Myths and realities of a constitutional convention Updated October 14, 2017 6:01 AM By The Editorial Board By now, you’ve seen the lawn signs. Or the bumper stickers. Or the posts on Facebook. And you’ve said to yourself: What’s a con-con? You’re not alone. It’s election season, and you’ve stumbled into what might be the hottest issue on November’s ballot.≈ Con-con is shorthand for constitutional convention, a gathering of delegates from around New York State who would meet to revise the state constitution. Every 20 years, according to that constitution, New York voters must be asked whether they want to hold one. This is year 20. What a moment it is. Voters are angry, for lots of reasons. Mostly they’re fed up with: - government that no longer seems to work for them - big campaign donors getting favors from elected officials; - lawmakers who use their influence to line their pockets; - voting laws that protect incumbents; - rules that make it difficult to cast a ballot, or to run for office without the backing of a party machine; - and, perhaps most frustrating of all, a state government that refuses to address these ills or pass laws supported by most New Yorkers. So voters become cynical and learn to distrust the system. And they drop out. Or, they look to rebel. And now comes the prospect of a constitutional convention, a vehicle for a constituency ready for change. At the moment, however, opponents of a convention are flooding the zone with political advertising. Some of their arguments are erroneous. Most are based on fear — the fear of the unknown. No one knows for sure what would happen in a constitutional convention, they say. And they’re right. Myths and realities of a constitutional convention https://www.newsday.com/opinion/editorial/myths-and-realities-of-a-ne... 1 of 12 10/16/2017, 3:41 PM

Myths and realities of a constitutional convention · 2020. 2. 15. · MYTH: A constitutional convention would be an opaque exercise in backroom deal-making, with delegates horse-trading

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Page 1: Myths and realities of a constitutional convention · 2020. 2. 15. · MYTH: A constitutional convention would be an opaque exercise in backroom deal-making, with delegates horse-trading

Myths and realities of a constitutional


Updated October 14, 2017 6:01 AM By The Editorial Board

By now, you’ve seen the lawn signs. Or the bumper stickers. Or the posts on


And you’ve said to yourself: What’s a con-con?

You’re not alone. It’s election season, and you’ve stumbled into what might be the

hottest issue on November’s ballot.≈ Con-con is shorthand for constitutional

convention, a gathering of delegates from around New York State who would meet to

revise the state constitution. Every 20 years, according to that constitution, New York

voters must be asked whether they want to hold one. This is year 20.

What a moment it is. Voters are angry, for lots of reasons. Mostly they’re fed up with:

- government that no longer seems to work for them

- big campaign donors getting favors from elected officials;

- lawmakers who use their influence to line their pockets;

- voting laws that protect incumbents;

- rules that make it difficult to cast a ballot, or to run for office without the backing of

a party machine;

- and, perhaps most frustrating of all, a state government that refuses to address

these ills or pass laws supported by most New Yorkers.

So voters become cynical and learn to distrust the system. And they drop out. Or,

they look to rebel.

And now comes the prospect of a constitutional convention, a vehicle for a

constituency ready for change.

At the moment, however, opponents of a convention are flooding the zone with

political advertising. Some of their arguments are erroneous. Most are based on fear

— the fear of the unknown. No one knows for sure what would happen in a

constitutional convention, they say. And they’re right.

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They prefer no change to the status quo, and would rather seek the change they want

by continuing to work with a State Legislature that has refused to do just that. They

are rejecting an opportunity to take the reins away from the corrupt status quo and

purge the system of its rot. They’d rather deal with the devil they know, while

acknowledging there are a lot of devils in Albany. And they have disingenuously

rallied under the misleading banner of “New Yorkers Against Corruption.”

One victim of this heated rhetoric is the truth. There is a lot being said that is simply

not fact. To make a good decision on whether to support a constitutional convention,

one needs to understand what is myth and what is reality.

MYTH: The people will not be part of the process.

(Credit: The 1777 convention / NY Public Library)

MYTH: The people will not be part of the process.

REALITY: The people will be involved every step of the way. Voters will decide next

month whether to hold a constitutional convention. If they say yes, they'll vote in

November 2018 on which delegates to send. After the convention, which would begin

in April 2019, the public will vote one more time on whether to accept or reject

whatever changes to the constitution are proposed by the convention.

MYTH: There already is a process to amend the constitution

and it works.

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(Credit: The fourth page the New York Constitution of 1846 / NY State)

MYTH: There already is a process to amend the constitution and it works. The State

Legislature can propose an amendment by voting for it in two consecutive sessions

and submitting it to the public for its vote.

REALITY: It's true that the constitution has been amended more than 200 times

since it was rewritten at the 1894 convention. And there are two amendments on the

November ballot. One would help communities in the protected Adirondack Park

area with needed road-related projects. The second would strip state pensions from

public officials with felony corruption convictions. And the legislature was basically

shamed into doing that, despite more than two dozen elected state officials being

hauled into court on corruption charges in the last decade. Only after the former

leaders of the State Senate and Assembly were exposed as self-dealers who deceived

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the residents of this state did they agree to put the measure on the ballot. Meanwhile,

ethics and voting reforms and other issues supported by large majorities of New

Yorkers don't come close to seeing the light of legislative day. So yes, there is a

process, but most often it doesn't work all that well.

MYTH: A non-vote on November’s ballot will be counted as a

yes vote.

(Credit: AFP / Getty Images)

MYTH: A non-vote on November's ballot will be counted as a yes vote.

REALITY: That's preposterous. If you don't vote, you're not counted, as in every

other election. This seems to be a scare tactic.



MYTH: Legislators will seek to be the delegates and hijack

the process.

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(Credit: Getty Images / Daniel Barry)

MYTH: Legislators will seek to be the delegates, they'll win election and they'll

hijack the process.

REALITY: Legislators can indeed run, but consider this. Delegates to the

convention must be paid an Assembly member's salary of $79,500. That means that

lawmakers, who also will be running for their legislative seats in 2018, would be

trying to collect a second salary while working one job. Double-dipping never sits

well with voters. It's hard to imagine many legislators exposing themselves to voters

like that. As for controlling the process, why would lawmakers who dance to the tune

of special interests that support them do anything those very same interests don't


MYTH: Gerrymandered districts means the deck will be

stacked in GOP favor.

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(Credit: Barry Sloan)

MYTH: Electing delegates by Senate districts that are gerrymandered to keep

Republicans in control means the constitutional convention deck will be stacked in

their favor.

REALITY: This is absurd. Voters will elect 204 delegates -- three from each of the

Senate's 63 districts plus 15 statewide. The GOP holds 31 Senate seats (the party

maintains control with help from one Democrat who caucuses with them plus a

group of breakaway Democrats). Some Democratic districts are heavily Democratic

and could elect three Democratic delegates. Some Republican districts lean only

slightly that way and Democrats could pick up one or even two delegates in those

districts. Many minor parties across the political spectrum likely will field their own

candidates, and true independents can run if they get the required number of

signatures on their petitions. Campaigns are likely to be spirited, and mere citizens

not bound by major party dictates could run and win. All of which means that in a

state in which registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by more than 2 to 1,

GOP control of a constitutional convention is unlikely.

MYTH: Wealthy special interests will dominate.

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(Credit: President of the 1967 New York State Constitutional Convention / Archive)

MYTH: Wealthy special interests will dominate as big contributors like the

conservative Koch brothers or Long Island's own Steve Bannon benefactors, Robert

and Rebekah Mercer, will use their money to get their people elected as delegates and

dictate a convention's agenda.

REALITY: This worry is especially precious, given that many high-spending special

interest groups, including labor unions, are among those spending to oppose a

constitutional convention. And these same special interests already contribute

heavily to the legislators who vote on constitutional amendments. The unions say

they don't have the financial firepower to stand up to big-money interests, but it's

union big money that calls many shots in Albany.

MYTH: A constitutional convention would be a monumental

waste of money.

(Credit: YouTube / Nassau County PBA)

MYTH: A constitutional convention would be a monumental waste of money.

Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan puts the figure at $350 million, and other

projections range as high as $500 million.

REALITY: This is blatantly false. Estimates for the cost of the last convention, in

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1967, range from $7 million to $15 million. SUNY New Paltz political scientist Gerald

Benjamin adjusted those figures for inflation to estimate that a convention now

would cost $47 million. A reporter mistakenly thought $47 million was the actual

cost of the 1967 convention and adjusted it for inflation a second time, which led to

the $350 million figure, a mistake for which he since has apologized. But convention

opponents like Flanagan, knowingly or unwittingly, seized on the higher figure and

are using it wrongly in their arguments. Realistic estimates from experts put the cost

of a modern convention at somewhere between $50 million and $100 million.

MYTH: Public pensions, collective bargaining and the

“forever wild” clause could be eliminated.

(Credit: Eli Reyes)

MYTH: Public pensions, collective bargaining and the "forever wild" clause that

protects the Adirondacks could be eliminated by a constitutional convention.

REALITY: That's fearmongering. None of those issues are goals for convention

proponents. And each is widely supported by New Yorkers who, remember, have to

vote on any potential amendments produced by a convention. The right of public

workers to a pension came from the 1938 constitutional convention.

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MYTH: A convention would be an opaque exercise in

backroom deal-making.

(Credit: New York State's Ninth Constitutional Convention in 1967 / Archive)

MYTH: A constitutional convention would be an opaque exercise in backroom deal-

making, with delegates horse-trading support for proposals and producing an unholy

mishmash of amendments.

REALITY: This is an epic example of succumbing to the cynicism that Albany is so

good at creating. Assuming that a convention would be the spiritual twin of the

capital's three-men-in-a-room style of governance ignores that modern technology

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should make this the most transparent convention in state history. Every minute

could be live-streamed, and probably would be. Social media would guarantee that

virtually nothing would be secret. And all votes would be public.

You decide: Do you expect the worst of people or the best?

(Credit: AP / Hans Pennink)

The debate over whether to hold a constitutional convention is in some sense a battle

between pessimism and optimism. Do you expect the worst of people or the best? Are

you more fearful of the unknown or disgusted by what is known? And, ultimately, do

you trust the public that will cast the final judgment?

Those are profound differences.

Either you are consumed by uncertainty and worried about where a convention

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might go wrong, or you embrace it as a way to make state lawmakers more

responsive to citizens and less beholden to special interests, to open up our

democracy to more participation by voters and candidates, and once and for all to get

rid of corruption.

A constitutional convention could propose a raft of improvements.

Like making it easier for people to cast ballots with early voting, "no-excuse"

absentee voting, combined federal and state primary dates, and simpler ballots.

Like making it easier for candidates to get on the ballot, and giving voters real

choices by banning cross-endorsements by political parties.

Like producing election districts that more accurately reflect the voters in them by

adopting independent redistricting.

Like instituting real ethics reforms such as limits on outside income for legislators,

term limits, a full-time legislature, closing the LLC loophole for campaign

contributions, and public campaign financing.

Like adding a constitutional right to clean air and water, and protection from

discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.

A once-in-a-generation opportunity.

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(Credit: AP)

A constitutional convention is, literally, a once-in-a-generation opportunity. Every

20 years, you the voter gets to decide: If legislators are not doing what you sent them

to Albany to do, you can do it yourself. If you give up that chance, two decades is a

long time to wait.

Every New Yorker wants a better state government.

The vote in November is the chance to answer the question:

How do we make that happen?

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