National Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 Phone: 617-770-3000 • Fax: 617-770-0700 • www.nfpa.org TO: NEC ® Code-Making Panel 5 FROM: Kimberly Shea, Administrator, Technical Projects DATE: January 25, 2016 SUBJECT: NFPA 70 Second Draft TC Ballot Final Results (A2016) ____________________________________________________________________________ According to the final ballot results, all ballot items received the necessary affirmative votes to pass ballot with the exception of SR No. 1212 and SR No. 1222. As a result, the revisions are now designated as Committee Comments and will not be included in the Second Draft. In accordance with the Regs,, supplemental ballots will be issued on the related First Revisions (FR 1222 and FR 1235). The attached report contains Committee Comments 1212 and 1222 and the SRs created by Panel 5 with final ballot counts and voting comments. To pass ballot, each revision requires: (1) a simple majority of those eligible to vote and (2) an affirmative vote of 2 /3 of ballots returned. See Sections (c) and of the Regulations Governing the Development of NFPA Standards. 1 of 65

National Fire Protection Association - NFPA with final ballot counts and voting comments. To pass ballot, each revision requires: (1) a simple majority of those eligible to vote and

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National Fire Protection Association

1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471

Phone: 617-770-3000 • Fax: 617-770-0700 • www.nfpa.org

TO: NEC® Code-Making Panel 5

FROM: Kimberly Shea, Administrator, Technical Projects

DATE: January 25, 2016

SUBJECT: NFPA 70 Second Draft TC Ballot Final Results (A2016)


According to the final ballot results, all ballot items received the necessary affirmative votes to

pass ballot with the exception of SR No. 1212 and SR No. 1222. As a result, the revisions are

now designated as Committee Comments and will not be included in the Second Draft.

In accordance with the Regs,, supplemental ballots will be issued on the related First

Revisions (FR 1222 and FR 1235).

The attached report contains Committee Comments 1212 and 1222 and the SRs created by Panel

5 with final ballot counts and voting comments.

To pass ballot, each revision requires: (1) a simple majority of those eligible to vote and (2) an

affirmative vote of 2/3 of ballots returned. See Sections (c) and of the

Regulations Governing the Development of NFPA Standards.

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Committee Comment No. 1212-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.64(A) ]

This was a Second Revision that failed ballot.

(A) Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum Conductors.

Bare Grounding electrode conductors of bare, covered, or insulated aluminum or copper-clad aluminumgrounding electrode shall comply with the following:

(1) Bare or covered conductors shall not be used where installed where subject to corrosive conditions or beinstalled in direct contact with masonry or the earth. Where installed outside of a building or enclosure,aluminum or

(2) Terminations made within listed enclosures identified for outdoor use shall be permitted within 450 mm(18 in.) of the earth.

(3) Aluminum or copper-clad aluminum grounding electrode conductors external to buildings or enclosuresshall not be terminated within 450 mm (18 in.) of the earth, unless the termination method is insulated. Thetermination shall be listed as a sealed wire-connector system . Terminations made within listed enclosuressuitable for outdoor use shall be permitted within 450 mm (18 in.) of the earth. and listed as grounding andbonding equipment.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description

SR_1212.docx For staff use

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 16:51:57 EST 2015

Committee Statement


This subdivision was revised into a list format to improve usability. The word "covered" was added to beconsistent with other sections of the NEC. The phrase "or where subject to corrosive conditions" wasadded to list item 1 to correct a transcription error. List item 3 was revised to replace "suitable" with"identified" as it is a defined term. The phrase "listed as grounding and bonding equipment" was addedto ensure the connectors are evaluated for fault current and to allow a product to be made available.


Public Comment No. 789-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.64(A)]

Ballot Results

This item has failed ballot

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17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

14 Negative with Comments

2 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Abstention

Negative with Comment

Abernathy, Paul W.

“Covered” should not be included in 250.64(A)(1), since the encasing material protects the conductor when in contactwith the earth or masonry. This requirement was added without adequate substantiation, and is in direct conflict withdecades of field experience. For example, utility style underground conductors are considered “covered” by the NEC,and yet we know they can operate for decades without issue when direct buried. Additionally, in item 3, does “unlessinsulated” mean that the conductor has to be insulated, or the connection?

Beckstrand, Gary A.

“Covered” should not be included in 250.64(A)(1), since the encasing material protects the conductor when in contactwith the earth or masonry. This requirement was added without adequate substantiation, and is in direct conflict withdecades of field experience. For example, utility style underground conductors are considered “covered” by the NEC,and yet we know they can operate for decades without issue when direct buried.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

After further review of SR-1212 text and ballot comments, this SR-1212 for 250.64 (A) should be rejected. First, the“covered” conductors should not be included in 250.64(A)(1), since the encasing material protects the underlyingconductor from contact with the earth or masonry. This requirement was added without adequate substantiation, andis in conflict with decades of field experience in direct buried applications of utility type underground conductors (i.e.,conductors that are considered “covered” by the NEC). Secondly, in item 3 of this SR-1212 the phrase “unlessinsulated” is unclear as to if the conductor has to be insulated, or the connection? Therefore SR-1212 should berejected and the first revision language shown in FR-1222 for 250.64(A) be accepted.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

"Adding covered conductors to the restriction for aluminum conductors in this second revision was done withoutadequate technical substantiation or review. Covered conductors could be protected from corrosion, the purpose ofthe restriction, as well as insulated conductors. The substantiation for the public comment that was the basis for thisSecond Revision is valid. Therefore, the final language should revert back to the 2014 version and new public inputson the subject considered for the 2020 edition."

Dobrowsky, Paul

There was no substantiation to prohibit covered conductors from being installed within 18 inches of or directly buriedin the earth.

Harding, Joseph

Adding covered conductors to the restrictions for aluminum conductors in this second revision was done withoutadequate technical substantiation and without proper public review. The language should revert back to the 2014 text.

Harding, G. Scott

Adequate technical substantiation was not provided to restrict the use of aluminum conductors in this revision.Further, there is valid substantiation in Public Comment 789.Therefore, the best solution is to have the final languagerevert back to the 2014 version of the NEC.

Mello, Charles F.

The inclusion of "covered" in the new list item (1) adds restrictions in use of covered conductors without technicalsubstation. To not lose the work completed by the panel, the text should revert back to the corrected First Revisiontext as balloted by the panel as follows: (A) Aluminum or Copper-Clad Aluminum Conductors. Bare aluminum orcopper-clad aluminum grounding electrode conductors shall not be used where in direct contact with masonry or theearth or where subject to corrosive conditions. Where installed outside of a building or enclosure, aluminum orcopper-clad aluminum grounding electrode conductors shall not be terminated within 450 mm (18 in.) of the earthunless the termination method is listed as a sealed wire connector system. Terminations made within listed

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enclosures suitable for outdoor use shall be permitted within 450 mm (18 in.) of the earth.

O'Meara, Mike

Adding covered conductors to the restrictions for aluminum conductors in this second revision was done withoutadequate technical substantiation and without proper public review. The committee did not intend to additionallyrestrict covered conductors. The language should revert back to the 2014 text.

Palmieri, Charles J.

I am voting negative on this SR the addition of the term covered is new material and was not adequately addressedat panel discussion. I believe the intent of the committee action at the First Revision was to allow termination ofaluminum or copper-clad aluminum grounding electrode conductor within 18” of earth where the termination methodis listed as a sealed wire-connector system. I am in favor of the editing at the Second Revision which attempted todevelop a list format of this section. This process increases the usability of this section. Unfortunately I do not believethe panel gave proper consideration to the exclusion of a covered conductor in in contact with masonry or whereinstalled in the earth

Philips, Nathan

SR 1212 adds restrictions to the use of covered conductors without adequate technical substantiation or review.Field experience has demonstrated that covered conductors are protected from corrosion as are insulatedconductors. Clarifying the requirements for protection from corrosion was the purpose of this revision and the FirstRevision it was based on. Because the substantiation in Public Comment 789 that was the basis for this SecondRevision is valid, reverting to the First Revision would introduce an error in the Code. The final language should revertback to the 2014 edition.

Porter, Christine T.

The previous edition allowed insulated or covered aluminum or copper-clad aluminum conductors to be used wherein contact with masonry or earth by default as it only prohibited the use of bare aluminum or copper-clad aluminumconductors where subject to corrosive conditions or in direct contact with masonry or earth. Putting the requirementsinto a list format has changed the requirements. The previous edition limited terminations of aluminum within 18" ofthe earth. This revision should have clarified that aluminum conductors may be terminated within 18" of earth onlywhen that termination is inside a listed enclosure or when terminated with a listed - sealed fitting in accordance withthe installation instructions.

Sasso, Nick

Agree with the other panel members who voted negative. Also, the "termination shall be listed as a sealedwire-connector system" is ambiguous and not clear in meaning. Is this "termination" something that is built into theenclosure? How can a "termination" be listed..? Poorly worded.

Steinman, Gregory J.

“Covered” should not be included in 250.64(A)(1), since the encasing material protects the conductor when in contactwith the earth or masonry. This requirement was added without adequate substantiation, and is in direct conflict withdecades of field experience. For example, utility style underground conductors are considered “covered” by the NEC,and yet we know they can operate for decades without issue when direct buried. In item 3, does “unless insulated”mean that the conductor has to be insulated, or the connection? This should be rejected and returned to the firstrevision language.

Affirmative All

Helfrich, William J.

Mohla, Daleep C.

Affirmative with Comment

Simmons, Phil

The action by CMP-5 to include "covered" conductors does not introduce a new concept nor is it improper. Thedefinition of "Covered Conductors" has been in Article 100 for decades. it reads, "A conductor encased within materialof composition or thickness that is not recognized by this Code as electrical insulation." Covering can consist of mostanything including paper and provides no assurance that it provides any protection for a conductor that is in contactwith the earth or masonry. So, covered conductors should be treated as bare. Bare conductors have been included inthis section for many years. As covered and discussed at length by the Panel, Sealed Wire Connector Systems are

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covered in UL ZMWQ. These systems are intended for only insulated conductors. The UL Guide information includesthe following, "Sealed wire-connector systems are intended for use with Types USE, RHW, XHHW, RW90 EP, RW90XLPE or TWU, 30 AWG through 2000 kcmil copper or aluminum conductors with currents not exceeding the ampacityof insulated conductors rated either 75 or 90°C and intended for use at 600 V or less." If this ballot continues to fail,the language accepted at the First Revision meeting is not acceptable as it allows bare conductors in Sealed WireConnection Systems. No documentation was provided for the reference in the voting statements to coveredconductors being operated satisfactorily by electric utilities. Really?! Electric utilities are not about to directly burypower conductors that do not have a proven and reliable insulation system.

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Committee Comment No. 1222-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.120(B) ]

This was a Second Revision that failed ballot.

(B) Aluminum and Copper-Clad Aluminum Conductors.

Equipment grounding conductors of bare, covered, or insulated aluminum or copper-clad aluminum shall bepermitted. Bare comply with the following:

(1) Bare or covered conductors shall not come be installed where subject to corrosive conditions or beinstalled in direct contact with masonry or the earth or where subject to corrosive conditions. .

(2) Terminations made within listed enclosures identified for outdoor use shall be permitted within 450 mm(18 in.) of the earth.

(3) Aluminum or copper-clad aluminum conductors external to buildings or enclosures shall not beterminated within 450 mm (18 in.) of the earth, unless the termination method is insulated. The terminationshall be listed as a sealed wire-connector system. Terminations made within listed enclosures suitable foroutdoor use shall be permitted within 18 in. of the earth.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 14:17:32 EST 2015

Committee Statement


Revisions were made to add covered conductors to provide requirements for their use. The revisionsclarify the use of sealed wire connector systems and outdoor enclosures. The text is rewritten in listformat to improve clarity.


Public Comment No. 679-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.120(B)]

Public Comment No. 791-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.120(B)]

Public Comment No. 1663-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.120(B)]

Public Comment No. 1781-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.120(B)]

Ballot Results

This item has failed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

14 Negative with Comments

2 Affirmative All

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1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Abstention

Negative with Comment

Abernathy, Paul W.

“Covered” should not be included in 250.120 (B)(1), since the encasing material protects the conductor when incontact with the earth or masonry. This requirement was added without adequate substantiation, and is in directconflict with decades of field experience. For example, utility style underground conductors are considered “covered”by the NEC, and yet we know they can operate for decades without issue when direct buried. Additionally, in item 3,does “unless insulated” mean that the conductor has to be insulated, or the connection?

Beckstrand, Gary A.

“Covered” should not be included in 250.120 (B)(1), since the encasing material protects the conductor when incontact with the earth or masonry. This requirement was added without adequate substantiation, and is in directconflict with decades of field experience. For example, utility style underground conductors are considered “covered”by the NEC, and yet we know they can operate for decades without issue when direct buried. In item 3, does “unlessinsulated” mean that the conductor has to be insulated, or the connection?

Bowmer, Trevor N.

After further review of the SR-1222 text and ballot comments, this SR-1222 should be rejected because the“covered” conductor language was added without adequate substantiation. In addition, within the proposed250.120(B)(3), the phrase “unless insulated” is unclear as to if it refers to the conductor having to be insulated, or theconnection. Such language in the new 250.120(B)(3) would unfairly preclude covered conductors from use. ThereforeSR-1222 should be rejected and the first revision language shown in FR-1235 for 250.120(B) be accepted.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

"Adding covered conductors to the restriction for aluminum conductors in this second revision was done withoutadequate technical substantiation or review. Covered conductors could be protected from corrosion, the purpose ofthe restriction, as well as insulated conductors. The substantiation for the public comment that was the basis for thisSecond Revision is valid. Therefore, the final language should revert back to the 2014 version and new public inputson the subject considered for the 2020 edition."

Dobrowsky, Paul

There was no substantiation to prohibit covered conductors from being installed within 18 inches of or directly buriedin the earth.

Harding, Joseph

Adding covered conductors to the restrictions for aluminum conductors in this second revision was done withoutadequate technical substantiation and without proper public review. The language should revert back to the 2014 text.

Harding, G. Scott

Adequate technical substantiation was not provided to restrict the use of aluminum conductors in this revision.Further, there is valid substantiation in Public Comments 679 and 791.Therefore, the best solution is to have the finallanguage revert back to the 2014 version of the NEC.

Mello, Charles F.

The inclusion of "covered" in the new list item (1) adds restrictions in use of covered conductors without technicalsubstation. To not lose the work completed by the panel, the text should revert back to the corrected First Revisiontext as balloted by the panel as follows: (B) Aluminum and Copper-Clad Aluminum Conductors. Equipment groundingconductors of bare or insulated aluminum or copperclad aluminum shall be permitted. Bare, covered or insulatedconductors shall not come in direct contact with masonry or the earth or where subject to corrosive conditions.Aluminum or copper-clad aluminum conductors shall not be terminated within 450 mm (18 in.) of the earth, unless thetermination method is listed as a sealed wire-connector system. Terminations made within listed enclosures suitablefor outdoor use shall be permitted within 18 inches of the earth.

O'Meara, Mike

Adding covered conductors to the restrictions for aluminum conductors in this second revision was done withoutadequate technical substantiation and without proper public review. The committee did not intend to additionallyrestrict covered conductors. The language should revert back to the 2014 text.

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Palmieri, Charles J.

I am voting negative on this SR the requirement in (3) which only allows an insulated conductor to be terminatedwithin 18” of earth by means of a listed sealed wire-connector restricts the use of bare and or covered conductors.This was not consistent with the language of FR 1235. That language was acceptable to the panel without expressionof concern. The exclusion of bare and covered conductors in (3) was not fully debated.

Philips, Nathan

SR 1222 adds restrictions to the use of covered conductors without adequate technical substantiation or review.Field experience has demonstrated that covered conductors are protected from corrosion as are insulatedconductors. Clarifying the requirements for protection from corrosion was the purpose of this revision and the FirstRevision it was based on. Because the substantiation in Public Comments 679 and 791 that were the basis for thisSecond Revision is valid, reverting to the First Revision would introduce an error in the Code. The final languageshould revert back to the 2014 edition.

Porter, Christine T.

The previous edition allowed insulated or covered aluminum or copper-clad aluminum conductors to be used wherein contact with masonry or earth by default as it only prohibited the use of bare aluminum or copper-clad aluminumconductors where subject to corrosive conditions or in direct contact with masonry or earth. Putting the requirementsinto a list format has changed the requirements. The previous edition limited terminations of aluminum within 18" ofthe earth. This revision should have clarified that aluminum conductors may be terminated within 18" of earth onlywhen that termination is inside a listed enclosure or when terminated with a listed - sealed fitting in accordance withthe installation instructions.

Sasso, Nick

Agree with the other panel members who voted negative. Also, the "termination shall be listed as a sealedwire-connector system" is ambiguous and not clear in meaning. Is this "termination" something that is built into theenclosure? How can a "termination" be listed..? Poorly worded.

Steinman, Gregory J.

“Covered” should not be included in 250.120 (B)(1), since the encasing material protects the conductor when incontact with the earth or masonry. This requirement was added without adequate substantiation, and is in directconflict with decades of field experience. For example, utility style underground conductors are considered “covered”by the NEC, and yet we know they can operate for decades without issue when direct buried. In item 3, does “unlessinsulated” mean that the conductor has to be insulated, or the connection? This should be rejected and returned tothe first revision language

Affirmative All

Helfrich, William J.

Mohla, Daleep C.

Affirmative with Comment

Simmons, Phil

The action by CMP-5 to include "covered" conductors does not introduce a new concept nor is it improper. Thedefinition of "Covered Conductors" has been in Article 100 for decades. it reads, "A conductor encased within materialof composition or thickness that is not recognized by this Code as electrical insulation." Covering can consist of mostanything including paper and provides no assurance that it provides any protection for a conductor that is in contactwith the earth or masonry. So, covered conductors should be treated as bare. Bare conductors have been included inthis section for many years. As covered and discussed at length by the Panel, Sealed Wire Connector Systems arecovered in UL ZMWQ. These systems are intended for only insulated conductors. The UL Guide information includesthe following, "Sealed wire-connector systems are intended for use with Types USE, RHW, XHHW, RW90 EP, RW90XLPE or TWU, 30 AWG through 2000 kcmil copper or aluminum conductors with currents not exceeding the ampacityof insulated conductors rated either 75 or 90°C and intended for use at 600 V or less." If the ballot on this revisionfails, this text cannot go back to that accepted at the First Revision meeting as it allows bare conductors in SealedWire Connection Systems. No documentation was provided for the reference in the voting statements to coveredconductors being operated satisfactorily by electric utilities. Really?! Electric utilities are not about to directly burypower conductors that do not have a proven and reliable insulation system.

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Second Revision No. 1218-NFPA 70-2015 [ Detail ]

Revise the title of Article 250, Part X:

Part X. Grounding of Systems and Circuits of over 1000 2000 Volts

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 11:29:04 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The title is aligned with the voltage level in the following subsections.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

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O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Provides consistency with Article 490.2.

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Second Revision No. 1228-NFPA 70-2015 [ Detail ]

Revise the title of 250.186:

250.186 Grounding Service-Supplied Alternating-Current Systems of over 1000 Volts

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 17:44:03 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The text is revised to correct transcription errors in the First Revision and to reflect the panelaction in the First Revision meeting.


Public Comment No. 1785-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.186]

Public Comment No. 1672-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.186]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

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Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Provides consistency with Article 490.2.

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Second Revision No. 1202-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.4(A)(1) ]

(1) Electrical System Grounding.

Electrical systems that are grounded shall be connected to earth in a manner that will limit the voltageimposed by lightning, line surges, or unintentional contact with higher-voltage lines and that will stabilizethe voltage to earth during normal operation.

Informational Note No. 1: An important consideration for limiting the imposed voltage is the routingof bonding and grounding electrode conductors so that they are not any longer than necessary tocomplete the connection without disturbing the permanent parts of the installation and so thatunnecessary bends and loops are avoided.

Informational Note No. 2: See NFPA 780-2017 2014 , Standard for the Installation of LightningProtection Systems, for information on installation of grounding and bonding for lightning protectionsystem grounding.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 12:01:43 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The informational note is revised to correlate with the changes to 250.4(B)(1). The edition yearwas revised because NFPA 780 hasn't completed the 2017 revision cycle.


Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

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Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

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Second Revision No. 1201-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.4(B)(1) ]

(1) Grounding Electrical Equipment.

Non–current-carrying conductive materials enclosing electrical conductors or equipment, or forming part ofsuch equipment, shall be connected to earth in a manner that will limit the voltage imposed by lightning orunintentional contact with higher-voltage lines and limit the voltage to ground on these materials.

Note: See NFPA 780 -2014, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems , forinformation on installation of grounding and bonding for lightning protection system grounding.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 11:47:56 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The NEC is not a lightning protection document. Adding the reference to NFPA 780 willprovide additional information for lightning protection systems.


Public Comment No. 1546-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.4(B)(1)]

Public Comment No. 1766-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.4(A)(1)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

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Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Mello, Charles F.

The new item is an informational note and the word "informational" was omitted in the transcription to Terra.

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Second Revision No. 1203-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.22 ]

250.22 Circuits Not to Be Grounded.

The following circuits shall not be grounded:

(1) Circuits for electric cranes operating over combustible fibers in Class III locations, as provided in503.155

(2) Circuits in health care facilities as provided in 517.61 and 517.160

(3) Circuits for equipment within electrolytic cell line working zones as provided in Article 668

(4) Secondary circuits of lighting systems as provided in 411.6(A)

(5) Secondary circuits of lighting systems as provided in 680.23(A)(2)

(6) Class 2 load side circuits for suspended ceiling low-voltage suspended ceiling power griddistribution systems as provided in 393.60(B)

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 12:12:58 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The text is revised to correct transcription errors in the First Revision and to reflect the panelaction in the First Revision meeting.


Public Comment No. 1558-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.22]

Public Comment No. 1767-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.22]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

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Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

10 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1204-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.24(C) [Excluding any

Sub-Sections] ]

Where an ac system operating at 2000 1000 volts or less is grounded at any point, the groundedconductor(s) shall be routed with the ungrounded conductors to each service disconnecting means andshall be connected to each disconnecting means grounded conductor(s) terminal or bus. A main bondingjumper shall connect the grounded conductor(s) to each service disconnecting means enclosure. Thegrounded conductor(s) shall be installed in accordance with 250.24(C)(1) through 250.24(C)(4).

Exception: Where two or more service disconnecting means are located in a single assembly listed foruse as service equipment, it shall be permitted to connect the grounded conductor(s) to the assemblycommon grounded conductor(s) terminal or bus. The assembly shall include a main bonding jumper forconnecting the grounded conductor(s) to the assembly enclosure.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 12:48:54 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The voltage level should remain at 1000 volts. Making this change to 2000 volts createsinconsistency within Article 250, as 250.180 and 250.188 were not changed and remain at 1000volts. Services over 1000 volts are covered in 250.186.


Public Comment No. 404-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.24(C) [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

11 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Provides consistency with Article 490.2.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

12 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1210-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.30(A)(4) ]

(4) Grounding Electrode.

The building or structure grounding electrode system shall be used as the grounding electrode for theseparately derived system. If located outdoors, the grounding electrode shall be in accordance with250.30(C).

Exception: If a separately derived system originates in equipment that is listed and identified as suitablefor use as service equipment, the grounding electrode used for the service or feeder equipment shall bepermitted to be used as the grounding electrode for the separately derived system.

Informational Note No. 1: See 250.104(D) for bonding requirements for interior metal water pipingin the area served by separately derived systems.

Informational Note No. 2: See 250.50 and 250.58 for requirements for bonding all electrodestogether if located at the same building or structure.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 16:07:41 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: The text "and identified" was added to be consistent with 250.30(A)(6).

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 1561-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(4)]

Public Comment No. 1768-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(4)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

13 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Beckstrand, Gary A.

It is commonly understood in the industry by installers and inspectors that a product which is listed requires alabel or mark on the product or the smallest unit container of the product to provide evidence of it being listed inorder to be field approved. Without said label or marking, most inspectors and installers will not recognize theproduct as being listed and reject the installation. As a task group has been appointed by the CorrelatingCommittee to investigate the requirements of adding the term labelled throughout the Code where ever the termListed appears, it would be prudent to wait for the recommendation of the task group before making any suchrevisions. Since, not all equipment is identified as suitable for use as service equipment, requiring an additionalidentification mark to indicate suitability for use as service equipment is necessary to ensure the requirements ofthe exception in 250.30(A)(4) are met.

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14 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1205-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.30(A)(5) ]

(5) Grounding Electrode Conductor, Single Separately Derived System.

A grounding electrode conductor for a single separately derived system shall be sized in accordance with250.66 for the derived ungrounded conductors. It shall be used to connect the grounded conductor of thederived system to the grounding electrode in accordance with 250.30(A)(4) , or as permitted in250.68(C)(1) and (2). This connection shall be made at the same point on the separately derived systemwhere the system bonding jumper is connected.

Exception No. 1: If the system bonding jumper specified in 250.30(A)(1) is a wire or busbar, it shall bepermitted to connect the grounding electrode conductor to the equipment grounding terminal, bar, orbusif bus if the equipment grounding terminal, bar, or bus is of sufficient size for the separately derivedsystem.

Exception No. 2: If the source of a separately derived system is located within equipment listed andidentified as suitable for use as service equipment, the grounding electrode conductor from the serviceor feeder equipment to the grounding electrode shall be permitted as the grounding electrode conductorfor the separately derived system, if the grounding electrode conductor is of sufficient size for theseparately derived system. If the equipment grounding bus internal to the equipment is not smaller thanthe required grounding electrode conductor for the separately derived system, the grounding electrodeconnection for the separately derived system shall be permitted to be made to the bus.

Exception No. 3: A grounding electrode conductor shall not be required for a system that supplies aClass 1, Class 2, or Class 3 circuit and is derived from a transformer rated not more than 1000volt-amperes, provided the grounded conductor is bonded to the transformer frame or enclosure by ajumper sized in accordance with 250.30(A)(1) , Exception No. 3, and the transformer frame or enclosureis grounded by one of the means specified in 250.134.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 13:46:04 EST 2015

Committee Statement


This revision is an editorial correction to put space between the terms "bus" and "if" inException No. 1.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 1571-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(5)]

Public Comment No. 1769-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(5)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

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15 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

16 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1206-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.30(A)(6) ]

(6) Grounding Electrode Conductor, Multiple Separately Derived Systems.

A common grounding electrode conductor for multiple separately derived systems shall be permitted. Ifinstalled, the common grounding electrode conductor shall be used to connect the grounded conductor ofthe separately derived systems to the grounding electrode as specified in 250.30(A)(4) . A groundingelectrode conductor tap shall then be installed from each separately derived system to the commongrounding electrode conductor. Each tap conductor shall connect the grounded conductor of theseparately derived system to the common grounding electrode conductor. This connection shall be madeat the same point on the separately derived system where the system bonding jumper is connected.

Exception No. 1: If the system bonding jumper specified in 250.30(A)(1) is a wire or busbar, it shall bepermitted to connect the grounding electrode conductor tap to the equipment grounding terminal, bar, orbus, provided the equipment grounding terminal, bar, or bus is of sufficient size for the separatelyderived system.

Exception No. 2: A grounding electrode conductor shall not be required for a system that supplies aClass 1, Class 2, or Class 3 circuit and is derived from a transformer rated not more than 1000volt-amperes, provided the system grounded conductor is bonded to the transformer frame or enclosureby a jumper sized in accordance with 250.30(A)(1), Exception No. 3, and the transformer frame orenclosure is grounded by one of the means specified in 250.134.

(a) Common Grounding Electrode Conductor. The common grounding electrode conductor shall bepermitted to be one of the following:

(1) A conductor of the wire type not smaller than 3/0 AWG copper or 250 kcmil aluminum

(2) A metal water pipe that complies with 250.68(C)(1) 250.68(C)(2) or is connected to the groundingelectrode system by a conductor that shall not be smaller than 3/0 AWG copper or 250 kcmmilaluminum

(3) The metal structural frame of the building or structure that complies with 250.68(C)(2) or isconnected to the grounding electrode system by a conductor that shall not be smaller than 3/0 AWGcopper or 250 kcmil aluminum

(b) Tap Conductor Size. Each tap conductor shall be sized in accordance with 250.66 based on thederived ungrounded conductors of the separately derived system it serves.

Exception: If the source of a separately derived system is located within equipment listed andidentified as suitable for use as service equipment, the grounding electrode conductor from the serviceor feeder equipment to the grounding electrode shall be permitted as the grounding electrode conductorfor the separately derived system, if the grounding electrode conductor is of sufficient size for theseparately derived system. If the equipment grounding bus internal to the equipment is not smaller thanthe required grounding electrode conductor for the separately derived system, the grounding electrodeconnection for the separately derived system shall be permitted to be made to the bus.

(c) Connections. All tap connections to the common grounding electrode conductor shall be made atan accessible location by one of the following methods:

(1) A connector listed as grounding and bonding equipment.

(2) Listed connections to aluminum or copper busbars not smaller than 6 mm thick × 50 mm wide (1⁄4 in.thick × 2 in. wide) and of sufficient length to accommodate the number of terminations necessary forthe installation. If aluminum busbars are used, the installation shall also comply with 250.64(A).

(3) The exothermic welding process.

Tap conductors shall be connected to the common grounding electrode conductor in such a manner thatthe common grounding electrode conductor remains without a splice or joint.

Supplemental Information

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File Name Description

SR_1206.docx For staff use

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 13:49:07 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The text is revised to correct transcription errors in the First Revision and to reflect the panelaction in the First Revision meeting.

The work “also” was added in 250.30(A)(6)(c)(2) for clarity.

The words “thick” and “wide” were added to the busbar description for consistency.


Public Comment No. 1770-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(6)]

Public Comment No. 321-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(6)]

Public Comment No. 364-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(6)]

Public Comment No. 740-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(6)]

Public Comment No. 1574-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.30(A)(6)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

15 Affirmative All

2 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

18 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Bowmer, Trevor N.

There is a typograhical error in the second sentence of the Committee Statement where "...work..." should bereplaced with "....word...".

Mello, Charles F.

The list of requirements below 250.30(A)(6)(a) and 250.30(A)(6)(c) are missing the list numbers and should benumbered "(1), (2), and (3)".

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19 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1207-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.36 [Excluding any

Sub-Sections] ]

High-impedance grounded neutral systems in which a grounding impedance, usually a resistor, limits theground-fault current to a low value shall be permitted for 3-phase ac systems of 480 volts to 2000 1000volts if all the following conditions are met:

(1) The conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service theinstallation.

(2) Ground detectors are installed on the system.

(3) Line-to-neutral loads are not served.

High-impedance grounded neutral systems shall comply with the provisions of 250.36(A) through (G).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 14:12:31 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The voltage level is reverted to 1000 volts, because voltages above 1000 volts are alreadycovered in 250.187.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 407-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.36 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

20 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Provides consistency with Article 490.2.

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21 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1208-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.52(A)(8) ]

(8) Other Local Metal Underground Systems or Structures.

Other local metal underground systems or structures such as piping systems, underground tanks, andunderground metal well casings that are not bonded to a metal water pipe. The structures and structuralreinforcing steel described at 680.26(B)(1) and (B)(2) shall not be considered as a grounding electrodedescribed by this section.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 14:26:06 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The text is revised to correct transcription errors in the First Revision and to reflect the panelaction in the First Revision meeting.


Public Comment No. 1584-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.52(A)(8)]

Public Comment No. 1738-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.52(A)(8)]

Public Comment No. 1771-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.52(A)(8)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

22 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

23 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1209-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.52(B) ]

(B) Not Permitted for Use as Grounding Electrodes.

The following systems and materials shall not be used as grounding electrodes:

(1) Metal underground gas piping systems

(2) Aluminum

(3) The structures and structural reinforcing steel described in 680.26(B)(1) and (B)(2)

Informational Note: See 250.104(B) for bonding requirements of gas piping.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 14:35:07 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The text is revised to correct transcription errors in the First Revision and to reflect the panelaction in the First Revision meeting.


Public Comment No. 1587-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.52(B)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

14 Affirmative All

2 Affirmative with Comments

1 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

24 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Adding the additional requirement to prohibit the use of the metal components in 680.26 (B)(1) and (B)(2) is animportant clarification for differentiating between grounding and bonding. The equipotential bonding requirementsof 680.26 are to reduce voltage gradients, and not to create a grounding electrode system for a building orstructure. It is appropriate not to use a swimming pool equipotential bonding grid for the purposes of grounding asit may introduce safety hazards to the occupants of the pool for reasons such as lightning induced currents.

Sasso, Nick

It was never the intent of NEC to use a pool bonding grid as an electrode. From 1999 NEC, 680-22: "It is not theintent of this subsection to require that the No. 8 or larger solid copper bonding conductor be extended or attachedto any remote panelboard, service equipment, or any electrode, but only that it be employed to eliminate voltagegradients in the pool area as prescribed." In editions prior to 1999, this code was in the form of a FPN.

Negative with Comment

Dobrowsky, Paul

Section 680.26 is for equipotential bonding, not the use of reinforcing as a grounding electrode and also has theword remote referring to connections to grounding electrodes. If a pool is within a building the reinforcing for thebuilding can be physically interconnected with the reinforcing steel for pool. It is not clear if the pool reinforcing isintended to be isolated from the building reinforcing which is to be used as a grounding electrode.

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25 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1211-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.60 ]

250.60 Use of Strike Termination Devices.

Conductors and driven pipes, rods, or plate electrodes used for grounding strike termination devices shallnot be used in lieu of the grounding electrodes required by 250.50 for grounding wiring systems andequipment. This provision shall not prohibit the required bonding together of grounding electrodes ofdifferent systems.

Informational Note No. 1: See 250.106 for spacing from the bonding requirement of the lightningprotection system components. See 800.100(D) , 810.21(J) , and 820.100(D) for bonding ofelectrodes to the building or structure grounding electrode system .

Informational Note No. 2: Bonding together of all separate grounding electrodes will limit voltagedifferences between them and between their associated wiring systems.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 16:30:59 EST 2015

Committee Statement


Informational Note 1 has been corrected to address proper correlation with the lightningprotection system.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 365-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.60]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

26 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

27 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1213-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.64(B) ]

(B) Securing and Protection Against Physical Damage.

Where exposed, a grounding electrode conductor or its enclosure shall be securely fastened to thesurface on which it is carried. Grounding electrode conductors shall be permitted to be installed on orthrough framing members. 300.5 .

(1) Not Exposed to Physical Damage.

A 6 AWG or larger copper or aluminum grounding electrode conductor not exposed to physical damageshall be permitted to be run along the surface of the building construction without metal covering orprotection.

(2) Exposed to Physical Damage.

A 6 AWG or larger copper or aluminum grounding electrode conductor exposed to physical damage shallbe protected in rigid metal conduit (RMC), intermediate metal conduit (IMC), rigid polyvinyl chlorideconduit (PVC), XW-type reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC-XW ), electrical metallic tubing(EMT), or cable armor.

(3) Smaller Than 6 AWG.

Grounding electrode conductors smaller than 6 AWG shall be protected in RMC, IMC, PVC, RTRC-XW,EMT, or cable armor.

(4) In Contact with the Earth.

Grounding electrode conductors and grounding electrode bonding jumpers in contact with the earth shallnot be required to comply with 300.5, but shall be buried or otherwise protected if subject to physicaldamage.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 17:07:14 EST 2015

Committee Statement


Type -XW was added to RTRC, and the raceways types for protection of smaller than 6 AWGconductors was added to correct transcription errors.


Public Comment No. 335-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.64(B)(3)]

Public Comment No. 1592-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.64(B)]

Public Comment No. 1773-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.64(A)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

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28 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Palmieri, Charles J.

The language should include reference to schedule 80 for PVC.

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29 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1214-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.64(E)(1) ]

(1) General.

Ferrous metal raceways and enclosures for grounding electrode conductors shall be electricallycontinuous from the point of attachment to cabinets or equipment to the grounding electrode and shall besecurely fastened to the ground clamp or fitting. Ferrous metal raceways and enclosures shall be bondedat each end of the raceway or enclosure to the grounding electrode or grounding electrode conductor tocreate a an electrically parallel path. Nonferrous metal raceways and enclosures shall not be required tobe electrically continuous.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 17:25:29 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The words "an electrically" were added to be consistent with how that phrase is typicallyused to improve clarity.


Public Comment No. 366-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.64(E)(1)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

30 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

31 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1215-NFPA 70-2015 [ Sections 250.66(A), 250.66(B), 250.66(C) ]

(A) Connections to a Rod, Pipe, or Plate Electrode(s).

Where If the grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper connected to a single or multiple rod,pipe, or plate electrode(s), or any combination thereof, as permitted described in 250.52(A)(5) or (A)(7),does not extend on to other types of electrodes that require a larger size conductor , the groundingelectrode conductor shall not be required to be larger than 6 AWG copper wire or 4 AWG aluminum wire.

(B) Connections to Concrete-Encased Electrodes.

Where If the grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper connected to a single or multipleconcrete-encased electrode(s), as permitted described in 250.52(A)(3), does not extend on to other typesof electrodes that require a larger size of conductor, the grounding electrode conductor shall not berequired to be larger than 4 AWG copper wire.

(C) Connections to Ground Rings.

Where If the grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper connected to a ground ring, aspermitted described in 250.52(A)(4) , does not extend on to other types of electrodes that require a largersize of conductor, the grounding electrode conductor shall not be required to be larger than the conductorused for the ground ring.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 17:30:42 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The phrase "or bonding jumper" was added to each subdivision to correct a transcription error inthe first draft. The phrase "that require a larger size conductor" was added to (A) to be consistentwith the other subdivisions.

The term "permitted" was changed to "described" for accuracy.


Public Comment No. 489-NFPA 70-2015 [Sections 250.66(A), 250.66(B), 250.66(C)]

Public Comment No. 1600-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.66]

Public Comment No. 1774-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.66]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

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1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Some users of the Code mistakenly refer to the conductors between electrodes as grounding electrodeconductors and adding the term bonding jumper in the text of 250.66(A), (B), and (C) will clarify that they arebonding jumpers. Further improvement in the section could be made by adding the term bonding jumper in thecharging text, the title of the section, and the title of Table 250.66.

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Second Revision No. 1216-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.68(C) ]

(C) Grounding Electrode Conductor Connections.

Grounding electrode conductors and bonding jumpers shall be permitted to be connected at the followinglocations and used to extend the connection to an electrode(s):

(1) Interior metal water piping shall be that is electrically continuous with a metal underground waterpipe electrode and is located not more than 1.52 m (5 ft) from the point of entrance to the building.Interior metal water piping located more than 1.52 m (5 ft) from the point of entrance to the buildingshall not be used as a conductor to interconnect electrodes of the grounding electrode system.

Exception: In industrial, commercial, and institutional buildings or structures, if conditions ofmaintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation, interiormetal water piping located more than 1.52 m (5 ft) from the point of entrance to the building shallbe permitted as a bonding conductor to interconnect electrodes that are part of the groundingelectrode system, or as a grounding electrode conductor, if the entire length, other than shortsections passing perpendicularly through walls, floors, or ceilings, of the interior metal water pipethat is being used for the conductor is exposed.

(2) The metal structural frame of a building shall be permitted to be used as a conductor to interconnectelectrodes that are part of the grounding electrode system, or as a grounding electrode conductor.Hold-down bolts securing the structural steel column that are connected to a concrete-encasedelectrode that complies with 250.52(A)(3) and is located in the support footing or foundation shall bepermitted to connect the metal structural frame of a building or structure to the concrete encasedgrounding electrode. The hold-down bolts shall be connected to the concrete-encased electrode bywelding, exothermic welding, the usual steel tie wires, or other approved means.

(3) A rebar rebar- type concrete-encased electrode installed in accordance with 250.52(A)(3)with anadditional rebar section extended from its location within the concrete to an accessible location thatis not subject to corrosion shall be permitted for connection of the grounding electrodeconductor conductors and bonding jumpers . The rebar extention extension shall not be exposed tocontact with the earth without corrosion protection.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description

SR_1216.docx For staff use

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 17:41:31 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The word "conductor" was added to the title of 250.68(C) to more accurately reflect theapplication of the section.

The phrase "that is continuous with a metal underground water pipe electrode and is" was added

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to 250.68(C)(1) to be clear that the interior water piping connection is only permitted if the pipingis continuous to the underground portion.

The phrase "shall be" was deleted to correct a transcription error in the first draft.

The second sentence of 250.68(C)(1) was added to provide clear language to not allow waterpiping beyond 5 ft from being used as a connection point unless the exception applies.

The term "bonding jumpers" was added to 250.68(C)(3) to be consistent with the title of 250.68.


Public Comment No. 301-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.68(C)]

Public Comment No. 319-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.68(C)]

Public Comment No. 1775-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.68(C)]

Public Comment No. 1609-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.68(C)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

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Second Revision No. 1217-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.86 ]

250.86 Other Conductor Enclosures and Raceways.

Except as permitted by 250.112(I) , metal enclosures and raceways for other than service conductors shallbe connected to the equipment grounding conductor.

Exception No. 1: Metal enclosures and raceways for conductors added to existing installations of openwire, knob-and-tube wiring, and nonmetallic-sheathed cable shall not be required to be connected to theequipment grounding conductor where these enclosures or wiring methods comply with (1) through (4)as follows:

(1) Do not provide an equipment ground

(2) Are in runs of less than 7.5 m (25 ft)

(3) Are free from probable contact with ground, grounded metal, metal lath, or other conductivematerial

(4) Are guarded against contact by persons

Exception No. 2: Short sections of metal enclosures or raceways used to provide support or protectionof cable assemblies from physical damage shall not be required to be connected to the equipmentgrounding conductor.

Exception No. 3: A metal elbow Metal components shall not be required to be connected to theequipment grounding conductor where it is or supply-side bonding jumper where either of the followingconditions exist:

(1) The metal components are installed in a run of nonmetallic raceway(s) and is isolated frompossible contact by a minimum cover of 450 mm (18 in.) to any part of the elbow or is metalcomponents .

(2) The metal components are part of an installation of nonmetallic raceway(s) and are isolated frompossible contact to any part of the metal components by being encased in not less than 50 mm (2in.) of concrete.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Mon Nov 09 18:25:23 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The phrase "metal components" was added to each subdivision to correct a transcription error inthe first draft. Isolated sections of metal conduit that meet the requirements of this section areconsidered to be metal components.

The exception was converted to a list to improve usability.


Public Comment No. 1776-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.80]

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Public Comment No. 556-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.86]

Public Comment No. 1625-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.86]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Beckstrand, Gary A.

To require the installation of an equipment grounding conductor to a short isolated section of underground metalconduit under a road or driveway in a nonmetallic run, or a metal coupling used with a metal elbow to connect to anonmetallic raceway, and all metal components are isolated by 18” of earth or 2” of concrete encasement, is toorestrictive. It is appropriate to replace “metal elbow” with “metal components” to relax the bonding requirements asisolated metal components in underground installations do not present a significant safety hazard.

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Second Revision No. 1219-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.102 ]

250.102 Grounded Conductor, Bonding Conductors, and Jumpers.

(A) Material.

Bonding jumpers shall be of copper, aluminum, copper-clad aluminum, or other corrosion-resistantmaterial. A bonding jumper shall be a wire, bus, screw, or similar suitable conductor.

(B) Attachment.

Bonding jumpers shall be attached in the manner specified by the applicable provisions of 250.8 forcircuits and equipment and by 250.70 for grounding electrodes.

(C) Size — Supply-Side Bonding Jumper.

(1) Size for Supply Conductors in a Single Raceway or Cable.

The supply-side bonding jumper shall not be smaller than specified in Table 250.102(C)(1) .

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(2) Size for Parallel Conductor Installations in Two or More Raceways or Cables.

Where the ungrounded supply conductors are paralleled in two or more raceways or cables, and anindividual supply-side bonding jumper is used for bonding these raceways or cables, the size of thesupply-side bonding jumper for each raceway or cable shall be selected from Table 250.102(C)(1) basedon the size of the ungrounded supply conductors in each raceway or cable. A single supply-side bondingjumper installed for bonding two or more raceways or cables shall be sized in accordance with250.102(C)(1).

Informational Note No. 1: The term supply conductors includes ungrounded conductors that do nothave overcurrent protection on their supply side and terminate at service equipment or the firstdisconnecting means of a separately derived system.

Informational Note No. 2: See Chapter 9 , Table 8, for the circular mil area of conductors 18 AWGthrough 4/0 AWG.

Table 250.102(C)(1) Grounded Conductor, Main Bonding Jumper, System Bonding Jumper, andSupply-Side Bonding Jumper for Alternating-Current Systems

Size of Largest Ungrounded Conductor orEquivalent Area for Parallel Conductors


Size of Grounded Conductor or BondingJumper* (AWG/kcmil)

CopperAluminum or Copper-Clad


Aluminum or Copper-CladAluminum

2 or smaller 1/0 or smaller 8 6

1 or 1/0 2/0 or 3/0 6 4

2/0 or 3/0 4/0 or 250 4 2

Over 3/0 through350

Over 250 through 500 2 1/0

Over 350 through600

Over 500 through 900 1/0 3/0

Over 600 through1100

Over 900 through 1750 2/0 4/0

Over 1100 Over 1750 See Notes 1 and 2.


1. If the ungrounded supply conductors are larger than 1100 kcmil copper or 1750 kcmil aluminum, thegrounded conductor or bonding jumper shall have an area not less than 121⁄2 percent of the area of thelargest ungrounded supply conductor or equivalent area for parallel supply conductors. The groundedconductor or bonding jumper shall not be required to be larger than the largest ungrounded conductor orset of ungrounded conductors.

2. If the ungrounded supply conductors are larger than 1100 kcmil copper or 1750 kcmil aluminum and ifthe ungrounded supply conductors and the bonding jumper are of different materials (copper, aluminum,or copper-clad aluminum), the minimum size of the grounded conductor or bonding jumper shall be basedon the assumed use of ungrounded supply conductors of the same material as the grounded conductor orbonding jumper and will have an ampacity equivalent to that of the installed ungrounded supplyconductors.

3. If multiple sets of service-entrance conductors are used as permitted in 230.40, Exception No. 2, or ifmultiple sets of ungrounded supply conductors are installed for a separately derived system, theequivalent size of the largest ungrounded supply conductor(s) shall be determined by the largest sum ofthe areas of the corresponding conductors of each set.

4. If there are no service-entrance conductors, the supply conductor size shall be determined by theequivalent size of the largest service-entrance conductor required for the load to be served.

*For the purposes of applying this table and its notes , the term bonding jumper refers to main bondingjumpers, system bonding jumpers, and supply-side bonding jumpers.

Informational Note: See Chapter 9, Table 8, for the circular mil area of conductors 18 AWGthrough 4/0 AWG.

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(D) Size — Equipment Bonding Jumper on Load Side of an Overcurrent Device.

The equipment bonding jumper on the load side of an overcurrent device(s) shall be sized in accordancewith 250.122.

A single common continuous equipment bonding jumper shall be permitted to connect two or moreraceways or cables if the bonding jumper is sized in accordance with 250.122 for the largest overcurrentdevice supplying circuits therein.

(E) Installation.

Bonding jumpers or conductors and equipment bonding jumpers shall be permitted to be installed insideor outside of a raceway or an enclosure.

(1) Inside a Raceway or an Enclosure.

If installed inside a raceway, equipment bonding jumpers and bonding jumpers or conductors shall complywith the requirements of 250.119 and 250.148.

(2) Outside a Raceway or an Enclosure.

If installed on the outside, the length of the bonding jumper or conductor or equipment bonding jumpershall not exceed 1.8 m (6 ft) and shall be routed with the raceway or enclosure.

Exception: An equipment bonding jumper or supply-side bonding jumper longer than 1.8 m (6 ft) shall bepermitted at outside pole locations for the purpose of bonding or grounding isolated sections of metalraceways or elbows installed in exposed risers of metal conduit or other metal raceway, and for bondinggrounding electrodes, and shall not be required to be routed with a raceway or enclosure.

(3) Protection.

Bonding jumpers or conductors and equipment bonding jumpers shall be installed in accordance with250.64(A) and (B).

Supplemental Information

File Name Description

SR_1219.docx For staff use.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 12:35:02 EST 2015

Committee Statement


Further consideration was given to the comments expressed in voting on FR 7509 in accordancewith the direction of the Correlating Committee. It was determined that the intended revisions toTable 250.102(C)(1) were not shown in FR 7509. In addition, the second informational note in250.102(C)(2) was incorrectly relocated in FR 7509. The proposed second revision corrects thesetranscription errors.


Public Comment No. 1778-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.102(A)]

Public Comment No. 1634-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.102(C)(2)]

Ballot Results

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This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

15 Affirmative All

2 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Note 1, pertaining to the 12 ½% rule, and Note 2, pertaining to different materials, are probably the most commonrules used in conjunction with Table 250.102(C)(1). It is appropriate to list them first to improve usability of theTable.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Although their application is general for the whole table, the Table Notes 3 and 4 should be explicitly referenced inthe Table by adding "(see Notes 3 and 4)" to the top left column heading.

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Second Revision No. 1220-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.104 ]

250.104 Bonding of Piping Systems and Exposed Structural Metal.

(A) Metal Water Piping.

The metal water piping system shall be bonded as required in (A)(1), (A)(2), or (A)(3) of this section.

(1) General.

Metal water piping system(s) installed in or attached to a building or structure shall be bonded to any ofthe following:

(1) Service equipment enclosure

(2) Grounded conductor at the service

(3) Grounding electrode conductor where if of sufficient size

(4) One or more grounding electrodes used, if the grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper tothe grounding electrode is of sufficient size

The bonding jumper(s) shall be sized installed in accordance with 250.64(A), 250.64(B), and 250.64(E).The points of attachment of the bonding jumper(s) shall be accessible. The bonding jumper(s) shall besized in accordance with Table 250.66 Table 250.102(C)(1) except as permitted in 250.104(A)(2) and250.104(A)(3).

(2) Buildings of Multiple Occupancy.

In buildings of multiple occupancy where the metal water piping system(s) installed in or attached to abuilding or structure for the individual occupancies is metallically isolated from all other occupancies byuse of nonmetallic water piping, the metal water piping system(s) for each occupancy shall be permitted tobe bonded to the equipment grounding terminal of the switchgear, switchboard, or panelboard enclosure(other than service equipment) supplying that occupancy. The equipment bonding jumper shall be sized inaccordance with 250.102(D).

(3) Multiple Buildings or Structures Supplied by a Feeder(s) or Branch Circuit(s).

The metal water piping system(s) installed in or attached to a building or structure shall be bonded to anyof the following:

(a) Building or structure disconnecting means enclosure where located at the building or structure

(b) Equipment grounding conductor run with the supply conductors

(c) One or more grounding electrodes used

The bonding jumper(s) shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.66 Table 250.102(C)(1) , based on thesize of the feeder or branch-circuit conductors that supply the building or structure. The bonding jumpershall not be required to be larger than the largest ungrounded feeder or branch-circuit conductor supplyingthe building or structure.

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(B) Other Metal Piping.

If installed in or attached to a building or structure, a metal piping system(s), including gas piping, that islikely to become energized shall be bonded to any of the following:

(1) Equipment grounding conductor for the circuit that is likely to energize the piping system

(2) Service equipment enclosure

(3) Grounded conductor at the service

(4) Grounding electrode conductor, if of sufficient size

(5) One or more grounding electrodes used, if the grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper tothe grounding electrode is of sufficient size

The bonding conductor(s) or jumper(s) shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.122, and equipmentgrounding conductors shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.122 using the rating of the circuit that islikely to energize the piping system(s). The points of attachment of the bonding jumper(s) shall beaccessible.

Informational Note No. 1: Bonding all piping and metal air ducts within the premises will provideadditional safety.

Informational Note No. 2: Additional information for gas piping systems can be found in Section7.13 of NFPA 54-2012 2015 , National Fuel Gas Code.

(C) Structural Metal.

Structural Exposed structural metal that is interconnected to form a metal building frame and is notintentionally grounded or bonded and is likely to become energized shall be bonded to any of thefollowing:

(1) Service equipment enclosure

(2) Grounded conductor at the service

(3) Disconnecting means for buildings or structures supplied by a feeder or branch circuit

(4) Grounding electrode conductor, if of sufficient size

(5) O ne or more grounding electrodes used, if the grounding electrode conductor or bonding jumper tothe grounding electrode is of sufficient size

The bonding conductor(s) or jumper(s) shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.66 and installed inaccordance with 250.64(A), 250.64(B), and 250.64(E). The points of attachment of the bonding jumper(s)shall be accessible unless installed in compliance with 250.68(A) Exception No. 2.

(D) Separately Derived Systems.

Metal water piping systems and structural metal that is interconnected to form a building frame shall bebonded to separately derived systems in accordance with 250.104(D)(1) through 250.104(D)(3)

(1) Metal Water Piping System(s).

The grounded conductor of each separately derived system shall be bonded to the nearest available pointof the metal water piping system(s) in the area served by each separately derived system. Thisconnection shall be made at the same point on the separately derived system where the groundingelectrode conductor is connected. Each bonding jumper shall be sized in accordance with Table250.66 Table 250.102(C)(1) based on the largest ungrounded conductor of the separately derivedsystem.

Exception No. 1: A separate bonding jumper to the metal water piping system shall not be requiredwhere if the metal water piping system is used as the grounding electrode for the separately derivedsystem and the water piping system is in the area served.

Exception No. 2: A separate water piping bonding jumper shall not be required where if the metal frameof a building or structure is used as the grounding electrode for a separately derived system and isbonded to the metal water piping in the area served by the separately derived system.

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(2) Structural Metal.

If exposed structural metal that is interconnected to form the building frame exists in the area served bythe separately derived system, it shall be bonded to the grounded conductor of each separately derivedsystem. This connection shall be made at the same point on the separately derived system where thegrounding electrode conductor is connected. Each bonding jumper shall be sized in accordance withTable 250.66 Table 250.102(C)(1) based on the largest ungrounded conductor of the separately derivedsystem.

Exception No. 1: A separate bonding jumper to the building structural metal shall not be requiredwhere if the metal frame of a building or structure is used as the grounding electrode for the separatelyderived system.

Exception No. 2: A separate bonding jumper to the building structural metal shall not be requiredwhere if the water piping of a building or structure is used as the grounding electrode for a separatelyderived system and is bonded to the building structural metal in the area served by the separatelyderived system.

(3) Common Grounding Electrode Conductor.

Where If a common grounding electrode conductor is installed for multiple separately derived systems aspermitted by 250.30(A)(6), and exposed structural metal that is interconnected to form the building frameor interior metal piping exists in the area served by the separately derived system, the metal piping andthe structural metal member shall be bonded to the common grounding electrode conductor in the areaserved by the separately derived system.

Exception: A separate bonding jumper from each derived system to metal water piping and to structuralmetal members shall not be required where if the metal water piping and the structural metal membersin the area served by the separately derived system are bonded to the common grounding electrodeconductor.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description

SR_1220.docx For staff use

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 13:01:38 EST 2015

Committee Statement


Further consideration was given to the comments expressed in voting on FR 1216 in accordancewith the direction of the Correlating Committee. It was determined that the intended Panel 5 revisionsto 250.104 were not shown correctly in FR 1216. The proposed second revision corrects thesetranscription errors. The reference to NFPA 54 in Informational Note No. 2 in 250.104(B) was alsoupdated. Also note that references to Table 250.66 were changed to Table 250.102(C)(1) in severallocations as these conductors are bonding jumpers, not grounding electrode conductors.

In several locations, the word "where" was appropriately changed to "if".


Public Comment No. 1779-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.104(A) [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

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Public Comment No. 336-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.104(C)]

Public Comment No. 337-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.104(D) [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

Public Comment No. 165-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.104(B)]

Public Comment No. 1649-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.104]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

14 Affirmative All

3 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Bowmer, Trevor N.

After further review of the SR-1220 text and ballot comments, there is a transcription editorial error in lastsentence of 250.104(C). The text reads “…shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.66...”. This was supposedto be changed to “…shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.102(C)(1)…” as it was in 250.104(A)(1) and (3).

Mello, Charles F.

The reference to Table 250.66 in 250.104(C) should be Table 250.102(C)(1) and is a transcription error in Terra.

Philips, Nathan

There is a transcription error in last sentence of 250.104(C). The text reads “…shall be sized in accordance withTable 250.66...”. This was changed to “…shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.102(C)(1)…” as it was in250.104(A)(1) and (3).

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Second Revision No. 1221-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.119(B) ]

(B) Multiconductor Cable.

One Where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service theinstallation, one or more insulated conductors in a multiconductor cable, at the time of installation, shallbe permitted to be permanently identified as equipment grounding conductors at each end and at everypoint where the conductors are accessible by one of the following means:

(1) Stripping the insulation from the entire exposed length.

(2) Coloring the exposed insulation green.

(3) Marking the exposed insulation with green tape or green adhesive labels. Identification shall encirclethe conductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 14:02:20 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The text is revised to establish that, except where only qualified staff are doing work, theequipment grounding conductor in multiconductor cables shall have a continuous insulation color ofgreen or green with yellow stripes. Returning this portion of the text to previous edition will maintainconsistency with 200.6(E).


Public Comment No. 933-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.119(B)]

Public Comment No. 1459-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.119(B)]

Public Comment No. 1780-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.119(B)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

15 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

1 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

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46 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Abernathy, Paul W.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Beckstrand, Gary A.

The phrase “conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation”appears over 35 times in the NEC. It is appropriate to require those conditions when re-identifying an insulatedconductor as an equipment grounding conductor or a grounded conductor in a multiconductor cable as anexception to the general requirements of 250.119 and 200.6. Manufactures are able to produce cables withcontinuously colored insulated conductors of any color for most installations, and the proper cable should alwaysbe used. When installing, maintaining, inspecting, troubleshooting, and repairing electrical installations, the workerneeds to have full confidence that conductors are properly identified and used properly as identified for their ownsafety and that of others. A significant hazard would be created if a conductor other than white, grey or green isused as an equipment grounding conductor and then connected to an energized source due to improperidentification marking, and thus energizing metal components of equipment creating shock hazard to anyoneusing said equipment. Permitting the use of marking tape on any multiconductor cable for any installation is indirect opposition to the general requirements for identifying EGCs and grounded conductors. Since a raceway isnot permitted to have three #12 AWG continuously black insulated conductors installed, and one re-identified withgreen tape for the equipment grounding conductor and one re-identified with white tape for a grounded conductor,it should not be permitted for a multiconductor cable. Additionally, it is not feasible for inspectors to examine everyconductor, termination, junction box, panelboard, switchboard, switchgear, etc. to ensure compliance of properlyinstalled and identified conductors, and therefore requiring continuous identification of color coding is a feasiblemethod to ensure proper installation and usage of equipment grounding conductors and grounded conductors.Section 250.119(B) may be more appropriately removed, and added as an exception to the general requirementsof 250.119.

Negative with Comment

Simmons, Phil

This Public Comment should have been rejected. The Public Input to remove the unwarranted restriction onmarking insulated conductors of multiwire cables as an equipment grounding conductor was accepted by CMP-5at the First Revision meeting by a vote of 14 affirmative to 2 negative. That acceptance should have continued atthis Second Revision meeting. The supporting substantiation for reversing the previous acceptance is based onconjecture and is not factual. Somehow, the Panel evidently concludes that it is safe for anyone, regardless ofqualification, to mark a conductor that is 4 AWG or larger and that is installed in a raceway as an equipmentgrounding conductor but it is unsafe for the same person(s) to take an identical action on multiconductor cable!This is very difficult to reconcile. CMP-5 has approved in 200.7 marking a conductor that has white or grayinsulation with a marking tape and using it as an ungrounded (hot) conductor for many years. We have had noreports that such use has resulted in an unsafe condition. This use is commonplace for switch-loops and for

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supply of motors and electric heating branch circuits. This conductor is normally required to be used as agrounded conductor and thus has zero voltage on it so it would not present a shock hazard. Place a wrap of black(or other acceptable color) marking tape on each end of the conductor with white or gray insulation and it can beused as an energized ungrounded conductor that presents a shock hazard. The action by CMP-5 on this publiccomment lacks logic and fails to be consistent with several other long-standing safety decisions and should bereversed.

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Second Revision No. 1223-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.122(B) ]

(B) Increased in Size.

If ungrounded conductors are increased in size for any reason from the minimum size that has sufficientampacity for the intended installation before the application of any adjustment or correction factor(s) toaccount for voltage drop , wire-type equipment grounding conductors shall be increased in size .Theincrease in size shall be at least in the same proportion as the increase in the size of the ungroundedconductors using their circular mil area.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 14:58:51 EST 2015

Committee Statement


Increase of the equipment grounding conductor size due to adjustment or correction factors isnot necessary because of the short duration of a fault.

This revision was suggested by a ballot comment in the First Draft.


Public Comment No. 118-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(B)]

Public Comment No. 338-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(B)]

Public Comment No. 490-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(B)]

Public Comment No. 771-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(B)]

Public Comment No. 792-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(B)]

Public Comment No. 1782-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(B)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

12 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

5 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

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49 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Negative with Comment

Abernathy, Paul W.

Future changes to the size of the overcurrent device could result in an undersized EGC.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

This revision should be rejected. Reverting back to language similar to the 1975 thru 1999 NEC editions isunenforceable. Substantiation for the 2002 cycle was as follows from the 2001 ROP NEC “The current text islimited to voltage drop only and is subject to abuse and misinterpretation (e.g. it was done per the plans, not forvoltage drop). The manufacturer’s directions often call for conductor to be increased in size, with no explanationfor why the ungrounded conductors size is increased, with no corresponding requirement for the equipmentgrounding conductor to be increased.” Why would we revert back to requiring the EGC to be increased strictly forvoltage drop when the language back then was considered poor and unenforceable as evident by the Panel voteof 16-1? It is undisputable that if an ungrounded conductor is increased in size, for any reason, the amount ofavailable fault current will increase. As the equipment grounding conductor is installed for short time, high current,it needs to handle all fault current imposed on it safely, and not heat to the point of damaging itself, or adjacentconductors. It would be prudent to revert the language to the first draft edition of the 2017 NEC.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

This FR should be rejected. There were no Public Inputs or Public Comments suggesting this change. The onlynotification to the public of this being considered was the comment by a panel member during the ballot; a locationnot easily or readily accessed. The change at the Comment stage was based on one statement by a single CMP 5member: “Based on the panel discussion, my view is that the requirement for increasing conductor size should belimited to cases where the increase is due to voltage drop. There was no technical basis presented for increasingthe EGC when the other conductors are increased for reasons related to increased heat because the conductorshould not need to carry current for more than a few seconds, at worst, in a fault condition.” The Panel statementfor this revision does not reflect the application of this requirement: “Increase of the equipment groundingconductor size due to adjustment or correction factors is not necessary because of the short duration of a fault.”The change should not have been made based on either the ballot comment or the Panel statement as there is notechnical substantiation for this change. The nature of this requirement is to deal with fault current, not heatingeffects as alleged in the ballot comment. The proposed Panel Statement does not reflect or address the reason forthe requirement. If accurate, the Panel Statement would preclude the need for 250.122(B) at all since all faults areof relatively short duration. The impedance of the circuit will decrease on the supply side of a fault with largersupply conductors, and the EGC must be increased proportionally to safely handle the fault regardless of thereason for the increase. Conductors that are increased in size because of plans for future expansion present thesame level of hazard as conductors increased in size for voltage drop, and those circuits and feeders should beprotected accordingly. This requirement will not apply to increased size due to adjustment or correction factors asthey represent the minimum conductor ampacity for the intended load, as already stated in the current text.

Simmons, Phil

This action is without merit and should not be supported. If a Public Input or Comment arrived for CMP-5consideration from the public with no substantiation, no science, no calculation, no documentation, it would have

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been Rejected for that reason. It would have received little, if any, consideration and rightfully so. This acceptanceby CMP-5 sets the dangerous precedence that changes to the NEC can be made on a whim without adequatesubstantiation. Actions by CMP-5 in previous editions of the NEC, agreed that the equipment grounding conductorin cables and raceways are subject to the same heat as the current-carrying conductors. CMP-5 required that theequipment grounding conductor be increased for any reason that the ungrounded conductors were increased. Infact, CMP-5 voluntarily added “for any reason” at the First Revision meeting in January 2015 to emphasize theimportance of increasing the size of the equipment grounding conductor. The vote on this section at the FirstRevision meeting was 17-0. Not a single member voted against the editorial improvements proposed. Thesubstantiation provided by CMP-5 in reversing its previous acceptance refers to a comment on a previous voteafter the FR meeting. It is simply a statement “… my view is we only need to increase for voltage drop…” This isnot technical substantiation by any stretch of the imagination and should be discarded. If this action prevails, weare back to the installer saying they are increasing the size of the ungrounded conductors "just because." This rulewill become unenforceable. That is one of the reasons it was changed years ago. This action by CMP-5 that iswithout documentation or technical merit should fail.

Steinman, Gregory J.

The nature of this requirement is to deal with fault current. The impedance of the circuit will decrease on thesupply side of a fault with larger supply conductors, and the EGC must be increased proportionally to safelyhandle the fault regardless of the reason for the increase. This requirement will not apply to increased size due toadjustment or correction factors as they represent the minimum conductor ampacity for the intended load.

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Second Revision No. 1225-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.122(F) [Excluding any

Sub-Sections] ]

For circuits of parallel conductors as permitted in 310.10(H), the equipment grounding conductor shall beinstalled in accordance with (1) or (2). The equipment grounding conductor shall not be required to belarger than the largest ungrounded conductor within the raceway or cable.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 16:43:50 EST 2015

Committee Statement


There was insufficient technical justification to insert the deleted sentence in the FirstDraft.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 901-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(F) [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

15 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

2 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

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O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Negative with Comment

Abernathy, Paul W.

The Panel contended that there was insufficient technical justification to insert the deleted sentence in the firstrevision. The Aluminum Association disagrees with the panel, it is not necessary for circuits with parallelconductors to have an equipment grounding conductor larger than the ungrounded conductors.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

This revision should be rejected. The Code should be practical, and enforceable. Using the example of a 1600ampere overcurrent protective device, if eight #3/0 AWG are paralleled per phase in eight, nonmetallic raceways,the equipment grounding conductors on the load side would be required to be eight # 4/0 in each raceway,whereas if on the supply side, the supply side bonding jumpers would only be required to be eight #4 AWG, ineach raceway. It makes no practical sense to require a fault path on the load side of overcurrent protection to belarger than what is required on the supply side without overcurrent protection. The argument that has always beenmade of, one equipment grounding conductor of the parallel set is required to handle all available fault current, asall the ungrounded conductors of the parallel installation will contribute to the fault current, is not accurate. If allungrounded conductors will contribute to the fault because being connected electrically at both ends, wouldn’t thefault current take all equipment grounding conductor paths back to the source, since they are electricallyconnected at both ends. I do not see how an equipment grounding conductor will unexplainably be cut in half, bedisconnected, or opened in a ground fault event and have only the fault current take the path back to the sourceconsisting of just one individual equipment grounding conductor and not take all parallel equipment groundingconductor paths as they are all electrically joined at both ends. From an ac current perspective, if the installationwas made with metallic raceways, there would be a choke effect created by having more current on the individualequipment grounding conductor than what is being supplied by the ungrounded conductor of that raceway sinceadditional ungrounded conductors of the parallel set from other raceways are contributing to the fault current.Even with the language from the first draft of not requiring the EGC to be larger than the ungrounded conductorsin each raceway or cable of a parallel set, still over sizes the EGC.

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Second Revision No. 1226-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.122(F)(1) ]

(1) Conductor Installations in Raceways, Auxiliary Gutters, or Cable Trays.

(a) Single Raceway or Cable Tray. If conductors are installed in parallel in the same raceway, orcable trays tray, a single wire wire- type conductor shall be permitted as the equipment groundingconductor. The wire wire- type equipment grounding conductor shall be sized in accordance with250.122based on the overcurrent protection device for the feeder or branch circuit. Wire Wire- typeequipment grounding conductors installed in cable trays shall meet the minimum requirements of392.10(B)(1)(c). Cable Metal raceways or auxiliary gutters in accordance with 250.118 or cable trayscomplying with 392.60(B), metal raceways in accordance with 250.118 , or auxiliary gutters, shall bepermitted as the equipment grounding conductor.

(b) Multiple Raceways. If conductors are installed in parallel in multiple raceways, wire typeequipment grounding conductors, where used, shall be installed in parallel in each raceway. Theequipment grounding conductor installed in each raceway shall be sized in compliance with 250.122.Cable based on the overcurrent protection device for the feeder or branch circuit. Metal raceways orauxiliary gutters in accordance with 250.118 or cable trays complying with 392.60(B) , metal racewaysin accordance with 250.118 , or auxiliary gutters, shall be permitted as the equipment groundingconductor.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 17:03:21 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: These revisions were made to improve readability and clarity.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

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54 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Bowmer, Trevor N.

There is a missing space in the SR-1226 text between "250.122" and "based" in the second sentence of theproposed 250.122(F)(1)(a).

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Second Revision No. 1224-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.122(F)(2) ]

(2) Multiconductor Cables

(a) If multiconductor cables are installed in parallel, the equipment grounding conductor(s) in eachcable shall be connected in parallel. Except as provided in 250.122(F)(2)(b) for raceway or cable trayinstallations, the equipment grounding conductor in each multiconductor cable shall be sized inaccordance with 250.122 .

(b) If multiconductor cables are installed in parallel in the same raceway, auxiliary gutter, or cabletray, a single equipment grounding conductor that is sized in accordance with 250.122 shall be permittedin combination with the equipment grounding conductors provided within the multiconductor cables andshall all be connected together.

(c) Equipment grounding conductors installed in cable trays shall meet the minimum requirements of392.10(B)(1)(c). Cable trays complying with 392.60(B), metal raceways in accordance with 250.118, orauxiliary gutters shall be permitted as the equipment grounding conductor.

(d) Except as provided in 250.122(F)(2)(b) for raceway or cable tray installations, the equipmentgrounding conductor in each multiconductor cable shall be sized in accordance with 250.122 based onthe overcurrent protection device for the feeder or branch circuit.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 16:36:56 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The panel has reviewed the Correlating Committee comment and has split 250.122(F)(2) into(2)(a), (b), (c), and (d) to make the text easier to understand.


Public Comment No. 1783-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.122(F)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

1 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

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Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Negative with Comment

Mello, Charles F.

The relocation of the second sentence from 250.122(F)(2)(a) to a new list item (d) does not add clarity and isconfusing. The text from the First revision set a requirement for parallel cables to have an equipment groundingconductor in each cable and for those equipment grounding conductors to be full sized to Table and (c) provided an alternative to full size equipment grounding conductors in each cable wherethe provisions of (b) and (c) were met.

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Second Revision No. 1227-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.148 [Excluding any

Sub-Sections] ]

Where If circuit conductors are spliced within a box, or terminated on equipment within or supported by abox, all equipment grounding conductor(s) associated with any of those circuit conductors shall beconnected within the box or to the box with devices suitable for the use in accordance with 250.8 and250.148(A) through (E).

Exception: The equipment grounding conductor permitted in 250.146(D) shall not be required to beconnected to the other equipment grounding conductors or to the box.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 17:16:07 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The text is revised to correct transcription errors in the First Revision and to reflect the panelaction in the First Revision meeting.


Public Comment No. 1667-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.148 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

Public Comment No. 1784-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.148 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

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Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

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Second Revision No. 1229-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.187(B) ]

(B) Identified and Insulated.

The neutral conductor of an impedance grounded neutral system shall be identified, as well as fullyinsulated for the maximum neutral voltage shall comply with both of the following:

(1) The neutral conductor shall be identified.

(2) The neutral conductor shall be insulated for the maximum neutral voltage.

Informational Note: The maximum neutral voltage in a three-phase wye system is 57.7 percent ofthe phase-to-phase voltage.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 17:47:38 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The formatting revisions improve clarity. By establishing the list items, this providesenforcement clearer statement for defining any corrections required.

An informational note was added to clarify the magnitude of the neutral voltage.


Public Comment No. 1404-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.187(B)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

1 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

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Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Negative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Upon closer inspection of the language, the meaning may have changed. List item (2) uses the term "insulated"and not "fully insulated" (as originally codified). To the best of my memory, it was not the panel's intent to changethe meaning. The term "fully insulated" should be added back in. The term "fully insulated" leaves no doubt to theelectrician that the neutral must be completely insulated for the entire length of the run. From an inspector's pointof view, the term "fully insulated" leaves no room for misinterpretation with this important code requirement.

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Second Revision No. 1230-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.191 ]

250.191 Grounding System at Alternating-Current Substations.

For ac substations, the grounding system shall be in accordance with Part III of Article 250.

Informational Note: For further information on outdoor ac substation grounding, see ANSI/ IEEE80-2000 2013 , IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 17:57:13 EST 2015

Committee Statement


This revision updates the reference in the informational note to the latest published edition ofthe standard and deletes the reference to “ANSI”.


Public Comment No. 292-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.191]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

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Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

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Second Revision No. 1231-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 250.194(A) ]

(A) Metal Fences.

Where metal fences are located within 5 m (16 ft) of the exposed electrical conductors or equipment, thefence shall be bonded to the grounding electrode system with wire-type bonding jumpers as follows:

(1) Bonding jumpers shall be installed at each fence corner and at maximum 50 m (160 ft) intervalsalong the fence.

(2) Where bare overhead conductors cross the fence, bonding jumpers shall be installed on each side ofthe crossing.

(3) Gates shall be bonded to the gate support post, and each gate support post shall be bonded to thegrounding electrode system.

(4) Any gate or other opening in the fence shall be bonded across the opening by a buried bondingjumper.

(5) The grounding grid or grounding electrode systems shall be extended to cover the swing of all gates.

(6) The barbed wire strands above the fence shall be bonded to the grounding electrode system.

Alternate designs performed under engineering supervision shall be permitted for grounding or bonding ofmetal fences.

Informational Note No. 1: A nonconducting fence or section may provide isolation for transfer ofvoltage to other areas.

Informational Note No. 2: See IEEE 80-2000 2013 , IEEE Guide for Safety In AC SubstationGrounding, for design and installation of fence grounding.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 17:59:45 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The revision updates the reference in the informational note to the current edition of thestandard.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 291-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 250.194]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

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0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

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Second Revision No. 1232-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 280.1 ]

280.1 Scope.

This article covers general requirements, installation requirements, and connection requirements for surgearresters installed on premises wiring systems over 2000 1000 volts.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 18:20:16 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: There is inadequate technical substantiation to increase this to 2000 volts at this time.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 408-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 280.1]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

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66 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Provides consistency with Article 490.2.

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67 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1233-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 280.4 ]

280.4 Surge Arrester Selection.

The surge arresters shall comply with 280.4(A) and (B).

(A) Rating.

The rating of a surge arrester shall be equal to or greater than the maximum continuous operating voltageavailable at the point of application.

(1) Solidly Grounded Systems.

The maximum continuous operating voltage shall be the phase-to-ground voltage of the system.

(2) Impedance or Ungrounded System.

The maximum continuous operating voltage shall be the phase-to-phase voltage of the system.

(B) Silicon Carbide Types.

The rating of a silicon carbide-type surge arrester shall be not less than 125 percent of the rating specifiedin 280.4(A).

Informational Note No. 1: For further information on surge arresters, see ANSI/ IEEEC62.11-2005 2012 , Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current PowerCircuits (>1 kV); and ANSI/ IEEE C62.22-2009, Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide SurgeArresters for Alternating-Current Systems.

Informational Note No. 2: The selection of a properly rated metal oxide arrester is based onconsiderations of maximum continuous operating voltage and the magnitude and duration ofovervoltages at the arrester location as affected by phase-to-ground faults, system groundingtechniques, switching surges, and other causes. See the manufacturer’s application rules forselection of the specific arrester to be used at a particular location.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 18:22:24 EST 2015

Committee Statement


This revision corrects numbering errors. The reference in Informational Note No. 1 wasupdated to the latest published standard.


Public Comment No. 293-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 280.4]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

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68 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

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69 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1234-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 280.12 ]

280.12 Uses Not Permitted.

A surge arrester shall not be installed where the rating of the surge arrester is less than the maximumcontinuous phase-to-ground voltage at the power frequency voltage available at the point of application.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 18:28:39 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The panel reviewed the text as directed by the Correlating Committee. The revised textclarifies the intent of the panel.


Public Comment No. 1786-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 280.12]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

17 Affirmative All

0 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

70 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

71 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1235-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 280.24(A) ]

(A) Metal Interconnections.

A metal interconnection shall be made to the secondary grounded circuit conductor or the secondarycircuit grounding electrode conductor ,if, in addition to the direct grounding connection at the surgearrester, the following occurs:

(1) Additional Grounding Connection.

The grounded conductor of the secondary has elsewhere a grounding connection to a continuous metalunderground water piping system. In urban water-pipe areas where there are at least four water-pipeconnections on the neutral conductor and not fewer than four such connections in each mile of neutralconductor, the metal interconnection shall be permitted to be made to the secondary neutral conductorwith omission of the direct grounding connection at the surge arrester.

(2) Multigrounded Neutral System Connection.

The grounded conductor of the secondary system is a part of a multigrounded neutral system or staticwire of which the primary neutral conductor or static wire has at least four grounding connections ineach 1.6 km (1 mile) of line in addition to a grounding connection at each service.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 18:32:37 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The list items (1) and (2) were incorrectly omitted in the First Draft and are now reinstated asin the previous edition.


Public Comment No. 491-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 280.24(A)]

Public Comment No. 1679-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 280.24]

Public Comment No. 1787-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 280.24(A)]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

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72 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Bowmer, Trevor N.

There is an added space and a missing space in SR-1235 for the first sentence of 280.24(A)where "....conductor,if, in addition ..." should be replaced with "....conductor, if, in addition.

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73 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1236-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 285.1 ]

285.1 Scope.

This article covers general requirements, installation requirements, and connection requirements forsurge-protective devices (SPDs) permanently installed on premises wiring systems of 2000 1000 volts orless.

Informational Note: Surge arresters 2000 1000 volts or less are also known as Type 1 SPDs.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 18:41:26 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: There is inadequate technical substantiation to increase this to 2000 volts at this time.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 9-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 285.1]

Public Comment No. 824-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 285.1]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

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74 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Provides consistency with Article 490.2.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

75 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1238-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 285.3 ]

285.3 Uses Not Permitted.

An SPD device shall not be installed in the following:

(1) Circuits over 2000 1000 volts

(2) On ungrounded systems, impedance grounded systems, or corner grounded delta systems unlesslisted specifically for use on these systems

(3) Where the rating of the SPD is less than the maximum continuous phase-to-ground voltage at thepower frequency voltage available at the point of application

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 19:03:30 EST 2015

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: There is inadequate technical substantiation to increase this to 2000 volts at this time.

Item 3 was revised for consistency with 280.12.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 11-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 285.3]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Beckstrand, Gary A.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

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76 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Dobrowsky, Paul

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Sasso, Nick

Provides consistency with Article 490.2.

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

77 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Second Revision No. 1237-NFPA 70-2015 [ Section No. 285.5 ]

285.6 Listing.

An SPD shall be a listed and labeled device.

285.7 Short-Circuit Current Rating.

The SPD shall be marked with a short-circuit current rating and shall not be installed at a point on thesystem where the available fault current is in excess of that rating. This marking requirement shall notapply to receptacles.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: CMP 5

Organization: [ Not Specified ]

Street Address:




Submittal Date: Tue Nov 10 18:47:44 EST 2015

Committee Statement


The section numbers were revised to correct the transcription error made in the FirstRevision draft.

The words "and labeled" were added to indicate that SPDs in the field are listed.

Response Message:

Public Comment No. 987-NFPA 70-2015 [Section No. 285.5]

Public Comment No. 1691-NFPA 70-2015 [Sections 285.5, 285.6]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

17 Eligible Voters

0 Not Returned

16 Affirmative All

1 Affirmative with Comments

0 Negative with Comments

0 Abstention

Affirmative All

Abernathy, Paul W.

Bowmer, Trevor N.

Brett, Jr., Martin J.

Dobrowsky, Paul

National Fire Protection Association Report http://submittals.nfpa.org/TerraViewWeb/ContentFetcher?commentPara...

78 of 79 1/25/2016 1:25 PM

Harding, G. Scott

Harding, Joseph

Helfrich, William J.

Mello, Charles F.

Mohla, Daleep C.

O'Meara, Mike

Palmieri, Charles J.

Philips, Nathan

Porter, Christine T.

Sasso, Nick

Simmons, Phil

Steinman, Gregory J.

Affirmative with Comment

Beckstrand, Gary A.

It is commonly understood in the industry by installers and inspectors that a product which is listed requires alabel or mark on the product or the smallest unit container of the product to provide evidence of it being listed inorder to be field approved. Without said label or marking, most inspectors and installers will not recognize theproduct as being listed and reject the installation. As a task group has been appointed by the CorrelatingCommittee to investigate the requirements of adding the term Labelled throughout the Code where ever the termListed appears, it would be prudent to wait for the recommendation of the task group before making any suchrevisions. The revision is necessary to correct transcription errors created in the First Draft of the document.

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