Name:_____________________ Wellness Notes Wellness Wellness and Your Health Health – Each part of your ________________ is equally important To be healthy you must __________________ all of these parts The Physical Part of Health *Physical Health – Ways to maintain your physical health: Get plenty of physical exercise * The Emotional Part of Health *Emotional Health – Ways to maintain your emotional health: * Ex: “Excuse me, I’m not sure if you saw there is a line here.” The Mental Part of Health

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Wellness Notes


Wellness and Your Health

Health –

Each part of your ________________ is equally important

To be healthy you must __________________ all of these parts

The Physical Part of Health

*Physical Health –

Ways to maintain your physical health:

Get plenty of physical exercise


The Emotional Part of Health

*Emotional Health –

Ways to maintain your emotional health:


Ex: “Excuse me, I’m not sure if you saw there is a line here.”

The Mental Part of Health

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*Mental Health –

Ways to maintain your mental health:

The Social Part of Health

*Social Health –

Ways to maintain your social health:

Supporting people you care about when they make the right choices

Expressing your true feelings

Asking for help when you need it

Wellness is Balanced Health

*Wellness –

*Health Assessment –

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Assess Your Health

Health Habit Almost Always 4pts Sometime 2pts Almost Never 0pts

I am physically active regularly

I eat a variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables

I find it easy to relax and express my feelings

I have close friends or relatives in whom I can confide

I prepare for events that I know will be stressful to me

I avoid risky behavior

I practice good hygiene

Making Healthy Decisions

Making Decisions

Being in Control

You make decisions every day

Decision –

Good decision –

______________________________________– to accept how your decision will affect

yourself and other people

A good decision is a responsible decision

Life Skills

*Life Skills –

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*Values –

Many of your values come from things your ________________ have taught you.

Other values you develop over __________________.

Good values include:

Respect for yourself and others



Values help you live _________________ and develop good _________________

*Character –

If your character is based on ________________________________, you will develop

attitudes and habits that make it easier to make good decisions.

But to make a good decision you must figure out what the _____________________ is.

If you don’t identify the problem correctly, you may make the wrong


Identifying the real problem is an important first step in the _______________________


ABCDE of Decision Making

A –

B –

C –

D –

E -

Why do you think it is important to evaluate your decisions?

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It’s important to reflect on your decisions so you can_____________ what to do in the


We all make mistakes, but by evaluating our actions we can limit mistakes in the


Influences in Your Decisions

*Family Influence


Family members have the _________________ influence on you so far

Family members set ___________________ and have expectations that are based on

their ___________________ and cultural traditions

For example: Why certain people are your friends, what you do for fun, and how you

celebrate holidays are decisions that are influenced by your family.

*Peer Influence

A peer is a person who is about your age that you interact with

Peer pressure –

Positive peer pressure –

Negative peer pressure –

*Other Influences on Your Decisions

TV, Radio, Magazines, Internet, Social Media

____________________ and _________________ are designed to make money that

sells the product. The claims are usually exaggerated

*Evaluating media messages. Media can however have a positive effect on your life.

You just have to learn to recognize which messages are true.*

Evaluate Your Influences

How do you know who to listen to?

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Family members and good friends can usually be trusted most

Examining Your Decisions

Weighing the Consequences of Decisions

Consequences –

There can be ________________ and ____________________ consequences.

What can be a positive and what can be a negative consequence?

Precaution –

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice the decision making process, the _____________ it will be to use

You can __________________ making decisions

You can ask for _____________________ from trusted family or friends

Setting Your Goals

From Decisions to Goals

Goals –

Goals make you feel better and build _______ ______________

Self-esteem –

Goals help you avoid making choices that will hurt you

Types of Goals

Short-term goals –

Long-term goals –

Short-term goals should be made to lead to long-term goals.

Your Interests and Values

Goals must be based on your interests and values

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Interests –

Interests reflect tastes , and your tastes often change because something you like better

comes along

*SMART Goals

S –

M –

A –

R –

T –

Reaching Your Goals

Having Success

Success –

Once you set a goal, you must have a ________________ to accomplish it.

Action plan –

Making an Action Plan

Make a list of the steps you will follow to reach your goal

Do some _________________ to find information that you may need to reach your goal

_____________________ how long it will take you to reach your goal, and write down

this information

_______________________ yourself when you have reached a goal


Setback –

Setbacks are learning opportunities. Setbacks and failures are very different.

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The key to reaching a goal is to be ______________________

Persistence –

*Coping –

Assessing Your Progress

When you work towards a ______________ goal, seeing your progress is sometimes


You have to have a way to assess your progress

Assess –

Ways to assess your short-term progress include keeping a __________ or making a


*Communication Skills

Communication Skills –

*Communication is a way of expressing your feelings in a healthy way and using good

listening skills*

Ways to communicate clearly:

Choose your words carefully. Make sure you are clear about whether you are talking

about the way that you view something or actual facts.


Active Listening –

Examples of Active Listening:

____________ the person who is talking. Facing a person shows that you are interested

in what the person is saying

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To avoid misunderstandings, _______________ or _________________ what the

person says to you.

Refusal Skills

*Say “No!”

*Refusal Skills –

Say no. Be polite, but be clear. Be firm if you need to, and repeat _________________.

Stay focused on the ____________. Be true to yourself and to your beliefs.

Stand your ground. Don’t let yourself be talked into something that you know is wrong.

________ ___________. You do not have to be in a situation that you do not want to be


Avoid ___________ _________________. This can often be the easiest and safest thing

to do.

Have a Support System

Support system –

With a support system, you won’t feel alone when you have to say _____ to someone.


Bullying –

The behavior is _________________, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

Bullying includes actions such as making _____________, spreading rumors, attacking

someone ______________ or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on


There are many roles that kids can play. Kids can bully others, they can be

_____________ or they may witness bullying. When kids are involved in bullying, they

often play more than one role. It is important to understand the multiple ___________

kids play in order to effectively prevent and respond to bullying.

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Two Types of Bullying


Physical – hitting, ______________, pushing, stealing, hiding or ruining someone’s

things. Making someone do _________________ they don’t want to do.

Verbal –


Relationship Bullying – ___________________, spreading rumors and lies about

someone. Making someone feel left out or rejected.

Cyber Bullying -

Physical Bullying

And other forms of violence or threats.


Cyber bullying:

Cyberbullying is ____________________ that takes place using electronic technology.

Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers,

and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages,

chat, and websites.

Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email

or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing _______________, videos,

websites, or fake __________________.

Verbal Bullying


What is a “Put Down” ?

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• _________ of problems between people are put down related

• When a problem is ignored, it usually grows and grows until it becomes _____________.

• If you want a great classroom, you need to create a put down free _________________.

• Conflict resolution begins with eliminating put downs as much as possible.

• No one ever made their own light shine any brighter by _____________ someone else's!





______________________________like ridicule and exclusion, seems to be more

common than physical violence. It can also be the most difficult type of bullying to cope

with or prove

Persistent bullying can result in:

Low self-esteem

Threatened or attempted suicide

Possible Signs of Bullying

Be frightened of walking to and from school

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Not want you to go on the school bus

Be unwilling to go to school (or be 'school phobic')

Come home regularly with clothes or books destroyed

Become withdrawn, start stammering, lack confidence

Reporting vs Tattling

• Reporting –

• Tattling –

Characteristics of Bullying

Excited by their bullying behavior

Enjoy causing pain

Lack compassion and empathy for their victims

Advice to Students

____________________ includes people calling you names, making things up to get you

into trouble, hitting, pinching, _____________, pushing and ______________. It also

includes taking things away from you, damaging your belongings, stealing your money

and taking your friends away from you. Bullies can also _______________ you so that

you don't want to go to school, so that you pretend to be ill to _____________ them.

If you are being bullied, tell a friend, tell a ____________ and tell your parents. It won't

stop unless you do. It can be hard to do this so if you don't feel you can do it in person it

might be easier to write a note to your parents explaining how you feel, or perhaps

confide in someone outside the __________________ family, like a grandparent. Your

class teacher needs to know what is going on so try to find a time to tell him/her when it

won't be noticeable. You could stay behind on the pretext of needing help with some

work. If you don’t feel you can do that, then go to the ______________ room and speak

to the school nurse.

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Try to stay in __________ areas of the school at break time where there are plenty of

other people. Bullies don’t like _____________________.

Be A Hero

Encourage other bystanders to help stop the bullying incident by being _____________.

Make friends with someone who continually gets picked on.

*Bystanders (You) are a key player in ___________________ bullying.*


The bully is someone others look up to and want to hang out with.

They want to “__________” with the bully because it makes them feel strong.

They’re afraid that if they say something, the ___________ will turn on them.

Are You the Bully?

Ask yourself these questions:

Does it make you feel better to hurt other people or take their things?

Have you been bullied by someone in the past and feel like you have to make up for

doing the same thing to others?

Do you avoid thinking about how other people might feel if you say or do ____________

things to them?

If you are a Bully, here are some ways to stop

__________________ to people that you have bullied, and follow it up by being friendly.

If you are having a hard time feeling good about yourself, explore ways to boost your

self-esteem. (Sports)

If you feel like you’re having __________________ controlling your feelings, especially

anger, talk to a school counselor about it.

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Stand Up to Bullying - Stop Bullying:

Every morning there are students who dread the approaching school day.

Research shows that victims of prolonged bullying will eventually become withdrawn or

aggressive; in extreme cases, suicidal or violently ___________________.

Research shows that schools with unified violence prevention program cut their

incidents of violence up to _______ and increase their academic standing.