Meet the Workmans Surprise, they have twins! ...and they need a nanny. The Workman’s have 4 family friends that also need a semester nanny: Twins Johnson Family West Family Cendak Family Palluconi Family Twins Nanny for a Semester in Washington D.C. ...so we need 4 more nannies:

Nanny for a Semester in Washington D.C. - Idaho is a full-time live-in nanny position in a safe neighborhood in the Washington DC metro area during the student's semester off (approx

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Meet the Workmans Surprise, they have twins!

...and they need a nanny.

The Workman’s have 4 family friends that also need a semester nanny:







Nanny for a Semester in Washington D.C.

...so we need 4 more nannies:

This is a full-time live-in nanny position in a safe neighborhood in the Washington DC metro area during the student's semester off (approx a 4-month commitment Jan-Apr, Apr-Aug, or Aug-Dec). If you love kid (a must!) and are looking for a short-term adventure to see all the sites in DC, this is a wonderful opportunity. I am looking for 5 nannies to be placed with 5 families. Only 1 of the 5 families is LDS (The Workmans). However, the other 4 families are accommodating to the needs of the LDS nanny (FHE on Monday, Institute on Thursday, Church on Sunday).

Nanny will have set hours during the week based on each individual family’s childcare needs. Total hours will be 40 hours a week. A list of pre-defined job duties have been developed for each family. Such duties may include:~Feeding/changing/caring for twin toddlers~Organized and unorganized play~Basic food preparation~Children's laundry~Clean up after meals and play time~Light housework~Pick-up/drop-off school age kids~Must be willing to care for a sick child

~Must have some previous experience with babies or young children and caring for more than one child at a time.~Must enjoy working with children~Able to multitask without getting stressed~Have a good attitude about required chores~Patience with young children~Have energy to play with children in organized and unorganized activities~Be willing to abide by house rules (will discuss and agree upon terms)~Be willing to learn/implement certain parenting techniques that will be taught~Have a good driving record~Be a good, respectful house mate~CPR certification desired

~Salary is paid weekly or bi-weekly in the amount of $900 a month, plus providing room and board (value of $1700+ month; Rent in this area goes for $500-660 a month for a private room and budgeting for $150 a month in food).~Nanny will be reimbursed up to $200 for a one-way ticket to DC (Dulles or Regan Airport).~All families not metro accesible will provide insurance for temporary use of the family car. Restrictions may be placed on the use of the car based on the each family’s needs.~Meet the other hired nannies when you arrive and be integrated into the local LDS single’s ward.~Plus other monetary and non-monetary perks are included.

What you need to know...

The Basics

Job Description

How to Apply

What you get...

STEP 1: Attached with this PDF should be a Word document labeled “NannyApplication.docx” Interested candidates should fill out the form, copy/paste their resume and cover letter to the bottom of the document, save the file as your FULLNAME, and email the document to [email protected] no later than midnight of June15th.STEP 2: Once your information is received, you will get a confirmation email. If I feel you might be a likely fit for one of the families, I will send you a more detailed description of the specific family, their childcare needs, and the living arrangements sometime between June 16-18th. STEP 3: If you are selected for an interview, we will have a Skype chat so you can meet the family, see the home, and ask questions. Interviews will be conducted the week of June 18th (exact time is contingent on individual family schedule).STEP 4: References will be checked the following week as well as a criminal and driving background check will also be conducted (so be honest up front in your application).