€NGINEERING DATA TRANSMITTAL Approval Designator IF1 E. S. 0, 0 or NIA Ime WHC-CM 3~5. Soc 12.71 2. To: (Receiving Organization) 3. From: (Originating Organizati Di str i but i on Characteriration Equip. Deve'l 5. Proj./Prog.fDept.fDiV.: 6. Design Auth#>rity/ Design Agent Engr.: N4H4A GN Boechleir 8. Originator Remarks: 11-94-0027 F--f N For review and approval 11. Receiver Remarks: ??A. Design Baseline Docwnt? [] Yes [XI No 15. DATA TRANSMITTED lAl IC1 ID) kern NO NO NO IBI DocurnentlDrawing No Sheet 1 WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 ALL 0 Cone Penetromet Acceptance Test Disposition IHI & (I) 1 Apiwoved 4 Reviewed nolcornmenf 2. Apimvsd wlcommanl 5 Reviewed wlcomment Reason for Tranrrnittal IGl 1 Approvill 4 Review 2 Release 5 Pore-Review 3 Information 6 Diht IRecaipl Acknow. 6 Receipt acknowledged c I I I I I I I I BD-7400-172R (05f96) GEF097 ( I n s t r u c t i o n s ) 00-7400-1 72-1 (07191)

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Approval Designator IF1 E. S. 0, 0 or NIA Ime WHC-CM 3~5. Soc 12.71

2. To: (Receiving Organization) 3 . From: (Originating Organizati D i str i but i on C h a r a c t e r i r a t i o n Equip.

D e v e ' l 5 . Proj./Prog.fDept.fDiV.: 6. Design Auth#>rity/ Design Agent

Engr.: N4H4A GN Boechleir 8. Originator Remarks:

11-94-0027 F--f N For rev iew and approval

11. Receiver Remarks: ? ? A . Design Baseline D o c w n t ? [ ] Yes [ X I No


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IBI DocurnentlDrawing No Sheet

1 WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 ALL 0 Cone Penetromet Acceptance Test

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8 WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151. Rev. 0

Cone Penetrometer Acceptance Test Report

G. N. Boechler Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, WA 99352 U.S. Department o f Energy Contract DE-AC06-87RL10930

EDT/ECN: 140824 UC: 2070 Org Code: 75250 Charge Code: N4H4A B&R Code: EW3120074 To ta l Pages: 102

Key Words:

Abs t rac t : Th i s Acceptance Test Report (ATR) documents t h e r e s u l t s o f acceptance t e s t procedure WHC-SI)-WM-ATP-151. a summary o f t h e t e s t s , t he r e s u l t s and issues, t h e s igna tu re and s ign- o f f ATP pages, and a summarized t a b l e o f t he s p e c i f i c a t i o n vs. ATP s e c t i o n t h a t s a t i s f i e d t h e s p e c l f i c a t i o n .

Cone Penetrometer, Acceptance Test Report (ATR)

Inc luded i n t h i s r e p o r t i s

TRADEMARK DISCLAIMER. Reference h e r e i n t o any s p e c i f i c c m e r c i a l product process o r se rv i ce by t r ade name, trademark, manufacturer, o r otherwise, does no t necessa r i l y c o k t i t u t e br imp ly i t s endorsement, recommendation, o r f avo r ing by t h e U n i t e d States Government o r any agency thereof o r i t s con t rac to rs or subcontractors.

P r i n t e d i n t h e U n i t e d S ta tes of America. Docunent Con t ro l Services, P.O. Box 1970, H a i l s t o p H6-08. Richland UA 99352, Phone ( 5 0 9 ) 372-2420; Fax ( 5 0 9 ) 376-4989.

To o b t a i n copies of t h i s docunent, contact : UHClBCS

lease Approval J Date Release Stamp

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WHC ~ SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Page 2


1 .O INTRODUCTION .............................................................. ..................................... 3

2.0 EQUIPMENT DESC RI PTl ON ........ ... ... ... ...... ....... ... ....... ... ...... ... . .... ... . .... ... . ... .... . ... 3

3.0 TEST DESCRIPTION .......................................................... .................................... 4

4.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................... 5


A WHC-SD-WM-ATP-1 51 (Sign-off pages) ..................... ................................ A-1

B DESIGN CRITERIA MATRIX ............................................. B-1

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR- 151 Rev 0

Page 3




The cone penetrometer platforrn (CPP) was designed by WHC and Applied Research Associates (ARA). The design was governed by WHC specification WHC-S-0241 Rev.2. The fabrication of tne CPP was performed by ARA at their Vermont facility.

The CPP is designed to measure the physical ccnd chemical properties In- Situ. The CPP is designed to be used both in and out of tank applications. In the Acceptance Testing, the CPP was operated to verify that it could satisfactorily accomplish these applications. More specifically the CPP was tested to verify that all the requirements of WHC-S-0241 Rev.2 were ,net. When the CPP arrives on site, further testing via a Operational Test Procedure (OTP) will be performed. This testing will verify the CPP is fully operational for fiald usage.


The equipment tested was as follows:

Moisture Probe- Designed and built by Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC). The equipment in'zludes a lab vleJ based software program, a deployment system, a neutron source arid the neutron sensing probe. It will be used to measure the inoisture at the surface as well as taking full moisture and temperature profiles 'of the tank waste. The original acceptance testing (WHC-SD-WM-ATF-145) of this equipment was performed at the SAIC facility and determined the equipment worked as specified in the Functional Design Criteria (WHC-SD-Wlv\-FDC-O47). The testing of this equipment for this ATP included the integration of the moisture probe software into the CPP computer, the integration of the hardware onto the CPP roof structure and the

_ _ _ ~ 'Lab View i s a trademark o f National Instruments C'Irporation.

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WHC-SD- WM-ATR- 151 Rev 0

Page 4

verification that all the moisture probe operations were compatible with the CPP system.

RAMAN PROBE-The raman probe was designed and fabricated by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The equipment includes a computer, diode laser, monochromator, optical fiber bundle arrd the raman probe. It will be used to determine chemical compositions of the tank waste. The testing of this equipment included verifying the proper interfaces with the CPP were compatible. Further testing of this equipment will o c x r with i t 's own ATP when the systems software is more fully developed and installed.

CONE PENETROMETER SKID-The cone penetrometer skid was designed and fabricated by Applied Research Associates (ARA). The equipment included the skid structure, ballast weights, controls, support trailer, rods, guide tubes and the cone penetrometer probe. The skid will be used to store and operate both the moisture probe and the raman probe as well as it 's own probe. The cone penetrometer's probe will be used for taking physiccil measurements of the tank waste.


The acceptance testing was conducted at AF'A in their Vermont facility. The testing was structured as follows: 1 ) Pre-Operational Checkout. In these tests the electronics, computer and instrumentation equipment were checked to verify the specified equiprnent was installed and that all the qualification of the equipment was adequate. All tt-e sensors that required calibration were checked and verified. 2) Operational Tests This series of tests checked everything from the abilit,/ to moving the CPP into place by a crane to running endurance tests on the equipment to verify the equipment would stand up to repeated use. All the functional requirements that will be needed to operate the CPP in a tank were tested individually in a step by step sequence similar to what will occur in the field. Examples of these tests would be skid leveling, XY table adjusting, clamp system operation and decontamination system operation,

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Page 5

All the alarms were tested to function properly under accidents. The simulated accidents ranged from applying a heat gun on tip thermocouples and verifying the alarm and shut dow? modes operated to loading push rod sections to verify the proper software load curves alarmed and shut down the system.


The testing was conducted during the time period from 5/96 to 8/96. All tests specified in the ATP were performed and signed off. Some minor exceptions and observations were noted in the datci sheets. However, none of the exceptions were critical deviation:; from the procurement specification and were dispositioned as accept-as-is. Thus the vendor fulfilled his obligations and the equipment tested adequate per WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151. Future testing will be conduced per a Operational Test Procedure with Hanford operators assisting when funds become available.

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WHC-SD--WM-ATR- 1 5 1 Rev 0

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Reference: WHC-SD-WM-ATP.151 Rev is ion 0


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?!- WH -SD-WM-ATP-151, Rev. 0 WHC-SD- WM-ATR-151

Fev 0 P a l p A-2

Cone Penetrometer Acceptance Test Procedure

R.Y. Seda WHC, Richland, WA 99352 U.S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC06-87RL10930

EDT/ECN: 607410 UC: 2070 Org Code: 75250 Charge Code? N4H4A

-B&R Code: EW3120074 Tota'l Pages: 84

Key Words: Acceptance Test Procedure, Cone Penetrometer

Abstract: cone penetrometer to verify it. conforms to the functions outlined in

This document outlines the tests which will performed on the


TRADEMRK DISCLAIMER. t r a d e name, trademark, manufacturer, o r ( i thervise, does no t n e c e s s a r i l y c o n s t i t u t e hr i r r p l y i t s endorsement, r e c m n d a t i o n , o r f avo r ing by t h e U n i t e d S ta tes Covernnent o r any agency the reo f o r i t s c o n t r a c t o r s o r subcontractors.

Reference h e r e i n 10 any s p e c i f i c c m r c i a l product, process o r se rv i ce by

P r i n t e d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e r of America. DocMen t Con t ro l Services, P.O. Box 1970, n a i l s t o p H6-08, Rich land UA 99352, Phone ( 5 0 9 ) 372-2420; Fax (509) 376-4989.

To o b t a i n copies of t h i s d o c m n t , contact : UHC/BCS

b-2 ,.<2J-., 3-;2 a- 76 p l e a s e Approval / Date Release S t * .. .

Approved for Public Release A-6400-073 ( 1 0 / 9 5 ) GEF321

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 6ev 0

Page A-3

d,WHC-SD-Ir’M-ATP-l51 Rev. 0

Page 1 o f 83


March 1995

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Pacie A-4 .... . . 1 /.le- WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151

Rev . 0 Page 2 of 83


1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.0 APPLICABLE/REQUIRED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.0 TEST CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.2 TESTDATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3 TEST CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.4 PROCEDURE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.5 RETEST AND REDLINE PROCEDURE CONTROL . . . . . . . 28 3.6 OPEN ITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.0 TEST FACILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

A.T 5.0 SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 6.0 TEST PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 PREREQUISITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 VISUAL EXAMINATIONS AND MEASURZMENTS . . . . 6.3 PRE-OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT . . . . . . . . . .

6.3.1 ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER EQUIPMENT . Computer . . . . . . . . . . . GPIB Interface . . . . . . . . Signal Conditioner . . . . . .

6.3.2 INSTRUMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . Tip Thermistor . . . . . . . . Side Thermistor . . . . . . . Tip Load Cell . . . . . . . . Side Load Cell . . . . . . . . Pore Pressure . . . . . . . . Inclinometer . . . . . . . . . Bottom Detector #I . . . . . . Bottom Detector #2 . . . . . . Depth Transducer - Push Rod .


6.4.1 Wiring Check . . . . . . . . . . . Depth Transducer - Guide Tube

. . . 29

. . . 29 . . . 29 . . . 30 . . . 34 . . . 34 . . . 34 . . . 35 . . . 35 . . . 35 . . . 35 . . . 36 . . . 36 . . . 3 7 - . . . 37 . . . 38 . . . 38 . . . 39 . . . 39 . . . 40 . . . 40 . . . 41 . . . 41 7 . 0 OPERATIONAL TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7.1 Cone Penetrometer Installation . . . . . . . . . . 41 7.2 Riser Adaptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 7.3 Support Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


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Page A-5 .. -,% f WHC- S D -WM-ATP-15 1 i

Rev . 0 Page 3 of 83

7 . 4 Skid Leveling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 7 . 5 XY Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 7 . 6 Ballasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 7 . 7 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 7 . 8 W A C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 7 . 9 Guide Tube and Push Rod Sequenciig . . . . . . . . 47 7 . 1 0 Decontamination System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7 . 1 1 Data Acquisition and Push System Operation . . . . 5 1 7 . 1 2 Clamping system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 7.13Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 7 . 1 4 LoadTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 7 . 1 5 Bottom Detection System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7 . 1 6 Buckling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 7 . 1 7 Threaded Connections and Seals . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 7 . 1 8 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 7 . 1 9 Endurance Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

. Appendixes

A Functional Testing ObservationfResults Sheet . . 69

B Exceptions to Acceptance Test . . . . . . . . . 73

C Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5

c$ ... -. .rs .... 7.. ...... i

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WHC-SBWM-ATR- 151 Flev 0

Pa'je A-6 .h'HC-SD-WM-ATP-151

Rev. 0 Page 4 of 8 3



This procedure shall be used for acceptance testing of the cone penetrometer instrument. The cone penetrometer system includes all the necessary hardware to operate the system. The hardware includ,es the skid, the probe, the hydraulic system, the data acquisition system, 110 interfaces and support trailer.

The acceptance test procedure (ATP) will demonstrate overall system function, inc:luding the software of the system. This ATP details the procedures used to verify that the cone penetrometer system adequately meets all the requirements in the performance specification, WHC-S-0241. Section 1.3 outlines the method in which t?ie requirements, pertinent to the acceptance test procedure, in WHC-S-0241 are met.


Completion of this 'test will verify that the mechanical and electrical features of the CP instrument are operating as designed. The scope of the acceptance test is as follows:

* Basic equipment functions *md mechanical interfaces will be verified.

* Performance of electronic components will be demonstrated.

* The deployment system will be demonstrated.

* * The software w:t11 be demonstrated.

The probe detectors will te demonstrated.


The following table details the cone penetrometer requirements specified in WHC-S-0241, the methodology used to meet these requirements and this ATP paragraph which details the test or visual inspection. The methods used were V (visual inspection) , A (analysis) or T (testing).

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ARA document

a a a

e a

e a a

ARAJVertex Drawing H053-1A llPlatform Top ASM" =/Vertex Drawing H059-3AI "Schematic, Electrical" Design Package #OO1,llGuide Tube and Push Rod Ca 1 cu 1 at i on s Design Package #008,111nfomation for Seismic Design" Design Package #Oll, "CPT Data Acquisition Software Design Documentt1 Design Package #012,"Ballast Designt1 Design Package #016, llRoof Design" Design Package #017, "Pick-up Cradle for Lifting the Skid"

WHC Document

a WHC-S-0241, "Specif.tcation for Enhanced Cone Penetrometer S ys tem"

a WHC-SD-WM-FDC-047, llFunctional Design Criteria Cone Penetrometer Moisture Sensor"

a WHC-SD-WM-ATR-146 Rev 0, "Cone Penetrometer Moisture Probe Acceptance Test Report"

a WHC-SD-WM-DA-201, "Iiational Standards and Code Compliance for Electrical Equipment and Instrument Installed in Hazardous Locations for the Cone Penetrometer"

a ETS-W-96-849,1'Cone Penetrometer Skid Seismic Analysis" a WHC-SD-WM-DA-212, "Structural Analysis of Hanford Waste

Storage Tanks Under Loads Impused by Cone Penetrometer Waste Characterization Device"

r- '4



3.1.1 Project Engineer

Geoff Barnes Nick Boechler Rosa Seda [Alternate: C.E. Hanson]

* Make redline changes to working ATP as rep ired.

and controlling testing.

test.ing .

* Overall responsibilities for maintaining

* Provide liaison with facility used for

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Kev 0

Page A-8 --. WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 . Rev. 0 ‘lP’ Page 2 6 of 83

* Provide liaison with Quality Assurance (QA) for testing activities as required.

* Approve test procedure and final report.

* Overall testing responsibilities and assignment of responsibilities.

* Review test results and preparelissue test report.

* Monitix testing for compliance with the test procedures and co-sign the appropriate steps. [Note: On certain steps, the project engineer may run these steps to gain a better understanding of the equipment. 3

* Can authorize t.he test performer to perform Project Engineer responsibilities ’

on a :Limited basis.

3.1.2 Applied F:esearch Associates (ARA) Test &j Performer [as approved by the project engineer (S:I ]

* Perform test in eccordance with approved test procedure.

* Maintain a file or’ documented information pertinent to the tests.

* Assure safe condLct of testing.

3.1.3 Science Application Irternational Corporation (SAIC) Test Performer [as approved by the project enqineer(s) 3

* Perform test in accordance with approved test procedure.

* Maintain a file of documented information pertinent to the tests.

* Assure! safe conduct of testing.

3.1.4 Quality Enqineer: M. L. McElroy ‘ I

) -_.

* Review and approve the test procedure and test ~eport.

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Rev. 0 Page 27 of 83

* Ensure that quality requirements are defined and satisfied for the test.

* A vendor provided (ARA) Q.C. inspector shall witness and sign off on the appropriate inspection steps (as required).

3.1.5 Vendor :Provided i,ARA) Quality Control Inspector:;

* Monitor test activities and provide signature verification, as required.

The QA engineer or project engineer may request QC witness of testing not specifically required in the test procedure.


3.1.6 The ARA and SAIC test performers and project engineers for this test procedure shall be documented in the aczeptance test report.


3.2.1 All test data, percinent observations, and off-normal events shall be recorded on the test procedure, section 6.0 of this ATP. If additiona 1 space is required, the data shall be recorded on an observationfresults data sheet (provided in Appendix A) or equivalent.

Data recorded on the observationfresults data sheets shall be formally documented in the ATR .


3.2.3 The data recorded during the test shall be released in the ATR as raw or reduced data.

3.2.4 Calibration data shall be released in the ATR.


3.3.1 The drawings and engineering documents which establish the process equipment test configuration are listed in Section 2.0.

3.3.2 Additional documents required to perform, document, or validate a test (sketches, calibration sheets, etc.) will be referenced

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Rev. 0 Page 28 of a3

in the ATR.

3.3.3 All test w1.11 be performed with WHC provided gloves. Black ball point pens shall be used.

3.3.4 The following test equipment will be provided by WHC:

Digital RMS multimeter -Min/max voltage display

-Frequency display , -Instantaneous peak recording

Flowmeter Dynamometer Noisemeter Riser Adaptor for 4 inch (10.2 cm) and 12

4 inch (10.2 cm) and 12 inch (10.2 cm)

Spray Washer Gloves

inch (30.5 cm) riser

simulated riser


3.4.1 A controlled test procedure package shall be used for testing and shall include the following:

* A single copy of this test procedure.

* Other information directly applicable to testing which are required.


3.5.1 If retest is required, additional copies of applicable procedure sections or observationfresults data sheets of this test procedure may be used or new procedures may be used.

3.5.2 The addition of procedire sections to be used for retest shall be added to the test procedure package, concurred with by the WHC QA representative, and formally relessed in the ATR.

3.5.3 Changes to the test procedure are permitted. -

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The p r o j e c t e n g i n e e r s h a l l r e d i n k changes w i t h t h e concurrence of the tes t performer. Approvals w i l l b e documented by t h e WHC p r o j e c t e n g i n e e r s and t es t p e r f o r m e r s i n i t i a l s on t h e r e d l i n e d i t e m and noted i n t h e e x c e p t i o n s s h e e t l o c a t i o n i n Appendix B, g i v i n g t h e r e a s o n s f o r t h e change.


3 . 6 . 1 I t e m s and a c t i o n s i d e n t i f i e d d u r i n g t h e conduct of t e s t i n g which r e q u i r e f u t u r e r e s o l u t i o n j c o m p l e t i o n s h a l l be n o t e d on comment s h e e t s . I d e n t i f i e d open i t e m s s h a l l subsequent ly be addressed i n t h e Acceptance T e s t Report, (ATR) .


The acceptance t e s t w i l l be conducted i n t h e AFA's t e s t f a c i l i t y i n South Royal ton, Vermont.

.::-. ,.. <,!(::> 5 . 0 SAFETY


* Only t h e p r o j e c t eng. ineers and t e s t p e r f o r m e r s personnel s h a l l o p e r a t e t h e cone penetromeEer d u r i n g performance of t h i s ATP.

* T e s t personnel s h a l l be b r i e f e d , p r i o r t o t e s t performance, on t h e h a z a r d s unique t o t h e cone penet rometer equipment.

* Applied Research A s s o c i a t e s (ARA) is r e s p o n s i b l e for s a f e t y d u r i n g conduct ion of t h e a c c e p t a n c e tes t a t t h e i r Vermont f a c i l i t y , and i d e n t i f y i n g t h e a p p r o p r i a t e personnel proteqt ibc? m u i g l f e n t r e q u i r e d f o r t e s t i n g .

Date Concurrence:



Perform f u n c t i o n a l t e s t i n g a s f o l l o w s , Record a d d i t i o n a l o b s e r v a t i o n s on f u n c t i o n a l t e s t i n g o b s e r v a t i o n / r e s u l t s sheets (Appendix A) , as r e q u i r e d . S u c c e s s f u l complet ion of a g i v e n tes t is documented by p r o j e c t e n g i n e e r

. s i g n a t u r e on t h e o b s e r v a t i o n / r e s u l t s d a t a s h e e t .

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Page A - 1 2 ,-- _. _y-h'?IC-SD-WM-ATP-151

Rev. 0 Page 30 of 83



6.2.1 V i s u a l l y i n s p e c t t h a t t h e cone penet rometer system t o v e r i f y it c o n t a i n s a t h e cone penetrometer s k i d an9 - c o n ~ o m e t e r - .

s : P r o v c t Engineer

D a t e : 3/7/96

V i s u a l l y i n s p e c t t h e s u p p o r t t r a i l e r t o v e r i f y t h a t t h e fol.lowing systems are l o c a t e d on t h e t r a i l e r :


. . . .

* Decontamination u n i t


6 .2 .3 V i s u a l l y i n s p e c t t h e h y d r a u l i c ram t o v e r i f y t h a t t h e guide t u b e s l p u s h r o d can a t t a i n access t o a riser. V i s u a l l y in 'spect probe t i p t o v e r i f y a b l u n t faced t i p w i t h p o r e pressure s e n s o r behind t h e t i p J e s i g n . V e r i f y smooth s u r f a c e of cyuide t u b e and push rod.

Inner Diameter / , a (1 .00 i n c h / 2 . 5 c m ) Outer Diameter 7 [ (1 .75 inch/4.4 cm)

Guide Tube: 4 3 &3 14 6 I n n e r Diameter 2. 2s (2 .25 i n c h l 5 . 7 c m ) Ou te r Iliameter 9.5 (3.5 inch/8 .9 cm) Oute r Diameter (6 .0 inch/ 1 5 . 2 cm)

Cone Penetmmeter Sensor Package:

Outer Diameter z*6 (2.00 inch/ '5 .1 c m )

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WHC-SO-WWATR- 151 Rev 0

Page A-13

Completed: Tim Test Performer/

Date: 5/ ;7 /?6

Visually inspect the data acquisition room is located in an enclosed compartment on the skid. Verify that all computers and electronics are located inside the room, including that the moisture probe electronics and raman spectrometer electronics. Verify a slide door exist and that the hydraulic ram is

6 . 2 . 4

in full vie from this room.

Completed: I -k$&&$--- est Per ormerIPro 1 a. Engineer

Date: 6- I 7 - ~ j A 6.2.5 Visually inspect the cone penetrometer

computer system contains: operato;- station, 110 cha?nczls,, laser printer with yaphics package, m3dem and removable cartridye disk.

110 Channels


Date: " ; /~ !c IL Visually inspect the data acquisition room to verify lighting and power receptacles are provided. A minimum of 5 interior receptacles are provided. Receptacles on the interior will be no more than 6 feet (182.9 cm) apart. Two 2 0 amp receptacles are located on the exterior. Verify thit the generator exhaust cannot leak into the occupied space or the

~ ~ ~ e t e d : ~ ~ - ~ / /&


Test Performer/Project Engineer

Date: ,7,/7,h 6 6.2.7 Visually inspect the skid to verify the

hydraulic and electrical controls are visibly labeled. These include manually operated

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 R e v 0

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.hTIC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0 "I: page 32 of 8 3

valves to operate the pJsh rod and guide tube. Verify all qages are in close proximity to the hvdraulic controls. rlh


Date: ?I./-.-. Visually inspect the side to verify hydraulic deployment unit is located outside the data acquisition room. Verify that the push rod and guide tube storage is located and secured


e n c l o s u a

AIL9 Test Perf ormerfProjeePngineer

Date: T,/;./q b

Visually inspect that the system meets DOT requirements.

S Y d I /I Support Trailer 6 7 X I 57 'U Width ,- . , - - ,

Height / a t ~ j 6 / Length - 20"


Weight ~'0;" /L. & 4 a o d DOT Requirein nts

Width .: 108 inch (274.3 cm)

Visually inspect the skid and support trailer for signs which indicate potential industrial safety risks. Verify that the platform meet 'OSHA requirements.

Toe guard height 4 (min. 4 inch/l0.2 cm) Railing:

Width of railing 42',5 (42 inchf106.7 cm) Midsection height 2 3 (21 inchf53.3 cm) Diameter (1.5 inchj3.8 cm)

200 /I PG.1 p/r f lu ,c Dct-

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WHC-SD-W14-ATR-151 Rev 0

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Page 33 of 83

Longitudinal spacing (max. a feetl2.4 m )


Rung to rung 1' (max. 12 inch130.5 cm) Width / 6 4 z + (min. 16 inchf40.6 cm) slip material 7 (Yes) Rung diameter & (0.75 inchll.9 cm)

Analysis for 200 lbs (889.6 N) live load acceptable for ladder and railings ye.^ (Yes) Verify sicins have been used to indicate

afety risks at Hanford. I

Date: 5-/7/tid .- / I

Visually inspect skid and support trailer to verify it meets all applicable NFPA requirements.

Type of fire extinguisher: ,k& (ABC)

Intrinsically inch (91.4 cm)

' Date:'! -/7-4,4 - Visually inspect skid and support trailer to verify that none of tie unacceptable fasteners

, Date: '?/7/qL Verify that non-intrinsically safe components ale not within 36 inch (91.4 cm) from the guide tube and are marked. G'

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

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WHC-SD-h'M-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Date: :/:7/"7" holds 100 gallons (378.5 L).

Diameter 1 3 b y ? F s &

6.2.14 Verify decontamination water storage unit

?/ )< qy y t I /-lPdJ r, Height - 7- 1 U

* Diameter * Height

Completed: &biK- / 4 , ARA Test Performer/Proje Engineer

Date: .i;-/.,/y/ 6.2.15 Visually inspect inside and outside of skid

F(ALdrHA'" 2 K #TCfLdrrr(.

* 7-74? Date: h 17-44



Review the following equipment and verify identification. Note any discrepancies in Appendix A . Computer

Manufacturer: Z;lfaL ?o/f& Model No. m F X serial NO.


Date: d - 1 7 -7,L

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,.- - ' . '1

WHC-SD-WM-ATR-I 51 Rev 0

Page A-17 WHC-SD-h'M-ATP-151

Rev. 0 GPIB Interface X 1 Manufacturer: f-)? Model NO. f l p ~2073-6650f Serial No. 4.13 y n - K s 7


Date: ? / J / ~ L Manufacturer: H? 75000 Serer fl 6 . 3 . 1 . 3 Signal Conditioler

Completed : 293J.404494

3Zfl&O6487 Date: q-3 -7d 6 . 3 . 2 INSTRUMEblTATION


6 . 3 . 2 . 1 Tip Thermistor

1nst:rument (including all adhesive, Gfli, AGfc(8aL bonding materials and other materials

c w / z d used to install instrument on cone penetrometer sensor package) can

60 - 2 1 2 OF ( 1 5 . 6 to 100 "C)

-. withstand the following conditions: Temperature: Radiation: 0 -- 900 Radfhr pH: 10 - 14 Flanmable

Analysis Acceptable (YfN)

Calibration Method: NIST Calibration:

4AL &fL 2 /ap..&


Date: 5 - r 3-y/


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-. - . I.. . .


Page A-I8 WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151

Rev. 0 ~ 7 - Page 36 of a3 Side Thermistor

Instrument (including all adhesive, bonding materials and other materials used to install instrument on cone penetrometer sensor package) can withstand the following conditions:

Temperature: 60 -- 212 OF (15.6 to 100 "C) Radiation: 0 - 930 Rad/hr pH: 10 - 14 Flammable

Analysis Acceptable 2 (Y/N) StyCa5f-/2(k Calibration Methol: M~ fc- L-fL NIST Calibration: ). (Y/N) Calibration Date: Z ~ / S - F 6


M f h t , A G d

ARA Test Performer

&& Date: 5/f?,/9b Tip Load Cell

Instrument (inc Luding all adhesive, bonding materials and other materials used to install instrument on cone penetrometer sensor package) can withstand the following conditions:

Temperature: 60 I- 212 OF (15.6 to 100 'C) Radiation: 0-900 Rad/hr

Flammable PH: 10-14


Analysis Acceptable (Y/N) Acfk-! cc/$.6,-k'd Calibrated: 2 (Y/N) Ld GI/ vs &(faP

8 13 -7

4 Oond C/o Glu j -2

NIST Calibratlon: Calibration Date:

Completed: bh


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:.. I

WHC-SD-WIY-ATR-151 R e v 0

Page A - I 9 WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0 *$- Page 37 of 83 Side Load Cell

Instrument (including all adhesive, bonding materials and other materials used to install instrument on cone penetrometer sensor package) can withstand the following conditions:

Temperature: Radiation: 0-900 Rad/hr pH: 10-14

Analysis Acceptable (Y/N) n p - Calibrated: x (Y/N) NIST Calibration: (Y/N) V S vo(k Califration Date:


60 - 212 "F (15.6 to 100 "C)

Flamxrable st- as

C d k,fc=f L d

t . ? I ' Pore Pressure

Instrument (including all adhesive, bonding materials and other materials used to install instrument on cone penetrometer sensor package) can withstand the following conditions:

Temperature: Radiation: 0-900 Rad/hr pH: 10-14 Flamnable

6C - 212 OF (15.6 to 100 "C)

Analysis Acceptable 1 (Y/N) PresSuir


, , ! Completed:

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WHC-SO-IIM-ATR- 151 R e v 0

Page A - 2 0 ,-.- u9' WHC-SD-WM-ATP- 15 1 Rev. 0

Page 38 of 8 3 Inc l inometer

Ins t rument ( i n c l u d i n g a l l a d h e s i v e , bonding m a t e r i a l s and o t h e r m a t e r i a l s used t o i n s t a l l i n s t r u m e n t on cone penet rometer s e n s o r package) can withst:and t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s :

Temperature: 60 - 212 OF (15.6 to 100 "C) Radia t ion : 0-900 Rad/hr pH: 10-14 F1 ammab le

Analys is Acceptable )r ( Y / N )

C a l i b r a t e d : J'- ( Y / N ) NIST ( !a l ibra t ion : y ( Y / N ) C a l i b r a t i o n Date:

Comp 1 e t ed : Bottom D e t e c t o r t 1

Ins t rument ( i n c l u d i n g a l l adhes ive , bonding m a t e r i a l s and o t h e r m a t e r i a l s used t o i n s t a l l i n s t r u m e n t on cone penetrometer s e n s o r package) can wi ths tand t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s :

Temperature: 60 - 212 O F (15.6 t o 100 "C) Radia t ion : 0-900 Rad/hr

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WHC-SD-IJM-ATR-151 Ri?v 0

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Rev. o Bottom D e t e c t o r #2

Ins t rument ( i n c l u d i n g a l l adhes ive , bonding m a t e r i a l s and o t h e r materials used t o i n s t a l l i n s t r u m e n t on cone penetrometer s e n s o r package) can wi ths tand t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s :

Temperature: Radia t ion : 0-900 Rad/hr pH: 10-14 F1 amnia b l e

60 - 212 O F (15.6 t o 100 "C)

/ n Saw f - 4 ~ Analys is Acceptable (Y/N)

C a l i b r a t e d : (Y/N) NIST C a l i b r a t i o r : 3- (Y/N) C a l i b r a t i o n Date: s / 4 / 4 d

4 3.277

Comp:Leted: & b k b . ARA T e w e r f o r m e r


Proj Date: r( ,/? /

Depth Transduce:: - Push Rod

Ins t rument ( i n c l u d i n g a l l adhes ive , bonding m a t e r i ; i l s and o t h e r m a t e r i a l s used t o i n s t a l l i n s t r u m e n t on cone penetrometer s e n s o r package) can w i t h s t a n d t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s : '

Opexating tempera ture : ( -12 .2 t o 4 8 . 9 "C) S torage tempera ture : -40 t o 120 O F

(-40 t o 48.9 'C) Hum:tdity: 10-1CO % Elevat ion: 0 - 600 fee t above s e a l e v e l ( 0 to 183 m) Exposed equipment t o w i t h s t a n d sand and

10 to 120 OF

d u s t ddd T& J ; ,d M C " - I d *

Analysis Acceptable (YJN) d+-& W Q& P LG+ kdfap- C a l i b r a t e d : y (Y/N)

I NIST C a l i b r a t i o n : y (Y/N) 2 0 vv'b-

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WHC-SO-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Page A-22 T ,

b+,f. WHC-SD-h'M-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Page 4 0 of 83

Date:- 5 // 3 / ' T d

Depth Transducer - Guide Tube Instrument (including all adhesive, bonding materials and other materials used to instalt instrument on cone penetrometer sensor package) can withst.and the following conditions:

0perat.ing temperature: (-12.2 to 4 8 . 9 O C ) St or age temperature : (-40 t.0 4 8 . 9 "C) Humidjty: 10-100 % Elevat.ion: 0 - 600 feet above sea level (0 to 183 m) Exposed equipment to withstand sand and dust

/ I

10 to 120 "F

-40 to 120 O F


Can the sealsjpotting material used withstand the following environment (includes probe tip, guide tube and push rods):

Temperature: Radiation: 0-900 Radjhr pH: 10-14 Flammable

60 - 212 OF (15.6 to 100 "C) I ,

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Rev. 0 Page 41 of a3

Analysis Acceptable (Y/N) y L / , n f c , Manufacturf2r: ARA Z f p d - l L G f fiff,,5 Drawing No. I j l C k P * C 1371 L f c -

Completed:- +, $.&"e 1 d c

D a t e : d f J ITC . I


6.4.1 Wiring Chet:k

Verify the proper hook up of the electronics, detectors, data acquisition and the computer

7.1 Cone Penetrometer Installation



. , Riu cone Denetrometer skid with crane and


Lift cone penetrometer 10 feet (304.8 cm) vertically and move a minimum of" 10 feet (304.8 cm) horizontally.

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WHC-SD-IJM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Page A-24


7.1.4 Place cone penetrometer skid over simulated riser. Cheok shackles and skid.

Completed:- ARA Test PerformerlPro ec Engineer

Date: 5- 7-7 6 7.2 Riser Adaptor

7.2.1 Install riser adaptor and spray washer to simulated rt;L. ,* f~ Completed:-

Date: s,/y,/~/ ARA. Test Performer Pro Engineer

7.2.2 Install riser adaptor hellows to skid. Verify A+&/ a bolt pattern matches.

-------I - Completed:- -1 Q:LM&A rd

I gx- ‘. Date :

7.3 Support Trailer

7.3.1 Wheel support trailer within 50 feet (127.0# cm) from skid.

7.3.2 The Test Performer, shall select an open area with no known buried objects (pipes, cables, or etc.) to test the generator and distributicn equipment. Connect the metal frames of the cone penetrunieter platform and support trailer to a driven 3 feet (20.3 cm) ground rod. A l s o , connect the generator and distribution panels to the driven ground rod.

7.3.3 OPEN the qenerator output breaker, with no loads connected, record the requested readings


\ \

Y . . . . . . . ,

. I . . . , . 1 . . .. . .-I r”

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-I 51 Rev 0

Page A-25

' 7.3.4 -

3 7.3.5










WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0 d' Page 43 of 83

on t h e g e n e r a t o r t es t d a t a s h e e t s (see Appendix . A ) .

S t a r t t h e g e n e r a t o r . Record t h e r e q u e s t e d r e a d i n g s on t h e g e n e r a t o r t e s t d a t a s h e e t s ( s e e Appe.7dix A ) . Take t h e s e r e a d i n g s q u i c k l y t o minimize t h e t i m e the g e n e r a t o r runs unloaded.

CLOSE t h e g e n e r a t o r o u t p u t b r e a k e r , w i t h a l l l o a d s connected e x c e p t , W A C , h y d r a u l i c motor and water h e a t e r . Record t h e r e q u e s t e d r e a d i n g s on t h e g e n e r a t o r tes t d a t a s h e e t s ( s e e Appendix A).

Connect HVAC load . Record t h e reques ted r e a d i n g s on t h e g e n e r a t o r t e s t d a t a s h e e t (see Appendix A ) .

S e q u e n t i a l l y t u r n on water h e a t e r and t h e n t u r n on h y d r a u l i c motor. Record t h e reques ted r e a d i n g s on t h e g e n e r a t o r tes t d a t a s h e e t s (see Appendix A ) .

Switch t1,e h y d r a u l i c motor OFF, t h e n swi tch it ON. Record t h e r e q u e s t e d r e a d i n g s on t h e g e n e r a t o r t e s t d a t a s h e e t s (see Appendix A ) .

Switch t h e h y d r a u l i c motor OFF, t h e n swi tch it ON. Record t h e r e q u e s t e d r e a d i n g s on t h e g e n e r a t o r tes t d a t a sheets ( s e e Appendix A ) .

S e q u e n t i a l l y t u r n OSF e a c h motor, s t a r t w i t h t h e h y d r , i u l i c motor. Then Turn OFF t h e water h e a t e r and W A C , f o l l o w e d by t h e l i g h t i n g l o a d s . When a l l l o a d s are d i s c o n n e c t e d , record t h e r e q u e s t e d r e a d i n g s on t h e g e n e r a t o r t e s t d a t a s h e i t s (see Appendix A ) .

Turn t h e g e n e r a t o r OFF.

Turn g e n e r a t o r ON. A p o r t a b l e sound monitor w i l l be used t o v e r i f y t h a t t h e n o i s e produced by t h e g e n e r a t o r is below E5 dBA ,at t h e

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Rev. 0 Page 44 of 83

7.3.13 Connect hydraulics lines, supply, return, instrumentation feedback and decontamination water lines to the qgne penetrometer, ,j

Completed:- AI

7.4 Skid. Leveling

7.4.1 Operate hydraulically driven outriggers. Lower and raise each 1eq.cylinder 2 feet (60.9 cm) together.


7.5 XY Table

7.5.1 Operate hydraulically tiriven X-Y table. Move table & 6 inch (15.2 cm) in the X and Y direction. Perform five times. Verify that the X-Y movement is smooth and does not skew off axis.

Completed: jiRA Test Performer/Proj+t Engineer

7.5.2 Center over simulated riser's dead center.

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Date: ,<I 7 /> L , I



WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

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Secure X-Y table in


Date:s,l7 ,qL __ /

7.6 Ballasting :$

7.6.1 Load up skid with 9 tons (222411 N) of ballast.

Completed : ARA Test -*- FerformerlProje t tigineer

Date: '71-30 -y L



Jack Pressures: e Completed:

Repeat steps 7.6.1 to 7.6.2 with different

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ballast configurations to simulate all possible loading configurations. The ballasts consists of four 6,000 lbs (26689 N) for the

configuration #2:,, front: 0 baEk: Oc Jack Pressu'ces: sr/,,,, -4,. .&&, *,; XT-&$

Configuration # 3 : front: 7.5 tons (66723 N)

O F Date: 6 /L4/& ,9,&

P communications

7.7.1 Turn on power.

7.7.2 Turn on intercom headsets. Verify that 2 persons can communicate between statio s .

Completed: /&:e AUA Test Performsr/Pr Engineer

6 $ 7 / d ' Date:4 i 7.8 HVAC

7.8.1 Adjust room temperature to 72 F (22 C).

7.8.2 Verify that temperature is reached within 10 minutes. jo:07l%irr io;, t A ,


I ,

Date: :/c?/'?&

with no people in room. 7.8.3 Measure number of room air changes per hour

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WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

, L I A , ~ T ~ ~ 6&0 c<- Page 4 7 of 83

/ 7.9 Guide Tube and Push Rod Sequenc:ing

7.9.1 Assemble t h r e e s e c t i o n s o f 3 1 / 2 inch ( 8 . 8 c m ) g u i d e t u b e and c r a n e it i n t o push system. Clamp guide t u b e . V e r i f y s a f e t y clamp is i n s t $ l l e d a s a backup clamp d u r i n g a l l s t e p s fo l lowing . The s a f e t y clamp does n o t need t o b'e i n s t a l l e d >when both

4 engaged. - Date:>= &- Q6 -

7.9.2 Shutdown power and v e r i f y t h a t s a f e t y clamps

ARA T e s t - Date:--) -. 6 - q L .-

- 7.9.3 Measure d e p t h of gu ide t u b e . V e r i f y t h a t t h e d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n and g u i d e t u b e d e p t h correspond t o each c t h e r .

Data a c q u i s i t i o n 2 0 Depth

Completed: */ ARA T e s t Performer1

7.9.4 I n s t a l l 3 push rod s e c t i o n s i n t o g u i d e t u b e u s i n g manual i n s t a l l a t i o n procedures . During i n s t a l l a t i o n t u r n o f f power when o n l y one of t h e clamps are engaged ( r e p e a t , # f o r bo th clamps) . V e r i f y clamps h o l d .

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Page A-30 d$WHC-sD-w-ATP-i51 r .

Rev. 0


Date: ./1?/" 7.9.5 Manually install 3 additional section of guide

tube. Verify manua'. clamps is on at all times when double clamp is not engaged. Install crane attachment device to guide tube and push rod. I

Compieted: \dAk&c & ARA Test PerformerfPro i&ct /Engineer

7.9.6 Shutdown Dower and verify that guide tube and push rod ho not fall. Completed: dr, ha&&& /&

Date: r>Tx ~ 7 - y d

ARA Test Per former f Pro j ecVEngineer

7.9.7 Remove quid

Completed:- A

7.9.8 ,Manually in tip with ra

Completed:- A

Date: ,FL. a;.-% 4 Remove guide tube with rams and then push rods with rams. Safety clamps must



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Page A-31


7.10 Decontamination system






~ WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Page 4 9 of 8 3

Install three guide tube sections and three push rod sections and probe tip into ram. Push guide tube and push rod in approximately 4 feet (121.9 cm) of sludge simulant to "contaminateltf oot ascgpbly outside surgace.

Completed: h)o\ k,d!&-- / --.. Test Performer/ProT% t ngineer

Date: <= +LCL - Verify that 100 gallons (378.5 L) of water are in the decontamination tank.

Tank Level , T C

& Completed: L Test

Turn on heating unit on decontamination unit. Inspect the system to verify that all gauges and controls are visjble and accessible to the ,operator while decontamination unit

, operation.

Completed: A

D a t e : d k F--i d - Heat ,to 130 F (54.4 C). Verify it. is 40 F/hr (4.4 C/hr) or faster.

Calculate heat rate.

/.'I8 rA


Date: ,T/p//.j& @ Operate pump. Verily that discharge pressure is 400 & 20 psig (2-'58 137.8 kPa) when flow valve to spray washer (both positions) 1s open. Close flok valve and run for 20 minutes. Verify bypass is operating and pump does not overheat.

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Discharge P:


Date: Za-Gk 7.10.6 Install flcwmeter. Run half a tank in 15

minutes. Read level gage. Verify that system pumps at minimum of 3.8 gpm (14.4 liters per minute).

Manual level (start) /d , zr Manual level (finish),' ,,6

-. 7.10.8 Verify that. tank decorltamination temperature . 1. /If ah- works. d

Completed: cy /do %-WLCU s w c /> Gf /3csp-

Date: 5 k-ci6' k?l,b

- 7.10.9 Visually verify that no leaks exist between

. w l

, d'


Date: C-q-'?'

7.10.10 Simulate washing procedure at . 8 inchjsec ( 2 cmlsec). F:un 3 times. Measure material left

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.*.S,J. in inteirf ace. Mark observations on 1 .> i observation/results data sheet (see Appendix

A) *


Date: <,/y/?l 7.11 Data Acquisition and Push System Operation

7.11.1 Turn on power to lights and electronics. Turn on computebrs and lights. Verify all systems

Date: 2p ./" 7.11.2 Run recheck algorithm. Verify that

calibration verification software works properly.


Date: 5:/,!0,/e f 7.11.3 Run cone penetrometer software. Verify that

Date: S / / ?/7 L 7.11.4 Remove simulated riser, spray washer, riser

adaptor and riser adaptor bellows. Home cone ube with membrane

to known 1


Date: ;/?/Tb

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4. WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 - -) Rev. 0

Page 52 of 83

7.11.5 Place waste simulant (sugar urea) barrel with


Completed :-

Date: 5 - / / - $d 7.11.6 Install guide tube into ram. Move guide tube

7.11.7 Install instrumented push rod. Move push rod until it touches guide tube membrane. Measure force and distance in which the membrane is @ sensed by the tip load cell. Verify U d

membrane pu-~ctures within 2 inch (5.1 cm) of

7.11.9 Verify that numerical /graphical data can be obtained and software is menu driven. Data to be displayed includes tip load cell, sleeve friction, pore pressure, tip and sleeve teinperature, inclination, depth, downward force and bottom detection. -, ~

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Completed: A

Date:-S-it-q 6

Take measurements up t o W i n c h (45.7 c m ) above bottom o f b a r r e l .


- 7 ,&

- r z f -q/ Date: __

A c t i v a t e t i p load c e l l bottom d e t e c t i o n system. Record f o r c e measurements from Excel.

S t a r t i n n -

Cont inue push u n t i l system a la rms and shutdown. Record f o r c e a t a l a r m and shutdown.

Repeat s t e p s 7.11.8 t o 7.11.12 t h r e e t i m e s f o r t h e b a r r e l .

Push #2:

P e n e t r a t i o n Rate: M G , i n C h / S e C f 2 cm/r;ec) GraphicalINumer i c a l Disp lay : 2 (YIN)

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Rev. 0 LP&d Page 54 of 83 - a t alarm: Z.Ui'+? m E z i z S . e a t shutdown: &A

L ) q t l , Push # 3 :

P e n e t r a t i o n Rate: Z x ( .8 i n c h / s e c / 2 cm/sec:) Grapfrical/Numerical Disp lay : (Y/N) Measurements u :o 18 i n c h e s (45.7 c m ) above b o t t o m : l ( Y / N ) T ip l a a d ce l l bottom d e t e c t i o n :

It Engineer

D a t e : 5-/ /-yf 7.11.14 P o s t process d a t a . Data t o be c o l l e c t e d

i n c l u d e s compressive Cztrength, y i e l d stress, s h e a r s t r e n g t h and s t r a t i g r a p h y . V e r i f y t h a t d a t a cor responds t o l d b d a t a . Three p r o f i l a of t h e b a r r e l w i l l be t a k e n and ana lyzed f o r s h e a r s t r e n g t h , compressive s t r e n g t h and y i e l d stress. Output should i n c l u d e t i p and pore p r e s s u r e , sleeve f r i c t i o n , downward f o r c e , and t i p tempera ture shall b e measured d u r i n g p e n e t r a t i o n of t h e wasze s i m u l a n t . From t h e s e measurement s , t h e f r ic : ion r a t i o ve r sus depth , d i f f e r e n t i a l p o r e p r e s s u r e r a t i o v e r s u s depth , c o r r e c t e d t o t a l cone res is tance v e r s u s depth , e f f e c t i v e v e r t i c a l stress v e r s u s cone r e s i s t a n c e , cone r e s i s t a n c e v e r s u s depth , f r i c t i o n a l stress v e r s u s d e p t h and pore

7.11.15 V e r i f y t h a t s e n s o r d a t a h a s been logged and saved under a unique f i l e name. Down load

' d a t a t o ARA's computer v i a t h e modem. L i s t

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~ WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

7.11.16 Disconnect cable from tip. Verify that connector


Date: ~~~/~~ 7.11.17 During different stages in data runs, activate

emeraencv shutdown palm button. Verify that

Completed: ARA Test PerformerfProjectPEngineer

* - \

7 Date:-;-/ , ' 3/26 I - 7.11.18 Remove guide tube and push rod from simulant.

Repeat steps 7.11.8 to 7.11.12 with layered simulant consisting cf water and clay. Verify that ths system ca? differentiate between

/ layers. f Uah- 0 k.. :L ) Y Push #1:

Penetration Rate: L p ( - 8 inchlsec / 2

Measurements up to 18 inches ( 4 5 . 7 cm)

Tip load cell bottom detection:

Jh C,st cm/ sec) /kc 7 ~ r -fl, GraphicallNumerical Display: (Y/N)

. J . ~ W 6' "Cd-bove bottom:,/ ( Y / N ) *Sf.

d*+L bok 3 , , starting force 6 fa L - k . u/+/ sc' ~ c j r - ( ~ ~ ~ push force at alarm: 180

Set limit forcr-. S C ~ C . , J J * p ~ , ^ .

push force at shutdown: &&+ ~ d ! , - ~ & < *

Layer #I 6 Data Acquisition Layer #1 0 ' I

, : i \-: ' Layers #2 +IU-.,,L D a t u Acquisition iayer #2 j v

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Push P2:

Penetration Rate: A f ( . 8 inchfsec 1 2 cmfsec) GraphicalfNumerical Display: (Y/N) Measurements up to 18 inches (45.7 cm) above bottom:L (YfN) Tip load cell bottom detection:

Starting for:e 0 Set limit force ZJO 1 0 0 AI-,.-

Push force at alarm: / ? 6 A [ & - - Push force at shutdown: w r ,

Layer #I eO.,,L.+ Data Acquisition Layer #1 0

Layers 82 a l c / l L L . Data Acquisition ’Layer #2 1 +’

F-= 2 Si.%4 -+--I/. ‘LS

Push # 3 :

Penetration Rate: ( . 8 inchfsec 1 2 cmfsec) GraphicalINumerical Display: (YfN) Measurements up to 18 inches (45.7 cm) above bottom:a (YfN) Tip lcad cell bottom detection:

starting force 0 rr 5- le- set limit force 50 0 d~*.+ s f o r t- 2.f

k8L-. J~st S t F f S O O Push force at alarm: /-aa Push force at shutdown: ~apr.

Data ?,cqulsltion Layer #1 3 Layer .&.

Layers 82 -r IIL,,L/

completed : -

Date: .q-L/-q-k 7.q1.19 Post process data. Data to be collected

includes c(mpressive strength, yield stress, shear strength and stratigraphy. Verify that



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d a t a cor responds t o lab d a t a . Three p r o f i l e of t h e b a r r e l w i l l be t a k e n and ana lyzed f o r shear s t r e n g t h , compressive s t r e n g t h and y i e l d stress. V e r i f y s h e a r s t r e n g t h a c c u r a c y is w i t h i n 2 . 0 2 p s i (2 1500 dyne/cm2) accuracy. Output should i n c l u d e t i p and p o r e p r e s s u r e , s l e e v e f r i c t i o n , downward f o r c e , and f i p tempera ture s h a l l b e measured d u r i n g p e n e t r a t i o n of t h e w a s t e s i m u l a n t . From t h e s e measurements, t h e f r i : t i o n r a t i o v e r s u s depth , d i f fe ren t : ta l p o r e p r e s s u r e r a t i o v e r s u s depth , c o r r e c t e d t o t a l cone r e s i s t a n c e v e r s u s depth , e f f e c t i v e v e r t i c a l stress v e r s u s cone r e s i s t a n c e , cone r e s i s t a n c e v e r s u s depth , f r i c t i o n a l stress J e r s u s d e p t h and pore p r e s s u r e versus depth s h a l l be t a b u l a t e d and p l o t t e d .


Date:- L[@i44 = Remove guide t u b e and push r o d from s imulant . Repeat s t e p s 7.11.8 t o 7 . 1 1 . 1 2 w i t h l a y e r e d

and sugar u r e a .

Push #1:

, c l a y OWL' --..le . s imulant c o n s i s t i n g o f -Y-

P e n e t r a t i o n Rate: (.E i n c h l s e c 1 2 c m / s ec) Graphical /Numerical Disp lay : ). (Y/N) Measurements t o 18 i n c h e s ( 4 5 . 7 c m ) above bottom:_Y)_ ( Y / N ) Tip l o a d c e l l t o t t o m d e t e c t i o n :

S t a r t i n g f o r c e o /&st

S e t l i m i t f o r c e 5flo /LAb* ~ ~ < p ~ ~ , c/oap,'d/,+

push f o r c e a t a larm: poo/b/'*' T f f l d J Push f o r c e a t shutdown: -&(-+ GsiA.-/ Layer #I 6 Data Acquisitioii-Layer #1 0 c

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#2 :

Penetration Rate: z~ ( . 8 inchjsec j 2 cmfsec) GraphicallNumerical Display: $I ( Y / N ) Measurements up to 18 inches (45.7 cm) above bottom:z ( Y / N ) Tip load cell bottom detection:

Starting force * Set limit force 5000 bdt a~.- J;f u p o F ;

push force at alarm: y0d-s Push force at shutdown: -hL~-/

Layers #2 lq,* Data Acquiztion Layer #2

# 3 :

Penetration Rate: 2 2 ( . 8 inchjsec / 2 cm/ sec: ) Graphj.ca1 /Numer ic a1 Display : I: ( Y /N ) Measurements up to 18 inches (45 .7 cm) above bottom:r ( Y / N ) Tip load cell bottom detection:

. ... . . . . . . . . -..-I . . i .. .: / <_,

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7.11.21 Post process data. Data to be collected includes compressive strength, yield stress, shear strength and stratigraphy. Verify that data corresponds to lab data. Three profile of the barrel will be taken and analyzed for shear strength, compressive strength and yield stress. Verify shear strength accuracy is within & .02 psi ( 2 1500 dyne/cm2). Output should include tip and pore pressure, sleeve friction, downward force, and tip temperature shall be measured during penetration of the waste siniulant. Frcm these measurements, the friction ratio versus depth, differential pore pressure ratio versus depth, corrected total cone resistance \ersus depth, effective vertical stress ver ;us cone resistance, cone resistance versus iepth, frictional stress versus depth and pore pressure versus depth shall be tabulated and plotted.

Shear Strength Accu

Remove guide tube axd push rod from simulant. Repeat steps 7.11.8 to 7.11.12 with layered simulant consisting of 2 different types of clays.

Push #l:

Penetration Rate: 3.9 ( . 8 inch/sec / 2 ~~

cmj sec) Gra,phical/Numerical Display: 2 (Y/N) Measurements up to 18 inches ( 4 5 . 7 cm) above bottom:L (Y/N) ' I

Tip load cell bottom detection:

starting force .- ,'

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Page A-42 ’ -’.

. I


Rev. 0 Page 60 of 0 3

S e t l i m i t f o r c e /oo,+:

Push f o r c e a t alarm: 1do11. Push f o r c e a t shutdown: w.’ Layer 81 0 Data A c q u i s i t i o n Layer #I 0

Layers #2 / Y - ’ Data P c q u i s l t i o n Layer #2 I +

Push #2:

p e n e t r a t i o n Rate: .p ( . 8 i n c h / s e c / 2 c m l s e c ) Graphical /Numerical Disp lay : (Y/N) Measurements up KO 18 i n c h e s (45.7 c m ) above b o t t o m : j (Y/N) Tip load c e l l bottom d e t e c t i o n :

Ei ta r t ing f o r c e 6 S i e t l i m i t f c r c e f do<ps :

Push f‘orce a t alarm: I&T~J,, Push f‘orce a t shutdown:

Layer #I 0 Data A c q u i s i t i o n Layer 81 0

Layera; # 2 + 13‘’ Data A c q u i s i t i o n Layer # 2 !+


Push #3:-

P e n e t r a t i o n Rate: ( . 8 i n c h / s e c 1 2 cm/sec:) Graph.tcal/Numerical Disp lay : (YIN) Measurements up t o 18 i n c h e s (45.7 c m ) above bottom:* (Y/N) Tip load c e l l bot.tom d e t e c t i o n :

!S tar t ing foxce o :;et l i m i t f o r c e

Push Eorce a t alarm: / M p 5 , 2 ,

Push Eorce a t shutdown: +. , Layer 11 0

Data A c q u i s i t i o n -Layer #1

L% . .

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7 .

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Date: 5\11 197 7.11.23 Post process data. Data to be collected

includes compressive strength, yield stress, shear strength and stratigraphy. Verify that data corresponds to lab data. Three profile of the barrel will be taken and analyzed for shear strength, compressive strength and yield stress. Verify shear strength accuracy is within 5 0.02 psi (+ 1500 dyne/cm2). Output should inslude tip and pore pressure, sleeve friction, downward force, and tip temperature shall be measured during penetration of the waste simulant. From these measurements, the friction ratio versus depth, differential pore pressure ratio versus depth, corrected total cone resistance versus depth, effective vertical stress versus cone resistance, cone resistance versus depth, frictional stress versus depth and pore pressure versus depth shall be tabulated aid plotted.

s;c A t 4 Art? 5'237

12 clamping system

7.12.1 Install 5 rod and qui e ube.

ARA Test Per€ormer/P oje t{/Engineer Completed : I

7.12.2 Turn off power. Verify that emergency lights turn on and clamping system firmly holds push rod and guide tube jn place.

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WHC-SD-IIM-ATR- 151 R e v 0

Pagt? A-44


7.13 Alarms



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WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev, 0

Completed : kvi Test Performer/

Lower hydraulic reservoir. Verify that system holds guide tube and push rod firmly in place. Verifv that low hvdraulic fluid alarm functions.

Completed : -


A& \r4

Set guide tube depth gage to 8 feet (152.4

Install 5 feet (152.4 cm) of guide tube. Verify ala.cm-turns on within 1 inch (2.5 cm) of depth location and shutdown of the system at 5 feet 0.25 inchss( 152.4 & 0.6 cm).

Depth at which alarm turns on 4~ ~ - + - f 4 - Depth at d - 5 f . l ; J

Completed:. I

Date: yb' 3,/pL' ARA Test Performer/Pro3 c Engineer

Set push rod depth gacIEi to 5 feet (122.4 cm) . r/Proj /e c$ Engineer

Date: &'(p +y, I

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Rev. 0 Page 63 of 83

..- -- t .a- "SA

Depth at shutdown


Date: r / f 5 k L 100 "c

7.13.5 Set tip temperature alarm at + Z&% p (+ 65.5

7.13.6 Apply heat gun to tip and verify that alarm turns on within 5 F (2.7'2) of alarm setpoint and shutdown the system when it exceeds shutdown setpoint. 3-/A/c.- Lo "L Si,$ A+- r t . ~ C

Temperature at which alarm turns on &LF

Date: .<,A 5,/$L:

7.13.7 Set side t t 150 F (65.5C).

Completed: ngineer

Date: s-/, ;.,kL 7.13.8 Apply heat gun to side and verify that alarm

turns on within 5 F (2.7C) of alarm setpoint and shutdown the system when it exceeds shutdown setpoint. ik'C4&-,@ 60.C d,td-,Q fOo?

- . . , . - . -

Temperature at which alarm turns on = I

AF& Test

Date: Si/ / 3,kL J

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Paqe A-46 , -~

, WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Page 6 4 of 83

7 . 1 3 . 9 Set inolinometer alarq petpoint to 5 dfirees.


Date: 5 $-pd 7 . 1 3 . 1 0 Move probe to within 1 degree of shutdown

setpoint and verify alarm turns on in calibration jig. Move probe to 5 degrees and verify it !;huts systes down when it exceeds shutdown setpoint. J/a& XM,

J L L i L d c /r/e

/L ,-pd/

Date: r-Y.q-6

7 . 1 3 . 1 1 Set downward force limit to 1000 lbs ( 4 4 4 8 N), 10 tons (8E1965 N) and 2 0 tons ( 1 7 7 9 3 0 N) and rk vw+df= rd*carverify that system alarms within 10% of

V C ~ L C /i dJ.*,.&P( shutdown value. Continue pushing until shutdown. Verify shutdown occurs within 10%

‘7 f!-= ccbh bf- of shutdowr, value.

MOO lbs ( 4 4 4 8 N) setpoint 0,s I,. r

& r J , L . < f - A /J.elAc P ’%J d L f i O { & -

mc .a,< Do, Force at shutdown 318 1122-

Y ~ J T , ~ - ~ , ~ 4t

ha,< /.““J”-= t o fL /-r. N. AIa,- -Force at which-alarm turns onl&p, -<L5lL

--€+ R/ I L/,Lrr 1 5 CL 4 - d “ ~ 10 tons (88965 N) setpoint d. T , ~

r C J f - , < L * A =+C=(~L+& srs.sl-L bkcL& Force at which alarm turns on S,,,J $“JN‘, Force at shutdown / J faoy *

20 tons (177930 N) setpoint

Forx at which alarm turns on ,o E ~ % J

/oxIcrf OF& f k 0 f 8 8

/ 40 7 . 1 3 . 1 2 Set jack--- (dome loading) to 3€x tons

( 2 6 6 8 9 5 N) and verify that it alarms and

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Page A-47 9, WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Page 65 of 83

shutdown once setpoints are exceeded.

Force at alarm - ' ? ? .I rd -",--J"-+ Force at shutdown 96 t o - . .& C, rf.p Completed: \,aq I,&:

ARA Test PerformerIPro

Date: y$yAd 7.13.13 Heat hydraulic reservoir to 140F (60C).

Verify that temperature with a thermometer placed in the fluid Verify that the light goes on at 140F (60C).

7.14 Load Test




ight turns on [Y *

Load slcid with 65 tons (578272.5 N) of ballast. Push as much as 53 tons (471514.5 N) of ram onto a plate. Record pushing force.

ARA Test PerformerlProjebt' Engineer

Verify that frame can take loads by checking welds and ram can exert force. Verif-v that

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WHC-SD-IIM-ATR- 151 R ~ Y 0

Pagle A-48 r- \\

WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0 *- Page 66 of 83

7.14.4 Install pull assembly jig in which 30 tons (266895 N) are

7.14.5 Verify that: frame can take loads by checking welds and :cam can exert force. Verify that

7.15 Bottom Detection System




Place 114 :.nch (.6 cm) steel plate under push rod. Set bottom detection magnetometer alarm at 8 inches (20.3 cm, . Move push rod at .8 inchlsec (2 cm/sec) until bottom detection system alarm. A/<-+ ~3 I'& x L , ~ d - + - 2

&A Test Performer/Pr<jjec$ Engineer

Set bottom detection magnetometer alarm at 6 inches (15 -2 cm) . Move push rod at . 8 inchlsec (2 cmlsec) until bottom detection system alarm. , 4 1 2 , ~ 0 io : L J ~ ~ . - - 13 6 ~ I

Inches away from plate - alarm Inches away from plate - s h u t d o n "

,, rzr i Any visible damage to plate L m ._

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Page A-49

WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Completed ::

Date: 5 / / 3 / $ ; ~

7.15.4 set bottom detection magnetometer alarm at 4 inches (10.2 cm) . Move push rod at . 8 inch/sec (2 cm/setz) until bottom detection system

I '

\"/ alarm. set klcc+ -2 Jh*+P-(f


Date : 5 ,/ ;/?L 7.15.5 Shutdown magnet0meti.r and tip alarm. H o m e

push rod. Set depth alarm to 12 inches (30.5 cm) . Move push rod at .8 inch/sec (2 cmfsec) . Verify that system a iarms and sputdown systen.

Distance at alarm -r, f f f k r ,- 27 5-L'-+ g/,<- p It"

7.15.6 Shutdown magnetometer and depth alarm. Home push rod. Turn tip alarm on. Push the push rod until system aljrms and shutdown.

1000 &-L -fdd'Yh LO /b/- L

7.16 suckling

7.16.1 This test will be conducted at a 12 inch (30.5


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Pages A - 5 0

d$ WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Page 68 of 83

cm) OD dry well

st PerformerjPro

289116 N j i i k hk dfl Completed.

Pm Test P r ormer1Project’ Engineer /IC74 G C i A t $+!E+

Date: 6/2 o h d 4-800 6

i / ’

7.16.4 Measure inclination. Verify that no buckling I occurs.


Yl; /

Install 2% feet ( 7.6 m) of 3 . 5 inch ( 8 . 9 Cm)

Date: 6/>0/46 7- /

* ) -4-0 Tp L-

Date: ~/)a/q,/’ / ’

7.16.7 Measure inclination. Verify that no buckling

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Rev. 0 4 Page 6 9 of a3


I Inclinat ion :

completed: I I

7 . 1 6 . 8

Date: d , b J/? 6 Insta 1 ta- feet ( 4 . 6 m) of 3.5 inch ( 8 . 9 cm) OD guide tube.

Completed: fl

"c"til" 3;-

A- Test

7 . 1 6 . 1 2


Measure inclination. occurs.

Verify that no b u c k l i n g ~ o b ,

erjproj, l & L 6."" /Engineer

of 3.5 inch (8 .9 cm)

eSt *I+ Performer/Pry'ye Engineer

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-I 51 Rev 0

Page A-52 ' \ 4 WHC-SD-WM-ATP-131

Rev. 0 Page 70 of 83



Completed : - ?

7.16.16 Measure inclination. Verify that no buckling occurs.

- & Date: 6 id ~~d 27 &b

7.16.17 Install push rod until feet (7.6 m) of push

7.16.18 Push on pl \ '. -

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 R e v 0

Page A-53 7hC-SD-WM-ATP-151

Rev. 0 Page 71 of 0 3

7.16.19 Measure inclination. Verify that no buckling occurs.

Inclination: ~ ~ + . c ih LA/. fd / -= -cJ a a,<{ J P& 2 ,IJ,,.’.+ -


Date:d/:o/ sid - 7.17 Threaded Connections and Seals

7.17.1 Thread 5 sections of push rod with probe.


D a t e : L l 7- B X - 7.17.2 Test with m p s i (3516.5 kPa) of water for 10

minutes. Verify no unacceptable leaks occur.

7.17.3 Hydrotest guide tube and push rod interface (1.75 inch (4.4 cm) push rod) at 3 kPa) for 10 minutes. Verify no 1

Leaks: completed :

Date: (,A 7 , / 4 ~ SCC Pneumatic:ally or hydraulically test guide tube membrane to 10 inches of water (2490 Pa) for 15 minutes. Verify ssure drops.

Pressure D Completed :




‘ i

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WHC-SD-IIM-ATR-I 51 Ri?v 0

Pagi? A - 5 4


. WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 *-y* Rev. 0

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7.18 I n t e r f a c e s

7 .18 .1 Connect probe t i p , a d a p t o r a n d push rod . P u l l c a b l e cor inectors a p a r t . Measure with dynam0mete.r t h e f o r c e r e q u i r e d t o p u l l a p a r t . Repeat 5 times.

f o r c e #5 . 9.0

Date: 6 /? 9 d 7.18.2 Connect p m b e t i p , Ranan s p e c t r o s c o p y s e n s o r ,

a d a p t o r and push r o d . P u l l c a b l e connec tors a p a r t . Measure w i t h dynamometer t h e f o r c e r e q u i r e d t3 p u l l apart.. Repea t 5 t i m e s .


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. . WHC-SD-IJM-ATR-151 R e v 0

Page A-55 r . _ .

I L3





~ WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. o

Page 73 of 83

A d j u s t t h e f u n c t i o n q e n e r a t o r t o a f requency

Comp 1 e t ed :

V e r i f y t h e a c a l i b r a z


Date : +./{<A& Perform a MANUAL scar When t h e manual scan is comple te , v e r i f y t h a t t h e NEL? DETECTOR and FAR DETECTOR count r e a d i n g a r e 313 ,800 j: 2000. V e r i f y t h a t t h e r e is no n o t i c e a b l e n 3 i s e i n t h e e l e c t r o n i c s w h i l e performing t h e manual scan .

5&..L'Usnp f.I:44-

Perform an au tomat ic s c a n w i t h the mois ture probe , 'When the automat ic s c a n is complete, v e r i f y t h a t t h e NEAR DETECTOR and FAR DETECTOR c o u n t r e a d i n g s are 313,800 2000. Ver i fy t h a t t h e r e is no n o t i c e a b l e n o i s e i n t h e e l e c t r o n i c s w h i l e per forming t h e au tomat ic

I / scan. /J*(&, ,4 4c- NEAR DETECTOR COUNT. 34q4&/ kg;: FAR DETECTOR 5 05 SLY '

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WHC-SD-CIM-ATR-151 R e v 0

Page A-56 . : I .2+ WHC- SD-WM-ATP - 15 1

Rev. 0 Page 74 of 83

SAIC Tesi Pirfrfdrmer/Prdj

Date: 4 y j b 7.18.10 Perform a surface scan with the moisture

probe. When the surface scan is complete, verify that the NEAR DETECTOR count readings are 313,800 .2000.. Verify that there is no noticeable nolse in the electronics while performins the surface scan.

Date: e/</& 7.18.11 Place moisture probe into calibration block.

Verify thet the calibration software operates adequate. Verify that the bend radius is adequate and the storage and calibration can



7.19 Endurance Testing

7.19.1 This test will be conducted cm) OD dr]


Date: 6 /Lo,/?/

7.19.2 Install 20 feet ( 7.6 m) of 3.5 inch (8.9 cm) OD guide tube and push rod. Remove 20 feet Of guide tube and push rod. Repeat installation and removsl of push rod and guide tube four times for a period of 2 hours. hydraulic oil temperature is maintained below 140 F (60 C).

. , /

\ .

Verify that / ’Q ‘e-

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-I 51 Rlav 0

Pagie A-57

. WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Page 75 of 83

Hydr au 1 ic


7.19.3 Install 1C' feet ( 7.6 m) of 3.5 inch (8.9 cm) OD guide tube and push rod. Hold push rod and guide tube with clamps for 4 hours. Verify that hydraulic oil temperature is maintained below 140 F (60 C).

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Page A-58 --,.

\ I , WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151

Rev. 0 9 Page 76 of 0 3





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9 WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 Rev. 0

Page 79 of 83



HERTZ - 6 0

- 1800

\ \ 1.

NOTE: The rated wattage, speed (RPHs), rated aws and s t a r t of the testlng.

Ventor ' ro'vkied QC Representative

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WHC-SD-CIM-ATR-151 R e v 0

Page A-62

r - .~

WHC-SD-h'M-ATP-151 Rev. 0


Exception to Acceptance Test

' I

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9. WHC-SD-WM-ATP-14 6 R e v . 0

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1. -

WHC-SD-WM-ATP-151 7 Rev. 0

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F igalr e s

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(3 u1 . +. P . Y

+. N 01 W

m W N

n -J m I -4 I- u1 u1


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S s

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WHC-SD-IJM-ATR- 15 1 Rev 0

Page A-68 VER~EK s+=p 6.3 ,2 .3 RR 1, Box 1:lOA. Waterman Eoad South Roycilton. Vermont 05068

phone: (800) 63'16315 fax: (802) 763-8283

Cone Pe (L2J-n oirometer

Cone Serial No. HAN-1 Rev0 Rated Range 5CKXl Ib Calibrated wlth: Excitation 5.00148 Volt DC

Load Reference: . Interface SlN72693a Amplification 1 .oooo

pr-96 & Date:

Calibrated by:

Approved by:

Sensitivity ? Nonlinearify Zero Load Output

2.50 -

> 0.

2.00 --

5 1.50 -- -


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 load (Ib)

4.329E-95 mV I V I Ib 0.999999

0.05% calibrated range 0.0023 mV/V

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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 R e v 0

RR 1, Box 1:!OA, Waterman Road 9 S f South Roycilton. Vermont 05068

phone: (SOO) 630-6315 fax: (802) 763-8283

6.3 .2 -4

Cone Serial No. HAN-1 Rev0 Rated Range 8600 Ib Calibrated with: Excitation 5.00180 Volt DC

Load Reference: Interface SIN726930 Amplification 1 .m


5.00 --

> 4.00 E

6 3.00 v - c; z 2.00 -




Calibrated by:






L I--

Approved by:

Sensitivity r' Nonlinearity Zero Load Output -0.0587 mVN

1.362E-M mV I V I Ib 0.999867

0.96% fso

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WHC-SO-WM-ATR-151 RPV 0 .... .

RR 1 , Box l:!OA, Waterman Road South Roycilton, Vermont 05068

p h 7 7

Pressure Tmnsducer Calibration

--/ Date: 27-Mar-96

Calibrated by: Rated Range 500 psi Pressure Transducer Calibrated with:

Data Inst. SIN 5280-4-21 8

Excitation 4.00010 Volt DC Approved by: -J-wrB Amplification 1 .m

Load Reference: Data Inst. S/N 95082413

Sensitivity r' Nonlinearity



0 100 200 300 400 500 Pressure (psi)


3.306E-02 mV/V/psi 0.999998

0.05% calibrated range

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Page A-71

id d


W (51


I 8 W

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1- 0-


-f '

t. m

0 z + x .t 0




- II



9 %


I1 x

5 T i 6.327


r 7 7-

4 4

9 w . w 0 0

4 W 0 2 z 7-

i f


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E 0 C Q z


WHC-SD-IIM-ATR- 15 1 f’9 A-73



4 6



-- 7- 7- 7 - r - z

8 + g ’?

? 7

0 W 0

? z 0

W 0


9 W 0



9 W 0


4 9 9 W

4 9 0

7- 9 F

w o

. .... .

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SO1 SW 2nd SI.. C D N ' ~ ~ . k g o n 97333. U S A. Tcl. (503) 757-3158 Fpx (M3) 7574856

J - . -. rd e H - / ~ . CUSTOMER: - APPLIED RESEARCH ASSOC. :- p-5 , A- 7 4 DATE: April Igg5 '

_ A .. -' P.oiuMBER: 2302 - RANGE: 50' n MODEL NO.: P-50A

a C l f l ~ . I ~ D M G R A M : A DIMENSION DIAGRAM: T -iCrtsT. I

. _. ~ -__. - F=7g,-L,pc4 '. . . r

i l .



- . .. - .



0 . 056 2. 007 3.958 5. '30'3 7.860 9.812

13.51 m V / V / i n c h 0.01% FULL SCALE


, - - .-.

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501 SW 2nd SI.. Corv&. Oregon 97333. U S.A. FJ Un~Meas~i-.~-~R-151 n . Tcl. (503) 757.3158 Fax: (503) 757-0856

r w e h - l J

CUSTOMER: _. - ~ APPLIEDRESEARCHPSSOC. p,? I ,+ 75 DATE: April 6.1995 '' P.ONUMBER: 2302 TYPE: Analog Position ., MODEL NO.:. P-SOA RANGE: 50"


. , . . .

*...' :

._ - _ _ . . TEST . K C ! ! € - . . . .- 9. '3'3SS-VDC . -. . . .- . . - . -- - KEASURED 1: RLCI'LATED EF:RGR . ..

' - DISPLACEMENT OUTF'IJT OUTPUT (VOLT) (inch) (vu1 1; ) <vel t .J


I < +


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WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151 Rev 0

Page A-76

- I

0 0 T

0 w

0 c.l


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WHC-SD- WM-ATR-151 Flev 0

Page 6-1


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- Irem Method






ATP Paragraph



.......................................................... 7.18



WHC-S-0241 Paragraph



WHC-S-024 1 Requirement

The system consists of a cone penetrometer skid and a cone penetrometer support trailer.

The hydraulically driven cone penetrometer shall be designed to penetrate layers of soft salt cake, sludge and liquid while gathering and storing information from the cone penetrometer sensor package. The cone penetrometer shall measure several physical properties as it penetrates through the underground storage tanks waste. .................................................................................................................................................................................................... The cone penetrometer system shall interface with a Raman spectroscopy sensor for chemical speciation measurement. .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Moisture measurements will be taken after the cone penetrometer push rod has reached the bottom of the Underground Storage Tanks. The cone penetrometer system shall be designed to integrate with the moisture measuring system.

The system shall remove the cone penetrometer push rod and guide tube from the .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

IJnderground Storage Tanks after in-tank e. ........................................................................................... ................................................

A decontamination unit shall be mounted on the support trailer to decontaminate the cone penetrometer push rod and guide tube during its removal from the Underground Storage Tanks.

Sequencing of rod and guide tube removal shall be such that guide tube interior requires nlininium decontamination. The decontamination or the cone peneuometer push rod and guide tube shall be such that decontamination waste streams are returned to the tank during the decontamination process.

The maximum volume of water to be added to a Underground Storage Tanks is 100 gallons (378.5 liters).

The cone penetrometer shall have an approximate vertical net 35 ton (311375.5 N) pushing capability.

The cone penetrometer shall be designed to penetrate Underground Storage Tanks waste starting approximately from 15 feet (4.6 m) up to 55 feet (16.8 m) below grade to approximately 35 feet (10.7 m) up to 55 feet (16.8 m) below grade.



TIA 1 7 . 1 8 W H C A D ~ W h l - 4 7 - 1 4 6

.................... I ...................................


T 1 7 . 9


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WHC-S-0241 Paragraph





WHC-S-0241 Requirement ~~

The cone penetrometer push rod and guide tube shall attain access to the Underground Storage Tanks through the riser via WHC provided riser adaptor.

The cone penetrometer system shall be able to maneuver over the riser and locate within - + 0.25 inches (.64 cm) of the riser's dead center. Positioning shall be assisted by a hydraulically operated system that accurately shifts the cone penetrometer approximately - + 6 inches (15 cm) in either x or y horizontal directions.

The cone penetrometer system shall exert no greater than 1000 lbs (4448.2 N) vertical loads on the risers and as low as achievable on the horizontal load on the riser.

The cone penetrometer shall utilize 4 to 24 inch (10 to 61 cm) schedule 40 risers.

A clamping system shall exist on the skid such that the push rod and guide tube cannot at any time drop onto the Underground Storage Tank bottom. The clamping system shall be compatible with the push rod and guide tube.

The push rod and guide tube shall not leak gas or liquid while inside the Underground Storage Tank.

Safety mechanical clamps shall be provided for the push rod and guide tube such that at all times two clamps will be activated on push rod and guide tube during operation. Clamps include normal push clamps and safety clamps.

During removal, the push rod and guide tube shall be decontaminated. The supplier shall supply the decontamination unit which shall be compatible with the WHC riser/decontamination adaptor.



.......................................................................................... . . . . . . .

Method Used






- ATP Paragraph - 6.2.3


- See attachment I


Design Package #lY


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. . . I I

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1 SI 'L





Z 'L 'Z 'E

6'1 'L'Z'E

8' 1 ' 1 7 E

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L l


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- Item








WHC-S-0241 Paragraph


3 2.9.4

WHC-S-024 1 Requirement

The cone penetrometer system shall be equipped with adjustable alarms indicating loss of power, bottom detection system, tip and side temperature, excessive cone penetrometer inclination and limits on the down force. Limits shall be adjustable. All alarms shall be audible within the skid. The alarms shall sound as the alarm limits are approached.

The down force limiter, bottom detection system, tip temperature and cone penetrometer inclination limits shall alarm and initiate automatic shutdown of the hydraulically driven Dush rod. if anv one limit is reached.

The cone penetrometer system shall be equipped with data storage and retrieval capabilities. The data acquisition system shall be compatible with all supplied probes and capable of acquiring and logging dual stage load cells for tip pressure and sleeve friction, pore pressure, redundant tip temperatures, depth, downward force and redundant bottom detection data.

Cabinet space shall be provided for the moisture and Raman sensor computer equipment and associated hardware.

The data acquisition system shall contain the following hardware: * One operator station. * * * *

I/O channels to accommodate supplier's sensors plus 10 spare IiO channels. A removable cartridge disk drive (90 MB minimum). A laser printer with graphics package compatible with all input devices in The data acquisition system shall survive the conditions listed in section 3.5. The computer equipment shall be protected against dust. A NEMA 12 enclosure shall be acceptable to protect the equipment.

The data acquisition system shall incorporate software selectable gains and filter settings.

The data acquisition system shall provide real time graphical and numerical displays of data, available during penetration. The graphical display shall have scaling capabilities.

The data acquisition system shall be capable of recording time-stamped comments or notes in the form of a daily ASCII file. Each data point shall have a time stamp. The data acquisition system shall allow the operator to pause and resume data collection and record such events in the data file.

Method Used




r r


ATP Paragraph

7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13, 7.15





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jj I " - . ^ -

3 . L . I U . L

WHC-S-024 1 Requirement ~

The acquisition system shall provide on-line access to a DOS prompt. The data acquisition system shall support both ASCII and binary file formats. The data acquisition system shall generate individuallv uniaue data file names.

The system shall contain a menu driven user interface.

The acquisition system shall store project specific test setup parameters to be used as defaults.

Data logged from the sensors listed in section shall be used to output physical and mechanical properties developed from the initial tests in section 4.0. WHC engineering shall evaluate the results of the initial tests and determine which properties to output. Properties of interest are compressive strength, yield stress, and shear strength.

The data acquisition system shall have the capability of sending the collected data output to another system via a modem (CCITT standard or equivalent industry standard).

Instrument calibration software for all cone penetrometer tip sensors shall be provided. These sensors include dual stage load cells for tip pressure, sleeve friction, pore pressure, tip temperature (redundant), depth, downward force, and bottom detection (redundant). The software shall be compatible with the sensors and shall interface with the data acauisition software.

Tile seiisui caiibiratioii system shaii be capabie o i generating report-quality instrumentation calibration plots. Real time graphical and numerical display of instrumentation and calibration values shall be provided. Time-stamped comments or notes in the form of a daily ASCII file to be used as a daily operator's log shall be recorded. Calibration data shall automaticallv store data into a uniaue data file.

Calibration data for the tip and side temperature shall be provided prior to installation on the tip. The temperature calibration shall be verified by three different temperature points.

Method Used









- ATP Paragraph -




7.11 ~


7 11 T W

ro D

UJ I 7 11

- 7.11

-,, 7.11

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- - Item WHC-S-0241



WHC-S-0241 Requirement

Two components (calibration and data acquisition) shall be developed for the cone penetrometer system. The data acquisition software acquires, stores and retrieves data acquired during system operation. Details on the system are described in section 3.2.9. The calibration software calibrates cone penetrometer sensors specified in section 3.2.10. Section 3.2.11 contains information on software functions, assumptions and interfaces.

This product is independent and totally self-contained. The major components of the system are the data acquisition system and the calibration system.

The system shall perform the following functions: sensor data acquisition and logging, 19

The system shall also perform safety checks for tank protection and protection from possible tank hazards. The down force limiter, bottom detection system, tip and side temperature and cone penetrometer inclination limits shall alarm and initiate automatic shutdown of the hydraulically driven push rod. if any one limit is exceeded. WHC shall

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The sensors to be calibrated include the dual stage load cells for tip pressure, sleeve friction, pore pressure, tip and side temperature and bottom detector.

Method Used




ATP Paragraph



7.11, 6.3.2

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- Item


WHC-S-0241 Paragraph

WHC-S-0241 Requirement


The data acquisition software shall:

Be user friendly Compatible with all supplied sensors and capable of acquiring and logging data from supplied sensors Be capable of data storage and retrieval Provide real time graphical and numerical displays of data, available during penetration. The graphical display shall have dual scaling capabilities. Time-stamped comments or notes in the form of a daily ASCII file. Each data point shall have a time stamp. The data acquisition system shall allow the operator to pause and resume data collection and record such events in the data file. The acquisition system shall provide on-line access to a DOS prompt. The data acquisition system shall support both ASCII and binary file formats. The data acquisition system shall generate individually unique data file names. The system shall contain a menu driven user interface. 'the acquisition system shall store project specific test setup parameters to be used as defaults.

The calibration system shall be capable of:

* *

Calihratine sensors listed in section Generating report-quality instrumentation calibration plots. Real time graphical and numerical displays of instrumentation and calibration values shall be provided. Time stamped comments or notes in the form of a daily ASCII file to be used as a daily operator's log shall be recorded. Calibration data shall automatically store data into a unique data file.

Method Used


ATP Paragraph


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WHC-S-0241 Paragraph ~~


WHC-S-0241 Requirement

The system shall contain a menu driven user interface. The content of this interface shall contain information pertinent to the operation of the system as well as project specific test setup parameters. The user shall input project specific parameters such as operator's name, date, tank and riser locationinumber, and operational mode (calibratioddata acquisition).

Output shall include sensor output as a function of depth, moisture and temperature profiles and derived quantities such as compressive strength, yield strength, shear strength and tank stratigraphy as a function of depth. Hardcopy page layouts shall contain all the output information listed above as well as the user input.

The data acquisition and calibration system will contain a personal computer system which interfaces with an analog to digital converter and an amplifier board. Hardware interfaces with the moisture urobe are addressed in WHC-SD-WM-FDC-047.

The cone penetrometer software shall interface with the moisture probe software which is written using National Instrument LabView software.

Sampling rate shall be software adjustable.

At each tank, the operator, tank and riser location must be entered. Each data file shall have a unique name.

The system shall be available upon demand, which may include weekends, annual and off- hour availability.

The skid mounted system shall have the capability to exert a reaction load force of no less than 35 tons (311375.5 N) onto cone penetrometer push rod. The total loaded skid system shall be no more than 45 tons (400340 N). The skid system shall be designed to have the capacity of easily reducing the reaction load by 25 tons (22241 1 N) from its fully loaded 45 tons (400340 N) during rod removal. Twenty five tons (222411 N) of the 45 tons (400340 N) total shall be in the form of removable ballast.

Method Used








ATP Paragraph

7.11, 7.18

6.3.1. 6.4.1

V w

D Ih

7.18 rn I -



Design Package #011


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- Item




i l

WHC-S-0241 Paragraph





WHC-S-0241 Requirement

The data acquisition system and control shall be contained in the environmentally controlled compartment. The data acquisition and control shall be protected with a NEMA 4 enclosure. A slide door shall exist in between the data acquisition and control room and the hydraulic room. The hydraulic ram will be viewed from the data acquisition console.

The skid shall be compatible with riser and riser equipment.

A four point outrigger leveling system shall provide a minimum of 2 feet (0.6 m) of leveling travel. In addition, four mechanical outriggers shall be provided as backup support, if hydraulic outrigger system fails.

Electrical power shall be provided to the cone penetrometer skid by a separate diesel powered generator. The generator shall be self contained and permanently mounted on the support trailer. The generator shall be capable of handling a maximum load when all uiiiio air; upciauiig auiiuiraiicuu>iy iui ai icaaL L W U uayo. rui wii i i ig oilail LIICCL LIIC i y r r f i

70 (National Electric Code). Power distribution equipment shall be included on the trailer. which maybe as far as 50 feet (15 m) from the cone penetrometer skid.

Power shall feed into a surface mounted distribution panelboard which in turn will supplies the lighting, HVAC unit, and power receptacles. AC power receptacles shall be p!xsc! "2 i~tezix 2nd extericr w!!. Receptac!:: or, !he ir,!erio: shs!! be no :r,o:e than six feet (1.8 m) apart. Two 20 amp exterior receptacles, on ground fault interruptible circuits (GFIC), shall be located on the exterior walls. Exterior receptacles shall be shock proof. At least, five receptacle shall be placed on the interior side wall and shall provide "clean" AC power to the computer and data acqu inverter or an uninterruptable power supply. The vent exhaust and radiator fan shall be located away from the ground to avoid dust from the ground.

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on equipment through the use of a power

The location of the power generator exhaust shall be such that the exhaust does not leak into occupied space or the HVAC. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

The power generator noise generation shall be damped such that the levels of noise are no more than 85 dBA such that operators can hear the alarms.

Method ATP Paragraph FLF

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WHC-S-0241 Paragraph




WHC-S-0241 Requirement

The skid and all auxiliary equipment shall be bonded (metal to metal connection) to the tank during operation of the cone penetrometer. Grounding shall be per NFPA 70. WHC-SD-WM-TI-568 Rev 1 outlines grounding and bonding requirements for electrical and non-electrical installation at Hanford tank farms.

Light fixtures shall be located within the compartment for instrument read out as well as general use. Lighting levels shall adhere to the 50-30-10 foot-candles (538-322-108 lux) illumination standard for workstation, work areas and non-working areas (see section 2.2 for applicable standards). Fixtures shall be a standard, energy efficient, industrial grade and approved for indoorioutdoor locations. Lighting shall be operated by a switch on the imide wall

Install an electric air conditioneriheater with a minimum capacity to regulate to 75 "F (23.9 "C) with 120 "F (48.9 "C) outside temperature, and three people inside the skid enclosure and 70 "F (21.1 "C) with a -30 "F (-34.4 "C) outside temperature. 50 MPH (80.5 km/h) wind with no people in the skid. The volumetric airflow rate shall provide between four and eight air changes per hour. A 0.1 inch water (24.9 Pa) positive pressure shall exist when the doors are closed. The supply filter shall be 80% efficient or greater for uarticles greater than 5 microns.

The minimum cone penetrometer push rod inner diameter shall be 1 inches (2.5 cm). The cone penetrometer push rod and guide tube shall fit into a 4 inch (10.2 cm) schedule 40 riser with a minmum of 0.25 inch (0.6 cm) clearance all the way around to accommodate for some riser deformity. A 6 inch (15.2 cm) OD guide tube shall mate with the 1.75 inch (4.4 cm) OD rod for situations requiring greater push capabilities. This 6 inch (15 cm) OD guide tube and 1.75 inch (4.4 cm) OD rod shall be used in 12 inch (30.5 cm) risers.

A hydraulically driven guide tube shall provide buckling support for cone penetrometer push rod. The guide tube and cone penetrometer push rod shall be independent of each other. The guide tube installation system shall be designed to lower the guide tube into the tank both when the push rod is in place and prior to push rod deployment. The guide tube and push rod shall be supported from the skid at all times.

Method Used



I . , I:A



ATP Paragraph


7.11 Design Package #I4


.. ,


7.16, 7.9

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Item WHC-S-0241 Requirement Method Used

ATP Paragraph WHC-S-0241 Paragraph 57 A hydraulic fluid reservoir and pump shall be provided on the support trailer. The fluid shall be cooled and temperature controlled. An indicator light shall warn the operator of overheating and low fluid indicator.

V/T 6.2.2, 7.13

58 All hydraulic and electrical controls shall be visibly labeled and mounted in the skid enclosure. These controls shall include all manually operated valves to operate the push rod and euide. All eaees shall be mounted in close uroximitv to the hvdraulic controls.

V 6.2.7

59 The cone penetrometer push rod shall be leak tight at the couplings (see section 7.2 sixth bullet). No liquid or gas shall leak into the inner annulus space. The gap between the cone penetrometer push rod outer wall and guide tube inner wall shall be sealed to eliminate the uossibilitv of vauor traveling into the skid (see Detail 1 from Figure 3).

T 7.17

60 VIA None of the cone penetrometer components shall spark. The Underground Storage Tank environment is potentially flammable. All electrical equipment in the push rod tip sensor package, cone penetrometer push rod, and 36 inches from the top of the hydraulically

(FM), or Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) requirements for a Class 1 Division 1, Group B environment of the NEC Article 500. The cone penetrometer system shall comply with the design requirements outlined in WHC-SD-WM-DA-201.

A 1.75 inch (4.4 cm) OD blunt faced cone penetrometer tip shall be used in order to

filter shall be located behind the tip.

The cone penetrometer push rod and guide tube shall be locked in place upon loss of power.

The cone penetrometer hydraulic deployment unit shall be outside of the skid enclosure.

The cone penetrometer push rod and guide tube storage shall be located and secured on the side of the skid enclosure.

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m - w V 6.2.3 61




T 7.9






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WHC-S-0241 Paragrauh

i . 4



3 . 1

WHC-S-0241 Requirement

The supplier shall identify maintenance requirements including the frequency of maintenance. A recommended spare parts and supplier list and troubleshooting procedures shall be provided by the cone penetrometer supplier. The unit shall be iesigned for easy accessibility to perform routine required maintenance and calibrations

The skid equipment which may come into contact with tank waste shall contain a minimum of crevices, have a smooth surface or finish to promote decontamination and/or easilv reulaced with a minimum of radiation exDosure to uersonnel.

The cone penetrometer system shall meet the requirements of this performance specification under the following environmental conditions:

External Conditions: Operating temperature: 10 to 120 "F (-12.2 to 48.9 "C) Storage temperature:

Elevation: Exposed equipment to withstand sand and dust

The sensors within the cone penetrometer push rod shall operate under the following conditions for a period of no less than 2 weeks without degradation.

-40 to 120 "F (-40 to 48.9 "C) Ecpllidit:,: 10-1nfl o/.

0 - 600 feet above sea level (0 to 183 m)

Undereround Storage Tank Waste Environment: Waste Temperature: 60 - 212 "F (15.6 to 100 "C) Radiation: 0 - 900 Rad/hr

Flammable pH: 1 0 - 14

The system shall withstand any normal shock and vibration generated during the operation of the cone uenetrometer.

The cone uenetrometer skid shall meet all annlicable non-radioactive DOT reauirements

All equipment shall be built to OSHA requirements.

Method Used





ATP Paragraph


6.3.2 Afiachmcnt 2



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WHC-S-0241 Paragraph






WHC-S-024 1 Requirement

The skid shall meet all requirements in the applicable National Fire Protection Association.

All parts which are exposed to environmental conditions listed in this performance specification shall be non-corrosive. Dissimilar metals shall be insulated against galvanic corrosion. No aluminum or other reactive metals shall be utilized in the fabricated components which may potentially be exposed to tank waste.

The cone penetrometer skid shall be painted inside and outside with rust inhibiting primer and an exterior coat of the manufacturer's standard color paint. Penned aluminum decking in high traffic areas is required. Carbon steel for the rod and guide tubes is acceptable.

Warning tape, signs or placards shall be used where necessary to indicate potential

maintenance personnel cannot fail to notice them before any part of the equipment is operated or opened for maintenance. The labeling of radiological conditions per the Hanford Site Radiological Control Manual (HRSRCM-1) shall be left to WHC personnel, due to the complexity of the requirements.

The supplier shall ensure that any fastener nJith head marks marching those nn the attached U. S. Custom Fasteners Headmarks list (Figure 4) are not utilized on this contract. These fasteners are not acceptable and will cause rejection of the cone penetrometer systedcomponents or spare parts which use these fasteners.

Bolts showing minor deviations from the examples in Figure 4, such as head stamp placement deviation or grade identification marksiheadstamp orientation can still be considered suspect. The grade identification marks do have to be equally spaced radially as shown in Figure 4.

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Method Used






ATP Paragraph


Attachment 3



(0 Y

6 2 10 m I

" l

6' 1'

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WHC-S-0241 Paragraph

i .5

WHC-S-0241 Requirement

The cone penetrometer shall be designed per ASCE 7-88 (or ANSI A58.1) standard, AISC 3326 standard and AISC Manual of Steel Construction. Conservative structural safety Factor shall be approved by WHC prior to design. The system shall survive the following :onditions:

Wind Loads: Fastest Mile Wind Speed: Importance Factor: 1.07

70 mi/h (112.7 h / h )

Exposure category: C .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Roof Load

Live Loads: Per ANSI A58.1 Snow Loads: 20 psf (1 E a ) minimum roof load ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

Load Combination D + L + W D + L + S where D = Dead Load

W = Wind Load L = Live or Operational Load S = Snow Load .............................................................................................................................................................................................

Transportation: 3G Longitudinal 2G Lateral I(; Vertical (not inciuaing gravity)

Method Used


................... A

........ A




ATP Paragraph

Attachment 4

Design Package #016

i i ii


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Item WHC-S-0241 Paragraph

3 . i

WHC-S-024 1 Requirement

3utriggers Requirements:

Seismic analysis shall be performed on the push skid with the outriggers fully extended. The purpose of the analysis is to determine if the outriggers can withstand the seismic load case and will not tip-over. The seismic load case shall include seismic loads in three directions (two horizontal and one vertical). The total seismic load shall be determined by combining the effects of the horizontal and vertical loads using the square root sum of the squares methods. The total seismic load shall be added to the gravity load for the structural evaluation.

Seismic 0.38 G Horizontal

Wind load analysis shall be performed on the push skid with the outriggers full!, extended. The purpose of the analysis is to determine if the outriggers can withstand the wind load and will not tip-over. The wind load shall be applied in the worst direction and added to the gravity load tor the structural evaluation.

Wind Load Importance Factor 1 .OO ExDosure Categorv C

80 mi/h (129 km/h)

Primary iuau bearing iuaus (2200 ibs j885.o Xj) ui'iiiiing uizvices anu tiieii arlac'nrrleut tu structural members shall be magnetic particle (MT) tested or penetration tested (PT) and visually tested per AWS D1.l on final pass. Primary welds shall be identified by WHC prior to fabrication.

Critical welds shall be examined prior to and after loading the cone penetrometer to 1.5 times the maximum operating load. Critical welds shall be identified by WHC prior to fabrication. Examination shall consist of VT and MT or PT per AWS D1.l on the final weld pass.

Method Used .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . ... .



ATP Paragraph . __. ... .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . Design Package #MI8 ETS~W-96-849

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Attachment 1:

-70 to 125

-50 to 150

The allowable loads on the riser are 1000 Ibs vertically and 565 Ib horizontally (see WHC-SD-WM-DA-212).The riser assembly (riser, riser adaptor & decontamination unit) and the cone penetrometer are connected by flexible bellows. No forces are transmitted from the bellows to the riser. The cone penetrometer only method of transmitting force to the riser would be if the cone penetrometer would go off at an angle. The safety system monitors the inclination of the cone penetrometer and shuts the system down, if exceeded. The safety system setpoint is 3". The setpoint is sufficient so that the cone penetrometer system does not exert force on the riser. The allowable loads will be addressed in the operational procedures (riser straightnessiintegrity).

1.5~104 - , . ,FS GO,. ;4, I , 1 . 5 X l O ' 2 io/" FS

Attachment 2:

-54 to 125

-55 to 150

The following table includes the sensors and material limits and accuracy.



i 0.5% FS between + 1 5 O

2 10% @? 6 inch (15.2 cm)


Tip Pressure


Micro Measurement Load Cell (source)

Pore Pressure: T.:,*.. I LllCI


Sleeve Friction 4340 Steel Micro Measurement Load Cell (source)

Tip Temperature

Side Temperature

Keystone Glass Encased glued to Mandrel Digi-Key (source)

Hydlar (Kevlar) 415 Stainless Steel Digi-Key (source)



Bottom Detector

Spectron SP5000 (source)

ARA (source) IC chip, PCB, resistors, Teflon Cable. diodes

Wirine 1 Teflon coated 28 AWL

Storage Temperature ("C)



10 to 100

I O to 100




Operating Temperature ("C) 1 Radiation Limit (Rad) I Instrument Accuracy I

-50 to 204 4x10' + 5% FS

-50 to 204 4x10' + 5% FS

- 1 20 to 260 I 3 . 8 ~ 1 0 ' I NIA I

Page 102: N4H4A Boechleir F--f N - UNT Digital Library/67531/metadc703726/... · 00-7400-1 72-1 (07191) 8 WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151. Rev. 0 Cone Penetrometer Acceptance Test Report ... a deployment


Belzona 1391



Titanium (TI-6A14V)

4340 Steel

I Cables ~~~~

Room -35 to 204 1 0 6 NIA





4340 Steel

4340 Steel

Uni-measure P-50A (source)

I Adaptor ~



-30 to 50 -10 to 50 NIA i .OS% FS

Push Rods

Material I Storage Temperature f"C) I Operating Temperature ("C) I Radiation Limit (Rad) I Instrument Accuracy

20 to 40

20 to 65

10 to I 30

I O to 130



Belden 8345 (source) I 0 to 40 I l o t o I50 I 1 . 5 ~ 1 0 ~

4340 Steel Neoprene Viton I Room

55 to 140 -35 to 204


Attachment 3:

-1. I 111. L u i i ljiiliiluiiiiiii ihiiiiiiiiii i<iiip<iliiiiS iluiiiiririii ai-i ihi ilipiiaiii f ~ i , iliL \*.dtCI i d i i , icilicliilg h a l l i l l & , a id >&la. Tilzar dlc IIUL cxpvaeri tu . tank waste. Other components are made out of carbon steel.

Attachment 4:

The assumptions made on this analysis are that:

a) The vanbody is the largest area which will be subjected to wind loads. b) The largest part of the vanbody encompasses the maximum load subjected to the platform c) Steady flow. d) All forces and velocities are in the horizontal direction.

Page 103: N4H4A Boechleir F--f N - UNT Digital Library/67531/metadc703726/... · 00-7400-1 72-1 (07191) 8 WHC-SD-WM-ATR-151. Rev. 0 Cone Penetrometer Acceptance Test Report ... a deployment

+ Wind + 70 miihr (112 7 kmih)

A = 96 in x 84 in = 8064 in2 ( 5.2 m2) = 56 ft2 (5.2 m2)

pa,r = .075 Ibm/ft3 = ,0023 slugift3 at STP

u = 70 miihr (112.7 km!h) = 103 ftisec (112.7 km/h)

iin = u7 parr A

= (103 ftis)’ (.0023 slug/ft3)(56 ft’)

= 1366Ibf

The total weight of the cone penetrometer platform is 40,000 Ibf. The number of G’s associated with the wind load is then:

G = 1366 lbf/(40,000 Ibig) = .03

This load is less than the seismic loads. Therefore, the platform will survive a 70 miih (112.7 kmih) wind since it can survive a 0.38 G horizontal seismic load.