Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

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Page 1: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture.

• Sistene Chapel

• David

Page 2: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What period did Rafael belong to?

• High Renaissance

Page 3: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name two characteristics of the nation state.

• Taxes• Standing army• Bureaucracy• Support of townspeople

Page 4: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who was the father of Humanism?

• Petrarch

Page 5: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What political structure did the strong nation state replace?

• Feudal monarchy

Page 6: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What Treaty kept the City-States unified against outside threat?

• Treaty of Lodi

Page 7: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Which emperor united the Spanish and Austrian sides of the

Habsburg empire?

• Charles V

Page 8: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What were the three main characteristics of the Spanish

Empire in America?

• Roman Cath.

• Social hierarchy

• Econ. Dependence

Page 9: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who was the most popular classical figure during the


• Plato

Page 10: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who hoped that a strong Italian ruler would come from the


• Machiavelli

Page 11: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was Castiglione’s main emphasis?

• Proper behavior for every situation

Page 12: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name the three main components of the colonial economy in Latin


• Mining

• Shipping

• Farming

Page 13: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was Erasmus’ philosophy a combination of?

• Christian and classical beliefs

Page 14: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who conquered the Incas? The Aztecs?

• Pizarro

• Cortes

Page 15: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name three countries where strong nation-states developed.

• Spain

• France

• England

Page 16: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name two key places where they did not.

• Italy


Page 17: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What alliance was formed to remove the French from Italy?

• League of Venice

Page 18: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name the Popes of this era that were more political than spiritual.

• Julius II

• Alexander VI

Page 19: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name the work and author that describe an ideal society that will

never exist.

• Utopia, Thomas More

Page 20: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

The Age of Exploration was driven by desire for what two


• Spices

• Precious metals

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What work and author focused on man’s ability to determine his


• Oration on the Dignity of Man, Pico Della Mirandola

Page 22: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What two noble houses fought in the War of the Roses?

• Lancasters

• Yorks

Page 23: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What English dynasty emerges from the War of the Roses?

• Tudor (starting with Henry VII)

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Why is Machiavelli’s emphasis on virtu so humanist?

• Strong individual

• Classical source (Rome)

Page 25: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who was the Renaissance Man?

• Leonardo da Vinci

Page 26: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

How did Renaissance Art differ from art from the Middle Ages?

• Realism

• Accurate anatomy

• Secular patronage

Page 27: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What economic developments allowed for secular patronage of

the arts?

• Increased trade

• Banking

Page 28: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What major war of the Middle Ages helped unify France &

England individually by pitting them against each other?

• 100 Years War

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Identify the two major northern humanists.

• More

• Erasmus

Page 30: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

How was the subject matter of the Northern Ren. a departure

from the High Ren?

• Gothic

• Supernatural

Page 31: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What issue caused a split between Thomas More & Henry


• Henry’s desire for a divorce

Page 32: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who did Alexander VI try to install as ruler of Romagna?

• Cesare Borgia, his son

Page 33: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who was the first to “invite the French over the Alps” and break

the Treaty of Lodi?

• Ludovico il Moro of Milan

Page 34: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was the “virtu” that Machiavelli so valued?

• The ability to act heroically & decisively

Page 35: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who was the “German master” of Northern Ren. Painting?

• Albrecht Durer

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Who were the “crazy dutchmen” of the Northern Ren.?

• Bosch

• Bruegel

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Who was the “Spider King” who ruled France at the peak of its

power in the 1400s?

• Louis XI

Page 38: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was the primary requirement for being a

Renaissance Prince?

• Power

Page 39: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What technological process that preceded movable metal type

made mass printing more feasible?

• Cheaper paper

Page 40: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

List two reasons the church feared the humanists.

• Self-reliance

• Outside interpretations

• Authorities other than God

Page 41: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What is the message of Boccaccio’s Decameron?

• Beware of immoral behavior

Page 42: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What two entities did Erasmus compare in trying to demonstrate

the true nature of Xianity?

• Christ

• The modern clergy

Page 43: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What kind of activity did Petrarch inspire?

• Examination of the classics

• Writing related to them

Page 44: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name 4 of the major Italian city-states.

• Venice• Florence• Milan• Pisa• Genoa, • Romagna (Papal States)

Page 45: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What did the competing political factions of the Renaissance use to

communicate with the masses?

• Art that they patronized

Page 46: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Identify two classical features that were prominent in Ren.


• Domes

• Columns

• Roman arches

• Ornamentation

• Integrated supports

Page 47: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Which two nations were most involved in the exploration of the

“New World” during the Renaissance?

• Spain

• Portugal

Page 48: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What did Ferdinand & Isabelle do (besides get married) to unify

the nation of Spain?

• secure borders

• venture abroad militarily

• strengthen the RC church

Page 49: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Why would the Printers’ Guild have supported the Reformation?

• Economic stake

• literate and sophisticated

• often opposed to gov’t

Page 50: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What did the Reformation offer peasants?

• A chance for political liberation and social betterment

Page 51: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Where did Luther first defend his 95 Theses?

• At the Disputation of Leipzig (vs. Eck)

Page 52: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What did the benefice system allow the laity to do?

• Buy desirable church offices

• benefit economically

Page 53: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What 2 lay movements were the biggest attackers of the medieval


• Lollards (Wyclif)

• Hussites (Hus)

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What act by the Roman Catholic Church inspired the 95 Theses?

• Selling of indulgences

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What was the jubilee indulgence supposed to pay for?

• New St. Peters Cathedral in Rome

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What pushed Luther to “discover” justification by faith?

• His own feelings of unworthiness

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What did the Council of Trent say about church language and

the official Bible?

• Speak Latin

• use the Vulgate

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What kept Charles V from dealing with Luther quickly and


• He was always at war (usually with the Valois)

• busy trying to get elected HRE

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Who did Luther side with in the Peasant Revolts in Germany?

• German Nobility

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How did Luther respond to the charges brought against him at

the Diet of Worms?

• “Here I Stand”, would not change

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How did members of the Schmalkaldic League benefit from the Ref. Economically?

• Took over Church lands & property

Page 62: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Why did the political structure of Germany and Switzerland make

them easier to reform?

• Small territories governed by princes instead of sovereign monarchies

Page 63: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Why did the geography of Germany and Switzerland make

them easier to reform?

• Far from Italy, divided into small parts (states)

Page 64: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who said: “Whatever lacks scriptural support should not be

believed or practiced”

• Zwingli

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What group believed in adult baptism and were eventually

opposed by both Protestants and Catholics?

• Anabaptists (esp. radicals gathered at Munster)

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What was the formal name of the order founded by Ignatius


• Society of Jesus

Page 67: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Identify two major characteristics of the Jesuits.

• Focused on church

• underground missionaries

• great educators

• confessors to kings

Page 68: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who were the elect?

• Those predestined for salvation (Calvin)

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Why is it politically dangerous for a Pope to call a Council?

• they can limit his power

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Which Pope gets the counter reformation rolling?

• Paul III, 28 years after the 95 Theses

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Who said: “We are all equal in the eyes of God, members of the

Priesthood of all Believers”?

• Luther

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What group called on clergy to live as examples and upheld the doctrine of the Catholic Church?

• Council of Trent

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Where did the Council of Trent place tradition relative to


• On equal footing

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What do the U & L in Calvin’s TULIP stand for?

• Unconditional Election

• Limited Atonement

Page 75: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Under which monarch did England become truly Protestant


• Edward VI

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In what work can this original English Protestant theology be


• Book of Common Prayer (Cranmer)

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What three religious groups did Elizabeth I face when she came

to the throne?

• RCs

• Anglicans

• Puritans

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Name at least three major causes of the Reformation.

• Humanism• Hus & Wyclif• political division• church abuses• social inequality

Page 79: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Why did Zwingli feel penance was unnecessary?

• Christ had already borne the pain for our sins

Page 80: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What happened when Calvin tried to “reform” Geneva the first


• Exiled to Strasbourg (accused of “new papacy”)

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What tool did Calvin use to create his “New Jerusalem”?

• Strict moral code (spread through sermons and Catechism)

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What did Catholics and Prots. call unbelievers from the other


• Heretics & papists (respectively)

Page 83: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Which English monarch attempted to reinstate Roman


• Mary I

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Which two sacraments did Luther claim were legitimate?

• Baptism

• Communion (Eucharist)

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What book provided the majority of the doctrine for the Anglican


• Book of Common Prayer

Page 86: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name the two major down sides of the Counter Reformation.

• Index of Forbidden Books

• Inquisition

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What issue kept the German and Swiss Reformations from


• The physical presence of Christ in communion

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What finally gave princes in the HRE official control over


• the Peace of Augsburg in 1555

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What was the main reason Henry VIII started the English


• Wanted an annulment from Catharine

• desired control over church structure

• resources

Page 90: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name the major Protestant Group in each of the following areas:

England, Scotland, Switzerland, North Germany.

• Anglicans• Puritans• Calvinists• Lutherans

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What type of art reflected the spirit of the Counter


• Baroque

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What is Baroque Art designed to do?

• Get an emotional response/reaction

Page 93: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What percentage of Protestant converts were “reconverted” by

the Catholic Reformation?

• Over 50

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List three components of Calvin’s moral code.

• No drinking

• no dancing

• no plays

• religious music

• psalm reading in taverns

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Identify the two major events that push Luther into the arms of the


• Peasant Revolt

• squashing the Anabaptists

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Why was it tough to be a Prot. In France?

• Concordat of Bologna (state control of church)

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Why did Luther abandon the Peasants in their revolt of 1524?

• not Christian’s role to transform society

• better politically to back princes

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What family did Catherine de Medicis most often conspire


• The Guise Family (RC)

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What percentage of French aristocracy joined the Huguenots

to protest the Guise controlled monarchy?

• 40

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What was the major outcome, other than dead people, of the St.

Bart’s day Massacre?

• Increased fighting between Catholics and Protestants

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Name the politique who succeeded Henry III.

• Henry of Navarre (IV)

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Identify three freedoms guaranteed Hugs by the Edict of

Nantes.• Worship

• Assemble

• attend university

• fortify towns

• hold public offices

Page 103: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was Coligny trying to get Charles IX to do?

• aid Prots. in Netherlands

Page 104: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

How did Calvinists organize the churches and governments?

• Locally

Page 105: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

How did Henry of Navarre bring a close to conflict in France?

• converting to Catholicism

• Edict of Nantes

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Name 2 of the 3 areas Phillip II tried to conquer in this unit.

• The Netherlands

• Portugal

• England

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What effect did the Spanish Fury have on the Southern 10

provinces of the Netherlands?

• It caused them to briefly unit with the northern 7 vs. the Spanish (Pac. of Ghent)

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What country was formed by the lower 10 provinces of the


• Spanish Neth., which becomes Belgium

Page 109: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What leader of the Dutch resistance became a martyr for

the cause?

• William of Orange

Page 110: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What treaty brought English help to Protestants fighting in France

& the Netherlands?

• Treaty of Nonsuch

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What religion is most of modern day Belgium?

• Catholicism

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What was Phillip II’s religious justification for going into the


• enforcing Council of Trent

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What were Spain’s economic motives for trying to hold on to

the Netherlands?

• tax $$$

• valuable trade & shipping

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Who did Phillip II put in charge of uniting the Dutch churches

and gov’t?

• Cardinal Granvelle

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When Granvelle failed how did Phillip II respond?

• sent in the Duke of Alba to use military force

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What tactics did the Dutch resisters use against the Spanish


• guerilla warfare

• piracy

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Why was Mary, QOS such a bad match for Scotland?

• Very French

• Catholic

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Who wanted to rid the Anglican Church of all Catholic practices

and structures?

• Puritans

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Who did Protestants want to succeed Mary I?

• Elizabeth I

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Who did John Knox rail on?

• Female rulers (Elizabeth, Marys, CDM)

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Why was Mary QOS executed?

• Plotting to kill Elizabeth I

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Name 2 things that brought about the demise of the Armada.

• Wind

• Tactics

• sea dogs

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What RC things did the “Elizabethan Settlement” keep?

What Protestant things?

• Church hierarchy & ceremony

• Book of Common Prayer

• 39 Articles

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What event provided inspiration for Protestants and marked the beginning of the end for Spain?

• Defeat of the Armada

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What does cuius regio, eius religio mean?

• The ruler determines religion

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What were Ferdinand II’s chief goals at the start of the 30 Years


• centralize his control over HRE

• re-Catholicize the empire

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What Swedish King swung the 30 yrs. War in favor of the Protestants? What was his


• Gustavus Adolphus

• military leadership

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Why did the English want to keep the Spanish out of the


• fear of invasion

• trade rivalry

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Name 2 groups that came in to support the Prots in the 30 Years


• Swedes• Richelieu• Danes• Dutch

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Who did Spain support in the 30 Years War?

• HRE (Ferdinand)

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What two countries continued their conflict past the end of the

30 Years’ War?

• Spain & France (ending with Treaty of Pyrenees in 1659)

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Why did France & Richelieu side with the Prots. during the 30

Years’ War?

• hated Haps & Spanish,

• wanted weak Ger.

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What were Christian IV & Gustavus Adolphus trying to gain


• states in N. Germany (Holstein & Brandenburg)

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How did families like the Medicis & the Fuggers exert their


• lending $ to key people

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Name one of the two military leaders Ferdinand II brought in to

fight the Prots.

• Maximilian (of Bavaria)

• Wallenstein

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Identify two of the major outcomes of the 30 Years’ war.

• France most powerful

• Ger. states separate

• continuation of Augsburg

• Switz. & Neth. are independent

Page 137: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Identify three key outcomes of the Peace of Westphalia.

• Swiss independence• Dutch independence• Hapsburgs looooooooooose• extension of Augsburg (Calv.)• French get territory

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Identify three causes of the commercial revolution.

• needs of N-S• putting out, rising pop.• new industries• new shipping/colonies

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Identify two rivalries that came about as a result of the

Commercial Revolution.

• Eng. vs. Spain

• Spain vs. Dutch

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What is the main goal of mercantilism?

• strengthen your economy at the expense of another

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Identify four components of mercantilism.

• Tariffs• Bullionism• Colonies• sea trade• support for


• exporting finished goods

• full employment

• large population

Page 142: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What Petition required the consent of Parliament for all


• Petition of Right

Page 143: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name two of the devices used by the Stuarts to raise funds outside

of Par.

• ship money• Impositions• forced loan• 1/4 troops

Page 144: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What did both James I & Charles I do that the traditional nobility

found threatening?

• Sold titles & offices

Page 145: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name 5 guys from this unit who believed in the divine right of


• Charles I, II

• James I, II

• Louis XIV

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What policy let Charles I rule without Parliament?

• the thorough

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Why did the Scots rebel in 1637? What did this force Charles to


• Charles & Laud were try to force episcopal system on them

• Call Parliament

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Why did Charles I disband the “Short Par”?

• demanded redress of grievances

Page 149: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What were the supporters of Charles and the Parliament

called, respectively?

• Cavaliers (Mon/Ang)

• Roundheads (Par/Pur)

Page 150: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was the main military reason the Roundheads were able

to win the ECW?

• The prowess of the New Model Army & holding most big towns & ports

Page 151: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name 2 things abolished by the Rump Parliament.

• House of Lords

• Anglican Church and the monarchy (they kill Charles I)

Page 152: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

How did Cromwell rule the “commonwealth” of England?

• as Lord Protector over 10 districts run by generals

Page 153: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name two things that made Charles II appear to be pro-RC.

• love of ceremony

• RC wife

• support for France & Louis XIV

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What Code excluded both RCs & Puritans from public life in


• Clarendon Code

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What Act did Parliament pass during the Restoration to keep RCs out of government? Who

did they fear?

• Test Act

• James II

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What law required that English imports be carried on English ships? What nation was this

designed to hurt?

• Navigation Acts

• the Dutch Republic

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What two groups formed in England toward the end of

Charles II’s reign? Who did each support?

• Tories (king)

• Whigs (opposed to king)

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Whose overly absolutist policies pushed these two groups


• James II (attempt to assert absolute authority, threat of RC)

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Who did the Whigs & Tories call to throne in 1688?

• Mary (Prot. daughter of James II)

• William III of Orange

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What did William & Mary agree to accept in the Glorious Rev.?

• Bill of Rights

• Constitutional monarchy

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Why would William be willing to accept such terms that would

limit his power?

• chance to be King of Eng.

• oppose Louis XIV

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What 2 people rebuilt France after the religious conflict?

• Swanson and Kilmer

• Henry IV & duke of Sully

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What would Richelieu do to nobles who refused to follow his


• Imprison

• Fine

• execute

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What French leader was determined to suppress

Protestants domestically but willing to support them


• Richelieu

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How did French nobility & townspeople respond to

Mazarin’s continuation of Richelieu’s policies?

• the Fronde

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Who was Louis XIV’s chief advisor while he was a minor?

• Cardinal Mazarin

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What was the role of the intendants?

• supervise local activities for bur.,

• keep eye on parlements

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What was Louis XIV’ main military goal?

• Secure borders in the Alps & at the Rhine

• ultimately expansion

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Name three things Louis XIV did to glorify himself in the eyes of

the public.

• Arts• Army• Ceremony• Propaganda• Versailles

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Name 2 components of mercantilism under Colbert.

• develop resources, encourage industry, high tariffs, French imports on French ships, the tailles

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How did most of Europe respond to Louis XIV when he took

Strasbourg in 1681? What war started out of this?

• Formed the League of Augsburg, Nine Years War

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Why did Louis XIV never call the Estates General?

• source of power for nobility, didn’t need them for $$$

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What action by Louis XIV caused the emigration of 250,000

Huguenots and the closure of Protestant schools & churches?

• Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685

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In which direction was Louis trying to expand in the Nine

Years War?

• East, into Germany

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Who’s philosophy was “one king, one law, one faith”?

• Louis XIV

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What Treaty gave Louis the right to keep to put his grandson on the

throne of Spain?

• Utrecht

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What did the Treaty of Utrecht give the English?

• asiento & Gibraltar

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Who was removed from Parliament in “Pride’s Purge”?

• Presbyterians who insisted on their church system

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Where did the Royalists go after Charles I’s execution? What did

they do?

• France, resisted Cromwell & Commonwealth

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Name 2 reasons why Louis XIV invaded the Netherlands in 1670?

• making fun, territory, had England as an ally

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Where was Louis XIV looking to expand in the war of Devolution?

• Spanish Netherlands

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Who was determined to give France peace & an improved economy in the early 1700s?

• Cardinal Fleury

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What financial crisis crushed French faith in public finance?

• Mississippi Bubble Crisis

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Why did Fleury fail?

• died too soon, Louis XV was a fool

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Name three general attributes of eastern Europe.

• agrarian, technologically behind, authoritarian rule

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What country bad declined by 1650 because of foolish

monarchs & decline of imports from the New World?

• Spain

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What country had declined by 1750 because of political disunity

& overextension of their trade empire?

• The Netherlands

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What industry did this country remain dominant in?

• banking

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Which political group did George I favor when he came to Britain?

• Whigs

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Which party supported a strong monarchy, low taxes, and the

Anglican Church?

• Tories

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Who dominated control of the House of Commons in the


• Wealthy landowning men

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Who supported the Stuart “pretenders” in the early 1700s?

• Jacobites

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Who rose to the office of Prime Minister by solving the South

Sea Bubble crisis?

• Robert Walpole

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How did Walpole take executive powers away from the


• formation of the cabinet system (treasury, military, etc.)

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Name two countries whose decay led to advances by Prussia and


• Poland and Sweden

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What two countries fought in the Great Northern War? Who won?

• Russia and Sweden, Russia

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Whose diet required unanimity on all issues? Why was this a


• Poland, difficult to pass taxes to fund army (& other key decisions)

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Which Hapsburg repelled Turks & Louis & gained in Austria &


• Leopold I

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What agreement provided a legal basis for Maria Theresa to rule

Austria? How well did it work?

• Pragmatic Sanction; not very well, the other European powers did not honor it

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What declining power in the east allowed the Hapsburgs &

Hohenzollerns to fill the power vacuum?

• Ottoman Empire

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Name two groups the Hapsburgs forced into their Austrian


• Italians from Lombard, Slavs (Bohemia), Magyars (Hungary)

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What were the primary characteristics of the Prussian


• military discipline & administrative rigor

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What was the primary accomplishment of the Great


• Uniting the Prussian State

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How does he accomplish this?

• taxes to build army, Junkers must go through him for power, improve farming & industry

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Who spent extravagantly received the title “King of

Prussia” in exchange for help in the war of Spanish Succession?

• Frederick I

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Why did the Hapsburgs decide to focus on Austria?

• decline of Spain, losses in 30 Years War

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How did the Great Elector & other Hohenzollerns keep the

Junkers in line?

• best jobs in bur. & mil.

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Which Prussian king imposed austerity and built the Prussian

army to 80,000?

• Frederick William II

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Who inherits Prussia’s army at it’s peak and is ready to use it to expand Prussian Power? Where

does he take the army first?

• Frederick II, into Silesia vs. Austria

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What three groups opposed Peter the Great in his plans for


• Boyars, Streltsy, & Church

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How were the Boyars tamed by Peter the Great?

• Social standing determined by job, shave-o-rama, loyal to state first

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Who revolted when Peter went west? How were they tamed?

• Streltsy, torture & execution, corpses on display

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What are always Russia’s two main assets?

• people & resources

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What right/privilege did both the Hapsburgs & Hohenzollerns

grant the nobility to curry favor?

• domination of peasants & serfs

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Where did Peter build his great, superficially western, capital? How was it positioned to be a

“window to the west”?

• St. Petersburg, on the Baltic

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Name two ways that Peter the Great reformed Russia’s army.

• improved weapons, discipline, outside officers, regiments, western uniforms, “Go Russia” t-shirts

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What is Peter the Great’s primary military goal? Where is he able

to achieve this?

• warm water ports, on the Baltic

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Name two steps Peter took to improve Russia’s economy.

• mercantilism, western craftsman, industrial serfs, iron

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How do the Russians defend themselves against invasion by

Charles XII?

• Draw him in & let him freeze & starve

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Why does Peter have his son killed?

• he opposed westernization & Peter feared he would reverse his policies

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What two classical thinkers were most of the early scientific

beliefs based on?

• Aristotle & Ptolemy

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Who was the first to refute Ptolemy?

• Copernicus

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How did Brahe’s opposition benefit Copernicus?

• Gave him publicity

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Name Brahe’s assistant that drew pro-Copernican conclusions from

Brahe’s work?

• Kepler

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How did the church respond to Galileo’s use of the telescope?

• They condemned it, “God would have made us able to see it”

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Who was the father of modern philosophy?

• Descartes

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Who were the two great political thinkers of the 17th century?

• Hobbes & Locke

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What major movement did the new science lead to?

• New Philosophy

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Who was the champion of the empirical method? What does

this method encourage?

• Bacon, observations based on lots of data

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What was Newton’s major work?

• Principia Mathematica

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How does Newton unlock the door to the rest of scientific


• universal gravitation was major missing link

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Identify 2 major influences on the literature of the 17th century.

• ECW, counter-reformation, restoration, Elizabethan times

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Who confronted both the Jesuits & skeptics and argued for the

separation of religion & science?

• Pascal

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What was the main point of Don Quixote?

• a combination of realism & idealism are important for a happy life

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Describe Shakespeare’s political & social outlook.

• Conservative

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What work and author described the fall of Satan?

• Milton’s Paradise Lost

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What work and author described the effects of too much Restoration Partying?

• Bunyan’s Life and Death of Mr. Badman

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Who argued that the existence of God was rational?

• Pascal

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Who was the first scientist to maintain that mathematical

relationships explain everything?

• Galileo

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What were the two of the main influences on Hobbes & Locke?

• ECW, Louis XIV & Glorious Revolution

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List two of Locke’s major beliefs.

• blank slate, overthrow bad gov’t, natural state is freedom, natural rights: life, liberty & property

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Who believed that people must turn over their rights to a strong

ruler his rule would prevent anarchy?

• Hobbes

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How did Hobbes’ absolute ruler control his people?

• Manipulating their fear of pain and desire for pleasure

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What were the four most formative causes of the


• print culture, need for reform in France, Sci. Rev., success of GB

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Who are the three most prominent philosophes?

• Montesquieu, Voltaire, & Rousseau

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Why would you associate Voltaire with our 1st


• he advocated basic freedoms

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Name the author and work that discussed Laissez Faire


• Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

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Who was Adam Smith’s chief influence, and what system did

he attack?

• physiocrats, mercantilism

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Why did philosophes criticize the church?

• promoted evil acts, took advantage of political position, emphasis on superstition, didn’t practice toleration, imperfection of man

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In what role did the Deists place God?

• “divine watchmaker”, created world and stood back

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What two groups responded to Deism by making religion more


• Pietists and Methodists

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Who criticized bigotry & advocated free speech in works

like Candide?

• Voltaire

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What did Montesquieu argue was the best form of gov’t?

• Three branch, separation of powers

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What is it about Montesquieu’s background that influenced these


• He was part of the noble Resurgence after Louis XIV

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Name three major beliefs of Rousseau.

• Society over individual, bend to will, glorified motherhood, M&W in separate spheres

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How did women benefit from the enlightenment?

• emphasis on education, saloneirs, glorification of motherhood

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Why was the first encyclopedia such a major undertaking? Who

edited it?

• first time any group tried to compile “all” knowledge, Diderot

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If you had to sum up the enlightenment in one word, what

would it be?

• darn well better be reason

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What were the three basic classes of the Ancien Regime?

• nobility, bourgeoisie, peasants

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What were Jethro Tull’s two main contributions to the Ag.


• iron plow and seed drill

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Who introduced the new crop rotation system that included

turnips and clover?

• Charles Townshend

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What did the flying shuttle create a demand for?

• thread/yarn

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What country was famous for land reclamation?

• The Netherlands

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Name two reasons the Industrial Revolution started in Great


• coal & iron, individual liberties, roads & waterways, relatively mobile social structure

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Name 2 characteristics of NW European families in the Ancien


• nuclear, married later, smaller

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What commonly caused urban riots?

• inflated prices, threat to traditional right, unjust action

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What group might encourage peasants to riot against the


• Bourgeoisie

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What did many “new” cities lack that would have helped them handle the influx of people?

• infrastructure

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Why did Frederick II start the War of Aust. Succession?

• wanted Silesia, saw that M-T was weak

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What was the world population in 1750?

• 3/4 billion

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Why did landlords want to enclose their lands?

• higher bread prices, wanted to force the use of new methods

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What happened to many peasants as a result of enclosure?

• cut loose from the land, forced to look for other employment

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What country held colonies in the St. Lawrence & Ohio River


• France

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Why was the war of Jenkins’ Ear important?

• Kick off to series of conflicts

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What did GB do to keep the French busy on the continent

during the 7 Years War?

• Gave lots of aid to Prussia

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How did Maria Theresa keep her kingdom together during the War

of Austrian Succession?

• Concessions to the nobility, esp. the Magyars

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Name the worst country to be a peasant in.

• Russia (Poland was a close 2nd)

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What event marked a major shift in traditional alliances?

• Diplomatic Revolution of 1756

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What war did this “Revolution” lead to?

• 7 Years War

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Name two things the British gained from the 7 Years War.

• All of NA east of the Miss., trade rights in India, disappearance of France from colonial scene

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Why did the Bourgeoisie resent the nobility?

• inherited legal rights & privileges

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How did GB try to address the massive war debt they were left

with after the 7 Years War?

• Taxing their colonists

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How was the average European Jew treated during the Ancien


• non-citizen, lived in separated area, discriminated against

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What right were the British abusing before the War of

Jenkins Ear?

• asiento

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Who were the 2 chief rivals in this era of colonial expansion?

• GB & France

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What is an audencia?

• A judicial council in the New World

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What action started the 7 Years War?

• Frederick II’s preemptive strike on Saxony

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Name 2 benefits of the steam engine.

• Move factories away from rivers, constant source of power

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In which industry did the Industrial Revolution start?

• textiles

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What system was replaced by the factory system?

• cottage or “putting-out”

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Name one factor that may have led to the population boom that

started in the mid-1700’s.

• End of the plague, less warfare, improved health

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Name the two crops that were introduced from the New World.

• potatoes & corn

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What cause did John Wilkes associate himself with?

• opposition to George III & individual liberty

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What institution did the Wilksites want reformed?

• Parliament

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What problem did the 7 Years War leave all of its participants


• war debt

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How did increased demand for sugar and cotton in Europe lead

to increased slavery?

• plantation system demands it

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What were the American colonists originally trying to protect when they revolted

against GB?

• Rights as Englishmen

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In what kinds of places did the “new cities” spring up?

• waterways, road hubs, sea ports

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What are the two basic types of Bourg.?

• commercial/financial & bureaucratic/professional

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Where would you be living if you got married at 17 had 10 kids and

lived with your aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents?

• SE Europe

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What was the primary unit of both production and consumption

during the Ancien Regime?

• the family

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Where did Dutch trade influence remain high in the 1700s?

• Asia

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What are colonies supposed to provide to the “home country”?

• markets and raw materials

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How did the new gov’t they created differ from all previous


• Equality of all white men, no aristocracy or social classes by birth, no king

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Name three causes of the French Rev..

• Food shortages & prices, heavy taxation of poor, little taxation of nobles & clergy, bourgeoisie vs. nobles, nobles vs. monarchy

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List two reasons why the French gov’t was in so much debt.

• 7 Years War, American Rev., War of Austrian Succession, couldn’t tax upper classes

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What group did the 3rd Estate form when they left the Estates

General? What did they promise in the Tennis Court Oath?

• National Assembly, keep meeting until they wrote a constitution

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What group did this become when it was recognized by Louis


• National Constituent Assembly (NCA)

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What class were the reps of the 3rd Estate from?

• Bourgeoisie

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How did nobles react to the Great Fear?

• renounced their rights, cleared way for Cons.

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What did Louis XVI do to cause the poor to storm the Bastille?

• muster troops around Paris

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What’s significant about who was involved in storming the


• Entrance of the popular masses into the revolution

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What kind of representation & voting did the nobility want in

the EG?

• Equal number of reps for each estate & voting by order

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What was the purpose of the Dec. of Rights of Man and Citizen?

• Guiding statement for the Cons. of 1791

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Who got the franchise under the Cons. of 1791?

• Active citizens (pay taxes = to 3 days of labor)

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What revolutionary faction was more moderate and favored Constitutional Monarchy?

• Girondins

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Identify a way in which Louis XVI demonstrated his anti-

revolutionary sentiment.

• muster troops, stall on Dec. of Rights, flee to Varennes, refractory clergy

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Identify two components of the Civil Cons. of the Clergy. What impact did it have on the French


• elected clergy, reorganized dioceses, seized lands; Split them (refractory)

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How did the Pope respond to the CCC?

• condemned it and the Rev.

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Why did the women of Paris march on Versailles?

• food, make Louis agree to Dec. of Rights

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What were the chief concerns of the sans-culottes?

• food and representation

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Which enlightenment thinker’s ideas are most evident in the French Revolution? Where?

• Rousseau; separate sphere, General Will,

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Name two components of the economic reform under the Cons.

of 1791.

• assignats, guilds banned, more equitable taxation, laissez faire

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Despite their active participation in the revolution, which two

groups were consistently left out?

• poor (esp. urban) & women

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What kind of reaction did the invasion by Austria & Prussia


• panic, fear, “invasion mentality”

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What tool did the Convention use to mobilize France for war? name

two components of this tool.

• levee en masse; conscription of all males, price ceilings, war production

Page 327: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Give two examples of occasions when the Bourgeois

revolutionaries benefited from the actions of the poor.

• Versailles, Bastille, insurrection, expulsion of Girondin, rev. army

Page 328: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What revolutionary faction was more radical and favored a


• Jacobins (Mountain)

Page 329: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Why did the Convention try to dechristianize France?

• religion would get in the way of the virtuous republic, second authority

Page 330: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What two places did the Dec. of Rights of Man and Citizen get its

ideas from?

• Dec. of Independence & Enlightenment

Page 331: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What did the Paris Commune force the Legislative Assembly to


• step down and give way to the National Convention (start of the 2nd Rev.)

Page 332: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What event led to the formation of the Paris Commune?

• the Paris insurrection of August, 1792 (attack on Tuileries)

Page 333: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Identify two of Edmund Burke’s criticisms of the Revolution.

• revs have no gov’t experience, democracy sucks (popular gov’t can’t work)

Page 334: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Describe the politics and religion of the countryside in comparison

with those of Paris.

• more conservative and traditional or devoutly RC

Page 335: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was Robespierre’s overarching (ultimate) goal?

• republic of virtue

Page 336: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name two steps he was willing to take to achieve this goal.

• dechristianize, suppression of rights, massive bloody guillotine death

Page 337: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was the “white terror”?

• backlash against the red terrorists of Robespierre’s terror

Page 338: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

How did Robespierre wind up turning the blade of terror against


• eliminated opposition without cultivating allies

Page 339: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Describe the gov’t set up by the Cons. of Year III.

• Councils of Elders and 500 (leg.), Directory (exec.)

Page 340: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What did the Directory use to maintain its power?

• army over cons.

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What did Babeuf claim in 1796?

• Rev. has not gone far enough

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What group benefited the most in the end from both revolutions?

• Bourgeoisie

Page 343: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name three things women did as participants in the revolution.

• Society of Women, spokespeople, Versailles, fought in army

Page 344: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Put these in order: Nat. Assembly, Convention, NCA, Legislative Assembly, Estates


• Estates General, Nat. Assembly, NCA, Legislative Assembly, Convention

Page 345: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

How did the goals of enlightened absolutists differ from those of

the traditional absolutists?

• They didn’t - just used enlightenment ideas

Page 346: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who was the ultimate enlightened absolutist? Identify

two of his reforms.

• Joseph II; seized church lands, = taxation for all, = punishment for all, abolished serfdom, nobility out of bur.

Page 347: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Who tried to continue in Peter’s footsteps as the westernizer of Russia? What made his/her

position so precarious?

• Catherine the Great, non-Russian, female, had to rely on nobility

Page 348: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

Name two “enlightened” actions of Frederick the Great.

• legal reform, reduce control over peasants, agricultural reforms, religious toleration

Page 349: Name Michelangelo’s most famous painting & sculpture. Sistene Chapel David

What was shocking about Joseph II’s religious toleration?

• He was a Hapsburg (very RC)

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What brings Enlightened Absolutism to a screeching halt?

• the French Revolution