1. Robin, an adult male is scheduled for exploratory surgery this morning. After he is premedicated for surgery the nurse reviews his chart and discovers that he has not signed a consent form. The nurse’s action is based on which of the following understandings? A.Since the client came to the hospital consent is implied even if the consent for the surgery has not been signed. B.All invasive procedures require a consent form. C.The nurse should have him sign a consent form immediately D.The nurse should have the next of kin sign the necessary consent form Explanation Answer B is correct It cannot be legally assumed that the client consents to a procedure for which he has not given consent. This is not legally defensible. All invasive procedures require informed consent. The surgery is prescheduled and described as exploratory and therefore is not an emergency. If the client is an adult and has not been declared incompetent the client must sign the form. This client should not have surgery performed without written consent. The nurse must notify the physician immediately. The client has been premedicated for surgery and is not alert. He cannot give legal consent when under the influence of mind-altering drugs. The client is an adult and there is no evidence that he has been declared incompetent to make his own decisions. The surgery is exploratory. There is no indication it is for an immediately life-threatening condition. It is not appropriate to ask the next of kin to sign his consent form. Translate Robin, seorang pria dewasa dijadwalkan untuk operasi exploratori pagi ini. Setelah dia premedikasi untuk operasi, perawat meriview rekap mediknya dan menemukan bahwa dia tidak menandatangani formulir persetujuannya. Tindakan perawat berdasarkan yang tepat berdasarkan pemahaman berikut ini adalah ? A. Sejak klien datang ke rumah sakit, persetujuan telah tersirat meskipun persetujuan untuk operasi belum ditandatangani B. Semua prosedur invasif memerlukan formulir persetujuan C. Perawat harus mebuat dia menandatangani formulir persetujuan segera D. Perawat harus memiliki tanda tangan keluarga terdekat untuk menandatangani formulir persetujuan yang dibutuhkan Penjelasan Jawaban B adalah benar

NCLEX Management of Care

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Page 1: NCLEX Management of Care

1. Robin, an adult male is scheduled for exploratory surgery this morning. After he is premedicated for surgery the nurse reviews his chart and discovers that he has not signed a consent form. The nurse’s action is based on which of the following understandings? A.Since the client came to the hospital consent is implied even if the consent for the surgery has not been signed.B.All invasive procedures require a consent form.C.The nurse should have him sign a consent form immediatelyD.The nurse should have the next of kin sign the necessary consent formExplanationAnswer B is correctIt cannot be legally assumed that the client consents to a procedure for which he has not given consent. This is not legally defensible. All invasive procedures require informed consent. The surgery is prescheduled and described as exploratory and therefore is not an emergency. If the client is an adult and has not been declared incompetent the client must sign the form. This client should not have surgery performed without written consent. The nurse must notify the physician immediately. The client has been premedicated for surgery and is not alert. He cannot give legal consent when under the influence of mind-altering drugs. The client is an adult and there is no evidence that he has been declared incompetent to make his own decisions. The surgery is exploratory. There is no indication it is for an immediately life-threatening condition. It is not appropriate to ask the next of kin to sign his consent form.TranslateRobin, seorang pria dewasa dijadwalkan untuk operasi exploratori pagi ini. Setelah dia premedikasi untuk operasi, perawat meriview rekap mediknya dan menemukan bahwa dia tidak menandatangani formulir persetujuannya. Tindakan perawat berdasarkan yang tepat berdasarkan pemahaman berikut ini adalah ?A. Sejak klien datang ke rumah sakit, persetujuan telah tersirat meskipun persetujuan untuk operasi belum ditandatanganiB. Semua prosedur invasif memerlukan formulir persetujuanC. Perawat harus mebuat dia menandatangani formulir persetujuan segeraD. Perawat harus memiliki tanda tangan keluarga terdekat untuk menandatangani formulir persetujuan yang dibutuhkanPenjelasanJawaban B adalah benarHal ini tidak dapat diasumsikan legal secara hukum untuk prosedur yang dia tidak memberikan persetujuan. Hall ini tidak bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Semua prosedur invasif memerlukan informed consent. Operasi dijadwalkan dan dideskripsikan sebagai eksploratori dan oleh karena itu tidak dianggap darurat. Jika klien adalah orang dewasa klien harus menandatangani form tersebut. Klien ini tidak harus melakukan operasi tanpa persetujuan tertulis. Perawat harus segera memberitahukan dokter. Klien tidak bisa memberikan persetujuan ketika dia dibawah pengaruh obat mind-altering. Klien adalah orang dewasa dan tidak ada bukti bahwa dia inkompeten untuk membuat pillihannya sendiri. Operasa ini adalah operasa eksploratori, tidak ada indikasi yang mengancam jiwa. Sehingga tidak tepat jika meminta keluarga terdekat untuk menandatangani formulir persetujuan.

2. A client with Guillain-Barré syndrome has been on a ventilator for three weeks, and can communicate only with eye blinks because of quadriplegia. The intensive care nursing staff sometimes have no time for this tedious communication process. The client’s family comes infrequently since they run a family-owned restaurant that does not close until visiting hours

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are over. How should the nurse respond to the family’s request for exemption from visiting hours?A.Arrange for a volunteer to stay with the client during the day to provide for socialization needs and to facilitate communication with staff.B.Explain to the family that consistency in enforcing rules is important to prevent complaints from the families of other clients.C.Suggest that the family visit in shifts during the normal visiting hours, since the client needs to sleep at night.D.Make an exception to visiting regulations because of the long-term nature of the client’s recovery and the need for family support.ExplanationAnswer D is correctThe need for family support is vital to prevent discouragement and depression. A volunteer will not take the place of family. The need for family support is vital to prevent discouragement and depression, even at the risk of offending the families of other patients. Loss of a breadwinner during the lengthy recovery process may add financial problems for the family. Guillain-Barré syndrome is characterized by the onset of ascending paralysis, which may include respiratory muscles. Persons with Guillain-Barré syndrome may remain ventilator-dependent for weeks, but have full consciousness. The prognosis for recovery from Guillain-Barré syndrome is good, but is very much dependent upon the level of supportive care during the acute stageTranslateSeorang klien dengan sindrom Guillain-Barré telah di ventilator selama tiga minggu, dan dapat berkomunikasi hanya dengan mengedipkan mata karena quadriplegia.Keluarga klien jarang datang karena menjalankan restoran milik keluarga yang tidak tutup sampai jam kunjung berakhir. Bagaimana seharusnya perawat menanggapi permintaan keluarga untuk pengecualian jam berkunjung ?A. Menyediakan sukarelawan untuk tinggal dengan klien selama siang hari untuk menyediakan kebutuhan sosialisasi klien dan untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi dengan staffB. Menjelaskan kepada keluarga bahwa konsistensi dalam penegakan aturan penting untuk mencegah keluhan dari keluarga klien lainC. Menyarankan kunjungan keluarga pada shift jam kunjungan normal, karena klien perlu tidur di malam hariD. Membuat pengecualian untuk mengunjungi ksrena sifat jangka panjang pemulihan klie dan kebutuhan akan dukungan keluargaPenjelasanJawaban D adalah benarKebutuhan akan dukungan dari keluarga sangat penting untuk mencegah keputusasaan dan depresi. Seorang relawan tidak dapat mengambil tempat keluarga, Kebutuhan akan dukungan keluarga sangat penting untuk mencegah keputusasaan dan depresi, bahkan meskipun berisiko mengganggu keluarga pasien lain. Hilangnya pencari nafkah selama proses pemulihan yang panjang malah akan menambah masalah keuangan untuk keluarga. Sindrom Guillain-Barré ditandai dengan kelumpuhan, termasuk otot-otot pernafasan. Orang dengan Guillain-Barré selama berminggu-minggu tergantung pada ventilator, tapi memiliki kesadaran penuh. Prognosis untuk pemulihan dari sindrom Guillain-Barré adalah baik, tapi tergantung pada tahap perawatan suportif.

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3. A 24-year-old woman had surgery today. Her father, a physician but not her surgeon, enters the nursing station and asks for her chart. The best action for the nurse to take is: A.to give him the chart as requested.B.not to allow him to read the chart.C.to ask the attending surgeon if it is permissible for him to read the chart.D.to ask the client if she wants him to read her chart.ExplanationAnswer B is correctThe nurse must maintain the client’s right of confidentiality. Since he is not the client’s physician and does not have a medical need to see her chart, he should not be allowed to read the chart without written permission from the client, who is above the age of majority. Since he is not the client’s physician and does not have a medical need to see her chart, he should not be allowed to read the chart without written permission from the client, who is above the age of majority. It is not the attending surgeon who can give permission for him to review the chart, it is the client. The client must give written permission for unauthorized persons to review her chart. This client had surgery today and is probably not alert enough to give legal permission, which must be written.TranslateSeorang wanita usia 24 tahun menjalani operasi hari ini. Ayahnya, seorang dokter tapi bukan dokter bedahnya, memasuki ruang perawatan dan bertanya tentang rekap medik anaknya. Tindakan yang paling tepat yang dilakukan perawat adalah:A. Memberikannya rekap medis seperti permintaannyaB. Tidak mengizinkan dia untuk membaca catatan medis anaknyaC. Bertanya pada ahli bedah yang hadir jika diperbolehkan baginya untuk membaca rekap medisD. Bertanya kepada klien jika dia ingin ayahnya membaca catatannyaPenjelasanJawaban B adalah benarPerawat harus mempertahankan hak kerahasiaan klien. Karena ayahnya bukan dokter dari klien dan tidak memiliki kebutuhan medis untuk melihan rekap medis klien, maka dia seharusnya tidak diizinkan untuk membaca rekap medisnya tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari klien. Bukan ahli bedahlah yang bisa memberikan izin untuk dia membaca rekap medis klien, tapi klien itu sendirilah yang berhak. Klien harus memberikan perizinan tertulis untuk orang yang tidak berwenang untuk melihat catatannya. Klien ini akan menjalani operasi hari ini dan mungkin tidak ada waktu yang cukup untuk memberikan pernyataan perizinan tertulis.

4. An adult client has continued slow bleeding from the graft after repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Because of the client’s unstable condition, he is in the intensive care unit where visitors are limited to the family. The client insists on having a visit from a medicine man whom the family visits regularly. How should the nurse interpret this request? A.The principle of justice prohibits giving one client a privilege that other clients are not permitted.B.Faith healers do not meet the standards for clergy exemption from visitation rulesC.Medicine men are not approved by the hospital as legitimate health care providers.D.Provision of holistic care requires that the client’s belief system is honoredExplanationAnswer D is correctThe client’s spiritual needs must be met within the framework of his personal belief systems, even if those beliefs differ from those of the nursing staff. Translate

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Seorang klien dewasa terus mengalami pendarahan lambat yang berlanjut dari graft setelah operasi perbaikan aneurisma aorta abdominal. Karena klien berada dalam kondisi yang tidak stabil, klien berada di ruang perawatan intensif dimana pengunjung sangat terbatas, hanya keluarga. Klien bersikeras ingin mendatangkan semacam orang pintar yang biasa dikunjungi keluarga. Bagaimana seharusnya perawat menginterpretasikan permintaan ini?A. Prinsip keadilan melarang memberikan hak istimewa bagi satu klien dimana klien lain tidak mendapatkan hak tersebutB. C. Orang pintar tidak disetujui oleh rumah sakit sebagai penyedia layanan kesehatan yang sahD. Ketentuan dari perawatan holistik mensyaratkan bahwa sistem kepercayaan klien harus dihormatiPenjelasanJawaban D adalah benarKebutuhan spiritual klien harus dipenuhi dalam kerangka sistem kepercayaan pribadinya, bahkan jika keyakinannya berbeda dengan perawat.