Nationalism and Europe . . . the continued effects of the Enlightenment and Revolutions in the West

Nationalism and Europe

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Nationalism and Europe. . . . the continued effects of the Enlightenment and Revolutions in the West. Belgium breaks away from Holland. Remember that the Dutch had gained their Ind. from the Spanish in the 16th century. The effects of Napoleon do not end with his defeat. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Nationalism and Europe

Nationalism and Europe . . . the continued effects of the Enlightenment and

Revolutions in the West

Page 2: Nationalism and Europe

Belgium breaks away from Holland

Remember that the Dutch had gained their Ind.from the Spanishin the 16th century

Page 3: Nationalism and Europe

The effects of Napoleon do not end with his defeat. Napoleon had inspired a great deal of

nationalism throughout Europe. Holy Alliance formed to try to restore

conservatism to Europe - why? Revolutions flared throughout Europe for

the rest of the first half of the century.

Page 4: Nationalism and Europe


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B ism arckW ilh e lm

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F ren ch R evo lu tionN ap o leo n 's leg acy

(E n lig h ten m en t id ea s )(R ec ip e fo r R e vo lu tion )

Page 5: Nationalism and Europe

Greeks revolt against Turks begins in 1821

Page 6: Nationalism and Europe

Greek independence movement

In 1827 the Ottoman Fleet was defeated by a combined forceof British, French, and Russian ships.

Why would these oft times enemies cooperate to help the Greeks?

Page 7: Nationalism and Europe

The Ottoman Empire lost Greece in 1830 and wouldlose Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Romania in the 1870s



Page 8: Nationalism and Europe

In 1853 Tsar Nicholas I threatened to take overpart of the Ottoman Empire.

Page 9: Nationalism and Europe

In 1856 the Russians were defeated by the combined forces of the Ottomans, British, French, and Sardinians.

Why would the British and French help their formerenemy against their former ally?

The scene above depicts the famous –

Charge of the Light Brigade (immortalized by Lord Tennyson)

Page 10: Nationalism and Europe

Cannon to right of them,Cannon to left of them,Cannon in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd;Storm'd at with shot and shell,Boldly they rode and well,Into the jaws of Death,Into the mouth of hellRode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,Flash'd as they turn'd in air,Sabring the gunners there,Charging an army, while All the world wonder'd:Plunged in the battery-smokeRight thro' the line they broke;Cossack and RussianReel'd from the sabre stroke Shattered and sunderedThen they rode backBut not the six hundred.

Page 11: Nationalism and Europe

The humiliating defeat forced Russia to take a hard look at

herself!Nicholas’s son Alexander II moved toward

modernization shortly after the war. In 1861 he emancipated (freed) the serfs. Despite his

efforts he was assassinated in 1881. His son Alexander III halted his father’s efforts and attempted to return to a more conservative

govt. - tightening his control over the country. Why would he move away from his father’s

liberal policies?