Appraising natural flood management: valuing catchment level sustainable drainage systems Melissa Affleck 2 nd Year PhD Student, Countryside and Community Research Institute [email protected] Winter School 2014

Natural Flood Management - Valuing catchment level sustainable drainage systems

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This presentation will present a summary of my PhD research to date, along with the conceptual and methodological framework. The aim of the research is to explore the monetary and non-monetary value of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs), including social shared values. It will look to clarify the influence of the valuation process and the social-ecological system, on the values of ecosystem services associated with SuDs, as an example of a natural flood management technique.

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Appraising natural flood management: valuing catchment level sustainable drainage systems

Melissa Affleck2nd Year PhD Student, Countryside and Community Research Institute

[email protected]

Winter School 2014

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1. Background to natural flood management and sustainable drainage systems

2. Research rationale and aim

3. Research questions and objectives

4. Conceptual framework

5. Methods and methodology

6. Envisioned outcomes

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Natural flood management

Drivers:EU Water Framework Directive

Pitt Review 2007

Climate Change


Adapts techniques from land management, forestry and agricultural practices

Emulates natural systems to ‘catch water where it falls1’.

NFM techniques include woodland creation, wetlands and sustainable drainage systems (SuDs)…

To promote a sustainable mix of techniques to manage flood risk

1Johnson et al. (2008)

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Sustainable drainage system measures

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Sustainable drainage systems

Three-ringed circus model for SuDS (Apostolaki et al., 2005)

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Research rationale & aim

Rationale:Previous research has focused on individually-based

monetary valuation techniques focused on limited NFM techniques

Research focusing on non-monetary participatory research focused on limited NFM techniques

Increasing levels of interest in ‘deliberative monetary valuation’

Little work that bridges monetary and non-monetary value domains in appraising multiple benefits of SuDs.


To produce a set of plural values for the ecosystem services associated with SuDs.

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Research questions & objectives1. What role do sustainable drainage systems play in

catchment management? Identification ecosystem services within a catchment

2. How do different stakeholder interests within a catchment value sustainable drainage systems?

Analysis and comparison of monetary and non-monetary stakeholder valuation of ecosystem services within and between catchments

3. How do stakeholder values influence the institutional arrangements for managing sustainable drainage systems?

Evaluate validity of valuation methodologies and implications for governance

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The problem of ‘valuation’The management approach or the benefits?

… but these are multi-scalar and multi-level…

Different people value things differently, and in different situations…

And, how do you value?

… to the individual or to society?

… as an individual or as a group?

… monetary format or non-monetary?

… what information and opportunity to share knowledge?

What do they mean?

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Methodology and methods• Mixed methods approach to bridge different ‘value realms2’ • Comparative case study design• Initial phases: case study identification, piloting and literature review





2 Trainor (2006)

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Phase 2: Contingent valuation• To collect monetary values (willingness to pay/accept) for

ecosystem services• Initial reasoning for valuation

• Stratified probability sampling• 200-250 responses per catchment

• Analysis via SPSS to calculate average willingness to pay/accept

• Analysis comparisons between groups and catchments• Regression for key factors influencing valuation

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Phase 3: Monetary valuation workshop

• 3 workshops per case study of 12-15 participants

• Discussion on rationale for valuing ecosystem services

• Group value• Validity Phase 2• How people arrive at

values• How process of

valuation impacts values£££




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Phase 3: Non-monetary valuation workshop

• Response rationales, influences and motivations in valuation

• Relative importance ranking

• Enhance previous steps• Identify key criteria across

individual, institutional and social contexts pertinent to valuation


Importance:1. …2. …3. …

CulturalShared Ecological…

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Analysis and outcomes• To identify patterns and concepts exploring/explaining the:

• Influence of valuation process• Social-ecological context on ecosystem service values

Comparison of individual-based monetary and group-based monetary data, within and between case studies

Attention to ‘sensitising concepts3’ within qualitative data (including of shared values and response rationales)

Validation discussions with key stakeholders identified in Phase 1

3 Bryman (2008)

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Outputs and outcomesSet of plural values for the ecosystem services associated

with SuDs

Improved understanding of the of influence of individual, social and institutional factors on values

Influence of valuation methodology and implications for governance

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Thank you!

Any questions?

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References:Apostolaki S; Jefferies C and Wild T (2005) The social impacts of stormwater management techniques. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen. August 2005.

Bryman A (2008) Social Research Methods. Third Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Johnson R; Watson M and McOuat E (2008) The way forward for natural flood management in Scotland – A report for Scottish Environment LINK. August 2008, Mountain Environments, Callander, Scotland.

Trainor S (2006) Realms of value: Conflicting natural resource values and incommensurability, Environmental Values, 15, 3-29


Swales: www.google.co.uk/search?q=swales&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hq2mU_GfNtHe7AaBqoGwAg&ved=0CDgQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=573#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=CcLQCto3yb3LQM%253A%3Bp5rYiUUyqkqRaM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fsudsnet.abertay.ac.uk%252Fimages%252Fphotos%252FSwales%252FArdlerswale.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fsudsnet.abertay.ac.uk%252FSUDSphotos-Swales.htm%3B938%3B704

Detention pond: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=detention+ponds&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=662mU4LvH6Lo7Aadz4CoDw&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=1366&bih=573#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Ah6TuK4Tu1GF5M%253A%3Bmqrd1p6Spwd_6M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.northglenn.org%252Ffiles%252Fstyles%252Fcrosspage%252Fpublic%252Fstormwater_drainage_ditch_detention_pond_web.jpg%253Fitok%253DWB57cArE%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.northglenn.org%252Fnews%252Fhelp-maintain-area-detention-ponds%3B800%3B414

Permeable surfaces: http://www.heidelbergcement.com/NR/rdonlyres/616A5E1A-8ECD-4431-A04F-1C5F31B569B8/0/299_x_200_px_construction_of_thermapave_system_18.jpg