Myungwol the Spy Episode 15

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  • 8/3/2019 Myungwol the Spy Episode 15



    Myung-wol the Spy: Episode 15

    by girlfriday| August 30, 2011 |88 Comments

    We FINALLY get to the crux of the spy vs. love dilemma, for all the characters involved. I really

    wish it didnt take us fifteen episodes to get to this point, but we finally have them the guns,

    the ultimatums, the lives on the line, and the hero actually does something heroic. I know!

    I just wish for the characters sakes that they werent written as the most ineffectual spies ever.

    Id be more fearful for their lives and such ifsomebody would just shoot someone

    already. Cause the empty threat of violence is starting to get old. Less talky, more shooty!


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    Finally! She speaks! And its a doozy, because with Kang-woo at gun-point, she calls him

    Comrade. Confused, he asks what shes doing. She asks if he hasnt figured it out by now.

    We came from the North She tells him that theyre here to take him by force.

    Oh dayum, all out with it and everything. Kang-woo looks at her, aghast, refusing to believe it.

    He tries to call her name as he always has: Myung-wol-ah. But she answers coldly andformally, Dont call me that! From now on, I am Hallyu Crackdown Squad Agent Han Myung-


    Chairman Joo gets annoyed at his minions for failing to execute them, and then tasks the same

    minions to find and eliminate them. See, this is why lazy villains never succeed.

    In-ah tries to put the pieces together to figure out whats going on, but alas, it hurts her feeble

    bird brain and she gives up.

    The Hallyu Crackdown Duo and their captive go back to Kang-woos house, where Ryu informs

    them that theyll keep him locked up and monitored round the clock, until they can use hisplanned trip to the States in three days as a diversion to actually go to North Korea via China.

    Kang-woo is still reeling from the shock, and asks why him. Myung-wol explains without feeling

    that the North needs a star like him, and tells him her mission, to seduce, marry, and convince

    him to defect.

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    He looks up at her, finally understanding it all. Ryu tells him not to do anything stupid, and

    Kang-woo simply smirks.

    Once hes out of the room, Ryu asks Myung-wol why she changed her mind. She in turn asks

    why he didnt tell her about his orders to kill them all if they couldnt succeed. Why did you try

    to carry that burden alone?

    Ever the stoic soldier, Ryu says nothing, but does clarify that theres no take-backsies now. If

    they dont bring Kang-woo to the North, then he knows too much to remain alive Oh crap. So

    its North or Bust.

    Ryu inform the spy parents that theyre northbound in three days, and Hee-bok frets that every

    time he packs a bag, something goes awry. He wants to see a fortuneteller to ease his mind, but

    Ok-soon refuses, so he resorts to flipping a coin to see if theyll succeed or fail. They toss it

    expectantly, only to be foiled by Dae-kang who mucks up the toss, landing it on: Fail.

    Myung-wol stands by as Kang-woo calls in sick for a few days, and then he takes the

    opportunity to ask even if she couldnt help any of the other things, being born in the North,

    following orders, werent her feelings for him real?

    He asks again, Your heart. Wasnt it sincere? She stands frozen for a moment, and then

    answers, No. Aaaaaaargh. What the hell is wrong with you? It stands to reason that telling

    him the truth now would only help you. So whats with the lying? Theres no reason for it,

    which makes it lame.

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    She tells him that she was just following orders. He whirls around, insisting that its a lie, and

    that he can tell the difference, thank you very much. He pulls her toward him and shouts, Its a

    lie! Tell me! Tell me its a l ie!

    She slaps him across the face. Okay, Im not gonna lie, thats satisfying on account of his slap-

    happy behavior eons ago. She tells him to shut up and get it straight shes not the Han

    Myung-wol he knows, and that for her country, she could kill him on this spot without batting

    an eye. God, I SO much prefer this version of Myung-wol. Where have you BEEN?

    She warns him to get it together and storms out, only betraying her conflicting emotions once

    shes out of view.

    Meanwhile Chairman Joo gets busy reconstructing the ancient books, and we see in flashback

    that he had once hired Kang-woos father to put them all together.

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    He had succeeded in cracking the code, and uncovered that it was a map a map to a treasurethat would make its possessor the central world power. More than ever, I want it to be a lame

    cracker jack prize. Please oh please.

    Kang-woo waits that night until Myung-wol is asleep, and attempts to sneak out the front door.

    He gets about five feet from the door when Ryu finally calls out in a calm but threatening tone

    that he told him not to do anything stupid.

    Kang-woo asks if he really thinks theyll succeed in taking him by force without being found out,

    and asks if Ryu really loves Myung-wol, how he could give her a mission like this. Bitterly he

    wonders, For your mission, you send the woman you love into another mans arms?

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    Ryu raises his fist, but Kang-woo scoffs that he shouldnt really be messing up the face of the

    star theyre going to such lengths to kidnap. Ha. Touch.

    But Ryu lays down a gauntlet of his own. He tells Kang-woo the truth, that Myung-wol faces

    death if this operation doesnt succeed. Thank you. I dont understand why you didnt just lead

    with this.

    That flares up Kang-woos temper, but then Myung-wol wakes up and interrupts them. Ryu

    rests assured that if Kang-woo understood him, he wouldnt do anything stupid to endanger


    He leaves them to break into Chairman Joos estate, apparently for no reason other than sport,since he doesnt actually do anything there. Except for hide in In-ahs bed, which gets her all


    The next day Kang-woo asks Myung-wol for a favor, to let him say goodbye and tie up loose

    ends, if hes never to come back to this place. He makes an earnest plea that its his homeland,

    which resonates enough with her that she gives in.

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    He goes to see his agent first, and thanks her sincerely, which confuses the hell out of her. He

    tells her to stop pouring so much into her thankless job and to date and live her life, and

    assures her that she can make anyone a star.

    Aw, despite the premise behind it being ridiculous, it always gets me when one party is saying

    goodbye and the other doesnt know it.

    He finds a moment alone with Dae-kang in the bathroom, and quickly orders him to look into

    the punishment in this country for Myung-wols crimes (in the hypothetical, of course). Dae-

    kang thinks its an odd request, to say the least, but Kang-woo gives him no time to protest or

    ask questions, and tells him to mail the information to his house.

    He drags Myung-wol along as he says goodbye to the drama-in-drama crew, and she asks why

    hes doing all this. He explains sincerely that these people made him who he is.

    Meanwhile Ryu finds them gone and calls Myung-wol in a panic. She tells him that theyre tying

    up loose ends and hangs up before he can order her back. He angrily traces her phone.

    Kang-woo takes her to the neighborhood where he grew up, and she tells him that she heard

    about his father, and apologizes for having no words of comfort.

    He confesses that he was young and powerless, so he thought that if he became rich and

    famous, he could find out the truth. So he took Chairman Joos money, actively sought it out

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    even. He murmurs flatly that he needs to see him brought down, knowing that its an

    impossibility now.

    Myung-wol offers that itll happen someday, but Kang-woo realistically gives up hope on that

    front. He turns to her and asks if she knows how to play catch. How to play catch? You just


    They throw the baseball around and Kang-woo thinks to himself: What can I do to change your

    mind? What do I do to make you let me stay here? And Myung-wol thinks to herself: Father,

    do I really have to take this man away? I really dont know.

    And then after a moments pause, she throws long, purposely giving him an opportunity to run

    away. Aw. He runs after it and then realizes that shes not behind him. He stoops to pick up the

    baseball and dwells on Ryus words that shell die if he runs away.

    Just then, Ryu arrives on the scene, demanding to know where Kang-woo is. Myung-wol

    stammers, shocked to see him

    He runs past her to give chase, but Kang-woo appears, baseball in hand and a smile on his face.

    He puts it in Myung-wols hand and says that its a present from him. Not-a-Euphemism of the

    Day: Kang-woo lovingly hands her his ball. *snerk*

    In-ah drinks away her sorrows after getting a glimpse of Kang-woo and Myung-wol together

    again. She almost calls Ryu on instinct but decides against it, and calls her ex-manager-turned-

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    kpop-idol, and Dae-kang tags along to be cutesy and make In-ah gag. Well at least he found

    someone to ease his unrequited noona love for Myung-wol.

    Kang-woo finds Dae-kangs report when he gets home, outlining the punishments for

    espionage. They range from five years in prison and upward, but if the spy turns herself in, she

    can be rehabilitated to live a life here.

    From what I know of the spy world (as in, purely fictional but rather extensive, I daresay), what

    you really want is a valuable asset to make a deal. Something that the South wants as much as

    the North. Like, the BOOKS, perhaps? But nobody listens to me.

    Ryu gets called back to home base by the spy parents, stuck babysitting a drunk and sleepy In-

    ah, who stumbled there looking for Ryu. He rouses her awake and she cries on his shoulder,

    upset at Kang-woo and Myung-wol, and even him, but thinking that hed at least understand

    her pain.

    She cries herself to sleep in his arms, and then an idea hits him. He calls Grandpa and offers a

    trade: In-ah for the books. Thinking to himself, Ryu apologizes to her, admitting, I do

    understand how you feel. He silently asks her for her help one last time.

    Kang-woo asks Myung-wol if this is really what she wants.

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    Myung-wol: Thats not important. People like me simply move according to orders. Whats

    right or wrong, what I want I cant even consider those things. Bringing you in is all that


    Kang-woo: Have you lived your whole life that way? Your entire life? Just following orders?

    Myung-wol: Because that was my dream. To be the kind of special agent who could honorably

    lay her life down for her country, her people. You wouldnt understand. Let me ask you

    something. Why did you come back earlier?

    Kang-woo: My feet wouldnt leave the ground. What do I like so much about a stupid spy girl

    anyway. Honestly, I still dont believe it. Youre just Han Myung-wol. Youre just Han Myung-

    wol, the woman I love. And Im just the Kang-woo who loves you. Isnt that enough? If that

    doesnt change, then South or North, doesnt it not matter?

    FINALLY, a swoonworthy statement from our hero! Ive waited eleventy million years for this.

    Finally, he trusts her, not her title or her mission or even her lies, but just her.

    It stirs her, but when he pleads with her to turn herself in, she balks. He begs, shouting, that

    theyll forgive everything if she turns herself over, but she cuts him short. Calling him Comrade

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    Kang-woo again, she reminds him that she is a North Korean agent, ready to lay down her life.

    Its what she was taught, how she was trained, and what she promised to her father.

    Kang-woo: But you love me. She looks up at him, wavering. He squeaks, Dont you?

    Turning to avert his eyes, she says, No. But he doesnt let her walk away this time, and pulls

    her in for a hug. Kang-woo: Then why did you throw the ball that far, stupid? AW.

    He says that she cant be without him either, asking again and again. She doesnt answer, but

    she hugs him back.

    Over with the other kidnapper-kidnapee duo, In-ah stirs awake and wonders what shes doing

    with Ryu. She tries to leave and he stops her, informing her matter-of-factly that she is

    currently mid-kidnap.

    She asks why on earth hes going to such lengths is it money? Lots of money? Or Myung-wol?

    She can tell from his face that its Myung-wol, and she asks why he cant let go of her.

    He throws the same question back at her about Kang-woo, and she says its because she feels

    unfairly slighted compared to how much love and effort shes poured onto him. Ryu then

    replies concerning Myung-wol: Its because Ive never loved properly. And Ill never be able to,

    in the future.

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    Aw, poor super agent Ryu. In-ah looks at him curiously, but theyre interrupted by the arrival of

    Grandpa and his crew. They make the exchange, and when Grandpa predictably sends in

    backup to go after Ryu, she runs back to stand in their way and give him an exit. In-ah does

    something heroic? Did hell freeze over?

    She earns a slap from Grandpa for her trouble, and goes to bed crying, wondering herself why

    shes going to such lengths for Ryu. Well no one ever said you were quick on the uptake,


    Spy parents try to have a going away party with Dae-kang to say their farewells, but hes the

    slowest wit of them all, so their heartfelt wishes for him just go sailing over his head, finallyfrustrating them for even trying.

    On their last night Myung-wol watches Kang-woo sleep, thinking of Ryus warning that he dies

    even if she changes her mind now. Kang-woo in turn stays up thinking of Ryus warning that she

    dies if the mission is a failure. Not to be the bad guy here, but if you guys just got rid of Ryu

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    They head to the airport the next morning, using his trip to the States as a cover. Problem is,

    Chairman Joo finds out about it, along with Ryu accompanying them, and sends minions to

    head them off.

    Ryu gets out of the car to fight them off, and tells Myung-wol to take Kang-woo to the airport

    without him. They take off running.

    Once they get away, Myung-wol stops and tells him to run. He asks her to come with him, but

    she cant let her comrades die because of her. She takes out her gun and tells him to go.

    He sees a police car headed their way, and so he turns and runs away from her. She runs in

    the other direction.

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    Ryu arrives at the airport and finds the spy parents waiting, but no Myung-wol or Kang-woo.

    Myung-wol arrives back at her apartment alone, and finds Ryu already waiting for her. He asks

    what happened, and she tells him the truth: I let him go. She says she couldnt bear it

    anymore, and couldnt bring herself to do it.

    Trembling, he asks how many times hes supposed to understand and forgive her. She tells him

    not to forgive anymore. Ryu: Dont forgive? Do you know what happens if I dont forgive you?

    You die.

    She tells him that it doesnt matter to her. But it matters to him. He takes out his gun and heads

    toward her door. She blocks his path, asking what hes about to do.

    Hes headed to kill Kang-woo, of course, now that he knows everything and theyve failed. She

    stops him, pleading. He raises his gun at her

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    Myung-wol: Do as you wish. If you want to kill me, kill me. Just leave that person alone. Ryuseyes fill with tears, as he shouts, Are you trying to make me crazy? Are you saying this knowing

    what I want? What I really want?!

    Meanwhile Chairman Joo finds out about Myung-wol and Ryu being Northern spies, and calls

    Kang-woo straightaway with threats. He comes running over and offers a trade hell cover up

    his fathers murder, and return the books, and in exchange he leaves Myung-wol alone.

    At home he takes out a picture of his father and apologizes for not being able to avenge his

    death, But I cant let this woman go.

    Ryu decides that hell follow Myung-wols wishes and let Kang-woo live. But in exchange shemust return to North Korea with him. He plans to trade her life for the books. At least its a

    plan! Is he the only real spy up in here?

    She asks what theyre to do about the mission (to kidnap Kang-woo), but Ryu confesses that the

    mission was a failure from the moment he let her into his heart. Omo! Is that a love confession?

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    Just then her doorbell rings and Ryu hides as Myung-wol approaches her door cautiously. She

    opens it, and Kang-woo comes rushing inside.

    She tells him to leave at once. Kang-woo: No. Im not going anywhere. Lets get married. And

    lets live here together.