Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL 'S CHURCH 1807 Bedford St. Rome, NY 13440 Rectory/Office: (315) 336-3082 Fax: (315) 336-3083 Faith Formation Office: (315) 334-9570 E-mail: SPFaith @twcny.rr.com Parish Center/Church Hall Public Phone: (315) 339-2770 june 24, 2012 Rev. Robert L. Kelly, Pastor Rev. Mr. Ed Doyle, Deacon (Home: 336-664 7) e-mail: David Wheat, Maintenance and Grounds Karl Hahn, Webmaster Sr. Marie Wilson, C.S.J. Parish Minister (Home: 339-9639) Kathy Sledziona, Director of Faith Formation Mark Radlowski, Music Director Rita Ossont, Organist Sherri Coia, Secretary Patricia Pagano, Business Administrator Craig Brown, Parish Council President Jean Burgdorf, Organist Karen Deane, Housekeeping Trustees: Mary Marlar, Thomas Wick A W<lrm welcome to our . gr<lclU<ltes <lllcl their Qmilies this morning. T rust in the Lorq with <ill your he<lrt- <lllcl f1.JI He sh<ill qirect your p<iths . (Proverbs 3:5-6) i :Mass Scliedufe c.Dai[y at 9am Saturday o/igif: 4:30pm witli CliiUren 's Liturgy of tlie Word ( sept.-:May) Sunday: 8:30am and 10:30 am SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 3:30-4:15 pm BAPTISMS: At Mass or on Sunday, by appointment only. MARRIAGES: All couples planning to be married at St. Paul's should notifY Father Kelly as far in advance as possible- at least 6 months. WELCOME! If you are new in the parish, please yourself after Mass or at the rectory. We want to know and serve you! R.C.I. A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of inquiry, learning and faith development for people interested in becoming a Catholic or who are searchingto know more about our faith community. Call the rectory for more information. HOUSE CALL, HOSPITAL VISITS or ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notifY the rectory if you know anyone who is unable to get to church but wishes to receive the Sacraments. Office Hours Monday-Friday 9 am-3:30pm or by appointment

Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

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Page 1: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

Nativity of St. John the Baptist

S,.. PAUL' S CHURCH 1807 Bedford St. Rome, NY 13440

Rectory/Office: (315) 336-3082 Fax: (315) 336-3083 Faith Formation Office: (315) 334-9570 E-mail: SPFaith @twcny.rr.com

Parish Center/Church Hall Public Phone: (315) 339-2770

june 24, 2012

Rev. Robert L. Kelly, Pastor Rev. Mr. Ed Doyle, Deacon (Home: 336-664 7)


David Wheat, Maintenance and Grounds Karl Hahn, Webmaster

Sr. Marie Wilson, C.S.J. Parish Minister (Home: 339-9639) Kathy Sledziona, Director of Faith Formation

Mark Radlowski, Music Director Rita Ossont, Organist

Sherri Coia, Secretary Patricia Pagano, Business Administrator Craig Brown, Parish Council President

Jean Burgdorf, Organist Karen Deane, Housekeeping Trustees: Mary Marlar, Thomas Wick

A W<lrm welcome to our . gr<lclU<ltes <lllcl their Qmilies

this morning.

T rust in the Lorq

~ with <ill your he<lrt- <lllcl

f1.JI He sh<ill qirect your p<iths. ~ (Proverbs 3:5-6)

i :Mass Scliedufe c.Dai[y at 9am

Saturday o/igif: 4:30pm witli CliiUren 's Liturgy of tlie Word ( sept.-:May)

Sunday: 8:30am and 10:30 am SACRAMENT OF PENANCE:

Saturday 3:30-4:15 pm


At Mass or on Sunday, by appointment only.


All couples planning to be married at St. Paul's should notifY

Father Kelly as far in advance as possible- at least 6 months.


If you are new in the parish, please i~troduce yourself after

Mass or at the rectory. We want to know and serve you!


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of inquiry,

learning and faith development for people interested in becoming

a Catholic or who are searchingto know more about our faith

community. Call the rectory for more information.


Please notifY the rectory if you know anyone who is unable to get

to church but wishes to receive the Sacraments.

Office Hours Monday-Friday 9 am-3:30pm or by appointment

Page 2: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

Daily Mass in Church



This Weekend June 24th: Nativity of St. John The Baptist

10:30 Graduation Mass

Monday, June 25: Edward Rokicki -Birthday ~ Mandy & Renae Rokicki Stephen Olnas-Birthday - Daughters Carol Marucci,

Jackie Cosgrove and Son, Stephen

Tuesday, June 26: 9:00 Irene Keating ~ Kelly Family

Wednesdav, June 27: 9 :00 Helen Peer - Kathy & David Bearup 10:00 Bethany- Bernard C. Miller - Dale & Bonn ie Kinne

Thursday, June 28: St. Iranaeus 9:00 Patricia Flynn Maksymczuk-Birthday - Sister & Niece

Friday, June 29: Sts. Peter & Paul 9:00 Rev. William Kelly - St. Paul 's Choir

Saturday, June 30: 9 :00 Jean Brennan - Diane & Jul ius Perillo 2:00 pm Wedding: David Vinci - Lanette Ottalagano

Next weekend: June 30/July 1: Thirteenth Sunday Ordinary Time 4 :30 Lyle Pelton ~ James & Joan Tell 8:30 FOR THE PARISH

rrfiitJJ Special Intention for the Living -ti~O~ Deacon Ed & Marty Doyle - 50th Anniversary '\~)' ~ St. Paul's

11):30 Elizabeth Kangas-2nd Anniv.~ Vic & Joan Nigro

** * Christine Mercurio-30 day - Marie Dixon

Todays Hymns Entrance: #417 All The Earth Offertory: #425 To You, 0 Lord Acclamation: 1 Rec.: #575 Sing A New Song

Jl.EAI>INGS This weekend: 6 124

Isaiah 49:1-6 Acts of Apostles 13:22-26

Luke 1:57-66

Next w eekend: 7/1 Wi sdom1:13

2Corinthians 8:7 Mark5:21-43

PMYERS We ask you to pray for the sick of our p arish listed ". ·: ~~ti(E below and for all those not listed and in need of · ·. ~ our prayers. Call the office to add a name to our , ~ list or remove a name when the crisis has passed.

Kari Barber Dale Kinne Sue Pelton Helen Barry Steven Lucas, Jr. Ann Pike Eva Berning Bill Knudsen Linda Potts Amy Breton Don Luczak Andrea Pou liot Donny Butler Rick Mackey Sharon Reilly Angelo Carrieri Katie Magnusson John Ringrose Bill Clark Peter Mastracco Alice Scherz Domenica Crossman Mary Pat Neal Fr. Dennis Slater Joe Crossman Anne Nickerson Mark Snyderman Anthony D'Aiessandro Yolanda Nuccio David Stephan William Fernandez Diane O'Meara Carl Trzaska Sally Gay James Morrisroe Sherry /Tom Wallace

Sam Myers

P lease pray for: Anna Fiorenza., Mother of Jeannette Agnone who died this week and her f amily.

This weeks Devotional Candle requests: High School Graduates

liturgical Minis~ers the weebend of June 30/July 1 .. Thirteenth Sunday Ordinary Time


4:30 pm Paul Ratazzi

8 :30 am Tom Wick

10:30 AM Gene Blackburn

Eucharistic Ministers

K. Humiston, M. Kronafel, M. Marlar, M. Powers

A. Burgdorf, B. Tessien, A. McGuire, N. McGuire

M. Hopkins, D. Saladino, I. Nichter, J. Nichter

Master / Thurifer

David Stokes

Brianna Coia

Evan Drozd


B. Mays, M. Keeney, R. Stokes

N. Burgdorf, J. Hoke, Volunteer

E. Hahn, S. Hahn, A. Platis

Children's Liturgy ofthe Word ~ Saturdavs during 4:30 Mass will resume in September

Eucharistic Min isters for Rome Hospital

Sunday, July 1st -Team 2- St. Mary's/St. Peter's

Visi t us on t he web at www.st pau!srome.com

Hospital Visitors for Rome Hospital Monica Mercurio

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

From the -~/ Inspired by a ne\v book titled Beautiful Souls: St. Paul's Parish News ~ ~~~tor 1' 1 Saying No, Breaking Ranks, and Heeding ..=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;=

the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times by Congratufations to our RCS and RFA High School reporter Eyctl Press. Press' book is a collection of Graduates and their Families! Prayerful best wishes stories of unexceptional, ordinary people who from all of us at St. Paul's for success in all your

ne" e·rtlJ.e.les·s. tc)ok great risks for others, at g .. reat sacrifice. ~ t d W I k r d t · v -- J.U ure en eavor s. e oo J.Orwar o seeing you These Beautiful Souls put aside the safe convention of when you are home for the holidays. their lives for the sake of the principles of justice, compassion and peace. They are prophets who proclaim the reign of God in their challenging what they saw as immoral and evil. Today the Church ceiebrates the birth of John the Baptizer, the last great prophet who bridges the Old Testament and the New. John gives his life, as the fourth Gospel says, to "testify to the light" of God 's Christ. Beautiful Souls, like John, have paid the prophet's price to "testify" to the light of God's mercy and justice. May we possess their courage and right eo usness to be prophets of the "light" of Christ when darkness t hreatens to snuff that light out in our own time and place.

This weekend: June 23/24: Nativity of St. John The Baptist

Second Collection: Peter's Pence This collection gives us the opportunity to extend a sign of peace to the Body of Christ around the world. Our gifts help the Holy Father strengthen dioceses, religious orders and struggling communities of faith when they need it most.

High School Graduation Mass ~e honor our High School Graduates at

2012 the 10:30 Mass followed by a reception. Please RSVP to Fr. Bob or Sherri in the office.

Tuesday: June 26th:

Federal Primary Elections in the Parish Center

Saturday: June 30th:

Con. gratulations and best wishes to ~

Ed & Marty Doyle Leonard & Margaret Sbibitsbi on their 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Nocturnal Adoration 7:00pm Celebrate the Blessed Sacrament

at Transfiguration Church.

Next Sunday: July 1st: Thirteenth Sunday Ordinary Time

Mission Co-op P lease welcome Sr. Joana Baidoo, IHM, a native of Ghana who will speak at all masses next weekend on behalf of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ.

If you missed Mass during the week, our weekly bulletin is published on the website. Please visit us at



Jolin CBfascliak, ·1 JUyssa Cavalier d/1 ·;..

f/(A3et, our Jessica Pfaim GRADUATES

qa6rie[{a Puco-{])omenico

?:anner Jfarding

CJ{acliaeC Jfojnaclij

(])affas 1(ozak,

Sara Luczak,

Jarea :Mattie

Jena :Mattie

A Prayer for our Graduates:

Josliua :Mazzaferro

1(atrina (piemonte

p,{iza6etli (Pu[{ara

)!{ana Quance

Connor CJ(icliie

Jack, CJ?pto Co

Jacquefine Simi

CJ{icliartf Stapfeton

:Mattliew CJ1ii6auft

Jfanna Wasco

Lord. Give Me Strength

G ive us your strength, Lord. Because sometimes things get tough, and we are ready to quit.

G ive us your love Lord. Because sometimes people reject us, and we are tempted to hate.

G ive us your eyes, Lord. Because sometimes life gets dark, and we lose our way.

G ive us your courage, Lord, Because often we are put under pressure, and it's hard to do what is right.

G ive us yourself, Lord: Because our hearts were made for you, and we will not rest until we rest in you.

! .. ,__ ·ii!lll· ~~~·I ~ , ... ~ ·

Mark Link, S.J.

200 ()Ub ( ongratulations to our Week #14 Winners:

Bob Corredine Robert Griffin

Altar Servers, Masters and Thurifers: We hope you can join us for a trip to

Sea Breeze on Fri., July 6th! I -

I ... ~ ~

Information about the Seabreeze amusement park in Rochester may be found at: www.seabreeze.com

Please RSVP to Fr. Bob

If you need to contact the secretary after hours, please send us an e-mail: [email protected]

Page 4: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

A heartfelt "Thank-you" to all our teachers who give

so much to our children .... Our wishes for a relaxing,

rejuvenating and joyous summer!

Bless You!

«I!)OOIRI T© IO>©OR" food collection.

*Place donations in wire baskets at exits of Church*

Ca~holie Chcni~ies IBreaMas~ lbere(lll colleciHoli'il continues for June/July.

CAMP NAZAJRETI-I §lUimmer at Camp l\!lazCllre~h!

Fill our your registration forms early to guarantee your

spot in our fun filled camp! Camp Nazareth offers

residential camping for children ages 9-15. Swimming, boating, ropes course, sports, arts & crafts, & Campfires make lasting memories for your child. ·

Weebly fee for room, board & supervised adivities $325.00

Information and registration forms on the Camp's

website: www.campnaz.org or call (315) 724-2158 x. 263.

Rome Catholic School

$t~,~mmer C<9!mp~ hdy 9.., August 17th

Cypress St.

Open to all Pre K to Grade 6 Students

registered for 2012-2013 school year (any school district)

Come and join the fun!

Flexible Schedule

For further information or to request an application to

attend camp please contact:

Mrs. Nancy Wilson , Camp Director 315-336-6190 x 5003 or [email protected]_

All Day 3 year Old Pre .. Sc:hocl Program for 2012 - 2013

Slots still available! Lit erature Eased Thematic Units

Daily Snack Math/ Science Activities * Daily Calendar Program Liiteracy Based Lessons and ExJ!lleriences * Rest Time


Please call: (315) 336-6190 X 5003

We extend our heartfelt sympathy and prayers

to Amcmda Drabe, Cubmaster and her

children Jillian and! Riley on the unexpected

loss of their husband & father, lEd Jchiuon, last weekend.

t~ 'i! cl 'J/i.PG~Lf,~_T""o p

-~ ~~~ t ~ J ~ CHt~'}j'F<'.:JF~

. Historic H, John's= ll.»tka Thursday, June 28th

8:30 am-11:30 am

Register online at: www.uirtuscmline.org

Choose Syracuse Diocese for a full list of upcoming classes.

Please help the Sisters of Saint Francis -

We are asking for your support for the Poverello Clinic in Syracuse, New York.

The CNY85 Giving Project will award gran1s to deserving non­profit organizations working to improve the quality of life in Central NY. '

The project that receives the most public votes at the end of each quarter wi ll receive $8,500.00. We need your help.

Poverello Health Center provides lab services, medications, diagnostic testing, and dental care to people who can't afford them. We have been offering quality health care at no cost to people who are uninsured since March 2000. A team of 74 health care professionals made it possible to provide medical services to 3,081 people this past year. Enhancing existing services would enable more people access to health care that they would otherwise go without.

We need your vote and your friends votes and your colleagues votes. Simply go to http://rnyg iving .cnycf.org/cnv85 and follow the instructions to vote for our project. With your help we can improve the quality of life for people of our community who lack proper medical care. Supplement health care costs for those who can't afford them.

Poverello Health Center ----With an extra $8,500 , we could: 1. Pay lab processing fees for people who cant afford them 2. Payment assistance for people requiring biopsy testing 3 .. Provide medications for people who cant afford them 4 . PUrchase diagnostic testing kits (e.g. strep, influenza, pregnancy) 5. Purchase PTINR monitor to test Coumadin levels (without blood test

and lab fees) 6. Add nurse practitioner to staff for pre-employment physicals and

follow-up care 7. Purchase an hydr'aulic exam table for osteopathic treatment and

dental examinations

This project will address CNY's most pressing human needs by: Poverello Health Center provides lab services, medications, diagnostic testing , and dental care to people who cant afford them. We have beer; offering quality health care at no cost to people who are uninsured since March 2000. A team of 74 volunteer health care professionals made it possible to provide medical services, including pre-empioyment physicals to 3,081 people this past year. Enhancing existing services would enable more people access to health care that they would otherwise go without.

Thanksforyoursupport. Sister Mary Reichelderfer

Voite at http://mygivingcnycf.org/cny85

Page 5: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

Prayer for our Troops L ord, hold our troops in your loving hands.

Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their fami lies for the selfless acts they perform

for us day after day. Please bring them home safely. Amen.

Weekly Income & Expense Statement

June 17:


Actual Income $ 6,466.00


Total over budget:

Budgeted Expense $ 7,500.00


+ $37,569.00

Perpetual Adoration Our belief in the Real Pre~ence of Our Lord in

· the Blessed Sacrament will lead us to the desire to spend time with Him. We witness to this belief when we spend time adoring Our Lord. The adoration chapel will be opened once we

have all the adorers that we need. Our count is just under our goal of 180. Now that the opportunity is near, let's flood the chapel with adorers for Our Lord! There is a special need for night time hours to be filled from 12:00 midnight to 6 am. Please contact Joan Herr@ 339-2240 or Jean Gudaitis@ 339-9755.


Sat .. , June 30 th at Noon * Fto Stanwix

Public Square Rosary forr America will be prayed on

the sidewalk in front of Fort Stanwix Monument at 12 Noon. Please join us as we pray for our country and its leaders in this critical election year and for the preservation of religious freedom. We will be standing. If you are not able to stand for at least an hour, please bring a lawn chair. For more information, contact Jackie Stutmann at 264-7829

:(, 2012 Annual HOPE Appeal HOPE Together in Faith, Hope & Charity for 125 years


Th<lnk you to those who have made a pledge to the Annual

HOPE Appeal. Secure online gifts or pledges can be made at www.syrdio.org

St. Paul's Parish Goal 2012: $ 41,152.00 Collection as of 6/17: $ 25,539.00 To reach goal: $ 15,793.00

Find us 011 ;t'; Like

Face book

St. Paul's High School/College Student Activities NEW!


announces their first events ~

Ultimate Frisbee/Kan-Jam Tournament l\\\!'\l.\\'t~ Sat., July 7th * Noon - 4:00pm

\\~ li.i. T earn registration ll:30am

Kan Jam event followed by an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament hosted by St. Pauls Parish.

Make your own teams and bring your roster on the 7th.

Ultimate teams can be no larger then ten members and Kan ~Jam teams will be pairs. All are welcome!

Music~ ~nack.§~ lfun! All are welcome to join us for the 4:30 Mass

Any questions contact Kyle Coia on

Facebook or call St. Paul's

We will be looking for families to lend their Kan-Jam sets and possibly donate snacks and drinks for tlze event.

Auriesville Shrine 136 Shrine Rd., Fultonville, NY 12072

Hibe the Trails at the Auriesville Shrine July 14th * Details tba

Walk with your friends in Kateri Tebabwitha ways in the Adirondack foothills on her feast day-July 14th at the Auriesville Shrine of the North American Martyrs.

Follow in the footsteps of The Lily of the Mohawks who will be canonized this October! Activities will include a hike, tour of the grounds and picnic lunch-all are welcome!

E1: Pregnancy Center of CNY

WALK/RUN FOR LIFE Saturday, July 21st

W hether you walk or run, or support a friend who does; you'll be making a big difference in someone's life.

Step out on faith ... You'll be glad you did!

• 5K Run- registration at 8:30- race begins at 9:15 am

• Walk- registration at 9:00 am -walk begins at 10 am

Join us for the fun, food & fellowship!

Registration/pledge forms are available at the church exits. As part of the Mission Field Days, we would like to attend this event as a group. Please call, e-mail or facebook St. Paul's if you can attend.

Page 6: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

Christ the King Retreat House 500 Brookford Rd ., Syracuse (315) 446-2680

First Friday "Desert Day" - Blessed are the pure in Heart

Fri., July 6th * 10 am-3 pm Offering: $25 for (includes lunch)

Fr. Karlen continues his monthly series, "Relishing the Blessings of the Beatitudes" with two talks and a discussion. After lunch, there will be a directed Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Mass and Anointing of the Sick.

Outdoor Mass and Picnic Wed., July 18th * 11am Mass followed by a Picnic Lunch

Offering: $15 for lunch

W eather permitting, we'll enjoy some fresh air and sunshine today. But, rain or shine, we'll gather around the Eucharistic

table today, and thank God for all He has provided for us. After Mass, we'll enjoy our picnic lunch together. Walk the grounds, tour the Retreat House, and enjoy the day.

Please call 446-2680 for reservations for these events.

family Life Education (315) 472-6754 815 Fay Rd., Syracuse NY 13219

J ohn the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. Parents prepare

the way for a child by teaching him or her how to play a sport or learn a skill, how to make a fort or a friend, bounce back from adversity or accept an honor with gratitude, how to enjoy a hobby and how to pray.

The Good News Center (315) 735-6210

Cosby Manor Rd, Utica www.thegoodnewscenter .org

A luncheon series with Fr. Karlen Wed., June 27th * 11am- 1pm

$10 p/person

Enjoy a fascinating presentation by Fr. Donald Karlen and share an appetizing lunch with him. If you have attended any

of Fr. Karlen's luncheon series, you know how uplifting and entertaining his presentations are.

For details or registration call 735-6210 or visit: TheGoodNewsCenter.org-Events Calendar

Women At The Well Last Tuesday of month * 6:30-Spm

Facilitated by Sr. Mary Ellen Schopfer, CSJ, Spiritual Director

Women of all ages are invited to enrich their own awareness of God in their life and become more attentive to the ways He r~ourishes them each day. This time together with other

Women includes opportu nities for quiet prayer, sharing and gaining support. Free. To register call: 735-6210

Syracuse Diocese Bishop Cunningham to Lead Pilgrimage

for Canonization

Bishop Robert Cunningham will lead a pilgrimage from the Diocese to Rome and Assist to participate in the canonization of St. Marianne Cope and St. Kateri Tebewitha October 16- 23. For more information contact pilgrimarze~svrdio .org or call (315) 4 70-1491.

W e invite you to recite this prayer from June 21-July 4 to ask God to help, guide and fill with wisdom both our civic & spiritual leaders a~

they work for justice and peace our Nation and the world.

Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty

0 God our Creator, Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit,

you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel

to every corner of society.

We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty.

Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened;

give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church

and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith.

Grant, we pray, 0 heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters

gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation,

so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome-

for the sake of our children , our grandchildren , and all who come after us-

this great land will always be "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all ."

We ask this through Christ our Lord .


Page 7: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

We gratefully ac!:?nowledge the gifts to the Memorial Fund in memory of-

Maryrose Smaldon Pou[iot Andrea & Kenneth Pouliot Dr. Stephanie Vawors!:?i

Prof Joseph E. Ri[ey Mary O'Murphy Jeri Kas!:?oun Marl:? Kay James Rome Rotary Barth & Ann Register

Craig & Carol Kepner James Rut!:?ows!:?i, Sr. Margaret McDonald Bonnie Ba!:?er Maryanne Dimeo

From the Estate of Joseph Ri[ey: St. Paul's has received a beautifu l

picture of the Holy Family that hangs in the Sacristy.

Rev. Msgr. WiUiam M Ke[[y (Fr. Bi[l)

Ed & Marty Doyle Richard & Teresa Stapleton Margaret Hopl:?ins Joseph & Jean Conti Patsy Calandra Phil & Maggie Goetz Jessie Didio John F. Mosca Mary Ann Rizio Bill & Carolyn Tessien John & Marietta Stoehr Karl & Kristin Hahn John & Maureen Nash Dolores Mammolito Joseph & Ann Schillaci Pauline & Kimberly Kapinos Richard & Maryann Tyler Mary Blaschal:? The Quance Family Bernard & Gloria Carr

Gloria Nelson John & Margaret Bratge Jim & Kris Brady Joyce & Keith Butters f{ristin Butters Lydon Senatro & Jean luorno Mary Fiore Richard & Marella Fiore Roger & Irene Panaro Gerald McDonald Rosemary Guy Henry & Jane Tierney · Steve & Linda Reed Bill & Maridonna Nicholson Joanne Anderson Sophie & Anthony Lattanzio The Paul Senecal Family Mary & Harvey Marlar The Thomas Barry Family Marilyn Genovese Arnold & Linda Lancl:?ton Tom & Debbie Myslinsl:?i Bob & Marge Schaller Kathy & Steve O'Connor Carolyn & Die!:? Metzger

Chris, Becca & Matt Blaschal:? David & Barbara Anderson Wendy & David Bunl:?er Th·~ Luczal:? Family Viola Surace Antionette Riolo Joan Gorman & Sharon Luczynsl:?i David & Bernadette Arthur Bernice & Kathleen Sake Mary O'M. Murphy William & Eileen Gurecl:?i Mrs. Anthony Ferris Bill & Joan Fleet Betty Murphy Dorothy E. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Worlocl:? William & Laverne Wall:?er Ed & Helen Kelly Dan & Cathy Wilson Joseph & Jean Conti

Ann & Sherman Pil:?e Mr & Mrs AI DeSantis William & Elizabeth Dyer Joan & Bob Rosenburgh Sally M. Brauer Judy Manchester Aileen Staudmyer Marl:? & Kathleen Gilbert Patricia M. Gifford Joseph & Helen Barry Wanona Carey Barbara Trendell Mary Gallagher Nowal:? Shirley W. Pritchard Paul & Patricia Hagerty Norma & Jerry Dite Joseph & Nancy Ryan Betty Dowd The Pfrimmer Family Lucille & Die!:? Leidig Kathy & Jerry Sledziona Mary Ann Calicchia Jeri Kasl:?oun Mrs. Martha Ryan

:Jiianli 1jou!!

sincere ((5fianli ?Jo.u" to our parishioners who volunteer eir time to these special ministries at St. Paul's:

Linen Washers

Doreen Kelly Joyce Butters Kennedy Marchione

Marie Foley Shirley Pritchard Nancy Wilson

Hospital Visitors

Laverne Wal!:?er Monica Mercurio Norma Dite

Gene Blac!:?burn Laverne Wal!:?er Betty Dowd

Cathy Clem AI McGuire Jim & Mel Nichter Nancy McGuire

Bernice Salce Mary Murphy

Marie Foley

Bulletin Stuffen

Money Counters

Nettie Hartigan Lorraine Platis

Arnie & Linda Lanc!:?ton Brian & Doreen Kelly Betty Murphy

Mary Ann Larrivey Sally Brauer Chris Harper

AI McGuire Craig Brown

John Edmondson Riel:? Platis

Marie Mastracco Regina Barry Tony Ricci Joe Palal:?a Bob Corredine Wally Fey

Crystal Barry

And a very special ((5fianli ?Jo.u" to all the many members of our five funerai .Hospit:cdit:y and four Rescue Mission Teams -

Because of your dedication, St. Paul's Church is able to !:?eep our Mission Statement alive and meaningful:

"Our tnission at St. Paul's Church is to spread the Good News of SalVation, tnaintain a EuchariSt­centered and SPirit-guided faith cotntnunitY, nourish and develOP personal faith, and sustain those less fortunate through the wort'\ of parish outreach tninistries".

Page 8: Nativity of St. John the Baptist S,.. PAUL'S CHURCH

13 ulletin ~ponsors By patronizing our sponsors, we are saying "thank you" for their support

N unn nub 1ffarp.rr 1Jf unrrul 1llomr. lfnr.

418 N. George St. I Rome, New York 13440 (31'5) 337-8500 /·www.nunnandharper.com

James A. "Jim" Harper, Jr. & James A. "Jamie" Harper, Ill

,, .N (J. detai£ tM. 6maff, .N (J. 6 eJW.ice Uw.lwt-ge''

BOUTON PHYSICAL THERAPY Sports and Spinal Rehabilitation

R. Christopher Bouton,P.T.,Dip. MDT Eric C. Purbeck, MSPT Jennifer Beaton, P.T., DPT Jeffrey A. Brown, PTA Kevin Ziesenitz, PTA

221 S. James Street · Phone: 315-337-1436 Rome, New York·l3440 Fax: 315-337-1437

729 BROAD ST. UTICA, N.Y. 724-8243

Wade Canipe Administrator

Terrace at Woodland Ass1sted L1v1ng Community

8299 Turin Road - Rome, N.Y. 13440 Ph: (315) 336-0307 I Fax: (315) 336-0338

Email: [email protected] Website: www.terraceatwoodland.com

Stop in after church for a cup of coffee and a delicious cupcake!

2047 N. MADISON ST •• ROME (across from Mazzaferro's),



Dr. Daniel E. Burgdorf Dr. Michael E. Burgdorf

7750 Merrick Road 336-6761

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