Solutions Third Edition 1 Unit 4 Progress Mark: / Mark: / Hi Clare, it’s Rachel! I’m phoning about dinner tonight. I’ve got a chicken and 1 vegetables but I haven’t got 2 onions. I haven’t got 3 time to go shopping. Can you go for me? There are 4some other things that I still need. I’d like 5 tomatoes. Oh, and I need 6carrots too ... is that OK? Thanks Clare! (с 6 по12 апреля), цифра 5-с 13 по 19 апреля, цифра 6 - с 20 по 26 апреля, цифра 7 - с 27 по 3 мая, цифра 8 - с 4 по 10 мая, цифра 9 - с 11 по 17 мая,. Unit 4 Progress Test A Grammar 1 Complete the voicemail with some or any. 2 Complete the questions with is there / are there or how much / how many. 1 computers are in your classroom? 2 any milk? 3 coffee would you like? 4 any tomatoes in the fridge? 5 water is there? 6 a shop near your house? 3 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction. 1 I’ve got a little friends on Facebook. 2 There aren’t much strawberries for our lunch. 3 There’s twenty people in my English class. 4 Can I have a few bread, please? 5 There are a museum in my city. 6 Is there any clubs at your school? 7 ‘Are there any crisps?’ ‘No, there isn’t.’ 8 She needs a lots of help with maths. Mark: /

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 4 Progress Test A

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 8

Hi Clare, it’s Rachel! I’m phoning about dinner tonight. I’ve got a chicken and 1 vegetables but I haven’t got 2 onions. I haven’t got 3 time to go shopping. Can you go for me? There are 4some other things that I still need. I’d like 5 tomatoes. Oh, and I need 6carrots too ... is that OK?Thanks Clare!

(с 6 по12 апреля), цифра 5-с 13 по 19 апреля, цифра 6 - с 20 по 26 апреля, цифра 7 - с 27 по 3 мая, цифра 8 - с 4 по 10 мая, цифра 9 - с 11 по 17 мая,.

Unit 4 Progress Test AGrammar

1 Complete the voicemail with some or any.

2 Complete the questions with is there / are there or how much / how many.1 computers are in your classroom?

2 any milk?

3 coffee would you like?

4 any tomatoes in the fridge?

5 water is there?

6 a shop near your house?

3 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.1 I’ve got a little friends on Facebook.

2 There aren’t much strawberries for our lunch.

3 There’s twenty people in my English class.

4 Can I have a few bread, please?

5 There are a museum in my city.

6 Is there any clubs at your school?

7 ‘Are there any crisps?’ ‘No, there isn’t.’

8 She needs a lots of help with maths.

Mark: / 6

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Mark: / 6

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 8

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 4 Progress Test A


4 Circle the odd word out.1 customer waiter menu chef

2 beef lamb chicken melon

3 onions fish carrots potatoes

4 apples strawberries pineapples mushrooms

5 strawberries carrots onions red peppers

6 lamb lettuce cucumber tomatoes

5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

1 He is for playing the guitar.

2 She’s in music.

3 Are you about the noise?

4 We’re on sport.

5 You’re not very to your brother.

6 The room is of students.

6 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 Could I have two coffee / coffees please?

2 The service / services in this restaurant is excellent.

3 I don’t have a knife and tray / fork to eat my food.

4 Let’s ask the waiter / customer to bring some water.

5 These olive / olives are delicious.

6 I’m not very good in / at cooking.

7 She’s responsible / disappointed with the food.

8 We would like some beef / beefs for dinner.

famous full interested keen kind worried

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Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 4 Progress Test A

Use of English

7 Read the dialogue and complete each gap with ONE word.Toby Good evening. Can we have a 1 for two please?

Waiter Certainly.

Waiter Are you ready to 2 ?

Toby Yes, we are. We’d both 3

Waiter And for the main 4 ?

the soup to start.

Toby I 5

like the pasta, please.

Waiter And 6 you, madam?



The vegetable pie please.

Perfect. 7 you like anything to drink?



Apple juice, please.

Yes, the 8 for me.

Waiter So that’s two apple juices.

Toby Can we 9 the bill now? Oh, and does it include 10 ?

Mark: / 10


8 4 Listen to five people talking. Match the speakers (1–5) with the statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.A Speaker is a chef.

B Speaker is a waiter.

C Speaker eats food that other people throw away.

D Speaker is buying food in a supermarket.

E Speaker is cooking at home.

F Speaker is a customer in a restaurant.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 4 Progress Test B

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

Are celebrity chefs good for us?Celebrity chefs are the new rock and roll! People are used to thinking of singers and actors as celebrities, but more and more kitchen chefs are becoming famous. In South Korea, they even have a special name for them – ‘cheftainers’.Celebrity chefs become famous names when they make popular TV shows. They also write bestselling cookbooks. Some supermarkets use chefs to sell special food items and many chefs open chains of restaurants. Cooking is big money. UK chef Jamie Oliver and his wife are on the UK ‘Rich List’.Celebrity chefs don’t just make money. They can make important changes to the way we think about food and the food we buy. Jamie Oliver is famous for his work on ‘food education’ and for helping to put healthy food on UK school menus. Jamie wants all school children to be able to have a hot, healthy meal during the day. He thinks it’s good for their health and also that good food helps children to learn better.He also wants to change the way that adults eat. He understands that many people are ‘time poor’. A lot of parents work and don’t have time to cook big meals at the end of the day. His TV show 15-Minute Meals helps people prepare fresh, healthy meals in a small amount of time.Not everyone is very keen on celebrity chefs though. Some people say that their food is actually less healthy than ready meals from supermarkets. For example, famous UK chef Nigella Lawson regularly uses much more butter and sugar than the cakes we find in shops. So choose your celebrity chef carefully – some of their food can be bad for you!


9 Read the text. Match paragraphs A–E with questions 1–5.

In which paragraph does the writer …

1 tell us about a cooking programme that helps people to cook meals in quarter of an hour?

2 tell us a new word for ‘celebrity chef’?

3 talk about food that isn’t healthy?

4 describe the different ways that chefs become famous and make money?

5 talk about the good things that some famous chefs do?


10 Write an invitation for a school event that you are helping to organise. Say why the school are holding the event and how you are helping.

Say where the event is and when (day, date and time).

Say what the person should do or bring.

Remind them to confirm if they are coming or not.

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 4 Progress Test B

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 8

Hello. I’m calling because I’d like 1know that you have 2during the day. Are there 4

information about your English courses. I lessons on Mondays, but I haven’t got 3classes in the evening? And I haven’t got


5 coursebooks yet. I’ve only got 6 dictionaries, so please let me

know about the other books that I need. Anyway, my mobile number is 07890 …

Unit 4 Progress Test BGrammar

1 Complete the voicemail with some or any.

2 Complete the questions with is there / are there or how much / how many.1 any bread?

2 cousins have you got?

3 a website I can use?

4 water do you drink every day?

5 time have we got?

6 any vegetables on the pizza?

3 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.1 There is a few orange juice on the table.

2 Is there any films on TV tonight?

3 I don’t have lot of homework.

4 She’s got a little red pens on her desk.

5 There’s two buses that go to my school.

6 There isn’t many cheese in this sandwich.

7 There are an egg in the fridge.

8 ‘Is there an interactive whiteboard in here?’ ‘Yes, there are.’

Mark: / 6

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Mark: / 6

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 8

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 4 Progress Test B


4 Circle the odd word out.1 lamb chicken carrots beef

2 waiter service chef customer

3 cucumber tomatoes prawns lettuce

4 onions chicken carrots potatoes

5 strawberries melon pineapples onions

6 fish chicken rice lamb

5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

1 I’m to the cold weather – I’m from Iceland.

2 The teacher is for planning the school trip.

3 I’m of dogs.

4 My sister’s really at football.

5 Indian food is with British people.

6 Sugar is for you.

6 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 I’d like four lettuce / lettuces please.

2 Are you interested with / in Chinese cooking?

3 I want to read the menu / tray to see what food I can order.

4 The customer / chef is famous for his desserts.

5 This melon / melons is very fresh.

6 You eat a lot of bread / breads!

7 Can we have the lambs / lamb please?

8 The fridge is keen / full of food.

afraid bad good popular responsible used

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 4 Progress Test B

Use of English

7 Read the dialogue and complete each gap with ONE word.Chloe Hi. A table 1

one, please.

Waiter Of course. Over here by the window.

Chloe Thank you.

Waiter 2

Chloe Yes, I’d 3you like anything to drink?

a glass of water, please.

Waiter Are you ready to 4 ?

Chloe Yes, I am. I’d like the prawns to start, followed 5

Waiter Of course, so that’s prawns to start and roast lamb for the 6

the roast lamb.


Waiter Is everything OK 7 you?

Chloe Yes, delicious, thank you.

Waiter Would you like anything for

dessert? Chloe No, thank you. Can I have

the 8 Waiter Of course.

Chloe Does it 9 service?

Waiter No.

Chloe Well, I’d like to leave a 10

now, please?

, so can you add 10%, please?


8 4 Listen to five people talking. Match the speakers (1–5) with the statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.A Speaker is eating out.

B Speaker is looking for food that she doesn’t need to pay for.

C Speaker works as a chef in a restaurant.

D Speaker is cooking for his family.

E Speaker is serving customers in a restaurant.

F Speaker is shopping for food.

Mark: / 10

Mark: / 5

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 5 Progress Test A

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

Are celebrity chefs good for us?Celebrity chefs are the new rock and roll! People are used to thinking of singers and actors as celebrities, but more and more kitchen chefs are becoming famous. In South Korea, they even have a special name for them – ‘cheftainers’.Celebrity chefs become famous names when they make popular TV shows. They also write bestselling cookbooks. Some supermarkets use chefs to sell special food items and many chefs open chains of restaurants. Cooking is big money. UK chef Jamie Oliver and his wife are on the UK ‘Rich List’.Celebrity chefs don’t just make money. They can make important changes to the way we think about food and the food we buy. Jamie Oliver is famous for his work on ‘food education’ and for helping to put healthy food on UK school menus. Jamie wants all school children to be able to have a hot, healthy meal during the day. He thinks it’s good for their health and also that good food helps children to learn better.He also wants to change the way that adults eat. He understands that many people are ‘time poor’. A lot of parents work and don’t have time to cook big meals at the end of the day. His TV show 15-Minute Meals helps people prepare fresh, healthy meals in a small amount of time.Not everyone is very keen on celebrity chefs though. Some people say that their food is actually less healthy than ready meals from supermarkets. For example, famous UK chef Nigella Lawson regularly uses much more butter and sugar than the cakes we find in shops. So choose your celebrity chef carefully – some of their food can be bad for you!


9 Read the text. Match paragraphs A–E with questions 1–5.

In which paragraph does the writer …

1 describe how healthy eating and effective studying are connected?

2 talk about people who can’t spend all day cooking?

3 explain that some chefs use unhealthy items to cook with?

4 introduce us to a new type of celebrity?

5 describe the different ways to get rich from cooking?


10 Write an invitation for a school event that you are helping to organise. Say why the school are holding the event and how you are helping.

Say where the event is and when (day, date and time).

Say what the person should do or bring.

Remind them to confirm if they are coming or not.

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 5 Progress Test A

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 7

Mark: / 7

Unit 5 Progress Test AGrammar

1 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 The cinema is nearer / the nearest than the library.

2 The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is higher / the highest building in the world.

3 He is the funnier / the funniest boy in the school.

4 Your trainers are more casual / the most casual than your shoes.

5 What is more polluted / the most polluted river in the world?

6 Who is kinder / the kindest, your uncle or your aunt?

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.1 In general, people in Australia are than people in Africa, but people in Europe are

_. (happy)

2 Cycling is than walking to school, but trams are . (good)

3 In the UK, rugby is than tennis, but football is . (popular)

4 I think geography is than history, but physics is subject. (bad)

5 The classroom is than the library, but the computer room is _. (hot)

6 Trains are than coaches, but planes are form of transport. (safe)

7 Football is than judo, but skiing is . (dangerous)

3 Find the mistakes in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.1 Which is more far from your country, Russia or Australia?

2 Who is the more polite student in your class?

3 The supermarket is busyer than the small shop.

4 My smartphone is expensiver than my laptop.

5 The chef only uses the most freshest food.

6 What’s the better website to use for our homework?

7 My bedroom is biger than my brother’s room.

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Mark: / 7

Mark: / 7I live in a small 1 town / village in the countryside. It’s a very 2 quiet / crowded place to live. From my bedroom window I can see 3 a farm / an office block. 4 Between / Behind that, there’s a beautiful 5 valley / wood where we can ski in the winter. Some people think life here is 6 boring / exciting – but I love it!

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 5 Progress Test A


4 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.1 My uncle works with animals .

a in an office block b at the gym c on a farm

2 Shall we have a BBQ in the ?a lake b park c car park

3 Scotland is in the of the UK.a north b south c west

4 He’s taking the from Edinburgh to London.a underground b tram c coach

5 I’m borrowing some money from the .a library b bank c post office

6 There’s a fire! We have to leave the building and wait .a outside b inside c between

7 We have to protect wild elephants in Asia and .a Europe b Antarctica c Africa

5 Complete the sentences with the correct verb. The first letter of each word has been given.1 Can I g _ _ _ you a lift?

2 It’s difficult to g _ _ on the train with my bike.

3 It’s late – let’s t _ _ _ a taxi.

4 We can c_______a train home.

5 Many teenagers r_____scooters in southern Europe.

6 Where do you w_____for the bus?

7 Don’t m_____the tram! You have to get to school on time.

6 Circle the correct words to complete the text.

Mark: / 6

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Mark: / 10

Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 5 Progress Test A

Use of English

7 Complete the email with the correct answers.Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1

to the centre, so itshouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2

right and go 3 Park Street. 4 to the end of

the road and turn left 5 _ the crossroads. Go 6 _ on and then 7 the main road. Go 8 the small church on the 9 .My flat is on the left, 10 the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



1 A next

2 A take

3 A straight

B opposite

B cross

B along

C close

C turn

C over

4 A Go B Turn C Take5 A on B in C at

6 A left B right C straight7 A cross B turn C go

8 A over B under C past

9 A corner B crossroads C end10 A next B between C in front


8 5 Listen to three people talking about where they live and work. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?Speaker 11 There isn’t any pollution in the area at the moment.

Speaker 22 There is a supermarket on the right of the office block.

3 The office block has two floors.

Speaker 34 Speaker 3 walks to work.

5 When it rains, he gets a bus with his friend.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 5 Progress Test B

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

your boat every three years. And people complain that when it gets cold, it’s very expensive tokeep the boat warm.

This can be £7,000 a year in some parts of London. In Amsterdam, you have to paint5

Unusual homesThere isn’t enough space to build all of the houses we need in many cities. 1 The average house price in London is now over £500,000, but most workers are still getting low salaries. They have to move out of London into small towns and catch the train to work every day. 2Is there anything we can do about this problem? Perhaps there is, as people are finding creative ways to live near their workplace. More and more people are following the example of the Netherlands. They are choosing to live on water – on the rivers that flow through our cities. Houseboats are a popular new form of accommodation for professionals working in towns and cities. 3There are over 3,500 just in Amsterdam. There are around 6,000 houseboats in the whole of the UK at the moment. Some companies are even building offices on the water.What are the advantages of living on the water? 4You can work in the city, but you can also enjoy living close to the countryside. Second, they are much cheaper than ordinary houses. You can buy a houseboat for as little as £60,000.You have to be careful if you want to buy a houseboat because there are some disadvantages. They are cheaper, but the cost of living on a boat can be more expensive.


9 Read the text. Match sentences A–E with gaps 1–5.

A The Netherlands has the most houseboats in Europe.

B This means that the price of houses in London and the rest of the UK is getting more and more

expensive. C For example, you have to pay for your ‘parking’ space on a river.

D But it costs a lot of money to buy train tickets too.

E First, they are beautiful spaces for people to live and work in.


10 Write an article about a town or city in your country that is popular with tourists. Include information about three of these topics: places of interest; places to stay; history; entertainment;

shopping; eating out; getting around

Use adjectives to describe the town or city.

Introduce the topic in the first sentence.

Write in paragraphs of two or more sentences.

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 5 Progress Test B

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 7

Mark: / 7

Unit 5 Progress Test BGrammar

1 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 Home-cooked food is nicer / the nicest than fast food.

2 Which is smaller / the smallest hotel in the city?

3 Winter temperatures are lower / the lowest than summer temperatures.

4 November is the unhappier / the unhappiest month of the year.

5 Who is more patient / the most patient person you know?

6 She’s more excited / the most excited than me.

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.1 The north of the country is than the west, but the south is

part. (sunny)

2 Sara is than me about the trip, but Aisha is . (disappointed)

3 I normally wake up than my sister, but my brother wakes up _. (early)

4 Liam is at maths than me, but Elena is in the class. (good)

5 Happiness is than money, but your health is . (important)

6 The British Museum is than the National Gallery, but the Louvre in Paris is museum in the world. (big)

7 The train station is than the coach station from here, but the airport is _. (far)

3 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.1 This is the most bad day of my life!

2 What is the more exciting city in Asia?

3 My dad is angryer than my mum.

4 Coldplay are famouser than Ed Sheeran.

5 I’ve got the most longest hair in my family.

6 Which is gooder, a shirt or T-shirt?

7 Where is the hotest place on the planet?

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Mark: / 7

Mark: / 7I’m staying in the capital 1 city / street with my family. It’s a 2 modern / historic place, full of very old buildings and lots of museums. There’s a lot of 3 fields / traffic in the centre, so it’s quite 4 polluted / clean. There is a main 5 town hall / square which is 6 in front of / inside the hotel, so it’s very noisy at night too.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 5 Progress Test B


4 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.1 There is a school trip to see the animals at the .

a park b car park c zoo

2 I want to take a photo of the trees in that .a wood b lake c hill

3 often share the road with cars.a Trains b The underground c Trams

4 Brazil is in America.a South b East c North

5 The coach leaves the at 8 o’clock.a fire station b police station c bus station

6 It’s too cold to swim during the winter.a outside b inside c opposite

7 Let’s go to the for some new clothes.a office block b shopping centre c farm

5 Complete the sentences with the correct verb. The first letter of each word has been given.1 I never t _ _ _ the stairs at work – I’m always too tired.

2 The best place to c_______the road is opposite the park.

3 You have to c_______the next bus.

4 I don’t want to l_____my way.

5 Can you r_____a horse?

6 Do your parents g_____you a lift in the morning?

7 My mum leaves home at 8 a.m. and g_____to work at 8.20 a.m.

6 Circle the correct words to complete the text.

Mark: / 6

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Mark: / 10

Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 5 Progress Test B

Use of English

7 Complete the email with the correct answers.Hi Eva

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way to my flat. Come out of the train station and go 1 thetaxis. 2 the road and 3 right at the traffic lights. 4 along Victoria Road and go 5 the bridge. Go to the 6 ofthe road until you get to Queen’s Square. 7

the second right and go 8 on. You should see a library 9 your left. My

flat is 10 the library, on the other side of the road.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



1 A along B past C under

2 A Cross B Take C Turn3 A take B cross C turn

4 A Go B Take C Cross5 A straight B between C over

6 A left B end C second7 A Take B On C Turn

8 A along B past C straight

9 A in B for C on10 A opposite B front of C next to


8 5 Listen to three people talking about where they live and work. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?Speaker 11 Speaker 1 prefers the city way of life.

2 They are cutting down some of the trees near her village.

Speaker 23 Speaker 2 works in a quiet office.

4 The lake near Hambrook Farm isn’t very big.

Speaker 35 John drives Speaker 3 to work in his car when the weather is bad.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 6 Progress Test A

Mark: / 10

You have to be careful if you want to buy a houseboat, because there are some disadvantages. They are cheaper, but the cost of living on a boat can be more expensive. For example, you have to pay for your ‘parking’ space on a river. 5In Amsterdam, you have to paint your boat every three years. And people complain that when it gets cold, it’s veryexpensive to keep the boat warm.

Perhaps there is, as people are finding creative ways to live near their workplace. More and more people are following the example of the Netherlands. They are choosing to live on water – on the rivers that flow through our cities. Houseboats are a popular new form of accommodation for professionals working in towns and cities. The Netherlands has the most houseboats in Europe. 3There are around 6,000 houseboats in the whole of the UK at the moment. Some companies are even building offices on the water.What are the advantages of living on the water? First, they are beautiful spaces for people to live and work in. You can work in the city, but you can also enjoy living close to the countryside. 4You can buy a houseboat for as little as £60,000.


Unusual homesThere isn’t enough space to build all of the houses we need in many cities. This means that the price of houses in London and the rest of the UK is getting more and more expensive. The average house price in London is now over £500,000, but most workers are still getting lowsalaries. 1But it costs a lot of money to buy train tickets too.


9 Read the text. Match sentences A–E with gaps 1–5.

A There are over 3,500 just in Amsterdam.

B Is there anything we can do about this problem?

C This can be £7,000 a year in some parts of London.

D They have to move out of London into small towns and catch the train to work every

day. E Second, they are much cheaper than ordinary houses.


10 Write an article about a town or city in your country that is popular with tourists. Include information about three of these topics: places of interest; places to stay; history; entertainment;

shopping; eating out; getting around

Use adjectives to describe the town or city.

Introduce the topic in the first sentence.

Write in paragraphs of two or more sentences.

Mark: / 5

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 6 Progress Test A

Mark: / 10

Hi LiamWe 1 in Australia a few days ago. The flight 2really long – 23 hours! But we 3see the Great Barrier Reef from the plane – amazing! We 4very tired at first, but I feel OK now. I

5 to get up at the normal time on Tuesday, but I 6

wake up. Yesterday we 7the area near the hotel. There is one reallyexcellent restaurant nearby. I 8to the waiter. He’s from England and

9 here fifteen years ago! He 10 a woman from

Brisbane. He loves it and doesn’t want to go back! No wonder – it’s great here! Write soon!Best wishes,Finlay

Unit 6 Progress Test AGrammar

1 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 I skated / skatted across the ice.

2 The lions stoped / stopped in the middle of the road.

3 My teacher helpped / helped me with my project.

4 We were there last summer / summer ago.

5 They were lost and couldn’t / could find the path.

6 He called last five minutes / five minutes ago.

7 I studyed / studied ten different subjects last year.

8 The safari park was / were very crowded.

9 We carryed / carried the books for the teacher.

10 Were / Was they in the school play?

2 Complete the email with the affirmative or negative past simple form of the verbs below.

arrive be x2 can x2 chat explore marry move try

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 6 Progress Test A


3 Complete the sentences with words about the natural world. The first letter of each word has been given.1 The black c________moved across the sky.

2 I wanted to give you some pink f__________for your birthday.

3 I love to watch the s________at the end of the day.

4 I’ve got s_____in my shoes from the beach.

5 The g_______in the garden is getting very long.

6 There are a lot of s_______in the sky tonight.

7 The snow is falling onto the g________.

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.1 The kangaroo jumped the tourists.

a along b out of c towards

2 The has got very short legs but it can run very fast.a tiger b crocodile c bear

3 The bear pushed the tree with its .a paw b tail c wing

4 Most animals with four legs have , but gorillas and frogs don’t have them.a a tooth b a tail c a mouth

5 The train to London goes my house every hour.a past b through c along

6 Be careful! There’s a big inside that flower!a butterfly b eagle c bee

7 My uncle is training to be a . He needs to study science for a long time.a journalist b pilot c politician

8 created a new medicine using a plant found in the Amazon jungle.a Scientists b Fishermen c Soldiers

5 Match the adventure holiday activities with the descriptions of the people.

1 Isobel loves climbing down mountains with ropes.

2 Jack loves travelling around new places.

3 Maria is keen on rowing.

4 Mark likes walking through the countryside.

5 Ed likes riding the waves in the sea.

abseiling exploring kayaking surfing trekking

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at background by foreground in in in on on top

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 6 Progress Test A

Use of English

6 Complete the text with the words below.

I’m describing a photo of a National Park 1 Spain. 2the centre, there is a large lake. Behind

the lake, in the 3 , there are some mountains. There is snow on 4 of them and a forest5 the bottom of the mountains. There are two eagles flying 6

7 the water. I can see a butterfly close up on one of the rocks in the 8the air and a small boat

of the photo, and9 the left of the photo there’s a bear standing 10 the lake.


7 6 Listen to five people talking. Match the speakers (1–5) with the statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.A Speaker is describing a camping holiday.

B Speaker is talking about a safari park.

C Speaker is telling us about a study trip.

D Speaker is describing a walking holiday.

E Speaker is telling us about her photography course.

F Speaker is describing a scene from a film.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 6 Progress Test B

Mark: / 5

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The Loch Ness MonsterIn 1933 a man called George Spicer and his wife travelled to Scotland. They were driving on a road near Loch Ness, which is the largest lake in the UK. They described seeing a huge animal that ran in front of them and across the road with a smaller animal in its mouth. A few weeks later, a journalist called Alex Campbell published a story about this ‘monster’. Other people started to tell stories about the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in the newspapers.In December 1993 a man called Hugh Gray photographed the ‘monster’ and the photo appeared in a London newspaper. The photo showed a huge creature with a long tail. People asked – was the photo real or was it fake? But it wasn’t important – the Loch Ness Monster, or ‘Nessie’, was the most famous creature in the country!Many people still believe that there is a sea monster that lives in the very deep water in Loch Ness. The place is popular with tourists, who come to look for the monster. They take photos, but scientists always say that they are fake. The scientists explain that the images on the photos are really elephants or water snakes or trees.Jeremy Wade is a professional fisherman and is now famous for his TV programme called River Monsters. In 2013 he travelled to Loch Ness to look for the creature. He decided that it was actually a shark, similar to those in Antarctica that have dark coloured skin.No one knows the truth. However, Nessie continues to be a modern-day myth and tourists continue to try to take the first authentic photograph of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’.


8 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 The Spicers were in a car when they saw the animal.

2 Hugh Gray published a story about the Loch Ness Monster.

3 The opinion of the scientists is that the photos are not real.

4 Jeremy Wade is a journalist.

5 Wade believes that the Loch Ness Monster is a shark.


9 Imagine you are on safari. Write a postcard. Include information about: where you are and where you are staying.

the weather.

the animals you saw yesterday.

other activities you are planning.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 6 Progress Test B

Mark: / 10

things and Mr Kiffin really 4 me to understand how to take better pictures. On the last day we 5 along a path and down to the beach.Suddenly the teacher 6talking and a dolphin 7out of the sea. I 8believe it! My camera 9in my hand, so I 10 take a photo of it in mid-air! How exciting!Please send me some of your photos soon! Love,Eva

a lot of useful

Hi Maisy,We 1 on a school trip last week. The teachers 2to take us to Wales for our photography course. We 3

Unit 6 Progress Test BGrammar

1 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 We planed / planned our trip a year ago.

2 She tryed / tried to take a photograph of the snake.

3 They visited / visitted the town hall.

4 She arrived last thirty minutes / thirty minutes ago.

5 I chatted / chated to my friend with a new app.

6 She couldn’t / could understand the map so she asked for help.

7 Was it hotter last month / month ago?

8 We weren’t / wasn’t at the party last night.

9 The city was / were dirty and polluted.

10 Were / Was you frightened?

2 Complete the postcard with the affirmative or negative past simple form of the verbs below.

be x2 can x2 decide help jump stop study walk

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 6 Progress Test B


3 Complete the sentences with words about the natural world. The first letter of each word has been given.1 S__________is later in the winter and the days are shorter.

2 There is a bright m_____tonight.

3 The sun is behind a c______.

4 F__________need water and sunshine to grow.

5 The traffic is always very slow in the s_____and it’s dangerous to drive.

6 I looked down at the g________and there was a snake in front of me.

7 We wanted to try free climbing in the m____________.

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.1 Some fishermen helped back into the water before it landed on the beach.

a the whale b the shark c the frog

2 You have to go the long way and walk all of the fields.a up b round c down

3 An eagle’s is usually between one and three metres long.a tail b tooth c wing

4 Insects have six legs, but have eight.a spiders b hippos c giraffes

5 are similar to dogs.a Tigers b Bears c Wolves

6 It’s too hot here. Let’s move the BBQ.a away from b out of c off

7 A wants to write about your experience in Antarctica for her newspaper.a journalist b politician c scientist

8 Who is the fastest British to go around the world in a boat?a pilot b sailor c soldier

5 Match the adventure holiday activities with the descriptions of the people.

1 Tilly loves any sport with small boats.

2 Paul often falls off into the ocean.

3 Ruth isn’t scared of being very high up.

4 Jonny loves riding his bike.

5 Sam likes to go on foot through the fields and valleys.

abseiling cycling kayaking surfing trekking

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at background by centre in in on on on right

Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 6 Progress Test B

Use of English

6 Complete the text with the words below.

This is a photo of a National Park 1Africa that is popular with tourists. There are tall mountains

2 the left of the photo and a beautiful forest on the 3

4 of the photo. There are some climbers 5

. The sky is pink and blue in the top of one mountain and some monkeys

6 the edge of a cliff. Between the mountains and the forest, in the 7 of the photo, there’s ariver. The water is very clear and you can see fish swimming 8 the bottom. 9

there are some elephants standing 10 the river and drinking water.the foreground


7 6 Listen to five people talking. Match the speakers (1–5) with the statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.A Speaker is describing something he saw at the cinema.

B Speaker is describing a holiday with a family member.

C Speaker is describing a road trip in a new car.

D Speaker is giving someone advice about visiting a safari park.

E Speaker is talking about a visit abroad with her university.

F Speaker is describing a trek.

Mark: / 10

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 7 Progress Test A

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Mark: / 10

The Loch Ness MonsterIn 1933 a man called George Spicer and his wife travelled to Scotland. They were driving on a road near Loch Ness, which is the largest lake in the UK. They described seeing a huge animal that ran in front of them and across the road with a smaller animal in its mouth. A few weeks later, a journalist called Alex Campbell published a story about this ‘monster’. Other people started to tell stories about the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in the newspapers.In December 1993 a man called Hugh Gray photographed the ‘monster’ and the photo appeared in a London newspaper. The photo showed a huge creature with a long tail. People asked – was the photo real or was it fake? But it wasn’t important – the Loch Ness Monster, or ‘Nessie’, was the most famous creature in the country!Many people still believe that there is a sea monster that lives in the very deep water in Loch Ness. The place is popular with tourists, who come to look for the monster. They take photos, but scientists always say that they are fake. The scientists explain that the images on the photos are really elephants or water snakes or trees.Jeremy Wade is a professional fisherman and is now famous for his TV programme called River Monsters. In 2013 he travelled to Loch Ness to look for the creature. He decided that it was actually a shark, similar to those in Antarctica that have dark coloured skin.No one knows the truth. However, Nessie continues to be a modern-day myth and tourists continue to try to take the first authentic photograph of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’.


8 Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 George Spicer was married.

2 They saw a strange animal swimming across the lake.

3 Alex Campbell was a fisherman.

4 There was a ‘monster’ with a huge mouth in Gray’s photo.

5 Jeremy Wade doesn’t believe that it is a monster.


9 Imagine you are on safari. Write a postcard. Include information about: where you are and where you are staying.

the weather.

the animals you saw yesterday.

other activities you are planning.

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 7 Progress Test A

Mark: / 10

Unit 7 Progress Test AGrammar

1 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 They brought / bringed a lot of food to the party.

2 Did you make / made this sandwich?

3 I didn’t / don’t have an exam yesterday.

4 They didn’t stay / stayed at home.

5 Did she become / became famous?

6 He taked / took his headphones to school.

7 Did / Does he go to New York last week?

8 The fishermen cought / caught a huge fish.

9 We didn’t ate / eat all of our breakfast.

10 It began / begun to snow.

2 Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets.Kevin Hi Mark! 1

(you / play) in the match on Saturday?

Mark No, I 2 . I 3 (break) my foot in P.E.!

Kevin Oh no! 4

Mark No, I 5(you / be) at home all

weekend? (go) out on

Sunday. I 6

(meet) Jack in town.

What 7 (you / do)?

Kevin Well, I 8

(not / can) go to football either because the bus9

really disappointed!

(not / come) and I 10 (not / have) my bike. I was

Mark: / 10

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first of all follow install now turn on

down in off on up

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 7 Progress Test A


3 Complete the instructions with the words below.1

Secondly, 3


, you have to 2

the app.5

your tablet.

the instructions on your screen.

4 Complete the phrasal verbs with the words below.

1 I forgot to shut the computer last night.

2 It’s very dark. Can you turn the light?

3 It’s too quiet – please turn the volume.

4 She logged and turned off her computer.

5 Where can I plug this charger?

5 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.1 I keep an error message.

a getting b visiting c checking

2 Can I to the internet here?a enter b download c connect

3 I have to my emails.a surf b check c click

4 Is there free Wi-Fi to online?a connect to b visit c get

5 Did you that video from John’s web page?a download b upload c scan

6 Did you read the comments on the internet ?a message b forum c media

7 I can use my speakers in the garden.a touch-screen b HDMI c wireless

8 Plug in your phone in the port.a USB b SIM c HDMI

9 Where can I buy a card for my phone?a built-in b USB c SIM

10 This new laptop has a longer .a Wi-Fi b battery life c built-in 4G

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 7 Progress Test A

Use of English

6 Read the dialogue and complete each gap with ONE word.Assistant 1

, please! 2

can I help you?

Rebecca Hi! I’m looking for some headphones to take on holiday.

Assistant Try these.

Rebecca That’s loud! Can you turn them 3 a bit please!

Assistant Sorry! Is that better?

Rebecca Yes, thanks! How 4

are they?

Assistant With the case, that 5 to £32.

Rebecca 6

you like anything else?

Assistant No, thanks. Can I pay 7 card?

Rebecca Of course. Enter your 8 here please.

Assistant Could I have a 9

, please?

Rebecca Here you are. Would you 10 a bag?

Assistant No, thanks. I’ve got one here.


7 7 Listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?1 Alfie’s grandmother doesn’t know how to send a photo with her smartphone.

2 She wants to send a photo with WhatsApp.

3 Alfie has to press on a button with the letter ‘M’ to send a new message.

4 Alfie’s grandmother took thirty photos the day before.

5 Alfie’s grandmother is sending a photo of Alfie’s cousin.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 7 Progress Test B

Mark: / 10

German and he flew back to his family. A friend of his family spoke on German television and said that nobody could understand why he ended up in England. And it is still a mystery today!

At the hospital, one of the doctors had a brilliant idea. She gave him some paper. The young man drew a picture of a piano on it. The doctors were very excited and took him to a room with a piano. 4For many weeks after this, he didn’t speak, but he only communicated with his music. He played for three to four hours every day. Sometimes he didn’t want to stop playing and the doctors had to pull him away from the piano. The doctors called him the ‘Piano Man’.Eventually, the police took a photograph of him and started a social media campaign to discover who he was. 5He started to speak to the doctors and he confirmed that he was


They tried to find out if someone pushed him into the sea or if he fell from a boat. But the man couldn’t tell them. He seemed terrified. And nobody knew who he was.2

The Piano ManIn 2005 some walkers discovered a man on a road by the sea in the east of England. He was in his twenties. He had a black jacket, smart trousers and a tie. 1 He couldn’t answer any questions about who he was, or where he came from. It seemed that he didn’t have anymemory.


8 Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

A He sang songs and danced around the

room. B Soon after, they took him to


C A few months later, his father recognised him from a photo and they discovered that he was from

Germany. D He started to play a beautiful piece of music and he was calm for the first time.

E The police came and asked him questions, but still he didn’t

speak. F But strangely, all of his clothes were completely wet.


9 Write a narrative about a viral story or video that you’ve read or watched on social media. Say when you saw the video or read the story.

Describe the situation. What happened?

How did it all end? Did it end well or badly? How did it make you feel?

Use some direct speech with the correct punctuation.

Use at least one adverb.

Mark: / 5

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 7 Progress Test B

Mark: / 10

Mark: / 10

Unit 7 Progress Test BGrammar

1 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 She didn’t used / use the correct password.

2 I bought / brought a better smartphone from the supermarket.

3 Did you fall / fell off your bike?

4 They didn’t / don’t go on holiday last summer.

5 He maked / made a lot of mistakes.

6 Did / Does she see the doctor yesterday?

7 Mrs Howard teached / taught us history.

8 I didn’t get / got a good result.

9 Did your dad build / built it?

10 I spoked / spoke to the teacher in the morning.

2 Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets.Abi Hi Nina! 1

Nina Yes, I 2

stick at her house!

Abi Thank goodness! I 4

Nina 6

(you / speak) to Maddy yesterday?

– don’t worry! She 3

(not / know) where it 5

(you / be) worried about finishing your project?

(find) your memory


Abi Yes, I was! I 7 (not / can) do anything at the weekend! I8 (not / have) my memory stick or my tablet. I9 (not / bring) it back from school. Well, I10 (not / finish) my essay, so we can’t go for coffee tomorrow after school.

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finally next restart shut down to start off with

down in off on up

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 7 Progress Test B


3 Complete the instructions with the words below.1


Now connect it again

and 4 5

, save your work and then 2

, disconnect your router.

your computer.

, enter your new password and see if that works.

your computer.

4 Complete the phrasal verbs with the words below.

1 You have to type your username.

2 That music is too loud! Can you turn the volume, please?

3 Let’s turn the television and go outside.

4 Did you back your work?

5 I can’t turn this laptop.

5 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.1 He opened a fake Twitter .

a campaign b forum c account

2 Is there an port for my video camera?a HTML b SIM c HDMI

3 The in my smartphone tells me how far I walk every day.a webcam b case c motion sensor

4 You didn’t the correct password.a enter b click c connect

5 I forgot to my emails last night.a check b scan c click

6 For more information you should the web page.a surf b visit c press

7 I want to these photos from my phone onto my Facebook page.a upload b enter c download

8 I need a different card for this mobile phone network.a built-in b USB c SIM

9 This tablet comes with a webcam.a touch-screen b built-in c viral

10 After that, ‘Return’.a check b get c press

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 7 Progress Test B

Use of English

6 Read the dialogue and complete each gap with ONE word.Assistant Good morning! How 1 I help you?

Matthew I’m 2 looking, thanks. Oh, actually, I need a new memory 3 .

Assistant Here you go.

Matthew How 4 is it?

Assistant That’s £10. Would you like anything 5 ?

Matthew And this charger too please.

Assistant That comes 6

Matthew 8£16. How would you like to 7 ?

cash please. I’m afraid I’ve only got a twenty-pound note.

Assistant No problem. Here’s your 9

Matthew Thank you.

Assistant Would you 10 a bag?

Matthew Yes, please. Just a small one.

and receipt.


7 7 Listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?1 Alfie’s grandmother doesn’t know how to take a photo with her smartphone.

2 Alfie’s grandmother won’t have to pay to send this photo using a messaging service.

3 Alfie’s grandmother has a button with a plus sign on her phone.

4 Alfie’s grandmother has thirteen new photos from yesterday.

5 Alfie’s grandmother wants to send a photo of Alfie.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 8 Progress Test A

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

was from Germany. He started to speak to the doctors and he confirmed that he was German and he flew back to his family. A friend of his family spoke on German television and said thatnobody could understand why he ended up in England. 5

A few months later, his father recognised him from a photo and they discovered that he4

He was in his twenties. He had a black jacket, smart trousers and a tie. But strangely, all of his clothes were completely wet. He couldn’t answer any questions about who he was, or where he came from. It seemed that he didn’t have any memory.The police came and asked him questions, but still he didn’t speak. They tried to find out if someone pushed him into the sea or if he fell from a boat. But the man couldn’t tell them. He seemed terrified. And nobody knew who he was.Soon after, they took him to hospital. At the hospital, one of the doctors had a brilliant idea. She gave him some paper. 2The doctors were very excited and took him to a room with a piano. He started to play a beautiful piece of music and he was calm for the first time. For many weeks after this, he didn’t speak, but he only communicated with his music. He played for three to four hours every day. Sometimes he didn’t want to stop playing and the doctorshad to pull him away from the piano. 3


The Piano Man


8 Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

A The young man drew a picture of a

piano on it. B The doctors called him the

‘Piano Man.’

C In 2005 some walkers discovered a man on a road by the sea in the east

of England. D And it is still a mystery today!

E He made a paper aeroplane and threw it into the air.

F Eventually, the police took a photograph of him and started a social media campaign to discover who he was.


9 Write a narrative about a viral story or video that you’ve read or watched on social media. Say when you saw the video or read the story.

Describe the situation. What happened?

How did it all end? Did it end well or badly? How did it make you feel?

Use some direct speech with the correct punctuation.

Use at least one adverb.

Total: / 70

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Mark: / 10

Mark: / 10

Unit 8 Progress Test AGrammar

1 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.1 I think it won’t be amazing!

2 When you are going to reply to his text?

3 I’ll to see you later!

4 He isn’t not going to play basketball next weekend.

5 I’m going to swimming this afternoon.

6 James will arrives first at the party!

7 You is going to do very well in the competition.

8 Jenny is going write a blog about the trip.

9 She doesn’t think it won’t snow.

10 You will come on your own?

2 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 I’m going to stay in this / next evening.

2 He ’ll / won’t forget your number – he wrote it down.

3 ‘Are you going to wear school uniform?’ ‘No, I ’m / ’m not.’

4 We’re going to doing / do judo next week.

5 The film won’t / will be very good – the story is very boring.

6 They’re going to give a presentation in / after a few days.

7 She ’ll / won’t hate surfing – she’s terrified of water!

8 I don’t think there will / won’t be enough drinking water in the future.

9 Is / Are you going to talk to your parents about it?

10 Will it / It will be expensive?

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Mark: / 6

Mark: / 9

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 8 Progress Test A


3 Complete the dialogue with sports and sports equipment words. The first letter of each word has been given.Clare Mum! I’m going cycling. Where’s my 1 h________?Mum I’m afraid Eva took it. And she has your 2 b_____too!

Clare What? She never asks to borrow my things! She used my 3 r _ _ _ _ _ _ s_______yesterday to run aroundthe park!

Mum Well, she couldn’t find her trainers and she had to do 4 a_____________in P.E. She was in the relay team.Clare Well, I’m really annoyed. I’m going to go and do some 5 y_____in my bedroom to calm down …

4 Match the description with the athletics events below.

1 This race is usually just over 42 kilometres.

2 This event sees who can jump the highest without using any equipment.

3 You have to throw a heavy ball a long distance.

4 You jump over a high bar with a long piece of equipment.

5 This race needs a team of four runners.

6 You have to jump as far along the ground as possible.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.1 I’m upset because I had an (argue) with my brother last night.

2 They want to make a (donate) to charity.

3 He’s looking for student (accommodate).

4 Let’s celebrate the (China) New Year!

5 Rome is my favourite (Italy) city.

6 It was difficult to find a seat in the (dark) of the cinema.

7 My best friend is (Brazil).

8 We are going to have a (discuss) about bullying at school.

9 IKEA is a very successful (Sweden) company.

high jump long jump marathon pole vault relay shot put

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Mark: / 10

Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 8 Progress Test A

Use of English

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets. Use 2–4 words, including the words in brackets.1 I’d prefer not to wait outside. (rather)

I wait outside.

2 I understand what you’re saying. (mean)

I see .

3 I don’t want to go. (fancy)

I that.

4 OK then. (suppose)I .

5 I want to go swimming more than anything else. (prefer)

I swimming.

6 Do you want to cycle instead? (fancy)Do instead?

7 Are you sure about that? (think)Do ?

8 Isn’t badminton cheaper? (would)

I think .

9 What happened next was unbelievable! (guess)

You’ll happened!

10 I forgot to add, you need to bring a towel. (way) , you need to bring a towel.


7 8 Listen to the radio news item about a professional skier. Choose the correct answers.1 How old is Angel Collinson?

a 36 b 16 c 26

2 What is Angel’s nationality?a American b Canadian c British

3 Where is the mountain that she fell down?a Alaska b Canada c Utah

4 How long did the fall take?a thirty seconds b thirteen seconds c three hundred seconds

5 Did her support team see her fall?a Yes – on YouTube b Yes – from above c No – they covered their eyes

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 8 Progress Test B

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

A life of challengeEllen MacArthur is an inspiring British sportswoman. On 7 February 2005, she broke the world record for sailing alone around the world. She recorded her amazing journey through the world’s most dangerous seas with a video diary, surviving Cape Horn in South America. And she immediately became internationally famous. The following year, a Frenchman called Francis Joyon made the same voyage and beat her record. He was faster than her by two weeks.Ellen was born in Derbyshire, England in 1976 and lived there with her parents, who were both teachers, and her two brothers. She began sailing with her aunt Thea when she was just four years old, and spent the rest of her time reading books about sailing.When she was eight, she started to save her school dinner money to buy her first boat. She was eleven when she had enough money to buy it. When she was seventeen, Ellen bought another boat and named it ‘Iduna’. In 1995 she sailed it on her own around Great Britain.In 2009 she announced that she was going to stop sailing, and a year later she donated£500,000 of her own money to create a charity called the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The charity works through business and education to inspire young people to think differently about the future. She wants to help the next generation to design different ways of reusing energy and to get more people using renewable energy.By 2050, Ellen says there will be more plastic than fish in the sea, and she wants her charity to do something about this. Ellen says that changing people’s attitudes to the way they use things and throw them away is the greatest challenge of her life yet.


8 Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

1 In 2005 Ellen MacArthur broke the world record for .a sailing around Cape Horn b sailing around Britain on her ownc sailing around the world on her own

2 Joyon beat MacArthur’s record .a two weeks after her b a year after her c two years after her

3 Her first experience of sailing was with her .

a brothers b parents c aunt

4 It took Ellen years to save enough money to buy her first boat.

a eight b three c seventeen

5 Ellen’s charity wants to encourage in particular to look after the planet.a teenagers b business people c designers


9 You are going on a walking holiday with your school. Write an informal letter to a friend. Apologise for not writing sooner.

Describe the other sports events that the school has organised for the last day of the trip.

Ask your friend to lend you some sports equipment for the holiday. What do you need?

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 8 Progress Test B

Mark: / 10

Mark: / 10

Unit 8 Progress Test BGrammar

1 Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.1 I not going to do judo this evening.

2 They is going to stop in China on the way to Australia.

3 I’ll to study languages at university

4 I think she won’t be tired.

5 What he is going to do?

6 ‘Have a good time at the party.’ ‘Yes, I’ll.’

7 I don’t think the train won’t be late.

8 He’s going to cycling in a few minutes.

9 He will go to the Olympics next year?

10 My brother is going live on a boat.

2 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 She isn’t / not going to sit at the front of the coach.

2 I’m going to playing / play badminton tomorrow.

3 You ’ll / won’t get cold without your coat on!

4 He’s going to write his essay next / this afternoon.

5 He will / won’t get up early tomorrow – he went to bed very late last night.

6 Becky won’t / will be worried when she hears about your hospital appointment.

7 Is / Are they going to drive all the way?

8 ‘Will he come on foot?’ ‘Yes, he will / won’t.’

9 We’re going to watch Star Wars the day before / after tomorrow.

10 I think cars will / won’t get smaller and smaller because petrol will be more expensive.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 8 Progress Test B

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 9


3 Complete the dialogue with sports and sports equipment words. The first letter of each word has been given.Ann The sea doesn’t look too bad this morning. There are some lovely big waves! Shall we go 1 s_________?Charlie I can’t. I forgot to bring my 2 w_________.

Ann Oh no. Why don’t you play 3 v______________on the beach then?

Charlie No, I think I’ll just go for a swim in the hotel pool.Ann OK. Do you want to borrow my 4 g_________?Charlie Yes, please. Oh look! I can do a water 5 a___________class in the pool at midday! Cool!

4 Match the description with the athletics events below.

1 This is the highest jump in athletics.

2 An athlete runs 100 metres and passes something to the next person in the team.

3 You jump a long distance into a small area of sand.

4 A long-distance race on foot.

5 You have to jump as high as you can without a pole.

6 This event tests how far you can throw a heavy ball.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.1 Murray’s greatest (achieve) was to win Wimbledon.

2 We are going to a (Turkey) restaurant this evening.

3 Can I make a (suggest) for the weekend?

4 We had to write a (describe) of the weather in English for homework.

5 You can study the (Germany) language at many schools in the UK.

6 Doctors say that (sad) is not the same as depression.

7 She’s got a (Spain) brother-in-law.

8 Walking for just ten minutes a day can improve (fit) levels.

9 American English isn’t the same as (Britain) English.

high jump long jump marathon pole vault relay shot put

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Mark: / 10

Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 8 Progress Test B

Use of English

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets. Use 2–4 words, including the words in brackets.1 Let’s go climbing at the weekend. (why)

go climbing at the weekend?

2 That’s true, it’s expensive. (right)

You , it’s expensive.

3 I’m not sure I really want to do yoga. (fancy)

I yoga.

4 I don’t want to. (rather)I .

5 Really? (think)

Do ?

6 Yes, you’re right. (see)I mean.

7 I’m not sure about that. (think)

I good idea.

8 She’d rather go surfing. (prefer)

She surfing.

9 If you don’t want to play tennis, what about football?

(fancy) Do instead?

10 I’m sorry that my reply is so late. (apologies) sooner.


7 8 Listen to the radio news item about a professional skier. Choose the correct answers to the questions.1 Where is Angel from?

a Montreal b Utah c Alaska

2 How far did she fall down the mountain?a thirteen hundred metres b a hundred metres c three hundred metres

3 Why was Angel in Alaska?a she was on holiday b she was in a competition c she was at work

4 How many fingers did she hurt?a one b two c none

5 How many people watched the video on YouTube?a 350 b 50,000 c 350,000

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 9 Progress Test A

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

A life of challengeEllen MacArthur is an inspiring British sportswoman. On 7 February 2005, she broke the world record for sailing alone around the world. She recorded her amazing journey through the world’s most dangerous seas with a video diary, surviving Cape Horn in South America. And she immediately became internationally famous. The following year, a Frenchman called Francis Joyon made the same voyage and beat her record. He was faster than her by two weeks.Ellen was born in Derbyshire, England in 1976 and lived there with her parents, who were both teachers, and her two brothers. She began sailing with her aunt Thea when she was just four years old, and spent the rest of her time reading books about sailing.When she was eight, she started to save her school dinner money to buy her first boat. She was eleven when she had enough money to buy it. When she was seventeen, Ellen bought another boat and named it ‘Iduna’. In 1995 she sailed it on her own around Great Britain.In 2009 she announced that she was going to stop sailing, and a year later she donated£500,000 of her own money to create a charity called the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The charity works through business and education to inspire young people to think differently about the future. She wants to help the next generation to design different ways of reusing energy and to get more people using renewable energy.By 2050, Ellen says there will be more plastic than fish in the sea, and she wants her charity to do something about this. Ellen says that changing people’s attitudes to the way they use things and throw them away is the greatest challenge of her life yet..


8 Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

1 Ellen MacArthur broke the world record when she was .

a 25 b 26 c 29

2 Joyon beat MacArthur’s record in .

a 2005 b 2006 c 2007

3 Ellen’s was a teacher.

a mother b brother c aunt

4 bought her first boat.a Ellen b Her aunt c Her parents

5 Ellen paid £500,000 to .

a start a charity for renewable energy. b help a charity for renewable energy.c start a renewable energy business for young people.


9 You are going on a walking holiday with your school. Write an informal letter to a friend. Apologise for not writing sooner.

Describe the other sports events that the school has organised for the last day of the trip.

Ask your friend to lend you some sports equipment for the holiday. What do you need?

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 9 Progress Test A

Mark: / 10

Unit 9 Progress Test AGrammar

1 Complete the dialogue with the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.Tom Hi Jack, it’s Tom!

Jack Hi Tom! I 1

Tom Sorry I 2(not / hear) from you in ages!

(not / phone) you, but I 3 (be) really busytraining for the London Marathon. 4

Jack Yes, I 5

Tom Not bad. I 6

(you / see) my blog about it?

. It’s really cool. How are you getting on?

(download) a new app to measure how far I run each day.

Jack 7

Tom Not yet! My dad 8

Jack Well, we 9

support you!

Tom Brilliant! And I 10

luck mate!

(you / break) your record yet?

(buy) me a new pair of trainers, so maybe they will help!

(put) the date in our diaries so that we don’t forget to come and

(not / forgot) that it’s your driving test tomorrow! Good

2 Seven sentences contain mistakes. Circle the mistakes and write the corrections. Tick () the correct sentences.1 She already has handed in her homework.

2 Have they telled you about yesterday?

3 I’ve learned a lot this week.

4 Have you tidied yet the kitchen?

5 They hasn’t chosen a name for the baby yet.

6 You’ve came to the wrong classroom – you need 12A.

7 I’m so wet! It’s started raining just.

8 He hasn’t had a shower yet.

9 No thanks, we’ve already ate.

10 The film has just ended.

Mark: / 10

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bright cosy large relaxing tidy uncomfortable

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 7

Hi Erin,I’m so pleased that we 1 did / had that conversation last week! Well, I 2 brought / took your advice and I just 3 did / made my best yesterday. I really hate 4 making / taking exams and I know that I’ve 5 made / done lots of mistakes – but it’s over now and I can 6 make / have a rest at last!Thank you again for listening. Don’t forget to 7 bring / take your tablet when you come to my house tomorrow!Love, Tilly

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 9 Progress Test A


3 Complete the modifiers in the sentences. The first letter of each word has been given. Then complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

1 It’s e_____________ in here! Could you close the blinds, please?

2 My parents are annoyed because my bedroom isn’t v _ _ _ .

3 I find it r_________ to sit in the garden after school.

4 This chair is p _ _ _ _ _..................................................Can I sit on the sofa instead?

5 We are going to stay in a f_________ hotel – there are over two hundred bedrooms.

6 Our apartment is small but it’s q_______ , especially in the winter.

4 Circle the correct words to complete the email.

5 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 I do the shopping for our tropical / next-door neighbours because they’re very old.

2 Bear Island is a remote / basic island in Norway which is far from anywhere.

3 Tropical / Daily life is very hard for people escaping dangerous countries.

4 She’s parked the car in the hall / garage.

5 I’ve washed the fruit in the sink / cupboard.

6 Put your jacket on the back of that chair / stool.

7 Turn the lamp / bin on, please, so I can read.

Mark: / 7

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Mark: / 10

Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 9 Progress Test A

Use of English

6 Complete the text with the correct answers.You can 1

a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2

photo shows a family having a meal, 3


second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4 long table and I 5

taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6

say that the people are as if they are deciding

which dish is the best. 7 the first photo everyone is eating, 8 in the second photo, there’s just one person who isholding a knife. I 9 he’s probably the cooking teacher 10 he’s wearing a special, white hat.

1 A look B see C watch

2 A both B first C next3 A so B whereas C because

4 A very B quite C extremely5 A would B will C can

6 A sees B shows C looks

7 A On B At C In8 A but B so C if

9 A say B know C think

10 A so B although C because


7 9 Listen to a conversation between some students. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?1 Emily wants to find a room in a shared house.

2 Emily starts her next year at university in September.

3 Lisa has just tidied the living room.

4 The students in the house share the water bill.

5 Emily can’t call at 9 a.m.

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 1 Unit 9 Progress Test B

Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

Escape the crowdsWould you like to stay in the only hotel on a remote, tropical island? Well, you’d better take your mobile phone with you, because there’s only one telephone too! Welcome to Wittmer Lodge Hotel on Floreana Island. It’s a great place to stay because it has amazing views of the ocean. It’s also located on a black, sandy beach, which is quite unusual, and if you want to see green sand, you can visit the beach at Cormorant Point. So where is this island?Floreana Island is part of the Galapagos Islands, which lie in the Pacific Ocean 906 kilometres west of Ecuador. It was first called Charles Island, after King Charles II of England. It was later renamed Floreana Island after Juan José Flores, the first president of Ecuador, and the island is now ruled by Ecuador. Floreana Island has the most interesting human history of all of the Galapagos Islands. It was the home to the first Galapagos resident – a man from Ireland called Patrick Watkins. He lived there from 1807 to 1809.Floreana is only 67 square kilometres, and its highest point is Cerro Pajas at 640 metres, which is the highest point of the island’s only volcano. There are approximately a hundred people living on the island. Around seventy people live in Puerto Velasco Ibarra, which is the port town; everyone else lives in the higher parts of the island.Two of these islanders are the daughter and granddaughter of Margret Wittmer. Wittmer was the second person ever to settle on the island. She arrived in 1932 when she was pregnant, with her husband Heinz and her stepson Harry. When her son Rolf was born, he was the first person to be born in Galapagos. Margret lived to the age of 95 and welcomed hundreds of tourists to her hotel, including presidents. Today her daughter runs the hotel.What is daily life like on Floreana? It’s quiet! There is not much transport to Floreana. There is only a boat that comes from Santa Cruz island approximately every two weeks. There is just one school with two teachers, and there aren’t any restaurants or bars. But if you are interested in the animals, birds and sea life then Floreana is the perfect destination for you!


8 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 The hotel is on a green sandy beach.

2 Floreana Island was named after the King of Ecuador.

3 Most of the islanders live in Puerto Velasco Ibarra.

4 Margret Wittner’s son Rolf is now the hotel manager.

5 The boat comes twice a month to the island.


9 Write a description of a friend’s home. Include the following: The location of the house or apartment.

Information about the rooms.

Compare it with your family home.

Use conjunctions and modifiers.

Total: / 70

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Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 2 Unit 9 Progress Test B

Mark: / 10

Mark: / 10

Unit 9 Progress Test BGrammar

1 Complete the dialogue with the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.Emma 1

Kelly I can’t. I think I 2

Emma Oh! It 3

(you / log on) yet?

(enter) the wrong password.

(change) and they 4 (give) us a new one.Kelly Well, I 5

Emma 6

(not / receive) any emails with the new password yet.

(you / check) your texts?

Kelly No, I 7 . Let me see. Oh yes. A text 8 (just / arrive)

from the ICT department!

Emma Oh no! I think I 9 (just / lose) all of my work! This morning10 (be) a complete waste of time!

2 Seven sentences contain mistakes. Circle the mistakes and write the corrections. Tick () the correct sentences.1 The class not started yet.

2 They already have had lunch.

3 Has she broke her arm?

4 Anna isn’t here. She’s left just.

5 Look what you’ve just did!

6 Have you met yet your new neighbour?

7 She’s taught me how to back up my work.

8 He hasn’t said ‘hello’ yet.

9 I’ve already forgot what we have to do for homework!

10 That taxi has just stopped.

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comfortable cosy dark relaxing small untidy

Mark: / 6

Mark: / 7

Hi Jordan,I’m just writing to say good luck at university next week! I can’t believe that you’re leaving home! You’ll have a great time and I’m sure you’ll 1 make / bring lots of friends really quickly.Can you 2 make / do me favour before you go, please? Could you 3 bring / take Mum to the doctor’s on Thursday? I 4 did / made an appointment but I can’t go with her now. She can’t5 take / bring the bus on her own because she still 6 makes / has difficulty getting on and off.OK, I’d better go and 7 make / do the shopping before the shops close. Let me know about Thursday.Lots of love, Evie

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 3 Unit 9 Progress Test B


3 Complete the modifiers in the sentences. The first letter of each word has been given. Then complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

1 It’s q_______ in the hall because there aren’t any windows and there’s just a small lamp.

2 The kitchen is always e_____________ after you’ve been in there! Why don’t you put yourdirty things in the dishwasher?

3 We didn’t do much and had a f_________ weekend.

4 The dining room is a b _ _ too for all of the guests.

5 It’s r_________warm and inside – I don’t want to go out!

6 This bed isn’t v______ – I won’t be able to sleep.

4 Circle the correct words to complete the email.

5 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1 We’re going on holiday to a sandy / tropical island full of palm trees.

2 She goes to the shops on Saturdays to buy her next-door / basic supplies for the week.

3 I spend my free / daily time playing on computer games.

4 We need to cut down the tree at the back of our garden / sink.

5 You can find clean socks in the chest of drawers / shelves.

6 All of the children have a little sofa / stool to sit on in the classroom.

7 Can you pull down the curtains / blinds? It’s very bright in here.

Mark: / 7

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Mark: / 10

Mark: / 5

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 4 Unit 9 Progress Test B

Use of English

6 Complete the text with the correct answers.Both photos 1

a group of people in a kitchen. 2 the first photo there’s a family having a meal, 3

in the second

photo there’s a big group of people standing around a table. It looks 4 if they’re taking part in a cooking class 5

they’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. They 6 nervous. 7 they’re waiting for the teacher togive them a score for their food. The 8

photo shows a long table with a lot of dishes on it, 9

_ the first photo only

shows some bread and fruit on the table. I 10 they’re probably having breakfast before they go to school and work.

1 A show B look C see

2 A On B In C At3 A so B because C but

4 A like B as C for

5 A because B whereas C but6 A look B probably C see

7 A Although B So C Perhaps

8 A second B secondly C first9 A because B so C whereas

10 A know B say C think


7 9 Listen to a conversation between some students. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?1 Emily is in her third year at university.

2 Emily found information about student accommodation in the student newspaper.

3 Jenny hasn’t hoovered.

4 There’s a chest of drawers in the bedroom.

5 The landlord is a doctor.

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Mark: / 5

Mark: / 10

Escape the crowdsWould you like to stay in the only hotel on a remote, tropical island? Well, you’d better take your mobile phone with you, because there’s only one telephone too! Welcome to Wittmer Lodge Hotel on Floreana Island. It’s a great place to stay because it has amazing views of the ocean. It’s also located on a black, sandy beach, which is quite unusual, and if you want to see green sand, you can visit the beach at Cormorant Point. So where is this island?Floreana Island is part of the Galapagos Islands, which lie in the Pacific Ocean 906 kilometres west of Ecuador. It was first called Charles Island, after King Charles II of England. It was later renamed Floreana Island after Juan José Flores, the first president of Ecuador, and the island is now ruled by Ecuador. Floreana Island has the most interesting human history of all of the Galapagos Islands. It was the home to the first Galapagos resident – a man from Ireland called Patrick Watkins. He lived there from 1807 to 1809.Floreana is only 67 square kilometres, and its highest point is Cerro Pajas at 640 metres, which is the highest point of the island’s only volcano. There are approximately a hundred people living on the island. Around seventy people live in Puerto Velasco Ibarra, which is the port town; everyone else lives in the higher parts of the island.Two of these islanders are the daughter and granddaughter of Margret Wittmer. Wittmer was the second person ever to settle on the island. She arrived in 1932 when she was pregnant, with her husband Heinz and her stepson Harry. When her son Rolf was born, he was the first person to be born in Galapagos. Margret lived to the age of 95 and welcomed hundreds of tourists to her hotel, including presidents. Today her daughter runs the hotel.What is daily life like on Floreana? It’s quiet! There is not much transport to Floreana. There is only a boat that comes from Santa Cruz island approximately every two weeks. There is just one school with two teachers, and there aren’t any restaurants or bars. But if you are interested in the animals, birds and sea life then Floreana is the perfect destination for you!

Solutions Third Edition Elementary Tests 5 Unit 9 Progress Test B


8 Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 The sand at Cormorant Point is black.

2 The first person to live on the island was Irish.

3 The majority of the islanders live near the top of the volcano.

4 Margret Wittmer was pregnant with her son Harry when she landed on the island.

5 There isn’t anywhere to eat out on the Floreana.


9 Write a description of a friend’s home. Include the following: The location of the house or apartment.

Information about the rooms.

Compare it with your family home.

Use conjunctions and modifiers.

Total: / 70