Personal Numerology Reading NAME & BIRTDAY NUMEROLOGY Alan Pinkerton 15.03.1983

NAME & BIRTDAY NUMEROLOGY Alan Pinkerton 15.03 · Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers A person`s Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as

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Page 1: NAME & BIRTDAY NUMEROLOGY Alan Pinkerton 15.03 · Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers A person`s Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as

Personal Numerology Reading


Alan Pinkerton15.03.1983

Page 2: NAME & BIRTDAY NUMEROLOGY Alan Pinkerton 15.03 · Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers A person`s Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as

Name numerologyName numbers yield their own kind of information. They provide meaningful answers to some of the most poignant questions that we, humans, ask ourselves throughout our lifetime: "Who am I?", "What was I born to do?", "What do I want?" – and last but not least (actually the most important one!) – "What do people think of me?"

Many of us analyze people`s names and last names every day – we just don`t call it "analysis". We do it almost instantaneously, so we don`t notice the process itself. However, having read or heard a name or a last name, we can easily identify the person`s sex and, with a high degree of certainty, – their nationality.

Closer examination can help you make a number of well-founded assumptions. For example, a first name of an obviously different ethnic origin than the last name quite often indicates a person born in a mixed marriage or someone who was adopted.

Numerology just digs deeper basing its research on statistical data accumulated throughout the time it has existed as a science. This time is measured in thousands of years already, so the data is more than sufficient to retrieve all sorts of various information from a person`s first name and last name. That`s why it is undoubtedly possible to create a psychological portrait based on the information contained in the person`s name, as numerological calculations are usually so true to real facts, that a lucky guess is highly improbable.

Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers

A person`s Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as the Core Name Numbers. In fact, these numbers describe traits that form the basis of human personality: peculiarities of character, disposition and capabilities, impression on others. And therefore, they provide a picture one`s past, present, and future.

Combination of the first name, last name, and patronymic (if any) is a person`s unique identification code. Information they bear is no less unique.

Your full name at birth symbolizes your inherent talents and capabilities. It reveals your potential intellectual level, predisposition to a particular way of lifestyle and occupation, as well as the way you are different from others.

Expression NumberPage 2 / 21

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Page 3: NAME & BIRTDAY NUMEROLOGY Alan Pinkerton 15.03 · Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers A person`s Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as

According to Numerology traditions, this Number indicates one`s natural capabilities. This alone reveals how the term "destiny" understood in Numerology: it is neither "doom", nor "fate", but a set of inherent features. It is active potential, and the process of making use of it is called life.

Your Expression Number — 6

6Expression Number Six is the number of Humanist. Earlier than others, you’ll be given the opportunity to feel, understand and believe that the only meaning of human existence, the only true happiness, is not in satisfaction of your own ambitions or in your personal well-being, but in the ability to provide help, support and facilitate others’ lives as much as you can. You make your way through life like an experienced climber who climbs a steep and dangerous mountain, and, having overcome another difficult part, having climbed up another ledge, always turns back to lend a helping hand to a weaker companion. And, if necessary, this climber goes down, lends his shoulder, supports and pushes. There is no difference for you, if you’re the first, the second or the last to ascend the top. It is important for you to bring everyone there as well. This is your concept of harmony and justice; this is how you see the genuine beauty of life. The destiny gives you a chance not only to show sincere kindness and compassion, provide every possible assistance to those in need, but to prove the wisdom, righteousness, and the importance of humanity as a necessary part of people’s spiritual nature, by your very existence. Be firm, consistent and merciful; never refuse help, compassion, or good advice to anyone. Life will reward you a hundredfold for this.

Heart`s Desire Number

Heart`s Desire Number bears information that is vital for all to know: the answer to the "What do I want?" question. Fundamentally, every action is triggered by desire. So understanding the nature of personal motivation is the only way how you can choose a path in life that would suit aspirations of your soul.


9 5 6 1 1

Your Heart`s Desire Number — 4 / 22

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4The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain your stable position, your status, and use every opportunity to strengthen it. It may call for hard work – well, you are ready. For you, the ideal world order is something like a heavily-armed fortress that can withstand any siege, as its pantries are full, and the arsenal is kept in perfect order. All the military actions are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, so you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external encroachment. However, your unshakable stronghold may turn into a prison for others. Imposing your views on your loved ones, you restrict their freedom of choice, as you just offer them your own ready-made solution. Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone wanted to come out from the inside and opened the gates. You should always remember to make your choice approved by those whose sake it is actually made for.

Personality Number

Personality Number. "You look like a million dollars!" is actually a compliment. It is obviously because it costs a pretty penny to look good. Our Personality Number is the rating that shows how we are evaluated by others. It`s naturally a comprehensive evaluation: from your complexion to the ability to find a matching shirt. Needless to say how important it is: first impressions are the most lasting.


7 5 2 9 2 5 3 5

Your Personality Number — 2 / 11

2Personality number Two. For a Two, the principal aim is to avoid repelling people unintentionally. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, using gentle lines and, last but not least, looking neat and tidy. An ill-matching detail is as appalling as shabby, well-worn outfit. You’d better learn more about different fashions, or else tendency to conservatism in style, devoid of any individuality, can make you look too modest

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Page 5: NAME & BIRTDAY NUMEROLOGY Alan Pinkerton 15.03 · Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers A person`s Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as

and dull.

Meaning Of First Name, Hereditary, And Middle Name Numbers

Numerical values of the full name – Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number – contain fundamental information on personality traits and peculiarities. However, numerological analysis of your first name, patronymic, and last name individually reveals the presence or absence of factors that might have a decisive impact on your destiny.

Minor Expression Number describes one`s energies, temperament, and the sum total of their aspirations. This value alone is sufficient to understand the nature of your motivation, and get a clear idea what you are capable of.

Your Hereditary Number reveals your inherited traits, that is, personality features passed down through all generations of ancestors with the same last name.

Finally, MIDDLE NAME Number is all about your developing your natural abilities as affected by your upbringing and education.

Minor Expression Number

Your first name contains information about features of your personality: character traits, natural abilities, energies, temperament. Knowing the numerical value of someone`s first name helps us say with a high degree of confidence what kind of desires move them ahead, what they are capable of and what they are not; what manifestations of their nature you should encourage, and what you should beware of. This provides the first impression – not intuitive, but rather well grounded.

Your Minor Expression Number — 1


1 3 1 5

1People with One in their minor expression are exceptionally courageous and independent. In their childhood these features manifest themselves by self-will and an excessive, even for a child, curiosity.

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As the years pass, such people develop the qualities essential to take up a leading position in any team: determination, responsibility, resourcefulness, prompt reaction. They rarely need support, and lend it only to those who seem to have real potential.

Hereditary Number

Hereditary Number is what make us who we are. Quite literally. This number contains loads of information about almost any character trait, in the first place – one`s family traits, inherited abilities, and opportunities arising directly from what their family is like. Mind that financial priority is not the key factor here.

Your Hereditary Number — 5


7 9 5 2 5 9 2 6 5

5Five as the Heredity Number shows that the family respects every member’s personal freedom and, consequently, takes mutual obligations, as they say, without fanaticism. With this Heredity Number, it might happen that the child is raised by only one parent, or grows up left to themselves. Their views on life form accordingly. Eventually, they reach the well-known conclusion that “every man for himself” (or “I owe nothing to anyone”), and build their life on the basis of this very principle. Although from the outside everything might seem quite respectable.

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Name Letters And Range Of OpportunitiesEach number contained in the person`s full name – Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number – is to some extent responsible for their inborn abilities and talents. However, any of these numbers by itself only gives direction for in-depth analysis, that is essential to gain insight into one`s abilities and prospects of their use.

The reference data for such analysis include all the numbers corresponding to the letters in the full name. So, impact degree of each number – with regard to both quantitative and qualitative characteristics – has to be identified with the highest accuracy, before final conclusions can be drawn. This is the only way to put the puzzle together and gain a clear picture of the actual situation.

Name And Psychological Type

Planes of Expression represent four mental levels inherent in all of us. These are Physical (body), Mental (mind), Emotional (feelings), and Intuitive (spirit and inner perception) planes. Unique combination of these components` quantitative parameters makes up our temperament, gives a distinct individuality to our personality. It is this being not like the others that helps us find our place under the sun, establish personal connections, express our feelings in our own unique way, adjust and organize our behavior to succeed in life.

Planes of Expression can help you find out what prevails in your character – emotions or reason, genius or physical stamina, intuition or pragmatism. In its turn, this will enable you to identify the most suitable occupation, find you place in society, and pick your life partner. A man and a woman might be both attracted to each other, but different Planes of Expression will make it troublesome for them to live together. With this in mind, it is possible to balance advantages and disadvantages, and achieve harmony in love.

"He is happy whom circumstances suit his temper; but he Is more excellent who suits his temper to any circumstance." David Hume.

Four Basic Personality Components

Physical Plane

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Physical Plane symbolizes body and physical form of a person. This Plane is governed by instinct, and relates to everything that is tangible, visible, and real. Practically no importance is attached to the imaginary and fanciful. Preference is given to what is already known, based on facts, and doesn`t go beyond the bounds of reason. It is the pivot of life, as form and style of existence are maintained here. According to Numerology traditions, this Plane indicates one`s natural capabilities. This alone reveals how the term "destiny" understood in Numerology: it is neither "doom", nor "fate", but a set of inherent features. It is active potential, and the process of making use of it is called life.

Your Physical Plane Number — 2

You are able to see, remember what you’ve seen, and use your knowledge. Through the years, you’ll grow confident, and this will help to take control over impulsive manifestations of your inner power, overcome shyness and excessive sensitivity (that shows at times), and sense the rhythm of life, experience its harmony.For you, life is a symphony played by full orchestra. You write it like an artist paints his best picture using a rich palette of emotions, spirituality, highly developed aesthetic sense, and exquisite taste. The spirit of ancient oriental craftsmen is alive in you, and makes you bring each and every detail to perfection. Strange as it may seem, this may cause problems at times, especially in implementing business projects, where perfection of individual components is not as important as quick realization of the plan on the whole. Being a Two, you often want to divide responsibilities with someone more practical, seek for a partnership (which must be equal though). Once you start doubting your importance, a slightest hint of subordination or dependence of your position plunges you into despair, demoralizes you. And then your inherent kindness, gentleness and intelligence seem to be gone without a trace. Instead, you become inert, intolerant, and stubborn, sometimes almost to the absurd. Still, the best things in your life are fruits of collective work, as one of your most valuable talents is the ability to create a very special working climate that ensures extremely high overall efficiency.

Mental Plane

Mental Plane represents the person`s mind and reason. It is the level of intellectual interconnections, analysis, collecting and comparing facts. Even the most evident is not accepted here if it cannot be analyzed and proved. It is the Plane of will power, determination, confidence, and cold calculation that doesn`t let imagination twist the facts. Fine mind, clear thinking, and management skills guarantee that you`ll take a leading role and a high position.

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Your Mental Plane Number — 2

Clear mind and good memory. The ability to work hard, although spurred by desire to prove your worth in the eyes of others. Looking around, don’t forget to take a look into your own self sometimes. This will help eliminate your internal contradictions.

Emotional Plane

Emotional Plane is all about feelings and emotions. It is the level of kindness and sympathy. Here facts recede into the background and give way to imagination, inspiration, inner perception, and creativity devoid of any practical ground. It is not reason that governs actions and reactions to life or other people, but feelings of love and tenderness. People of the Emotional Plane don`t have a particularly logical approach to making plans.

Your Emotional Plane Number — 4

Your motto is imperturbability and constant self-control. You are almost devoid of emotions; the others’ emotional expressions arouse your distrust and even outright irritation sometimes. Beware: next stages on this way are isolation and anger. Try to be more understanding to those whose mode of behavior differs from yours. Pedantry and meticulousness can make you an indispensable employee in business and management.You belong to a hugely diverse category of people, generally referred to as “serious men.” You know no half-measures, no reticence, and no generalities. You always clearly see the boundaries between black and white, acceptable and unacceptable, reasonable and absurd. There is only your opinion and a wrong one; it’s no use to argue. Hardly anybody can make you step back from the position you have once taken and intend to defend by any means possible. A Four’s family – where they are the head of the household – is governed by heavily patriarchal rules. Although your family members may feel uncomfortable under your excessive control, you tend to attribute it to their immature thinking. Still, you sincerely love them, and genuinely take care of them, so all your efforts are intended to ensure their happiness and welfare. Nevertheless, it is you who decides how their happiness and welfare should look like, so you stick to established rules and traditions, divide rights and responsibilities, and have them account for failing to meet the latter. These qualities make you a valuable employee in any position that requires a sober view of things, discipline, reliability, and consequently responsibility, should earn you respect in your professional field.

Intuitive Plane

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Intuitive Plane represents the spiritual level of internal knowledge. It is guided by insight and abstract impressions that go beyond the boundaries of both fact and imagination. Intuition helps man to express heavenly wisdom on the Physical, Mental, Emotional Planes of mind and action. Intuitive Plane is the plane of reverence for the Divine, piety, compassion, tolerance, ingenuity, and that inner guidance that enlivens all other existence levels. This is also known as God`s grace.

Your Emotional Intuitive Number — 7

You are capable of seeing the essence of things – through abstract thinking. Don’t try to rationalize your intuitive feelings somehow – it has no practical sense. Trust your intuition, use your inventive mind, and a you’ll find your way to a creative career.As a matter of fact, you are a “thing in itself.” Created in the tender age, your own world with its rules and laws forever remains your sweet home, where you feel as natural and comfortable as an oyster in a shell. You are self-contained, silent, and reserved. It’ll take much effort to make you lose your self-control and provoke an impulsive, inconsiderate step. It doesn’t mean, of course, that you are completely closed to the outside world and live isolated from reality. When communicating to others, you are witty and charming, capable of empathy, compassion and generosity; your natural concentration arouses interest and desire to “get behind the wall”, so, on the whole, it attracts more than repels. However, the most inspired ideas, and most splendid insights come to you when you stay alone with yourself, and disengage yourself from external influences. But this style of life can very often give rise to various complexes and, consequently, it brings more disharmony to your relationship with the rest of the world. Thus, only your flexibility and ability to find compromises determine what you will become in your entire life – a venerable patriarch with some oddities of behavior or a cheerless ascetic with nothing to make them happy.

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Birthday meanings

When fully explored, one`s Birth Day can give answers to all the questions arising in the minds of those who strive to understand who they are, what they are, and what for they have come to this world.

Judge for yourself: The Life Path Number gives direction, the Birth Day Number sets interim goals along this path, which serve as milestones facilitating the way; individual numbers in the full date, when arranged in the Psychomatrix, give comprehensive information about your personality; and, finally, the Period Cycles identify the unity of time and action that only makes it possible for you to succeed. So, numbers enable us to examine characters of others without seeing them.

Now, try to ask a question yet unanswered.

All this is revealed by a single dot in the endless line of time – the day you were born, when you came into this world.

Birth Day Number

Birth Day Number. Information contained in your Birth Day Number can help you see the exact purpose why this or that inherent quality has been given to you, and thus avoid mistakes when you choose the mode of action to achieve the set goal. There is no quality that would find only one use – it is an axiom. Yet, if you choose the way for their implementation regardless of

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other personality traits, you may keep on shooting butterflies with rifles for the rest of your life.

Your Birth Day Number — 6

6The tendency to nurture, look after, show understanding and patience manifest themselves regardless the age and other characteristics of the object of your care. You are certainly not an egoist. There is always someone in your life who you love, who you are willing to give all your time and mental powers to, who you take care of and protect from trouble. Due to your idealism and romantic nature, members of your family adore you, while those less fortunate in marriage envy you.

Life Path Number

Life Path Number. To comprehend the significance of the information contained in the Life Path Number, you first need to realize that you are neither choosing the Path for yourself now, nor even trying to step on the Path chosen for you beforehand. You have been walking this Path since you were born. Try to accept it as a given, so the information you get won`t be simply advice or recommendations. It will serve you as a guide to use tools that you have always possessed, but haven`t applied only because you`ve been unaware of their purpose.

Your Life Path Number — 3

3Optimistic and cheerful by nature, you realize at an early age that our world is full of grim, overstressed and screwed-up people who need positive emotions like air. Therefore, your cheerful nature, wit and friendliness are the most in-demand currency that almost everywhere can buy you affection, trust, admiration and even adoration. For a while, it will be enough for you, but only until you see that there is much more valuable commodity – gratitude. To buy it, however, you’ll have to pay with something more valuable than banal jokes and encouraging glances. It will take your reserves – creativity, artistry, and innate artistic taste. And then the prospects of a completely different level will open to you. You’ll realize that you can bring joy to life not only by bringing another individual neurotic back to senses, but on a much larger scale.

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Page 13: NAME & BIRTDAY NUMEROLOGY Alan Pinkerton 15.03 · Numerology Analysis - Core Numbers A person`s Expression Number, Heart`s Desire Number, and Personality Number are referred to as

This may play a decisive role in choosing your professional life path. You are free to decide between all existing areas of creative activity, and pick the one that appeals to you the most. Pour your heart out on paper, on canvas or in music or dance, build palaces and temples, grow unseen flowers to create unique scenic images – it’s all natural for you, and may give you incomparable pleasure. Just never forget that your vocation is to give, not take, and to grant, not to store. Otherwise, you risk finding out one day, with surprise and disappointment, that you have only old bits and pieces of junk to your name – your former glory, a couple of dozens of forgotten friends, and the same number of failed love stories. As for the most valuable things – gratitude and love – you never got them.

Life Path Cycles

From the point of view of Numerology, as, by the way, from any reasonable point of view, a human`s life is divided into three (or four, according to some Numerology schools) main periods. Each of them may last from 10 to 30 years, and in any particular case their duration can be calculated quite accurately to the year. However, here we shall consider not the duration of periods, but their features in the applied, functional aspects – that is, what should each be best used for.

So, one`s Life Path is composed of three major cycles: Cycle of Development, Cycle of Creation, Cycle of Integration. Each has its own number reflecting its particular features, general tendencies of formation and change in basic personality traits.

The boundaries between different cycles in one`s life may well seem rather vague both for them and those around them, but numbers corresponding to these stages clearly mark these milestones. When the number changes, it means that you have changed as well, whether you like it or not.

When fully explored, one`s Birth Day can give answers to all the questions arising in the minds of those who strive to understand who they are, what they are, and what for they have come to this world.

Cycle of Development

This stage is the stage of childhood, adolescence, and youth. This is when Page 13 / 21

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you first make sense of the relation between your abilities and opportunities. Holding the table leg, you stand on your feet, – and can take anything lying on it.

Your Development Cycle Number — 3 . Development Cycle Number Influences to 2008 year.

3A child with a formative cycle influenced by the Three shouldn’t be forced to follow the path of Wolfgang Mozart, and pushed to great achievements and feats at the age of five. Still, it’s strongly advisable to take notice of all manifestations of creativity, and encourage the child’s attempts to express themselves in this field The talent, discovered at a young age, doesn’t have to become their bread and butter. What’s more important is that creative skills, whether imaginary or real, may cause groundless, but still painful, regrets and spoil the person’s entire life – if they are not actualized for reasons beyond their control. As a consequence, one might become jealous and envious of happier people. Therefore, the child should never be assured that they are one of a kind. It’ll give them nothing but groundless self-conceit, and may cost them friends.

Cycle of Creation

This stage is the middle of the way, your adult life. This is when the choice has been already made, and you need to follow it, and enhance your opportunities as you approach the set goal.

Your Creation Cycle Number — 6 . Creation Cycle Number Influences from 2008 to 2035 year

6This is the time when care about your interests only gives way to greater attention to others’ lives, above all – your family and relatives. Personal benefits are no longer at the forefront, and you are now completely focused on care and support. The feeling of responsibility for your near and dear, even if never experienced before, will become your top priority. This stage of life calls for your sensitivity and empathy. If others are not used to seeing you as someone to turn to for help, you have no reason to expect candor from your friends or family.

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Hence, you’ll have to learn to sense their mental state and recognize unspoken problems, if any. Should a new serious personal relationship emerge at this stage, you need to get armed with the same qualities. However, use them moderately, or else your desire to patronize may be perceived as obsession.

Cycle of Integration

This stage is the stage of maturity. This is when results of all your aspirations, deeds, and more or less conscious actions add up into a total, and give you a finished picture.

Your Integration Cycle Number — 3 . Integration Cycle Number Influences After 2035 year

3It doesn’t happen too often, but it’s not impossible. A surge of desire to express your creative abilities at a mature age most likely means that you’ve had no opportunity so far to display your talent. That is just the way your life has worked out. Nothing to worry about. Louis de Funès, one of the greatest movie comedians of all time, first appeared on the screen at the age of forty-eight. If it is your period of activity, then be active. And don’t be embarrassed by your age. You can always be bright, original, and interesting. Communicate a lot, make speeches and jokes, and laugh. You have something to tell the world, so set pen to paper. The main thing is not to limit yourself: for you, time for limits is over, and you will no longer do big stupid things. It’s more likely that you can create an imperishable masterpiece of art to everyone’s surprise.

Life`s Challenges

It cannot be that one`s Life Path is monotonous and unchanging, and it never goes this way. The process of personality growth changes your perception, and, consequently, motivation that determines your primary goals.

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Your mode of action, aspirations, and goals at each stage depend on the numbers corresponding to certain periods of your life. These are your Achievement Numbers. Their numerical values adjust the opportunities provided by the Life Path Number, set a more specific, but still more promising direction to move forward in your life.

Yet, real accomplishments are impossible for quite a long period of time without overcoming challenges. If you calculate the Challenge Number, you will know what kind of problems you`ll have to face throughout a certain period of time.

So, the Achievement Number and the Challenge Number give you the information that not only enables you to put all those qualities you need to succeed in action, but also encourages to get rid of everything that may cause problems and adversely affect the final result of this life stage.

Achievement Numbers

Each life stage gives you an interim goal to aim at, and this goal is determined by your Achievement Number. Fulfillment of this goal by no means implies that you have to abandon your main purpose, as indicated by your Life Path number.

These interim goals do not sidetrack your pursuit of purpose, but rather help you avoid straying from the path leading you there. Most of the time, successful achievement of the interim goal is the essential prerequisite to your future well-being.

That`s why the demands established by characteristics of your Achievement Number need to be taken seriously.

Challenge Numbers

Properties of the Challenge Number give an indication on the type of problems that one will be regularly confronted with while reaching toward the interim goal. These problems should not be expected to come from without. Generally, they are the manifestations of our negative qualities brought out by the change in the type of activity.

For example, if the Challenge Number is 4, fulfillment of the interim goal will be hampered by one`s own stubbornness, bullheadedness, conservatism, and inability to take the initiative. That is, you`ll have to struggle with yourself in the first place.

1st PeriodPage 16 / 21

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1st Achievement Number — 9 . Achievement Number Influences to 2016 year.

9Pinnacle Number 9 stands for the pinnacle of wisdom, the ability to love, forgive, accept the stroke of fate dauntlessly, and receive its gifts with sincere joy. In this period, you should be ready for emotional tension resulting in severe shocks as you are more than ever predisposed to it. Your feelings and sensations are the steam to blow off, and you don’t deem it necessary to restrain yourself. But you will have to. At least because this is a rough path for you to go through, and you will only be able to relax after all tasks are completed. That is why, try to see everything happening to you as an additional lesson contributing to your spiritual development.

1st Challenge Number — 3 . Challenge Number Influences to 2016 year.

3Challenge Number 3 is certainly a communication problem. You’ll face a gravely serious problem of how clearly you see the borderline between trust and backslapping, frankness and brute arrogance. You’ll notice that ill-considered remarks more often result in absolutely negative events in your life, and that sticking to the “rather lose a friend than a jest” rule in communication brings trouble instead of expected admiration. Try to be more reserved, show more delicacy and diplomacy, and even give up your ideas at times for the sake of peace and harmony. Don’t forget that your interlocutor’s mood at any moment may differ from yours or even from their own an hour ago. Listen to people around you, and it’ll be your first step towards understanding them.

2nd Period

2nd Achievement Number — 9 . Achievement Number Influences from 2016 to 2025 year.

9Pinnacle Number 9 stands for the pinnacle of wisdom, the ability to love, forgive, accept the stroke of fate dauntlessly, and receive its gifts with sincere joy. In this period, you should be ready for emotional tension resulting in severe shocks as you are more than ever predisposed to it. Your feelings and sensations are the

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steam to blow off, and you don’t deem it necessary to restrain yourself. But you will have to. At least because this is a rough path for you to go through, and you will only be able to relax after all tasks are completed. That is why, try to see everything happening to you as an additional lesson contributing to your spiritual development.

2nd Challenge Number — 3 . Challenge Number Influences from 2016 to 2025 year.

3Challenge Number 3 is certainly a communication problem. You’ll face a gravely serious problem of how clearly you see the borderline between trust and backslapping, frankness and brute arrogance. You’ll notice that ill-considered remarks more often result in absolutely negative events in your life, and that sticking to the “rather lose a friend than a jest” rule in communication brings trouble instead of expected admiration. Try to be more reserved, show more delicacy and diplomacy, and even give up your ideas at times for the sake of peace and harmony. Don’t forget that your interlocutor’s mood at any moment may differ from yours or even from their own an hour ago. Listen to people around you, and it’ll be your first step towards understanding them.

3rd Period

3rd Achievement Number — 9 . Achievement Number Influences from 2025 to 2034 year.

9Pinnacle Number 9 stands for the pinnacle of wisdom, the ability to love, forgive, accept the stroke of fate dauntlessly, and receive its gifts with sincere joy. In this period, you should be ready for emotional tension resulting in severe shocks as you are more than ever predisposed to it. Your feelings and sensations are the steam to blow off, and you don’t deem it necessary to restrain yourself. But you will have to. At least because this is a rough path for you to go through, and you will only be able to relax after all tasks are completed. That is why, try to see everything happening to you

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as an additional lesson contributing to your spiritual development.

3rd Challenge Number — 9 . Challenge Number Influences from 2025 to 2034 year.

9The Challenge Number 9 doesn’t have any meaning of its own, so it cannot be expressed in this system. Its numerological values are identical to that of Zero. Challenge Number Zero. The Challenge Number Zero doesn’t imply that you face no problems. However, your spiritual knowledge is so comprehensive and versatile, that you can hardly ever be surprised. No difficulty, no complication that may arise would be something you are not prepared to. Therefore, you have a choice: either you cope with all the problems with no doubts in a favorable outcome ever, or simply ignore problems whatsoever. Regardless of your choice, your soul will remain complete.

4th Period

4th Achievement Number - 6 . Achievement Number Influences after 2034 year.

6Pinnacle Number 6 signals of a period devoted to family life. It is the best time to marry and start a family for your very soul is craving for it, and you are ready to take this challenge and all the duties that come along. However, this is also the time when you learn to maintain relationships involving some kind of sacrifice (the most important relationships in one’s life). It is now when you learn the true price of love and genuine understanding. So don’t worry if your first experience isn’t successful. You’re just learning, you have enough time for it.

4th Challenge Number - 9 . Challenge Number Influences after 2034 year.

The Challenge Number 9 doesn’t have any meaning of its own, so it cannot be expressed in this system. Its numerological values are identical to that of Zero.

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9 Challenge Number Zero. The Challenge Number Zero doesn’t imply that you face no problems. However, your spiritual knowledge is so comprehensive and versatile, that you can hardly ever be surprised. No difficulty, no complication that may arise would be something you are not prepared to. Therefore, you have a choice: either you cope with all the problems with no doubts in a favorable outcome ever, or simply ignore problems whatsoever. Regardless of your choice, your soul will remain complete.

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