CANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 10c. ALL 25c. 50c. DRUGGISTS. NATCUITOClES POPULIST. FRIDAY, April 8, 1898. Church Services. Services at the Methodist church eve- ry First and Third Sunday at 11 a. m.. and 7:30 p. m., by the Pastor, Rev. H. Armstrong. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30 p. m. BAPTIST-M. E. Weaver, pastor. Reg- ular services, second and fourth Sundays, 11 a m., and 8. p. in; Snnday School, 10 a. m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. in. All invited. Lodges. Phenix Lodge No. 38, A. F. & A. M.- SimcoeWalmsley, W. M.; J. C. Trichel jr., Sec. Meets first and third Wedndee- days, at 7 p. m. Castle Hall No. 89, Knights of Pythias -U. P. Breazeale, C. V'.; Adolph L'Heris- son, K. of IR. 8. Meets second and fourth Thursdays. at 8 .. m. Courts. DISTRICT COURT. Criminal Term-First. Monday's in June and December. I CIVIL TERM. First Monday's in March and October. CIRCUIT COURT. First Monday's in April and Novem- ber. Capt. C. J. DuFroc was in town Monday, to meet the School Board. The Police Jury met Monday in regular session. Any Person Wishing to know the truth in re- gard to their health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64- age Booklet which will be sent FREE for a short time to those who metion this paper. This book is published by the celebrated phy- simans and specialista-l)r. Hatha- way & Co., of 337 St. Charles St. New Orleans, La., whom you should address. Write to-day. Messrs. F. M. Bolton and J. M. (ioram, sub4antantial citizens of ward 8, were,in town Saturday. Mr. E. J. Gamble of St. Mau- vice; was before the Police Jury Monday, with a suspension bridge proposition, which if successful, will save the parish many dollars on its bridges. Percy Sande ., of Monroe, Attorney for Monroe and Natchitoches , was in town Monday, to s'ai contract with the PNlice Jar the railroad bridge acroasm river at Grand PIEa . Sale At a bargai. class instru mert, shoott m25-8t. i ,E. NORES. We aret ie~ drug stores in Natehit• - .L A. M. Deit- rich will penue next door to Liobtemagt, Dr. G. H, Prothro will upmltend the Trichel drug store, while Mr. E. L. McClung will ctinue at the Natchitoohes. Suouese fuluPhymocans. We hsrtily recommend Dr. Hathaway & Co., of 387 St. Charles Street, L w Orleans, La., as being preliablie and remarkably in the treatment of " diseases. They cure whoaeinr fail. They never em- flaig doctors. Our read- eore - need of medical hel- opinion of your case y mas. They guarantee ' ieIs a anovement on foot to ilme all- bamue houses in town . ldoe at p. a. fro% May 1ot to 8 ept. 1st, has been the custom hlre fortepust 9 S years This is right uad proper, sad no fret clam house a eover ,reiuud it hereto- hsu~jpcs60to~be "~Imu3~~riIoa-a Not exactly as an "April fool," but on the 1st inst. our popular and obliging postmistress, Mrs. E. Suddath, vacated the office and bid good bye to her many patrons whom she had served so faithfully and well for the past 4 years. Mr. Breda, who is now in charge, made eqnlly as good a record 4 years ago, and now enters upon a new term, with the best wishes of every one. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Slhf- - Mr. Editor ;-Please tell your readers that the Quaker Valley Manufacturing Co., 319 and 321 South Canal Street, Chicogo, sell a full line of high-grade household furniture direct from the fac- tory at 20 to 50 per cent. lower than re- tail prices, and will send any one a copy of their catalogue free. O.A~BTORI.A.. Furniture from Factory to Fire- side. Being the only extensive manufactu- rers of furniture in the world selling di- rect from maker to user, we save our custolhers the enormous expenses and profits cf the jobbers and retailer. Send for catalogue A, showing our full line of Household Furniture, at 20 to 50 per cent. under retail value. QUAKER VALLEY MANUFACTURING CO,, 319 and 321 S. Canal St., Chicago. The malitia boys take pride in saying that they are as brave as the boys who shouldered their mus- kets in the 60's, and that all that is necessary for them to show their hand, is for the opportunity to pre- senlt itself. OABfT zIA. Mr. C. R. Jones, book-keeper for S. NelKen of this city, left yester- day for his home at Gansville, where he goes for a few days to visit among relatives and friends. After repeated attempts at re- pairing the dirt bridge across bayou Amulet, the city is again doing more extensive work this week, with the hope that it; will be more substantial this time. Mr. Marcus Lewis, the tobacco drummer started yesterday on a business trip for a few weeks, through the hills. The Time for Renewal. All nature is renewed in the sprin agtime e. The sky takes on a fresher color, the trees don their Eas- ter garments, everything seems glad and happ y. It seems a pity that at such a beau- tiful season so disagreeable a mala- dy as the so-called "spring fever" should unfit a grgat many people to enjoy the unaccostomed sunshine and freshness that prevails. What is spring fever? It is that slug- gishness and irritability which every one takes a spring tonic for, "Bad blood" some people calf it. A ptreat deal of "blood medicine" is sold in the spring of the year. The blood, the vigor the health must be renewed, with the trees and flowers and grass. The prin- cipal difficulty is, which of the numerous apring tonics is the best Which will cure permanently and remove quickly all the disagreea- ble symptomsl Bead what Mrs. Adlin Adams, Crafton, Ky., says of Pe-ru-na; "I was about to give up all hopes when 1 concluded to take Pe-ru-na. I believe it is the best medicine in the world. I can't speak too highly of it." A book containing several hun- dred letters similar to the one from whbioh this is an extract, will be seat free to any address by the SPrui-a Drung Manutacturing inpmua, C olumbus, Ohio. MEDINE MUSIC Co,1 -- DEALERS IN -- SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, (onover, Kranich & Bach, Everett and Kinosburu Pianos, 115 Bourbon Street, Near Canal, New Orleans, - - - - - La. Company I. Volunteers In response to a call nmade by Lieutenant Stephens for active volunteers in the National military service, Capt. W. S. Trichel and his Company, met at the Armory Hall last Tuesday night. The en- tire company, with four exceptions volunteered, and have thus shown their willingness to take up arms in obedience to their country's call. We congratulate Capt. Trichel and his Company upon the excel- lent showing they have made. When the Government owns the railroads you can go from New York to San Francisco for one dollar. Read F. G. R. Gordon's article on that subject in the April New Time. $50 in Gold! Will be Paid to any Man or Woman. It remains for the celebrated frm of phcla and specialists, Dr. Hathaway A Co., ( Graduates ertred), to place a genuine r. net propoition before th pablic, which has never been made before. We maree to treat any person afioted with any ahrnile disease and cure them, furnishing medi- sines and everythin neceary for their case, or forfeit $o0.00 in gold providin the patient faithu fully follows treatment and directions, and the case is a curable one. This offer is plain, and there is no catch to it; and furthermore, theoffer is good and the money perfectly safe because we are financially reepon- aibla. Dr. Hathaway & Co.'s experience during the last 20years has proved the fact that they have cured thousands of cases where other dcc- torem have tailed, and this warrants them in S making this remarka- S ble offer. All persons whoare suffering from any chronic discase, lhave now an opportu? aity to test the treat. ment of the acknow- ledged leading physi. cians and specialista of this country, with an abeolute surety of be- Sng cured. Special di- seases, such as catarrh, blood poison.weaknoss ef men and women which affect the delicate organs and private diseases ofet all kinds, rheumatism, stridfut, varicocele, rupture, female troubles, skin eruptions, lcers, kidny and urinary dl1 senses, liver and stomach diecultl, liquor, opium and morphine habits or 'any chronic disease. Our treatment can be taken at home under our directions, or we will pay rail- road fare and hotel bill toall who prefer to como to our offie for treatment, if we fail to cre. We have the best of financial and profeesional refer- ences and transact our business on a strictly professional basis, promlsing nothing but what wecanfulfil- We do not believe Inanyof the free prescription, free cure feesampleor C.O.D. frauds, but think it Is best in the end to be hon- et with our patientas. Write us today, don't de- We have afly prepared 8yuptom Blanks No.1, for men; No. for women; No.8 , for skin dieases; No. 4, for catarrh, and new 64 pae booklet which we will send Free to all who real deane truthful information about their conU- tics, CallorddresAWA & CO., I 8,•c Charles S •., Masonio Temple, tion this papse. New Orleans, I. NOTICE. I hereby warn all persons not to trade for or purchase 2 certain notes signed by me and in favor of H. W. Rumbley 1 & Co., as my signature thereto was pro- cured by false representations, and I deny any indebtedness to said firm, and will pay them nothing. J. T. JORDAN, Melrose, La., April Ist, 1898. April 8.-8t. G. H. Prothr o PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NATCHITOC' I If ', I. Diseases of Women and Chil dren a speciality. Office on St. Denis Street. may31-1y. Samuel J. IIHenry, Attorney at Law. NATCHITOCHES, LA. Will practice in allthbe State and Fed ral Courts. sI Whtshe Ir bite s at home waith A STORE IIAS ITS CHARACTER JUST AS MEN HAVE. I am proving daily to the purchasing public, that values such as are offered here are not found elsewhere. HERE ARE PACTS ! HERE ARE [IGURES ! DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. Nice Sea Island Cotton, 4c. per yards American Indigo Blue Prints 4c. per yard. Lowell, 10-4 brown Sheeting, 10c. per yard. Best Standaad Prints, such as Allen's, Simpson awl 27-inch Ilirdeye (full 10 yards piece) only 55c. Hamilton, 4c. per yard. Hamilton Brown Shoes. for men. $2 kind, now $1.25. Heavy brown Drilling, only 5c. per yard. Rescue Plaids and Checks, 41.c. per yard. Men's heavy cottonade Pants, 75c. value, now 50e. My Boy's and Children's Clothing are up to date in style, and prices are right. Have you seen my' Special in Children's Suits at $1 and $1.50, they are hunmmers, and our Suits at $2 and $2.50 are hard-hitters. Don't 1fil to see my boy's Suits with long Pants, I have them from two to ten dollars, I mu Headquarters for Straw Hats for men, boy's and'children, wou't you look at them I See my line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, I am selling a Waist for 50c. that can't be matched for less than 75c. M1en's Laundered Colored Shirts, only 25c. Nice quality black Satine, 7jc. per yard. Best quality Silesia, 7c. per yard. Good quality Crossbar, only 4c. per yard. The above prices constitute without question, the zenith of value given. Eager buyers will seek these great bargains. Yours to Serve, H. L. SIMON. FRANKLIIN'S New Air Churn! Revolution in the Art of Churning. I - 1ST. It makes butter in from two to three minutes, seldom over two. 2ND. It makes hard, firm, yellow, granulated butter, therefore bringing the highest market price. 3RD. It is self-tempering and regulates the tempera- ture of cream to the butter-mnaking point. 4TH. The current of air circulated through the cream forces out all impurities from butter and buttermilk. 5TH. It gathers butter perfectly. 6TH. It makes the finest buttermilk, as you never have to put water into the cream. 7TH. This new principle enables you to churn any grade of milk that has butter, either sweet or sour. 8TH. It is easy to clean, as all parts are detachable.; 9TH. It will last a lifetime, as it is durable and com- pact. 10TH. We can duplicate all of its parts, as it is made by machinery. 11TH. A few turns of the crank drives all animal heat out of frdh milk for immediate use, and renders it safe to keep longer. 12TH. This Churn eradicates all taste and smell of on- ions, and takes the bitter taste from milk. It has been ' tested often with the same satisfactory result. The in- credulous are invited to make a test. Sample can be seen at this office. , FRANCIS MOEK, Natchitoches, La., Agent for Natchitoches, Red River, Sabine and Vernon parishes. WORST CABe,. That you may itr , wthmews we will send 0yo O Botle ee. r.,ai , prepW, , y ,,s. Give Agel , Post Ofic•and State. Address, + Hall Chelmical Co., West Phla'a, VaPa, , .... ATTEND OU COMXMRCIAI, .r I aCOLLEGE, . New Orleans, La. P 41 years renowned as a lead- er. ht,; false promises made, no charlataniam practiced. Over 100 Gold and Sliver bMed. als, Ilplomas etc., awarded us by American and European E •i post lons. Commercial Course Includes Expert Ac- counting and Auditing, ant is Guaranteed Higher and Superior to any other in the South. We own our college Sbuilding and have unequalled facilities and an unexcelled faculty. Graduates hold leading positions all over the country. Instruction all personal. Having numerous busilness connections and being universally and reputably known, we have superior advantages In aiding students to secure situations. -*AA store is connected with Sould College In which students do actual business with real goods and actual money, and they keep - the books in the latest labor saving forms. Studenti enter at any time. Engllsh. Aca- demic, Shorthand and Business schools. All separate faculties. Send for catalogue. Address GRO. OULt & SONS. THE BOSS BARBER. CHARLEY TUCKER, who presides over: the FAMOUS Ton serial Parlors on 2nd Street, ieear the Courthouse, will give you the best and quickest shave in town. Hair-cutting in all the latest styles (lone to perfection. Call on him. W ANTED--TRUSTWORTHY AND actijve gentlemen or ladies to trav- el for responsible, established house in Central Louisiana, Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope The Dominion Company, Dept. l.. april 1. Chicago. Ill. WALL PAPER Do you expect to do any papering ? We will send you free a large selection of sam- ples from 8c. per roll up, all new col- orings and novelties up to date. WE PAY FREIGHT. We want an agent in every town to sell on commission from large sample books. No capital required. For samples or particulars, address S. WOLF' 747-753 Ninth Ave., N. X. City. i ii i LI -- i t I pay highest Price for Confederate Money, Bonds and Postage Stamps. CIAS. D. BARKER, Atlanta, Ga. D. C. SCARBOROUGH. M. II CARVER'i MCARIiOROUGII & CAJkV1R, Attorneys at Law. N AT(HITOC( ES, L,. Will pranteice in the Dist;'ict t .. rts' in the P'ar 1 ih. - of Nat hito t'hes, I "ietr and n •li, fl in t . tt'u.;,,t t t.urtn of Louieiqt , '1l t ,,t ' i. S.1 l; : 'U; t " Circuit ( i, t-" t.,r the i,•.' ';. I ; ' of Louisiana. Tai . ' _ ,.,I'

Natchitoches populist (Natchitoches, LA) 1898-04-08 [p ] · Mr. E. J. Gamble of St. Mau-vice; was before the Police Jury Monday, with a suspension bridge proposition, which if successful,

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Page 1: Natchitoches populist (Natchitoches, LA) 1898-04-08 [p ] · Mr. E. J. Gamble of St. Mau-vice; was before the Police Jury Monday, with a suspension bridge proposition, which if successful,



10c. ALL25c. 50c. DRUGGISTS.


Church Services.

Services at the Methodist church eve-ry First and Third Sunday at 11 a. m..and 7:30 p. m., by the Pastor, Rev. H.Armstrong. Prayer meeting everyWednesday night at 7:30 p. m.

BAPTIST-M. E. Weaver, pastor. Reg-ular services, second and fourth Sundays,11 a m., and 8. p. in; Snnday School, 10a. m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.in. All invited.


Phenix Lodge No. 38, A. F. & A. M.-SimcoeWalmsley, W. M.; J. C. Tricheljr., Sec. Meets first and third Wedndee-days, at 7 p. m.

Castle Hall No. 89, Knights of Pythias-U. P. Breazeale, C. V'.; Adolph L'Heris-son, K. of IR. 8. Meets second andfourth Thursdays. at 8 .. m.



Criminal Term-First. Monday's inJune and December. I


First Monday's in March and October.CIRCUIT COURT.

First Monday's in April and Novem-ber.

Capt. C. J. DuFroc was in townMonday, to meet the School Board.

The Police Jury met Monday inregular session.

Any PersonWishing to know the truth in re-gard to their health should not failto send for a valuable and new 64-

age Booklet which will be sentFREE for a short time to thosewho metion this paper. This bookis published by the celebrated phy-simans and specialista-l)r. Hatha-way & Co., of 337 St. Charles St.New Orleans, La., whom youshould address. Write to-day.

Messrs. F. M. Bolton and J. M.(ioram, sub4antantial citizens ofward 8, were,in town Saturday.

Mr. E. J. Gamble of St. Mau-vice; was before the Police JuryMonday, with a suspension bridgeproposition, which if successful,will save the parish many dollarson its bridges.

Percy Sande ., of Monroe,Attorney for Monroe andNatchitoches , was in townMonday, to s'ai contract withthe PNlice Jar the railroadbridge acroasm river at Grand

PIEa . Sale

At a bargai. class instrumert, shoottm25-8t. i ,E. NORES.

We aret ie~ drug stores inNatehit• - .L A. M. Deit-rich will penue next door toLiobtemagt, Dr. G. H, Prothrowill upmltend the Trichel drugstore, while Mr. E. L. McClungwill ctinue at the Natchitoohes.

Suouese fuluPhymocans.We hsrtily recommend Dr.

Hathaway & Co., of 387 St. CharlesStreet, L w Orleans, La., as beingpreliablie and remarkably

in the treatment of" diseases. They cure

whoaeinr fail. They never em-flaig doctors. Our read-

eore - need of medical hel-

opinion of your casey mas. They guarantee

' ieIs a anovement on foot toilme all- bamue houses in town

. ldoe at p. a. fro% May 1ot to8 ept. 1st, has been the customhlre fortepust 9 S years This isright uad proper, sad no fret clamhouse a eover ,reiuud it hereto-


Not exactly as an "April fool,"but on the 1st inst. our popularand obliging postmistress, Mrs. E.Suddath, vacated the office and bidgood bye to her many patronswhom she had served so faithfullyand well for the past 4 years.

Mr. Breda, who is now in charge,made eqnlly as good a record 4years ago, and now enters upon anew term, with the best wishes ofevery one.

CASTORIAFor Infanta and Children.

Slh f- -

Mr. Editor ;-Please tell your readersthat the Quaker Valley ManufacturingCo., 319 and 321 South Canal Street,Chicogo, sell a full line of high-gradehousehold furniture direct from the fac-tory at 20 to 50 per cent. lower than re-tail prices, and will send any one a copyof their catalogue free.


Furniture from Factory to Fire-side.

Being the only extensive manufactu-rers of furniture in the world selling di-rect from maker to user, we save ourcustolhers the enormous expenses andprofits cf the jobbers and retailer. Sendfor catalogue A, showing our full lineof Household Furniture, at 20 to 50 percent. under retail value.QUAKER VALLEY MANUFACTURING CO,,

319 and 321 S. Canal St., Chicago.

The malitia boys take pride insaying that they are as brave asthe boys who shouldered their mus-kets in the 60's, and that all thatis necessary for them to show theirhand, is for the opportunity to pre-senlt itself.


Mr. C. R. Jones, book-keeper forS. NelKen of this city, left yester-day for his home at Gansville, wherehe goes for a few days to visitamong relatives and friends.

After repeated attempts at re-pairing the dirt bridge across bayouAmulet, the city is again doingmore extensive work this week,with the hope that it; will be moresubstantial this time.

Mr. Marcus Lewis, the tobaccodrummer started yesterday on abusiness trip for a few weeks,through the hills.

The Time for Renewal.

All nature isrenewed in thesprin agtime e.The sky takeson a freshercolor, the treesdon their Eas-ter garments,everythingseems glad andhapp y. It

seems a pity that at such a beau-tiful season so disagreeable a mala-dy as the so-called "spring fever"should unfit a grgat many peopleto enjoy the unaccostomed sunshineand freshness that prevails. Whatis spring fever? It is that slug-gishness and irritability whichevery one takes a spring tonic for,"Bad blood" some people calf it.A ptreat deal of "blood medicine"is sold in the spring of the year.The blood, the vigor the healthmust be renewed, with the treesand flowers and grass. The prin-cipal difficulty is, which of thenumerous apring tonics is the bestWhich will cure permanently andremove quickly all the disagreea-ble symptomsl Bead what Mrs.Adlin Adams, Crafton, Ky., saysof Pe-ru-na; "I was about to giveup all hopes when 1 concluded totake Pe-ru-na. I believe it is thebest medicine in the world. Ican't speak too highly of it."

A book containing several hun-dred letters similar to the one fromwhbioh this is an extract, will beseat free to any address by theSPrui-a Drung Manutacturing

inpmua, C olumbus, Ohio.



(onover, Kranich & Bach, Everett and Kinosburu Pianos,115 Bourbon Street, Near Canal,

New Orleans, - - - - - La.

Company I. Volunteers

In response to a call nmade byLieutenant Stephens for activevolunteers in the National militaryservice, Capt. W. S. Trichel andhis Company, met at the ArmoryHall last Tuesday night. The en-tire company, with four exceptionsvolunteered, and have thus showntheir willingness to take up armsin obedience to their country's call.

We congratulate Capt. Tricheland his Company upon the excel-lent showing they have made.

When the Government owns therailroads you can go from NewYork to San Francisco for onedollar. Read F. G. R. Gordon'sarticle on that subject in the AprilNew Time.

$50 in Gold!Will be Paid to any Man or Woman.

It remains for the celebrated frm of phclaand specialists, Dr. Hathaway A Co., (Graduates ertred), to place a genuine r.net propoition before th pablic, which hasnever been made before.

We maree to treat any person afioted with anyahrnile disease and cure them, furnishing medi-sines and everythin neceary for their case, orforfeit $o0.00 in gold providin the patient faithufully follows treatment and directions, and thecase is a curable one.

This offer is plain, and there is no catch to it;and furthermore, theoffer is good and the moneyperfectly safe because we are financially reepon-aibla.

Dr. Hathaway & Co.'sexperience during thelast 20years has provedthe fact that they havecured thousands ofcases where other dcc-torem have tailed, andthis warrants them in

S making this remarka-S ble offer. All persons

whoare suffering fromany chronic discase,lhave now an opportu?aity to test the treat.ment of the acknow-ledged leading physi.cians and specialista ofthis country, with anabeolute surety of be-

Sng cured. Special di-seases, such as catarrh,blood poison.weaknoss

ef men and women which affect the delicate organsand private diseases ofet all kinds, rheumatism,stridfut, varicocele, rupture, female troubles,skin eruptions, lcers, kidny and urinary dl1senses, liver and stomach diecultl, liquor,opium and morphine habits or 'any chronicdisease. Our treatment can be taken at homeunder our directions, or we will pay rail-road fare and hotel bill toall who prefer to comoto our offie for treatment, if we fail to cre. Wehave the best of financial and profeesional refer-ences and transact our business on a strictlyprofessional basis, promlsing nothing but whatwecanfulfil- We do not believe Inanyof thefree prescription, free cure feesampleor C.O.D.frauds, but think it Is best in the end to be hon-et with our patientas. Write us today, don't de-

We have afly prepared 8yuptom BlanksNo.1, for men; No. for women; No.8 , for skindieases; No. 4, for catarrh, and new 64 paebooklet which we will send Free to all who realdeane truthful information about their conU-tics, CallorddresAWA & CO.,

I 8,•c Charles S •., Masonio Temple,tion this papse. New Orleans, I.

NOTICE.I hereby warn all persons not to trade

for or purchase 2 certain notes signedby me and in favor of H. W. Rumbley 1& Co., as my signature thereto was pro-cured by false representations, and Ideny any indebtedness to said firm, andwill pay them nothing.

J. T. JORDAN,Melrose, La., April Ist, 1898.

April 8.-8t.



Diseases of Women and Children a speciality.

Office on St. Denis Street.may31-1y.

Samuel J. IIHenry,

Attorney at Law.NATCHITOCHES, LA.

Will practice in allthbe State and Fedral Courts.

sI Whtshe Ir bites at home waith


I am proving daily to the purchasing public, that values such asare offered here are not found elsewhere.HERE ARE PACTS ! HERE ARE [IGURES !

DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS.Nice Sea Island Cotton, 4c. per yards American Indigo Blue Prints 4c. per yard.Lowell, 10-4 brown Sheeting, 10c. per yard. Best Standaad Prints, such as Allen's, Simpson awl27-inch Ilirdeye (full 10 yards piece) only 55c. Hamilton, 4c. per yard.Hamilton Brown Shoes. for men. $2 kind, now $1.25. Heavy brown Drilling, only 5c. per yard.Rescue Plaids and Checks, 41.c. per yard. Men's heavy cottonade Pants, 75c. value, now 50e.

My Boy's and Children's Clothing are up to date in style, and prices are right. Have you seen my'Special in Children's Suits at $1 and $1.50, they are hunmmers, and our Suits at $2 and $2.50 are hard-hitters.

Don't 1fil to see my boy's Suits with long Pants, I have them from two to ten dollars,I mu Headquarters for Straw Hats for men, boy's and'children, wou't you look at them ISee my line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, I am selling a Waist for 50c. that can't be matched for less than

75c. M1en's Laundered Colored Shirts, only 25c. Nice quality black Satine, 7jc. per yard.Best quality Silesia, 7c. per yard. Good quality Crossbar, only 4c. per yard.The above prices constitute without question, the zenith of value given. Eager buyers will seek

these great bargains.

Yours to Serve,



New Air Churn!Revolution in the Art of Churning.

I -

1ST. It makes butter in from two to three minutes,seldom over two.

2ND. It makes hard, firm, yellow, granulated butter,therefore bringing the highest market price.

3RD. It is self-tempering and regulates the tempera-ture of cream to the butter-mnaking point.4TH. The current of air circulated through the cream

forces out all impurities from butter and buttermilk.5TH. It gathers butter perfectly.6TH. It makes the finest buttermilk, as you never

have to put water into the cream.7TH. This new principle enables you to churn any

grade of milk that has butter, either sweet or sour.8TH. It is easy to clean, as all parts are detachable.;9TH. It will last a lifetime, as it is durable and com-

pact.10TH. We can duplicate all of its parts, as it is made

by machinery.11TH. A few turns of the crank drives all animal

heat out of frdh milk for immediate use, and renders itsafe to keep longer.

12TH. This Churn eradicates all taste and smell of on-ions, and takes the bitter taste from milk. It has been 'tested often with the same satisfactory result. The in-credulous are invited to make a test.

Sample can be seen at this office.

, FRANCIS MOEK,Natchitoches, La.,

Agent for Natchitoches, Red River, Sabine and Vernonparishes.

WORST CABe,. That you may itr ,wthmews we will send 0yo OBotle ee. r.,ai , prepW, , y ,,s.Give Agel , Post Ofic•and State. Address, +

Hall Chelmical Co., West Phla'a, VaPa, , ....


.. New Orleans, La.P 41 years renowned as a lead-

er. ht,; false promises made,no charlataniam practiced.Over 100 Gold and Sliver bMed.als, Ilplomas etc., awardedus by American and EuropeanE •i post lons. CommercialCourse Includes Expert Ac-counting and Auditing, antis Guaranteed Higher andSuperior to any other in theSouth. We own our collegeSbuilding and have unequalledfacilities and an unexcelledfaculty.

Graduates hold leading positions all over thecountry. Instruction all personal.

Having numerous busilness connections andbeing universally and reputably known, wehave superior advantages In aiding students tosecure situations.-*AA store is connected with Sould CollegeIn which students do actual business withreal goods and actual money, and they keep -the books in the latest labor saving forms.

Studenti enter at any time. Engllsh. Aca-demic, Shorthand and Business schools. Allseparate faculties. Send for catalogue.

Address GRO. OULt & SONS.


presides over: the FAMOUS Tonserial Parlors on 2nd Street, ieearthe Courthouse, will give you thebest and quickest shave in town.

Hair-cutting in all the lateststyles (lone to perfection. Call onhim.

W ANTED--TRUSTWORTHY ANDactijve gentlemen or ladies to trav-

el for responsible, established house inCentral Louisiana, Monthly $65.00 andexpenses. Position steady. Reference.Enclose self-addressed stamped envelopeThe Dominion Company, Dept. l..

april 1. Chicago. Ill.

WALL PAPERDo you expect to do any

papering ? We will send youfree a large selection of sam-

ples from 8c. per roll up, all new col-orings and novelties up to date. WEPAY FREIGHT. We want an agentin every town to sell on commissionfrom large sample books. No capitalrequired. For samples or particulars,address S. WOLF'747-753 Ninth Ave., N. X. City.

i ii i LI -- i t

I pay highest Price for ConfederateMoney, Bonds and Postage Stamps.

CIAS. D. BARKER,Atlanta, Ga.



Attorneys at Law.N AT(HITOC( ES, L,.

Will pranteice in the Dist;'ict t .. rts' inthe P'ar1 ih. - of Nat hito t'hes, I "ietrand • n •li, fl in t . tt'u.;,,t t t.urtnof Louieiqt , '1l t ,,t ' i. S.1 l; : 'U; t "Circuit ( i, t-" t.,r the i,•.' ';. I ; 'of Louisiana. Tai . ' _
