nAm I B lA UnIVERSITY OF SCIEnCE AnD TECH n 0 LOGY Faculty of Management Sciences Department of Management Section Business and Information Administration QUALIFICATION: Bachelor of Office Management and Technology QUALIFICATION CODE: 07BOMT LEVEL: 7 COURSE : Information Administration 3A COURSE CODE: IAD710S (PAPER 2) DATE: July 2017 DURATION: 2 Hours EXAMINER(S) MODERATOR: SESSION: 1 MARKS: 100 SECOND OPPORTUNITY EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPER Ms du Plessis Ms Z du Plessis THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 8 PAGES (Excluding this front page) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL the questions. 2. Insert your details in the header/footer of each printed page. 3. Number the answers clearly. PERMISSIBLE MATERIALS 1. Examination paper. 2. Examination script.

nAm I B lA UnIVERSITYexampapers.nust.na/greenstone3/sites/localsite... · both sides. Use the font Courier New, 12 for this document. The passage allows for speed limits of 30, 35,

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Faculty of Management Sciences

Department of Management

Section Business and Information Administration

QUALIFICATION: Bachelor of Office Management and Technology


COURSE: Information Administration 3A COURSE CODE: IAD710S


DATE: July 2017





MARKS: 100


Ms du Plessis

Ms Z du Plessis

THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 8 PAGES (Excluding this front page)


1. Answer ALL the questions. 2. Insert your details in the header/footer of each printed page.

3. Number the answers clearly.


1. Examination paper. 2. Examination script.

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Type the following passage accurately in 1.5 line spacing and use margins of 1" on both sides. Use the font Courier New, 12 for this document.

The passage allows for speed limits of 30, 35, and 40 words per minute.

The minimum requirement for this examination is 35 words per minute.

The reason why carpets have been the main choice for the

discerning homeowner for years is probably because it offers

so many benefits. For example, it is relatively inexpensive,

comfortable, generally easier to install and replace than most

flooring materials. It also offers more fashion options in

colours and textures than any other floor covering on the


In terms of aesthetics and pure visual appeal, few design

elements can compete with carpeting. It can be soft and

neutral, creating a casual, understate presence, or it can be

lively and strong, becoming the focal point of any area.

You can always find a carpet that will complement any interior

setting and give years of appeal and performance. The reason

is because it blends beautifully with all decorating styles

and can make a strong visual statement of its own or it can be

used to emphasise other features of the overall design scheme.

For example, by blending with the wall colours an expanse of

carpeting can make a small room seem larger. Conversely, by

choosing a dark colour or large pattern, carpeting can make a

large, sterile room seem cosy and inviting.

The advantages of carpeting are legion; in residential

applications it adds warmth, is soft underfoot and easier on

the knees of children. It comes in a wide variety of colours,


Page 3: nAm I B lA UnIVERSITYexampapers.nust.na/greenstone3/sites/localsite... · both sides. Use the font Courier New, 12 for this document. The passage allows for speed limits of 30, 35,

patterns, tones and hue which makes it easy to decorate with

and offers many styles.

Carpeting is an effective sound insulator because the soft

fibres absorb and minimise [30 w.p.m.] the noise transfer

between the rooms or floors of a house. It is well recognised

that the noise levels in a home are significantly reduced by

the introduction of carpeting.

In addition, carpeting can be an important component of any

energy plan in [35 w.p.m] this day and age. The carpet fibres

and the spaces between them hold warmth and insulate against

extreme heat or cold. This means that during the colder times

of the year, carpeting retains warm air longer and in warmer

weather it insulates against [40 w.p.m.] intense heat,

creating a direct impact on energy bills. Used in conjunction

with floor heating, you have the perfect cosy combination to

combat cold winter days and nights.

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Type the following NOTICE AND AGENDA of a Meeting accurately and follow the correct layout. Use the font Aria! Rounded MT Bold, 12 for this document.

FLAMINGO BANK ------------- 6old J size 14--


the 33n1 AGM me.etiug..-of shareholders of the Flamingo Bank will be held \.._the fin board room, first floor, Flamingo Centre, Plaza Street, I tv--S

Johannesburg, on Friday 6 Nov. 2016 at~for I following purposes: ~ o q: 00

Notice is hereby given that

Agenda i>ol d ~

1. To receive & consider 1 annual fin. "vv'--

statements for the year ended 30106116. ~

3. To confirm 1 payment of interim div~end number 39 of N$50,00 per share in respect of I 6 months ended 31112115

4. To confirm the appointment of Messrs B

NOTES &Id ........----1---+-7'~~~---T--'...--r----v---j d eJ I if\€ I iV) full

Warning and J Wood Lwere fWho-appointed on 1 / tr 6 Jan. 2016. 2. To confirm the payment of final A.._ number 40 of N$30,00 per share in ~qiv1'dend respect of I six months ended 30106116.

5. To fix the remuneration of the directors & auditors for the year.

6. To appoint Messrs Woerman & Son Messrs Walton & Son as~--------

7. ~ 7.1 To consider and, if / und deemed fit, to pass I following resolution: ''That all I unissued sharesl the \in capital of the I bJS Company as at 9 Oct. 2016 be placed under the control of the directors until 1 next AGM and they are hereby authorised subject ~ I {:;r:5 provisions of the Companies Act, 2012, as amended, and the rules & regulations of the

"* ~tes must: op~v- in the 5~~ l1.r'e/J no breaJ::, up_; e ·8. the ~oor- in the- nex-t ''~.

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/urd Stock Exchange, to allot or

these shares in their discretion on such terms and conditions as they may determine".

1.2 (_or prox les) A member entitled to attend & vote at 1 meeting may appoint a proxy to attend, speak an~ vote in his stead. Instruments appointing a proxy must be deposited at the registration office)

~ej)f Company in Johannesburg at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before 1 time fixed for the holding of the meeting.

By order of the b_l:F/:'r--s /~

Sept. 2016


Type ALL dates in this document in full as well as the

abbreviation, AGM.

Also retain the & symbol in the names of the two

Companies in Paragraph ·6.

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Type the following extract of a SPEECH neatly on A5 Portrait paper in font Comic Sans 12. Apply the correct layout and adhere to all manuscript instructions.


Preceding Officer Rector of the PON, ProfTjivikua, Honourable Ministers of Government an Honourable Members of Parliament, Members of the Council of the Polytechnic, Faculty and Staff Members of PON, Distinguished Guests, Dear Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen

Let me first extend my heartiest congratulation to all/ graduates who are

to receive awards \morning Jthis. I b's ~f [Today we have come to recognise & celebrate the successful completion of

your studies at the PON. I especially recognise I families\!_hejf graduates.

lt•s been said, behind every graduate stands very proud -and ve~ relieved

parents. Grand/uccnrs; ~our friends, families, ~ _____........., fov- 8ou · variations have been there.f.r.·fottr. Let•s take a moment to thank them.

@rector of Ceremonies

An occasion of this nature provide~, me, as an opportunity to give a brief

account of what the institution has accomplished in the year, we also need

to tell you about our shortcomings as well as about I challenges we face as




we go into/future. Cha~pera:n of Councl JJ

2013 was a unique period of the PON to that of a university of.z._cience & I t.t!G-

1~hnology. Consequently, for the better part of I year, the l!:!_s~o!!_ was jspti\ preoccupied with the development of the~ transformation plan for ~ sb"rqt:etJiG

and transitioning to the Namibia University of Ssceince and Technology




Page 7: nAm I B lA UnIVERSITYexampapers.nust.na/greenstone3/sites/localsite... · both sides. Use the font Courier New, 12 for this document. The passage allows for speed limits of 30, 35,

Nfi [Please allow me to blow I trumpet ~ur loudly.when I say that our planning

process was meticulous & professionally executed and it makes the

Polytechnic community proud of itself!

t\f (Ladies and gentlemen, 201.3 has been a year of extremes for the

Polytechnic. While, on the one hand, there was a huge hype around

planning for the new institution, on the other hand the financial situation

of I institution was a bit of a damper. This was rather frustrating given that

the insitution has an excellent track record of utilising public resources in /sre-J I ----- effic..•'.eht-

an effective and ~c~u!!ta_bJ_: manner. j .stet:

+Nconcluding, let me state that graduations are optimistic statements /c:AeA "'- :J:n tofY')OVYOIN$ about the future- graduates, give us the reas.on to believe that t-emorros /clQ{ will be better than today.

I have confidence in~capacity to contribute meaningfully to our country).'/ our

and the world -~iov:t~rspects for a productive and fulfilling life. Y:f..!:., f ot.eA believe in you. We are counting on you. -- /bold



Typist, type PON in

full throughout the


Polytechnic of


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Type the following document neatly on A4 Portrait paper. Compile a TABLE OF CONTENTS with the correct layout according to the instructions provided. Use the font Arial, 12, unless indicated differently.

The basic function of the office manager is to plan, organise and control

office services. Since the office work is basically a service function, the

office manager performs a significant role in I performanc~

1. MAIN FUNCTIONS . l~o{0 1.1 Staffing ·

An office manager ~equested Vs to recruit & select the office staff by /t:Y"S the top management. For this purpose, he/she determines:

1.1.1 the number of staff required ~) 1.1.3 theirqualificationand~~ /spel-l 1.1.5 the sources of recruitment 1.1.2 receiving of applications

1.1.4 the conducting of interviews 1.1.6selection of the right:-'

personnel canc:Uclal::e ___.)

1 .2 Leadership

He/she has complete control over lwork_fihe done in an office. An office I bY"S -bhe '\ offlc.e_, WC'f1c.-

manager is necessary for~smooth!'9fficient and performance of weFk- + in an ~~

organisation. Being a leader of office, he/she is in charge of public relations

and helps other A. to achieve their goals.set forth. A. depa fl::~bS 1.3. Training [fhe need oftraining''has been deqided by the office

dev•sed manager. The training programmes are also devided and imparted to I new

recruits as well as existing staff. That includes:

/del !NP /del

1.3.1 Orientation training programmejs

1.3.2 Refresher course programmejs ROLE AND FUNCTIONS


1.4. Coordination of.Hc;e; r-nctr.a_tJer.. The various activities of office staff are coordinated by t~ He/she has to

bring coordination between top management & the workers.

1.5. Work Measurement

The office manager devices methods of l measurement Jwork in terms /Ct.5 of I output of the staff.

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1.6. Motivation ~~ cf rroi-ivation_) The efficiency of staff is increased by providing proper motivation. The ..... --~

,ia'~~be c!!9i~ by I office manager. Operational motivation ensures effective / speJ I & economical. performance of work and lead to the promotion of staff. / cte.l 1. 7. Supervisor

An office manager is the head of the office. lt is his/her duty -etr bo / de4 supervise:

1.7.1 officecorrespondences 1.7.4procedures 1.7.2

implementation 1. 7.3 record maintenance

1. 7.5 filing



2.2 He/she is responsible for procuring suitable machines, equipment,

furniture, stationery and other supplies and for maintaining respectable

working conditions so that lean be increa~ed. ~ e,;fFi'c...i~ 1\ re\qcrc:ns

2.1 He/she has to maintain good relation with I e1:1siders or general public j ck.J cu t:s.•cfev...s

in order to create a good image for I organisation.

He/she has to influence, subordinates and get the best out of I office de.td:f


3.3 Leadership Skills

3.3.1 He/she is in charge of the support staff. 3.3.2 He/she will need to motivate, discipline and resolve conflicts on a regular basis.

3.1 Communication Skills

3.1.1 He/she will be collaborating with eo-workers, management, direct reports and in some cases customers. 3.1.2 ~will need to be able to listen and communicate effectively. /del

~/SW 3.2 Attention to Detail From ordering the correct type of staples to complying with required standards, making sure every detail is right is crucial to the work of an office manager.

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Arial Black, size 14 on first page)

HEADING 1: Arial Black, 14


Arial Black, 12, Italics Arial Narrow, 12, bold, italics