiT »ii(l dr Deanne. Mr. l-Tyer,

erlniendent of -'cho n. i.s n son of the local He lA now a liUh school,

r In the CMlSorn

a th rsrthiir Cliff Mei.:»it. jeep '

They have nk seb' parent.', Le.'.seis, Filer Ixs'eis home

A nd .\n ily C lyde P L U S

••SM ILIN’ J A C K " “ Rcnim o f n o y a U y ”

Lalc.sl W nr N cw b

I Starts SUNDAYTheylovetl..

Blf. I

Reeder. Ooodlng. Hr I

, Bert Met

New AsalgTtmeiit~ ■ . Sgl. Vay R Gnrnanri, w

en vljlllng his parents, f and Mrs. R. E. L. Oamand, on fi

1 fo r the past three weeks, I

. fJiilmforth Is chairmur

Tiie,*day i

■„ Lloyd MRllhpw,., Ijvrs in TVln L'. His wile and two daughters, .'y Ann nnd Pegny Uiu. live wltli ■ parents, Mr. and Mr;. Efton . ,c), Brnnson. Mo. Prlvile '

was fonnerly iesriman Hft aiipv" division at ihi iver shipynrds.

Magic Valley Funerals

■ will re t. He bcombat ml.'sion.

who had been rn t, '. accomi>anl

p his I

Staff Sg t. I as kins

1 of 3J In Eiu-ope iving with


ENDS TOM ORROW — “Uncertain Glory

of a

MURTAUQH-Lajt rtlcs for P 't. now nrd V, Morrison, .vin o! .Mr. and Mir. Floyd V, Morrl.son. '*111 be held

*:35 p. m. Siilurdny, Aug. 20. a t

Larry D ale, born ■niur>day evening he T w in Fails county genera!

. Itiii mulernliy home. Sergeant HBskins. who Is stationed a t Cimp Claiborne. La., and Mrs- Haskins arrived la a t week from Alexandria,

w here ahe has been flnce late fall, and he has already

turned t« his camp. Tlie child Is flra t nnd Is the f irst grand- of Sergeant llaskinn’ parents,

Mr. and M rs. Orville Haslclns,

From Boda Sp rinn Visitor.*! here from Sod# Springs

, If a few days were Dr. RUMeil Ty- Rert and M r. and Mrs. Stanley Mat- • wf. M r. and Mrs. J. HlII enter.

led M r. and Mr*, Matthew.i Wed- nestlay evening. Dr. T>gerl's daugh-

Isabel Robertson, T»ln Full.', hns been visiting In Boise ant............ h e r flew lo Join h e r Tliun.day. A fter they return lo Twin Falls,' Dr. T > ee rl wlU leave for Boda


JEROME — Pimrrnl renlee.s for ■earl Virgil Wolvtnon will be held iI 3 p. n\. Sciturdsy In tlit JlrsV ;

ward L. D. 8. i-iiurcii. Bishop A, Leo 'Olsen will officiate, Ourlsl will be : In the Jerome cemelery under the direction of the Wiley funeral home.

We'fc »uie you’ll «ccept cheerfully a lua^le wartime w n p p u ig iroond your o m Imtle of Old Sunoj B n ^ whukey. And if yocr d ^ c r baj to w y "Sort)'; maybe next week!"* fthtn you « k for thi» braad—ple»e accept thu thtttfuUy too, temembcriag liiat thia diu illerj h u beea coopencing with tbe gov* eroment wartime aleobo! prognm.



DlitiUert Prodocta C orpe ra tii» .N e» Yoric,N.Y.

muiiummimiimwwC o n tin u o u s

Shi>w-a D a i ly

This August Is No E xcep tion ! THIS IS THE MONTH TO BUY.


World F am ous ■

DUPLErFUfiSAofvtl for tlia pail deeade h ii been THE m o n th to buy fnrst Thli Augu't la no exception. And BUPLRR’.S proves it, cominrlnsl7i »>d n ith telling elfecliitnesa with values th a t o re undiipuledir (he 5T«»lejt In III* entire year. Now. seieellons a re a t their pesk! Thai'* another substantial reason lor InTcstlng In a. DUFLEIl far coat at th li lime. Cemf. see for yoarself why A U GU ST In 19«, aa s i n p .l i Ihe MONTH lo buy FURSI


$69 $99 $ 1 4 9 $ 1 9 9' and up to 5995



A Smnll Deposit Will Rescn-e Y o u r Cholw,


Page 3: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

Friday Eveninfr, August 25,1944 TIMES-NEWS. TW IN FALLS. IDAHO Fag« Three


ED COLUMN IN FRANCE, AUB. 15 iDelnycd) <-P)-LlRhl liDasckcepliiR bpcomca n m il problem In rcporllnR army nctlvlllp-s durlnR siicli s>|vsy wnrtnre ns our cowboy tind Indlnii march tlirounli Fnincc.

After riding jevcrivl hunclrcri - '■ c j beh ind mmpnslUK Innks you

bcRln to fed the bosle wliccl ttfn ro u n d In your own Dnilii.

.tif rc nolMliiSInc th a n IniiR m fiirmy country wi colimiti. m-vrr knowlnn w helhrr you will bf nbl<*nolher GO miles nr v.1 ne>it motn<'tiI you iimy Im


Burial H eld for Bliss Resident

OOODINO. A ug. 25-Fiincml scr- lets tor Chrirlcn Mllloii PerslnRcr lerc coniluclcd n t ihc Tlioiii|)ion

rhni«l wlUi th e Flev. Noriiinn E 31ocU«cll or tlip -I-rlnUy EpLwopal church offlcliitliiK-

A well known furnipr n{ i CDinnmiilty, Mr. Prisiinjer Itlnho la April. 1012 /roin Kell. Hr was iim rrird Mar.In I.liicolii, Mr>. Pi'n>liiKrr b ii Inr- iiicr nurse ni tin- Coodlni; hti'intnl.

Survlvor.s nicliide hts ftlfe, g ilftUKliier, Mrs. Charles W. VniiRlit, Aliimccln. Calif., and n ;.l;.tfr, Mrs. i!. M. Snillh, Lcvi AiikcIc;..

U, Men AuKU.sC


Jlrst full plane loud vegetables and ol loods ever

Rupert Schools’ Staff Complete

RUPERT. Aug. 2i—Rupert sctiooix lii’Kun work oltli n complete laciilly. Don Daloe L' superintendent mid Curl HmmiiKton, principal ot the lUKh school. All scVentli and rl«m li

'i!i nicmbcn n( Uie HtiRfrmnn CivanKC convcnctl here.

Socl;il kccurlly was dl£<;u!>,ir<l by Wtlllnm Olauiicr, nnd it Eroup of <-H iKiys Knve rei>orl on Uirlr work, lla-.lcs.'.rs were Mr.v Elltabclli ijlcele, Mrs. O Smith and Mrs. William

Clover Lutherans I n s t a l l Teacher

CL^VEH, Aug. 25—Trinity I.u- th c n u i cliurch here wns the ecenc of n .special .service In uhlcli lUs new leaclirr, Miirtni JucrKcmcn, wiui instulled. Tlic llcv. W, F. D.inncu-

Khool, Eden: *r Tkin l-'nlk.Jucrgcn:.en comw here from

South Ainnnn. In., w here he tauiiht the lower Brndc* fo r the past scv- )c«rs. Formerly h e held chnrgca Schuyler, Neb., n n d Cheney, Knn.

He rccelvccl Uils tram ln s In Coiicor- Lutlierun Tniclicr.i college, Sew-

[, }{, ZaRel, uled to open on Labor day. w ith reglslrnllon of pupiti «el for Aus-

An enrollment ol nearly SO pu -- plb Li expeclcd. Both lh» t«ftehoraRe nnd the tcJiool building hiTe und er-

'intertor decortUoni.

h wlill<' 15 rniinil.-: went wlilu’liiK his en r Aiu.ilirr tlin.- he hn<

8 n. m.

eamp fcrl,'

Form er Resident Examines Mines

Jj^LETY. Alls. 25—James Allen, form er owner of the Hailey

Tildes, In company wltli C. O. DalmerR, Ban I'riinchco. a tnlnliiK fnelneer. hnve been In Hnllcy exn InlnK th e Clipper group of mines Elk creek, cast of Hailey.

The m ine wa.s operntcd nboiit yenrs nKO by the Into Chnrle.', J. Sherry. Fiilrlleld, nnd la now owned hv Ills diiURhter nnrt son of LAt An- Kcles, w hom Mr. Allen Ls represent- Inc. Now unrler contract lo tlic Mahn MtnlnK conipiiny. San I’rnn. cisco. It w ill be operated as soon ns pilorltlM on machinery arc avnll- nble.

In spenklnK of his dauRlilerj. who mitde th e ir re.nldence In Hnlley - few yenrs ago. Mr. Allen .states th they are n il In war work. The form­er Arlle Alien, non,- Mrs. J. L, ML'ck, Ir, In the personnel otllcp nt Boeing aircraft n t Seattle. Her liiisbnnd. Lleiiteiinnt JvlLsck ol Ihc InlelllRence dlvl.-^lon h a s Just relumed from tlie Aleutians. Mls-s Bcntty Ren Allen Is employed In the ofllccs of the Kftlscr com pany a t RltJimond.

Mls-1 A lyce Allen, now Mrs. Rich- nrd Cooke. Is In wnr work ns a see- rotj*ry n t Kingman. Arlz. Her hus- bjiifl' S. S . Cooke of the nrmy "h cSl^ii wn.% wounded on hi-. 28tli mis­sion over Germnny nnd Is now nr Instructor n l the Klngmnn, Arlt. *lr field.

P o sto ffice EnlargedOOODINO. Aug. 24—’llie Ooodlng

post office l» being enlnrged by the •ddlUon o f the l i by 40 foot ipnce formerly occupied by Leysou's stu­dio. Most of tlie nddltlonal i will be u."<ed for the working i A nother case of boxes will be ndded to enre fo r the Increased denuind. Tlie case will be divided cqiinlly be- tween 20 Inrgc bim nnd 00 snml! In­dividual boxe.s. C. D, Moore Ls con- trnctor fo r Uic remodellnK nnd de- corntlne.


1 9 4 1 C H E V R O L E T 2-Door Sedan. net» motor, drlv* fn only 300 mllea, every Ur# per-

E I 3 4 0 O L D S M O B IL E " o r »ednn. Ejcellcnt condi­

tion.193D nU IC K

<-door sedan . Radio nnd licaler, 1 0 4 0 C H E V R O L E T

3 Door sedan. Excellent condl- tlotf. Very, good rubber,

1 9 4 1 M E R C U R Y 5 Po&senRcr coupe, good mechan­ically. good rubber.





M e a t sS irlo in S teak

3 5 c ...V e a l Stew

2 0 c 1..

L a rd< Ub. PK»;.

6 3 c:>iiicd

L u nch Meat3 5 c

B a co nS q u a re s

i 9 c

p a i l Ilf uc .sl |.; ir ls .


•iiM' I h f.s lo ri- 111 in .1 . m. fo r Ihc oa.sl n Iinti :il :( p . in, ftir Iho n o rlli nnd

. 3 7 c

WAX PA PER S rS U . 1 9 c

D O N U TSPlu iii o r .HUpT- n red , d o z e n ..

Iccti, tio7.cn

nreti, d o z e n ....... 35c

liuooMS s ; ; ' ' "™' ■""" 8 9 c

VANILLA S r r J T ..... ■... 29c

PEANUT B U lT E R r ,r i'’for K c l i o o l ^ ^ ^

PAPER PLATES ; s r “ 2 5 c

MUSHROOMS ........4 5 c

FRUIT COCKTAIL?.,"."',,,, . 3 9 c


S.O.S. PADS ,r .......... 1 5 c

2 7 c

PREM Premium Meal, Really Delicious, 2 4 c



2 3 c

SYRUP 3 9 c

PEN J E L L l i e

9 c

SWEET PICKLE CHIPS “ ilS i'..2 9 c


Peaches's. fine

sllclnj, lb...

Yams2 9 c

W aterm elonsLocal Grown,

C antaloupesocal, P


R o g e rso n H otel Bldg. Phone 574-57S

€ € d n d s is € m £ h i Soturday Only


^ f 250 0 ? n .Y


48 Only


Riiyon Knit Slljvv Inllored { slyles. reHultir »1.2fi—

9 7 c 3 4 c


360 B oxesLydia Grey

FACIAL TISSUESlo n<,x. T h c .s

lorn ing- a

2 5 c

'lOn Slinol.s lo R<i.\, 'I 'lic.sc' ;;<) nn s i i k

Saturday M orning- at 10 o’clock


CURTAIN RODSDoubles a n d Singles

1 9 c 2 9 c 5 9 c

17 Only


PHESERVINGKETTLES a tu rd a y Spccinl I ln rd w .ire Dept.

% » 1 «

Clearance Women's CoatsON SALESA TU R D A Y 9 A . M.I Orilv— H ojiuliir $ l! t ,0 8 — Q f i Siilo P i-icp .................................................. 5 ^

2 Only— R e s u l a r 519.98— O O Salf> P r ic e .............................................9 » A * ® ®

10 Oiily— V a lu c s to $ 3 5 .5 0 - .Salc Pricf!............................................. $ 1 4 . 8 8

y ^ 7 O n ly ^ >

4 W O M E N ' S ^ ' ^

J C O A T SK cilucrd lo C k i i r , R e g u la r $20.fl8,

S n ic P r i c c —

' 4 . » 1 6 « *

37 Only

Final Clearance

Handbags....................3 7 « ^

RcKulitrS a tu rd a y P r i c e


K cduccd to C le a r , R e g u la r S a le P r i c e —

9 O n lyFinal Clearanr*

H andbags

Regular Saturday Price—

6 6 c

38 OnlyFinal a t i r u e i


24 rt«. ».»a; U r« r )3iD.

Baturday Pile*—

9 7 c

< * 1 O f t R

“Twin F aU s’ P opular D ep t S to re”

Page 4: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

Page Four TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Fridny Evonlnff, AuarustSS, 1044

W RONG T A C T IC S Several thovisnnrt w o rk e rs a t tl:

B o a t coinp:iny in G ro to n . C o n n ., w liorc .sub­m a rin es arc b u ilt to r th e n a v y , tu rn e d clown a str ik e vote by a 4 - to - l m a jo r i ty . So th e i r un io n callcd the s tr ik e nn y w fiy . T lic im lon Is th e fihlpbiilldpr.'! a n d M a rin e \ in lo n . an Inric- penclcnt. ,

T he Independent.'! h a v e b r r member.shlp on th e n a t io n a l w i

- a n d g rea ter c o n s id e ra tio n R cne q u e s t Is a jiwt one. B u t t h e y h ope for public o r g o v e rn m e n ta l s y m p a th y by im peding w ar p ro d u c tio n n R a ln s t t h e wlshc. of th e workers.

T h e union officia ls s h o u ld r e a l iz e th a t r e ­sponsibility and Rood w ill a r e o f te n th e prc> rccjulslte.s of privilege,

W A K lT h e Japs have a new w a r .^los'an, se lec ted

In a na tional com petition . A n d f ro m o u r ve ry ru d im en tary know ledge of Japnne.se , wc sh o u ld 5ay lt'.s a good o n o — a t le a s t from tlic A m erican standpo in t.

T h e slogan, o r coUegc yell. Is “ Ik l, W akl, K onkl, Sookekkl.”

Ic k y as th e J a p s ’ p r o p a g a n d a lin e , w acky as th e ir Ideas of co n q u est, a n d c o n k e d ou t a s th e y rapidly are becom ing , i t s e e m s to su m up th e s ituation p r e t ty w ell. W e n r e n ’t su re a b o u t ’‘Sookekkl,'' w h ic h Is p r o b a b ly am ong th e item s' ye t In s to re fo r t h e l i t t l e buck­to o th e d men.

(A ctually , the s lo g a n mcnn.-s “ S p i r i t , h a r ­m ony , s ta ih ina . to ta l a c t io n ," i n c ase anyone Is In terested .)

I\1IN0U R E V O L U T IO N T h ere are -those a m o n g us w h o f e a r th a t

ou r R ussian ally m e an s to c h a n g e th e face and political s tru c tu re o f p o s t - w a r E urope I t m a y com fort these f e a rf u l o n e s to le a rn o f som e changes Ih a t th e R u s s ia n s h o v e begun a t hom e:

Severa l recap tured c itie s In t h e U k ra in e nave been given new n a m e s . T a m o p o l , fo r IriBtance, h a s been chanRC d to T e rn o p o l . And Czertkow (pronounced C h e r tk o v ) h a s becom e

— C hortkov-(pronounced C h o r t k o v ) r ................... -T h e revolution m ay b e u n d e r w »y. B u t I t

c e r ta in ly la proceeding In low g e a r .

W RA P T H E M W E L L I t s no t going to be a v e ry m e r r y C h r is tm as

for anyono concerned If t h e g lf ta w hich you’r e now m lovingly a e le c t in g f o r y o u r serv­ice m a n oversew a rr iv e s m a a h e d —o r no t a t ,»II. A nd th a t 's w h a t 'e lik e ly t o h a p p e n , a c ­co rd ing to th e p e s tm R s to r g e n e r a l , I f they

. a re n ’t w rapped s trong ly .Package m all takca a n a w fu l b a n g in g b e ­

tw een your house a n d I t s o v e rs o a a d e s t in a ­tion. So keep th e p a c k a g e o f s h o e b o x size.

' 9Ut mofce th£ box o i w ood, m e t a l , o r f ib er- board , securely w rapped . A u d n o jh o e b o x M l

kILEY. Aug. 25 — Mla.1 Dorolhy...... OutM slBned a contrat,-jleach pliy.Hcttl educallon a t MliK,* high school, near Cwpcr, Wyo., ll comlne school year. 61m wUl rttum

I sh o rt visit with her patents, ind M rs. L. E. Outa, from Salt

U ke City. Urnh. before leaving for Midwest to lalce up her duties on Sept. i.

MIm O utzs Brndmied from llie University o t Idalio »t Moscow 5Mt June, where the majored In phyilcsl education a n d Englleh.

il Intenia

. «n o U y . he should a d _ ....... ...live pn-’uied since that occurrcnct

\VSll\oiH k!\o«.ln8 svny o f lUe I'e I'M pudnwn, you inn tell him. strangely enough. Ui»t hi tot.il i iu be 3.8S8I

To' U on ynunielf. NBturully. th# jf» r of birth plus «6« this year will total i m . T»-lce 18H-3,8S8t Dr« this down M you wish. O ne-half of 3 ,m bring* hiclt to 10«', ouo-half of 1 0 « gives 573-ath 7lh day. Jiul lioiir.

ll'i nil old number tr ic k —not to be t «erlfiuily thnn Hitler's nstrologers.—Chrbtl Monllor.

tLXAMPLE OF SWITZEIILAKDTii« Swl.s5 nre neutral, b u t tliey do not Intend to

provide n hiivcii for O ern ian war crimlnUj ifu r thU war.-as llic-Dutcli did for Use kaiser and hla emounge alter the iw t one. Bern nniiouncts the bw» ira up to "forelgtiera unworthy o f «.3ylum becauM of ihair deipluibU icta."

Tlie S»l4s have ijw ayi kep t the ir doors open for ollilcal refugees from o tljc r countflf*. and Ihi prln*

-lpl» Il oiia that should tK uplield. However, nazl leidcri who flee Irom a c rm a n y u defeat approaches are not political rcfugee*-^thcy are common crimlniU *110 f»c« felony chatsea rang lne Itota robtwry to mOrder. i

fiwlturUnd’s action is in Une wttli the reqtieii mtda lo neutrsls some time ago by ou r »t*te departtnem, and Hie M»mple should be follow td by the other nitlons Uiat have been spared involvement la the war. Thfrt are two key couiilrlw. however, ftora which such a step cannot t>* expected: S p a in and Argentina. Unlesa a lied pre-Mure makes itseJf «t«mly lelu Hiller and his sang util be able to f in d sanctuary on the soli of thoM iasclst-dominaicd a U lu .-^ t . Louli PMl* Slipatch.

Yel tlipse tw o men wllh such dl- vcrRpnt bnckRrounds approach the problem of po-stwar .security tram more or lesa th e same point of view. In his w ritings and speeches during the |)n3t tw o o r three years, Dulles has emphasized the need for a mode.1t beginning, with th e na. Uons of iho world grouped around a union of t h e chtcf allies in tho present war. T h is coincides wltM lha

and Marvin Ilobblns, Wll. lowdalc. will a ttend Co4tlefor< schools thU year, one in h ig h school and the other In grade school.

Wlllowdale scJiool held th e ir book ixehatige on Tue.'riay, Aupust

regular clauei will resume on >3S.

___ ihlnj of wheal a n d o1fralns with eamblncs Is In fu ll awing

•eek. Some wheat Is shocked UI ba threshed w ith a

Uanary machine.

have lo depend on clly tous ■•hlch usually puts a fellow a t work0 o r 25 minutes pa.it the hour or

have to go an hour early, stand around and wait for office lo open, or If you work overilma miss U « bus h»ve to I ’&ll anotiitr h<yjt Jor ;cxt bus or wAlk home. After n a rd day's work then not many feel ke walking very many blocks home. T hot's whnt puzzles so many of

9 and I am speaking for a good many. How some certain XQUns p c o

ihesa old can a t therisk of I and I


I t YEAlis AGO, AUG. « . 13M ML<s Florence! Jacky. daughter of

Mr. and ^^rs. -W. O. Jacky, returned from O ntarJo. Canada, yesterfliy after a visit w ith her grandmi "MUs Jacky WB# a student li Chiengo M usical collcge last season md went to v U lt her grandmoU)«i It the beg lnn inc of vacallon.

others, and they keep the road ho t and paved with rubber 10 or 13 times a day and aU hours of the nlglit. they usually leave several pounds of nibber every time they start stop.

Oav. H. C. Baldridge, accompan' led by J. D. W ood, commtwloner of public works, a n d Victor Stmw. prl« vate .secretary to the governor, vetil tlwoujh T w in FalU on thclr wvj a the conference of western gov* ■mors which opens there tomor* ow. Congressmon Addison T. Smith

and Aiher B. W llion will leave nert for th» oenferanee today.

x: YEARS AOO, AUG. 23, tOIT Mbses Eller and Moomaw. m uilsal

• r tlit i. hava tdd td to th e ir »Uff the wall knovn dramatic contralto, M lu H eltni Allmandlnger, w ho h a i •ppearid In concerti both In Ptrla and Berlin. T hi O onU nenui Tlmei, of Berlin, aald o t her. “M U i AlU mindlnger U the pow H or o f » warm «nd aympathttlc c o n ln lto vtice." She h is for time been In charga of th* \'ooal d a p a r tn e n t of ;uka c rli colieit.

.Ronald Boone, fon of M r.Marry O. Boone, a i 4 is *miTd u» west, arrived home Sunday

....... Annapolis, whart he h a a beenatUndlne the naval academy fo r the past year and a half. U«' U bom s on - so dar leave.

-81111 ru tiicd

HO HUAI DEPT.‘■Snrplua Dabat* Opcni In Ben*

,t«>—Ntadllna.LoU ot thoM dabatea are lurplus.


W hat Ittafl of boi'i do w» now hava in our high lehools that will Rlelc u p a little first frader's crayoiu from ih i ilde «all( where she playlns and U1(« them!

I dar# you to prlni this.—Nr*. T. D. Frits

— TAM0U8 LAST LINK .>. . . But ohat good will a fl

log pole do him In Normandy?.

il <Ii>l . „ nut o rsinluitlon. . .. . •creign etjualliy of all peac

loving dtatpj, and op^n to membei ihlp by all such stales, large ar imall, fo r the maintenance of li crnatlonnl ptacc and securll}'."

. While the DumbaMoa Oaks cor ference w'lll be bfliween represent/ tlve.i of the American, British ati R a islan governments, China Joli. Ing later, Secretary Hull has taken g rea t pains lo make clear that ar In ternational p e -ace organltatli ncrccd upon shall consbt of both I.-irge and small nations. Repcrtlns to a Joint session of congress after h is return from Moscow, tha aecre ta ry declared th a t "the principti o f sovereign equality of aU peacC' loving states, IrresiieeUvo of slM o n d str«nglh, as partners In a fu­tu re rystcm Of general security, will be tha foundation upon whlcli the fu tu re Interiuiilonal organizations will be constructed."

Bapres^ntatlvea ol tha smaller na tions hava critlcl»d th> appar-

■ domination by the larger pow- and Secretary Hull In hij April

iddrctf on D. S . forelgo policy___c h i to overcome thest luiplclonsby w p lstn ln i th » t thera couli b# no enduring paace unless the U nited Biatej, OreaC BrtUln. llu*- a la and China first (greed to act tOBOther. In other words, anything aereed on by the technical ex- p e rta In th e IJjmbattan Oaks ton* ference and later ratified by the

'a, will then ba'sub* ore llian 30 United

N ations Urge and »m»U, for full


nd equal’partlclpatlon.

. . . s . Earl Mathewa and baby hav* been released from tin Cottage hos­pital.

Mrs. A lfred Crnne «as a gueit at birthday luncheon, Uotiorlng Uia

...inlver.inry of Mrs. Emma Kessler. Pella, at th e houoree's home.

Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgs Kessler ar*. 1 Denver, witere Mrs. Kessler is receiving medical attention.

Mrs, BAymond Kelley had for feekend guests, h e r nifllher and ils- er from Idaho FalU.Mr. and M rs. Lamar Dlngham an*

ounce w e birth o f a daughter at hosplUl In Twin P^lls.Miss M ary Lou crsne relumtd

from a iwo weeks visit In Los An* ' gelea. She began leaching .Durlcy schooU Tuesday. ^. No services of any kind *U1 ^ held in th is ward Sunday, becsusa of suk« conferenea being held In Burley.

M rs..jane Roblruon had for-her weekend guests, her ililer and hus*

md. ciearrield . Utah. •. Mrs. Erie Johnson and in iall son.

Salt Lake C ity , are vlsitlnc her pir- tnta, Mr. a n il Mrs. Davia Bowen,

Tlia U nity M. I. A. iponaored a .iwlm and m elon bust for the stale a ieaner g lrla and u . m«n. h*14 at Banbui^. .

Mr. an<S M ri. Mesa Mathews art »j>tnain» th « in &*lt l,«ke Oily.

Mr. and M ri. 6atnuel B annir (D' tartalnad w ith a ahovtr and danea a l lha W ard hall, honoring their daughter. M argaret, husband. John Koyle, who » tr» recently njarrled.

Page 5: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

F r id a y Evening, A ugust 25,19<1'1 TIMES-NEWS. t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO Page Fivd

BHOSnONE, AUB. 25 - \V. B. W hlttcklcntl, North Slioslionc, wn iiumcd cliiitrmnn o( the Lliicoli county fnlr bonid and r r« la ' Oye: w ft » cha 'cn secretary • treasure, when tlie l»nrd tnet lliU srcelt n

Committeemen for the vBrloiu tx hlblLs ivs appointed by Mr. Whltte- klend arc; Mrs. Joy Thomas, di­rector of women's cirul hntiby

, directorand I terlalj;

H arry 'PrWiiiort. direct.4-H 1-xlilbit.s; Mrs. Dnvc MltclU'll. d irec tor of «lrl <-H exhlWts nilI'-iiy C liatflfld . iiro^nim nmniiKtT.

T lw l»w<t 5>o«.ll>UUl<of Amcrlcnn I/'uloii uult^ in tl county sponsorlii* nn exhibit of

smiYcnlrK o l' .icri'leo



d II flOXITMill) of 111 Sho

d »lrls 4-K e.'thlblt.s

:lic llvi-.sl(K.k dopiii

fnt fill

..•ive 5, : 13, $<; C, S;i, mid n. ! 3-'!owcr, pantry mid kiudien u.xlilbl Igfvt nL'O receive premiums.B.Tlie 4-H spwlnn clubs will ]irf,';c;

■ • drc.ss revue. Any cliib inir dcnv

5 ilerLslon,according

K T F I Radio Schedule

As Flier Won His Wings

PAMI’A AIIMY A IIl KIKMI, PAMPA, Te*,-\Vhc rd Setcid I.lrut, K u sn ir I.. Jonrs. 20, IllcliflrUI. I hli .liver pllut'« U lnc« <r..m Crl. (ri.arlf» It, lliirvln of this tiilii-rncli.c iiclvai.ied flylriR schonl of the training romnmiid. on hand to see tlial tlirv nrre »;i> hi-. wUe, tlic to rm rr Itub) Marir .Millfr, da Miller, lUllty. I<la. I.irutrnanl Joiie. 1« lUe »-'ii ruloii, Klrliflpld, II<- and iii< wife left lirrr (.> U>lt tlfhl, after »lilel. h r rrjio rti to \Var«. Trx, (AAK 1>1

T w in F a l l s C o u n ty A n n o m ic o s (!o ! ii|) Ie te F i l e r F a i r F r o g r a i i i

Coniplile pro^riim for the T aIi Falls couiily <-H club uiid ri 'A fair

ilcli win be slHBcd lit Uie Fllci • Sept, 0. 7 . 8 mid », w«;

riiursdny by Albert Myl- role, county iiscnt-

■ Hint all boy;mid Klrls enrolled 1

eligible l<


4-II a I FI-'A

llclpoVe 111 iVitWii


Tobacco ctlrcfl In an nlmo.'pherc of wood smoke similar to Itml t»cd (or xm oklnc mnati and f lah U known as flre-cured tobncco.

niLr, Sepl, ^alva[^c canii dl.'cu-v'cd al mccllnB Tim

fair had .Other final phm,-. connection with the Uic fni

re|>orted that

■1th Kood rc,'iirii

Sept, 7. and tlin st> ,wHl be lR'1.1 a l U p day. GlrU to repri;, In lliD tIKirlcl ciinl will be , eli.'Ct«l by t

Henry Busse a t Burley Ballroom

iilr proaranLi, for

nalvnsi! <lrlve to be Itcltl tlon with the Doy ScouU. n.'-kcC tha t liou-iclioldcrs In th e city benln *avlnfi paper for tlie campalRn now.

Tentative plan,i w ere annoiinred for the September Roncral meetlnK

,whlch will be held Jointly wllh tlie Chamber of Commerce.

H A G ER M A NMr. and Mrs, Ed Owsley received

. letter from their so n . Pvt, ( vllle Owsley, slating h o waa si a hospital In New G uinea, where he has been since A pril.

Mrs, H aro' D ennis and sor 'cmiy, have left fo r tJiclr home li lamatll Falls, Ore,, nfter vlallhig

her slster-In-lBW, M rs. Raymond Carrico, Bobbie C nrrlco ncc< paiiled her a.5 far a.s F ru ltlan il wh he will visit relatives.

Mlsa UUlan O’Klnti. Boise. vkUetS or uncle niul aunt. M r. and Mrs. nierson Doyer.Mr. and Mrs. M iirlon Pusmtre

rc the parenti of n son , born Aur. ]. a t the Wendell hM pltal. Mrs.

Pugmlre was form erly ML-u Bnlnc Tlioinpson. daURhtcr o f Mr. tind Mr«. Fred Thompson.

SEE..IN D E PE N D EN T , W arehouse , Inc.

Iluiten, Idaho


Klmberlr. Id ah o

Idaho Bean & E levator Co.Twin F alb and Filer

f o r



Drll I

I nntlonnl fiivorlli

1 Uiirluy I

Wlillc llii<se ha.s Kaliu-<l ix.T«onal recciKnllUm Dy vlrtuir of hl,s Ininnas muted lruni|»l. hb baml hits dLs- thiKUhhrd li.'clf for lt.i "Khuffle ilijthm," Quve has always fentured a rliylhmlc style concentratliiR on melrxly. 1)1 style clicked from the .•ilarl and tin' Busie band liiis le ft a -series of box office attendance records,

n ie nationally known o rchcitra will Klve n one-hour concert .-itnrtlnfj n t 11 p, ni. Sunday and tlnncInK "111 bc-gln nt 13:01 a. m. Monday.


Advocating * lirnlthler commn- nlly and the piibllclzlnit of thi- work of the south central health unit, the Jiiycee broodeast last niKlil t' litnrcd J. lilU rrporUng on the mertliii,- la^t week between Uie onjiiiiUatlon's

TliouKh Iniii leaUn unit, I le reuarded a

I doctor > iR'Iim .• o 1.700 II •isciis. Public

cooperation In not ealllns doctnr.i unless ftb.'.olulely npc.'ssnri' would Injure more ndftiiinte enre for tho.se who tcaMy need U, Hill nolcd,. Tlio sccond pronram to be si>on- .sorrd by the public he:iltli commit­tee will bo pre.sentcd cm ne.xt werk’.'i bro;idci«t, at whicli llnv ilir tLinr. tloiis of public htMllh iiiiiM.s will be mmly.sed. An v:Ul iw xnwW

Wage Ceilings to Be Set at Meeting

Tlie Twin P.ill.' C.uiiity i.m, SpiaisorlnK commliire inn l;iM iik

■ !• county agents ofllcc ui II house for tlif dUnis.^lon ol stnhlllsatlnn program C.

HerrhiKton. Boise, execiiiive otflr of the Idaho wnse sliibllUntIc board, dh.cu.v'ed In Ihr mec


Fligh t Novices Find Selves up

In Air, Alone!

F, municipal nlrjKirt — : n-telves "up lu the sir an ic" a-s they wrrn .vnt on

solo fllKhts by local In-

„ iMMl F-linn Jlot-hislructor.< of tin' iil c Clifford Mliik. Clllti.n I. Charle.'^ Herder and Cl.

Hagernian School To Open Sept. 4


ifiiil)er.s rc u-OiiKil«ne.^c lobor.Tlie spoiisoiliiR CDiiii

Lcoiinrd. Filer, chnlriiiu.(.tablllzatlon 1

for the .lelrrmi

.<1 encouranc all oi, medliitely ndjiicm ounty to pnrtlclpai

t Mylrole, Twin Full-. ,

|>l,inia-d for Uie Imedlnlc lutui

It wn.s reported that for ilAvsa t<'n\i!.irary nwork lnive.t many Mexican Ir free for tJie time bcliiK to worlt o ther than field labor.

Committeemen from nil ri In the county were present meeting.


pre-draft «Ke youtlij who enlisted li the navy here today will recelvi their boot training at Fiirragut na­val irnlnhiK center. Included wrrt Jame.i Wiirren Harp, Kimberly; Shlrl Jnmcs Brown. Twin Falls; Ale.xander Earl Humphrey. Mur-•-lUKll.


EVEKTON MATXnESS C a 3U Second Are. 8. Pbana 6I-W


Water SoftenersYou don’t havo to p u t up w ith the incon- venioucc luul a d d ed expense o f hard water. W’e have avn ilab ic now a lim ited atock of ivftter .softeners. Sevornl s izes to choose from. No c e r tif ic a te needed.

WELDING RODWe have a lim ited supply of electric welding rod now available. Several aizcfi.

Detweiler s, inc.

■lirr. EnKlUh Iiml r.-.. Kva Prni.ild I. ;.ncl Jack Afiirtln.

Jivck M artin, iirliiclpal iiinl .'ii tyiitlL-; Ly.ile Ollmorc. .sevcnili xrii Ml.-i3 Tresa Mao Cotidit, filth : h a lf o f the fotirtli; MUs Wa; B ran , half of the fourUi and th: Mrs. Ella Mao Duncun, second. i Mrs. Arlle Player, ftr.it.

All pupils cn terln i-............

fee will 1).•I hy N


One final c hap te r In Juvenile de- llnijuency wo-h wrllten yesterday by Probate JudBC C. A. Bailey and

atr with "contem pt of cir hendlnR,

s an I f the, . hlevery which

eurretl at H arm on park Aui;. -I whm. along with U irce otJicr people, Ar­thur Hoiue lon t a pocketbook ccai- talnlng tl3 a n d Henry OandUun last one conttilnlng nearly sa.

One Ijoy. a U-ycar-old Tain Pall.? youth, received a sa^penilpd

^hool.th e boys'

h e cu.itody of I u warning: "W narrow —or eU

le boy, iKiSh prr;o krcp


nii-y will h." held I

D ivorce (Granted


•Hllii;;.•harKcd. Tiie

irili'd llie ciLslody • children,. Ceoriie n Rne nnd title to

!2. block 3D, In Hailey. Mrh. Uronk.s wiut repre.'cntttl by attorney J . J. McFiiddcti.


i()OI> FOOD COSTS NO MOKK F .i i i flt th e

R o g c r s q n C o ffee Stiop

Mrs. L. L. Smith Final Rites Held

Flniil rites for Mr«, Lucy L, fimltli, Muita\ial\, were h e ld ftt p. m .

It Uio Luke Memorial the U cv. Claude C. Pia tt

ufllclathiR.Mu.'lc was fiirnLshcd by Mr. and

Mr.v C. L. Luke. Piillbeurers were Bert .Meyers nnd M. Riindnll, both of MurtnuKh, and C ad et Clinton Luke nnd J. P. Luke, b o th of Twin Fivll.i. Mrs. Mike Randall. Murtnugli. was

of llowei

memorial pufc w u mado b ; R«r. Kir, Pratt. All m unbert oC th e family

present with the cxcepUon of on* who ore Uving In N obnuka mo ion who U serving w ith Uia

irmy In the wsuUi PtwlHt.

Dedlc;i It Bun-

Cyanide Fum igntlon Bed Dugs - pieaa • M oth« Give i iu of house. «eo—




F o o d , blood pldtm a in d ih c fli a re a ll PA PE R-boxcdl Many plane p a m , heSmc< lining* and cam ouflage a>e mad® d irs tlly licmP A P E R I— 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 produeti ne ed e d a t th o fron t a re either wrapped o r m a d e wiih PAPERI More and m o re , e a c h year, PAPER hai bceame im p o r ta n t to Y iefery. T hii year th e re '* a shortage of paper pulp, and « e ra p PAPER has become one o f ou r m o s t c ritica t war m a terla li. 1944 w a r n eed s have been se t a t 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to n s . L c t 'i he lp raise ill

Ncwhpapem: Fold Ihem flat to save it:•

S a v e you r old newspapers, m a g a iin o s , c a rd b o a rd , w rapping paper, bags, o ld b o o k s and a ll scrap paperl H elp y o u r lo c a l salvage com m lttce by so rtin g y o u r w a s t e paper a n d bundling It a c c o rd in g to r t i e illu stra tions shown here . W h en y o u h a v e abo u t 1 0 0 pounds (a p ile a t ta ll a s a b ro o m stic k ) , (hen con tac t you r lo c a l K»}vade agency to pick It up! '

Phone 456-W

ComiKBted anJ Cardboard Uoxn and Cartons: Klatten. thenj out »nd ^tle

TliU Bppeal ill B w iir!■ behftit « r ane »f tlie nation** n iTAKe dr1re« the m akm nt

Page 6: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

Page Six TIMES-NEWS. TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Friday Evenlnfi:, Auffuut 25 ,19-H



HOLLISTERTlie HoUlMcr Grniije No. 32t , ,

»llli Miislcr Klmo yarnir coik1\icI- Ins llie bmliifM mpelliiB, A. E. Kun-

»ppnlm<-tl to collrcl siib-s for II

number n compsl. '■Chrr7<-h U Kcmmc." nil IdPiitllyliig fnnioii «omcn, wllli Mrs. TUclma Phllputt.i K 81IMI o n iie brInK ihi

Dor.1 Kmiktl. I l i r

dude m C Stiarp Minor minlnof f.

A llvelj- ilebiiK- wn» r ivosram. Tlif siibjm w

McnibcraNflson (II Mfld t h r i

M^ . au-ii

Wlillr vnmo Fnr

(cnilcd for iiboiit * ypnr uii familiar tncfj lonkrd pr<- Ml&wd mnny of Uic nid s

n hand for ev« s Ui«y a

. , , . . It with threshing, late haylnir. the every present Irrlgntloii to do, to fmy nothing of tJie evening chores, thnl lollow a biisy day Uie Jnrm. The program vos pre hiindi-. thoush,

H e —a n d Id a h o —K n o w O n io n s

O l i o o f II

S p <mII<'s,«I' i c l d s o f N eai- F iloi

parly.if tJir prlHlcBr

tivnlird ■ Rolii

Didn't do iiiiirh Di

swtnit shift.) The J drrssed up »» h cotilrtn'l be bolhirn

I all Iliifc mil roll."

ninrt '•

they iMMcd in rp- vles- before Itic JiiriKPt. the winners were .«Plrcte(l. Mr . Clinrles was tlie hrst aonnn '•tramp.' Bev- erly Crawford, nsed two, wa. ihr best yotiiiK Inily tramp, with her tin can ofcr hrr f,lioiilrtfr, Cefll .lohn- son was the best sentleman tmmp and Donny Kriimrr wi\s ihe bfsi yomlidil VcniBhl of the mud. All of the winners recrlveil prlie.v Punch, coffee, wieners I'lul l)iiii.i witc m' iv- ed. And, In keeping wllh thi-.M' more prosperous Umcs, ninny of tlie Intly tromp. come very altracttvely Ki‘rt>- ed In slacks, while some of tJie men

clarifythethe labor laws as Uiey apply t

farmers and procesjors. The r lutlon rends:

"Ee I t rciolved by F air Qraiige. th a t It favors any and nil nsilstancc tJml can be rendered (' farmers, throiifth clarlflcntlon all labor Inwj, under the Wagi Mt, as they aw'T '«> larmtT nnrt processor ol fsrm products, wngrj, hours, etc," The farr processors find It dUflciili

Sept. 1 r thei le pick-the hop.? will

dentally, they nre k iln dried.Well, so nnirh for hops. Now let's

take a look a t the o th e r crops which Twin Fall.i county farm ers produce.

RldlUK from farm to fnrm, Mylrnle rrciiiiiilptl some of th e lnii>irlniit

Sheep From Area To Sale Sept. SthiHJ;


od ol perltnK by some de.hyilrntlnk' ji^iiit.' In tlir M.iK', re­ports Dr, W. K. Sliull, riil.imoloiil.n

>-pro<liifliin ■

iirii-., Alihi>iii



Br VlRCtNrA fl.^RRON

You folks all know that "A" urc Uic things tlmi conudi nuun p ^ fo r the not-enough sa; you can 't Bet very fur on.

I kiiow a mi.n v.lu>. ni one hiid tlic sltuatlnn coimiltlely * nncl he looks do» n on nisclc m. r e r s right nlnnR with Ihe be. l

U was really an lii.s|iiri.llon i him hold hJ, irrlK.itlhi: s acro.-,.'» tho h/indlp \» n and | the Uirec-tiimrters ol n mile i licHdRatc, JlLs doR to ko be.'ildc him. 'Hicy miidr quite r . . . Kldo bouiicllliK Iiloni; liwlil.' and rrlend h’nrmer cyrlini; like

II gruc-wmely i Kldo, like mii'i d

liiK jjartner. Oik- lied nn Improinpiu

beetle larvae eot n holo throiiRll thi' fkla of a potato the tuber "corks ip ' the opening after the ln.spct hft.l iKIirtrawn. It l.s Uils cork-Ilke -

j annual I


nrpa and the Mirioin fUMlflci

Suffolk jearlInK ralll^. 1, J Pre< ■rr. nu i* rt; .'^iilfolk lani laml ve Detliune, Diihl nnd l-rrdinor tiiixshire ram liiiiib'. llrlhiin mp,-ihlrc Rinslf.', Bethiiiie, I'lini

yo rlh iR rain,%, W. .\tiilUir«Mculi

le Just p , they a

but ■

wlUithelL ...Mhs VlrglnU Barron, 'Hie F<

er'a Daughter, to you reader.^, I Ui members of Falrvlew Orange, own neighbor's Rlrl, was iil compltmcntrd for her splendid cognition of Falrvlew Grange our new hall, and the Granse ; Miss Barron a thankyou card.

IVtST POINTWest Point Orange held tt.'\ regt:.

U r meeting Friday evening wlUi i fair attrndniice, Mr, and Mrs, Her. man Price were Riven the ohllga- tlon. n th e r the ftug is to be cleaned o r the school will biiy n smaller one to trade for ours as 11 Is a bit too large to carry. Homer Goble report­ed on Ujc ineelinB a t the Goodtnf. park which was held last Sunday to dlscuu rneaiu of starting the hos* pltal which has been recently built » t Ooodlng.

It was voted that the Grange ac­cept the new plans for dues sent out by the State Orange. I t was also voted to take out fire and theft In­surance on the picture projector and pht>noRraph recently purchased. During th e lecture hour. Mri. Boss gave a reodlng followed by n read- iDg from brother. Boss. Two songs, •'8an Femnndo Valley" and a Orange song were sung by Lorenzo Mcchsm, Lewis Techacher. Alton Wlswcll and MotTls Hines. Refre.^h- menti were served by the Juvenile Orsnse and motion picture* foJ- lowed. ‘Desert Victory" »as the feature picture.

Pomona Ortnee will meet a t the West Point hall Uie first Saturday In September, a Sox supper Is being planned for that time.

KIAIBEIILYKimberly Orange met with Mt.

Koek. Hansen and Twin Falls as suests, A movie of wild life wm tJiown by the flsti and gaine depart­ment with c . O. dXasum operating the naehtae and expIalnlxiB the pic­tures, iSr. dTuum hai charge of the InfonnatloR service of the Ilsh and game department.

Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Luscombe v e r t balloted upon farorab'ly. Ktni* berly voted to contribute U for n - cresUon a t the Sun Valley convales. cent hospital.' Saadirlchea and cookies were aerved. T he next regular meetlns will be Aug. 28.


Call Ceneet IiU M :. Tmia FallaMARr A x jc x x a o tr r f a r m

and Meiilrii .1, Meiilimiii; ,s: Suffolk

Corrlediilcs, nc5, OenrKi ■I’y mill I'red-

H ANSENPvt. noy E, Smith and family,

.ewlston, visited his parent. , Mr.

.11(1 M n . Charlie Smith. Private Sm ith left Tiie.sday for Mfiide, Md„ and v.-n* due to arrive there on Aug. 20. M rs, Smith will remain and visit •eliittvr.s In Hansen before going to Filer to visit her p.-irenls, Mr, and Mr.s. E d Dcmose.

Ml.KS Nadine Wllbourn ‘returned onj Ccxly, Wyo., where (.he visited cr uncle and aunt. Mr, and Mrs, Ini W llbouni.Mr. nnd Mrs. Artell Aslett and

daughter. Ann Louise, of Oruno, of Mi>. A-slctfj p,irrnti,

lid .Mr.<i. C. fl. YomiB- Miss Jiicklyn Young retiiriiecl home withlllPM

Mr. Mr.^ Tom Whlsniore and Inmll.v have arrived from Welch, Okln.. to visit rclaUve.i. Tliey will

ike the ir home In Idaho, virs. N athan EthrldRc has return-, to h e r home In Ornndvtew. Aric,.:

a fte r stand ing several weeks with I daughlcr. Mrs. Allan Bourne. I

Cii'se 111.']

good conilltl

RUPERT.......... W aynr HoIIenbeclt.

Skaggs IsUnd. Calif., n re here on a •mt with h r r parents,

Mr. and Mrs, W, L. D ourIm , nncl Its, Mr. and Mr;-. Clarence

Hollenbeck and other rrliitlves. Hoi- lenbeck Is In ratlin w ork and ex­pects to be ns.'.ltjned to oier.>f:i.s 'ilty. They were former Hiiiiort rc.'l.

Honier Bell, of the Bell Pharmacy as purclin,spd the D<'iin Whitley nme. Whitley leaves soon for naval

Young i>cople of the* Chrhllan church held n .Monk frv ’Piie.Mliij’ evening a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Scheupbuch, Later, study hour was conducted,

Mrs, Roy Cimnliigtiimi nnd (liiii;:h- ter, Carol, left lor Lns AnRrlr,s. Calif,, where they will vL-.lt her Voli.

CuiinlnRliani. Jr.. n n d her Kin- w nnd daughter, M r. and Mrs.

Dill Squance.Tlie Rev, Harold Lvman. .Mrs jinun and their Ihroo chlldrer ho have spent a m onth here or icntlon. left for their home hi S -

lem, Ore. He Is ^ isto r o f tlie Chris­tian church.

a ;

Dairy Herds at Gooding Tested

QOODING. Aiii; :

I'ells' regKterod liol.steln

t plHC

H. W KhiK and son place and Harold A. Steele. Kenneth DanleLi took first

. inder 10 cow class and J. V, Dumgnrner, second.

Tot.ll imimds of milk produced, !S7J^6; totnl pounds buttcrfat. 10,- !8fl0; averaRe milk production per row. 704.8; average butterfat, 30. ; lumber of cows producing over <0 K)untl.'< '

Hol,sieiii Expert Comes to Jerome

JL'IiO.Mi:, Aug. 2S—According to ^ iiimounccment made thl.>i week by

Haruld Cook. Jr., Jerome, C, W, Vlrke:s, Portland, Ore.. fleldman for

■.Mom states Hol.?tetn-Prleslan vtlon, lit In Jerome T u « .

, \ug. :0, to visit new Holstein breeders In thl.s county. Tlio,^e wLsh- Ing to consult Mr, Vickers have been asked to contact the county ex- teaslon nRenl or Mr. Cook,

Mr, Vickers will be glad to help It with rrsl»triitlon papers or

other problems. Mr. Cook said.

of problems tic .Mary can di . Well, couldn'



ONEGGSEHINGSBOISE, Aug. 25—Idaho's commer-

clal hatcheries ao t 4.167.000 egga dur­ing the first seven months of the year, and ha tched 3,001,000 chicks during the sam e period, Esttmates of July hatch ln sa are not published because so few p lants are operating;

plarN umber Decreases

The number of chicks hatched tills year, th rough July, was about 28 per cent sm aller than the IB« tialeh of <.305,000 chicks during the same period. T h e number of < set was about 41 per cent smi than last year, but the percent of eggs hatched wiu higher.

The Qulsiul o f c.hlci« by tom n.-.- clal hotcherlea during July for the United States w as only 39 per cei of the output In July Ia.it year. TT number of chicks produced by hatcheries In Ju ly totaled 32J07.000 compared with 83,084,000 In July la. t y e ar-a reduction of 61 per cc iJatchtngs In J u ly were the llshi since 1030,

For Uie f lra t seven months ,., 1044. hatchings totnlerf l,Io0.a2C,000 chicks compared with 1.410544,0 during the sam e period of 1043. .. decrease of 310.124.000 chlcte or 73 per cent, in sp it* of the I ereasp sliown bo far lh1.<

put exrerdede period in t!);i8, tpno,

lared w ith July last vea I of the countrv showed ; decreo.'^ea In cfilcks

Settings Drop number o f eggs set during

July decreased 50 per cent compared -1th the num ber set In July last .ear. Tlie ou tp u t of chicks a t pres- ent la being lim ited to the number ordered which on August I waa 84 per cent less th a n on August 1 last • r, with all flections of the coun-

reporting market) decrea.^st year Afle:

cord break

n a level sllRhtly above ihi pre-war years. Any drajitic ge In ha tche ry output in the future will depend upon re-

qiilrements direc tly connrctcd with e war. The chicks produced dur- K the renm lnlng months of thl: ar will he p rim arily for the pro- ictlon of commercial broilers.

. Sulfa D rugs Aid ' To Farm Animals

ClilCAOO, AUR. IS uTV-The suUi . which hnve been effective si A num ber of human dls-

ve the llvciUMION BUS DEPOTi;i7 2nd .S(. E-;. I’tione 2


O V E R L A N D ^

) E R E Y H Q U ' ^

New ClubHAILEY, Aug, 25—OUs H, Hobbs

and Wm Wah Eng (better known to Blaine county residents as Lem and owner of the Star cafe) fUed certificate of trade name on tho Star lounge, n ils club wUI be slt- uated In what was tho S tar cafe banquet room. Extensive ermodel- Ing la under way and the booths now contained In the SU r cafe pro­per will be used In tlie lounge. The proprleters say It will tie on th e or-' der of the Tram a t Ketchum.

$50,000 TransactionHAILEV. Aug. 2S—Oeorga J . Mer­

ritt. co-owner of the Alpine club and cafe In Ketchum, T{lth Lou D. Hill, has disposed of his half Interest In the Moore hotel, at OnUrlo, Ore.It la reported as one of the largest bus­iness tran.sacilons In Malheur coun­ty, having sold for »j0,000, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wrinkle, Ontario, wer* the buyers and look possession Im­mediately. Tlie sale marked tJie coniummatlon of 18 yean of actlv# podlclpatlon In the hotel business for Merritt.

C O t e i - :

T hU highways are doing ihcir pari (or Vidorr- Laic rear but line, carried over half o( .11 th« p t-

Kflgtr. ih .t rode on public canlen. People Id m.DT commualllei lo thU (lale rauK n.vtl on buiet becsux thera It no other memna of public tnntportailoo.

TKcie people ar« not travtling for accntrv pittture. Moil o< them irc lelecicei. mllllirr ixncri' nel, and war worlicrf. Ottier* arc firmen. auriei, (etch- <t»—people In nearW every »alli of life whox irlni ir*

al wetfarOretlar>

m ih< hisceild G rtrhound I. puiilni all I

perience .nd reiource. into helrlnj perfor ■riniportitlon ;ob of all time. Th>i Ii «h to rou now caonoi alw .y, be ~hii we would like to sIk. or whit TOU have <ome (n tipeci of OverJ.nd Greyhound, W . lalute thi» nalr fnr lr< narrind.. tcilion of lh< condtlloni ci

Victory Ii let brand’Oew c

and bv war n — t..ol I

t. icentc htghwavmfor

S ')

rary Hold staticHoldcopy of the report

should be addrp.wd to tiie director isrlcu ltu rat ejpoilment station, Unt ■erslty of Idsho, .Moscow, asking fo:

bu lle tin No. 255, "Wartime Agrlcur .1 Research,"

School Head Moves To Richfield Home

RICHFIFXD, Aug, 25 ~ Supt. [nrsdeii Stokes mid family hiive

moved from Namixi to Rldifleld w tiere they have purcha-ied a rrsl,

fonnerly owned by Carl Ad' Vmrrlcan Falls, Tlie sale wai through the Brush nealty of-

lice. Supt. aiokts reports eveo'Uiln? rc.icly for Uie opening ol school Sept,11.

Joe . 1 ha:

Jauiior of the cy r o .i ie f^ ^ O r r ln On

been hired i

cymnasium. Cnpix. have ■ Uie horse


C a r W heels— C hevro let, F o rd , P ly m o u th . D e S o to . D o d g e . B uick. In terfia tio n n l, O ldsm ob ile a n d P o n t in e W id e 1 6 ” w h e e ls (or F o rd . D odge a n d I n te r n a t io n n l P ick -u p .s .

T r u c k w hee ls— 6 ” and 7" fo r F o rd . C h e v ro le t . GiMC a n d D odge.

1 6 ” B lank r im s .

A ls o , T ra c to r r im s.


T W IN F A L L S | | | J E n O M E


l a s i - -Good, Too!


A Message to A ll


During (he few year* the Magic Valljy Processing Oompsny has been In

operation, U haa provided a market for practically a ll the cull potatoes In lh» valley. What waa formerly a waste product has been converted Into a money crop th a t la bringing thousand* of additional dollars to the farmers,

Al we approach the post-war period, however, w hen lha market fo r starch produced from cull potatoci undoubtedly wilt be lower. I t la to the Interest of aU concerned that we take our problems Into conslderallon, so the starch factor/ c an continue to operate profltobly and the farmers can continue to have a ready

m arke t for their cull potatoes.

In bringing th is mesMige lo (he farmers, It Is our purpo.se to familiarize them w ith our problems In the hope that they will cooperato with us Insofar as pos* sible. This Is the f ln t of a series of Informntlve Bdvcrtlsctncnt.t which we urge all p o ta to BTOvers in Magle Valley to follow.


Page 7: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

Friday Evenlnff, August 25,1044 TIM ES-NEW S, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P ag e Seven

S o c ia l a n d C liilb N e w sGala Welcome-Farewell

Parties H onor Visitors.CluirmiMft tinionK t h e n u m e ro u s welconiu an<l fiircwcH

p iir tie s th is wecrU w ns th e in fo rn v a l ik B s e n R upptr a l w hich Mrs, C h iirlcs K. S i tih e r cn to rtiiii ind fo r a K roup (A fr ien t ls , incliiriin« one w lio Ls IciivinK Hoon a f te r spem iing tiib su m m er he re iind a n o th e r w h o recen tly cam e to T w in F ulls from Lorhii. U tn li. to n u ik e h e r home. T he K 'lest fo r w hom the pa rty w as in th e n a t u r e o f a farew e ll was M rs. J in x L loyd, who h a s K pent t h e p a s t tw o m o n th a w ith h e r t li rc e children vi.sititijr n l th e h o m e o f M r. nnil M rs. Joe K oeh ler, nnd the g u e s l fo r w h o m th e p a r ly w a s nn in fo rm al w elcom e lo the c ity w as M rs. B ill A n d erao n , w h o came recen t­ly w i th her ch ild ren and huH- hiind to reside h e re .

(iiim es worn in pliiy a t Ih rec tables , w ith M th, C lyde K oonlz H'iimiiiK h is h h o n o rs ,M rs. UusMu-a s w -oiui hiffh. «nri M rs. Dnujf Bor-

Miss F ern Sweet B ecom es Bride

O f N. J. CoatesRIcm FIELD , Aug. \V«I-

Stevens h u minniiiiccfJ the rt- c tnl m nrrln sc of her dmiKhUT, MIm Ftrn Swcot, lo Ncbon j, Cniiic. , son oJ .Mr. a n d Mrs- Clmrlcs Coslw, Cirey.

The ucdd lng took plni-e n( Arro July 13, w ith I. M. Dojpr of llic L.DS. c h u rc h olficlmtnit n l thr >lx

'cloclc ccrcmoiiy.The bride wnii nHriidrd bj’ Mlvi

*’cni HubRiTillli. RlclilltUV aiifi Mi». Din rcn rso n , Arro.

•. CoAtes. wf:

, lo^. n ipr

n charge of tahlni fo

T lic picnic dinner 135 guesla nt one loiii rd wUM Ik lxiuf|ucl of Mr.-!. Jolin Wcbei . Fll of thB tiibles and Mn lircsltlent, c«nrri th»

port M..i;

l.Inyri. wlin Ims a BDvrriinn'nt pasl- (jnii In Wnaliltmlon, D. C.

Tor Anrtcfjonj nre llvlns for ihc K ^ n l In the house ovcrlooklnK s f t^ e river tnnyon. nt the rlm-lo- rim brlrlRe. Mr. Anilcrpon t» pliimt.. cr for Detwcller Dros.. inc.

¥ ¥

McCoy 11 Mlw Ml Mlimie f


IMldlllK 'IX

k-ll-M 1)1101

, Ooodlnu. Wlillc

Women's. picnl ; of tht

Temper:union WIL1 neiQ bi the plen country home of Mrs. Hurry W lull), w ith II business meellnt: anti prwriim folln'iliiK the bountiful pot.

Mrs. Harold Ilnllock WBS nnniet ncR’ prcsldfiil of the orBniilrallon Mf>. Forn-.-l G. Bnll.iburj', vlcc l.r^.'Hlctil: Mrs. F. S. Mtinro. cor

DUke, rpcordlni! Fifliilc flowan, Ir

Supplies tor tli. orilrrrd; the trea had been rciH i<- bank nfcnt


;urrr reported SIO Ihp blocxl plIl, ■.n

nild be

cuKed tor Mnrtlivn (lu ti to tUe Chlldrcn'fl home at DoL e.

General topics for dLviuNslon during the program, nrrntiBed by MfJ. Cnlllcole, were "Flower Mis- 'on," '-nfllet Work" nnd "Work

>inB the Nruroes." She rend the liPsnlm nnd an excllcnt Icnflcl

;e work of the flower mission ^tllef department.

, , W. A. Poe reviewed nn article Hr.rlc of thLi deportment, nnd cuinlte rciid a pa|><:r on "Youlh ,„ic Pfcjent Order" nnd spoke

... -JT- flower mLwlon viork ilonc In tlic pa.^t years Rtien flower* from the Bnrden of Mr*. Enlzabeth Hib­bard and other decen. cd members decorated many a sick room and the ho'Pltnl btfitlfle Mnnd nntJ grnvca'

. of decca.sed mtmbcrs,* H- *

New officers for the NebrnsJtn Cornhuskcrs were clected nt their annual plctilc Sunday a i the Flier fairgrounds wltn Mrs. John Relch- Bleln, Duh!, AS new president.

Other officers nrc Mrs. Fred Ti^tite. Filer. sccreUiry. twd Mrs.. Ewln English and Mrs. William Hen-

tlifiii 111 a riliuKT nrirt iifi/’r dinner mi* Bjienl Mr.s. Maude Klrknmii'* Ihc Ruosu plnyed bridge followln. d in n e r was ulvcn by .Mrs. Aldrich Koncncy nnd by Mr, and Mrs. Ken­n e th Hodder. They nUo sixnt a /e« days vlsltlns Mr. and Mrs. Sol M oore. Buhl.

¥■ * IfT fn mpmbers nnd tin

V club Wi'dne.vlnj iillo hoiiK of Mrs N E Woi rs. J. W. McDowell, i

1 slven .rudcy I

ig Ihc picnic were Mr an< s. L. S. Atwood. Buhl, Mrs, Scotf: -rnL?; Mr. and Mrs. Olen Alwood h i; Mr. and Mr.v C. M. Cunii 3 dauKlner*. Dorothy and Cnro I. BoL'c; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Moon




n cr time was four he c a n 't feed Slinggy u He isn 't hungry, I f s

you?"■t feci

-M e is ^n hinigrj’. He Is too. I wlU so feed him. '

"Now Oeorgle. listen to me. You know very well It Ls not his dinnci tim e- See, here Is Uic clock. Look. I t I.t one o'clock now. At five, see, he re !-•> five, you can feed him. Now be n good boy. Don't be silly. You c n n 'l te td him u«tll 5t 1> tim tr

•'1 can so. He 1* my do*.0 fee him,"

e your head. You ,know

nnd Oeorge kicked and stamped end -leked wildly n l his bewildered ..sonlng father, " I give up," said

he.Mother Takes a lUnd

M other who had been sitting on the sidelines reached for young O eorgr. pushed him ahead of her tow ard the bathroom where the Aound.^ of ninnlng water nnd smoth­ered sobs told the *tory.

lere Is no sense in reasoning wlUi n child ot the unrea-wnlng age. Som e children can reason n little n l th e ngc or four but the span Is lim ited and must not be strained. T h e reasoning age Is usually devel­oped by the early teen age to wliero a c an be used with torn* seairlty. Betw een Infancy nnd the onset of adolescence It Is developing slowly ind m usl be called on dlsercetlj-, icvcr overlonded.

W hen n little child ahowi unrea-

ABBOTT'SHave the water so ftener of distinc­


Superior meclianism and outstand­ing value.

Get the facts and fig u res today.

133 Sho shone St. N. Phone 9 5

Ceremony Installs N ew Teacher of

Christian SchoolCLOVER, Aug- Sb — Impre.wlve

ervlcf.* ln.ita!llng th e new- ir.ich- r. Marten Jerguenscn. South Am-

n ai.socl

er. vrtii uc lii j...... / Sunday . Aug. ;resume h e r atudle.i a school.

Mrs. O. Johnson H o st at Parties

BUHL, Aug. 23- Mr» 0.^^.,r .

Johnw n's home.

:l HiKblc. Al iiiminor flow inn of Mr.

Mrs. J . B. Gray H onored at Filer

5. 2S-Mrv Ruwell Hall

o Mr. Fil’d Rflclitr

B irth d a te s of Pair O bserved at Filer


GLENNS FKltKV. Auk'. - , hanrtkcrchlcr showrr wii.s Klven b the King Hill MIsMoiini}' grtiup i Mrs. W. R. Bradshaw, ai her homi Mr>. Brnd.ihiiw and her children nre IciivhiK soon i.i ninkc ihclr liiniie

voice. Hpenk wlUi flimllty ai there Is any sign of a Inntnu swiftly.

T « k r Him A<..yChanse th e cllricllcn of Uie c

ttiou«ht by oderUiR sotnellilu, tcri'sUng. T ak e him from the imnie- dlHte spot to some pliice where . . . attention will be caught by other things. Show him something atri

In color o r let him hear a n sound. A little chlld'i attention easily dlstrnct'-d.

If t.he Child gets out of control nnd stn rts a tantnmi, don't Talk only adds (o hij excite.Act, D isregard Ihc audience. Hustle

to the nearest faucet and wa.>h arms n n d face with cool s

splajihlng h im well If nece.viary. It Is far b e tte r to check a Untrum

Ith niithorlty ilion to let It r the chUd'.s ncnous system, i,

' habit In It and handicap him Jot year* to comt.

Don’t ren.^on with children wbo e no t of reasoning caliber.

rum nelghborlnR .fftded by the nc^ fldt iLihered Mr........................ >1.1 Pli.v

mund Martens a t th e i-l Sorlpiure rending nntl niuJ Marlon Hnmby followed.

An appropriate sermon Ilvered by the Rev. Mr. Da after which Mr. JerRuensei vows ot oftlce-

Immedlately nftcr n rrre held in the grove tor the sen fnmlly. Tlie c hurch e Ihelr wlve. had charge <il ments which nil m cm lxr' with Ice cream fiinil.sh<'<1 ii' gregntlon. VL' ltos from nu| Fulls, Puhl, Jerome nnrt ^

Bridge P a r ty Folo^ Mrs. F loyd

JEIROMK. Aug. In i '-nu-'iiiic


iid a g in VridKr

Bcddall. At brldse prl?f.s were nwnrdcd Mrs. Wilson D. churchmon. Mrs. William I, Spneih nnd Mrs. O, L. Tlioreson.

Dessert was served preceding Uie play. Mrs. Beddnll le ft Tucsdny for her home,

¥ ¥ JrCarey Club I-Mcnits

At M cGlnchlin Homo

wck school and gnn Itemoon. Mrs. John tri,. Le.slle Green v.- lr.v Alma Rnnrinll Ilah, former Carey r

Surprise P a r ty foi- Couple a t Syringa

SVRlNOA. Aug. 25 - Hononi.k-

s. Jim BngRctt and Mr ny Richmond. High : :hie went to M rs. Hnrm

R upert P icn ic H eld For Oreg-on Gue.'^ts

RUPEUT, Aug. 25 — The •' Hnrolii Lyman, Mrs. Lymnn family. Salem, Ore.. were Lh splratlon of a picnic d im 70 giie.<t.i held on Uie li.

f Mr. n n d Mi

for 0

6hy.Tlic honorce.s. w ho hnvc s|

Uiclr vacation here w ith Mrs. man’s Brother. Roy Cunnlnghnm family, will return to their home


picnicked nt Clover recently Mr. and Mrs- M orten Holtien. Mr and Mr* Rudolf M nrtcns. Mr.Mrs- Elmer Schroeder nnd MrMrs. I

. Harold Hamby And chlldrc ♦

AT DINSFtt PAIlTV FILER, Aug, M r. and Mrs.

Roy Painter nnd eon. Gerald, nr ' Mrs. O. A. Kelker w ere Snnday rtli ner sucsts of M r a n d Mrs. B. D. Vincent and Mrs. W. H . Kj'les.

F O L K S -H ere Are a Few SCARCE Items Don’t know when we will have anym ore—

• C opper Bull Rings

• G o p h er Traps

• L onp H andle Hoof Parers• W ire P o la to Baskets

• S c y lh c s and Handles

• W eed C utlers• D u st GoRglcs

• D u st M ask*

• S ack Needles

• F a rm Levels forR u n n in g Ditches •

• E le c tr ic Fcncers

• 4-G al. Spray Cans

• A cr-O il Burners

• D ouble Hayslins Pulleys

• E le c tr ic Soldering Irons

• Electric W ire

• Elcctric L am p C ord

• Electric Iron C o rd s

• F lashlight B a tte r ie s

• 1 B urner E le c tr ic HotPlates

• Baseball Bata

• Baseball Gloves

■ Softball B ats a n d Balls

• Lunch K iUwith T herm os B ottle

• GtaM C hum s

• Gillettfl Type S a f e tyRaxor

• Electric Sickle G rin d ers• Dishes & G lassw are ’ '• B tacksmllh V ise

W e also have some CLOSE-OUT B a rg a in s in

Enamelled Cook Pots and Sauce P an s,


Sunday Ride

Mead of Ihe previously p lniinei overnlglit ride llils week-end, of ficlals snifi Friday, explnlnlni that trnns|»rtalloii dlf ficiiltle

illilcrs will leave the rli academy al 4 p m Siindiiywill probably RoWSlio-ihoiie f for the welner roast PUris ihe altnlr are In charge ol 1 Crealh Barnnril. Mrs. D nit Alwnrth. Mr nnd Mrs. p r l IMcker and Jerry Crowley. A

Mrs. Nicholson Named SecretaryKWISlXDN.

Pnul Elder, Coeur d'Aleneft Idaho Stat

's clubs for - 1 election held

Picnic for Children Held a t Buhl Park

SYRINOA. All*. 55 - High Kensington held their annual dren's picnic In the lluhl park chlUlrrn enjnyed ,'Wlmmlng followed hv rMrcRhment^. Mrs Helen Roland vuil n iirrialn Ihe club Sept. 8 wllh

S eattle Nuptial F or Miss Winegar And Navy Officer

s progri n chslrmn

c i lu i ic n CH O IR PICKIO JERONtE. Auf. as—hJenibtn of

the Methodist choir enjoyed a plenlo supper at Ihs Frank Beer home hera with 20 present. Member# of th# choir praeUced U ter.

To oiir Millions o f Customer Frionds nn<i 77u>u.snnWs oj Grocprs W /lo Sorvp lliom




Ever Bincc t h e w a r « larlcd , Del Montn has tried to interpret th e canned fruit and vegelnble picture in a way (hal would help oiir many frionds and customers adjiisl ihcinsolvos In wjirlimr shortnprs.

.•V*. tlip liirpcst cas\n<n «( {rtiils iiml vcpcuWcs in Ainf-rirn, we fcol i( is oiir rcspoiniliility agnin to make cli'.ir liow p ro sp rrls lonk In us— "liy toiiay's siination exii-l.-.— nnd w h a t everyone can do lo make thn he.‘>l of i t

Big Crops Don’t Always Mean Big Packs for Civilians

■f ii.i« g n o d rx

r . iu i i t ry a rc lining a grcnl joH.

iTiple. T lie acreage of gret-n peas 191-1 is ostim ati'd at 4 8 % m ore

The U

lV«s 1 f nvn f»r procesitlian llie five y e n r pre-war average.

M any p e o p l p f r e l no v H lik e th is in r a i i s o u r c jiiin cd f<»od tro iih ic rx n r e o v e r. T h is iH n't t r u e .

One rrafon is the weallier. W e liar! n Inle spring with rains and floods, i’lnnling was lale and replanting was crowdcd into a few .^liort wei-ks.

CoraplinitinR fiur problettt was llic shortage of cx- pirrleni:cii workers.

Peas must b e cnnned al one eerlnin stage in their ddvrliipmenl lo produce n cpnilily jiack. Tliis year, tlie jica crop m atured much faster llian usual — nnil w« started onr Del Monle pea operations with a stall of regular field nnd cannery workers 30^0 below normal.

One thing th a t saved the Hay for us on peas was the patriotic help o f hundreds of citizens of DeKalb and Hiii'helle, I llin o is ; Sleepy Eye and Wells, Minnesota; Arlington, W isconsin; Ogden, Sniilhficld and Spanish Fork, Utah; F rnnk lin , Idaho; nnd Toppenish, Wash­ington. Among them were liousewives, office workers, public officials— m any of whom had never eel foot in a cannery before.

W ith e v e ry b o d y p td lin p together, Me w ere nhle to can 5 0 % m o re lh a n o u r avem ge p re ­war pack. B u t m ilita ry n e e d s liave grow n.

Last year, e v e ry member of the induslry turned over to (he government 2 0% of its pack of canned peas-This year, (he government w ill require double that amount. So despite all th e fine news about crops and packs, tliero probably will b e fewer canned peas for civilians.

The han-est o f green beans and com is not com- pleled. W eather is always a tremendous hazard with any vegetable c ro p . It look.^ today as if there would be plenty of siring beans. There is some danger that con­tinued dry w ea th e r w ill affect tlie com crop. But even if it doesn’t the b est we can hope for is a civilian sup­ply of com som ew hat less jhan la*l year’s.

Tnmnloes a re o nly beginning to ripen. Present pros­pects are for a pack as large as last year’s. But the amount going in to civilian distribution will be consid­erably less.

In short, tlie vegetab le outlook is not promising.

W hot A b o u t t h e O u ilo o k o n Conned F n iit?

Canned fru it I s one o f the m ost popular foods with the armed fo rces. - The'goverpm enl is reserving the ^uivalent of b e tte r than two-thirds of the pa«i— a material increase over last year’s requirements.

TW» e n t i r e a m o u n t m u s t be srI aside f o r th e a rm ed f o r c e s b e fo re civ ilians can ge t a

s in g le can o r Jor. And rig h tly — f o r w h a t goo d A m erican w o u ld deny a eer\'icem an f i r s t c a ll o n th e fo o d be needs?

The canned fruit siluntion has one bright spot. A b u m p er crop of apriwits produced a good supp ly for e iv ilian s— despite manpower Bhortagea and larger

Rut the pear crop is short—meaning considerably few er canned pears for us al hnme. We will have less canned pineapple on oiir tables, too.

T liere are two big "if*'’ in this year’s sizable peadi crop— weather nnd manpower. A hot spell cou ld ripen peaches su fust tbal wn roiildn’l find enough workers lo handle ihem. Witii Unde Sam needing m o re than last year it looks (even with good weather) lik e defi­n itely fewer peaches for the home front.

F ru it corktniJ? Canner.shopelo “ pul up” even more iJiJin last year. But quotas for our fighters have gro\vn s till faster. Again, this means less at your g roccr’a.

So, it should be clear ihat tliere simply c a n ’t be a fru it pack big enough lo leave a normal supply o f fruit fo r civilians, a fter increased mililar)’ needs a rc met.

Count on Your Fair Share of Del Monte

Whatever amounts of Del Monte are finally avail* ab le , however, you can depend on tliia—

W e are d o in g everything wc can lo s e e tb a f you can g e t y our ttlmre o f ihcm .

Ever since tlie war started, wo have apportioned D el Monte Foods to Del Monte distributors in every section of tlie country, on a fair and square b asis .

Furthermore, wc ate spicading out out D el Monte deliveries tliroughout the year. This means th a t you can hope to find several varieties of Del Monte F ru its a n d Vegetables on your grocer's shelves al m ost times.

S o look ( p r and ask fo r Del M o n le Foods* Y ou have a right to y o u r sh a re , a n d y o u r ch an ces of g e ttin g sonic D el M onte P r o d u c t t o an sw e r y o u r purpose a rc good.

U sc'D el Monte’s wide variety, too. Switching anH swapping within the Del Moiitc line is one o f th e best answ ers lo wartime shortages, because it is th e best w ay to be sure o f quality and flavor.

Other Ways to Help

I f you live n ea r a food processing plant, y o u can he lp produce a bigger pack yourself jjy w orking tliere p a r t o r full lim e. Qicck with tlie U. 5. Em ploym ent Scrvicc or your ncaiest plant. You can sec b y th is rep o rt iiow much your help is still needed.

And do continue to be patient with your grocer. Understand his problems. Remember that the belter- know n brands a re the first to be taken from his shelves.

T ry to help ease his load by such llioughtfulnesj as shopping eaily in llie day nnd early in the week.

Neither America’s food producers nor A m erica’s g rocers can win the batlle of the food front a lone. Your intelligent cooperation with tlie industry, y our grocer a n d your government is very importanL

I t ’s a big responsibility. But we have yet to se e tho p rob lem that is too big for American women. Espe­c ia lly when it means tlicir families will be b e tte r fed.

Page 8: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

.Page Eight TIM ES-NEW S, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Friday E%-er.-ing, A ugust 2 5 ,19W

Only 298 Unlucky In Antelope Draw

B O ISE , A ufr. 25 (/P;— 'T ^vo -hund rcd n incty-ciK ht un lucky Idaho aportH m cn will h a v e th e i r m o n e y re tu rned ns th e re- flult of y e s le rd iiy 's d n iw in f f b y th e flub a n d Knnio d e p a r tm e n t

■ to d e te rn iin o w inners o f p e r m i t s fo r t h e spccinl L ost niitelnpe h u n t Sep t. 3 to 10 .

T lie 'd e im r tm e n t had 2 ,2 9 8 npplicnliotis fo r p e rm its , b u t could only i.ssue 2.000. T h o .s c who fa iled to have t h e i r nam es d raw n y e s tc rd n y w il l he maiiod th e ir a p i ilic n tio nffM th i w eek.

' iKX)l niici Wincr B. . Ulncklool ttiis the ]iiM.

Pcr.'oii! ftlm received

R e d s k in T eam G r id F a v o r i te

FIVE-TIME CHAMP TIED IN CASSIA STAMPEDEG r i f f i t h s H e l d E v e n

I n W i l d S t e e r R i d i n gB U R L E Y , Aujf. SS -pThree th o u sa n d fiv<

■ D ick G H ffith s . Scolt.-idalu, i, , h u n d r e d p

la s t n iK l 't HH'v D ick G riff ith s . Scolt.-idalu, A r i z . . d e m o n s tra te w h y 1)0 w as five lim en w orld 's ch«m |)ion s le i - r r id e r (u tit le he s t i l l ho ld s) w h en he tied in h is sp e c ia lty o n tin ; open ing n iK h t o f th e t ’a s s ia (bounty V ic to ry S tan i] )ed e . h e ld in connec­t io n w i t h th e threc-d*ij’ ju n io r ' f a ir .

G riff ifT T w a s tic ii w ith W ort B a iij rh n ia n , al.w o f T exas, w h ile J o h n n y (J lir is t. H urley, w as t h i r d a n d liiu zc P ra t t ,Id a h o FalLs. f o u r th .

• Wliirlfr ». Kli'

> l 'r r

. K.


W ilk s G a in s lO lh in R o w

W ilks



, 12 1:

l-S s.e.incL V.uxs, Ni v.

i>rl Illiiklluiii

c iitrto hi illdoKUliiK mu

rldlnK. TIk'I icst.i In cn!f ropliiK nnd bnrci rulliiu, b u t llir> re.iiilt.i will tio rumounccd until today.

Tlie bronco currylns off the lionor.i wns B-20, n black iinl

cxhlblllon Hah, .sli.TlI t.'itlllullllK

l E a j i l < ‘ «

| S u ^ a r

D e fc a llo rv

B u l la L e a d s in U I-A a ie r ic a ii

lllfMlns, Vfim. Cl«»r.

U njpffliniAn, Iri V

U' n Ivirtl. (Wril JUm«,

llml« ^•tihlcnicn. Chirlti Ktrnlc, Cor*


SUI TS> Pine auorunent o{ (atirlci •

for men's and ffomen'i ' 8UITS u d COATS

-MBde lU jh t Cert*


• T7«st

Legion Win Make Tourney Pairings

MINNEAPOIiTS, AilR. 25 Pnlr- :)«5 MU be mnile ifxlny (or thp r lonnl Amcrlciin Lfdoii Junior bu;

ball touraanirnl which opcas here Snturdny nlfilit.

Tlie four -lectloniil chnmiilon.i t< fonipcle will be Clnrlnnnll. O., Mld- weMlalbcmiirlc. N. C.. soiillienstcrn; Brockton. Mtuvi, cnslem, nnd Tuc- 011, Artt. wcstim.Oroclclon was the first toumii'

ncnl tcnm to reach Mlnaenpolls .hlle the o ther three were expcctcd

111 time for th e draw for places morrow, followed by nn open c StiiKtay. Tlicrc will be two Rsmrs Mondny and two on Tucsrtny. There ,•111 be either two BflmeJ on Wednea- :(iy or one Wednwdoy nnd one

Tliur*day to wind up the title nffnlr.


(flO—Play ojKHcd lodny la the chn... plonshlp section of the Mcndow club Invitation t«rm h tourney with top- seeded Pniicho Segum of Eciiivdoi pitted nKnlnst Sidney B, Wood, Jr. .......York.


iiiTlrim oi>ri ita. Ciiv. n r t

r, to lie the cour.'-c record, mild » field of n x jirofe.vloniil-

•eii amiilciirs-lncludhiK •mer iiiilloiml ojica wlmicrs •on P . O. A. chiimploas-a ItlnK.flulln played 11 holr.i nt pn tl birdled (he other .srvni, Ke

b irds oil the baek nine «four of t

p it I llki-


It blrdlo

conipo.sltc of nl] ureats.Cla>e on hLi lieeL , h(

the m a st dannrroiu ot club-swlngcrs,- Uyroii Ni do, O.. who holed II 3putt on Uie flnnl hule tc ..............three strokLs off thu pace.

D rackctcd iit 03 wore four stal. wnrt-1, Inclutlhig Pete Cooper, Gnln. . ifllle. G a..; Dud Lewis, Phllailcl- ihln op en clinmp: Melvin (Chick) :tnrbert. Uic lonR-hltter from Dnt- tle Creek, Mich., ami Gene Snrnien,

vice w inner of the natloiml ojwn, •oin Brookfield F.irms. Coaii, T opping tiie flmateur.i in tlie open ;st wiui Jim Prblnn, Tnylor^’llle.

. 11.. w ho had n Mib-par to tie OeorKc Sm ith. L.ike Torest. Ill,

Hnrold <Jur) McSpatlen. ..._ . :nr'(i blR money winner nnd co* fftvorlt« with Nebon to take down the h igh prhea. wa.i very much the flg in wli^ ft 71 where ho s tied w ltJi elRht otlier.5 Including Mich lumlnnrle.s as Vic Ghczzl. for-

P . a . A. KhiB. nnd Ed Dudley, prexy of Uie P. O, A. |

WlUv 54 holes Rini (0 BO before they c u t up Uie blBgcst prize c iffered fo r a golf touninment,

plnyer.^ were even with pnr or ] ind 33 oihei

Greatest Vandal Runner Wounded

ot F ra t .1C fnstrst outdoor oiially in I9<1. He nlf-ialle recortl at vorslly mile mnrk ^radiialcd In 1941. •cci'lvr<l the news

S v immel•, 13, Will Seek W orld Records

r C- >B oy, 13 , W ill A t te m p t to B ea t }50 M en in A A U Sw im m ijig M ee t

nUEATl-AKKS. ......................................................

S tr in g R u n n i n g O u t o n B o s o x

. 13-yenr-old hoy will ..........lan s Klzt'd Jab acaliist 80 eldcr.s 1 tlie mea'a senior AAU nntloniU indoor swimming and diving cham -

plon-^hlpa at the Great Lakes naval mining center Mnrtlng todny nnd oiicludlng Sunday night.Tlie lad b Jimmy McL.me, Ak-

■>a, O.. a splashing mnrvei, entered ............................... 1,500 m eter


o Makamn, 1

tKILM 111 IKersrhn

imnibe AAU chiimplonshlp leai repre.sontlni! the naval Hunker Hill, liul.

MeLane defealed Nak men’s nnllnunl AAU foui

other top-fhglit opiM)slllon.Great Ijikes la favorite to odd

the outdoor team title to the one It won Indoors nt ths University of Michigan la.st April, nlthough there lias been a coniplcle turnover In Its pcMonncl. The bluejackets will have the biggest squad. 17, In the com­petition.


>>iHllsh, Wwt Indian UKhiwtlKht

131-py Min I’lKniit

bul EnxlWi wo: flKht. Pliinnlore had EnglMi for one elttta-eounl and three for nine iind knwkpd him coli ler the Ull rang enrirnK the sc round. He wa. dl.w|UiillIUd.


mngailncs Now the ter inbly Ktxid, and the savl

1 worth ynur while. A t

neccMiiry.Bec-iuse of popular demand, w«

have added a line ot Dlbles to our many o tlic r lines. We have In slock several red Id ler pocket te.^uimcntji as well n:-. .icveral large Dlblf.i. Tlie Illustrated red letter Bible—Teaeh- er.V cdtllon—Is prlccd a t Ja« Jfl.75. Pocket re d letter testam cntsnro priced n t SI.65. We also stoctmie military pocket tesUimenta dotjrin khaki o r blue n t Just 75c. Tliere's the pe rfec t gift for your service man or w oman. Ju st the right slia for mnlllng.

Tliat'A nbout all UlU Ume »x. •lit to remind you th a t we ar« )tng RTcnt guns on Christmas

W hile slocks are still com­plete the

Wr-nil klnd.i of gr,


J. HILL"The Magattne Man."

t l i rHnmllton. Evansville, Ind.

.... of th e P. G. A. title last day. w as one of 10 deadlocked a t 73.

C1IA.MP COMES HOMK, DRIDOEBOnO. N, J., Aug, 2.......—Lieut. (Jg.) Joe Burk, former,

•Id nm ateur sculling champion 3 ho ld s ttie nivvy cross for hero­

ism In tJie Pacific, has seen enough water to la s t lilm a lifetime. Home on ft 15-day furlough, Burk said h# wants to sleep, loaf—and play.

S c h i l l i n g

C offee

C o a s t L e a g u e

: i-lcrctU «na Adin

a SI’O RTS.M EN QVi>u Can Now Order

NEW “CUIS-CHArT"For llie Late>l in Boadnc


E A S T . I D A H O B R E W I N O / ilN C . - r . P O C A X E ( .f .a

S A V EOn These H ard -T o-F ind Item s of

F A R M N E E D S !W e now have poo d s to c k s o f item .s th a t

h a v e fo rm erly be en in t h e h iird -to -find

itcm.s. S to p in so o n a n d look o v e r ou r

new stocks. Y ou’ll p r o b a b ly f in d ju s t

clnsa and w c c an s a v e y o u m o n e y on th e se w hnt you h a v e be en lo o k in g fo r.

Heavy Type

WORK HARNESSWe have heavy type work harness made from selected grstn k-iither and built to give years of service. Added wear bulll Inin nil points of strain. Reasonably prlccd nl ------- ---------


H ereford B rand

STOCK SADDLESWe have r good selection o l sturdy slock saddles made In tli« heart of the stock country by the Texas Tanning company of Yoakum. Texivi. Several s ty lea lo choose from Including rop­ers, modified form-fltters a n d Uie regular (issoelatlon trees... Vou'U say they are worth th e money at.--------------------------- ■

$ . 0 0a n ti

0 0 . 0 0

$ y g . o o

$ 1 2 2 - 5 0

All Leather COLLARS

Sotve’ your collar problcm a right now. Complete assortm ent of all leather eoUars In both the ad juilable and' slmlght sires from 10" lo '36".

Good Selection Riding Accessories

Come In and choose from a good u - rartment of m n r tin sa le s^ breast sUTips. plain and farcy headatalla, blta of polished ateel and rfany other Item* you have I w n looUng for.

M c V E Y ' SInternational Twin Falls McCormick Deering

Page 9: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

F r id a y Eveninir. August 25,1044 TIMES-NEWS. TW IN FALLS. IDAHO Page Nin«

Mrs. J . S. Stewart In Huspital Cast

H urltd »8»liwt Ui8 top of Uie Hal. cab In vhlch iha w*s ridlni. Mra. j . S . eWTfjtrt win b« to » m l Im hoverkl tnoiitiu a( Ihe 6tn>* Moni­ca. Calif., hojplUl.

T h a t was Ihf word brought back fnam Callfomli by her son. Lynn Slffwart, who went la (h« const oi- rec tly Ir " ‘



^ a biislneM trip when his tnotiier as Injured two wcck.i tiRo.Stewart, munager of the Rogerkon

hotel, said h is moUier and hi* slJlcr. Ml&s aeorR la SKwart. were riding In ihe cat> a fte r attending a dm- matlo production a t tho Slirincrt' oudltorhini. The cab jtnick a strcflt depression, ihrow lnj both women upward afiuinst the celllns of mechlnp

Mr*. Klewort suflrrrd i. c prcwed fruciiiie (if n vrrlnbm .. iier back. M 1&S Strunri tustnlncd *liock and b n ilfs . nii.t !• now at home a t 703 Ninth strr.'t. Si'nln Monica.

Death Comes to M other of Three

.Mrs. D orotliy Tlliciiip. l.'l. ellcU n ni. d ll.' moriiInK m llir cotlll'

gciK-ri.l lio;.plt4il Jt>llnwlii5 an llinc of (Ive days.

She wa* bom Sept. 33, 1018. i Lincoln, N e b . am! camp to Twin Fiill.s About three inonUis aso Lincoln. She a memlifr t Lutheran church.

Survivors lncliid>- Ikt hii- Robert E. T h lrn if . iliri-r dilKirrn. DorLi. R n b T \. jr./iu c i .In.ui hen L. r »isiir>p:>, i.i,,,-.

LEAVE E iS FOR T^vin F a lls C ity F in a n c e s in S o u n d S h a p e , A u d i t o r F in d s ,

>Shermnn Rosr.ell. cnrpenter'i

mnie. third cIhm, and h |5 bfoniier Mlis Jc*.'le Teague. ............Wash., left Wedne.-day m om lns for Stallle. where the itaUoned.

At Peiirl Harbor at H 'f ' Ini'- of tlie attaclt, Ro'r.eU «a.' oiallom ti there Irotn May. lOO. m Mivy wns home on li'av»' to

■ father. Dayle Bo. 7Ml. a Jlptlon of duty In the .■-out

r. M;v •• HenfBt,

With *11 city riepnrinienl account.^ and rcfcirds In order, the 8nnu:il nil- i dllor's report, roltafpd Fr;Mayor Ben A. Swtet. thii.i liie city u "In u inimcl lin.uu Itlon with all city noveriuiici malntalnlnj an adrqii.'"'' r

Complied by I!. C. Ertmiii company, Tain Fiills, cue rei Uie fL'cal year whirii 30, Haled the boiulj rrlln i;, , c<\ hutiRtt, aivi Bcuiil revenuct. and repnri» on iki' nf each depsrtmcnl's up'r-

Paid nff MnjMDuring Uie >pnr tlif cu\

M0.500 in oul-'tanclltiK Ijonrv (he biilniirr in !r7.()iHi Si:1. 1038, the city S'TPofidi, the Utt brills ihe public library bonils Ketlreniem date on the u- issued li mi.

Within the varl-.i.^

Mrs. Madspn Dies Of Crash Injuries |i

Mr*. S'elllc Mcnrulr M Jil.iuRliler ol Mr. niirt .Mr' V iitil' McUrlclf, Heybiirn nv«iin* u.-m, ,ii. .1 '

p. m. lliursdii;, ri n,,;. 'il hO'pltal Irotii j,, |

fercd Sunday. Aiij 1? n- nu^" ' rlc-iraln cnlliumi »' l>-ikel.' '

iiciiLs—city buiminjs. police, fire, pa rk s, admlnlitratloii. Inspection, imtl «lrefL^—each .showed cxpcndl- ciiieA for the year of snialltr lunoimu ih iin thOie npproprlnted, This nole of con.sfrvjiil.«iii wa. carrlcd Into the r;iicKory of re'enue received uliera the- total Income was 426.331).1? mote ihiiii the ainnunt eallmdted.

From May 1, 1013 to April 30. 19H. th e city lncren»e<l its schtaI fund r.i-.ii Uftlnnce Irom 532,10131. Mayor aw ett’i cowsNtM

•*rte<|ibetuK u.lncd I' help t

I ponwar ptojm;

Ic-ss than total income.orriclali Praltrd

lie rei>«u pral*crt the rernrd* i V Cleric Chuilr.'* P. unif

M a r k e t s a n d F i n a n c e


LivestockMarkets FALLWHEAIIflPS

DULL GfiAIH LISTJ5 yrj - Bep.

ids lod»y hm I Kid off in ft

"I wa» M higher .<tcrday’« finlali,

were off H t« *aa off ». to

' I'OM*

' MS!’ \'\t^

It's Up To Y o u To Keep It G oing!

Wc Unvc a C re w of T rained E xperts lo K e e p Y o u r C a r "Ship

Shape” F r o m B u m p er tn B u m p o r

I.iibric.ition — lirake a d ju s tm m t.t — -R o a r Sy.sterr 'Vhfiel nntl A.\!e alifrnment — M ntor T u n p u p — fon plotfi O verhaiif - or ju.M a (|u :irt o f o il. W Vro hero i krop yniir c a r Koin?,

unit. Sergeant Miirsliall has been a&slgnrd to a fishier g roup for IS

Next Draft Call Smallest to Date

Mrs. Iakull 1InJiirltJ ana e.Ktreiue Hithu.sbnnd, wltli wliom jhc ■ajs rldlns at the time of ihc aeclilent, wn. treated for shock at the Treosure Island naval hospliul and has bcrni reported us rrcoveieii ni)ier ^j tia a'Tlimliueeii. wmi u;i,,:n .Sli;,


BUHLENIERIAIfJS NEW YORK, Aug. 25 0).R)-TlV lock market closed tiuii louav.

Allied Chemical ............... :niriciin Lwomotlve ............. iH",

(All W ork (iuaranV cctl)

BARNARD AUTO CO,203-22.T Sccond A « . Ensl

I t 's n o t s u r p r i s in g to f in d so m any hom e­

m ak e rs w ith d e f in i t e ideas on the ir personal p ost-w ar p la n s . M o d e rn tim e and labor-sav­

ing e le c tr ic a p p l ia n c e s ra te a h igh p rio rity in th o se p la n s a n d W a r B onds are being p u r ­ch ased now b y t h r i f t y p eo p le so th a t spec ific

.• hom e a p p l ia n c e s can b e en jo y ed laJer.

I t 's t r u e t h a t new e lec tc ic appliances have b een " o u t " f o r t h e d u ra tio n . But it's equa lly

t ru e th a t th e y 'l l b e b a c k — b e t te r than ever— as soon a s t h e i r m a n u fa c tu re r s can swing back to p e a c e tim e p ro d u c t io n . P lan n o w . . . save n o w . . . b u y W a r B onds a n d b e ready to LIVE BETTER E L E C T R IC A L L Y ^ f t e r V ictory!

( D A H O V P O W E RA c i n z B N w H E R e v B R : t s e r v e s

condlUon wai ri , what liii|irnvnl lu . fcrrcd Irom a Deikrl.

II Home. ,Mi.v linl,,';'I Mbs Yvonne

tiroihers. Omi an(^lf ,v Mi


.......... ..................

B iilter and EggsV riiANci.sfo PRoni

ainilniic ai

Gooding Resident Called by Death

OOODINO. Aug. 25—Mrs. Pen:l France* Cnombs, 51, died nt 2,;in

tills mornlni! at the Bt. Valen- f hci^plinl, Wendell,"■ iind her husbnnd. E. C. iibs.^ came to GoodlnK nbua',;

Cowley, Ksn. She was born Jan. U I 1SD3 In Pnytie county, Okln. I

D eath was caused by cancer. Survivors include her hii.«lin

two (Inuglitcrs and oUicr rch m '.., Tlie btxly rests at the Thoiniv«on

funeral diaiwl and will probalilv I ■■hipped lo Cowley. Kan,, for funeri

rvlces and burial.


D E A D ,\N D U SE L E S S HO USES - COW Swill Also rick Up Hoji

If Close


W e I’uy CiLsh fo r th e A bove Dead o r U seless

A nimiilsT«ln Falli 314

Goodinc « - Ruperf 55

Idaho Hide & Tallow Co.

MemorialHoniirs 2 Goodins Heroes I


C L O S E T S\V i: BU Y

M en’s and W o in tn ’s <Hiod W ool




S:i(.(iiiy Vacuum ...

Hniiiliern Pacific KiAiidard Oil of Ci .Siiiiirliird Oil (>r N PtudoDiiker Cnrii.Siui'hine Minini; Trxnc Cfiini':itiy

1 Tramnmerli-ii 1 Ilnlnn Carhlrk .

1 Piiclflr

Warner Rro'>. ririiirr.'> •••itern Unton Tcl. •.Mlniilinnsp A unrake •sllii irctrlcW. Woolworth Co

NEW Y O nK C ;i;w YORK. AUK. ■■ii

Bunker Hill ..................c Dond i l S ha re

Utah IrtnS o s u s a r ,. ,

WELDB roken honds, nrm!<, a n d Irr.'!. Vnit . .

T hey m u st be m a d e o f m e ta l

Com e niid lo t 'u s w eld i t n n d hn v c i t w ork-1 in g qu icker th a n a w o m a n can c h a n g ( | h e r m ind.

Chamber Kickoff Dinner Scheduled

A "kickoff’ d in n e r next Friday J;30 p. m. a t th e Park holel will launcii the fall wem bershtp cam- pnlsn of the T j.'1» Tails Chamber ol Commerce. C laude H. Deiweller. president, announced a t the weekly meeting of the boa rd of director* of the C. of C.

The board approved iJie luuance if new "blue cnrdA" by ths better buslncM commltl'ee of ihe Chamber of Commerce, w hich will be pre- ^enled lo repreflmtatlvea of outside firms, after the ir credcntiah have been Inveitlgated. Details atinounced later.

Most of the directors signified fhrlr Intention of UikInK an airplane rtrtc over the M nsic Valley In Immediate future. If they have already ilone so. as a ••booster" the aviation program .

Announcement wn» made lliat In­dustrial 8lte"plan.i are fairly well worked out, and trustees will be ap- pointed toon.

Chamber of Commerce members *111 vl«lt the Bozeman Cannlnj company p lant a t Buhl early In September, under th s iponaorshlp of plant officials. It was announced, the date to b« nam ed won.


-iw yA i-L i.,wI zhJ.'’!.*-

Potato and Onion Futures

bll II .sovfiMnEn oNio.s's


“ f f i s


T viii Falls Marlicts

------‘'l'o{jLT«Tnrollert. o«0«r H i lU. _ _ _ _

S®fi »k..l --------


Johnwn, 30, ton of M. w, Jotroaon. Monttll#, Kav., haji been promoted to.the srade of

B*rt»». I " '■

■nw auei canal. lOi mUej lon«. U Bl mllM lo n s tr th a n th e p«nim » canal.

RED CUJVBB a»d< N6.-I 'rw it? |M ?n 'lln i— Mt.'M froMMj.wM mlltas -------•'

IOa« tolu. a

DVTTUriTNo. I Mturtit. pNaiua iwm( - »l«" 1 «*•



Page 10: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

Page Ten TIiM ES-NEW S, T W IN F A L L S , IDAHO F r id a y Eveninfr, Aucuat 2 6 ,13d4

EiSEHROUIgF i r s t B i o g r a p h y o f A m a r J c a 'i G r e a t G e n e r a l


IX *. Ann

i Al llie end of Oclobrr. » Mory "plantrd" In tlie toeffect 111- -~-

my West I’oim Ik- 'nltl,I cvpr tlilnk th iil I - i»n Amn (tpnrrnl—woiilri rvcr roiiiniiim) British fnrliTS' of Ctlbrnllnr "

IIL' lirnfnunrtPrA w.’i r iiii fed of solid nx:k .ind m:40 rooms. •ni<’ only rxrri-l>r ernl niid liK Mnlf v,i:iv iil>l coiiBlslPfl of runiiliiK to i

' flees IliroiiRli r« ilrtiiiiliii;Many n prlvntf' wn.v slnril.

' (ilRhl of h i ' r - . Rloff *prlnllii(j I pnMiicnwnv

, , All IhrdiiKliI . O rnrrni EL'n

! i u"7r7i.nrndili I hpliig Liikdi. '

h(5 Jiaild Jif hrta H r)r from O rnrn il Miii'Wa.tninRloii, find rcm

"You niitl you r cxi with the hopc.s nnd Atncrlco. f o r monllia plBmieti, trnlncd nml yolirselvos for tl Godspfed |0 you r jiirccM.

't complfte confldriicr In vo erslilp niid In f lir oKcrivv lvr Unlit qunllly of your "

Oencrnl Elv-iilvm.T. tih (i.iiy

i,* trn ln . rrad dlJ.palclu-., i-.mihIII ders. mid uiilti'tl . .! On tlic nioriiliii;

Uie »••Thenorth Afri™.

I The Rrealr:hbtorj’, up to Unit Kitii-

' —linrt broiiK'it i lir tlrM ftmiy to Uir bi.ttli'tioiii,

, lanrted durinK tlip iilKhi» t linybrnik wrrc jantto pincrrs tnovrmrnt

I hours they hud Ul( toiista ol linriii iMin advniicUiK frnin AlKlern nnil

. rocco.I Elsenliower. w itli tlir nlcl t>r ' British, hncl o u t« lltrd HUIc-r Ma'^solliU.

! Gcneml Ei'enliowcr' oiilv < ment m he left vancr hl« hrndcii Afrleii wnri, '"H ir only ihliis I w. dUapiwltitrd In w».-v the rc'tsljiiv of thn French iiiivj. jmrllriilar

crlch. Wp don'' to flghl (he F rc iirh mid 111 ,’ oppo.OnR IL1, holdlOK up th^ )o1) nnrt

expending effort whlrli nilKlii be tncd oirnlnst tlie cnmmon enemy

I —Geminny."1 Oeneml Elsenliowcr* ml,^slfln ' to liberate the Frciieh j nail captives, n o t to en iiKO In “ nr- • /are nRalnjt th rm . Appcalliis to them In hLi nam e this WM brondcnst:

"Prcnchmcil of north Africa, the forces which I hnvc the hniinr of eomtnatidlnK, come to you n* frletidu lo tiiaVe wnr ngnltist your fiifmlcs. ITils is n mllltar>' opcrntlon

1 *4 Bgalnst the ltnliiin-Ci(Itary forces In no rth Africa, Ourh ' «>m1» I> trs ...a.....

Page 11: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

F rid a y Evening. Auffiiat 25,1944 TIMES-NEW S, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Elevea*




• p. a. 6iluKl*»

tad tto"lKfora«iloti't«‘ti tU oVci"t'.‘- n rd ti> (»• idxrtljar.Erron lioulJ U rrmrifdNo lor tno,.

c n i u n i ’tfACTOHS

S lT U A T l




Phone3 8

by p la c in g y o u r chi?

ndvertis inK by p h o n e . 'H k


re a c h in g o v e r IT.SnO fam . ilicfl dn ily a r c .v n u r anco o f b e s t r c .s u l ts n i Itii' low est c o s l. A n iirl ta k i i will n s s is l y o u in iii-r.i".• ••.!, y o u r ad.


U N H - im s ’IS H K n

R i » N i s n i : n a i ' t s .


’1 5

H K L I ' W ANTKl)— V lvM A L i:



Junior nnrt Sriilor Kirl'i fur

U S illiR K T T E Sltl'<l .rh^l J..U

Apply I'xliiy— ORPHEUM TlIKA-niL:

H E L P W AN T E D -.M A l.E


C H IC H I A 'r r . Mgr.



W O M E N o r n o V S f W A rnro



D lSU W A SH liU ,

\V A IT R E SSE Sniid



W A L G R E E N ’STVtii raUi

c o u n t e r G IR I,aECRLTAmA^^KM^^ENC:

^ -AUo n ^ -'■ ■ TW O M EN

• • Clnntn.

W A N t E P — R E N T . L E A SEWAhr'T£t>—Tfcrx Is Iit> rma siKurnlih-

•<J. moiJ«ra i n n *i »p.ntt«nt. CIom

F U R N IS H K U H O U S E S ^


?7lIW rivi room iMRia. hirrKrciod I


BOTH STRICTLY MODERN willj funmccs. Btokcra. tlfctrlc wntcr htiilcrs, hardwood tIooM. gorage.n-boih on Wulnut street.


NICB MODERN HOMEU*i\y ntw I t<iom kotB«.V«ll mmmi.'

oa lrr h'alrr. lUJKonUH. Ctn sl« ttr ly Tri:*! Is >tl1.





llATIlHOOM'tututrt- t;<W .1


!,E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S

F A R M S I 'O R R E N T


PO TA TO r u . l .u . 'S W A P 'a S 'd s e l i .

H E IS S IN V ii:.ST .M K N T (.O .


I R U l l lA T E n L A N D S CO.

Rti A C R I iS '


-W O O D Y B E A U - Lor.ui on I’hor..

A R E A L L Y C H O I C E 10 In F i le r V ic in i ty





li Cnltrr. Ph. 111. 4i• CLEANERS & DYERSnicliardMB't.

C O iliJE R C IA L P niN T IN O11 kiBdi. Tlaa-K»t.

F L O O R SA ffD IN GS4i>d«r—E ttw lot m l h; bogr. C«BU«’k.

• G L A S S -R A D IA T O R Sp«qloa Ct»«» * lUd. m tad E. Tl. 4MW.• K E Y SH O P

• K : ;


S' a» TraVu^um• M lM E O G R A P H iSG


d HU. Co. Pboa. a t .• T Y P E fV R IT E n s


T B A cron M A N U R E LO AD F-R S

G A TK S M A C H IN K S l i o p



C. \V. Coiner. Tulii Fulls. IdjilioD. Olftvin. Rt. I. T».m 1-alLv Idnli<

C. L. Dusmsnn, Liihl, Irt»hn COUNTY COMMieSIONER

iScconcl D inrlcu Kenyon O rrcn. T^ln Fall.', Idaho


Hi-n E. Potior, Klmbrrly, Irtnho COUNTS' CLERK, EX-OFFICIO

AUDITOR *11(1 RSCORDER ChnrlM A- niillcn, T vUl Ftill«, tdolu

SHERII-T T. J. Ooeokiipr, 'IHlii Pnll,<, Wnlio

TREASURER Rn,P .1, WlUon. liiihl, IclFihn

pnO BA TF JUDGE C A. Ballfy, Tv,Ui F.-vlU. l.fnhti


no ru .sirartloy, Txln Fnll,'«, Irinho PROSECUTINO ATTORNEY"

Evfrrtl M. SufcUy, TV’h. P.ilb.

AS-IESSOR '-•"HK- riiMrtv TK'hi KftlLv Idnhi


A’ (. WJiltnkn. Ruhl, Idolin F. n ilrh fv , Tuin Tnll*. Irtnlin

chn MiirtaiiKh. Idsho

At'l>ou. HoIllM/T. 'Idaho

ford, I

I tA O lO ,\.VI) ,MUSIC



50.1)00 EGOS A Vi ,\n


L! V h S rO C K — I'O U L I U V


Conininnttcillli liathtiiM Trk'cl-Tfil.'cl-r>rovcn

s!cci-.-Qu!rt MTVlr»ROnERT i; i.Ei: s a l e s c o ,

i), Ph, 1S9W4J0-

Choice Hereford Boars


Male a regl'tcrcd Hereford bour ftilli nn>- other breed and Im - I'rovp yoiir Herd,

• Quick development »aa m n -fiirlty

• Snvc feed, larger llHcri, t e t ­ter Ilvahllliy

• CroM hrccdliiK pBj-fl• Top the msrkci• Get 80 per cent white faccd

PlSHLooks like boss ore eoUlg to be much hlBhcf. Prices up 3c ln.*it ^lxly dnyR, See tllcso cholcc Hereford bours a t

Deep Creek Stock Farmn o trrE 2 b u h l


fWrvIe*. I'hniK ISSIl'l. Twin Fitla CUKTDil (rinillnr. Crln<l .n>^^Ur»^IinkT,

^ ■ - ..................•. M»r.l»nU:UKTDil ttIM >d.r. T-ln . ..,Mlllli'f l>«rvW. 1 ii<i. rinf.

~UOOD T H IN G S T O E A T "iprlreu, H mUMnAnli ef hMplul. I'cmrr...._________

:Hf«SAI'EAK»; puppin. wondtrlul




• W A TE R S O F T E N E R SAhtvU't. lU UMbe

. " I S b 'S U K E '

N H F I) A N I'W



A U TO S lO i t SA L E


li-. Tm\ nllilani...... . IrrlBi. TKiln, Slaclair aiWMml. rheu

*vc<.• rt«l—«

NOTICK O F (iKXtllAI. ELECTIONNpitce . , '

Tiic.'flay follD-.viii? the flrsi .Monday Ntncinbi'r iicM tNovcm'Dcr ‘

liar i» -

........... Itliiho, .•leciloii win be held Inr members

of CoiiKrp-.s, Stiiie, CoiiiUy. niic!___ officers, 'vlildi electionshall be ('jyiied at 8:00 o'clock in

le nioriihiB nnd will continue until ;00 oelofk 111 the evening of tlic ime dor.The candidatej nominated' nnd

the olllce.i to be filled at such «Icc> •Ion are as follows:


PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS (Four to be elcct«l)

3tpll» C, Smedle,!-, Blnckfoot. Idaho ^}llto^ L, Horsley. Soda Springs,

IdahoOliver J, Smith, Welser. Idaho

Ralph KeUon. Cociir d’Alene. Idaho UNITED STATES SENATOR C. A, Botlolffcn, Arco, Idaho


}Ienn- Dworshak. Burley, Idaho GOVERNOR

W, H, Detwcller, Jlajellon. Idaho LIEUTENANT OOVERNOR

John Sanborn, irBgermmi. Idaho SECRETARY OP STATE

Jsmei W, Kealliig, JlarTl-wn, Idaho STATE AUDITOR

N, P. Nielson. Pocatello. Idaho STATE TREASURER

Lcl» D, PnlnUT. Calrtwell. Idaho


A, H. Cholbum. Boise, idah® INSPECTOR OP MINE3 J. A. May. BoUe. Idaho

CTATE SENATOR Carl D, irw ln. T»ln Falli. Idaho


PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS rFoiir to be electedl

Myrlle E nklng Beatty, Boise. Idaho Ben Tliomns, Boise, Idaho

William D nitit. Idaho Fnlta. Idaho Allcp R, Lydon, LewLHon. Idaho UNITED STATES SENATOR

Oleii H Ti.ylor, Pofiit^llo. Idaho RErRE.SFNTATIVE IN CONQRESS

riill J l'rc:.lnn. IdiihofiOVERNOR

Chnrk.i C. G w eit. Nampa, Walio I.IEUTENANT OOV’ERNOR

Arnold Wllllnnr., Rexmirn, Idaho SECREn'ARY OK STATK

Ira H MnMers. Dol.-r. id.Tlio STATE AUDITOR

Crni^st a Utvnret\ Rupcvi ldit\n STATE TREASURER

RiiUi Moon, Prt'Btpllo, I(1,iho ATTORNEi- OENERAI.

i-'rnni; LaiiRloy, Coeur d'Alrne. Idah. KUPKRIN'ITNUKNT OF PUBLIC IN.STRUCTION

a . C RxUlvan. Si, Anihonv. Wnto INSPECTOR OF MINES

Arthur Cnmphrll, Miillnn, Idaho ,‘iTATK SENA1X5R

Jiinir,. t 13nrne.v Hnn.'en. Irinhn STATIC REPHESF-.vrATlVES

r ThrcMri T Dsvsv CtTOTiM, FUfi, Wnhr E t, Brynnt, C'astl-tnrd. lOiiho J. M. Plrrcc, TuIn Fnlls. ldt.lio


Clfirrn.o Oci.n, T< |n ^nll^ Idnlu COUNTY COMMISSIONER

'T liiiti DbUlr\>Oliver \V, Jolinsnn, Miirtnugh. Idaho

SHERIFF W, W. LOU’rr>-. 'IVIn Fnllj, Jdl.ho

TREASUREfl Cora E, SK-v.'tu, Tikln FrIIh, Id.iht

PRORATE JUnOE Hnrry B- JcnnlnK». T i'ln FnlVv

PROSECUTINn ATTORNE\- Earl E. W alker. Tivln Falls, Idaho

.ASSESSOR Wiley C, Illtf, HoUhter. Idaho

CORONOR J. O. puniplirey, Twin Falls. Idaho

COUNTY SURVEYOR W. A. M lnnlck. T mIii FnlU, Mn


A. J. Amos, Buhl, Idaho J. O. Piniiphrev, Tv,ln Fi.ll., Idaho

Albert 11. Cobb, n ie r, Idaho L. E. W rird, Kimberly, Idaho

Peter H. Newman. Hiniscii. M.ilio William Pohlm an, Uolll,'ter, Idnho Oeo. R. m orna-s, Castleford. Idaho

CONSTABLE Roy Sliavcr. Biihl, Idaho

Wm, R, W olter. Twin Falls, Idah-) Clint McKinley. Filer. Idaho .M. P. Cornk, Hollister. Irinhn

Emery Brj’n n t, Castleford. Idalio


PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS (Four to bo elected)

Geo. H. Dttuerlc. Nompa, Idaho Ethel S tra it . Nampa. Idaho

F. L. Logston. Nninpa, IdJlio B. W, Crnndall. Boise, Idaho LIEUTENANT OOVERNOR

Janies A, D unbar. Grceplenf. Idalio SECRETARY OP STATE


A. J . F lnkbriner. Nanipn, Idaho (No nom inees lor oilier olllces)


(Four to be elected) Gwendolyn JCrnuse. Copeland. Idaho

J. L. Cummins. Numpa. Idrho A. ■L. Adnma. Caldwell, Idaho

<No ir other office*)


(S. J . R. No, 1)"Shall secU on 1 of ArUcIe i of

the C onjiltu tlon of the State of Idaho be omended to read aa fol- low :

•The e sea ittv e department »hall consist of a .sovcrnor. lleuUnant governor. »ecrctary of state. Etate auditor, stA te treasurer, attome? general, and superintendent of pub­lic; Instruction each of whom 'tliall hold his office for four ;e a rs begin­ning on the f l n t Monday in Jan­uary next a f t« r his election, com­mencing w ith those elected In the year 18«. except as othemlse pro­vided In til ls contlltutloii.' “nie offtcerv of th e execuUvs depart- metvt, axcepUng the Ueutenant Ror- imor. shall, during their tenn i of ifricfl reside within the county

where (he M s t of government U located, w here they shall keep the pubUo records, book* and papers. They shall perform such duties aa are presetlbcd by U»U const\tutl«\ and as miiy be prescrllKd by lav. The OoverTior aliaU not succeed himself In office, but shall be eU- glble to hold such office after % lipM of one fu ll tennt'*


(S, J. R, Ho. 35 -Shall SecUon 12 of ArUcIa 7 of e Con.itltiilion be nincnded to

provide for a State T n x Commls- )f four members, n o t more than of whom ahall belong to the

political party, which Com- n\L>Aton tot by theOnwrnnr. by niid w ith (he

llrsl omml.vilon i

L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T SKU of BE'.; of e « . a i; OC- BE't. and 8E!i of SEli of Sec.,35: All In Twp, la a . Range 11E. B. M, Known lui Lower Cot- tonprood Place and containing about 15M acres of Und.Tliat all of said nbove described

e.Bl e».tftt« will be roW BMbJect to .ho terms of tha t certain written UoM dated August I5ih. 10«. and ’Ztendlng for a period of five years from March 15th. 1042. to March 15th. 1017,

All riRbt, title. Interest and .,, estate In And to tha t ttvlsSn .. contrnct of purchn,« dated the. Bth day of May. 1937. with th« ; Union Central Life In,iumnco C«nii«ny for the purcha-iB of tlm NWi. of NEIi of Sec. 13. Twp. 11 B.. Range 18 E. B. M.' 'S-Ald Wins ht>T.’tv tr ...to that certain written lease for the IDM crop »eIv, on.The terms and comlltlon* of m\o'^

re Kf loilnws: Ten per ccnt of bid ) b- paid In cnsli at the time of ac- rptnlice ,>( bid; the balance eitherV or on Mvth Wrms ^a^lslae- . Dry to the guardi.in and approved... ---------------- Qj jond j,.

Ail Ie by ti

offers I■ the under-.

, Irene O KonO ' (Milfm R, P, D. '

"ich tcmilmlow. ittay b<> ptovldtd uy la'v, in all cn,'<es o f offense ARalnsl the state except treuon

REAl ITATt: , r n ilV A T E



Tlinl Ui« uii(icr!,lKHt^ M, Irene OKune, Ktiardlan of tiie jy?r^on and c,-.tate of Robert Ch.irii-.% BroH', n inliinr, will fell on or oft<T Septoin-

huhen and hcsl bidder, upon ttie teims and condltlon-i hercln.ifter Ml forth, and siibjeei to th e conflr-

tV'v, and N ',S 'i of Sec. 25; nil hi Trp, 1,1 S , Hanne 17 E, B. M,; E ', SEU of SW '., Lots a, i and

See, 20: 'n E '. . N E '. of NW‘», I. 2 and 3 Sc^:. 30; M

InTu-p, 15 S., RanKf- 18 E, B, .M. Known as Upper Cottonwood

BES, ri SE 'iN ', of NE'.. SW 'i o f NEU.

and SE 'i of NW‘, Of Bee. 7; N‘, of N ',, SW'» of NWW. and SW’i of Sec. a; N W . of NW 'i of Sec, 9: all In T u p . U S„ Range 17 E. B. M. Known os Solmcr Creek Place a n d con- liiinlnj; ntjout 060 ncre.i of land.

Bee. 24, Ttt'p, 15 8, R a r je 16 C. B, M. KnoMTi as Deep Creek Place and cnntalnlng obout 840

of land.NE'i. . 6 E 'i

NAV'i, NE>. ol and 3 of Sec. 17; N E ’i . and NE>4 of NW<. of Sec, 20: AU In •f^p. 13 S. Ranso 17 E . B, M. Knom a j Goat Sprlng.% Place anil containing about 640 acrea of land,

SE'4 of SEH of Bee. 10: SW 't of SWU of See, 11: NW '.i of NW>i of Sec, 14: E 14 o f NEU. BW'i of N E 'i. S'4 o f NW«, 6W>;. N 'j of SEH. and SW ’i of SE'i of Sec, !9; S E 'i o f NE'i. and NE'i of SE 'i of Sec. 21: W ',, W ’i of N E 'i. nnd W '4 of 6E'.i of Sec. 32: N'4 o f m V ’i. W^i of N E 'i.S E 'i of N E ll.a n d

M IRENE O’KANE. ' a.inrdlan of ihe Person and esta(fl

nt Hobrrt Charles Brorc. n minor.- Publl, h: Auk, 18. 25: Kopt. 1.

J. Felton Named Head of C. of C.

JEROME. Aug. 25-James Pcltoil. was elected to succeed J. W, Orant. • rui chnlrman of the Jerome Chamber - of commerce, hero nt a special meelWB Wednesday nlRht.

Mr. Oranl win leave Oils week for,. Ely, Nev.. where he hoA ncccpted • the managership of a Penney store. Mrs Grant and children will jotn ' him in a few weeks.

In fan t BurialSHOSHONE. AUR, 25-Qravc.sldS

sen’lces were held for (he child of Mr. and Mrs, William Kerner. who died at birth. The Rev. Mr. Jeske. ' American Falls, offlelawd and Mr#.J, H. Coulter sang a solo. The In­fant IS run'lved two brothers. A

l M i W h B T ? i a T r f ’» y

W e D o ir i Claim T h a t B U G L E R LA Y IN G M A S H , will do for a hen what It might • do for an oyster. But Bugler Laying Mash Is eUlt mads on the original Pre-War 20% formula • u ith no substitutes a t *3.55 per cwt.

Vcfihl«M DOWN

Igsa l i n a g ^ H Q i a i

Solution Of Y aite rd i/i Puzzle ThlnSt«Miia«a S. Otildo’l loir«it

3 4 - •» 1 s rt,

'3 AIJ ii> ■1 >a

■i io ii7,\

34 2>

■»r ^8 i i



V ■*7Ja a



1f i ’


Page 12: Nelson Will Take Germ ans Yield to French Over WPB …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/...K vlcc- ' • Agcnc; rpslRni-.Uon—I IcRctl nttnrkj ... Ako

P a g e Twelve TIM ES-N EW S. T W I N FA LLS, IDAHO Friday Eveninff, A ugust 2 5 , 1044


S tnke ivticl »t>rd cxrciiilvp.i will mccl f tt 2M0 p. 111. to open Hu' ion M.IJV. Klnkp contcrpiicc Siimlay In" the Ttt-ln I’allj fccoiid »iir<l L I) s. clnirch. AUciiUIuk llic cuiiIiTi’ncc .will bo nil slnkc niid »nr<1 M l A. bonrds nticl l)L«hoprlr.s niiil i)l«iu win bp lirrsciilc'd (or the 1344.1045 M.I.A. year,

■me ecii.Tiii H'.'sioii (.!>.•3 p. tn. wlUi R05' Haldirl. hiiin ttn d c n l of Uic Y.M M I.A. In i ii Mnrgnret Sluipr will Ir.ul !iir wrvlce wllli lirlfii Hll.itl :

U lim n 1 11 I.iil;!- iiml l>c: will prcv.ciu ilir rlu.r;il reading niid Jiiy Merrill »ni i a prnyer. 7'tis new lail-H' will be i>rc‘, !!nlo(l by Nnln i ter. Coiiiicllmnii Mcivin : will Rive ilip i>l <i'i>

*loi,'«n. ''L ct’.'i III) 111 Miiiii.ii li Y-M.M-1 A, iirc.-l.l.'iu

"l!jflplrntloii I’liM.M'.' p 111;.II

Mcx.ii will (lir.vifVillowlni; llir |i|.ivv nil li<

/i\iliiitlon |).Tiuil 10)1 im' I:.;,I I'M,' ol llie II <lr|,„iini. ni, UIII M

Siipcrliilrjiilnit Unljl^l Mill li

m rn t mrrtltiK. Ot/irr Ir.uiri, mil i, Mabel iSoroii.'-rai. lin iuni iiun! n drpiirlm eiil: Klinn H.nisni .in( in Ini/Te.-it.'. lirmijvi, KIdcii; Sl»):i-- M

*enlor ScdliIs mui Jiiiilni ;;irl'Uiirdu Klnn; ................ .Melvin CuUrr

Annii Evcrt.m, Klliel WhukIi mu Mnry ArrlnKlon iire In LlinrKt ol llu B « Hive girl':; C. Verii Yuk'.s, diwii- ioRl M crln Moon, drniiiii; Hi lni Kl. llott. mu.^lc, niid Itutli Joliu^ioii speed) n ru ,

Bluejacket Sees Much Territory

KAIIlFIfXD, A»IK. 25—WiiiUT □. Klscr, sfnmut^ rccuiuI cla.M, Fiilr- tlrlil b(iy. tin-' ftccii plrnly of terri­tory. He i.rrvcrl u ltji tiic (imy In Ihf ICIIIIl Piiclllc-.

' p ' 0

At the ChurchesT MRtHOOIBT

.. m.. Wof.Mu;


D U i E i E D



NKW YORK. AllB. U5 (-1 United Nnlion.H face n nmlnr Jt)l> In ri'liabllllalInK VYnticr v n ic



Plaiifl for avliitlon week in Tv.ln Fnlls, wlilch suirl.s next Sunday, fenlured OlscuEslon.< a t llie regu­lar weekly se.v=loii of llic CAP 'Tfuadrgn iiiembrri nl tlin Idulio Power company nudllorliiiii ’nlur,^- dny nlKlit.

Ureck KuRlii, CAP member niirt chalrm nn of the Jimior Chanibrr of Commerce aviation comiiilUtc, oiilllned ihc plum ulilcli »lll see Kiir.-;l rlde.i belnR jlven lo sonic 50 niiiii bURlnrs.smen and profe.ylonal iiirn niirt woiaicn ilurInK >be 'It was e-itlnmled by Knnln ilinl 30

or Uie rlde.s ulll be slven Sun- (iii> (itiirlink’ a t D a. in. nncl eoiillnu- liiK u n til S p. m.

I'uoLi will donatf their services in carrylriB the RursLi for a 30-mlniile tour of thL nrca nnd ship owncrj are tuml.ihlnR plmipji a t operation

, which will be paid by llie Jay-

All CAP sqiiadrnn nienibtn were iiiMriiclcd lo be at tlie nlrimrt not

th a n a n. ni. Sunclny nnd lo i>r 111 tinltorm, CAP cadel* v,lll

ii-% Rtuircls durliii: Uie clay niiil Alii do other work in connection M M II th e tllRht.>..

and nonaid RlnswootJ after ques­tioning. Meinbcrs of the eianilnlns board were Lieut,. M erritt Bholwell, squadron commander; 2nd Llcut. Mary Uorrbi. 2nd Llsut. Olen Jen ­kins nnd W arrnnt OJtlccr Anile Os- lund.

Tibet It the hlghr.it coimtn’ ! the world, with tiiblc Iniida ra>lr 10,000 feet nbove oca level.


Vi rtptif ill r»or «»» *i■net—IndoOnc TltM.

-Dtlni u> Vour Tregbl««- KhnhoDa EMt «


Dancnig LessonsT A f _ ACIIOHA'I’IC — H A I.l.K T

Inslriidiir M erle S toddard Fieffistration-

M om lay, A ur. 2S, I.O .O .F . H alJ , 3 :0 0 p .m ., r):00 p

Special Ballroom RegistrationMonUay, Au*, l,0 ,0 .r. Hall. 5:00 p.m.. anU 6;00 p.m.


B E E F , L A M B O R P O R K , - 1

R IG H T D O W n / N , T H E L IN E ,


W E C L A IM O U R ' M E A T S A R E E X T R A -F IN E ./

L ^ M B

t o R K


OuTfRY' /H A M

ilKKf ROAKT8. Roiind o r

„ 2 2 cHASI.S, I-K NIC

BOISE, AiiK. :5 board of eqiinllijillo dfclderi loday on l w hrlher lo ellmlnat valorem lax tor lln- I

to bullri ui> A Iltiiiiii

,'l r«-cu))all(itl.

an ron tm l ’ n'flrT

that t!ie I1 Infiir

rllmlimtelevy If I t so deslre.i .......................tor Cftlvln E, WrlKht rejiorlfil there now WB.i n $4,000,000 reserve In theSrncnt} tiinci. !h addril Hml threewould be an e'tlmnicd Sl.fton.onn »iirplu.s In the Retienil fund nl enil 0' Ihp flwnl year. June 30, 1!H,'> WlUiout niiy lew thl.« venr.

Oplnl'iin Differ Meinberh nf ilie boiiril r>i>'.,.,.-fi

dlverRenl opltiloiw on thea clo.«c vote nppcurcd llki..............an aRrecmeni 1» rraelied by Mon- flay. M iller cxprev.ed favnr low a Rmnll levy because -mnnev che.ip now and can be rni.<ed ni »n- lly to r po. itwnr puriwv'e.v"

Oov. C, A. Dollolt.^en first fiuorrd a -imall levy bm Inter rommeiilcd tJmt th e boftrd mlitht clIniliiM Slnte A uditor Cnlvln E. Wrlclit Secretnry of stale Georv-e Cnrlli m id th e y still iicrc iintlcclihrt nnri Slnle TrenKiirer Myrtle EnkliiK- Dcatty rcftued com m en «tnnd.

M.irk Hml Time Ellm lnntlon of the levy nould

mark th e first ilnie n cliarui not been made ncMnsl rounil defray Keiiernl state expensr.s nnd would rcdiice tolnl pro|.ertv from si.ooo.ooo to 000.000 provlous yenrs. The unlo payers Icanup twice tins nslti the levy’s ellmlnntlon.

However, ihe next leRl' probably will be fnceri wu neccMlty of niiprojirliillnif monies for vetprnn relief nnd |».stwnr c pIoyinenL project.'. Tlie board eqimlfxntlcnt. 1* noK- empowrred — raise such monies, but Icvyliic an nd vnlnrem tlu.s year can leave n sub.^limtlnl balance for the IpRl. ln- lure lo npproprlnte for .'.nch projeci

Sale of Produce S e t for Grangers

PAIRVIEW. AUK. 25 - K^ilnlew CrnnRcrs planned h prodiire Rule be held AU«. :a «t the Hojrc Sh shop n l Buhl, when they met nt t hall wlUi 41 urc.'enl:

P. L. Atkliis WHS iipiwhited as t GrahRc representative lo attend mcelliifM hclliK held cnnrernlnft re- hnbllltntJon of returning service

• A recen t article th a t niiix'arcd the fn rm patte of the llmc.s-N. was rend by Bcisle Iliirrlvjii,

PollowliiK the bu.sliie.'i sc.--'.ioa members staged r "hobo" party bc- glnnlna w ith n grnnd march. Coj- tuino p r lz ts Went lo Mrs. Janet La-

.Uiam, Cecil Johiw on. con Kramer and Beverly Cmwford. A wiener r o « t foUowea and the-home econ- puncli.

Tlic prtJKrain fur the Sept. 1 ses­sion wlU be presented by the women,

, with M rs. Hnrrlfi Lewis In chnrBc.

School Opens Aug. 28Cedar Dniw «hool will ojicn at B

a . tn.. AUK, 28. Principal n . W. Wll- sou antiouiicrd. Sctiool will be In « :^ o n from 0 a. m. to < p. m. that

All children who become six years old by D ec. 1, 1944. will be i>crTnittcd to en ter sdiool the first doy.


HEATINGF r e e E s tim a te s

C ontract In s ta lla tio n s

MARK WELCHPlum bin ff & H eating Co,

iided I . Irnnd.I hlK


iiihle ii oiienite becni Dl odlrlnlly flxrtl prlce.i

Coiil pri'tliiellDn dropjietl In Ii than linlf nf normal iii-rd< ol 000 tons a m ontli, partly becaii.'.e feiver mlner.« nnd abo hernine li pori.i divlndlrd to nlnioM nulhliiR

KJprlrlr povv»-r ODipiil t>J iijiliuileil JO.omi.OOO.mK) klUmatt 1 a year wa.s hit by nl least a 51 lenl retluetlon bf<;nii.-.c of a clen In llnv of w ntcr at hydruele

It Li not known whether hydro­electric dcveliiiinicnt In the Alps,

“ yrener.s and Ma.sslt central pletrd In 1D44 ii-s srlii-dilln ■Jecl.'! conteniplntfd. niv Iv )f more- thiin hours nnnunlly and n .'av-

liiR of 2,700.000 ton^ of coal n year.

Gannett, Hailey Schools Combine

HAILEJN’. AIIK. 25 — Tlie O annrlt school will be coniblnetl with the Hiilley Krade and h!nh .-(cliooi, ns lit year. iircordtiiK to i< (leclslon liicic at th r olectloii n t Ihe Gnii- ett fchool hoii.se.Tlie ballot.s .Mooil at 24 In favor

of L'ontlnuallon with Hatley schoob Id lOJavorlnt: ii conibhintlon with le Dellevne .school. A group of 45

E. a . ro.ster, .superintendent of Hailey FehDol.-i: Hiii;h Cramer, n ber of the Hailey schoiil board; Cleonie Merrick, liellevue ,'<uptTlti- lendcnt. and Jo lin Uavles. Dellrvue ,'t'hool board member, wore present to aii'i'i'r queslioii.'i conccrntiiR the.'CfjOO!!.

County Supt. Miitk T . Pntler.'on , ^e.^cntrd n llnnnclal htiitcmcnt nnd aiivwcred quc.stions coming under

JiitL'dlctlon.le YounK. chnlrm an of the Oaii-

schnol board, presided. Mr,<. William Sherblne and L. J. Miller acted M electJon Judges with M aur­ice Wtnn as clerk.

Have Us Check Your RadiatorClean or repair your r;idliitor now—before autlfreezo time. Saves you uionpy. preclou.s nntl-frecze niid protect.i your

iE N T O N 'SGlass and llaittalor Shop

KJ 2nd Ea.t Phone 483-W




1 . F r e e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n .

2 . B o t h m e n a n d w o m e n a r e e l i g i b l e , m a r r i e d o r s i n g l e .

3 . M e n a r e e s p e c i a l l y n e e d e d r i g h t n o w .

4 . M a n y d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f f a c t o r y w o r k a v a i l a b l e .

5 . Y o u w i l l b e t r a i n e d b y t h e c o m p a n y .

6 . Y o u w i l l b e p a i d d u r i n g y o u r t r a i n i n g p e r i o d .

7 . H e r e i s a d i r e c t p r o d u c t i o n j o b y o u c a n d o .

8 . A g o o d p a y i n g j o b o f g r e a t e s t w a r i m p o r t a n c e .

9 . H e l p p r o d u c e A m e r i c a ’ s m o s t n e e d e d b i g b o m b e r .

1 0 . E x c e l l e n t w o r k i n g c o n d i t i o n s , h o u s i n g , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n .

1 1 . C o m p a n y r e p r e s e n t a t i v e h e r e s o o n t o i n t e r v i e w a n d h i r e .

1 2 . W a t c h t h i s p a p e r f o r d a t e o f a r r i v a l a t l o c a l U . S . E . S . O f f i c e .

1 3 . M a k e y o u r p l a n s t o a p p l y n o w .

1 4 . M a n y m o r e B - 2 9 S u p e r f o r t r e s s e s m u s t b e b u i l t .

A m e r i c a n e e d s y o u r h e l p i n t h i s v i t a l w a r w o r k !

C o m p a n y r e p r e s e n t a t i v e w i l l i n t e r v i e w

a p p l i c a n t s a t t h e l o c a l o f f i c e s o f t h e

U n i t e d S t a t e s E m p l o y m e n t S e r v i c e o f t h e

W a r M a n p o w e r C o m m i s s i o n

A u g u s t 2 8 , 2 9 , 3 0 , 3 1129 SECOND STREET E. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO

P f r r o w n o w e n g a g e d i n i o rk w i l l n o t b e c o n s id e r e d

B U I L D F O R V I C T O R Y !