Page 1 Scheme for Accreditation of EIA Consultant Organization VERSION 3 National Accreditation Board for Education and Training QUALITY COUNCIL OF INDIA


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Scheme for Accreditation of

EIA Consultant Organization


National Accreditation Board for

Education and Training


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Session will cover

1 Version 3 of Scheme ndash assessment and

accreditation processes

2 Rationalization of functional areas

3 Procedure for change over from Version 2 to

Version 3

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Part I

1 Requirements for Accreditation

2 Stages of assessment

3 Process to qualify as E AE

E$pected functions of E AE

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1 Requirements for


1 One in-house EC and two other in-house


2 Cover all core and significant FAs as per

sectors applied for Vide Annexure II A

$anual as per Appendix

amp A() oEF (a+ Co$plete application with all CVs and other

details in ruisite for$ats

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2 Stages of assessent

a Stage amp ompleteness of


Stage amp (echnical re)ie of


c Stage amp +ffice Assessment

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3 Process to alif$ as Eamp (E

1 ualification requirement as mentioned

2 E$p for E amp o)erall EA related e$perience - years0

amp sectoral e$perience for Es

3 E$p for AEs amp o)erall A e$p -3 years0

amp EA related e$p in A -13 years0 Recommendation y Assessors ased on performance

documentary e)idence of e$perience during interaction

in Stage

inal decision on the case y the Accreditationommittee

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4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Session will cover

1 Version 3 of Scheme ndash assessment and

accreditation processes

2 Rationalization of functional areas

3 Procedure for change over from Version 2 to

Version 3

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Part I

1 Requirements for Accreditation

2 Stages of assessment

3 Process to qualify as E AE

E$pected functions of E AE

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1 Requirements for


1 One in-house EC and two other in-house


2 Cover all core and significant FAs as per

sectors applied for Vide Annexure II A

$anual as per Appendix

amp A() oEF (a+ Co$plete application with all CVs and other

details in ruisite for$ats

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2 Stages of assessent

a Stage amp ompleteness of


Stage amp (echnical re)ie of


c Stage amp +ffice Assessment

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3 Process to alif$ as Eamp (E

1 ualification requirement as mentioned

2 E$p for E amp o)erall EA related e$perience - years0

amp sectoral e$perience for Es

3 E$p for AEs amp o)erall A e$p -3 years0

amp EA related e$p in A -13 years0 Recommendation y Assessors ased on performance

documentary e)idence of e$perience during interaction

in Stage

inal decision on the case y the Accreditationommittee

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4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Part I

1 Requirements for Accreditation

2 Stages of assessment

3 Process to qualify as E AE

E$pected functions of E AE

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Page 5

1 Requirements for


1 One in-house EC and two other in-house


2 Cover all core and significant FAs as per

sectors applied for Vide Annexure II A

$anual as per Appendix

amp A() oEF (a+ Co$plete application with all CVs and other

details in ruisite for$ats

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2 Stages of assessent

a Stage amp ompleteness of


Stage amp (echnical re)ie of


c Stage amp +ffice Assessment

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3 Process to alif$ as Eamp (E

1 ualification requirement as mentioned

2 E$p for E amp o)erall EA related e$perience - years0

amp sectoral e$perience for Es

3 E$p for AEs amp o)erall A e$p -3 years0

amp EA related e$p in A -13 years0 Recommendation y Assessors ased on performance

documentary e)idence of e$perience during interaction

in Stage

inal decision on the case y the Accreditationommittee

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Page )

4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Page -

Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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Page 1

1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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Page 12

(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Page 13

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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Page 14

iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Part I

1 Requirements for Accreditation

2 Stages of assessment

3 Process to qualify as E AE

E$pected functions of E AE

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Page 5

1 Requirements for


1 One in-house EC and two other in-house


2 Cover all core and significant FAs as per

sectors applied for Vide Annexure II A

$anual as per Appendix

amp A() oEF (a+ Co$plete application with all CVs and other

details in ruisite for$ats

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2 Stages of assessent

a Stage amp ompleteness of


Stage amp (echnical re)ie of


c Stage amp +ffice Assessment

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3 Process to alif$ as Eamp (E

1 ualification requirement as mentioned

2 E$p for E amp o)erall EA related e$perience - years0

amp sectoral e$perience for Es

3 E$p for AEs amp o)erall A e$p -3 years0

amp EA related e$p in A -13 years0 Recommendation y Assessors ased on performance

documentary e)idence of e$perience during interaction

in Stage

inal decision on the case y the Accreditationommittee

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Page )

4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Page -

Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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Page 1

1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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Page 11

2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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Page 12

(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Page 13

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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Page 14

iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 15

c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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1 Requirements for


1 One in-house EC and two other in-house


2 Cover all core and significant FAs as per

sectors applied for Vide Annexure II A

$anual as per Appendix

amp A() oEF (a+ Co$plete application with all CVs and other

details in ruisite for$ats

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Page 6

2 Stages of assessent

a Stage amp ompleteness of


Stage amp (echnical re)ie of


c Stage amp +ffice Assessment

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3 Process to alif$ as Eamp (E

1 ualification requirement as mentioned

2 E$p for E amp o)erall EA related e$perience - years0

amp sectoral e$perience for Es

3 E$p for AEs amp o)erall A e$p -3 years0

amp EA related e$p in A -13 years0 Recommendation y Assessors ased on performance

documentary e)idence of e$perience during interaction

in Stage

inal decision on the case y the Accreditationommittee

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Page )

4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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Page 1

1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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2 Stages of assessent

a Stage amp ompleteness of


Stage amp (echnical re)ie of


c Stage amp +ffice Assessment

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3 Process to alif$ as Eamp (E

1 ualification requirement as mentioned

2 E$p for E amp o)erall EA related e$perience - years0

amp sectoral e$perience for Es

3 E$p for AEs amp o)erall A e$p -3 years0

amp EA related e$p in A -13 years0 Recommendation y Assessors ased on performance

documentary e)idence of e$perience during interaction

in Stage

inal decision on the case y the Accreditationommittee

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Page )

4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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3 Process to alif$ as Eamp (E

1 ualification requirement as mentioned

2 E$p for E amp o)erall EA related e$perience - years0

amp sectoral e$perience for Es

3 E$p for AEs amp o)erall A e$p -3 years0

amp EA related e$p in A -13 years0 Recommendation y Assessors ased on performance

documentary e)idence of e$perience during interaction

in Stage

inal decision on the case y the Accreditationommittee

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4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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Page 1

1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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4 E+ecte fnctions

EA oordinator

unctional Area E$pert

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Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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Page 1

1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page -

Part II

1 Quality Management System

2 Assessment Process

a Initial Accreditation

bSurveillance Assessment

c Re-Accreditation

3 Re-Application


ae$nition - In-ouseamp mpanelled

bAssessmentamp approval status

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Page 1

1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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Page 11

2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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Page 12

(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Page 13

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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Page 14

iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 15

c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 1

1 alit$ 0anageent S$ste

The QMS must address the following (to be covered


1Quality policy

2ontrol of records and documents

erformance measurement and review

$ctions taen to address nonamponformance

dentication retention and assessment of performanceof empanelled e+perts

ollection of primary data

-ollation synthesis and interpretation of secondary data

or outsourced0aboratory wor including calibration of euipment andlaboratory safety

13omplaints and appeals

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Page 11

2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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Page 12

(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Page 13

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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Page 14

iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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2 (ssessent Process


1uman resource

2ield in)estigation and laoratory arrangement

3uality 4anagement System -4S0

uality of EA reports

+rgani5ational commitment

6ompliance to conditions of accreditation

impro)ements achie)ed

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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(ssessent Process

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thesectors and its proaleimpacts on the physical8ecological and socialen)ironments and theirmitigation measures

larity on concept ofEAs8 role of an E and9noledge of rele)antlegislations8 policies8practices and guidelines

c Aility to plan for EAs

and coordinate the EAteam to achie)e the estresults

a an Resorce EI( oorinator

Srveillance (ssessent

a Site familiaritythrough )isit to thesite to plan for EAs

ompleteness ofimpact assessmentco)ering all aspectsin respect of physical8ecological8 social andris9 related issues

c ompleteness ofE4P addressing allimpacts along ith

udgetary proectionsand monitoring plan


a pdation in 9noledgeaout sector8regulations de)elopment in EAfield

Site familiarity to planfor EAs

c ompleteness ofimpact assessment-including forecological8 social8 ris9

related0 andquantification8 hereapplicale

d ompleteness of E4Paddressing all impactsith udget monitoring plan

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Page 13

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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Page 14

iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 15

c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 13

Initial (ccreitation

a 7noledge of thefunctional areasapplicale in EA conte$t

Aility to identify andquantify impacts8 here

applicalec Aility to suggest)etmitigation measures andclarity of role as AE

a an Resorce nctional (rea E+ert



a Site familiarity8in)ol)ement inselection of samplinglocations8 collection8super)ision andquality assurance ofprimary data

dentification andquantification ofimpacts8 hereapplicale

c ontriution to EAreport in thefunctional area andE4P


a pdation aoutregulations on latestde)elopments in theconcerned A

Site familiarity and role

in collectionsuper)ision and qualityassurance of primarydata

c dentification of allimpacts and

quantification8 hereapplicale

d E4P addressing allimpacts andmonitoring plan

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Page 14

iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 15

c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 14

iel investigations an laorator$

s$stesInitial (ccreitation

Ensre data integrityaollection8 qualityassurance andinterpretation of primarydata for physical8ecological and socialen)ironmentollation8 synthesis andinterpretation of secondarydata for ecological andsocial en)ironments

Srveillance (ssessent

a Ph$sical environent n)ol)ement of Es and AEs in

sampling uality assurance8 preser)ation8

transportation nterpretation

nformation rele)ant to the aselinedata

Signed analysis report Ecological environent n)ol)ement of concerned AEuality assurance of data

ltaoratory testing of fieldsamples8 interpretation of data

c Socioeconoic environent 4ethodology for collection of

primary data n)ol)ement of concerned AEs

quality assurance



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 15

c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 15

c alit$ 0anageent S$ste

Initial (ccreitation

1 ontent and co)erageof the systems andprocedures de)elopedand understanding of

the same in theorgani5ation2 ormsformatschec9

lists forimplementation of thesame

Srveillance (ssessent

a ompliance to the )ariousprocedures de)eloped duringthe initial accreditationprocess

=emonstrate correcti)eaction and pre)enti)e actionta9en for deficiencies pointedout in A


Similar to SA8 ithstress onimpro)ement

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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alit$ of EI(sInitial (ccreitation

1 Site and proect description ith photographs8 layout maps8process flo diagrams of the manufacturing processes8 materialalance8 en)ironmentally sensiti)e receptors li9e ater odiesgtetlands and estuaries8 forests8 ild life sanctuaries8 nationalpar9s8 iosphere reser)esgt human haitations8 school andhospitalsgt archaeological and historic monumentsgt croplandsindustries and the li9e

2 onsideration of alternati)e of sites8 technology and processes3 4ethodology for collection of amp

a Primary aseline data for physical en)ironment -samplinglocation8 preser)ation8 analysis0

Secondary data -reference8 rele)ance8 authenticity8 period8ground )alidation0

nterpretation of data for identification of en)ironmental impactsand quantification8 here applicale

nterpretation of ecological and social aseline conditions andassessment of potential impact and mitigation measures

6 Ris9s assessment and consequence analysis includingemergency plan

En)ironmental management plan and its monitoring =uly signed declaration of e$perts in)ol)ement in EA

preparation ompliance to (+R and pulic hearing


Similar to A8ith stress on



Similar to SA8ith stress onimpro)ement

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 1

e Organizational oitent

Initial (ccreitation

a a+acit$ iling Assessing performance of e$perts dentifying training needs Pro)iding training for enhancement of

s9ill and competence oitents toars alit$ of EI(s

Preparation of acti)ity chart 4eetings ith proect proponent

=PR onsultant System of learning from the comments

of the EASEAc acilities

se of appropriate tools and softare forimpact assessment

Pro)ision of computing and internet and)ideo conferencing facilities8

ltirary8 documentation center


(ssessentSimilar to A


(ccreitationSimilar to A ith stress onimpro)ement

f f amp

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2060

Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2360

Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2460

Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2960

Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

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Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 1)

f o+liance to conitions of accreitationamp

i+roveents achieve



Srveillance (ssessentaompliance to conditions of

accreditationnforming BACE( and

replacing if appro)ed e$pertlea)es8 utili5ing onlyappro)ed e$perts ofappropriate category

cPro)iding statementcountersigned y Es andAEs in)ol)ed in preparation

of EAd(imely payments to BACE(


a Performance of appro)ede$perts

uality of aseline datac Enaling factors including

facilities pro)idedd uality of EA

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2460

Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 1-

3 Rea++lications

+pen oth for +rgani5ations and ndi)iduals Applicale for pampgradationsnampAppro)ed

Reampapply to BACE( ith the requisite

application fee after a gap of at least 3 months

from last assessment once the shortfalls are


Assessed as per ASARA norms8 as applicale

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2060

Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2460

Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2660

Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2860

Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 2

4 E+erts

Inhose ndash

ndash ull time employee or9ing on the pay rolls on regular asis -not

on Dtime to time basis or on Das and en red basis

ndash ets appropriately paid as per herhis qualification and

e$perience -through an9 and are suect to (=S8 as applicale0

E+anelle amp

ndash a Dfreelancer -not a full time employee of any organi5ation0 or

may e or9ing ith an B+ or Research organi5ationAcademic


ndash Bo oection certificate -B+0 is to e otained from the Registrarfor a ni)ersity8 the Principal for a college and the head of

organi5ation for a B+ or a Research organi5ation

ndash A+A+ must ha)e an 4+ritten agreement ith such e$perts

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2160

Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2460

Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2560

Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2660

Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2760

Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 21

Appro)ed e$perts


tili5ation of appro)ed e$perts ha)ing


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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2360

Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2460

Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2660

Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2860

Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2960

Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3060

Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 22

uman Resource tili5ation

1 AA

2 at C AE

3 at A AE

at C E AE

6 E at A

(eam 4emer 4entor

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2360

Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2460

Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2560

Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2660

Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2760

Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2860

Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2960

Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 23

art 1 Process and reuirements (or oter assessments


bpansion o( Scope

c QMS implementation

2 )illing (ormats (or applicationaAnneure I+ Anneure I A+ Anneure I


c Anneure I A1+ Anneure I A2+ Anneure I


dAnneure I A+ Anneure I A

3Sel( Assessment eclist

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2460

Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 55

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Page 5

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Page 24

a S++leentar$ (ssessent

(his pro)ision is too)er alance functional areas

Propose replacements

Propose additional e$perts to co)er sectors

Assess candidates asence during Stage ith

prior information


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed candidates8

as applicale

+rgani5ed once a month generally

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2560

Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 25

E+ansion of sco+e

(his pro)ision is for A+s requesting formodification change in scope

ollos the process of A -0


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure =

Anne$ure V8 V A8 V C8 V of proposed

candidates8 as applicale

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2660

Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 26

c 0S I+leentation

A+s scoring FGH mar9s8 gi)en 1 days to

address the shortfalls and sumit re)ised 4S

Assessment of 4S done ithin 3 months


Sumit Application as per Anne$ure E

Re)ised 4S addressing the shortfalls

=emonstration of APA

+rgani5ed as and hen required

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2760

Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

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Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


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Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

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Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

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Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

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Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

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Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 4)

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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Page 2

2 ormats

EI( oorinator

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A Anne$ure V A

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

o e fille for I(

nctional (rea E+ert

Inhose E+anelle

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C Anne$ure V C

amp Anne$ure V

amp 4o AgreementB+

as per Scheme

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2860

Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 2)

ormats -contd0

EI( oorinator or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change insectors

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V A -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 2960

Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3060

Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3160

Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3360

Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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Page 2-

ormats -contd0

nctional (rea E+ert

or fresh ndash ormats same as in A

or a++rove e+erts

See9ing change in

functional areas

=id not or9 in any EAs =id or9 in EAs

Anne$ure V Anne$ure V Anne$ure V

Anne$ure V C -for nesectors applied0

Anne$ure V A-declaring same0

Anne$ure V A -gi)ingdetails of or90

or e+anelle e+erts ndash n addition to ao)e8 to sumit Anne$ure V and4oAgreement

o e fille for S(ampR(

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3060

Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3160

Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3360

Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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Page 3

ormats -contd0

ormats to e filled for +rgani5ation

1Anne$ure V A1

2Anne$ure V A2

3Anne$ure V A3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3160

Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3360

Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3160

Page 31

ontents of 0o7 ith E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert A+ A+

2 Bame of sectors functional areas for hich

ser)ices are pro)ided

3 Scope of ser)ices co)ered

=uration of association

Specific roles responsiilities of empanelled


6 Signature of empanelled e$pert E+ ead of A+

All payments to the empanelled e$perts for

ser)ices rendered to e made through Can9

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3360

Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3260

Page 32

ontents of 0o7 ith 8aorator$

1 Bame of the A+ ltas

2 Scope of ser)ices co)ered y BAClt accreditation

4oE recognition

3 Bame of parameters co)ered y the agreement

=uration of association Bame of proects -preferaly0

6 inancial terms including rates for specific items of

or9 -all payments to the laoratory for ser)ices

rendered to e made through Can90

Signature of E+ ead of A+ authori5ed

signatory of la

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3360

Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3360

Page 33

ontents of NO for E+anelle E+ert

1 Bame of the e$pert

2 Bame of the Scheme and EA proects

for hich the B+ is granted

3 Validity of the B+

Bame of sector and or functional area for

hich ser)ices are offered

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3460

Page 34

3 Self Assessment hec9list

Self Assessment amp Anne$ure V

nitial AccreditationSur)eillance Assessment


7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3560

Page 35

Rationalization of

nctional (reas

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4360

Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 52

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3660

Sector ise reireents of fnctional areas9ro+ No

Sector gro+ Sector No as +er(nnere II

oreInhose (

Significant ( InoseampE+anelle

1 0anfactringinstries

)lt 1lt 11lt 12lt 13lt 14lt15lt 16lt 1lt 1)lt 1-lt 2lt21lt 22lt 23lt 24lt 25lt 4ilt iilt iiilt v

(Plt (lt =P 87lt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9lt=lt IS=lt R

2 Poerlt eent 4lt -lt 4 iv (Plt( 87lt =Plt Egtlt SElt NoiseltIS=lt R

4 oal asher$lt0ineraleneficiation

6lt (Plt =Plt IS= 87lt (lt Egtlt 9eolt SElt Rlt=

3 0ininglt Rivervalle$

1lt 3 =Plt SElt Egt 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt 9eolt 9ltSlt =lt IS=lt R

5 Infrastrctrelt Oil gas e+lorationoffshorelt on


2lt 2lt 2-lt 31lt 33lt 34lt35

=Plt Egtlt SE 87lt (Plt (lt NVlt Slt S=lt9lt R

6 Infrastrctreservices

2)lt 3lt 32lt 36lt 3 S=lt =P 87lt (Plt (lt Egtlt SElt 9eolt9lt R

gtiling an largeconstlt tonshi+an area ev

3)lt 3- =Plt 0S= 87lt (Plt Noiselt Egtlt SElt 9ltS

Note 1 or EI(s relate to ca+tive tonshi+slt 0S= ill e a significant ( 2 or at gt2 +roAectslt Egt an SE can e e+anelle

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 5-

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7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3760

Page 3

hange over fro Version 2

to Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4260

Page 42

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 43

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Page 44

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Page 45

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Page 46

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Page 4

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Page 4)

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Page 4-

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Page 5

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Page 51

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Page 52

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Page 53

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Page 54

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Page 55

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Page 56

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Page 5

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Page 5)

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Page 5-

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7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3860

Page 3)

or fresh a++licant organizations

1 Recei)ed after implementation of Version

3 on Sep 18 2G1 ill e assessed as per

Version 3

2 Recei)ed till the end of Iune8 2G1 ill e

assessed as per Version 2 -Re) 0 i)en

time till =ec 2G1

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 3960

Page 3-

or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

1 RA has already een carried out

Sur)eillance assessment SA -1th month0 as

per Version 3

Ons of sitting tiel$ a++lication an

getting the sae +rocesse tillaccreitation ithin the tiefrae lies

ith the (Os

2 Be$t assessment -SARA0 falls due prior to

=ec 318 2G1

Application meeting the requirements of

Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4060

Page 4

or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullnabet-scheme-version-3-information 4160

Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

3 A+s here the ne$t assessment falls due after =ec 318

2G18 are required to meet the minimum requirements ofVersion 3 y =ec 2G1

o)erage of core and significant As as per (nnere

II (

4S meeting the requirements of Version 3 irst cycle yet to e completed and the ne$t

assessment -SARA0 is li9ely to fall prior to Sep 18 2G1

SARA ndash SARA carried out as per Version 2

oe)er8 to meet req of Ver 3 y =ec 2G1

NoteJ n case of A+s ish to get assessed as per

Version 38 BACE( informs the A+ aout the shortfalls

to meet the requirements of Version 3

7252019 NABET Scheme Version 3 INFORMATION

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Page 41

or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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or accreite consltant organizations

A+s here first accreditation cycle is yet to e

completed and the ne$t assessment falls due after Sep

18 2G1 must sumit the complete application meeting

the requirements of Version 3

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