OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL RADIO CLUB i I LULJ P. 0. BOX 99 CAMBRIDOE. MASS. 0213. VOLUME 37 SEPTEMBER 5, 1970 NUMBER 32 t4E c >,I,t ',',>A\ E DX :; U8 Estab shed 1933 34 ~ssues per year $3.2 5 A,:man 10.00 F r s t Class 17.50 ThrdClass "Well, I guess it must be about time to renew my membership in the greatest DX club of all. I sure have increased my knowledge of BCB DX in my year with NRC!" (John Shannon, Pa. ) IN THIS ISSUE: Index to Volume 37 of DX NEWS - Mark Katz Latest Hot Ecuadorian Info - Dave Gleason Supremacy Ratings - Norm Maguire Oahu Station Guide - Ron Schatz NRC StationeryIReport Form Information - HQ Another I' Crater Schlotz" Cartoon Masterpiece ! Report from Albania - Anon (postponed until next issue) Radio Santa Maria - Cesar Objio VL2NI Radio - Kevin Slater FCC to Crack Down on Splash? - Broadcast Engineering MANY MORE NEW MEMBERS! *Chuck & Jackie Ros sier, 32 Middlesex Ci. . Apt. 11, Waltham, Mass. 02154 *Robert Eddy, Box 123. Newport, 0. 45768 *Ronald J. Tauber, 5251 Galitz, Skokie, Ill. 60076 *Steve Feinstein, 30 Moulton Park Rd., Framingham, Mass. 01701 *Craig C. Koukol, 1232 N. Eagle St., Naperville, Ill. 60540 *Steve McIntire, 2225 Searle St.. Des Moines, I. 50317 (Rejoins!) *Michael Zsembik, 3003 Eaton Rd. , Shaker Hts., 0. 44122 *Richard F. Walsh, 360 Appleton St. , Arlington Hts, Mass. 02174 *Douglas B. Sharp, 5524 W. Willow Hwy., Lansing, Mich. 48917 *Rich Heald, Fairway Gardens #1 lE, Garnerville. N. Y. 10923 (Rejoins !) *Rolf Berger, 5109 Imgenbroich, Auf der Rahm. Germany *Albert E. Lehr, 651 W. A St. #42, Hayward, Ca. 94541 *Tom Walsh, 53 Neponset Rd., Quincy. Mass. 02169 (Rejoins!) Special welcome this week to our good friends the Rossiers (informal members of the Publication Committee already), and to Rolf Berger, Editor of ADDX -

NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V37/DXN37_32.pdf · International TA Test European Zone Band Status WWV Predicts TA Propagation DX'ers View of Brazil Medium Wave Stations

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Page 1: NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V37/DXN37_32.pdf · International TA Test European Zone Band Status WWV Predicts TA Propagation DX'ers View of Brazil Medium Wave Stations


N A T I O N A L R A D I O CLUB i I LULJ P. 0. BOX 99



t4E c >,I,t ',',>A\ E D X :; U8

E s t a b shed 1933

3 4 ~ssues per year $ 3 . 2 5 A,:man

10.00 F r s t Class 17.50 T h r d C l a s s

"Well, I guess i t mus t be about t ime to renew m y membership in the greatest DX club of all. I su re have increased my knowledge of BCB DX in my year with NRC!" (John Shannon, Pa. )

I N T H I S I S S U E :

Index to Volume 37 of DX NEWS - Mark Katz Latest Hot Ecuadorian Info - Dave Gleason Supremacy Ratings - Norm Maguire Oahu Station Guide - Ron Schatz NRC StationeryIReport F o r m Information - HQ Another I ' Crater Schlotz" Cartoon Masterpiece ! Report f r o m Albania - Anon (postponed until next i s sue) Radio Santa Maria - Cesar Objio VL2NI Radio - Kevin Slater FCC to Crack Down on Splash? - Broadcast Engineering

M A N Y M O R E N E W M E M B E R S !

*Chuck & Jackie Ros s i e r , 32 Middlesex Ci. . Apt. 11, Waltham, Mass. 02154

*Robert Eddy, Box 123. Newport, 0. 45768 *Ronald J. Tauber , 5251 Galitz, Skokie, Ill. 60076 *Steve Feinstein, 30 Moulton P a r k Rd. , Framingham, Mass. 01701 *Craig C. Koukol, 1232 N. Eagle St . , Naperville, Ill . 60540 *Steve McIntire, 2225 Searle St.. Des Moines, I. 50317 (Rejoins!) *Michael Zsembik, 3003 Eaton Rd. , Shaker Hts., 0. 44122 *Richard F. Walsh, 360 Appleton St. , Arlington Hts, Mass. 02174 *Douglas B. Sharp, 5524 W. Willow Hwy. , Lansing, Mich. 48917 *Rich Heald, Fairway Gardens #1 l E , Garnerville. N. Y. 10923 (Rejoins !) *Rolf Berger , 5109 Imgenbroich, Auf der Rahm. Germany *Albert E. Lehr , 651 W. A St. #42, Hayward, Ca. 94541 *Tom Walsh, 53 Neponset Rd., Quincy. Mass. 02169 (Rejoins!)

Special welcome this week to our good friends the Ross ie rs (informal members of the Publication Committee already), and to Rolf Berger , Editor of ADDX -

Page 2: NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V37/DXN37_32.pdf · International TA Test European Zone Band Status WWV Predicts TA Propagation DX'ers View of Brazil Medium Wave Stations

;L the giant all-band German club. We hope our new members will soon be introducing themselves in Musings and that we'll be reading their contributions often here in the pages of DX NEWS. Ordinarily your New Member Kits would already have been mailed out to you; since we've been caught a bit off - guard by such a l a rge sudden influx of new members a t a traditionally quiet time, Ray Moore reports that it 'll take about a week to produce the new k i t s and apologizes fo r the delay.

N R C L O G - A S M A S H S U C C E S S !

" F a n t a s t i c . . . W o r t h t w i c e t h e p r i c e e a s i l y . . . I t m a k e s t h e f i r s t e d i t i o n l o o k c r u d e i n c o m p a r i s o n . . . B e a u t i f u l . . Well w o r t h t h e w a i t . . . B e t t e r g i v e u s a h u n d r e d m o r e c o p i e s . . . L o o k s l i k e y o u ' l l h a v e t o r u n a s e c o n d p r i n t i n g o n c e t h e w o r d g e t s o u t . . . " Typical comments f r o m the f i r s t recipients of the Log. After returning the Log to the pr inter four separate t imes because we refused t o accept inferior printing, we've finally taken delivery and they a r e on their way to you now.. . We took a "hard line" with the printer and (especially since we've been in the gr ip of miserable DX conditions) made him do it over and over until we were satisfied. Our insistence on quality control cost us almost 8 weeks in delays; by the time he finished, the pr inter had been forced to re-print 60% of the pages a t l eas t once and ended up having to throw out about one hundred thousand defective pages.. . The delay has been annoying to you, a source cf continuing frustrat ion to us , and a financial d i sas te r to the pr inter (tear

r stains will be found on a few pages.. . ) but once you get your copy you'll agree thc.wait was worth it! We've already sold about 6070 of the press run and we've been holding back on advertising until we finally got them "in hand"; a t the present ra te of sale the Log should be soldout sometin in the fall . Order now o r r i sk losing out entirely.. .

C O M I N G S O O N I N DX N E W S . . . Annual Report. . . Inplications of Auroral Geometry.. . Voice of Prophecy Log.. . New TA Station List . . . Tuning the Low-Banders.. . Directional Pat terns and the DX'er.. . NRC Condition of Frequencies L is t . . . Plus much more. ..!


Howard Fountain repor t s that he has begun preparing final copy for the NRC LA Log; this opus will run about 100 pages in length and will be the LA equivalent of the NRC Domestic Log - addresses , ver ie signers, etc. We still do not know how we'll finally produce the LA Log - 100 plus pages may well prove too heavy a burden t o t r y and include a s a regular par t of DX NEWS NEWS. If this proves to be the case we'll simply run it off on the mimeo . . .

T H I R D C L A S S M E M B E R S :

"insufficient postage". Official P. 0. reaction was. "Uh.. . Gee, that shouldn't have happened.. . "

T H E R E ' L L B E S O M E C H A N G E S M A D E . . . The following i s f r o m Ern ie Wesolowski. On Sunday, 812, strong winds blew down two of the three towers of KFAB -1 11 0 Omaha, Nebraska in a very strong thunderstorm a t 10:07 CDT. Only because KFAB i s the key station for Nebraska's EBS, they will not have to reduce power to 1 kw nights but will remain 50 kw nondirectional nights until r e p a i r s a r e effected. This will

effectively increase KFAB1s signal strength by 95% to the EAST s o watch for them! WBT will be unprotected for a t l eas t a month. The towers were 500' self-supporters ; one was toppled t o the E a s t and the other fel l t o the Northeast but they did not collide a s they fell. Both towers were insured.

J e r r y S t a r r calls HQ to repor t that KDKA's antique vert ical dipole recently had i ts center insulator f racture; they a r e current ly operating with 5 kw into a horizontal longwire. Now's your chance t o snag ZCO, Tonga.. . ! B O O T L E G S E A S O N I S H E R E

Summer traditionally brings static. Conventions, and illicit MW operations; this year we've got a bumper crop . . . The most important bootleg operation i n a long t ime i s the one now being heard in the NY/NJ a r e a on 1617 kHz; cal l - le t ters a r e WFFS or a phonetic equivalent and this station may well go down in history a s the f i r s t U. S. BOOTLEG POLITICAL station. Rather than the usual over-modulated and under-powered operation typical of the usual summer BCB pirate , this station devotes a t l eas t half of i t s programming t o campaigning for a particular local political party. Area

members est imate h i s power t o be in the 100 watt range and preliminary D F suggests a location North of NYC. A second famous operation recently reactivated i s New England's "Radio King Kong", operating on 1200V. This

cat i s mos t famous for his powerful harmonic radiation, which fal ls dead- center in the Marine emergency band; every minute he s tays in operation the chance for a t ragic mar i t ime accident off the New England coast increases. Curiously, while the FCC has been advised of the extreme danger posed by this illegal operat ion, we understand that no ser ious attempt h a s been made to locate th i s station and terminate i t s operations. Any information that you can provide HQ with about this station will be greatly appreciated; i t would appear that a vis i t f r o m some of the a r e a BCB DX'ers might well

- -

prove m o r e meaningful than another se t of l e t t e r s to a n apathetic FCC.. . A P O L O G I E S

s r e r r o r s i n typing and composition this week; Admiral Nelson, accomplished )dger of NRC HQ clutter-and-entropy, managed t o s l ip on a clear-and-orderly rtch of dining room floor and break his wr i s t in a jillion places - needless to

say this makes typing a bit inefficient.. . Special thanks to Jackie Rossier , Carlita Nelson. Big George and Mark Katz fo r pitching in to help with this issue! Cast or no we'll stil l make i t to Hasbrook Heights - how 'bout you?

For reasons known presumably only by the P. 0. Department, the ent i re set of l a s t issue's 3rd Class mailing recently came bouncing back to 99 marked

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Latest LPRT List RK 9/27 It Takes Two to Verify JM 11/1 1970 Frequency Check List JF 11/1 Condition of Frequency List World Tomorrow Log JM 1 3 Texas State Network PH 2/28 Domestic Short Subjects PH 8/1


BCB Antenna Tuner Corrections to Loop Plans How to Live With a Budget Receiver Random Thoughts on the Construction of a FET Altazimuth Loop Antenna

Selecting a Receiver Roll Your Own ( Loop That Is ) Geophysical Alerts Geomagnetic Measurements During the Past 4* Years

Direct Coupled Loops Eclipse-1 970 TH MW Signal Paths, Part I1 Eclipse Ruined by Aurora MW Signal Paths, Part I11 MW Signal Paths, Part IV RF Pollution Simple Audio Filters



NRC Newsroom KGS DF


FDXC Contest Rules DX Bookshelf ANARC Report

- - PIS 1</;8 11/8 1/3 PIS 10 18 11/8 4/25

8 29 / FDXC Scores DF 12/6 2/7 Free DX Pueblo Revolutionary Offensive in Radio The Good Old Days of DX NRC Abbreviations List, Part 1 NRC Abbreviations List, Part I1 The KOB Problem

FOREIGN DX International TA Test European Zone Band Status WWV Predicts TA Propagation DX'ers View of Brazil Medium Wave Stations in Haiti DX Conditions in the Dominican Republic

Portuguese for DXQers Venezuelan List Cuban List Report from Ecuador Report from the Mediterranean DX'ing the Summer Africans Hunting the Latin Americans by Music Report from Albania Norflok Island Broadcasting Service Wood's Wonders

GPN Membership List 4/25 CPC Report JS 4/25 Baseball Networks ERC & RJE 5/16 7/4 All Night Station Menace RDX 8/1

RJE- Russ Edmunds GPN- Gordon Nelson DF - Dave Fischer KGS- K.G. Scrimgeou TH - Tom Holmes GH - Glenn Hauser REW- Richard Wood PT - Pete Taylor CO - Cesar Objio RFS- Ron Schatz DG - Dave Gleason KS - Kevin Slater

JAB- J. Alex Bowab RK - Randy Kane JM - Jay Murley

~r JF - Joe Fela LK - Len Kruse pH - Paul Hart pG - Paul Gough PIS- Phil Sullivan BR - Bruce Reynolds JS - Jerry Starr ERC- Ernie Cooper RDX- Radex



Hauser's Assorted Happenings GH

Page 4: NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V37/DXN37_32.pdf · International TA Test European Zone Band Status WWV Predicts TA Propagation DX'ers View of Brazil Medium Wave Stations

6 T ~ W R. S U M ) S ~ M - Box 205 - R'illinuboro. W.v Jars- - 08046 7

A brief introduction i r i n order from a n.a mcmber of the NRC. I've becrn DXing f o r rome 16 r e a r r , 13 of than r p l i t batuaaxl the BW a d ~ B C w/occarioml t reks into th-e Fhi, TV, & bend#. On t h b a d , I think

FATHER JACK F'EJZB - 3266 Nutmeg Street - San Diego, California - 92104 a re up to about 600 atationr l o n d d i n 30 o r 40 mtatar 50

I hops no one t r i ed to c a l l t b number l is ted i n my l a s t h e - ~0Untrie8. The main in te res t i r in n r p l i t V X l n u - LA & TA. I w i l l & rome dam-

iw - the area coda wcu wrong. After mix searr a t Villanova R e p School i n Ojai, emtic D X ~ ~ to pick up ~ p c i a l r and/or a r m e ntate. The RX a b m m b d a-

I have been tramferrod to St. Aueurtine Hiah SchDol, San Diego, whom I w i l l 150 and a mrk.r & Willianron #?a 8SB Adaptor ( an AM gating control,

teach Earth Science and Chemistry. Ojai War a f a i r l y good DX location, with on- i . f . ) w/aMeirener @-1076 Signal Calibrator (100, 50, l a c ~ r h b a t t o n select-

1y a couple of weak 10~818; i t w i l l be interastina to aar what kind of C X ex i s t ion of rnrnkarr). The art en- i r an l l - tu rn tbrrae-foot square tunable loop; a l -

i n the middle of the city. Phone nurtber w i l l b. 714-282-2184. The IRCA Conven- a 189' wire i n the a t t i c for W , etc. I 've been a manbor of the NNRC Einca

tion i n Vancouver war. intarer tinn; a l o t of fsmiliar namsr f ran the KW f ina l ly , 6/57, e d i t d a p r t b n of i t s BCB section f r m 9/63 to 12/65, and since lo/* were matcbd up with fncer. I think the hi&liaht war Rwdv SdaVet'8 phone o d l

e d i t a question-+-enwer/f eatur e cal led "Infoma tion Pleare !" Also I ed i t "Dx

Sunday night to the U . S . B b r m i n an a t t ~ l p t t o locate a bootlwger ( m t the f o r S-9 r n d z i m , since 9/66; by necersitv (w-t 01.0 dan one do?) it sorcmut similar i n format and coverwe to Eermett'r cohrmn that used to be i n radio variety!). Since re tu rn im to Odai af ter the wnvsntion, I have been t q - p ~ . I also = enang om year i n IRCA. MY prof ersion: R e ~ i r t r a t a t b d e n

ing to log the San Diego station8 not ye t verified; I w i l l do the mane w/the Ven- t w a and Santa Barnare &a stations when I get to San Diego. I am quite inter-

county College i n lockw wood N. J . ; CCC i s beginning i to fourth Year, I ' m into W erted i n reeinu t b llnv NRC Log; the 01: olle proved invaluable for adjrerrar , third there, with about 3,500 rtudentr. 1'11 wrap thi* but UP with just a corn-

rkeds, etc. T b new VJ LOR is anre convenient than the old one because of a for- merit o r on DX. biggest thir~g t h i r p e t DX saamn was th l o g ~ i n g * mat c h @ , but the one I've used mnsis tant ly a b w r bar baen the NRC.

fyina of mio ailla la on 1% l a s t 12/9/69, very happv with that catch on the loop. I jurt received a verie from Helmr for WBSC-1550 IRCA TEST on 7/26. H i r

JAY MURLFP - 1733 Candlartick - h p o r t B w h , California coment on t h card i rd ica te r I was the fur theat One to r q o r t them on 5h*, though WBAP-820 goes fulftirre c/w, uainterininn NBC a f i i l i a u o n , effective l h got thm into a t l eas t wisconrin. CHUC-1450 DX of 8/8 not heard t h b AM

8/17. Voice of Prophem's midnight r l o t w i l l ceasa on 8/31 or thereabutr . Else- due to man rtation.' jupble, even with loop. 73. (*elmme to the NRC, Tom!

where i n Dallas/Fort Worth, I0 i r now VoR, rav KIIS ( ~ x - I ~ B K D ) - ~ ~ ~ o i n L.A. up- it! s nice to bpm you i n NBC! -EX)

temp MoR. New Portland Trailblszer pro-BKB not r o t firm, but KOIN-970 firm as ancbor rtation. And one 1-t thought - WBAP w i l l go NSP, the only weetion i s

CARY p f i ~ - 71 k l h t t Street - Wilton, Connecticut - 06897

when. Sorw to hear tha t Nav Yorkerr haven't ept enough voltam to ~n ths i r NRC area DXerr unite! Note th. location of the Convention mito.

RXer, etc. hut I rur&-ect that E X & a l l a re hovering a t the t i p of Cape Cod, then note tl.je location of viJRZ.fr XR. I f ANY of tb NYC DXerr h.ve "buried the . wait- for the end of the moa a le r t r . Oh; plans h a v a ' t had f i n a l approval, b t c h e t n against WABC ( U J Z ) dig them up and b r i w thm to Hsrbrowk ~ e i g h t r . but another 50kw clear also planr to cut their a l d f p r i o d drmatical lg - can't This means Javetrki. k. Now that I'm not 8o &paced out, DX ham been p o r t h i l

feleaee ca l l l e t t e r e yet. Sorcekobv i n the Club har to be the harbimer of doorr! b e r b e to a p a t b , s t a t i c , a d emploment which turned into unmploymsnt, hi. There are alwayr exceptions to the rule thou&. 7/6 AM brou&t nothing but-

ISAAC EAVPlS - 10113 Pi110 t Street - Houston, T u s r - 770B ViNAK-7A:: on f l c , yulled the plug a f t e r ID tt 1. '?/la- W U - 5 9 0/0ff 1:02am, pre-

I t ha8 barn aeveral monthr since a I . % 8 i q has issued from t h i r ra- viously m. I h o p to roe many old hXC f r i e d 8 and m e t m- new one8 a t " la

dio shack. However. them has been mntixued interest & act ivi ty i n the hobby. belle v i l l e Henbrouck Heiphtan . I have f crmulatsd a pmcerr wheraar you can f in6

So fa r the new loop k i t bas not been received, oo I NIve been "mffering a b n R n the ADDRGSS of your local mixing a p r , i. 0 . . you have a mir im S p u of W A B C ~ O R .

with the two-foot w x "Fishn DCL plur the Nelson RF Amplifier. A surprire r d i o to f i n i address to rmd report, take the adbrrsm of both rtations (wABc-~&~o, c0KpaU loop base w/flexible rhaft , canparr bearina indicator and hand crank ham TOR=1&0, aJd together and aubtract 910. Thir m r t m i a foolproof but for 0-

been added to the loop te IopLe it rmre w i r t m f for DF. The p r i m i p l e RX i s now an thing - how do you add Avenue of t b h e r i c a r a d Broebww? E d , I ' m rspomtinp:

SP-gOO w/a EC-1004 backup, both rzck mounted. I an c o m t m t i n g a single and i t ' . getting la te to I ' l l sar 73. Hoc-boy.

mechanical f i l t e r w/mpl i f i s r fo r the SP-600 f o r the r p l i t r . However, more e p l i t r G+ Q READ !

have been loggad i n 1970absdy than ever before, blase t b SP-600. If the rin- GmRGE KELLEY - 15 Chester Street - Apt. 1 - Cambridge, Maroachsattm - 02140

l iner UP OK, I won't be able to rea i r t the challenge of a couple more, A marked improvenent i n DX C X , thay bave gone f r m rottan to

b7t a r tep a t a time i s better for a rookie. Here's a few odd8 & erads i n the way poor! Smi-DX: 7/26- IRBSC-15% S.C. TEST heard */good si-1 & rr 2:30m, of info & catchen over the part reveral monthr. heal ~ m - 1 3 2 0 bs gDm HI. very rtrorq. Thanks, Harry Helmr! 8/3- CBblF-540 Ont.10g~Od good @ 10:3-, I D

Local KPRC-950 ha. b no mean# been r e m l a r on their SP. The &a ray8 SM 2:15-3. i n FF. 8 16- WE)u'iJ-1490 R.H. t,eard strong w/KX a 4=, then into rr Q 4:05. 818- 6 / 2 9 ~ 7/6* 7/20 t h ~ were off b 2- on there MMr. Thy were not off eithes SM C H O K - ~ V ? ~ Ont. heard w/fair signal @ 3:3% w/ch. CKCH-970 Que. heard good w/ 7/2 O r 7/12. Saai-local KLVI-560 i r now Te- Ftste Network, a r i r WTAW-1150. FF hfoR @ 3:45rm. I don't know how I missed t h i r one i n the p u t ! I n xty l a s t

Smi-local KILL14 3 0 ham eked k-a per ./off info 7 / 3 wlriwing " h e r h a t b mr inn I exprer rd a & w i r e to "do in1' the l o c a l Bank of h e r i c a while I war i n veautiful". 4/1- R. Belize-834 sloff " 12;11, rwinn "This i n R. Belize, Voice N.J. However, the resident NRC meberr of the area have informedme thw would of the new Central American nation, Beliza, i n the heart of the Caribbean." 4/5 l ike to see my ta lents ured f o r a mora pract ical target. KABC! Gent lam, I ac-

a Colombia openina w/&TEI-840 HJM-10% & KTBN-1010 i t in . cept! The DJa of local &id rock s ta t ion WNTN-l5SO havo r ta tod t h y nould l i k e mB-730 " e/on- 419- KGNC-?)O s/0n " 6 - m a t not be AN-^ argrm0ra. I hope to r m the r ta t ion gp 24 hours, yuk yuk. I should c a l l t h m and t e l l than about

O f i r havim a areat bar, but I i m a g i d each of ur i r 1 o ~ k i n g fornard the NABBA Treaty, t b n anain, romebo3g rhould do the same f o r Cor t ro . I t 1 8 real- to the Pa l l reascn. 73.. , 4 nice t o rae ths Aurora without ever having t o leave your roan. Good DX. a IT'S HERE! THE N.R.C. N.Y. - N.J. C ~ ~ O N ! HAY^ FUN, E Y E E B O ~ ! ~ I L ~m W S WIfO IIAVF AmNGED TEE BIG' HASBROUCK HGIGHTS COMVENTIOH!

Page 5: NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V37/DXN37_32.pdf · International TA Test European Zone Band Status WWV Predicts TA Propagation DX'ers View of Brazil Medium Wave Stations

8 ROBEST LISON - 539 North ~ i r s t o n e Boulevard - Akron, Ohio - 44301

Re110 again! DX: 813- WYGW-1490 Pa. rn 9:36p. 815- WBRJ-910 0. 9 7 : Q p wic/w mx & WNYN QRM. 918- KPDE-1440 Ky. @ 1:30m test lng w/c/w mx. 8113- ESD-550 Mo. 3 2:05an ufiKRC . ~Budweieer spot, WMO-1080 Kv. 9 3:CBan u/ V;TIC w/rr & glass bot t le l i t t e r spot. 8/17- Strong Aurora blocklng almost every- tinina outside 200 miles to N E & W gave rre WJRD-1150 Ala. e 12:58m w/end of NX & e/off , XXLO strong u / C m 4 1:30rm, WLND-1480 TEST wae not heard here. 7126- WBSC-1550 TEST heard 2:CBazn using 5kw. directional, vsry w e a k but they were caning i n g o d 1 2:20sm w / r r J: taking call*. Some other rocker on juet before FBSC, any ideas? KKJO? Verier: v/l- BNYN-903 O., PEVA-860 Va., YiLRO-1380 O., WBZP-1140 Pa., CFPL-993 Ont. v/q- WQAhl-560 Fla., WIRE-1430 InB., PKNR-1310 Mich. NOW-590 Neb., WBEN-930 N.Y., WWR-1560 N.Y. , WOHO-1170 O., WSPD-1373 O., WHBC- 1480 O . , WKY-933 "kla., WMBS-590 Pa., WIR-960 Va., RTMJ-623 Win., ETBG-1290 Po. C?dr r i ~ n e d : WTVN-610 O. , WSOhf-600 0. Recent rsports to RNCO-1340 0.. RILE-1270 O . , WINS-1910 N.Y. , RSBA-910 Pa., RVLK KKRC KFAB WIS C& KQV WFLI CKY. Totals: 3901115. SCsrs & anyone e l se , please write. 73s & good DX!

DICK TRUAX - 5101 Ramarock Drive - Cbrleston. West Virginia - 25312 Greetirqqs once *@in fmm the Mountain State. An of th i s date 8/16

i t doesn't looke too favorable fo r uiy at tmiance a t the NRC Confab over Labor Day, but thinns irould c h g e f o r the bet ter before then. DX has been meager a t best the l a s t two month* with onlv four new logging i n July & ten so f a r th i s month. I had a nice surprise v i s i t f ran J e r w Conrad t i e weebnd of 7/18 & of a l l thing* we epent moet of tinv FM & TV DXing! Some odds & ande from W . Va.: No sign of CP WPNS-1380 i n sani-local Ifurricatl.. as of thie date, aleo n, sign of CP WVKY-1270 i n Louiea, KY. I assume the freguency of RRDS8 CP for 1480 i s i n error i n 911 DX NJBS as tinere i * another local presently operating on 1490, namely WIT. From what I could learn from one of t h e i r DJs, N W S i s hoping t o change from a dwtimer to an unlimited operation. So perhaps they ' l l reek a frequency chnge to a graveyard channel, tlpugh a l l graveyard* a r e dither i n use locally o r smi-locally a t present. Looking forward to receiving the new NAC Iag soon. I 've been waiting a month already! hore next i s m e , by then the nrw season w i l l have arrived 6 CX w i l l have improved.

CFURLES WEHICI?J:: - 10531 Kenrerly Road - St. Louie, !.!issouri - 63128 Hello frm. the linhtnirr: capital of the world, eo i t seans.

Th3 lightning made the HKND TEST unheurl 8/17 but a th-mk you i s s t i l l ming! Thoughmost DX wae m/lV, hMs have revealed thin^ but Cubans. Only variee this 5 b e r were 4VEF and WOW0 ( l o t f o r IQ:/TV, but t h i e i s n ' t an Fh!/TV club). I ' d lib to run DX TEST8 on locizle, but which one( el? Su~gestiona , avone t (KSTL- 5901db nice 4RC) A t r i p to Worrensburg, Fo., t l s horn of Rruce Reynolds, i n July was mde by the S t . Louie Gann (W.B., R.E. & r e ) . Bruce h a m the IDEAL spot for DX, want ta trade, Bmce? I &pa to b v e more DX in next report. No Ton4 vention for me. Happy Convention t0 a l l - DRIVE CAREFULLY!

DAVID COPELAND - 653 East 82 Street - Brooklyn, Nw York - 11236 I'm w r i t i ~ a lo=-overclue Musinqs. I 've been a member for a

fanmonths alrealy but have never sent i n mvth ingfor publication. 1's: 23, n a l u a t e of Oglethorpe College in Atbnta , G s . Currently I am seekim enployment i n t b N . Y . C . area. I b g e a Crake SW-.iA R X w/a loop & a 55' lonwire. Until April I was s t r i c t l y an SWL, but once I s t a r t e i ECB I Mven't pone back to ST: a t a l l . I noull appreciate rugesstionr on a new RX. The SVi-4A covers only to 1560k & awve 1530 very poorly. At. ,*.e +resent time I am 337/217. I ' m interel ted i n u a i r . 1 ~ ,:A. It' hry of yo^ k v s any Questions on jnv of the Atlanta sttltione (forn.at, ID*, r t c . ) 1'11 try to t e lp YOU. h e l l , that's ubovt i t f o r n o w . (WELCCm, flEIGKEOR, TC TiiE NAC! WE YOPE !KI TO YOOUR hiGSIbiGS OFEN! -EN)

BEA DANGERFIEID - 202 Governor's Drive - Wallingford, Pennsylvania - 19086 Here, as prcmiaed (or threatened) is Part 11 Of reactions t o

on-the-spot TA reception while t ravel l ing through B r l t a h e a r l i e r t h i s Summer. F i r s t , t h i s rewrkable fact: i n the three weeks of my visit, b e l y one crackle of s t a t i c was heard! Nor did I encounter much i n t h e way Of Auroral CX. I n the

ear ly evenily hours, long, before dark, such s ta t ions as T i r u l a , various Alger- ians, & some I ta l i ans & Spanish came through well, on some occasions, but l a te r the Germans, E & W, could be counted upon t o dominate the scene. There vss much

t o be heard by 10 & llpm Bri t ish local time, & t h e band w a s always crowded a t midnight. I noted a number of EE programs during t h e prime hours from the C o n t i - nent, mostly of an anti-U.S. nature. b o n g them were Prague-1286, kipzig-UZ2 (relay of kloscar); Tirana-1394; Warsaw-1502; E. B-rlind-15U ; & Horby-1178. Of course V O A - ~ ~ S & AFN-872 almost always came through strcng. ~ n d against the barrage from t h e Continent, t h e BBC stat ions held up nicel;., except for BBC-Eorth -692 which was usually clobbeed by S hl , E. G e m . I noticed scme s lits, but couldn't do much with them w/,y small set . There were hets m 1106 l3$ 14Y & 1475, probably from the various lw-poveled Spaniards. One thing I could do wlth the t rans i s to r , & tha t was reverse it t o b r i w i n e i t h e r a Cennan or a Spanish s tat ion, e i t h e r quite strong. Among t h e "super-stations" were these: Bzrcmunster- 529; Barcelona-737; Burg-782; Andorra-8B; Milan-899; Mainz-1016; wemen-1079; Stzaburg-ll6O; Neumunster & EAK~-1268; Saar-1421; Iumembourg-1439; Monte Carlo- 1466; Vatican-1539, & of course, Iangenberg-1586 & Munich-1602. Unfortunately there weren't maqy Gee" AM hours t o t r y fo r U.S. stations, f o r the sun r i s e s aw- f u l ear ly i n Bri ta in in the S m e r , besides the fac t that they too have an AN problem. See you shortly. 73s.

ISAAC EAVES - lo l l3 P i l l o t Street - Houston, Texas - 77029 Kigan&! Here's so= of the s tat ions qq RX hasteen bringing in to

the shack. 4/15- XERT-1170 @ 9:34am amid s ta t i c . 4/29- X X W A - ~ ~ O s/off vithout mx @ 1:05; YlVlT-540 s/off @ I:@, no NA; XEXlN-860 w/cl mx @ 2:30am. 5/4- (h t r y for KXL Special, YTlX knocked it out. I heard a TTer, but I believe it was closer than KXL; YVKE-1100 W/ID & TX @ 3:56am; on 1130 an SS I D as R. Capital @ 4:30am,. who dat? 5/l2- WRBC-UOO Miss. W/ABC NX d 7:05am - are they an a f f i l i a t e ? 5/27- XEWn-1270 R. Variedades d 1:55. 6/6- XEPS @ 2:42 - didn't call i t s e l f R. Jwen- tud, but sanething l ike R. Cardote. 6/29- XEHK w/ranchero mx t o l l 3am. After ID they pranptly quit modulati though carr ier seemed t o remain. XEAU-960 ID- as s m e t h w l i ~ r R. ~ s c o Y ~ f f @ 3. BRW-IY~ "= YOZ de l ~ t l m t i c o ~ ./off w/. "Over t h e waves" @ midni&t. YSGF-1155 "Ondas Orientales" s/off @ 1. 7/9- TGHR- 700 "R. Mundial" @ 1:35 mixed w/another SS. 7/13' WRIZ-1559 Fla. on the a i r a t 1:X) f o r experimental TPing. KdN-1490 Ark. W/S-20 NX & Top 40 recards @ 1:45., r e a l good f o r 2 5 0 ~ . 7/14- XED i n mQMy s t r o w & clear fo r 1 ,000~ W/U.S. mx of 20 years Go. They s/off @ 2:27 a s R. M i l Doscientos Diez. 7/16- XHTR s/off @ 1:55; !iMEX%920 Fla. announcing as Melbour?ae instrad of the l i s ted Eau Gallie W/HI @ 3., 7/17- XEF-1420 s/off @ 2; wJHO-1400 A l a . i n @ 3:14, then out gain. 7/8- K A O K - ~ ~ O O k. r / c w/code I D @ 1:13 bc about every three minutes. 7/22- WDm-900 Miss. s/pn @ 7am - I couldn't hear usually stroog XEW. 7/26- WBSC-1550 S.C. ~ r n i n from 2:04 but weak u n t i l t h e 2:19 announ ement t h a t TEST was fo r IRCA & fiere t o write or phone for verification. Gave poser, sked, types of mx, antenna Info. A t 2:25 a Glenn Bmpbell number "I've Got h r e r y t h i q a Han Could hrer Need. " Hov about u s 'boys"? 73.

JCHN WBDIE - vacationiw in Tipper-, Irelaad I ' m having a f ine t r i p over here. It is as &reen as they say!

G. EARUX DeLEURERE - vacationing in Capri, 1t:ly A s the people' here say, 'Saluti da Capri. "


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NATIONAL RADIO CLUB Please reply to:

MonlEormg Report for Radio Station on kHz.

Date Monitoring period to

I t was my pleasure to monitor t ransmissions f rom your station during the above period. As proof of reception I offer this log of i tems heard:

This i s the new NRC domestic report fo rm - carefully designed by J e r ry S ta r r of the NRC CPC and NRC HQ to produce the optimum domestic returns: short enough to keep the station personnel interested without becoming bored yet long enough to constitute a meaningful report. These report forms a r e printed on heavy bond paper by dark and clear offset printing. If you can't take the time

let ter , do the next best thing - send an NRC domestic report fo rm! Available immediately from NRC HQ for $1. 35 for 75 sheets ( so priced to minimize

On the basis of the above details, I wish to request a brief letter confirming the fact that I have received your station's signals. I collect these let ters a s a hobby and would be most pleased to add your confirmation to my collection. For your convenience in replying I have enclosed return postage. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope this report has been of interest to you.


T e c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n

Receiving equipment:

Interfering stations:

Reception conditions:



Other stations confirmed in your area:

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1 Propagation 8 Features :

IMERNAnoNAL DX Digesf @ Gordon Nel'lon, I9 Irma Ave. Wotertown, Moss. 02172

. - R E P O R T E D L Y I N O P E R A T I O N . . .

~ -

GAMBIA. Radio Syd has been monitored f rom off the African coast On 908 kHz operating 0600-0200; programming in English, French, and vernacular.

\ I

1 BRAZIL. Two drif ters recently noted off-channel in Scandinavia a r e ZYK31 on 1371 and ZYZ6, Radio Espinharas de Patos on 1472.

CHILE. CX140, Radio Zorilla de San Martin i s currently being heard in Sweden on 1399 kHz. (ARC)

CUETA (SPANISH ENCLAVE). EAJ46. R. Cueta, operates on 1106 0645-2300.

MELILLA (SPANISH ENCLAVE). EAJZI, R. Melilla now operates on 1520 kHz 0645-2300; now using a 500 transmit ter but soon to boost power to 2 kw. Neither Cueta o r Melilla have ever been heard in North America.. . (Ed)

ALBANIA. Gjirokaster i s now on 1264; power i s definitely more than the listed 200 watts according to a reliable Albanian informant. (Ed)

LIBYA. A Finnish DX'er has recently received a QSL f rom E l Beida for 1124 kHz; address i s P. 0. Box 119, E l Beida; signed by Josef Meier. Still no ver ies received in North America to the best of our info. (Ed)


ANTIGUA. ZDK supposedly began operations with 10 kw in June but no reports of actual reception a r e known; frequency unknown. (BDXC)

MALAYSIA. Three new 50 kw transmit ters a r e planned for Johore Bahru; no freq known. SCDX)

P I R A T E S / B O O T L E G S / C L A N D E S T I N E

RADIO NORDSEE INTERNATIONAL. RNI went off during the afternoon of Ju ly 30th and returned August 4th on 1385 kHz; modulation poor before they left the a i r . ( Ken Brownless, U. K. ) Good on 1385 after 2230 since DDR i s then off; new style of programming - music not so "hard". (Ericson, Sweden) Nordsee now on 1367 kHz a s of 0500 8/24; very strong signal in Sweden. (ARC)

CAPITAL RADIO. Testing since July 30th on 1115 kHz; high quality classical music programming. (Brownless, U. K. ; Ericson, Sweden)

NEW ZEALAND. Projected frequencies a r e Radio Hauraki, 1480 kHz; Radio 1, 1590. F rom a "fair ly reliable source". (NZDXRA)

13 C L A N D E S T I N E / Q U A S I C L A N D E S T I N E

During the past decade the government of the UAR has made high-powered Egyptian t ransmi t te rs available t o a ra ther la rge number of clandestine Arab t e r ro r i s t and Palest ine Liberation organizations. Broadcasts of such stations a s "The Voice of A1 Fatah" have been widely heard over UAR MW outlets such a s 773 and 818 kHz. A s reported in the l a s t i s sue of IDXD, recent political developments in the Near Eas t have radically al tered the status of these MW broadcasts. Cairo Radio said,

!!The UAR authorities have adopted a decision providing for suspension of brbadcasts put out by certain Palestinian organizations on UAR radio wave- lengths. This was decided following the attitude adopted by certain Palest i - nian organizations on Egypt's acceptance of the so-called US inintiative. The UAR explained i t s views on this mat te r a t a l l levels and by various means t o al l official and popular sec tors of Arab opinion. These include contacts, explanations and direct guarentees to the Palestinian organization. More- over, the UAR's adherence ri principals in clear and i s proved by i ts history, struggle and sacrifices. I t appeared f rom the contacts that the Palestinian organizations understood the UAR's policy and saw i ts intentions. However, this did not bring a b m t the desired effect. The excuse was that bidding amoung the Palestinian organizations pushed t k m to a position.opposite to what they wanted.

"While understanding the relations between the various Palestinian organizations, the UAR believes there a r e l imits whereby every side mus t undertake i t s responsibilities. The UAR placed i ts radios a t the service of certain Palestinian organizations to facilitate propaganda for theReiigtance., However., it i s wrong t o leave such means a t the mercy of any local manoeuvre in the struggle for power amoung the Palestinian organizations. The UAR has supported and will always support the PalestinianResistance movement. It has placed and will always place a l l possible material, mil i - t a ry and political resources a t the desposal of the movement. The UAR still considers that fundamentally the Palestinian resistance movement i s the noblest feature of the Arab nation's reaction to the 1967 setback. The UAR's greatest wish i s to see the Resistance organizations succeed in establishing healthy relations permitting them to ca r ry out their anticipated great role in a manner that will make them one of the vanguards of victory in the violent war fought by the Arab nation on many fronts to l iberate i t s lands and recover i t s rights.

The propaganda broadcasts over Cairo t ransmit ters have long been an important ingredient in the explosive Middle East ; in addition to their obvious political impact, these broadcasts regularly featured coded messages destined for various underground action groups.

Scheduled t imes for the daily "Voice of Palestine" t ransmissions were 10:88 - 11:OO and 15.30 - 17.30; for the daily !Voice of Faith" 17.30 - 18.30. These t ransmissions were not heard on the afternoon of 28th July, nor on the four suceeding days.

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Until 28th July, the "Voice of Palest ine" and IVoice of Faith" were heard on frequencies used a t other t imes of the day by the commercial "Middle E a s t Radio" and by Cairo radio's "holy Qur'an" transmission. On the afternoon of 28th July these frequencies continued to c a r r y "Middle E a s t Radio" programmes and the "Holy Gur 'an" during the t ransmissions spans which were previously used by the "Voice of Palestine" and "Voice of Faith".

The "Voice of Palestine", the radio of the Palest ine Liberation Organi- zation, began broadcasting f r o m f r o m Cairo on 1s t March 1965. I t s inaurgural broadcast was introduced with the words: "Sons of Palest ine everywhere, this i s your voice,the voice of the Palestinian Arab organiza- tion raised for the f i r s t t ime to crystal l ise your hopre and mobilize your efforts to l iberate the land of your fathers and forefathers , our dear land Palestine. Sons of the Arab nation, this i s the 'Voice of Palestine' . I '

The "Voice of Faith" began broadcasting on 11th May 1968. I t was announced a s "The Voice of Asifah, the Voice of Faith and the Voice of the Palestine Revolution". F o r a t ime during 1969 Omdurman radio rebroadcast the one-hour p rograms of the "Voice of Faith".

The I raq i News Agency said on the morning of the 28th July that, in response t o an appeal f rom a Palestinian t rade union group in Iraq, the Baghdad Government was" studying thequestion of providing technical means for the t ransmission of the Voice of the Palestinian revolution over Baghdad radio following i t s suspension by the UAR". At 17. 00 on 29th July Baghdad

' radio reported tha t l ' l a s t night" the "Voice of Asifah" (i. e. Voice of Faith) had continued to broadcast i ts programs on a new frequency following the UAR's dicision to suspend the radio's broadcasts f r o m Cairo. The radio cited the newspaperl 'Fatah" f o r a repor t t h i t the radio was now broadcast- ing on 906 kHz and that t ransmission on a new frequency "will begin today". (No such fida' i broadcast on this o r any other frequency has been heard. )

At 03. 30 on 29th July Omdurman radio said that the Sudanese authorities had suspended the daily "Palestine Revolution" program on the Sudanese radio and television "because of mate r ia l contained in the program recently regarding acceptance of the so-called US initiative1'.

At 15.15 on 1s t August Cairo radio announced that the frequencies 773 and 872 kHz - the frequecies which formerly ca r r ied the "Voice of Palestin&' and "Voice of Faith" programs respectively - would be used to add three hours of broadcasting to the regular "Palestine Service: t ransmissions in Cairo's "Voice of the Arabs1 ' service starting on 1 s t August. The t ime announced by Cairo for this additional t ransmission, 15.30 - 18.30, covers the t ransmission periods of the "Voice of Palestine" and the "Voice of Faith" pr ior to their suspension. On 1st August the additional "Palestine Service" t ransmission was observed a s announced, transmitting a t 15.30 - 17.30 on 773 kHz and a t 17. 30 - 18. 30 on 872 kHz.



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Kevin Slater

A challenge to a l l medium wave DX-ers i s little VL2Nl of the Norfolk Island Broadcasting Service.

You may quite possibly know nothing about Norfolk Island. Its

geographical co-ordinates a r e 167.56 degrees east and 29.03 degrees south which puts i t in the South Pacific 660 miles northwest of Auckland. New Zealand, and 1035 east-nor -east of Sydney, Australia.

Only 8528 a c r e s in a r ea , it i s an Australian Ter r i to ry with an Admin- is t rator and a locally elected Council. Its main income is the sale of posta

stamps and f rom tourism.

It is in fact a popular place for touris ts who come mainly f rom Australia and New Zealand but increasingly f rom other countries. They a r e attracted

by a near-perfect climate, luxuriant f lora and fama, fascinating historical remains, duty -free shopping and f i r s t -c lass hotels.

The Island was a notorious Bri t ish penal settlement in the early 1800's and there is much evidence of this unsavoury period still in existence.

VL2N1 i s the only broadcasting station on the Island and i s now operated by the Administration. It s tar ted l i fe a s a Department of Civil Aviation utility designed to inform Islanders of a i rc ra f t movements.

A studio was then se t up in the Administration buildings a t the capital. Kingston, and a t ransmit ter with an output of approximately 12 watts was used on 1570 kHz.

Following the recommendations of an Australian Pos t Office engineer who visited the Island and reported on the local broadcasting service in December 1967 a new 50 watt t ransmit ter was installed and a new aer ia l erected. An ul tra-modern studio was built in a restored convict building and a l ib ra ry of records and tape-recordings was established with the assis tance of the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC and Deutsche Welle.

The Island now had an escellent broadcasting service providing internation- a l news, local news bulletins and a wide range of musical and variety pro- grammes. Transmission t imes were f rom 0900 to 1200 local t ime (2130-0030 GMT) Monday through to Friday and a Monday evening programme f rom 2000 t o 2230 (0830-1100 GMT). Monthly Council meetings were broadcast on Tuesday evenings.

But on the morning of Wednesday. 27 May 1970, a disastrous f i re comple- tely gutted the building housing the new studio along with the Public Library and historical museum. Pr ice less historical documents were lost and VL2NI went off the a i r .

owner of a l a rge radio shop, had the station operating the next day f rom the 17 tiny t ransmit ter shed.

With fellow broadcaster Pas tor Matt Cathcart sick with hepatitis, Broadcasting Officer Mrs. Katy Lecren ha s since the f i re presented 45 minute daily programmes under dreadful conditions. Her ent ire equipment consists of one ancient record-player, a Sony transis tor radio, a small con- t ro l box, a low-density microphone and a kitchen clock.

International news i s taken f rom Radio Australia o r Brisbane's VLQ9 through the t rans i s tor s e t and there a r e unavoidable lengthy breaks a s records a r e changed. But no-one complains. VLZNI is a community station and everyone on the Island would help if he could. Each morning there a r e many visi tors to the t ransmit ter building and children play outside the open studio door.

Saturday and Sunday a i rc ra f t movement broadcasts continue to come directly f r om the a i rpor t terminal where Department of Civil Aviation con- t ro l le r L e s Bright has a lower power t ransmit ter also tuned to 1570kHz.

The staff a t VLZNI a r e aware that many foreign DX-ers a r e trying hard to capture their elusive signal and they look forward to receiving reception reports. In fact, several accurate reports have come in f rom New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Finland and elsewhere and have been quickly verified.

Strangely, none have a r r ived since the 50 watt t ransmit ter was commis - sioned except f r om a ship in the Tasrnan Sea. John Anderson thinks the old makeshift ae r ia l mus t have had sky-wave tendencies while the new system i s specifically designed for local t ransmission and may have none of the former long-distance capabilities.

But do t r y to log VLXNI. And if you can't why not visit Norfolk Island yourself? The Administration o r Tourist Board will be pleased t o send you information on VL2NI and the Island in general. Remember, Norfolk Island i s an excellent location for South Pacific DX-ing.

But ont for long. The enthusiasm of i t s staff, ~ a r t i c u l a r l y people like par t -time technical officer John Anderson,

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0 Cesar Objio

Perched high on top of a hill about 4000 fett above highway level and almost 1000 feet above sea level i s located the village of Santo Cerro, just north of La Vega, with a population of 150 inhabitants. Up a s teep and winding road, the flat sununit, not m o r e than one a c r e of land, i s reached. The dominant building i s the church on the left end of the only s t ree t in town, a church which was built on the place where the Virgin Mary appeared, so the s tory goes, to the Spanish forces fighting the natives on January 5, 1495. After h e r appearance, the Spaniards got enough courage to conquer the natives, an overwhelming crowd against them. The place became a shrine and i s constaltly visited by pilgramages f r o m a l l over the country - hence the name of the station.

On the right end of the s t ree t i s the building housing Radio Santa Maria, a religious and cultural station, mostly dedicated to the teaching of country people in the Vega Real Valley. By the i ron gate, a sign m a r k s the place. The one s tory building consists of 5 rooms. The f i r s t one to be seen i s the one in the middle of the house and i s the control room, where the speaker works with records , console, tape car tr idges and tape recorders ; through a glass wall in front of h im i s the teackng room, a l so used for ta lks and live programs, with a recording r o o m next to it. To the left i s the director 's office. Walking around the right side through an open hall, we came t o the secretary 's office in the back.

Operating the same way a s Radio Sutatenza, Radio Santa Maria teaches over the a i r how t o read and write, history, geography, agricul ture and country chores to the people, with the aid of auxiliars, and radio receivers . F o r this purpose, Fa ther Cipriano Cavero, S. J. . the ~ c t u a l director , visited Radio Sutatenza in Columbia several y a e r s ago, in o rder t o l ea rn their teaching system to be applied in this country. Now the station has about 600 radio schools actually working with m o r e than 9000 pupils learning in a l l the surrounding country, The station s tar ted operating for only a few hours a day, in th ree steps: ear ly in the morning, a t noon and in the evening. P r o g r e s s has helped the station t o increase working t ime, due t o part- t ime commercial advertising, with the exception of alchoholic beverages. No brand of r u m i s ever advert ised on their microphones, despite the fact that the r u m industry has the best paid ads. Newsreels a r e p r e s n t e d by relaying Radio Mil-1180, Santo Domingo, ea r ly in the morning.

All in a l l the station operates 17112 hours a day, f rom 5 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., local time, with a new Collins 10 kw transmit ter , which was inaugurated on August 8, 1968. Frequency was chnged f r o m 1200 t o 590 kcs. in February, 1970, in an effort yo get a wider coverage in the whole country. On Sundays, t ransmission t ime i s f r o m 11:30 a .m. t o 3p.m. and f r o m 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. with cultural programs. There a r e no ads on Sundays.

The antenna, placed over the hill, i s not giving the desired resul ts , and

signal strength i s not a ired a t maximum output, so that i t i s being planned 19 to have it moved to the lowlands of the valley. where an FM studio-trans- mit ter link will then be used. Reports a r e beinf received f rom abroad

and the cor rec t ones a r e being answered by Miss Aguedita J imenez secretary, but signed by Fa ther Cipriano Cavero, S. J.. with verification let ters . IRCs a r e welcome but mint stamps s r e preferred. Nearby to

the north i s the place where the television relays fo r the northerner regions a r e located. They a r e Rahintel, Channel1 11, and Color Vision, Chanel 2. a color TV station. The place is easi ly identified, a s th ree antenna towers a r e seen f r o m some distance.


Thule. Ai r Base, located on the e x t r a m a o r t h w e s t coast of Greenland, i s a very unique place. Being the US Air F o r c e ' s northern-most installation, i t has a unique climate, and some ra ther unusual people live and work there.

The base is a relatively self-sufficient community, having i t s own facilities, complete with television and AM radio station. Both play a most

important role in informing, educating and entertaining the personnel s ta - tioned a t Thule, the radio-TV cutlet i s operated by AFRTS.

Radio 1425 i s the 1000-watt voice for the base. Operating 24 hours a day.

365 days a .yecr., the station offers a wide variety of stateside sounds. Everything f r o m country and western t o contemporary jazz, f rom hard rock to middle-of-the-road i s featured. Coverage of important nes , conferences, history making news events and weekly spor t s events a r e ca r r ied on AFRTS.

Each member of the announcing staff of Radio 1425 has a t l eas t a two- hour live p rogram block each day while AFRTS transcribed programming fills the r e s t of the day, All of these staff announcers have come to Thule

with some p r i o r civilian radio experience, and most intend to pursue c a r e e r s in the radio-television field af ter serving their service commitments.

Conscientiously reported news i s a i red every hour on the hour over Radio 1425 in addition to the all-important weather repor t s and forecasts. In a land where temperatures can drop to 43 degrees below zero and the winds can blow off the Ice Cap a t 100 mi les an hour , these hourly weather forcasts a r e well l istened t o by a l l Thuleites.

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REPORT FROM 20 Davxd Gleason 0 ECUADOR

A few notes might b e of i n t e re s t . . . f i r s t off, regarding the Impending real locat ion of f r equenc ie s h e r e in Ecuador . T h e plan will bas ica l ly follow the one in u s e in Columbia, with 10 kw s ta t ions f r o m 540 to 1050 and 5 ' s through 1250, with 1 ' s in the r ema inde r of the band. All sp l i t s will d i sappea r ( a t l ea s t legal ly) .

A few notes on recept ion l a s t night, 7 / 2 2 , m a y be of i n t e r e s t .

1325 Radio Guayaquil, Babahoyo, noted with s t rong s ignal on th i s f r eq . Many ads . Modulation uneven.

825 Radio National Espe jo , Santo Domingo de 10s Colorados , Delete. Inact ive 15 months . Also dele te redundant l i cense for 775.

1505 Radio Garzon, Garzon , Huila, Columbia with RCN stuff h e r e f r o m 1480. I s a good QSLer .

905 Radio Splendid, Cuenca h e r e with f a i r ly good s ignal f r o m 1900. News 0100 - 0130, followed by Lat in rock p r o g r a m t i l l s /off .

774 Radio L a P r e n s a , Guayaquil h e r e with in s t rumen ta l music .

1270 Radio Universa l , Guayaquil h e r e with 10 kw and 24 hour sked.

1125 Radio Inti Raymi, Pomasqu i h e r e i r r egu la r ly with I00 wat ts .

734 Radih L ibe r t ad , Chone noted with m e s s a g e s to r u r a l a r e a s around 0100 fo r ove r 45 minutes . Al ternat ing m a l e and YL anncr . Shallow modulation with s t r o n ~ c a r r i e r .

625 Canal Manabita, Por tovie jo noted a l l evening with about every kind of m u s i c avai lable .

1345 Radio Chone, Chone. s t ronq u ~ t h national mus ic and m e s s a n e s .

1335 Radio P a z y Rien, Amhato s t r ~ n a throuoh 0400 u i t h 3 kw. Light m u s i c , some rock.

11 15 Radio A m e r i c a , Gua) aquil he re through 0691) with live p r o g r a m s and national mus ic .

1140 plus Radio Condor, Cuayaquil h e r e througli 0600 hett inq with Radio Musical de Cuenca.

1140 Radio hlus ica l , Cuenca h e r ? with I k ~ v 24h.

1 195 Radio T,qrislno, Sanqolqui with national muslr:

1375 UnID Cr~lumbian, m e t i t i ( l ~ ~ s o; Popd)ali a n d P s l n l ~ l - ~ l but unable to get ID due t r ) 1330 Radip El 'Tr~i io<) h e r e irl Q ~ l i l f , .

In c a s e of I n t e r e s t , h e r e i s l i s t of a l l opera t ing Quito s ta t ions with sked:

550 Radio Ecuator iana -5 - tower-1 100 -0400 570 Radio Musical -1 -tower -24 h 590 Radio F i e s t a -1 - tower-24 h 640 Radio Nacional -10-tower - 1100-0400 670 Radio J a v i e r -1 -wire-1100-0500 700 HCJB -30 -tower-1030-0400 720 Radio Municipal - 1 -wire-1600-0400 740 Radio Melodia -1 -wire-24 h / /1460 760 Radio Quito -3-tower-1100-0450 785 Radio Noticia -. 3-wire-1100-0400 8 10 Canal T rop ica l - 1 -tower -24 h 835 Radio T r a n s i t o -. 5-wire-1100-0500 860 Radio J e s u s de l

G r a n P o d e r - 1 -wire-f r idays 1900-0300 880 Radio Catolica -. 5-wire-1100-0300 900 Radio G e m a s -1 -wi re -1 100-0500 920 Radio Colon -. 25 -wire-1400-0430 940 Radio Kronos -. 25 -wire-1200-0300 962 Radio Cosmopolita -. 5 -wire -1 100-0500 o r l a t e r 990 Radio T a r q u i -3-wire-1100-0400 1020 Radio E l Sol -1 -wi re -1 100-0500 1070 Radio Liber tad- . 2-wire-1100-0400 1090 Xadio Fan tas i a - . 2 -wi re -1100-0400 11 10 Radio Exi to --. 3-wire -1 100-0600 1145 Radio Capitol -. 8 - w i r e - i r r e g u l a r 118C Radio Cen t ra l -. 4-wire-1100-0500 121 0 Radio Amer ica - . 3-tower-1100-0700 1245 Radio Metropol i tana- . 4-wire-1100-0300 1280 Voz Democrac ia -. 8-wire-1100-0400 1310 R. Nac. Espejo -1- tower-24 h 1360 Radio Corporacion- . 2-wire - i r r e g u l a r 1380 K. E l T i e m p o -. 3-wire-1100-0400 141 0 E . Gran Colombia -1 - tower-1 100-0600 1430 R. Casa d e l a Cul tura- . 5 - w i r e - i r r e g u l a r 1460 Radio Reloj -. 3-wire-24 h 1490 Radio Atahualpa -. 5- wire-1100-0400 1520 R. C o r d i l l ~ r a -. 5 -\..ire- 1100-0400 1545 P.. Aeropuer to -. 3 - w i r e - i r r e g u l a r 1570-1573 R.Maranon - .2-wire-1200-0300 660 E c o s de l a Montana-5- tower-24 h




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Chicago's Lake Tower Inn was the site of ANARC'S 1970 conven- tion over the weekend of July 31 to August 2. Jerry Heien and John Kudulis were the convention hosts and they did a very fine job arranging this event.

Among the approximately 30 persons in attendance were all of the ANARC Executive Secretaries, past (Don Jensen and Gerry Dexter) and present (Gray Scrimgeour), as well as represenatives of almost all ANARC clubs.

The convention began Friday night with registration and a very informal get-acquainted bull session at which we discussed many common aspects of DXing and radio clubs and swapped the latest in flying-tower jokes. Saturday morning saw most of those present leave for a tour of WGN's studios--but not Gray and I, we stayed at the hotel and watched cartoons.

After lunch we gathered for the first formal meeting of the convention. The meeting room looked out upon a small beach and the rather warm weather made for good bird watching, which may account for the lack of detail in the following summaryr

Don Jensen began the meeting with a talk on writing articles for newspapers, magazines and DX club publications (Don, as I sit here typing this I wish I'd paid nore attention to you)--the diff- erences in styles required, how to sell an article, etc. Gray Scrimgeour then gave a brief talk about ANARC and what it has done recently and read reports from the various committees. Since I was there I gave some preliminar figures from the ANARC census (final results are still a ways offy--some of which follow this report. There followed a general discussion of ANARC's problems, goals, etc. One problem is that of making ANARC better known, both within the clubs and without, and it was suggested that cluts include a blurb sheet about ANARC in eech club's new nember kit and that an attempt be made to persuade receiver manufacturers to include a similar sheet with any receiver they sell.

Followirlg the Saturday evening banquet horrie Goldman of WTFDA pave a talk on international TV DX and showed us some of his TV datches (domestic) on his VTR. (Would you believe $150. for a Sony VTR??) Then Gerry Dexter announced that the 1970 ANARC Lan of the Year award v~ould be presented to LeRoy kvaite, former amateur sec- tion editor for NNRC and head of the ARRL SWL QSL bureau for many yearso In the drawing for the door prizes b~artyn bladeley of IRCA was the big winner--he won a Sony portable 15075 kc/s harmonic generator, complete with b/w picture tube. Second prize, a biosley SWV-7 multiband antenna went to Gerry Dextero

Later that evening a meeting was held among the club represat- ives to continue discussio?~ about ANARC. We kicked around sever- al names of persons who might be considered as possible Executive Secretary nominees (the election is this fall)--if and when these peorle are nominated their names will be announced. Another mat- ter was a proposal to make the ANARC Kewsletter (monthly, now sent to club reps) available to all for a subscription price of about $2.

The last event at the convention was a Sunday morning buffet style breakfast and a brief farewell address by Gray Scrimgeour.

Phil Sullivan 152 Third St. Leominster, ]*;ass.

ANARC CENSUS 25 The following are some preliminary figures based upon a ran-

dom sample of 100 census replies1 Type of DX prefered--SWBC 83%: BCB 54%; 'Ham bands 37%; Utilities

279; FIki21%; TV 20%$ LW 15%; VHF-UHF (except Fivi/TV) 5%, Club membership--NASWA 35%; NNRC 32%; ASWLC 317Zt WTFDA 12%; IRCA

lls, Y R C ~ ~ % ; CIDX 5%; ISWC (not in ANARC) 39% NYSDXA (now de- funct 2,0. . . - 71% belong to only 1 club, 23% to 2, 3% to 3, 2% to 4 and only 1% is in 5 clubs. The average person is a member of 1.39 clubs (which proves again that average people don't exist)

- - ~- - -. Age of DXers in the ANARC clubs:

Under 17 None: 13-15 5%; 16-20 34%; 21-25 1%; 26-30 8%; 31- 35 11%; over 35 30% (Totals 98% as 2% either don't know how old they are or don't want to tell)

Age at which a person began DXing-- Under 12 None; 12-15 42$%; 16-20 15%: 21-25 15%; 26-50 25%; Over 50 2&%. - -. -

Ham and/or CB licences--Neither 79%; CB 12%; Ham 7%; Both 2%.


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DIRECT CURRENT FROM D. C. ---by Howard T. Head f r o m BROADCAST ENGINEERING June, 1970


The Commission's engineers a r e becoming increasingly disturbed by recent instances where A M stations have installed new t ransmi t te r s ra ted a t 5KW R F power but having 10 KW modulation capability. These t ransmi t -

t e r s a r e being sold by a t l eas t two of the major AM t ransmi t te r manufacturers.

The principal selling point of these t ransmi t te r s is that they permi t positive modulation levels well in excess of 100 per cent, with one manu- facturer claiming the capability of achieving 170 percent positive modulation. The present AM technical standards place no l imit on positive modulation peaks, although modulation may not exceed 100 percent on negative peaks.

The Commission's engineers a r e concerned with the audio distortion and c a r r i e r shift, a s well a s interference t o other stations, which occur under overmodulation conditions. The t ransmit ter manufacturers insis t however, that these can be held within l imi t s fo r very high modulation percentages, a nice t r i c k if it can be done without repealing some funda- mental physical laws.

The Commission i s convinced that the only way to solve the problem i s to reimpose an upper l imit on positive modulation peaks, and a proposal to this effect is expected f r o m the Commission shortly. Such a requirement was in effect until 1953 when it was eliminated to permi t small amounts of overmodulation, but the present t rend t o excessive modulation levels h a s brought about the cur ren t re-examination of the problem.

The two were reported to [have told the police:. 'The B.B.C. jams us, so we ~ammed 1 them "




Mr. Everitt and Mr. Nolan .Iii:ktor ~ l d i o Geronimo. a pop ,Istation with headquarters in

.Rival Radio Men Hurl Jam At B.B.C. Office in Reprisal LONWN (AP>--Two pro-

gram directors from a pop a- dio station were fined U5 ($60) each for tuxsing bags of strawberry jam into the head- quarto3 of the British Broad- castin# Corporation.

"You ought to. know better than 20 behave lrke children."

clipping corner

I the magistrate told Barry Ever- itt, 22 years old, and Hugh No- lan. 26.

BRITAIN'S first local commercial radio stations will go on the air next year. Mr Christopher Chataway is to announce plans for the new network next week. The Tory Government

will be a s tough on pop pirates a s Labour and jamming of Radio Nor th S& International w i l l continue.

Mr Chataway. Posts and Telecommunications Minister. warncd last night that pirate TV broadcasting will not be tolerated either - iust 24 hours before Television Caro- line is due to start broad- casting from a Super Con-

stellation aircnh 20,000ft. above the North Sea.

The new local radio stations will be responsible to a body on the lines of the Indepen- dent Television Authority.

But the fate of the BBC's local radio stations is still in the balance. Eight are already on the air, another 12

about to be launckd. and Labour had authorised a stan on M r 20 Chauway, more by 1975. one-the W

newscaster, will start consul- tations Lord Hill with in BBC the next chairman few

days. A cut-throat behind-*

scenes battle is already de- veloping for the I d nd io contracts, potentially worth millions of pounds.

More than 400 1 m t broad- casting recistered, com t g u ~ b niss fewer have been tha

half are likely to be seriom contenders for contracts. Pre-electim Tory thinking was to set &p 100 1-1 m- tions.

Money I Two main rivals are : The Local Rmdio Assoclatlon with about 60 members, ranging from Radio Reutals to local newspewrs which want to transmit in t h i r home towns.

in Windsor WINDSOR (CP) - CKLW

radio stations PM and FM have been sold to Baton Broadcarting Ltd. of Toronto -the same company that re- cently bought CKLW-TV.

Sale of the two stations was confirmed vestrrdav bv Jnhn Bassett. iblnher of the TO- ronto eggr ram and president of Baton Broadcasting, who said the sale. which is subject to approval by the ~ a n a 4 a n Radio-Television Commission, was concluded two weeks ago with RKO General of New York.

The amount involved was not disclosed.

Bassett said his company is now prepartng an application to the CRTC for the transfer of the stations' licence. '

"We are now working verv hard to prepare our applica- tion to the mmmission," he commented "and changes In the format'of the stations wlil be included in that applica- tion."

Baton Broadcasting bought CKLW-TV jointly with the CBC on a 75-25 per cent basis for about &million earlier this ear after the CRTC or- d e r d RKO General, a suhsld- ia of the General Tire and , d b e r Corp.. to sell the sta- tions to Canadian interests.

With the purchase of the two radio stations. Bassett's interests edged out several would-be buyers, including some from Montreal and Van- couver, who showed keen in- terest in the stations

Bassett was reticent on his plans for OKLW A M and FM, saylng only that ius tntentrons on rogramming changes wtll be groueht before the CRTC

The LRA-whose secretary is Mr john Gont. newly elected Tory M P - plans to l a u n c h 150 commercial statlons in I16 places. The Commercial B m a n -

in6 Conrulfantr C m ~ n i u n - - - . . . . . .- - the group of MI Hughle C r e e n , the O~nor lunr tv Knocks showman - whlrh believes only 53 to 65 stations. covering 83 p.c. of the country. could run ar a profit. London, it says. could support only two stations and no o t h e r r U r e than onc

Chapter 11 Action

--Lack of Cash Boston

National Radio (la. Inc. of Melrose, Mass.. raid tt filed a petition in U.S Dis- trict Court for reorgrmization under Chapter 11 of the Fed- eral Banluuptey Act.

The CornDanv said the m- tion was d&&d by its-&- tors as a result of a deficien- cy of cash to meet accounts

I London. payable. National makes communi-

cations equipment It npmt-

I e d f i rs tquarter 1910 d e n of U.9 million can- with

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Time on the Air

610 kilocycles 491.5 meters -1 CMCF .k 350 ... .. l l s r a n s C u b R-12-14: 18-20 KFRC s k 1000 C (51 San ~ n ~ c l s c o . C . U I . P-7-24 KZRM ak 50000 618.5 H m l l r P. I. L 4 : 3 0 - 7 : s : 12:15-13:15: 17-2290 w n A p nk lnnn R (2.5) K. nsa.'nty Ma. c-6:30-24 W I P 1000 A P ; ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I ; . P.. E-7-1 \\'JAY oe 500 A Clevrlond Ohlo E-6-l7:15 XI'X s k LOO ..... Mcxlca CAY. D. P. C-7-11; 16:30-22:30

620 kilocycles 483.6 meters -1

sn?.n%er:Pd:2 PI.. bll l raukcc. U l r

630 kilocvcles 475.9 meters -1 CPCY CJCX


Chnr ' t ' r 'n ln.E.l. Yorktnn nsak. h e l o u n ~ . D. C. Ilsvn..". C"h* CiJl~.rnhl.. hlo. Plcrre. S. D. 5 v ","IIIc. 1"d. \\a. hlnefon. D. C. Je(lcr.t,n City M a Prorldcnce. R:I. hlerlda. Yuc.

640 kilocycles 468.5 meters 1-1 KPI e k 50000 N Lea Anerlea C.111. F 4 : 3 0 - 2 4 \VAlU so 500 ..... Columhur. 6b1o E-b:IS-17330

C 4 : 4 5 - 1 7 F:J* :; "%: "... i'~:C/b.ozs.b. C. . . . .

650 kilocycles 461.3 meters -1 NSXI .a 50000 N NmhvlUe. Tenn. -30-14

660 kilocycles 454.3 meters -1 \VAA\V sk 50L D 0rn.h. &eb. Cd-18 : IS WEAP nk 50500 R hew ~ d r k . N. Y. E--645-1

670 kilocycles 447.5 meters :,%IAQ ck 50000 N Chlcalo. Ill. -7-1

650 kilocvcles 440.9 meters - ~

C \ ~ A F ak lnno . .... ~ l a r a n n . cuh. E-17~30.23 C\lCQ 1 Ioeo ..... l l s v n n ~ . Culm E- . . HJN s k 500 681 Ilo~afs.(:olnrnblm L-12-13:30;19-21 RPEO ne 2500 D St. ~ ~ . e p h . >lo. C-6 -1745 KPO nk 500n0 N S m ~ r s n c l s c o C.111. P-7:30-24 RI>N V A S :k 2'n:! i k j . . ~ $ ? ~ 0 2 ' k S. k--23:1i:lo; 0-.:lo VOWR ck 500 681 5r . ~ ~ h n ' . ' Nfld. L-11-18:30 WPTR mc 1000 DnN ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I I . N'. C. 6 7 ~ 3 0 - s u n s e t ~ ~-

690 kilocvcles 434.5 meters - CFRD .c 10000 C Toronto Ont. E--8-0.30 U C J .k 100 P ~ n l e n r y . ' ~ l l s . M- ..... NAA 8k lo00 . .... brllnpton vn. E-10:lO-10:15: 11:55-12; 2155-22 XET ck 500 ..... Monremej, N. L. 6 1 2 - 1 4 ; 16-22

700 kilocycles 428.3 meters -1 WLW .k 500000 N Clnclnn.tl. Oh lo - 3 - 3


.. .- 710 kilocycles 422.3 meters [ I . L KMPC ne 500 Dn Bevmly 11IIIs. CeIU. P d d 5 - n : d O RFCB ar 210 . . ... S o r t l c . Wnrh. P-5:30-8uns.I: 22-4 I'IFil r 30 714 San Joac. C. R. C-6-10 won e k sono ..... ~ c w n r k . N. J. ~ - 6 d r . o : ~ n XBS nk 10110 711 h'erlco Clty. D. P. C-9-12: 13-16; 17-24

720 kilocycles Cli l ; no 3150 725 EXEC nk 1000 ..... \VCK c k 501100 . .... 730 kilocycles CFPL mk Ion F CJCA a h 500 F ChAC nk 5000 C 1EDC nk 5000 .....

740 kilocycles KZIXJ as 1000 D KTRD a k 150 D \VIIEU ak 250 D Wbl: sh 50000 N

750 kilocycles CJICW dk 150 755 RCII >$no N \VJR nk 10000 B YE,\Y z 50 .....

760 kilocycles li\ mc 250 f.11 \\ II.\L lnnnn DSY \ \ I : \ \ ' Innu n U J Z ck 50000 DSy

770 kilocycles C\IIIS nk 150 775 RFAU o c 5000 CSy \VDll\l sr 25000 CSy

416.4 meters Ilnr?na, C u h r \l;l"lIn. Y. I. Chlcnpa. Ill.

410.7 meters h n d o n . Onr. &lnr"nlon. All.. dlunrrcnl. Que. ACun Cnilenre. L. C.

405.2 meters Clay Center. Neb. ; p r ~ " ~ , l ~ . M.

A t l s s c ~ . CB.

399.8 meters

394.5 meters P?arrIe. nnlflm.,rc, Wl'arh. &Id.

>I. LouI, \lo. h e w ~ o r i . ' h . Y.

389.4 meters Ilavanz. Cuba

:lEt;, ?ib 780 kilocycles 384.4 meters CIIWK CliSO RELW hI<DY RFQD

K<:l4L KTLl



C h l l l l ~ c k . D. C. ;$:;;?. 11rooklnCs. 5. D. .Anchor.lgr. A1a.k. I l~ l l l n l s . I.*- Antel<a, Moni . Calif.

I'rml l r n c r R. I. Z l e m ~ h l s . ' ~ m n . tinrrnlk. Vn. >lerlco Clty. V. P.

790 kilocycles 379.5 meters I I I

CMJK nk 150 . .. .. Cnmnpury. Cuha E-II:10-12:30; 17-23 K C 0 ak 7500 N Snn Frnnclsco. (.stll. l'--i-ll WGY ok 50000 R Schos rc r~dy . K. Y. E 4 : 4 5 - I

800 kilocycles 374.8 meters I I I T I G P z 75 ..... Snn Jose. C. R. C .. . WBAP nk 50000 ND Fort Worth Tcr. C-8:dl!-IO:10; 12:30-15: 1730-18:10: 22-24 WFAA .k 50000 N. Dx1i.a. ~ c r : C d : l - 8 3 0 : 10:30-1230; 15-17;30; 1830-22 WCBO ae 250 D Cumbcrlrind. Md. E4-19 ;15

No, these're not the latest Log Updaters exactly.. . These are f rom a 1934 issue of RADEX magazine - note ( i f you can stand to ) the all-nighters in those days! Can you imagine what DX would have been like in those uncluttered days if we'd had a chance to use some of our modern sophisticated MW DX equipment?


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L U I IU EDITOR: X r. i . eomunos

.... I

1101 948 Wayne. n.1. 0 7 4 7 0

Greetings once again, folks. This edi t ion of IDXD is somewhat abbreviated due to last-minute convention arrangements, etc., as w e l l a s the f a c t that I ' m set t ing this on Friday (8/21/70) due to the f a c t t h a t I'll be out of tam Monday, Tuesdq, and Wednesday of next week. Held f o r inclusion i n the f i r s t post-Convention issue i s a list of some 75 additional fmquencg. checks fo r the NRC list. This group of checks were primarily campiled by Page Taylor and myself from those checks l i s t e d in musings without time or date which were checked against all other major lists, plus a l l ET's reported which checked with any of the available lists in all details. Finally, there are some changes & additions fmm recent issues as well. A l l of the checks which w i l l appear in tha t l i s t have been heard by NRC mmbers, and reported somewhere i n DX News .


N e x t Log Updater will appear in the next issue, although a t t h i s writing, I have no date f o r it, hi.

Once again, I ' d l i k e to re i te ra te the c r i t e r i a f o r items s u b i t t e d to DDXDt- Of primary interest are unusual log~ings , new sked. changes, new f l c c s , and suchlike. Of s ign i f ican tQ lesse r interest , to the point of facing possible deletion bj myself as dictated by space/time limitations, are semi-local IM, clear channel DX, unid testers , and other unids w/ insuf- f i c i e n t info f o r someone else to I D them.

Finally, please t r y to check out the CPls l i s t e d i n the 8/1/70 issue f o r any additional data you may be able to supply fmm your own DXling or from t r i p s by car, Many DX'ers use t h e i r drive to and from the convention f o r t h i s and CPC pulposes, so l e t s hope tha t we' l l be able to resolve some of the corns ion suprounding some of those CP's l is tad.

* P H O N E T I P S T O 0 0 0 0 h!# A 1 (201) 335 -6397 - _ - - - ----

920 CKCY-on W3ST4a

x 910 WGBI-Pa * 940 WIDG-Mi


980 WRC -0c 990 CBE?-On

1070 WFLI-Tn

a 1260 xu-Tn WZE-Ma

* WOO-Tn * WBBKSa + 1270 CET-Qu

1280 WADO-NY 1320 CXE-P!S 1330 WESR-Va 1340 'WDOK-DC

X* 1320 WEFT-Va 1350 WSHB-La

* 1360 WNNJ-KJ 1380 WAOK-Ga

+ 1400 CiCCB-On

&lo WLAQ-Ga x a 0 0 wcos-sc

mioniuhl 1 0 , sunrise Had ET u/ &w mx 0130 8/ lh (page Taylor, Bulter, N.J.) Off 8/3 @ 0130, 8/l4 8 0ll0, 8/11r @ 0130 and others (page) wk w/ff U/ PICA 23&0 8 /6 . (WE) Had FP to a t l e a s t 0300 8/10 G / ' ~ ~ , t o n e s sounding l i k e CHIT, and down-tempo MoR. ( ~ e o f f Fox, Palm Beach, Fla.) I n 01fi 8/10, s8 s igs w/ rr (John Pinckney, Alexandria ~ a . ) Hrd i n auroral cx 8/17 w/ tele-talk, soundec! AN. (page$ Poor 0100 8/2 (F'inchey) F/c hrd, anncd., 2 Thu AM 0000-0015 8/13, change list. (page) Hrd w/ El', s8 on top 8/5 0308-035+ ( B ~ U Stone, ~ la remont ,~n) ~ r d w/ ET 815 0308-03L5+ uW. (stone) Testing 6 2 8 to 0500 s/on 8/5,6,7. (stone) Atop f req., 0200-0230 27 July w/ ET-TT (stone) Hrd FF C , 6 0 0 LPRT s/on, 7/26, but dunno i f CBEI o r CBEM.(stone) Noted w/ ET's 8/12,13 0300 w/ rr & 50kw. ( ~ a v e Schmidt, Green Ridge,Pa o r Wilmington, De.. . .. ) Off 0100 8/12, back 0207 w/ El'-TT f o r POP (~chmidt, Starr, Taylor) Is AN-6, off MM 0000-0500 '(Schmidt) Hrd here a/'/ Oa3 (Taylor) 8/6 & 7 0L00, anncd. as AN, on top here. (stone) Had unl is ted f/c-DT 0228-02L5 8/6. (Starr) Unlisted. f/c DT w/ beeper, noted 0250-0259 8/6, said monthly, whkw pur. ( i s t Thu)(Starr) Had f /c 8/17 (3M) 0'21.5'4225. ( ~ a y l o r ) Hrd 0258 8/10 s t i l l w/ RS , AN now 7 (Taylor) Hrd w/ r/c 8/17 (3M) 0350-OL00, change time (Taylor) R/c-IYP 0100-0115 8/21 (3F) (Taylor) Hrd U/WSPR,WXYZ,WPSN 2330 8 h l (RjE) Is now AN (page) In clr . w/ SS & EE ID 0120 8/2 ( ~ i n c h e y ) Hrd dominating freq. w/ ux f o r NS,PEI 23k5 8LiL (Taylor)

. Had ET-rnx w/ ID 0117, QRM de KV3L r/c 8/& (Taylor) Hrd w/ t a lk show 0030 8A0 (RJE) Had unl is ted f/c-TT 0015-0030 8/11 (2 TU). Atop freq. (RJE) H r d i n auroral cx 8/17 AN, only stn. audible ( ~ a y l o r ) F/c now i s 00k5-0100, tho' hrd to 0 l l0 3rd Fr., 8/21 hrd(~age) Has been regular since f i r s t noted 02L5 8/7 W/ NN ~ g m g . ( ~ a ~ e ) Is on w/ new pwr., and can be hrd best O 05k5 don. After 0600, several US stns. don. (stone) off 0100 8/17 in aur. cx. QFU4 de WUNI d o f f , WYMB f/c (pace) Alone OlhO 8/17 i n aur. cx w/ Colombian QRM. Had ad f o r S.C. State Fair ( T l o r ) Noted OC-ET 0$0+ e/l & 013O-t 8/7 ( ~ t a r r ) Hrd w/ Detroit BB 0026 8/18 o/u CHRD ( R ~ E ) Hrd on I X A DX ok 0217-0305 7/26 (Stone) Had ET 7/26 w/m 0b7-0435+; and again 8/06 0336- Obl.7. (stone) Local-like s9 w/ ETnrx 0200+ 8/6 ( ~ t a r r ) Pop 0115-0fi0+ 8/7 ( ~ t a r r ) ad ET w/ organ, piano, horns mx 02L.5'-0301 8/17 (Starr) Sounded Gospel mx of sorts, noted 0242-0258 (Taylor) Ending E~-mx 0120 7/28 w/ super signal as usual (Starr) Ending E T A x 0 l l2 7/13 ( ~ t a r r ) Hrd w/ ET-TT 0110- 7 A 3 ( ~ t a r r ) Hrd AN 8/8 slugging WAKR, annct of AN 0500. (stone)

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I s indeed AN-7 NSP w/ t a l k show MY'S (Taylor, RjE) Probably w i l l not use CP f o r nite operations (Jerry K. Conrad, Haines City, Fla) Is now NSP Blong w i t h pes t IPAT-NJ to rea l ly mess up the freq. (Page , RjE) Is wain really NSP, grrr. (Taylor, RjE) Add this to the l i s t of HI-X1 pests (Page & RjE) S.off i s now 0026 (Paze) Also NSP. (page) CP to move here from l b l 0 will probably go unused. (~onrad)

+ 630 KZUN-tla CP is on. + 1230 KGRO-Tx likewise + 1340 WSLC-F1 d i t t o + 1190 IIAVS-Fl also ( per Geoff FOX, via JiLC) . .

780 Nome, .&. req. i(NOM 800 KBRN-Co req. i(WOI?

SL7O Somenille, NJ req. WR?i 12bO KRNO-Ca req. :QON 1340 WSLC-Fl req. WJFL 1520 Knox, Ind. req. MVI

r/ c 's

R/c add l ist mentioned b4 will also include all checks noted i n "Aff section * of t h i s column.

Believe welve solved most of the bredcup problems this time, as mch of l a s t week's column looked quite nice, h o c k on wood, hi.

So far some 55 persons have registered f o r the 1970 convention, so it looks l i k e ?,re nay have a new attendance record. We'll announce the award of the Domestic 1DXfer of the Year a t the Convention, and then i n t h i s column next time.

Guess t h a s s i t f o r now, so 73, RAE

RUSS RIU - Bear H i l l Road - Holk's Center, Maine - &&2 3 3, I am a new member so I am not qui te sure j u s t how t o go &cut, writ-

iw in, but w i l l give it a t ry. I received a nice card f r c m &. Ken I b . 0 ~ ; I haven't answered yet. I ' m just back fran vacation t o "ole haDe tamn Indiana & I f e e l l i k e going back! For those who may pick up W3TO-730 Bath Me. ver ie -8 1,- which I thought was cdr capitol, Augusta, Me. but found t o be Augusta, Neb., ~~~, no verie as yet, 6:50am about 1540-50, a l so WDEC or WEI3? on C cod, HkSs. 1170k. l o ver ie yet. WRKO-700 6:15pm, m c k s t e r , Mass., W&O Brunswick, Me, WBHC, Conway, N.H. 7:15pm, jazz mx on 1050k 7/11. UJDA Budmy Mass. about 1300k @ 9:23am on 6/15 MoR & W. Some of thdse I s t i l l have t o get out @I6 on. I have veries f i a n HCJB Quito, Ecuador, & enclosed program which you probably have, veried on 6/1, 2:30 QllP on 15,115k. Also, other SW stations. I hope t h i s makes sense. (Hi Rusp, & \lelcome t o t h e NRC. We do nut publish SU info, so tha t does not appear - only BCB 540-1600k. I think gcu could use t h e new IlRC lo2 - ERc)

STEYE KFMi> - 6149 Montwerde - San Jose, California - 95VO For a l i t t l e while I t h o u a t I might get out of NRC became there '

weren't too iimqy WC people reporting, but DX m e s #30 & 3 1 were so good, I de- cided tostay In. DX hasn't been r e a l @eat here late), but there have been a few decent catches. The l m a l s don't mess up DX a s much art here IS a l l the Cal. NSPers. You can get some nice mid-Vest deytimers here @ s/ons on MHs m a fev clear frequencies, t h e best seems t o be 1470. 1460 WEB beginning t o look nice but KENO just went NSP. 940 is not bad, as KFRE is one of the few around here who are not AN. However, KHaS dwsn't help aqy. I have been talking & vis i t ing w/several DXers i n town. One, Andy lagwarsin0 (IRCQ) has a w l e l o t of good catches. He ha. heard graveyarders i n W.Va. & N.J. (WCND-14OOf NNther has veried, but I've heard h i s WCND on tape. He has KIUN-1400 veried. These a l l came when 1400 was clear, he said. NOW ve've got a big pest, XSU, on 1400. Only other t h a I can get on 1400 when KSIX is on is KXN. KSU was off SM 8/16, FG Kxrv was daninant, but I did get KPIPI+,fo then. .KSU wasn't off M, but I wish they would here been. There's a three-page write-up on t h e Vanchver IRCA Convention which I ms a t , in the 8/15 DX4. Veries- v/ l : K!l!?l' KPAY KBUB KUi KCUB KRNT KiRH KWTC KBEE KPJO & XXOA. v/f: WSIX CKXL WBRC CKWS W & KFXD. v / ~ : KWSU U4~-&0 WBAP CBR KFBK KXL KBIG KSRO K?XP S U B KMO KRLC K X U WBEM WPNX KQU & CHW. * v/r: KIT4 KDAY KHOT & EEE. Better DX here: KBUB-1270 Vev. @ s / o e 7/23 d 1l:X)-ll:30pn. KAJO-I270 Ore. s/off 7/22 @ ll:40-11:46pm, KWPC-1230 Cal. s/off 7/27 f? 5:30am w/c/w. KEWY-1460 N3b. MM 7/27 7:22-7:28am. I had it as tentat ive but a nice v / l saying t h e were on 500v PSA when I heard them. KLtG1460 in Tex. m230K. PSA on 7/27 7:28-7:3lnm W/NX I D fi c/w. WHN-1470 Tex. 50(Xr. 7:43-* 7:59 w/farm ro&ram & cjw. KKAM-p,50 Col. on 8/3 7:02-7:13m W/NX &-MOR. KOBE- 1450 N.W. w/J&~ nulled on 8/6 @ 4:Q w/MOR. CKRD-850 Alta. @ l2:55-1:Yan 8/10, W/KOA nulled. KWRI)-1470 Tex. on r /c ( 5 0 0 ~ ) 6:45-6:56 w / t t on 8/17. Iats of other 1 ~ g i n c ; S but they are terr ible . CP l i s t ed i n Reno, Nev. on 780 in VJ-5 is on w/calls KCRL, bcmbix in w/ET every nieht I've listened, presumed t o be 50kw.

E~TIcST R. COOPER - 438 East 21 Street - Brooklyn, New York - 11226 No veries in. Second vacation is w e r , & no new new of

Catskill-area stations. A l i t t l e tuing 8/17, MM, nothine mu; signals d m , but locals T.IMCA57 WWRGlGOO & WBNX-1380 were a l l off AN, as CKll9-1570 & UW,+OO- also seemed t o be. I noted for the f i r s t time in'years, WOW-710's secmd har- monic on 1423 dcuinating e v e r y t h a there, & WABC-TI0 with the i r horrendous PXR with slop i n many places l ike 540-615-690-850 very distorted. I think tha t XR goes back t o before electr ic i ty .- it m u s t operate cm gas! MM 8/24- WWRL WBNX & WMCA m a i n off, & a log on WUNR-l.600, only needed Bostonian @? 1:15-1:30.m, o/ CJRN. 88-1225 on till around 2am W/TDS souildlng l ike "Redio C-C (or C-B)". AW SS, unID, on 1160, no sign of KSL 0n.a sort-a-Aurora morn; I got a t;oe on the so l id s ignal on 880 from L-, Peru - t h i s one is a "lead-pipe cinch , boys! I t l s o noted WGIJ-1290 on AN-rr. This should be lwgable i n N.Y.C. area on W with \JADO-E?I)O s i lent . So, that ' s it, & I'll see about me-f if th of you a t the big NRC Convention in Rasbrouck Heights 9/4-9/7! Have a ball!

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Page 19: NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V37/DXN37_32.pdf · International TA Test European Zone Band Status WWV Predicts TA Propagation DX'ers View of Brazil Medium Wave Stations

36 OESAR OBJIO - Calla Rani@ F . Rojas 46 - Sento b i n @ , Dominicsn Replblic

Hi, e v e r y b o ~ . I t i r a pity that thim m r i m w i l l be p l b l i s h d when I w i l l already ba i n New York on my W v to the Convention, a@ next i s m a i s rchedu1.d for 8/29. Yas, I w i l l be i n Hasbrouck Heiahtr. I see that I w i l l b. able to meet rame fr iendr again, or R i c b d Wood (congratulationr on your Ph.D.1 Jrrry Conrd, etc. I b p e B i l l Stone from C o d a w i l l br ab l r to attend also. I regret not n;eeting Ronald S c k t z i n my l a a t v i s i t to Ximi ; very good, his Eighth Ei i t ion of Cuban stationr, it helpr. DX NlWS conttnuer to come i n ty aea mail ( t i r r e wrakr), now with a bin r i m markad "Thirl Claas .Mail." I w i l l a rk a t tb Conwntion for Airmail i e l i w r y , third c lass i a too rlow. Good the re- port from Ecuddr by Dam Glenson. I sae he alao b a d tho r ta t ion I b a r 3 onca on 1120, he snyr "loundd l ike Relio Monidnita." Yam, the nam i r a wrird one. I reported i t am "Radio kbninita." b a u d on 1/9 9 6m (See IDXD 2/71 but I don't know w h a t i s t i r r a l m a . I w i l l try again soma tim. l a te r . I t war a wry good idea to ura GhlT on Monitor Raports, I agrar completely. On Frmk Peters (Chicago) recomnedation, I bought a Frequrmy Marbr (from the Radio Shop, Lab 1 , 48 Elm Street , New Caman, Corm. 06840 for $30). I t i s vary good, i t provider frequency marks avam 105, 50. 25, 10, & 5 kHz mi i t uses thrre m a l l b t t a i r s or power rupply. Every D X a wdmn calibrated rdceivars viill f i r d thia markrr vem usrf'ul (strength meter i s nocrssam i n RX .) Correction to D.R. I . W . sta- t i o m i n DX mS 714: 695 i r HIAlR-, 725 (now 720) i r HIAQ. Also vary interest ing 18 Report fran the Mditrrranoan b. Alex Eowab. Well, DX NXWS i a improving w/ each nm issue. This one (t30) i r p c k a l w / n u s from covar to cover. Congrats to the B.P.C. See you a l l in Haabrouck Height*, w i l l be there on Tad 9/4.

DON %ERT - 321 Hoffhua Court #4B - Crown Point, Indiatn - 46307 7/21. G r e ~ t i r y r . I t l a becn msr ly ona yew r i m e I t r e b l e r r d

there pager. Due to a lack of tima I was forced to drop out of t h r Club, but I m'now back i n and hape to h i t DX with rmwed vigor thir comirq saason. After lookiw a t the l a ten t DX NBRS I see them ara a m b e r of newer membrrr, so par- haps a re-intro i a in order. 1 % 22, single Pni wo lk a r an Urban Phma hare i n La&@ County. I s tar ted DXiw back i n '63 an i joined the NRC one year l a t e r . In South Bend my to ta l s were a b u t 1,400/203, 9 7 / 4 6 , tut I lm s ta r t ing over her. a t a coasiiarably mom di f f icu l t area DX-wirr than was South Bend. I'm about 30 miles SF of b b Chicano bop . an3 t b nearest XRa nre WIm-560; WWCA-130; d WLTH-1370, a l l about f ive miler N of 2.9. RX i s .n SX28A w / Z t loop. Once the $ situabion r t ra i sh tmr out I hope t o move up the ledder to possibb an HQ-150 o r so. I'm only about f h a s I r i w from Wo very wall-kmm NRCrrs, Rick Evans, b Rog Winrar, whom I hope to hnw much c o n t v t with this rrason. Of coursr, m DX to reFort herr, but hopefully a f t e r Labor B y thinar w i l l s t a r t to ro l l . I cant t make tha Basbrouck Heipbtr Convention, rrgretfully. 73. (Wrlcane back! )

GEORGIA Albana- Atlanta Augur ta Brunnick Colmnrus D s l ton Douglas Dublin Gainesvll Jenrp LaGraa~n~. Macon Moul t r i o Rome Savanmh



ATLAW& BRAVES' RADIO NKTCORK - - - . - . . - - - . - -

Stat&rboro Tif ton Valdosta Vidal ia PwcrorS

ALABAMA Anniston s i r m i n e ib t han Gadmlen Mobil. Montppmery Turcumbia



FLORIDA Jrckeonvil W R N. SmyrlrBch WSBB St .k te rsbg WSW Ta1lmss .e WTNT


SOUTH CAROLI-&4 Andrr eon WANS Chrleston WCSC Columbia WIS Greenvilla MTBC

Orangoburg TDIX

TENNSSSEE Chattanoom WDXB O l e v e h d FBAC ;inoxvilla WBIR Narhville K W O a k Ridga ?JATO

Infb from Dave Copr- lad, of Brooklyn, N. Y . ob t a i n d on a recent v i s i t i n Go.

"AN" SITUATICN OFFS: 710 K G N C Qd: 1290 W G L I EP; IT

1480 D A S (MMs only) 1400 K S L Y exceut 918 . ~

1450 K 0 B E SFv 1460 K E N O Ifse

HDm SINCE LPST ISSUE 680 W M S J Sy lva, Nurth Carolina, 1,000/250 U, frm 1480. 780 K C R L Reno, Nevada ( tes t iW )

1420 W A S R Wolfeboro, New Rampshire (mc) m !Cm THE ISSUE - !rHE c m 1 m STW! -

But in t h i s issue, we wish t o sa lu te a l l t h e Cowentimeem - both hosts aod guests - and we wish everyone w i l l have a great t i m & a t t h i s bie 1970 s p r e a d We urge everybody t o DRIVE CAFZTEIX coming, during, and leaving t h i s C m e n tion. And, everyone, have a ball!

NEXT ISSUE Here i n Brooklyn, we do not have the date fo r the f i r s t issue of Volume 38. We believe it w i l l be Septeuber 19th. Brooklyn'deadline w i l l be the M o n d a y beforc t h e bu l le t in date, &ich i f September 19, w i l l be Monday, September 1 the Monday a f t e r t h e Cowention.

HOT FLASH A s we go t o press,'a telephone c a l l fYan hlr. Paul Cantor, Chief Fagineer of Radio Station WKQW-1300, in S p r i w Vrlley, N. Y. t o t e l l us tha t he is sarry but there can be no tcur by the NRC Cowentioners of WKQW. Why? It seems tha t a week ago (8/17) the persome1 arrived a t t h e i r FIanuet,, N.Y. studiosZ t o find then2elves locked cut - and t h e s tat ion has been off the a i r since, and is i n bankruptcy. Mr. Cmtor says he has hopes they ' l l return t o t h e a i but he is nut optanistic. I f they do, he w i l l notif'y your Mi tor tha t they comix back. lie a re s o r r y t o learn of.WKQW's demise, and we hope it is only tempmar;. Havever, we w i l l tour WRKL-910, t h e i r m o r e successful competltar

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