India Duncan Artist Talk 3 March 29, 2013 Natalia is a visiting artist from Santa Cruz, her hometown. She explores many medium such as drawing, video, and sculpture- keeping track of how they broaden internationally. Natalia emerges all of these mediums into video that creates a work which describes time and space. Her work is therefore both physical and continuous; she then adds that space and time are interrelated with one another. She discovers that between these two, time and space, there is a boundary because with her artwork turned into video form, time and space is not continuous due to the space changing- the cause of this being the time changing within a day. The different time of day, creates a different space ex/ night may create a cramped space. And work develops through interaction with objects. In her videos, she describes her movement in space and time. She shares her thoughts of how the change of space because of time is transformed into a drawing. This caught my attention because I never thought of time and human movement within a space as representing drawings. Not only do these two create drawing, but so does the camera when she explores the entire space with a 360 rotation. Her performance within the video relates to the outside. In her hometown Natalia had a studio space which only consisted of large rocks scattered on the floor, and instillation drawings on the wall. She was mimicking the construction site that was taking place right outside of the studios window. She videotaped herself setting up the space, and this sowed similarity between her movement and the construction workers. In one of her artworks she also explored space with projection. The projector hung from either the ceiling or wall changed the space of the room and disorientation of the viewer within

Natalia from Santa Cruz Time as an effect to the transforation of space

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Page 1: Natalia from Santa Cruz Time as an effect to the transforation of space

India Duncan

Artist Talk 3

March 29, 2013

Natalia is a visiting artist from Santa Cruz, her hometown. She explores many medium

such as drawing, video, and sculpture- keeping track of how they broaden internationally.

Natalia emerges all of these mediums into video that creates a work which describes time and

space. Her work is therefore both physical and continuous; she then adds that space and time are

interrelated with one another. She discovers that between these two, time and space, there is a

boundary because with her artwork turned into video form, time and space is not continuous due

to the space changing- the cause of this being the time changing within a day. The different time

of day, creates a different space ex/ night may create a cramped space. And work develops

through interaction with objects.

In her videos, she describes her movement in space and time. She shares her thoughts of

how the change of space because of time is transformed into a drawing. This caught my

attention because I never thought of time and human movement within a space as representing

drawings. Not only do these two create drawing, but so does the camera when she explores the

entire space with a 360 rotation.

Her performance within the video relates to the outside. In her hometown Natalia had a

studio space which only consisted of large rocks scattered on the floor, and instillation drawings

on the wall. She was mimicking the construction site that was taking place right outside of the

studios window. She videotaped herself setting up the space, and this sowed similarity between

her movement and the construction workers.

In one of her artworks she also explored space with projection. The projector hung from

either the ceiling or wall changed the space of the room and disorientation of the viewer within

Page 2: Natalia from Santa Cruz Time as an effect to the transforation of space

it. The ceiling position created an open space because light hitting the floor from the projection

opened the floor. When moved to the wall, the middle of the wall parallel from the projector was

surrounded with darkness.

Natalia explains that none of her work is made to be seen from beginning to end because

it has no order. I can see how she would say this because time and day is ordered, but what

cannot be confirmed is where the light will hit, and what interruptions (another 7thought process

within her work) will occur. She defines interruptions as anything, any object that disturbs/

passes by the camera, or projector that the artist has no control over. This talk of interruption is

perhaps related to time and space because interruptions occur every minute and those

disturbances are most often uncontrollable.

Her artwork Chairs seemed different from the previous work she focused on within this

presentation. I did not understand her explanation as to why this object intermixes with time and

space. The chairs were taken from Santa Cruz guards, who were given new chairs in

replacement of the old. The chairs were combined with others to create a whole different chair.

Maybe because of this she says that cruelty lies within the work, but this part of her presentation

and the meaning of this particular artwork was confusing.