NCIS 20th Aniversary

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  • 7/27/2019 NCIS 20th Aniversary





    A Base in Saudi Arabia. There are soldiers milling about. Close up on two soldiers

    walking on a wooden sidewalk. The sidewalk runs in front of the barrack. Onesoldier is young and on his collar is a single bar, a 2nd Lt. His name is STEVEN.Beside him is an older man; on his uniform arm are the strips of a Gunny Sergeant.His Name is JACK LAWSON

    STEVENJack, have the squad ready at 0600 tomorrow for rifle practice. Sooner or later weare going to have to go to war.

    JACKAye sir

    Suddenly there is an exploration. Steve and Jack are knocked off their feet. In thebackground, soldiers are knocked off their feet. They pick themselves up. Steve andJack do the same. They see the barrack on fire. Soldiers are exiting the barrackcoughing. Steve and Jack go to assist the survivors. A corporal comes up to Steve.

    CORPORALThere are several men in there still, sir.

    Steve yells to Jack


    Jack, see to these men. Ill see how bad it is inside.

    JACKAye sir. Be careful in there, Steve.

    Steve goes inside the building. He sees smoke and fire. There are bodies lying on thefloor. Steve checks out the bodies. He sees two soldiers trying to get up. He goes overto them. Steve helps the soldiers to their feet. The soldiers use Steve for support.Steve and the soldiers stagger out of the barrack. Both soldiers drop to the ground.Steve goes back into the barrack. He comes out with 2 more soldiers. He does thistwo more times, the last time with three soldiers.

    Flames can be seen coming through the roof. A last cry can be heard coming fromthe barrack. Steve hears the cry. He starts to go back into the barrack. Jack sees himgo.

    JACK (CONTD)Steven, dont. Its to late

    The building roof collapses. A GENERAL comes up to Lawson

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    GENERALWho was that soldier that kept running into thebarrack, Gunny.


    A hero sir. He saved these nine men

    Jack points to the soldiers on the ground.

    End teaser. Opening credits.


    An elevator door opens. It leads to the headquarters. A figure, male, walks out. He isLEROY JETHRO GIBBS, team leader. He goes to his desk and sits down.

    The elevator doors open once more. Out walks TONY DINOZZO, TIM MCGEE andZIVA DAVID.. They go to their desks.On top of the desks sits a small box. On the boxes is a label with each persons nameon them. Also on the labels are the words Do not deliver before 2/25 and a returnaddress of a publisher in Boston, Ma.

    TONYWhat gives with the packages

    Tony starts to pick up the package on his desk. Gibbs tells him and the others not totouch anything. Gibbs picks up the phone. He asks for the security supervisor.

    Security officer, same age as Gibbs, comes to his desk.

    SECURITY OFFICERWhat can I do for you, Agent Gibbs?

    GIBBSYou were the duty supervisor last night?


    GIBBSWhat can you tell me about these packages on ourdesks?

    SECURITY OFFICERThey can in the mail a couple of days ago withinstructions on the package not to deliver them until the25th. They have already been x-ray and found to only

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    contain books. They were deem safe or they wouldnt

    have been put on the desks

    GIBBSThank you, Mike. That will be all

    The Security Guard leaves the area. Gibbs opens a drawer in his desk. He takes out abox cutter. He slices open the book and looks inside.. He smiles.


    Inside the bar is filled with young men and women drinking, either sitting at the baror at booths and tables.A TV set is playing, sitting on a shelf behind the bar. On the TV is a report on anevent that happened 20 years before.

    Sitting at the bar is PATRICK, a man of 60 years. He is watching the TV. Bartendercomes over to Patrick

    BARTENDERCan I get you anything?

    PATRICKYes. Could you turn up the sound on the TV? I want tohear this report.


    I will, but youll have to order something to remain inthat stool

    PATRICKFine. Ill take a beer.

    Bartender hands Patrick the remote. He goes to a small fridge in back of him, opensthe door and pulls out bottle of beer. He pops it open and brings it over to Patrick.He places it on the bar.


    That will be two dollars, sir.

    Patrick takes out his wallet from his front pocket. He opens it and takes out two one-dollar bills and places them on the counter. Bartender picks up the bills and walksaway.Two young men walk into the bar. They sit down at the bar next to Patrick.Bartender brings each of them a beer. The young man next to Patrick is calledCOLLINS

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    COLLINSHey, Pop. This is a sports bar. Put the game on.

    PATRICKAfter this report is over

    COLLINSI dont care about any report from 20 years ago

    PATRICKI feel sorry for you boy. 28 soldiers died that night. Oneof them was my son. He pulled nine survivors out beforehe was killed himself. They gave him the Medal ofHonor.

    Collins give a laugh of disbelief

    COLLINSPop, do you even know what a Medal of Honor is

    Collins reaches for the remote. Patrick backhands him. Collins falls of the stool. Patlooks down at Collins

    PATRICKMy son was a Marine, boy. A hero. If you ever disrespecthim again, Ill break your neck

    Collins gets off the floor. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He movestowards Pat Collins friend, who name is BATEMEN stands up between them.Bartender comes over to them. He looks at Collins

    BARTENDERI want no trouble in here, Collins. Take your beefoutside (To Pat) Why dont you finish your beer and go.

    I dont need any trouble in here.

    Pat stands up. He looks at the bartender.

    PATRICKIn order to finish the beer, I would have to start it first

    Patrick leaves the bar. Collins and Batemen go after him.


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    COLLINSHey old man. Im not finished with you.

    BATEMENCollins, leave him alone. Cant you see that he is hurting

    over what happened 20 years ago

    COLLINSI dont care. No one hits me and just gets to walkawayand I do nothing about it

    Collins runs up to Pat. Pats back is to him. Collins reaches out with both hands and

    gives Pat a shove on the shoulder blades. Pat lurches forward a couple of feet. Patturns to face Collins


    Dont make fight you, boy. I may look old to you, but Iam able to defend myself.

    Batemen comes up to Collins and Pat. Collins looks at Batemen.

    COLLINSDo you hear him Batemen. This old geezer thinks he cantake on a couple of Marine Recon.


    , Collins, its not worth it.

    Collins does not listen. He moves in on Pat. Collins throws a punch. Pat blocks it andsteps back. Collins keeps coming at Pat. Collins takes another swing at Pat. Pat grabsCollins arms and turns him around. Pat bends Collins arm behind his back Collinsstars to struggle.

    PATRICKSettle down boy or Ill break your arm.


    Let him go. I cant let you harm my friend,

    Pat lets go of Collins. Pat pushes him towards Batemen. Collins turns to face Pat.Collins tries using Martial Arts. Pat blocks all of Collins moves. Pat lands a shot onCollins chin. Collins goes down unconscious.

    Batemen goes after Pat. He throws a couple swings at Pat. Pat hits Batemen.Batemen goes down unconscious. Pat stands over them.

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    We see a hand with a beer bottle. It strikes Pat on the back of his head. Pat goesdown. A long shot of all three on the ground.


    Gibbs is sitting at his desk. Tim, Tony and Ziva are also sitting at their desks. Gibbsphone rings. He picks it up.

    GIBBSSpecial Agent Gibbs

    Gibbs listens on the phone. The other agents stand up, backpacks in their hands.Gibbs replaces the receiver on the hook. Looks up at the three

    GIBBS (CONTD)Stand down. Routine assignment. Quantico has a civilian in lock up. Seems he

    assaulted two Marines last night. Ziva, youre with me. The rest of you can relax.

    Ziva and Gibbs go to the elevator. The doors open. They step in. The doors close.

    INT. COMMANDING OFFICER, QUANTICO BRIG, DAYLt. WILLIAM MACKLAND, 27, stands behind his desk. Ziva and Gibbs stand in front.Mackland stands up.

    MACKLANDSpecial Agent Gibbs, I am Lt William Mackland

    Gibbs and Mackland shake hands. Gibbs introduces Ziva.

    GIBBSThis is Special Agent Ziva David.

    Ziva and Mackland shake hands. Mackland gets down to business.

    MACKLANDLast night, at a bar in downtown bar in Arlington, calledthe Foxhole; a civilian that we have in lock up attacked

    two Marine Recon students. He claims that it was self-defense and tat the Marines attacked him first.

    Mackland opens the top drawer of his desk. He pulls out two items. One is a zip lockbag with pieces of glass; the other item was a partly burnt ID card. Mackland handsthem both to Gibbs. He takes them. Gibbs put the glass in an evident pouch. He keepsthe ID card out.

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    GIBBSIs this the person you have in lock up?

    MACKLANDNo. Its not his ID card. He says that it belongs to his son

    who was killed in the Gulf War.GIBBS

    Why call N.C.I.S.?

    MACKLANDI dont have the manpower to investigate this. Most ofmy personal are guards and patrolman.

    GIBBSI would like to speak with the suspect.


    Of course. If you will follow me I will take you to him.

    The three leave Macklands office. They walk down the corridor to the cell area. In

    the first cell is the suspect. Pat is lying on the bed facing the wall. There is a guardstanding by the cell. He comes to attention upon seeing Mackland.

    MACKLAND (CONTD)How is our guest?

    GUARDVery quiet sir. Except to use the head an hour ago, he

    hasnt move

    MACKLANDSir, I have a couple of visitors who would like to speakwith you

    Pat rolls over and faces them. He sits up on the bed. He stands up and comes over tothe cell door. Gibbs looks at Pat.

    GIBBSI am Special Agent Gibbs. This is Agent David. We are

    from N.C.I.S.

    PATRICKN.C.I.S. Again. Am I under arrest?

    GIBBSLt. Mackland called us and asked if we could investigatewhat happened last night

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    PATRICKI was in a fight with two Marines or at least that is whatLt. Mackland told me and that I was found unconsciouson the ground. Someone hit me with something.

    Pat faces the two men. Ziva moves to where she can see the back of Pats head. Shesees the wound and brings it Gibbs attention.

    ZIVAGibbs, there is dried blood on the wound. It also lookslike the head was cut. There maybe bits of glass still inthe wound.

    Ziva turns to Mackland


    Lt., Why was he taken to the hospital?

    MACKLANDHe refused treatment.

    GIBBSHe should have been taken to the emergency room,anyway.

    Ziva takes out her cell phone and flips it open. She asks Pat to look her way. He doesso and Ziva snaps a picture of him.

    Ziva walks a few feet away from Pat and makes a phone call. Once done he closes thecover and puts the cell phone back in her pocket. She comes back over to Gibbs andMackland.

    GIBBS (CONTD)What did the doctors say in their report about the twoMarines?

    MACKLANDI haventgot their report yet

    GIBBSHow long have they been in sick bay?

    MACKLANDSince 2300 hours last night

    Gibbs looks at his watch

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    GIBBSIts 1000 hours now. Does it take more than 11 hours to

    receive a report from sick bay

    MACKLANDAgent Gibbs, we are very short staffed at the moment. Iam currently the only officer in charge. The M.A.A. Is aGunny Sergeant. The only other personal I have is theCorporal here and two Lances, who go out if there is anytrouble.I am due three replacements in seven days, two officers,who are investigators, and a Senior Master Sergeant.Its no excuse, Agent Gibbs, but I try to do the best I can

    with what I have.

    GIBBSNo one is blaming you, Lt. Mackland. We are going totake Pat with us. We have the resources to clear up thismystery.

    Lt. Mackland motions to the Corporal. He unlocks the cell and opens it. Pat walksout.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Pat, we are going to transport you to N.C.I.S.Headquarters.

    PATRICKI am your prisoner

    GIBBSYou are not under arrest. You are going to headquartersbecause we have the resources to help you.

    Gibbs thanks Mackland. They shake hands. Then Gibbs, Ziva and Pat leave the brigarea.


    Gibbs tells Pat to get in the back seat. Pat does so. Gibbs gets in on the drivers sideand Ziva in the passengers seat. Gibbs turns to Pat.

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    GIBBSIf you feel dizzy or feel like lying down, go ahead. If youfeel like you need to heave let me know and Ill pull over

    to the side of the road.

    PATRICKYou are going through a lot of trouble for a prisoner.

    GIBBSYou are not a prisoner, but a person of interest. At leasta victim. Well find out one way of another.

    ZIVAGibbs, he should see a doctor. That wound on the backof his head is very serious. He could have a severe


    GIBBSHe will see a doctor back at headquarters. What I wouldlike to know is how a man of his age would defeat twoMarine Recon.

    PATRICKI cant remember, Agent Gibbs. Only that they were on

    the ground at the same time I was.

    ZIVAWhile you were speaking with Lt. Mackland I took apicture of our passenger and forwarded it to Abby tosee if she can find a match.

    GIBBSWhen we get to the office, Ill have Abby get a set of

    fingerprints sent to AFISE also,(Gibbs looks in the rear view mirror at Pat)We will need your permission to do so.

    PATRICKWhy would you need my permission

    GIBBSAs I said before, for the present, youre someone whoneeds our help and if we can find what your last name,we can contact someone to come and help you.

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    PATRICKIts not as if I know anyone in high places, especially in

    the Navy. I use to know a couple of JAG officers, but Icant remember their names.


    The elevator doors opened and Ziva, Gibbs and Pat walk out. Ziva goes over to herdesk and sits down. Gibbs and Pat go to the elevator on the other side of the room.The doors opened and they walk in. Tony looks at Ziva.

    TONYWho is that with Gibbs?

    ZIVAHe is the one that we were sent to pick up this morning.His name is Patrick. We dont know if it is his first or lastname. Even he cant remember or the fight he was inlast night.

    TONYPerhaps he is covering up for the fact that he didcommit the crime and now pretends he cant remember


    ZIVAAnd then hit himself behind his head with a beer bottle.If you have seen the injury to the back of his head youwouldnt have made such a stupid statement.


    The elevator carrying Gibbs and Pat stops. The doors open. They step out and walkacross the corridor and into autopsy.Autopsy is set up as before, except there are no bodies on the tables. It is spotlessly

    clean.DR. DONALD MALLARD is sitting at his desk. He sees them come in and gets up andcomes over to them.

    GIBBSPat, this is Dr. Donald Mallard. Ducky, Pat.

    They shake hands.

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    GIBBS (CONTD)For once Ducky, you have a patient who can answer youwhen you speak.

    PATRICKI told you Agent Gibbs; it isnt necessary to give memedical aid.

    GIBBSI am going to insist Pat, because I need you alert. I havemany questions to ask and hopefully youll have the

    answers that will clear up this mystery.Gibbs reaches into his shirt pocket and takes out the partly burnt ID card. He handsit to Pat, who takes it.

    GIBBS (CONTD)This is one mystery that you can clear up right now.This was found on you. Clearly, it is not you pictured onthe card.

    PATRICKThat is my son, Steven.

    GIBBSDo you know where he is stationed?

    PATRICKHe died on Feb. 25th, 1991 at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia,along with 28 others.

    GIBBSWhen the scud missile hit the barrack.

    PATRICKYes. Only he died pulling out the survivors that werehurt. He saved nine soldiers before he died. Theyawarded him the Medal of Honor.

    GIBBSIm sorry for your loss, Pat

    PATRICKThank you Agent Gibbs. May I have the ID card back? Ithas great value to me.

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    GIBBSI will, Pat, but first I need to use it for one last. Let Dr.Mallard fix you up and we can talk later.

    Gibbs leaves autopsy. Ducky checked the back of Pats head. He checks out thewound.

    DUCKYMy, that is a nasty gash you have there. Sit on the table

    Pat does not move


    Doctors order

    Pat complies. He sits on the table. Then Ducky puts on a pair of gloves and begins toprobe the wound. As he is ding this Pat grimaces in pain.

    DUCKY (CONTD)I know it must hurt, Pat, but I have to see how muchdamage there is to your head.

    PATRICKDo what you have to do, Dr. Mallard. What did AgentGibbs mean when he said you finally have a patient whocan answer you back when you talk to them.

    DUCKYJethro didnt tell you. This is the autopsy departmentand I am the M.E. Who works on them

    PATRICKOh great

    DUCKYDont worry my boy. I have a full medical license. It is

    required to become an M.E. So I can help live patients as


    PATRICKEven though we just met, Dr. Mallard, I feel that I cantrust you.


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    Thank you. And please call me Ducky. My friends call meby that name.

    The door to autopsy open and in walks Jim Palmer. Ducky turns to see him comingin

    DUCKY (CONTD)Ah, Mr. Palmer, youre just in time. We have a live

    patient to treat and I can use your help.

    Palmer comes over to Ducky

    PALMERWhat can I do to help you, Dr. Mallard?

    DUCKYTake a look at this wound on the back of Pats head and

    tell me what you think.

    Palmer begins to exam the head would. As he does Ducky speaks.

    DUCKY (CONTD)Pat this is my assistant Jim Palmer. He has been workinghere eight years now. He knows a great deal about thesekinds of wounds.

    Palmer continues to look around the wound. He finishes and speaks.

    PALMERSomeone hit him pretty hard with a solid object.

    DUCKYAre you sure he was hit with something. Maybe he fell.

    PALMERMy best guess, Dr. Millard, is that if he was even pushedor fell backwards he would have enough reaction timethat his hands would help him break his fall.

    Palmer faces Pat from the front. He takes a hold of Pats wrists and turns his handsover to look at the palms. He sees no bruises or lacerations on them.

    PALMER (CONTD)His palms are free from cuts and bruises, so yes, myguess is that he was hit from behind.


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    In this case you would be right Mr. Palmer. There isevident to suggest he was hit with a glass object, mostlikely a beer bottle, since broken pieces of glass werefound near the area were Pat was attacked. Mr. Palmer,get two pairs of surgical gloves, some antiseptic swabs

    and scissors. Also bring over the portable X-Raymachine. I want to make sure there is no glassembedded in the wound or that there are no fracturesin the skull area.

    Palmer goes to gather the items that Ducky asks for.

    PATRICKFrom your accent Dr. Mallard, I would say youre fromScotland.

    DUCKYI am from that country.


    I thought so. I had a friend who was from Scotland.Actually he was much older than me. He was more like afather to me. I lived in an apartment above hisbookstore on Kenmore Square.


    Where is Kenmore Square?

    PATRICKYou have never heard of it. It is a famous street. Thesection I lived in is only a few blocks from the ballpark.

    DUCKYWhat city is this street located?


    DUCKYAh yes Boston. Beautiful city. I have visited there a fewtimes when I was younger. I walked the BostonCommon area. There is a great deal of history in thatarea. Have you ever walked the Freedom Trail?


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    I have taken my son and daughter along the trail manytimes.

    DUCKYYou live near Fenway Park. That is the name of theballpark is it not?

    PATRICKYes. I would take Steve and Melissa, my daughter, to thepark to watch the games. Sometimes, my wife, Melindawould join us. I made sure I had at least one day a weekthat was family only.

    DUCKYTell me about your friend from Scotland.


    He had retired from the R.A.F. And decided to live inBoston. He brought a used bookstore with the help of alawyer friend of mine. He taught me how to fight anddefend myself. His name was Michael Shorten.

    Palmer returns with the portable X-Ray machine with two plates. He hands theplates to Ducky He in turns places a plate in a tray at the head of the exam table.The portable X-Ray machine is of standard issue. There are two lead vests drapedfrom one of the hook.Ducky takes one of the vests and puts it on. Palmer comes back with medicalsupplies on a tray. He places the tray on a protected table and then he puts on theother vest.

    DUCKYPat, I want you to lie down on your stomach with yourforehead on the end of the table.


    Gibbs walks into the Forensic Lab where he finds Abby looking at her computerscreen. She is deep in thought and does not hear him coming in. She has buds in herears that go to an I-Pod clipped to her lab coat pocket.

    In Gibbs hand is a cup of Caf-Pow.Gibbs comes up to Abby and stands behind her. Abby senses something behind her,turns to see Gibbs. She brings her hand to her chest and takes a deep breath. Sheballs her hand into a fist and lightly hits Gibbs in the chest.

    ABBYGibbs, you could have given me a heart attack sneakingin like that.

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    GIBBSWhat have you got for me, Abs?

    ABBYNothing yet. I uploaded the picture Ziva sent me fromher cell phone. Along with photo recognition program, Ialso programmed the computer to find any pictures ofour John Doe in any newspapers from the East Coast.

    Gibbs takes out the military ID card belonging to Pat. He hands it to Abby, who takesit. She looks at it.

    ABBY (CONTD)This cant be our John Doe. Even taking the picture and

    regressing it to this age and this person looks to be 19-21 years old, it would not match.

    GIBBSI know Abs. Our John Doe, as you call him, says that hisname is Patrick. He told me that the ID belonged to hisson Steven. He was killed during the Scud Missile attackthat hit the barrack in Saudi 20 years ago. I want you toa second photo recognition using this photo from the IDand see what you can come up with.

    ABBYDo you know how many Stevens that were stationedduring Desert Storm?

    GIBBSIll cut the odds down for you Abs. That is a Marine

    Corps ID. It says Navy Department on the back.

    ABBYIt will still take a while, Gibbs

    GIBBSDo what you can Abs. One thing else, redo that photo onPat, regressing it 20 years and see if you can findanything.

    ABBYWill do Gibbs.

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    Gibbs hands Abby the Caf Pow. He gives her a kiss on the forehead. He leaves the lab.


    Gibbs stands in front of Zivas desk. She looks up.

    GIBBSZiva, I have a long shot for you. See if you can pull up therecords from 20 years ago on anyone named Steventhat was awarded the Medal of Honor during DesertShield or Desert Storm.

    Ziva begins to type in the information on her computer. Gibbs goes back to his deskand sits down. A few seconds later Ziva speaks to Gibbs across the desks.


    There were three Medal of Honors awarded in the GulfWar to those named Steven. There was Steven DavidPierce, Steven Michael Robbins and Andrew StevenMcBride. We could eliminate the third one since Stevenwasnt his first name.

    GIBBSNot necessary. A lot of people go by their middle name.

    ZIVAIll try and see if I can pull up any additional information

    on the three.


    Gibbs is sitting at his desk. Ducky walks up to the desk. Gibbs looks up

    GIBBSHow is your patient, Ducky?


    Resting at the moment.

    GIBBSIs he ready to be questioned?

    DUCKYNot yet. The wound to his head, though not serious, hadto be cleaned. He didnt require stitches, but there were

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    bits of glass embedded in the wound. I couldnt give him

    anything for the pain because of the concussion. Itmight mask a serious problem later on.Thankfully there is no skull fracture of any kind. He isresting on one of the tables. I left Mr. Palmer with him in

    case there are any emergencies.

    GIBBSDid you talk to him?

    DUCKYYes. He talked a great deal and as his doctor I would bebetraying a confidence if I repeat what he said.Jethro, he is not a criminal. I believe that very much.


    I dont think he is either, Doc, but if he told you anythingthat can help him in anyway, even if it means betrayingthe trust he has in you.

    DUCKYHe never invoked Patient-Doctor confidentiality. Theonly reason why I am going to tell you what he said isbecause it could help him.

    GIBBSOne second Ducky

    Gibbs stands up and whistled. He waves for the others to come over. They do.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Consider this a briefing, Doctor. You have the floor.

    DUCKYVery well Agent Gibbs. Pat and I did have a talk while iwas fixing him up. He told me that he lives in Boston ona street called Kenmore Square.

    TONYDid he say which part of the square? It covers a lot ofarea. I believe there are a couple of colleges in the area.

    DUCKYWhy Mr. DiNozzo, I didnt know you knew the area sowell.

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    TONYWhen I played basketball for Ohio State, we playedagainst Boston College a number of times. So I got toknow the downtown area of Boston very well.

    DUCKYHe mentioned that he could see Fenway Park from thewindows in his apartment and that the park is a fewblocks away. He said that he would take his son anddaughter to the games when the team was in town.Sometimes his wife would join them.

    TONYI know the area he is talking about. But it is completelya business section. There are no apartment buildings in

    that area.

    DUCKYIf you let me finish Tony, I was going to say that theapartment is over a bookstore that was owned by afriend of his he met in 1967. He has lived in thatapartment for the last 45 years.He also mentioned the owner of the bookstore. Patknew that I was from Scotland from my accent and toldme his friend was from there. He gave the owners nameas Michael Shorten.

    Jethro, I knew a Michael Shorten when I was with theRAF. Now I know how Pat learned to fight and defendhimself. Michael was later transferred to the SAS andwas a self-defense instructor. And he must have taughtPat to well.

    GIBBSDid you get this Michael Shortens address or his phone

    number from Pat? We could call him and clear thismatter up.

    DUCKYYou cant Jethro. Michael Shorten died in 1996.

    TONYRoad trip Boss?

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    GIBBSYes. Take McGee with you since you both know the areawell. Get a copy of the picture of Pat from Abby. Askaround. If he really lives in that area for over 40 years,

    someone must know who he is.

    Tony and Tim go to their desks and pick up their gear. They go to the front elevatorand enter when the doors opened. Back to Ducky and Gibbs.

    DUCKYJethro, when you brought Pat into autopsy I though Ihad seen him before. Back in 96 I attended Michaels

    funeral. Pat was much younger then.I was never introduced to him, so I dont know how I

    can help you.

    GIBBSYou have helped a lot, Ducky. Let me know when Pat iswell enough to be questioned.


    Pat, Gibbs and Ducky are sitting around a table in the conference room.


    Are you feeling any better, Pat?

    PATRICKSome. That sleep I got in autopsy helped. Thank you, Dr.Mallard.

    DUCKYYour welcome Pat. I need to tell you that I told AgentGibbs what you told me when I was treating you.


    Its all right Dr. Mallard.

    GIBBSDr. Mallard has told me you are from Boston and thatyou live in an apartment over a bookstore. Can you tellme anymore about the area you live in. Maybe we canfind someone who knows you.

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    PATRICKNot that I can remember at the moment, Agent Gibbs. Iam trying.

    DUCKYWe know, Pat. An injury, such as yours, will take time toheal and some more time to get you memory back. Butit will come back.

    GIBBSWhy did you come to Arlington, Pat?

    PATRICKI went to visit Stevens grave on the 20th anniversary ofhis death.

    GIBBSWhy did you go to the Foxhole in Arlington?

    PATRICKWhats the Foxhole?

    GIBBSIts a bar were you had the fight with the two Marines.


    I dont remember being in any bar. I dont even drink.

    DUCKYJethro, lets take a break for a few minutes. I dont want

    my patient getting aggregated. He has been throughenough.

    GIBBSI would like to accommodate you Ducky, but I need toget the facts if we are going to help him.

    PATRICKDo you think it will be ok to have some water, Doctor?

    Ducky stands up and goes over to the water cooler at the back of the room.

    GIBBSYou mentioned that your son was awarded the Medal ofHonor while he was in Saudi. I had Ziva look up any

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    Stevens that were awarded the medal. There werethree. So we have three possible last names for yourson. They are Pierce, Robbins or McBride. Do thesename mean anything to you.

    PATRICKI dont believe so

    GIBBSWas Steven his middle name?

    PATRICKI dont believe so either.

    GIBBSWell, Ziva is looking further.

    Ducky comes back to the table. He has in his hand a coffee cup filled with water. Hehands the cup to Pat. He drinks the water in one gulp.

    PATRICKThank you Dr. Mallard.

    DUCKYWhen was the last time you ate, Pat?


    At least 24 hours ago. I am feeling a little hungry.

    GIBBSDo you have a place to stay, Pat?

    PATRICKNo. Not that I can remember.

    DUCKYJethro, I can take him home with me. At least there I canwatch him.

    GIBBSNo, Ill take him to my place. There might some more

    questions I need to ask him.

    PATRICKAgent Gibbs, you asked a while ago, if there was anyoneI knew in the area. I seem to remember a lawyer in JAG.

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    Her name is Bree Bryce, but she is probably retired bynow.

    GIBBSIll check on it.

    Pat, Gibbs and Ducky stand up from the table. They leave the room. Ducky goes inone direction, while Gibbs and Pat go downstairs to Gibbs desk.Ziva is still at her desk.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Pat, why dont you wait by the elevator, I need to speakwith Ziva for a minute.

    Pat goes over to the elevator and waits for Gibbs there. He goes over to Zivas desk.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Anything more from the Medal of Honor Society onthose three Stevens

    ZIVANo. They promised to fax me anything they find. I canwait a couple of hours to see if it comes in. If we had hisserial number we could go directly to the NavyDepartment.


    I have an assignment for you. First I need you to call JAGHeadquarters in Falls Church to the personaldepartment and ask them if a Bree Bryce was assignedthere and have then fax the results.

    ZIVAWill do Gibbs

    GIBBSThen, I need you go to a bar in Arlington called theFoxhole and see if anyone remembers Pat being there

    and what led up to the fight. Bring a picture of him. Youcan get a copy from Abby.

    ZIVANo need. I still have his picture on my cell.


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    After your done come back to the office and check to seeif those faxes come in. Call if they do.

    ZIVAWill do, Gibbs.

    GIBBSIll see you tomorrow, Ziva.

    ZIVAAre you taking Pat to your house right now.

    GIBBSYes, so you can call me there.

    Gibbs leaves Zivas desk. He goes over to join Pat at the elevator. The doors open and

    they step in. Ziva watches them go. She picks up her phone


    Ziva is standing outside the Foxhole. She is looking in the bar window. She sees thatthe bar is hopping. She goes inside


    Ziva walks over to the bar area. She sits down on one of the stools.

    The bar is full of patrons, mostly young men and women drinking together.The bartender, the same one from the other night, sees Ziva and comes over to her.

    BARTENDERWhat can I get you?

    Ziva pulls out her wallet from her pocket and shows the Bartender her ID and badge.

    BARTENDER (CONTD)What can I do for N.C.I.S?

    Ziva takes out her cell phone and flips it open. She shows the Bartender the pictureof Pat on her phone.

    ZIVADo you know this person?


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    Yeah. He was here the other night. He demanded towatch a certain program on the TV.

    ZIVAWas he drinking?

    BARTENDERYeah. He had a lot to drink and then picked a fight withtwo of my customers. He hit one of them. I thought hewas going to bust the place up until I threw him out. Hewaited outside for the two Marines and proceeded tocontinue the fight out there.

    ZIVADid you see who hit him over the head with a beerbottle?

    BARTENDERNo. But whoever did saved those Marines lives. Ithought he was going to kill them.

    ZIVAWhy didnt you try to stop him?

    BARTENDERAre you kidding? And end up like those two Marines.


    A big strong guy like you. You must have at least fiftypounds on him.

    BARTENDERThose Marines were strong too. Look what happened tothem.

    ZIVAPerhaps your right, you should have stayed out of it.


    Listen lady. Im no coward. But I cant afford to get intotrouble. I have a business to run and if I am in thehospital, Ill have to shut the door.

    ZIVAAre you the one who call the Quantico Master at Arms.


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    Yes. Now Lady, if you are finished with the questions,either buy something to drink or leave. I have othercustomers to attend to.

    ZIVAIll take a club soda. And its Agent David, not lady.

    The Bartender takes a glass from under the bar. He Puts ice in the glass and then fillsit club soda. He places the glass on the counter in front of Ziva.

    BARTENDERThat will be $2.50

    Ziva takes three one-dollar bills and hands them to the Bartender.

    ZIVAKeep the change.

    The Bartender gives Ziva a look that said gee can you spare it. He walks away.Ziva replaces the cell phone back in her pocket. She picks up the glass and drinksfrom it. She looks over the Bartender and sees he is busy with other customers. Shepours the rest of the club soda in another glass next to her. She takes out a zip lockbag and places the glass in the bag.Ziva stands up and walks out of the bar. A second later another customer, male,follows her.Ziva senses the intruder. She turns to defend herself. The follower holds up his handto signal no trouble.

    MALEI heard you in the bar. The Bartender wasnt telling the

    whole truth. I was here last night. Ill tell you what reallyhappened.


    Pat is resting on Gibbs couch. The room is dark. Pat looks over at the basement and

    sees a light under the door.

    Pat stands up and goes over to the door. He opens the door and goes in. Pat seesGibbs working on his boat.

    GIBBSGood evening. Didnt mean to wake you.

    PATRICK(Closes the door. Comes down the stairs)

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    I was already awake, Agent Gibbs.

    Pat comes over to Gibbs at the boat.

    GIBBSCall me Jethro or Gibbs like everyone else.

    PATRICKIt looks like it will be a great looking boat when its


    GIBBSI hope so.


    I guess building a boat is a lot like writing a book. Its awork in art in itself.

    GIBBSAre you writing a book?

    PATRICKI think so. At least I would like to. After all I told Dr.Mallard I lived in an apartment over a bookstore. I knewthe owner. I must of read a great deal of the books hehad for sale.

    Pat suddenly let out a groan. He places a hand to his head and almost falls over.Gibbs helps Pat over to one of the stools by the tool table. Pat sits down.

    GIBBSDo you need me to call Ducky.

    PATRICKIm all right. I just felt a little dizzy for a second there.

    Im all right now.


    Ziva comes out of the elevator. She goes over to her desk. She puts on the light. Sheis alone. She places her backpack on the desk. She goes over to the fax machine inthe back of the office. In the tray is a sheet of paper She picks it up and looks at it.She pulls out her cell phone and flips it open.

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    Gibbs hears his cell phone rings. He picks it up and flips it open.

    ZIVAGibbs its Ziva. I just got back to Headquarters.

    GIBBSRule 30, Ziva.

    ZIVAThere is someone with you.


    ZIVAI have the information you wanted from that Bartender.There is something odd about him. I managed to get aset of fingerprints from a glass he handled.

    GIBBSLeave it in Abbys lab with a note on it to find out who

    he really is.


    There is also a witness. He told me what happened theother night.

    GIBBSDid you get a statement from him?

    ZIVAYes. One other thing, JAG Headquarters faxed me theanswer to your request. Bad news for Pat., there is noBree Bryce ever stationed at Falls Church. There was aJames Bryce stationed there. He retired in 1996, after

    three years as head of JAG. Maybe Pat got the namesmixed up.

    GIBBSMaybe. Thank you Ziva. See you in the morning.

    Ziva closes down her cell phone. She goes back to her desk and gets her backpack.Ziva goes to the elevator at the back of the office She steps in. As the door closes the

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    fax machine starts up again. A slip of paper comes out of the machine and rests inthe tray.


    PATRICKSomething wrong Gibbs.

    GIBBSThat was Ziva. We got a fax from Fall Church. There wasno Bree Bryce stationed at JAG. There was a JamesBryce. Could you have gotten the names mixed up?

    PATRICKNo. I know Bree. She is as real to me as you are standingthere. Im not lying to you.

    GIBBSNever said you were.


    Gibbs is sitting at his desk, as are McGee and DiNozzo. Ziva walks up to her desk andplaces her backpack on the top. She opens it and takes out a folder. She walks overto Gibbs desk. She hands Gibbs the folder. He takes it.

    ZIVAThis is my report on last night. In short the Bartendersays that Pat had been drinking heavily and it was hewho started the fight with those Marines. The Bartendersaid Pat left, but waited outside for them and continuedthe fight.It was the Bartender who called the Quantico Master atArms, but also claims he doesnt know who hit Pat with

    the beer bottle. He decided to stay out of it for his ownsafely.Then there is the other witness who told me the


    GIBBSWhat is your conclusion, Ziva. What does your gut tellyou?

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    ZIVAThat the Bartender is lying and he knows very well whohit Pat over the head and who may have taken hiswallet. Ive put that in my report.

    GIBBSDid you include the fax from JAG in your report?


    GIBBSAbby should have an answer on those fingerprints onthe glass you left in her lab.

    The phone on Gibbs desk rings. He picks it up and says Gibbs. He listens for a few


    GIBBS (CONTD)Thanks Abby. Ill be right down.

    Gibbs places the receiver back on the hook. He looks up at Ziva.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Thanks Ziva. Ill read your report over. Meanwhile, see if

    you can find any more information on that Bartenderespecially his financial records.

    ZIVAWill do Gibbs. Where is Pat now?

    GIBBSDucky took him to autopsy to check him over. Hebrought a doctor friend of his who specialty isconcussion cases.


    Pat sits on the same table as he did the day before. There is another person withhim. He is Dr. JACK BRYANT, 67. He and Ducky have been friends for many years.


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    Pat, this is Dr. Jack Bryant. He is a specialist inconcussion cases especially those that are sports


    Pat and Bryant shake hands

    BRYANTDr. Mallard has told me you were hit from behind with abottle of some kind. Do you remember being hit?

    PATRICKI remember being hit, but didnt see who did it.


    Do you remember being in an altercation with twoother persons?

    PATRICKSo I have been told

    BRYANTDo you remember your last name?


    BRYANTDo you remember any family members?

    PATRICKI had a wife named Melinda and a son named Steven.There is also my daughter, Melissa.

    BRYANTDo you know where we can find your daughter?

    PATRICKI cant remember. I know she is married to a Marine, but

    I cant remember his name or where he is stationed.

    BRYANTOne last question, Pat, can you remember why you cameto Arlington in the first place?

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    PATRICKI came to visit my sons grave. He was killed 20 yearsago on the 25th.


    Do you know what day it is today?

    PATRICKI believe it is the 27th. Last night while I was with AgentGibbs, in his basement, I experience a dizzy spell. Theycome and go.

    BRYANTThats good to know, Pat. (To Ducky) Why isnt Pat in

    the hospital? It is clear he is suffering from a serve

    concussion. The memory lipases and dizzy spells are aclear sign.

    DUCKYI know Jack, but Pat refuses to be admitted

    BRYANTHe needs a CAT scan. The dizziness could be a sign of ahematoma.


    I took some x-Rays. I didnt see any signs of blood. Iknow it is not conclusive.

    BRYANTLets take a look at the wound.

    Ducky begins to peel the bandage tape from Pats head. He winces a couple oftimes.With the bandage off Bryant looks at the wound.

    BRYANT (CONTD)It looks like the skin was broken, but only on the

    surface. The thickness of his hair must of kept a lot ofthe glass shards from cutting into scrap.

    DUCKYThere were some shards on the surface, but with thehelp of Mr. Palmer I was able to clean them out.


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    How is young Jimmy? To bad he is not here today. Iwould have liked to see him.

    DUCKYIll tell him you were here.. He would have liked to see

    you too.

    BRYANTTo bad hes not into sport medicine. He would have

    been excellent in that field.

    DUCKYPat, I am going to have to clean the wound again.


    I trust you to do what is best, Dr. Mallard, as before.

    Ducky begins to clean the wound. Bryant faces Pat.

    BRYANTPat, I would like you to come to my clinic to let me treatyou. As Ducky told you I am tops in my field when itcomes to concussions. Thats why all the sports teams

    send me their players if they are in need of medicalhelp.

    PATRICKYou want to do that CAT scan?


    PATRICKDo you agree, Dr. Mallard?

    DUCKYDr. Bryant is the expert, Pat. If he says that you need a

    CAT scan, then you can trust his judgment.

    PATRICKVery well, Dr. Bryant. I put myself in your hands.

    The autopsy doors opens. Ducky and Bryant look up to see Gibbs come into theroom. Gibbs comes over to Pat. He is holding the report Ziva gave him.

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    GIBBSDucky, are you finished with Pat for the moment.

    DUCKYYes. Dr. Bryant wants to take Pat to his clinic for a CAT


    GIBBSThat will have to wait, Doc. I have some importantquestions to ask him.

    DUCKYWhats wrong Jethro?


    Last night Pat, I had Agent David call Falls Church to JAGHeadquarters. I had her ask the personal office for anyinformation on your Bree Bryce. They faxed over ananswer. There was no Bree Bryce stationed at FallsChurch or in the Navy at any time. There was anAdmiral James Bryce, who was head of JAG in 1996.

    PATRICKJim Bryce is her husband


    Are you in the habit of calling Rear Admirals by theirfirst names?

    PATRICKOnly when Ive known them over 40 years. What are

    you getting at Agent Gibbs? Do you think I have beenlying to you?

    GIBBSI dont know what to think any more, Pat. When your

    finished with him Doctor, I want to see him in the

    conference room.

    Gibbs cell phone rings. He takes it out of his pocket and flips it open. He says his

    name and he listens for a few seconds.

    GIBBS (CONTD)On my way, Abs.

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    The car containing McGee and DiNozzo pulls up to the curb and stops. They get outof the car and steps up to the sidewalk. In McGees hand is a manila envelope.

    TIMThat looks like the bookstore that Gibbs said might bethe one where Pat lives.

    Tony looks up to see an apartment over the bookstore.

    TONYTheir does seems to be some sort of apartment over the


    Tony and Tim start to walk towards the bookstore. From the alleyway, a youngwoman steps out and asks them if they have any spare change. Her name is Mary.She is of college age.

    TONY (CONTD)Do you always use this alleyway to ask for money?

    MARYWhy do you want to know?

    Tony and Tim take out their wallets. They show her their ID cards and badges. Maryreads the IDs.

    MARY (CONTD)N.C.I.S. You must be Federal cops. Im not breaking any


    TONYDidnt say you were.

    Tony and Tim put t their IDs away. Tony places his hand into his pocket and pullsout a $20.

    TONY (CONTD)You can have this $20 if you can answer a few questionsfor us.


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    Will it get anyone in trouble? I dont want to be knownas a snitch that gets people into trouble.

    TONYNo one is in trouble. In fact you could be doing someone

    a great service.

    MARYWhat can I do to help?

    TONYTim, show the young lady that picture we got fromAbby.

    Tim pulls out the photo of Pat from the envelope. He hands it to Mary who takes it.

    She looks at and then hands it back to Tim.

    TONY (CONTD)Do you know him?

    MARYOnly by his first name. His name is Patrick. He lives inone of the apartments above the bookstore. He wouldgive us money from time to time.


    Do you know anyone else who might know him?

    MARYYou can ask the man and woman who run the bookstoresince he lives above it. They should know his last name.

    TONYWhat is your name?

    MARYMy name is Mary?

    Tony hands the $20 to Mary who takes it.

    TONYThank you Mary. You were very helpful.

    Mary puts the $20 in her jeans pocket. She looks at Tim.

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    MARYYoure kind of cute, Agent McGee. Next time youre in

    Boston I can show you around.

    Mary walks away back to the alleyway. Tony and Tim watch her go. There are

    several others with her. Tony and Time move towards the bookstore.

    TONYThat Mary was sweet on you, Probe. You should takeher up on her offer.

    TIMWhen I was at M.I.T., I came downtown more times thanI can count.

    Tony and Tim walk up the steps leading up to the bookstore.


    The bookstore is like most used stores. The shelves are crammed with books, bothnew and used. Against the walls are more books piled high. In one corner shelf thereare old magazines and other reading material. There are a few customers in storemilling about.At the front counter, Tony and Tim see a man and woman. They are in their late 50sto early 60s. Tony and Tim walk up to the two.

    The woman is EMMA WINSETT, 60, and the man is her husband GEOFFREYWINSETT,62.

    EMMAMay I help you?

    Tony and Tim take out their IDs and show them to Emma and Geoffrey.

    TONYI am Agent DiNozzo My partner Agent McGee. N.C.I.S.

    EMMA(English Accent)

    I am Emma Winslett and this is my husband Geoff. Whatcan we do for the Naval Criminal Investigation Service?

    TONYYou have heard of us?

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    EMMATo many times.

    Tim pulls out the picture of Pat and hands it to Emma

    TIMI understand you may know this person?

    EMMAYes. His name is Patrick Hunter. He lives upstairs in oneof the apartments. Has something happened to Pat?

    TIMHave you known him for long?


    Ive known Pat for nearly 40 years. My husband hasknown him for the last 15 years. We took over thebookstore in 1996, when my father died. Can you tellme what has happened to Pat?

    TIMHe was injured in an altercation with two Marines inArlington, VA. It happened two days ago.


    (Alarmed)Is Patrick all right?

    TONYExcept for some memory loss, he is fine. He has suffereda concussion. That is why we are here, to fill in themissing pieces. Is there a chance we could take a look athis apartment?

    GEOFFREYIs there any reason why you need to see his apartment?

    TONYIt would help to clear up some of the mysterysurrounding this investigation.

    EMMAIll let you in the apartment. But I insist on coming in

    with you.

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    TONYI wouldnt have it any other way.

    Emma Winslett takes a key from a hook on the wall beside her. She comes from

    behind the counter and walks to the backstairs, which leads to the apartments.

    EMMACome this way gentleman.

    Tim and Tony follow Emma. They go up the stairs. Once they are out of sight,Geoffrey picks up the phone.


    The three are outside Pats apartment. Emma uses the key to unlock the apartment.

    She opens the door and the three walks in.


    Tony, Tim and Emma walk to the middle of the living room. There are two opendoors. One door leads to the master bedroom and the other is in the back of theapartment. There are two closed doors, next to the master bedroom. Tony walksover one of the closed. Emma follows him.

    TONYWhy are these doors closed?

    EMMAThe first door leads to Stevens bedroom. That door hasbeen closed for 20 years. Patrick will not allow anyoneto disturb whats inside there.

    TONYWould you please open the door, Mrs. Winslett? Nothing

    will be disturbed. I promise you.

    Emma hesitates for a second. Then she unlocks the door and opens it. Tony isamazed at what he sees.The room is a typical teenagers room. There are posters and pictures on the walls.

    The dresser top has some small picture frames and books on it.Tony looks at the bed. It is made up military style. On the pillow is an officers dresscover with the visor high polished, but with a sprinkled of dust.

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    On the bed itself is laid out with a full dress Marine uniform and the Medal of Honor.

    TONY (CONTD)Thats the Medal of Honor

    EMMAYes. It was awarded to Steven for bravery. He saved alot of lives after a missile hit the barrack in SaudiArabia. Steven died saving those lives.

    TONYFrom the look of this room, Pat expect Steven to comehome to this room and put the uniform on

    EMMAThere are 2 Medal of Honors in this room, AgentDiNozzo.

    TONYYou can call me Tony.

    EMMAI would prefer not to.

    TONYAs you wish, Mrs. Winslett.

    EMMAAs I was saying, there are two medals in this room. Thesecond is on the wall on the other side of the door. Thatmedal was awarded to Stevens father, who was killedin Viet Nam.

    TONYI think we have intruded long enough, Mrs. Winslett.

    Thank you for letting me look.

    Tony closes the door to the room. He looks around, but does not see Tim. He looks inthe back room. He sees Tim sitting at a desk looking through a stack of papers.

    TONY (CONTD)Where is Mrs. Hunter? Wouldnt she be worried that Pathadntcontacted her in the last couple of days?

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    EMMAPatricks wife Melinda died in Feb. 2002.

    Emma and Tim walk to the back room. Coming inside, Tony can clearly see that it isan office. On the walls are more pictures in frames as well as smaller pictures inframes on the desk. Emma stays by the door. Tony comes over to the desk

    TONYWhat do you have there, Probe?

    TIMIt seems that Mr. Hunter is writing a book. It startswhen he meets his future wife and he has gotten as faras Feb. 2002 when she died. He has written anything

    after that period.

    TONYYou got all that in the few minutes you have been inhere?

    TIMI scanned the first few pages and the last few pages.From what I read it is very well written.

    In the middle of the desk, Tony sees a picture in a small 4 by 6 inch frame. It is of

    two women, one around fifty with red hair and blue eyes. The other is younger,about 16 or 17. She also has red hair and blue eyes. P.O.V. Tony, mother anddaughter.

    TONYMrs. Winslett, is this Mrs. Hunter?

    EMMAYes. The other is their daughter, Melissa. She was 17when this picture was taken, just before Melinda wentinto the hospital.

    Tony looks up to see pictures on the fall wall. He walks over to it. It is a picture ofthree young men. The one in the middle is wearing a Marine uniform. It is the othertwo on either side of Steven that caught his eye. One has blonde hair, aboutStevensage. The other has brown hair and looks a few years older.

    TONYTim. Look at this picture

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    Tim, still sitting at the desk, looks up to see what Tony is looking at.

    TIMWhat about it?

    TONYI can see that the one in the Marine uniform must beSteven, but the other two. Surly it cant be...

    A voice, female with a Tennessee accent speaks. It is a soft voice, but has greatauthority. A voice that used to be heard and obeyed. This is Bree Williams, 68.

    BREE (O.S.)If you were wondering if they are Matt Damon and BenAffleck you would be right.

    Tony and Tim look towards the voice. They see Bree. Though she in her middle 60s,she looks like she is in her 50s. She has deep red hair.

    BREE (CONTD)I would like to know who you are and why you seem its

    necessary to invade Mr. Hunters privacy?

    TONYI am Agent Tony DiNozzo and my partner Agent TimMcGee, N.C.I.S.

    BREEYou do have warrant to search this apartment, I hope?

    TONYWe are searching for an identity rather than foranything incriminating.Two days ago, Pat, as we only knew him by, wasinvolved in an altercation with two Marines and he washit over the head with a beer bottle.


    You have these two Marines under arrest?

    TONYThey are not the cause of his injuries. They werealready unconscious on the ground.

    BREEThen it is Pat, who is under arrest. On what chargers?

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    TONYAs far as I know, when we left headquarters, he wasonly being questioned. We are mostly looking for a nextof kin, since he seems to have a memory loss caused by

    the blow.

    BREEIs he receiving medical treatment?

    TONYYes maam, by our doctor at headquarters.

    BREEWhat is this doctors name?


    Dr. Donald Mallard.

    BREEI have heard the name. Dr. Mallard is an autopsysurgeon.

    TONYHe has a medical license.

    BREEHe has to by law to be an M.E. Who is your supervision?

    TONYHis name is Leroy Jethro Gibbs

    BREEGet him on the phone. I want to speak to him.

    TONYYes maam


    Gibbs comes into the lab. He comes up to Abby.

    GIBBSWhat have you got for me, Abs?


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    No Caf Pow

    GIBBSYou said it was urgent. So I came right away.

    Abby goes up to her computers. There are three screens with one picture on screenone and three and two pictures on screen two. Abby goes to screen one. It is apicture of a young man in a Marine uniform.

    ABBYI have a match of the picture that was on the burnt IDcard. Meet second Lt. Steven David Pierce.

    GIBBSSo Pats last name is Pierce.

    ABBY(Walking to screen two)You would think so. We come to the next picture.

    Gibbs looks at the pictures on screen two. The first picture shows a man on hisknees at the side of a grave his left arm around the cross section. Behind him aretwo women. On the left is a woman wearing a Navy dress uniform. On the right isanother young women. Both have a hand on each of the mans shoulder.Standing to the side of the man is a young girl, her back to the camera.


    Can you bring up the name on the cross?

    ABBYAlready have. All you can get was Captain David Allen.His arm covered the last name.

    GIBBSZoom in on the shoulder of the woman in the Navyuniform.

    Abby does so. A close up shows a silver eagle on the shoulder.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Shes a Captain. A very young Captain.

    ABBYYoull like both of them, Gibbs. Theyre redheads as is

    the little girl.

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    Gibbs looks at the third picture. It is the same as the second picture except the littlegirl is standing in front of the man. He is holding her close.

    GIBBSYou can see the last name on the cross in this picture.

    Abby zooms in on the cross section of the nameplate. It reads Pierce.

    ABBYThere is a caption with the photos.

    Ziva comes into the lab. She walks up to Gibbs and sees the pictures. In her hand is asheet of paper.

    Abby scrolls down on the computer.

    ABBY (CONTD)It reads Patrick Hunter, stepfather of slain second Lt.

    Steven Pierce kneels down before the grave of CaptainDavid Pierce U.S.M.C. With Mr. Hunter, from left to right,are Captain Bree Williams, U.S.N. and Mr. Hunter wife,Melinda, who was once married to Captain Pierce andmother of second Lt. Pierce and daughter Melissa.

    ZIVAGibbs, I found this fax in the machine. (Hands fax to

    Gibbs) It must have come in last night after I left. Itsfrom a Captain Bud Roberts, over at Falls Church.

    GIBBSI know Captain Roberts.

    ZIVAHe states he was in the personal office last night when Imade the request on any information on Bree Bryce. Heremembers a lawyer at JAG named Bree Williams whowas married to another lawyer named James Bryce

    Sorry I didnt get this sooner. It might have saved Pat alot of trouble.

    ABBYGibbs, there is one last picture.

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    Abby clicks a button on the computer. Another picture comes on the screen. Itshows Pat standing in front of an older man with his back to the camera. Melindastands beside Pat. There is a medal around Pats neck.In the background behind Pat, over each shoulder is a male and female.

    GIBBSThe person standing with his back to the camera, givingthe medal to Pat must be the older Bush.Abby can you zoom in on the two Naval officers overPats shoulders.

    Abby does so. Gibbs can see it is the same woman in uniform from picture two.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Captain Williams again. I am willing to bet that the manbeside her is Admiral Bryce.

    Abby, have a copy of these pictures made up. Its abouttime Pat was reintroduced to his past.

    ABBYWill do Gibbs.

    GIBBSDid the photo of second Lt. Pierce come with a serialnumber?


    Yes it did.

    GIBBSGive a copy of the photo of Lt. Pierce to Ziva with theserial number. (To Ziva) Print out a copy of youngPierces citation. I want to know exactly why he was

    awarded that medal.

    ZIVAWill do Gibbs

    Ziva receives the picture print out from Abby. Ziva leaves the lab. Gibbs phone rings.He pulls it out of his pocket. He sees that the caller is Tony. Camera on the speaker.

    GIBBSWhat have you got for me DiNozzo?


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    McGee and I found the apartment. The owner, who isdaughter of the original owner, let us inside. We foundout that Pats last name is..


    Hunter. I know and that Steven Pierce is his stepfather.

    TONYIf you already knew this, why sent us on a wild goosechase?

    GIBBSIts what you do best DiNozzo. Thats why your an

    excellent investigator.

    TONYThere is someone here who wants to speak with. Sheclaims to be Pats lawyer.

    GIBBS60s, red hair, very beautiful?



    Put her on.

    Tony hands the phone to Bree, who takes it.

    BREEAgent Gibbs

    GIBBSCaptain Bree Williams, I presume?


    Actually, I retired Rear Admiral. Why do you haveagents invading my clients private quarters? And

    without a search warrant.

    GIBBSIf Im not mistaken, Admiral Williams, the apartment is

    part of the bookstore and is owned by the children of

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    the original owner and they gave permission for myagents to look around.

    BREEWell, I had to get the niceties out of the way, Agent

    Gibbs. How is Patrick?

    GIBBSHurting. He cant remember much of his past because of

    a blow to his head. We found some information on himfrom our computers only a few minutes ago. I was aboutto give him the good news.

    BREEI am coming down to Washington. I want to see Patrickfor myself.

    GIBBSIll have DiNozzo and McGee drive you down.

    BREEWell be taking my cooperate jet. We be on there in the

    next few hours.

    GIBBSVery well Admiral. If you phone which airport youll flyinto Ill have someone waiting to pick the three of you

    up and bring you here.

    BREEAgent Gibbs, when I get off the phone, I will be phoningone other person. He is my son, Major Vincent Pierce.Patricks daughter, Melissa, is married to him.

    GIBBSWhere is he stationed?


    He is head of Marine Recon training at Quantico.

    GIBBSIll have visitors badges ready for Major and Mrs. Bryceas well as yourself.

    BREEThank you Agent Gibbs.

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    GIBBSAdmiral, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?


    You can ask. Doesnt mean Ill answer.

    GIBBSPatrick is more than just your client and in law?

    BREEYoure very perceptive, Agent Gibbs. Ive known Patrick

    Hunter for nearly 45 years. He is only a client and in

    law, but a dear friend. More like a brother and I lovehim dearly. Take good care of him, Agent Gibbs. Thatsan order.

    GIBBSI will Admiral Williams


    Bree closes down the cell. She holds on to it. She begins to punch a series of

    numbers. Phone on the other end begins to ring, It is answered by a female.

    V/OHartman and Associates. Private hanger.

    BREEThis is Mrs. Williams. Is Jerry Geer there?

    V/OYes maam. Ill connect you.

    Bree hears a few clicks on the cell. A male voice comes back over the line. It is JERRY

    GEER, 45, the senior pilot for Hart and Associates.

    JERRYJerry Geer

    BREEJerry, Bree

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    JERRYWhat can I do for you, Admiral Williams?

    BREEI need you to get the jet ready for a flight to Ronald

    Regan Airport in Washington D.C. Can you file flightplan?

    JERRYWhen do you want to leave?

    BREEIn an hour, if possible

    JERRYIt will be cutting it close, but Ill have it ready. The jet is

    completely fueled, but I dont have anything in the way

    of food and drink.

    BREEIts not a pleasure trip this time, Jerry. Do you a copiloton hand?

    JERRYI can have one here before you arrive. How many willthere be?


    Beside myself, there will be two others.

    JERRYIll be ready.

    BREEThank you Jerry.

    Bree closed down the cell phone. She is about to make another call when GeoffreyWinslett comes into the office. He has a cordless phone in his hand. Bree hands Tonyback his cell.

    GEOFFREYMiss Williams, a call from a hotel in Arlington, VA. Theysay that Patrick hasnt checked into his room in the last

    48 hours and he uses this number for emergencies.They want to know what to do


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    Ill take the phone Geoffrey.

    Geoffrey hands the phone to Bree.


    My name is Bree Williams. Whom am I speaking to?

    MORRISONI am the senior manager of the Arlington Inn, Mrs.Williams. As I explained to the gentlemen whoanswered the phone, Mr. Hunter has not checked intohis room in the last 48 hours.

    BREEI am aware of where Mr. Hunter is, sir. He was injuredin an accident.

    MORRISONIm sorry to hear that Mrs. Williams.

    BREEWhat is your name, sir?

    MORRISONMy name in Robert Morrison


    What I need you to do, Mr. Morrison is to have Mr.Hunters clothes and other items packed up and at your

    front desk. I will have someone picked them up. Havehis bill ready and my agent will pay it.


    Yes maam. He owns for three days.BREE

    It will be paid.

    MORRISONVery well, Mrs. Williams. It will be done.

    BREEMy son, Major Vincent Bryce, who is stationed with theMarines, will be there to pick up Mr. Hunters suitcases.

    He should be there in the next few hours.

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    MORRISONI will wait here for his arrival, Mrs. Williams.

    BREEThank you, Mr. Morrison.

    Bree closes down the phone. Then she turns it back on and makes another call. It isto Vince Bryces office in VA.


    The phone in the office begins to ring. Sitting at his desk is Captain Ben Cordell, 37,Vinces assistant. He picks up the phone.


    Major Bryces office. Captain Cordell speaking.

    BREECaptain, I need to speak with Major Bryce right away.

    BENHe is out over seeing training at the moment.

    BREEIt is an emergency, Captain. Tell Major Bryce that it hasto do with his Uncle Patrick.

    BENWhom shall I say is calling?

    BREEMy name is Bree Williams. He knows how I am.

    BENAs I do, Admiral Williams. Ill get him right away.


    Ill hold, Captain Cordell.

    Cordell places the phone on the desk. He gets up and rushes out of the office.


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    Cordell leaves the office. He sees a jeeps pulls up to the parking lot of the buildingand park next to a Mazda 3. At the wheel is Major Vincent Bryce, 29. He is dressed infatigues. Cordell comes over to him.


    Major, there is a phone call for you. Its your mother.She says its an emergency. It has to do with your Uncle


    Vince exits the jeep. He runs into the office and over to his desk. He picks up thephone. Cordell comes into the office and stands by the door.

    VINCEMajor Bryce speaking.

    BREEThat was fast, Vince.

    VINCEI was just pulling up to the office when Ben told me youwere on the phone. He said it has to do with Uncle Pat.

    BREEI need you and Melissa to go to N.C.I.S. Headquarters atthe Navy Yard. It seems that Pat was injured in analtercation with two of your Marines.

    VINCEI know about the altercation. I received a report about itthis morning.

    BREEAnd you have nothing about it?

    VINCEThe report only mentioned a civilian, but not by name.Now that I know who it is, I know what must be done.

    BREEFirst, I need you to stop at the Arlington Inn. Its werePat was staying and pick up his suitcases. He owes forthree days. Will you have enough to settle his bill? Illreimburse you when I get down there.

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    VINCEWhen will you arrive?

    BREEIll be coming down in the jet. I should be there in the

    next few hours. The agent in charge is named Gibbs.Hell have a car at the airport to pick us up. Ill be

    traveling with two of his agents.

    VINCEWill do, Mother. Thank you for calling. Melissa and I willmeet you at N.C.I.S.

    Vince replaces the receiver on the hook. He looks up to see Cordell standing by theoffice door.

    BENIs everything all right, Vince?

    VINCEI am going to have to travel to Arlington. Melissa will begoing with me. It concerns her father. Do you thinkJennifer can watch the boys? She might have to spendthe night.


    I cant see any reason why not. Ill have her over at yourquarters right away.

    VINCEThank you Ben. Youll have to over see training for the

    next couple of days.

    BENWill do, Vince.


    By the way, are those two Marines still in sick bay?

    BENYes. They should be released by tomorrow to be put onlight duty for the next few days.

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    VINCERestrict them to barrack until I get back and then havethem report to me.


    Aye sir.

    Vince leaves the office.

    EXT. OFFICE BUILDING. PARKING LOT. DAY.Vince goes over to the Mazda 3. He gets in and starts up the car and pulls out of theparking lot.


    Cordell goes over to the desk and picks up the phone. He makes a call.


    Tony, Tim, and Bree are outside. In front of Tony and Tims car is a pure white 64

    1/2 Mustang Fastback. Tony looks at the car and smiles.

    TONYThats a 64 1/2 Mustang Fastback. It looks like it justcame off the showroom floor.

    BREEYou know your cars, Agent DiNozzo. Yes it is a 64 1/2. Ibrought it brand new and have had it ever since.

    Tony goes to the front of the car. He sees the license plate. The plate reads Hon-Bon-Grl. Tony mouths the words to himself. He looks up at Bree with a puzzled look onhis face.

    BREE (CONTD)If youre a good boy Agent DiNozzo, Ill tell you the story

    about that plate on the way to Washington.

    TONYI can hardly wait.

    BREEIf the two of you will follow in your car to the hanger wewill be on our way.

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    Tony places his hand inside his pants pocket and pulls out the car keys. He tossesthem to Tim, who catches them.

    TONYYou drive our car Probe. Ill ride with Admiral Williams.

    TIMWill do.

    BREEShall we be going Agent DiNozzo?


    The Mazda 3, with Bryce behind the wheel, pulls into the driveway in back of a redFord. He turns the engine off and gets out of the car.

    Vince walks up to the house and goes inside. He sees his wife, Melissa Hunter Bryce,27, sitting on the living room couch with a young raven girl. This is JENNIFERCORDELL, 16.Melissa looks up to see Vince coming into the living room. Melissa gets up andcomes over to Vince. She gives him a hug and kiss.

    MELISSAJennifer came over and said her father had asked her tobaby sits the boys.


    Ill tell you in a minute. (Looks at Jennifer) Thank youfor coming, Jennifer, to sit on short notice. Did yourfather tell you the reason why we need you tonight?

    JENNIFERYes sir, he did.

    VINCECould you give Mrs. Bryce and myself the room for aminute while I explain everything?

    JENNIFERYes sir.

    MELISSAThere is a Diet Pepsi in the fridge for you.

    JENNIFERThank you, Mrs. Bryce.

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    Jennifer leaves the living room area and goes into the kitchen. Melissa watches hergo.


    Whats happening, Vince?

    VINCEI got a call from Mother, a half hour ago. She says thatUncle Pat had come to Arlington two days ago anddidnt tell anyone he was coming.

    MELISSATwo days ago, the 25th. He came to visit Stevens grave.

    I had gone earlier in the day, but I didnt see him. Why

    didnt he call us?

    VINCEI dont know. According to Mother and I report I

    received from the Master at Arms office this morning,your father got into an altercation with two of myMarines.

    MELISSAIs he all right?

    VINCEHe only suffered a blow to the head, but the twoMarines ended up in the hospital. Anyway he is atN.C.I.S. Headquarters at the Navy Yard. Mother wants usto go there for support. She is coming down fromBoston.

    MELISSAGive me a few minutes to change.

    VINCEGo ahead. I have to change uniforms.

    Before Melissa and Vince go up the stairs, James Bryce, one of the twin boys comesinto the living room.

    JAMESAre you really going to see Grandpa Pat, Mother?

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    May Steve and I come with you?


    Not this time sweetheart. Something has happened tohim and we have to pick him up. Perhaps youll see him

    tomorrow. Meanwhile, Jenny will be here to watch overyou and your brother.

    JAMESO.K. At least she likes to play video games.

    Melissa gives James a kiss on the forehead and tells him that Jennifer is in thekitchen and sent him on his way.


    Vince and Melissa come back downstairs. Melissa has changed into a red dress andVince into an olive green dress uniform.They come into living room and they see Jennifer and the boys sitting on the couchwatching T.V. They come over to them

    MELISSAJenny, you have both our cell phone numbers in case ofemergency.

    JENNIFERYes maam, Mrs. Bryce.

    MELISSANine oclock bedtime, boys. You still have schooltomorrow. Make sure youre homework is finished.

    BOTH BOYSAlready done.

    Melissa gives each of the boys a kiss on the forehead.

    MELISSA(To Jennifer)

    Dont let the boys give you any trouble.

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    JENNIFERYes maam. They never give any trouble. Drive safely.Say hello to Mr. Hunter for me.

    BOTH BOYSTell Grandpa Pat we miss him and want to see him.

    MELISSAI will.

    Melissa and Vince leave the house.


    Gibbs comes into the bullpen area. He has the folder with the pictures from Abby inhis hand. He comes up to Zivas desk. He asks if she has the citation and she hands it

    to him.

    GIBBSWhat about the Navy record?

    ZIVAIts forthcoming. Gibbs, I read the citation. Steven was

    very brave young man. I dont know of anyone his agethat would have the guts to run into a burning building

    to help save lives at the risk of his own.

    Gibbs takes the citation from Ziva and looks at it.

    GIBBSWhen you get the personal and financial records of theFoxhole let me know.

    ZIVAWill do.

    Gibbs goes up the stairs to the conference room. He opens the door and walks in.


    Gibbs walks into the room. Sitting at the table is Ducky, Patrick and Bryant. Gibbsgoes to the nearest chair to Pat. He places the folder on the table with the citationupside down. He looks at Ducky.

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    GIBBSHow is Pat, Ducky?


    Dr. Bryant and I consider that there is no permanentdamage and that he will recover and hopefully hismemory as well. Dr. Bryant wants take Pat to his clinicto do a CAT scan.

    BRYANTThat is if Agent Gibbs will allow it. If he will release Patto me for the day.

    GIBBSMr. Hunter is not under arrest. He is free to leave any

    time he wants to. I only kept him here because he hadnowhere else to go. I needed to find out who he is and Ihave found what I am looking for.

    Gibbs picks up the folder. He pulls out the photos that Abby had given him. One byone he places them on the table in front of Pat.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Do you remember these photos, Pat?


    Yes. The first photo is my son, Steven. The next twowere taken at his burial at Arlington Cemetery in April,1991.The last picture was at the awards ceremony where theolder Bush presented me with Stevens Medal of Honor.

    I told him I would rather have my son than the medal.

    GIBBSDo you recognize the three women in photo two?


    Yes. The one in uniform is Bree. The other two are mylate wife, Melinda, and my daughter.

    GIBBSAnd the grave you are kneeling at?

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    PATRICKIt belongs to Stevens real father, David Pierce. I made a

    promise to keep both Melinda and Steven safe. I failed.Steven was killed and Melinda died ten years later. Shenever forgave for what happened to her son.

    GIBBSIn photo three do you know whom the two persons inuniform behind you?

    PATRICKYes. It is Bree and her husband, Jim Bryce. There is athird person behind them that you cantsee. His name isPaul Hartman.


    Admiral Williams. Shes very important to you?

    PATRICKVery much Agent Gibbs. I have loved only three womenin my wife. Bree, my wife Melinda and my daughterMelissa. And in loving them I have hurt each one ofthem deeply.

    DUCKYIf you dont mind me asking, Pat. In what way have you

    hurt them deeply?

    PATRICKHow, Dr. Mallard, in every way possible. I accused Breeof betrayal when there wasnt any. Here is a woman

    who befriended a 17-year-old kid, helped him find hisway after a court martial in 67. When it was over shecould have walked away and never looked back. But atthe risk of her own Navy career she helped me first byfinding my real mother. After that she would stay intouch.She became like a sister to me. Protected me like a big

    sister would. Even made sure no harm ever came to me.And ten years ago I hurt her. She has long forgiven me,but I am sure it still hurt.Then there is Melinda. I took her only son from her. Iencouraged Steven to follow his own way. Melindadidnt want him to be a soldier, but he wanted to be like

    his father; a Marine. I could have told him not to join theMarines, after college, when Desert Storm happened,

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    but I didnt step in and Melinda lost her only son that

    day in Saudi and I lost a stepson whom I couldnt loveany more if he was my real son.And Melissa lost a brother whom she loved more thananything in this world and with Steven it was returned.

    He was 14, when Melissa was born. And like a bigbrother he protected her from harm from everyone,including me.

    DUCKYThese were events that you could not have foreseen,Pat. As much as we like to protect those we love, wecant do it 100% of the time. We should consider

    ourselves lucky we can do it 10% of the time. Somethingwill always stand in the way.

    GIBBSWe found your apartment in Boston. Tony and Tim havemet with Admiral Williams. I have spoken with her halfan hour ago. She is flying down and your daughter andher husband are coming from Quantico.

    PATRICKDidnt anything I say get through to you? I have hurtthem to much already. Maybe it is best that they livetheir own lives without me.

    DUCKYYou dont really mean that, Pat?

    GIBBSDespise what you have done to these people they stillcare for you or is what you feel that they hold over youis just in your own mind.

    PATRICKHow can you say that, Agent Gibbs?

    DUCKYYou say that you accused Bree of betraying you, yetfrom what Jethro just said, she is very concerned aboutyou. That doesnt sound like a person who holds blameover you.

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    PATRICKThat would be like Bree. She may forgive, but she cannever forget that day. She will remember every detailfor the rest of her life.

    DUCKYBut you did reconcile. Who was it that helped you getback with Bree?

    PATRICKIt was Melissa and Vince. They have known each othersince they were kids. They grew up together.

    DUCKYMaybe Im wrong, but it sounds like a family who cares

    very much about your welfare. There are many who

    wish they could have the family you have.

    PATRICKI know your right, Dr. Mallard. What you mustunderstand is that Melissa has her own life to live. Shehas two great sons, twins, named Steven and James anda husband who is second to none. I dont want to make

    the same mistakes with them like I did with Steven.DUCKY

    What makes you think that will happen?

    PATRICKMaybe it wont. But if I stay away then nothing will


    DUCKYIm afraid your wrong, Pat. What will mostly happen ifyou stay away if cause more hurt feelings?Ive never metyour daughter or Bree, but they soundlike two extraordinary women.


    Well known in a few hours when they get here.

    Gibbs gets up from the table. He leaves conference room. Gibbs goes down the stairsto the bullpen area. He walks up to Zivas desk. She looks up.

    GIBBS (CONTD)Did you get the information I asked for?

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    ZIVARight here. It came in a few minutes ago.

    Ziva picks up the two folders from her desk and hands them to Gibbs. He opens eachfolder and looks at a few pages and then closes them.

    GIBBSAfter we are finished with Mr. Hunter, Ill need you for

    one last assignment.

    ZIVAIll be ready.


    Tony, Tim and Bree are sitting in their seats.

    TONYIs that really a true story on how you got that licenseplate.

    BREEEvery word, Agent DiNozzo. If you can find a copy ofthe book James Bond Diary that Roger Moore wrote,

    youll find me in there.

    TONYAnd you brought the Mustang in 64 after watchingGoldfinger.

    BREEYes. I had just graduated from Memphis State and wasgoing to law school at Yale. I have kept it ever since. Afriend on mine, who run the large Marine Agency inWashington D.C., is a car collector. He offered to buy the

    car since it is in pristine condition. I will never part it.

    Bree looks over at Tim. He has been quiet the whole time.

    BREE (CONTD)And you, Agent McGee. Youve been quiet these last fewhours. Whats on your mind?

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    TIMIve been thinking about those pages I read in Mr.Hunters manuscript. As an author I wouldnt want

    anyone to read what I havent published.Its very well written and should be published. T would

    like to read the whole book when its finished.If Mr. Hunter doesnt have a publisher, I could talk to

    mine. Im sure she would jump at the chance to publishit.

    BREEThank you Agent McGee. Ive already gotten Pat a

    publisher in Boston. The contracts are ready to besigned. Its a matter of getting Pat to sign them.


    Ziva and Gibbs are sitting at their desks. The ding of the elevator and the opening ofthe doors are heard off camera. They both look over to see Vince and Melissa stepout. They come up to Zivas desk. Vince asks for Gibbs. Ziva points to the other desk.

    Vince and Melissa go over to Gibbs desk. Gibbs stands up and steps to the front ofthe desk.

    VINCEAgent Gibbs, I am Major Vince Bryce. My wife Melissa.

    Gibbs shakes hands with Vince and Melissa.

    GIBBSAdmiral Williams said you would be coming.

    VINCEI would like to see Melissas father.

    GIBBSI will take you both to see him as soon as your Motherarrives. This is her request.

    VINCEKnowing Mother, it was more like an order. She doeshave that effect.

    MELISSAHow is my father?

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    GIBBSHe is hurting,. He faked a memory loss in hopes that hesimply forgot who he was and disappeared you wouldget along with your lives.

    MELISSAWhy would he think such as a thing?

    GIBBSI dont know.

    VINCEIt wouldnthave worked. Mother would have movedheaven and to find Uncle Pat, no matter were he wouldgo.

    GIBBSYes. That is an unusual relationship between yourMother and Father-in-Law.

    VINCEYou have to understand, Agent Gibbs that for the past45 years, since they have met, there has been a specialkinship between them. My father understood and forthe most part, Melissas Mother. But even with that

    friendship, my Mother would never betray my Father.Nor would Uncle Pat betray Melissas Mother.

    GIBBSPat did mention that at one time he did accuse yourMother of betraying him, but didntsay what thatbetrayal was suppose to be.

    VINCEMy Mother had kept some information she had learnedabout Uncle Pats past. She never meant to hurt to him.

    That secret was about Uncle Pats real father.

    GIBBSWhy would she keep that secret?

    VINCEBecause the man who was Uncle Pats real father was alife long enemy who did everything in his power todestroy him and my Mother starting in 1967.

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    GIBBSWhen did he find out?

    A female voice is heard. It is off camera, but it is Bree speaking.

    BREEI will as that question, Agent Gibbs.

    Vince, Melissa, and Gibbs look to see Bree come up to the desk. Tony and Tim followher going to their desks.

    VINCEIm sorry, Mother, but Agent Gibbs asked I saw noreason why he shouldnt know, especially if it will helpUncle Pat.

    BREEIts all right Vince. (To Gibbs) How Pat out that his worst

    enemy was his Father was in 2002, when he was theD.A. For Suffolk County. He tried to have Pat convictedfor the first-degree murder, when Melinda died.

    MELISSA(Shocked Voice)

    How can you say such a thing, Aunt Bree? My Father

    would never hurt my Mother. He loved her very much.

    BREEOf course you Father loved her, Sweetheart, but to thisman what your Father did, as far as he was concerned,constituted murder.

    MELISSAI never learned what happened that night after I left myMothers hospital room.

    BREEYour father stayed with your mother all night. Towardsmorning, when the sun started to rise, Melinda knewthat this were to be her last moments. She asked yourfather to carry her over to the window in the room tosee could see the sun rise for the last time.Your father complied. After all it was your mothers last

    wish. Pat went over to the door and locked it. For good

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    measure he jammed the back of a chair under thedoorknob.Then Pat proceeded to pick her up in his arms. At thattime she must of weighted less than a 100 pounds andhe carry her over to the windo