Narrati ve Aisha and Anisa


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Narrative Aisha and Anisa

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Sven Carlson

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Deborah Holdstein

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Andrew Goodwin

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Relating it back to our production ..

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Communicating the message of the song through visual stimuli

• Demolisher last hope: The message of the song is about moving on to bigger things and trying to accomplish success. The height on the bridge visually symbolizes how he wants to move up and achieve bigger and better things.

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Performance and conceptual videos.

• Our video demonstrates the performance element as we have our artist rapping directly towards the camera. However the video can be seen as more of a conceptual clip as it shows things other than the artist.

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There are several location shots of London, appreciation for where you are from is a big deal in the rap/grime genre, it is part of your identity.

The image of the trees represent the prevalence of nature, it has connotations of freedom and no restrictions which is what young people such as our artist desire.

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Carlson ‘creating meaning for the audience’

• The lyrics combined with the images provide meaning for the audience.

• Separately the images may have no meaning to the average viewer but for the target audience they symbolise the struggles in life and stress the artists values and beliefs.

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For example this shot touches on issues surrounding abuse of drugs and alcohol by underage users. The lyrics “still licking shots” refers to smoking cannabis, and some viewers may in some way be able to relate to this.

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This shot appears when the artist says “I keep smiling even when im feeling down” which is a very heartfelt and positive message to put across especially to the youth of today. It encourages optimism and allows people to acknowledge that ‘the struggle’ is immanent in life.

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This shot visually symbolizes this desire to take over the world and accomplish dreams. It is part of our artists ideology to achieve success.

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We know that in the rap/grime genres and in youth culture friendship is a big deal. The importance of surrounding oneself with people you love is expressed greatly with music and imagery to highlight its significance in everyday life.

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Andrew Goodwin & intertextual referencing

• Demolisher does this as he refers to other music in his music.

• The lyrics:• “Demolisher does music, yeah I got a couple

fans”• Demolisher does music is another one of his


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Goodwin says that there is likely to be voyeurism

• Being an all female group we challenged this, as not only is our female character aware she is being watched (established by her looking directly into the camera), but she is not dressed in minimal clothing as suggested by Goodwin.

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The female feels very strong and confident and looks straight into the camera challenging the concept of voyeurism in music videos.

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Lip sync and mimed actions remain “heart of the music video”.

• Both the artist and female character lip sync and we especially highlighted this by showing close-ups. The audience like to see this in a music video as it feels like the artist is actually singing and not just performing.

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Deborah Holdstein

• We also challenged Holdstein’s theory as it had too much of a focus on what makes a good music video, performance wise and lacked emphasis on the lyrics and their meaning. Holdstein’s theory works when you are trying to ‘sell’ your artist to the audience, however we felt that because of the strong messages in our song, we wanted to sell Demolisher’s music not his image.