NAVIGATE Y UR FUTURE College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide Hays Consolidated Independent School District 2017 Edition

NAVIGATE - Hays CISD...Course 2 Equine Science .5 Course 3 Advanced Animal Science (science credit) 1 Course 3 Veterinary Medical Applications 1 Course 4 Practicum in Agriculture,

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Page 1: NAVIGATE - Hays CISD...Course 2 Equine Science .5 Course 3 Advanced Animal Science (science credit) 1 Course 3 Veterinary Medical Applications 1 Course 4 Practicum in Agriculture,


C o l l e g e & C a r e e r P a t h w a y s E n d o r s e m e n t G u i d e

H a y s C o n s o l i d a t e d I n d e p e n d e n t S c h o o l D i s t r i c t

2017 Edition

Page 2: NAVIGATE - Hays CISD...Course 2 Equine Science .5 Course 3 Advanced Animal Science (science credit) 1 Course 3 Veterinary Medical Applications 1 Course 4 Practicum in Agriculture,

“Life can be much broader once you

discover one simple fact - everything

around you that you call life was made up

by people that were no smarter than you.

You can change it. You can influence it.

You can build your own things that other

people can use.”

- Steve Jobs

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The Mos t Exc i t ing T ime in His tory! You are living in the most exciting time in history! No other generation has had the freedom to create, discover, invent, and influence the world like your generation. The tools and technology available to you are powerful. As you prepare for your career, you have many choices. The Foundation HS graduation plan is designed to help you explore your options and make your high school experience your very own. You can choose from five different endorsements to personalize your diploma – STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Business and Industry, Arts and Humanities, Public Service, and Multidisciplinary Studies. Within these endorsements there are a number of career clusters to further define your experience. Additionally, you have the option to earn the Distinguished Level of Achievement and Performance Acknowledgements to recognize your talents and dedication. We hope this guide will help you as you chart your course. This is your journey. You are the captain. Where will you go? What will you do? It’s time to navigate your future. Best Wishes,

The Entire Hays CISD Team

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“Your imagination is your preview of life’s

coming attractions.”

- Albert Einstein

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Tab le o f Contents

Graduation Program Overview 1

Foundation Courses + Endorsements 2

Distinguished Level of Achievement 2

Performance Acknowledgements 2

Requirements for Graduation Chart 3

Using This Guide 4

STEM Endorsement 5

STEM Careers 6

Business & Industry Endorsement 9

Business & Industry Careers 10

Arts & Humanities Endorsement 16

Arts & Humanities Careers 17

Public Service Endorsement 21

Public Service Careers 22

Multidisciplinary Studies Endorsement 27

Multidisciplinary Careers 28

Glossary 29

College and Career Resources 31

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 1

Graduat i on Program Overv iew Hays CISD high school students have great flexibility and choice in their high school course selections. Each student is required to complete the basic classes called the foundation courses. In addition, students now choose specialized coursework to earn an endorsement. The five endorsements are: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Business and Industry, Arts and Humanities, Public Service, and Multidisciplinary Studies. A variety of career pathways, or specific course requirements, are available under the various endorsements. These pathways are organized into career clusters. Students may also earn a Distinguished Level of Achievement designation and Performance Acknowledgements on their high school transcript.

STEM Business &


Arts &

Humanities Public




Foundation Courses

Pathways (Career Clusters)

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2 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Foundat ion Courses + Endorsement All students are required to complete the foundation courses. See the chart on the next page. In addition to the foundation courses, students must choose an endorsement.

D is t ingu is hed Leve l o f Ac h ievement To earn a Distinguished Level of Achievement diploma, students must take the foundation courses, choose an endorsement, and add a 4 th credit of math, which includes Algebra II, and a 4th credit of science. The Distinguished Level of Achievement is required for students to be eligible for top 10% automatic admission to Texas public universities. The Distinguished Level of Achievement opens a world of educational and employment opportunities for you beyond high school.

Per fo rmance Acknowledgements Students can earn performance acknowledgements for outstanding performance: by taking dual credit courses, in bilingualism and bi-literacy, using PSAT, SAT, and ACT scores, achieving qualified scores on Advanced Placement (AP) tests or earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification. See your counselor for details.

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 3

Requirements for Graduation – 26 Total

Subject Credits Courses

English 4 ELA I, II, III, one credit in any authorized advanced English course offered by HCISD

Mathematics 4

Algebra I, Geometry, two credits in any authorized advanced math course offered by HCISD (Algebra II required for Distinguished Level of Achievement & STEM endorsement)

Science 4 Biology; IPC, Chemistry or Physics; and two credits in any authorized advanced science course offered by HCISD

Social Studies 3 World Geography or World History*, and U.S. History; U.S. Government (.5 credit); Economics (.5 credit)

Foreign Language 2 2 credits in the same Language Other Than English

Physical Education


Fine Arts 1 1 credit of the same fine arts course

Health 0.5

Communications 0.5 Professional Communications

Electives & Required Endorsement Courses


Students must complete the required courses for at least one endorsement These courses may include CTE or certification courses

Pre-AP/AP course equivalent substitutions apply to core content areas above.

*Even though the state requires 3 credits of social studies, college admissions staff advise that students take four credits of social studies.

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4 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Us ing Th is Guide As you use this guide, you will see recommended pathways (or coherent sequences of courses) organized by career clusters within each of the endorsements. A career cluster is a grouping of occupations and broad industries based on common traits. These career clusters are part of the Achieve Texas College and Career Initiative that is designed to help students (and their parents) make informed education decisions. It is based on the idea that education for the 21st century should combine rigorous academics with relevant career education. When schools integrate academic and technical education, it helps you see the relevance of what you are learning. The pathways allow you to study a particular field in depth and help to facilitate a seamless transition for you from secondary to postsecondary opportunities. Employers and leaders in the Texas workforce have encouraged career oriented training and certification at the high school level to help meet their growing demands. Students who take advantage of these opportunities are prepared for future success. As you enter your freshman year in high school (9th grade), you must indicate the endorsement you plan to follow. However, you may change or add an endorsement at any time.

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 5

he pathways in this book represent the courses you must take to earn a specific endorsement. You are encouraged to visit with your counselor about your interests. Some courses may vary from year to year. Your counselor can help you stay on track to earn your endorsement.



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6 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

STEM Careers If you are looking forward to a future career where scientific inquiry and the design process are used regularly, you will enjoy the coursework required for a STEM endorsement. Although some pathways include multiple course options, students only need to complete four credits/courses in the pathway to fulfill the endorsement requirement.


High School Diploma

Climate Change Analyst, Electromechanical Engineering Technologist, or Radio Frequency Identification Device Specialist

Certification Robotics Technician

Associates Degree

City Planning Aide, Nuclear Monitoring Technician, Geospatial Information Scientist and Technologist, or Environmental Science Technician

Bachelor’s Degree

Engineer (mechanical, petroleum, biomedical, chemical, electrical, energy, industrial, nano systems, nuclear, or robotics), Forensic Science Technician, Marine/Naval Architect, or Meteorologist

Master’s Degree

Natural Science Manager, Archeologist, Geoscientist, Hydrologist, or Mathematician

Doctoral Degree

Medical Scientist, Biochemist/Biophysicist, or Microbiologist

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 7

Biomedical Science Career Cluster



Biomedical Science (Project Lead the Way) Credits

Course 1 Principles of Biomedical Sciences (PBS) 1

Course 2 Human Body System (HBS) 1

Course 3 Medical Interventions (MI) 1

Course 4 Biomedical Innovations (BI) 1

*Must complete Algebra II, Chemistry and Physics

Engineering Career Cluster



Engineering (Project Lead the Way) Credits

Course 1 Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) 1

Course 2 Engineering Science (ES) (science credit) 1

Course 3 Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA) 1

Course 3 Digital Electronics (DE) (math credit) 1

Course 3 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 1

Course 4 Engineering Design and Development (EDD) 1

*Must complete Algebra II, Chemistry and Physics

Computer Science Career Cluster



Computer Science (Project Lead the Way) Credits

Course 1 Introduction to Computer Science 1

Course 1 AP Computer Science Principles 1

Course 2 AP Computer Science (math credit) 1

Course 3 Cybersecurity 1

Course 4 Capstone Course 1

*Must complete Algebra II, Chemistry and Physics

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8 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Computer Science Career Cluster



Computer Programming Credits

Course 1 Principles of Information Technology 1

Course 2 Computer Programming I 1

Course 3 Computer Programming II 1

Course 4 Practicum in Information Technology 2

Course 4 Extended Practicum in Information Technology 3

*Must complete Algebra II, Chemistry and Physics



Computer Programming Credits

Course 1 Introduction to Computer Science 1

Course 2 Computer Science I 1

Course 3 Computer Science II 1

Course 4 AP Computer Science (math credit) 1

*Must complete Algebra II, Chemistry and Physics

Mathematics Career Cluster




Course 1 5 Mathematics Credits Total: 3 credits in mathematics by successfully completing Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and 2 additional mathematics

courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite

*Must complete Algebra II, Chemistry and Physics

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

Science Career Cluster




Course 1 5 Science Credits Total: 3 credits in science by successfully completing

Biology, Chemistry, Physics and 2 additional advanced science credits

*Must complete Algebra II, Chemistry and Physics

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

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10 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Bus iness & Indus t ry Caree rs The Business and Industry endorsement will prepare you to climb the ladder of success in fields such as agriculture, finance, advertising, retail management, or health administration. Although some pathways include multiple course options, students only need to complete four credits/courses in the pathway to fulfill the endorsement requirement.


High School Diploma

Agricultural Equipment Operator, Earth Driller, Power Plant Operator, Customer Service Representative, General Office Clerk, Bank Teller, Credit Checker, or Industrial Machinery Mechanic


Baker, Electrician, Plumber, Chef, Travel Agent, Real Estate Agent, Umpire/Referee, Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft Mechanic, Farm/Ranch Manager, or Forest Conservation Technician

Associates Degree

Construction Supervisor, Civil Drafter, Legal Secretary, Fashion Designer, Interior Designer, Avionics Technician, Mortician, Electromechanical Technician, or Heavy Equipment Mechanic

Bachelor’s Degree

Architect, Surveyor, Editor, Newscaster, Accountant, Budget Analyst, Human Resources, Commercial Pilot, Statistician, Loan Officer, Economist, Advertising Manager, or Marketing Manager

Master’s Degree

Animal Scientist, Zoologist/Wildlife Biologist, Librarian, or Regulatory Affairs Manager

Doctoral Degree

Business Professor

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 11

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster



Animal Science Credits

Course 1 Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 1

Course 2 Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management 1

Course 2 Livestock Production 1

Course 2 Small Animal Management .5

Course 2 Equine Science .5

Course 3 Advanced Animal Science (science credit) 1

Course 3 Veterinary Medical Applications 1

Course 4 Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources




Plant Science Credits

Course 1 Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 1

Course 2 Turf Grass Management .5

Course 2 Landscape Design and Turf Grass Management .5

Course 3 Floral Design (fine arts credit) 1

Course 3 Advanced Plant and Soil Science (science credit) 1

Course 4 Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources


Architecture & Construction Career Cluster



Interior Design Credits

Course 1 Principles of Architecture 1

Course 2 Interior Design I 1

Course 3 Interior Design II 2

Course 4 Practicum in Interior Design 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Interior Design 3

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12 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Architecture & Construction Career Cluster



Architectural Design Credits

Course 1 Principles of Architecture 1

Course 2 Architectural Design I 1

Course 3 Architectural Design II 2

Course 4 Practicum in Architectural Design 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Architectural Design 3



Construction Technology Credits

Course 1 Principles of Construction 1

Course 2 Construction Technology I 2

Course 3 Construction Technology II 2

Course 4 Practicum in Construction Technology 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Construction Technology 3



Welding Credits

Course 1 Principles of Manufacturing 1

Course 2 Introduction to Welding 1

Course 3 Welding I 2

Course 4 Welding II 2

Course 4 Welding II with Lab 3

Course 4 Practicum in Manufacturing 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Manufacturing 3

Arts & Audio/Visual Technology Career Cluster



A/V Production Credits

Course 1 Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications 1

Course 2 Audio/Video Production I 1

Course 2 Audio/Video Production I with Lab 2

Course 3 Audio/Video Production II 1

Course 3 Audio/Video Production II with Lab 2

Course 4 Practicum in Audio/Video Production 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Audio/Video Production 3

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 13

Arts & Audio/Visual Technology Career Cluster



Graphic Design and Illustration Credits

Course 1 Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications 1

Course 2 Graphic Design and Illustration I 1

Course 2 Graphic Design and Illustration I with Lab 2

Course 3 Graphic Design and Illustration II 1

Course 3 Graphic Design and Illustration II with Lab 2

Course 4 Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Graphic Design and Illustration 3



Commercial Photography Credits

Course 1 Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications 1

Course 2 Commercial Photography I 1

Course 2 Commercial Photography I with Lab 2

Course 3 Commercial Photography II 1

Course 3 Commercial Photography II with Lab 2

Course 4 Practicum in Commercial Photography 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Commercial Photography 3

Business Management & Finance Career Cluster



Business Management Credits

Course 1 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance 1

Course 2 Business Information Management I 1

Course 3 Business Information Management II 1

Course 4 Practicum in Business Management 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Business Management 3



Finance Credits

Course 1 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance 1

Course 2 Accounting I 1

Course 3 Accounting II (math credit) 1

Course 4 Medical Billing & Coding 1

Course 4 Statistics & Business Decision Making (math credit) 1

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14 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Communications Career Cluster P



Journalism - Yearbook Credits

Course 1 Journalism 1

Course 2 Advanced Journalism Yearbook I 1

Course 3 Advanced Journalism Yearbook II 1

Course 4 Advanced Journalism Yearbook III 1



Journalism - Newspaper Credits

Course 1 Journalism 1

Course 2 Advanced Journalism Newspaper I 1

Course 3 Advanced Journalism Newspaper II 1

Course 4 Advanced Journalism Newspaper III 1



Communications - Debate Credits

Course 1 Debate I 1

Course 2 Debate II 1

Course 3 Debate III 1

Course 4 Independent Study in Speech 1



Communications – Public Speaking Credits

Course 1 Public Speaking I 1

Course 2 Public Speaking II 1

Course 3 Public Speaking III 1

Course 4 Independent Study in Speech 1

Culinary Career Cluster



Culinary Credits

Course 1 Introduction to Culinary Arts 1

Course 2 Culinary Arts 2

Course 3 Advanced Culinary Arts 2

Course 4 Food Science (science credit) 1

Course 4 Practicum in Culinary Arts 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Culinary Arts 3

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 15

Marketing Career Cluster



Automotive Technology Credits

Course 1 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance 1

Course 2 Advertising .5

Course 2 Sports and Entertainment Marketing .5

Course 2 Social Media Marketing .5

Course 3 Entrepreneurship 1

Course 4 Practicum in Marketing 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Marketing 3

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Cluster



Automotive Technology Credits

Course 1 Automotive Basics 1

Course 2 Automotive Technology I: Maintenance and Light Repair 2

Course 3 Automotive Technology II: Automotive Service 2

Course 4 Practicum in Transportation Systems 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Transportation Systems 3

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 17

Arts & Humani t ies Caree rs If you love to create, this endorsement may be for you. Performers, filmmakers, historians, and politicians are a few of the careers that will benefit from the coursework in the Arts and Humanities endorsement. Although some pathways include multiple course options, students only need to complete four credits/courses in the pathway to fulfill the endorsement requirement.


High School Diploma

Actor, Choreographer, Film/Movie Director, Dancer, or Musician

Certification TV/Camera Operator or Pre-press Technician

Associates Degree

Broadcast Technician, Sound Engineering Technician, Photographer, Desktop Publisher, or Library Technician

Bachelor’s Degree

Radio/TV Announcer, Graphic Designer, Music Director, Multimedia Artist/Animator, Commercial and Industrial Designer, or Technical Writer

Master’s Degree

Curator, Museum Technician and Conservator, Archivist, International Relations Specialist, or College/ University Faculty Member

Doctoral Degree

Professor, Lawyer, or Anthropologist

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18 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Visual Arts Career Cluster



Art – Drawing Credits

Course 1 Art I 1

Course 2 Art II - Drawing 1

Course 3 Art III - Drawing 1

Course 4 Art IV - Drawing 1

Course 4 AP Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio 1

Course 4 AP Studio Art: 2-Dimensional Design Portfolio 1



Art – Photography Credits

Course 1 Art I 1

Course 2 Art II Photography 1

Course 3 Art III Photography 1

Course 4 Art IV Photography 1

Course 4 AP Studio Art: 2-Dimensional Design Portfolio 1



Art – Sculpture Credits

Course 1 Art I 1

Course 2 Art II Sculpture 1

Course 3 Art III Sculpture 1

Course 4 Art IV Sculpture 1

Course 4 AP Studio Art: 3-Dimensional Design Portfolio 1

Performing Arts Career Cluster



Band Credits

Course 1 Band I 1

Course 2 Band II 1

Course 3 Band III 1

Course 4 Band IV 1

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Performing Arts Career Cluster



Choir Credits

Course 1 Choir I/Vocal Ensemble I 1

Course 2 Choir II/Vocal Ensemble II 1

Course 3 Choir III/Vocal Ensemble III 1

Course 4 Choir IV/Vocal Ensemble IV 1



Mariachi – LHS only Credits

Course 1 Mariachi I 1

Course 2 Mariachi II 1

Course 3 Mariachi III 1

Course 4 Mariachi IV 1



Theatre Credits

Course 1 Theatre I/Production I/Technical I/Musical Theatre I 1

Course 2 Theatre II/Production II/Technical II/Musical Theatre II 1

Course 3 Theatre III/Production III/Technical III/Musical Theatre III 1

Course 4 Theatre IV/Production IV/Technical IV/Musical Theatre IV 1



Dance/Drill Team Credits

Course 1 Dance I/Drill Team I/Dance Composition-Improvisation I 1

Course 2 Dance II/Drill Team II/Dance Composition-Improvisation II 1

Course 3 Dance III/Drill Team III/Dance Composition-Improvisation III 1

Course 4 Dance IV/Drill Team IV/Dance Composition-Improvisation IV 1

Social Studies Career Cluster



Social Studies

Course 1

2 Social Studies credits in addition to Foundation Courses Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

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20 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Languages Other Than English (LOTE)



LOTE – Spanish Credits

Course 1 Spanish I 1

Course 2 Spanish II 1

Course 3 Spanish III Pre AP 1

Course 4 AP Spanish IV Language 1

Course 4 AP Spanish V Literature 1



LOTE – French Credits

Course 1 French I 1

Course 2 French II 1

Course 3 French III Pre AP 1

Course 4 AP French IV Language 1



LOTE – German Credits

Course 1 German I 1

Course 2 German II 1

Course 3 German III 1

Course 4 AP German IV Language 1



LOTE – American Sign Language Credits

Course 1 American Sign Language I 1

Course 2 American Sign Language II 1

Course 3 American Sign Language III 1

Course 4 American Sign Language IV 1

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22 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Publ ic Serv ice Caree rs If you are willing to serve others in a multitude of areas including medicine, law enforcement, and education, you will thrive in the Public Service endorsement courses. Although some pathways include multiple course options, students only need to complete four credits/courses in the pathway to fulfill the endorsement requirement.


High School Diploma

Teacher Assistant, License Clerk, Municipal Clerk, Nanny, or Animal Control Worker


Fitness Trainer & Aerobics Instructor, Hairdresser/Cosmetologist, Social Work Technician, Personal & Home Care Aide, Court Reporter, Fire Fighter, or Private Investigator

Associates Degree

Environmental Compliance Inspector, Police Detective, or Legal Technician/Paralegal

Bachelor’s Degree

School Teacher, Social/Community Services Manager, Childcare Center Administrator, Public Health Educator, Chief Executive, Parole & Probation, or Magistrate Judge

Master’s Degree

College/University Administrator, Principal, Urban & Regional Planner, Sociologist, Mental Health Counselor, or Non-Profit Director

Doctoral Degree

Clinical Psychologist, Counseling Psychologist, Educational Psychologist, or Medical Doctor

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Education and Training Career Cluster



Education & Training Credits

Course 1 Principles of Education & Training 1

Course 2 Child Development 1

Course 2 Spanish for Health Care & Education Professionals .5

Course 3 Instructional Practices 2

Course 4 Practicum in Education and Training 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Education and Training 3

Government and Public Administration Career Cluster



Criminal Justice Credits

Course 1 Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security 1

Course 2 Law Enforcement I 1

Course 2 Court Systems and Practices 1

Course 3 Law Enforcement II 1

Course 3 Correctional Services 1

Course 4 Forensic Science (science credit) 1

Course 4 Practicum in Law 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Law 3



Firefighter Credits

Course 1 Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security 1

Course 2 Anatomy & Physiology 1

Course 3 Firefighter I 2

Course 4 Firefighter II/EMT 3



Marine JROTC – HHS only Credits

Course 1 Marine JROTC I 1

Course 2 Marine JROTC II 1

Course 3 Marine JROTC III 1

Course 4 Marine JROTC IV 1

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24 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Government and Public Administration Career Cluster



Navy JROTC – LHS only Credits

Course 1 Navy JROTC I 1

Course 2 Navy JROTC II 1

Course 3 Navy JROTC III 1

Course 4 Navy JROTC IV 1

Health Science Career Cluster



Health Science Technology – LHS Only Credits

Course 1 Principles of Health Science 1

Course 1 Spanish for Health Care & Education Professionals .5

Course 2 Medical Terminology 1

Course 3 Health Science Theory/Health Science Clinical 2

Course 3 Anatomy and Physiology 1

Course 4 Medical Billing & Coding 1

Course 4 EMT 1.5

Course 4 Practicum in Health Science 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Health Science 3

Human Services Career Cluster



Cosmetology Credits

Course 1 Principles of Cosmetology Design & Color Theory 1

Course 2 Introduction to Cosmetology 1

Course 3 Cosmetology I 2

Course 4 Cosmetology II 2



Human Services Credits

Course 1 Principles of Human Services 1

Course 2 Child Development 1

Course 3 Counseling and Mental Health 1

Course 4 Practicum in Human Services 2

Course 4 Practicum/Extended Practicum in Human Services 3

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“I do know one thing about me: I don't

measure myself by others' expectations or let

others define my worth.”

- Sonia Sotomayor

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26 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

How Much Money Will You Make?

Education Achieved Median Annual Salary*

Professional Degree $102,200

Doctoral Degree $91,000

Master’s Degree $70,000

Bachelor’s Degree $56,500

Associate’s Degree $44,800

Some College, No Degree $40,400

High School Diploma $35,400

Less Than a High School Diploma


*SOURCES: The College Board based on the U.S. Census Bureau, 2012, Table PINC-03; Internal

Revenue Service, 2010

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28 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Mul t i d isc ip l inary S tud ies Careers Students who would like the opportunity to experience a broad overview in various types of classes have the option to complete a Multidisciplinary Studies endorsement. Careers are limitless. Although some pathways include multiple course options, students only need to complete four credits/courses in the pathway to fulfill the endorsement requirement.


All Degree Levels & Certifications

Many employers benefit from well-rounded individuals. The types of careers available with this endorsement are limitless.

Multidisciplinary Studies Career Cluster



Advanced Level Coursework

Course 1

Student must complete 4 AP credits and/or Dual Credit courses in the following areas: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, or LOTE

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4



Foundation Program Subjects

Course 1

Student must complete 4 credits in each of the 4 foundation subject areas to include: English IV, Algebra II, Chemistry or Physics

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 29

G lossary

Career Clusters This is a grouping of course sequences (pathways) that prepare students for careers in the same field of study or that require similar skills.

Course Credit A unit of measure awarded for successful completion of a course. Completion of a one semester course typically earns one-half credit for a student.

CTE Courses These courses prepare students for careers. These were once called vocational courses. CTE stands for Career and Technical Education.

Distinguished Level of Achievement

A high level of academic achievement earned by going above and beyond the Foundation + Endorsement high school program. A student must earn this designation to be eligible for the top 10 percent automatic admission to a Texas public university.

Endorsements The areas of specialized study that are required to earn high school diplomas with endorsements. They are: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math), Business & Industry, Arts & Humanities, Public Service, and Multidisciplinary Studies.

EOC STAAR end-of-course (EOC) exams are state mandated tests given during the final weeks of a course. In addition to meeting graduation course requirements, students are required to pass five end-of-course exams to earn a diploma from a Texas public high school. Those five exams are given when a student takes English I, English II, Biology, Algebra I, and U.S. History courses.

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30 College & Career Pathways Endorsement Guide

Foundation High School Program

The basic 22-credits (not counting additional electives or endorsement courses) needed to graduate from the Texas public school system.

FAFSA This is the federal student financial aid application. It stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Industry Workforce Credential

A state, nationally, or internationally-recognized credential that aligns with the knowledge and skills standards identified by an association or government entity representing a particular profession or occupation and valued by business or industry.

Pathways Pathways list the specific courses a student must undertake to earn an endorsement. The courses are grouped and identified with career choices.

Performance Acknowledgements

Students may earn an additional acknowledgement on their diploma because of outstanding performance in areas such as: dual credit courses; bilingualism and bi-literacy; Advanced Placement (AP) exams; PSAT; the SAT or ACT exams; or by earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification.

STAAR State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the state-mandated test given annually to students in grades 3 – 8 and in five high school courses.

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 31

Co l lege & Career Resourc es

Achieve Texas (www.achievetexas.org/students.htm) Achieve Texas is a system designed to help students (and their parents) make wise education choices.

Adventures in Education (www.aie.org)

Adventures in Education offers information and services to help you finance your education, select a school, and plan a career. Also features reference sheets that can help you learn more about a particular school and its use of student aid programs.

Career Cruising (www.careercruising.com) Everyone has a career dream. The mission of Career Cruising is to inform those dreams to help bring them to life. Every Hays CISD 6th – Course 4 grade student has a Career Cruising login to take full advantage of this career and course planning resource.

The College Board (www.collegeboard.org) College, financial aid, scholarship and testing information and links for students, parents, counselors, faculty, and admissions, enrollment and financial aid staff.

CTE (www.careertech.org)

Nationwide, Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are changing, evolving and innovating to better serve the country’s needs. CTE is preparing students of all ages to help drive America’s success and vitality.

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Occupational Outlook Handbook (www.bls.gov/ooh)

The Occupational Outlook Handbook provides essential information about prospective changes in the world of work and the qualifications that will be needed by tomorrow's workers.

Own Your Own Future (www.ownyourownfuture.com)

Start owning your own future by exploring resources that will help you on your path to college. This site is organized by grade to make sure you get the exact information you need.

Student Aid (www.studentaid.ed.gov)

This site is designed as a student gateway to Federal Student Aid, a part of the U.S. Department of Education. Online information and transactional services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Texas Gear Up (www.texasgearup.com)

Don’t know what you want to do with the rest of your life? No worries. You tell us what you love to do and what you're already amazing at, then through some highly scientific(ish) magic, we tell you which careers may be an excellent fit for you. You'll also see the classes to take right now to start on the path to that perfect job.

Texas Reality Check (www.texasrealitycheck.com)

Don't know how much money you will need to earn in the future? Don't know which occupation to choose? No problem! This website offers three options to help you select the right career for your spending needs.

Today’s Military Careers (www.todaysmilitary.com/working)

Today's Military offers ongoing education and training opportunities for everyone. Explore the occupational groups to find out how military occupations easily become careers.

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Hays Consolidated Independent School District 33

“I hated every minute of training, but I

said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the

rest of your life as a champion.’”

- Muhammad Ali

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