Issue 17 - September 2012 The Magic of Aromatherapy Back to School with Tarot A Waterfall Ritual Avalon invaded by the Swedes - II Read: “The City of Light” by Anthony John Mystikal Dream Realms The Glastonbury Goddess Temple Are you living in the meantime? inspired writing Totems and more...

Mystik Way Magazine 17

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The Mystik Way Magazine is a monthly read, produced by an open spiritual group centered in, but not limited to Portsmouth England/Avalon and focuses on the development of the human spirit towards enlightened living experience. The path of the Mystik Masters.

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Issue 17 - September 2012

The Magic of Aromatherapy

Back to School

with Tarot

A WaterfallRitual

Avalon invaded by the Swedes - II

Read: “The City of Light”

by Anthony John

Mystikal Dream Realms

The Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Are you living in the meantime?

inspired writingTotems and more...

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Contents1 Cover photo: Glastonbury Tor

3 Welcome to issue seventeen

4 The Glastonbury Goddess Temple

7 Glastonbury Cottage

8 A Waterfall Ritual

11 Mystikal Dream Realms

12 Are you living in the meantime?

14 Back to School with Tarot

16 Mystik Way Healing Link

17 Inspired Writing

18 Animal of the Month - Deer (Stag)

19 Plant of the Month - Asters

20 The Magic of Aromatherapy

24 Poem - Devotion

25 Avalon invaded by the Swedes - Part II

26 Book - The City of Light by Anthony


EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | [email protected] MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck

ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck www.mystikway.com

CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Peta Panos, Michelle Mahoney, Sue Hayes, Jennifer Adele, Angela H. Penn, Alina Von Posadowski, Alma De La Cruz Gossman

The Glastonbury Goddess Temple| 7

A Waterfall Ritual | 8

The Magic of Aromatherapy| 20

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us

along the Path.

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it’s always hard to pull ourselves away when alas it’s time to leave, but like

anyone knows who has been lucky enough to visit, your Heart will remain there always.

We all spent a great deal of our time in the Goddess Temple, a truly energised & wonderful sanctuary dedicated to the Feminine… more of which I write about further in the magazine. Furthermore we begin the serialization of the book about Glastonbury’s new spiritual centre The City of Light, be sure not to miss it.

And despite the lack of warm sunshine in England this summer, I have still managed to start brewing 3 gallons of blackberry wine (18 bottles) plus rhubarb and elderflower a gallon (another 12 bottles) of each with a couple of gallons of meade to be made in September. So we are well prepared for the winter party/ritual season…

Blessings to all & enjoy the magazine.


Welcome to issue seventeenWe have only

just arrived back after an energised & fun filled spiritual long weekend in

Glastonbury (Avalon)…

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Situated or rather should I say secretly tucked away amid a Magikal olde worlde style

courtyard, nestling just above a beautiful flowered eating area….crystal & book shops…various healers…Tarot readers and more is the Magikal Glastonbury Goddess Temple.

As you enter via a sort of tunnel (covered in beautiful murals of the Tor and the Goddess )from the main high street one can feel the reverence, the peace & serenity as though you have entered a completely different dimension, a time warp. Under your breath you can only utter the word “Wow”.

As we sat chatting, replenishing our thirst with herbal tea’s surrounded by magnifcent flower baskets in full bloom, a wonderful aroma of wafting incence, birds singing there was a steady wandering of souls climbing the wooden outside stairs to the sanctity of the Temple seeking comfort, healing or just good old reverence for the Goddess. As this is a regular stop off for me for many years I know the benefits, so we then decided to lead our two friends who had not experienced this before slowly up the stairs.

As you arrive at the entrance (the door is always open) and peer inside you are always greeted by a warm smiling face as well as the wonderful energies and smell of incence, on

removing your shoes & quietly leaving them by the door you can either sit on a wonderful array of cushions scattered around the walls where you can always see the main alter (which is always totally awesome ) or just lay on the floor and let the Goddess energies encompass you, transcending time and space returning you to a land of Magik where Love, Peace & harmony rule. You may only ever visit there once & you may physically leave but your Heart will forever remain there.

The Glastonbury Goddess TempleTRAVEL

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Find below their website and contact details (they do have a facebook page) so I will let the lovely ladies who run the temple explain the workings, I just wish to convey the wonderful experience of the visit. Needless to say the two friends who had never been before were totally in love with the place & felt great peace as well as a release of many hurts/fears. So do if possible one day visit there & if you are not able to at the moment look up their facebook site, check out their website because there is a great deal of knowledge/guidence about the true old path there just waiting to be re discovered.

MystikMaster August 2012



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Going to Glastonbury? Wiz & the Motley Crew suggest the Rowen Cottage.This is the cottage, wiz and the motley crew stay in..A great cottage, wonderful energies….relaxed…We highly recommend staying for any length of visit to Glastonbury…just down the road from the main centre, chalice well, the abbey and of course the Tor.

MystikMaster 2012


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A WATERFALL RITUALby James Middleditch

“The Waterfall remembers. It is our memory.”

Century Falls by Russell T Davies


I have always been drawn to waterfalls; I can remember visiting one in Wales as a child and becoming utterly mesmerised by it. Inspired by that, I would seek out pictures of them, and was later pleased to discover many to be found in spiritual shops, on posters and book covers such as James Redfield’s The Tenth Insight. Many inspirational quotations can now be found on waterfall images all over the internet. I’ve been inspired to write this ritual after visiting a spectacular waterfall at the Krka National Park in Croatia, where I laid down and meditated, pondering the energies that manifest in these extraordinary places. The difference between looking at a picture of a waterfall and being at one may seem obvious; a photograph captures an unstoppable torrent at one precise moment. However, the combination of stillness and dynamic action is one that runs deeper into our consciousness, and is one that forms the basis of the ritual.

The Waterfall Ritual

There are three parts to this ritual, and you should start by looking at an image of a waterfall and preparing your mind and body. Study the stillness of the picture, and sense the potential contained within the image. The tiniest moment before, and the tiniest moment after the picture was taken, the waterfall was moving at great speed, as it will have done for centuries before and will do for millennia to come. Feel that energy, held in that one moment of stillness. Shift your consciousness to the pools at the top of the waterfall, where the water moves calmly to its moment of dynamic flow. Explore the parts of your mind that are similar to these pools, where energy and motion are stored, ready to be expressed. These could be places of old habits or plans that have stalled, that you wish to transform into something new. Read or say aloud these words :





Now, in your mind’s eye, allow the waterfall to slowly come to life. See the image begin to move, the water from the pools at the top tipping over the edge and tumbling down with faster and faster motion to the bottom. Concentrate on the fall itself, feeling the sheer exhilaration of the particles as they are liberated, dancing down and down together. Allow the part of your mind that has rested in stillness for too long to express itself fully; see the actions you wish to take and the outcomes you wish to achieve. Read or say aloud these words :





Finally, move your mind’s eye to the bottom of the waterfall, where the water, freshened and energised by its fall is sparkling in sunlight, happy to be in its new space, joined by new torrents every moment, feeling the completion this place symbolises. Let this sense transfer into your own mind, imagining the new confidence and freedom you have, allowing you to take actions you have previously shied away from. As you commit the waterfall’s power to the deepest part of yourself, where it can then begin to manifest itself in your life, read or say aloud these words :





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Take a final look at your waterfall image, knowing that it has taken on a life within you, always moving in your imagination, providing you with the balance between stillness and action, peace and movement, thought and deed. Bring yourself back to the outside world.

Go with the Flow – Doing More With Waterfalls

I hope this ritual is helpful in providing a sense of renewed dynamism and energy.

If you have any waterfall images that you think would be useful for the ritual, please feel free to post them on The Mystik Way website.

A waterfall soundtrack would be good to accompany the ritual, and there are a variety that can be purchased online and in spiritual shops.

The ritual uses a technique called ‘serpentine rhyme’, in which the last word of a line leads into a rhyming word at the start of the next, evoking a natural flow forwards. Louis MacNeice wrote beautiful nature poetry using this technique, such as The Sunlight on the Garden, which could also be used for ritual purposes and can be found online.

Century Falls, from which the opening quotation is taken, is a powerful and spiritual drama focusing on a waterfall as the centre of a village’s psychic powers, and is available to buy on DVD.

Waterfall photographs are available to purchase in a variety of sizes and formats; contact me via facebook or email [email protected] for details and prices.

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Transcending Time & Space

Previously I described what had occurred during my life to utterly convince me of

the reality of the so-called dream state. As far as I can remember my existence in the dream state is as valid as the waking one in which I am writing this, I kept accurate records & in the process of writing a book in which there are several confirmations/proof from people I have interacted with over the years.

It became part of my intensive training, taught by my Grandfather who was a Grand Master in all things pertaining to the Occult… to master the practice of Astral projection, to travel along the very strands of time & space… to shape shift, to become invisible… to appear to others in their dream state to teach, help or heal. Strange as it may seem, this is a perfectly natural ability of which everyone is born with the knowledge already implanted. Alas the preconditioning of a controlled society this has been firmly and deliberately blocked. Why? Because the powers that be do not wish to lose their power & control over you,

thus keeping you firmly in your place thereby posing no threat to the status quo.

Anyway many years ago I made a promise to my Grandfather when the time was right that I would reveal these secrets that had been held by a few dedicated adepts for many centuries. The reason these were held secret was that the religious powers & for want of a better word, the Illuminati, would have murdered anyone known to have possession of this knowledge.

We are multidimensional beings! We are in essence all fragments of a greater being/force….God/Spirit whatever you want to call it. Just the very fact that you would believe that statement will open a door in the subconscious. First of all we need to erase all that has been programmed into our brain/mind since birth, I see this as not unlike wiping a computer disc clean then inserting the programme we wish, allowing the original one we were equipped with before birth to resurface. From issue 18 I will start to reveal methods for achieving this.

MystkMaster 2012

Mystikal Dream Realms

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In the meantime, is the place you find yourself when you put your life on hold and pause your interaction with life. It can be in just one aspect of your life or in every aspect. This state is limited, controlled by our minds, is boring and does not allow us to tap into the infinite potential of life. There is little joy or hope – just existence.

Symptoms of living in the meantime are often found in relationships and jobs…I am looking for the love of my life but will stay in this relationship in the meantime so I am not alone…I hate my job but will stay here in the meantime until I find a job that I will really love. Unfortunately, while you stay in the meantime, you close the door to opportunity. We also pause our interaction with life in smaller ways: when travelling between 2 points for example, we tend to go into endurance mode – often not remembering the route we drove or blankly going through the airport process.

Profound realizations often surface during mundane moments although you have to be present to get them, so become aware of how much valuable time you are wasting by being “switched off”. The way we perceive time can influence the happiness we find in the moment and in the future so we should learn from the past, set goals for the future and LIVE in the


If you recognize that you are living in the meantime, set your intention to take your life off hold and actively engage in living in the present.

Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not

guaranteed – Wayne Dyer

When we live in the past, we hold ourselves stuck in old patterns. Don’t look back – you are not going that way!

When you shift your focus on how much you have done rather than how much you need to do, time seems to slow down and perpetuates forward motion


Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened – Dr Seuss

When we live in the future we tend to predict the outcome based on past experiences – this limits the

Are you living in the meantime?by Peta Panos


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universe from surprising us. We also have the tendency to fear the unknown future and try to control it rather than letting it unfold magically in divine timing. If you are supported in the present, there is no reason for you to be alone in the future.

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the

future.” Denis Waitley

10 steps to living in the present:

1. Declutter – clear out the old and make space for new things and people to come into your life. Just the action of going through old stuff moves stagnant energy and creates flow.

2. Focus on your breath – many of us are shallow breathers, get into the habit of focusing on your breath when you have a few moments to spare as deep breathing bring us back into the present moment.

3. Forgive the past – the only person that suffers by holding on to old issues is you. Forgiveness does not condone past actions, it frees you from holding onto the baggage.

4. Use your senses – Notice the things around you – how do they look, smell, feel, sound or taste? Immerse yourself in a beautiful song, savor a delicious meal, enjoy watching the sunset, feel the hug of a loved one – slow down and enjoy the moment.

5. Notice your thoughts – as you move through the day, notice your thoughts – are they judgmental or allowing? Catch negative thought processes and shift your perception about the situation into a positive mindset.

6. Be in mindfulness – do one thing as a time with focus. There are of course times we

have to multi-task so be mindful when you have the opportunity. When you are in the shower, BE in the shower.

7. Be grateful for the day – Our lives fly by so quickly. How many more days are you prepared to lose by living in the meantime? Ask yourself regularly if you had one month left to live – how would you choose to live it? Being grateful holds you in the present and you create more of whatever you are grateful for, in the future.

8. Smile and be kind to others – when you smile you are more attractive and can light up some-ones day. Doing random acts of kindness raises your vibration.

9. Slow things down – Set daily intentions that are realistic and tick them off as you go.

10. Don’t sweat the small stuff – remind yourself what is important to you and ignore the drama.

Love the place you are in now – so many of us strive after discovering our purpose in life. Simply put – we all have the same purpose and it is to experience and grow as much as we can through the journey of life – so start to LIVE every day and in every way.

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys

Email: [email protected]

Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Twitter: questjourneys

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The time is here again – back to school. There is excitement in the air, a flurry of

activity, and even a little angst.

Even if you aren’t going back to school, and even if you don’t have children going back to school, you can still participate in this time of year. It is the turning of the Wheel, the changing of the seasons, and it still affects us all.

First off, take advantage of the sales. Every store everywhere has “Back to School” specials going on. Stop in and buy yourself a new outfit – you deserve it. This is true even if you have children. Why should they have all the fun? Treat yourself once in a while before you get down to your own serious study.

You may want to get a new journal or notebook, a new pen or two, and any other supplies you will need. Then it’s time to get to the good stuff.

Choose something to study for the fall and winter season.

What? You may say, “I’m not in school!” Learning is a life-long affair, and even though many Pagans know this, they don’t always plan it. There are only vague ideas floating

around in the back of your mind such as, “I really need to study up on herbs. I also want to look into shielding and protection. Oh, and Morgana said Astral Projection is really helpful. Also, there’s Tarot…” and on and on it goes.

No plan, no focus, just a scattering of energy that over time stresses you out and wears you down – and sometimes you don’t even know why.

So take advantage of this Back to School time to plan what you will focus on next. Like when you were in school, you can learn a variety of subjects at the same time. Too often adult Pagans feel like their studies should be linear, but this is not the way we ever learned, so why do we feel the need to force this habit upon ourselves now?

Choose 3 to 5 focus areas. If you have a job (or two), a spouse (or two), and maybe a kid (or two), then you’ll want to stick to 2 or 3 subjects. If you have more freedom in your life, then up to 5 is fine. But don’t overload yourself. Remember, after Winter break you can change some of the classes if you’d like.

If you are having trouble deciding, draw a Tarot card for each possible subject. For example,

Back to School with Tarot

Tarot Art: http://www.ciromarchetti.com

by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney


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let’s say that you know you are going to study a certain magickal system and herbology, but now you can’t decide whether to study Astral Projection, meditation practices, or seeing auras.

Draw a Tarot card for each possibility to see which possibility would be best for you. For example, I drew 3 cards from the Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marcetti: Astral Projection – 6 of

Swords. This is one of the 2 “traveling” cards in the deck, which is a good indication that this would be a great area to study. It may be something I have an affinity for. The swords could indicate my nervousness around it.

Meditation practices - XVII The Star, Reversed. Meditation is always something I think I “should” do, but never seem to be any good at, as far as the more traditional meditation practices go. I have been doing something similar and yielding good results,

so studying other practices may distract me and dull my progress. Best not to go there right now.

Seeing auras – XVI The Tower, Reversed. I’m really surprised at this, and it took me a minute to realize that this was more about pride and ego than spiritual practice. I always want to see auras and energy, but the truth is I already feel them, so why am I trying to force

a different perception to come forward? Not a good idea.

From these cards, Astral Projection easily wins, and I have been warned away from distractions and ego as well! Hooray for Tarot – it always knows.

What do you want to study this fall? Draw a Tarot card for each possible path and listen to what it tells you. The Tarot is there to help guide you on your journey. Are you listening?

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MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINKEvery evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS”

The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing.

Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.



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By Sue Hayes

I am a Spiritualist Medium who tunes in to the world of spirit asking for communication and guidance, which I then receive through Inspired Writing. Here is an example, which I hope you will find spiritually uplifting.


We are always looking for those who have joy and love to share with others, to lighten their lives and bring joy and hope and upliftment, especially in difficult and sad times.

We know that there are many in your world who are sad and depressed, not able to see their way forward. Their lives are often based on what they WANT – things that they feel they need for their happiness, and once attained they will want something more. But you and we know that material things only bring momentary happiness.

We know that happiness is more a state of mind, where joy and sunshine is seen in many things. Look at the sky and the sea, the flowers and all of nature. You notice the smile and loving hearts of the people around you, and give thanks for the generosity of spirit that many share. We encourage you to always

remember this, and teach by example that all anyone really needs is a loving heart. The knowledge of the Great Spirit/God/whatever people wish to call this loving, creative energy, with that energy around you and in your heart, and the inspiration from that energy to inspire and help you, you will always keep positive and happy, knowing that help is always at hand should you call on those who guide and help you in spirit.

Knowing that your loved ones in spirit are there wishing to love and support you as they did while on earth, will always help you to focus on what is good and right, and will guide you to do the best you can, not only for yourselves, but for all those around you. You can never make anyone change. They have to do that for themselves, but the help you can give is to be true to your word, and do what you believe is right. Give counsel and help through word and deed when required to or asked to, and hold each and everyone in your loving heart. Then we can use you as our hands and feet on earth, helping us to bring love to you all.

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The Stag Lord, known by many names in many cultures, but perhaps most famous as Cernunnos,

makes his energy particularly well felt around the times of harvest and even into the winter season when snow falls to the ground and reveals the footprints of the lovely fauna. So, it is as we enter into the month of September and are between the first and second harvest that the energy patters of deer become predominant.

Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. Species in the Cervidae family include white-tailed deer, moose, elk, reindeer, red deer, roe, and chital. This month’s deer totem is energetically closer to the white-tailed deer than other species and will hold more of a masculine interpretation.

The deer’s energetic pattern includes a firm gentleness in all forms and from people in word, thought, and touch. The deer gives the ability to listen well, the grace to move softly and swiftly, and appreciation for the beauty of balance and strength. Deer people have a deep understanding of what’s necessary

for survival while countering that severity with the power of gratitude and giving, as well as good and prudent leadership. Often times people working with deer energy feel a connection to the woodland gods and goddesses and to the woods themselves. Alternative paths will lead deer totem people to their life goals, like deer trails in the forests… barely noticeable to others, but deer folks know that they are there and where they can lead.

If you are looking for an animal to teach you how powerful it is to be of firm yet gentle demeanor, to exert keen observation and sensitivity, then deer is an excellent choice for meditation. Deer are in tune with nature and all it comprises, and are a devout symbol of the harvest times. They are sacred carriers of peace and abundance, or love and lust, and show those with this power animal how to open their hearts and accept unconditionally.

Symbology: grace, strength, firmness, vigor, agility, softness, innocence, secrets, sensitivity, abundance.

Animal of the month with Jennifer Adele

White-Tailed Deer (Stag)

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Like garden mums, asters flower in response to the shortening days of fall, giving gardeners a

carpet of daisy-like flowers on a compact plant from August through the end of September, depending on the variety. They are the proverbial flower of harvest times.

Asters are a rich source of nectar, and because they flower at the height of monarch butterfly migration season, they are a frequent way station for these insects. The flowers are also bee magnets, so individuals with bee sensitivities should plant asters away from the garden path.

With their wildflower beauty and lush texture, asters have long been considered an enchanted flower. In ancient times, it was thought that the perfume from their burning leaves could drive away evil serpents.

Today, they’re known as a talisman of love and a symbol of patience. Also known as starworts, Michaelmas daisies or Frost flowers, the name aster is derived from the Greek word for “star,” and its star-like flowers can be found in a rainbow of colors – white, red, pink, purple, lavender and blue, with mostly yellow centers. The September birth flower, asters also hold the honor of being the 20th wedding anniversary flower.

Symbolism: enchantment, protection, love, patience.

Written by Jennifer Adele


Plant of the month


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I would imagine the people that first discovered what we now call aromatherapy had really no idea what

they had found. To them it was like finding a magical remedy to treat whatever ailed them. We now know that aromatherapy is helpful in calming one’s body and mind and can be instrumental in the treatment of pain management, boosting our immune systems along with a long list of other maladies. Some people use aromatherapy during prayer or meditation and in rituals such as the Native Indians and other cultures. I have personally witnessed the use of sage in a healing ceremony as well as enjoyed using lavender oil in my bath water before I retire for the night. Scents can uplift us, or calm us down. This article examines the history and the dynamics of aromatherapy; I have included suggestions in the treatment of stress/tension, for aches and pains, for boosting one’s immune system to treating bacterial/ fungal infections.

History of Aromatherapy:

The history of aromatherapy dates back as far as 6000 years, although the term aromatherapy (“aroma” meaning fragrance, and “therapy” meaning treatment) wasn’t used until the 20th Century.

The ancient Chinese, Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all used aromatherapy oils. The ancient Chinese were using some form of aromatherapy at or around the same time as the Egyptians. They used herbs and burned aromatic woods and incense to show their respect to God. The oldest surviving medical book in China, (dated around 2,700BC and written by Shen Nung, contains cures involving over three hundred different aromatic herbs.

The Greeks continued the use of aromatic oils. They used them in medicines and cosmetics. Aromatherapy came of age when they took medicine into a new light 2000 years ago. The earliest known Greek physician was Asclepius who practiced around 1200 BC combining the use of herbs and surgery with previously unrivalled skill. His reputation was so great that after his death he was deified as the god of healing in Greek mythology.

Hypocrites (400 BC), who were commonly known as the “Father of Medicine”, were the first to study essential oils’ effects. He believed that a daily aromatic bath and scented massage would promote good health.

Theophrastus, a physician, wrote of the healing

properties of “aromatic” plants. For at least 1200 years, a book written by a Greek physician named Pedacius Dioscorides about herbal medicine was the Western world’s standard medical reference. Many of these remedies are still being used in Aromatherapy today.

The Romans built upon this knowledge and became well known for their scented baths followed and aromatic oil massages.

The ancient Egyptians used plants for religious rituals; it was believed that certain smells could raise higher consciousness or promote a state of tranquility. They used the fragrant oils from plants (essential oils) for embalming. Oils such as myrrh, frankincense, cinnamon, cedar wood, and juniper berry are all known to have been used in the mummification process to preserve the bodies of their loved ones in preparation for the after-life. As time went on, the Egyptians continued to refine their use of aromatics in medicine, cosmetics, incense and perfumes.

The Magic of AromatherapyAngela H. Penn © September 2012



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It was during the19th century that scientists in Europe began researching the effects of essential oils on bacteria in humans.

Rene Maurice Gattefossé, a French chemist, began research into the healing powers of essential oils in the early 1900’s after he accidentally burned his hand in his laboratory. On reflex, he immersed his burned hand in the closest liquid which happened to be lavender oil. He was quite impressed by how quickly the burn healed without infection and with no visible scar. Gattefossé is credited with coining the word “aromatherapy”. In 1937, Gattefossé wrote a book called Aromathérapie: Les Huiles essentielles hormones végétales which was later translated into English and renamed Gattefossé’s Aromatherapy.

There have been numerous studies and books published on aromatherapy and the healing powers of essential oils since the late 1970’s / early 1980’s when aromatherapy became a major part of alternative and holistic healing across the world.

Aromatherapy uses volatile oils (scents) of the plant for external applications (in massage oils, bath water, humidifiers, vaporizers and diffusers, etc.) These scents have a variety of healing powers which work primarily on the emotions and mental processes and can have strong physical effects.

It should be noted that the major form of communication among mammals is scent. Most mammals send out and excrete in urine what we refer to as pheromones, which are hormone-like scents. Humans also communicate via scent at either a subconscious or conscious level. We attract mates through pheromones and certain scents can bring back pleasant memories. The smell of apples and cinnamon bring back memories of Mom’s homemade pies to the smell of lilacs or vanilla can take us back in time to when we were children.

The beauty industry utilizes our strong sense of smell to invoke various moods through scents that encourage us to buy their products. In recent years,( in my travels

to the US and locally) I have noticed the use of scents in stores I frequent to create a certain ambience that encourages the shopper to relax and thus stay longer and buy more to fruity scents that make me feel energized.

Aromatherapy has come under scrutiny as a complementary treatment, yet research continues fo prove its undeniable value. Topically, many solutions composed of essential oils used in aromatherapy massage are being used today in oncology units, children’s specialty medical centers and for sporting injuries. Better Health Channel of Canada suggests that with the right aroma therapist, there is significant evidence linking low risk with benefits to improved health conditions and prevention. Aromatherapy is not appropriate for all medical conditions. Expert advice from a qualified practitioner or licensed health professional such as an herbalist is strongly encouraged.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy not only invigorate the senses, along with reducing stress and anxiety, but they also have antifungal and antimicrobial properties. These oils are something only nature could inspire. Considered the life-force in every living plant, essential oils contain the soul, or essence, of the plant – the odor, taste and therapeutic properties. Extracted from the root, bark, wood, seed, flower, fruit, and leaf of freshly harvested plants, essential oils contain the plant’s powerful benefits – their uses have been well documented for centuries and throughout the world. They can work topically and as an inhalant yet stimulate the immune system to attack harmful bacteria, virus and fungi and further promote healing.

According to “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide” the use of aromatherapy is all natural and therefore lacks the harsh side effects associated with ingested antibiotics.” One should note that medicinal herbs tend to take longer to work, compared to antibiotics.

Stress and Immunity:

**Be sure to use ONLY natural and pure oils.

You can use aromatherapy oils:

• As inhalers in your room or workplace: Feel the gentle aromas easing away your stress and tensions, making you feel relaxed and filling you with a sense of soothing calmness. You may like to put your favorite oil in aromatherapy diffusers and enjoy the sense of peace and tranquility in your room.

• As bath oils: Mixing natural aromatic oils to warm water provides a very relaxing experience, and is ideal after a hectic life that has left your nerves frayed and tired.

• As massage oils: Massage relaxes muscles and

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other parts of the body and leaves you calm and restful. Massage is often applied with the help of aromatic oils. These oils enter the blood stream and help in relaxing your body and mind.

One herbalist I know uses the oils on a handkerchief and waves it over her customers to create a relaxed atmosphere during consultations with her clients.

Useful herbs for the reduction of stress and anxiety:

Basil: It is useful during periods of stress, insomnia and mild stress. Promotes mental clarity, concentration and increases enthusiasm. Caution: Basil should not be used during pregnancy.

Cardamom: Useful during mental stress, burnout and state of confusion. Cardamom oil helps in gaining clarity, concentration and enhances sense of motivation. Some people claim that the scent of the cardamom herb aids in the process of praying or meditating.

Chamomile Roman: When you are beset by stress, anxiety, tension and worries then this is the oil that will bring you feelings of relaxation and stability.

Cinnamon: Useful aromatic oil for relief from stress and tension. It invigorates and helps in promoting a sense of well-being.

Clary sage: is the most euphoric of the essential oils, and it can produce an almost drug like narcotic “high”. Combined with its pronounced anti-depressant qualities, this euphoria makes clary sage a powerful aid to easing depression, anxiety and stress. One must use Clary Sage with caution, only a minor amount is required to create relaxation.

Frankincense: Useful for curing stress, anxiety, confusion and sense of panic. Apart from making you relaxed it fills one with inspiration.

Geranium: In vapor therapy, or in massage oil, or diluted in bath water, geranium oil can be used to help relieve stress and mild depression...

Ginger: Make use of this aromatic oil for burnout, anxiety and fatigue. It also helps in enhancing the sense of confidence.

Lavender oils: Very popular amongst oils used in aromatherapy for stress relief. Helps in restoring a sense of balance, feelings of rejuvenation and helps bringing about clarity in thinking. Lavender also seems to induce sleep in many people.

Rose: Useful in attaining temporary relief from stress, tension and headache.

Sandalwood: It helps in relieving mental tension and anxiety.

Yang Yang: This aromatic oil helps during periods of stress, anxiety and frustration, and helps in restoring feelings of calm and relaxation.

According to Salvatore Battaglia in The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, the relaxing nervines include: Clary Sage, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Geranium, Sandalwood, and Ylang Ylang. These aromas work by relieving stress and anxiety, whether applied to the skin, inhaled directly, or diffused. Lavender and Ylang Ylang can even reduce blood pressure, thanks to their high percentages of Linalool.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, a cardiovascular surgeon, studied aromatherapy to find alternative methods to expedite recovery time and reduce anxiety in heart patients. Dr. Oz and his collaborator, clinical aroma therapist Jane Buckle, PhD, recommend using 15 drops of an essential oil, such as lavender, chamomile or eucalyptus, diluted with 1 oz. (2 Tbsp.) of a “carrier” or neutral oil, such as almond, avocado or jojoba, dabbed directly on the skin. This means you literally have scented relief on you when you need it, says Dr. Oz.

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Essential Oil Blends for Stress:

This blend will help you to relax the mind and forget about things for a while Add the following to 100ml of carrier oil (carrier oil is needed to dilute pure essential oils - you can use vegetable oil such as almond, olive or canola):

10 drops of bergamot oil (bergamot should not be used if you are going out into the sun, as it can cause photo-sensitivity which produced brown patches on the skin).

• 20 drops geranium oil

• 10 drops ylang ylang oil

• 5 drops frankincense oil

• 5 drops cedar wood oil

Alternatively, you can use the following mix in order to relax aches and pains that are caused by stress.

• 20 drops lavender oil

• 10 drops rosemary oil

• 5 drops peppermint oil

• 5 drops cypress oil

Again, you need to add the essential oils to 100ml of carrier oil.

It is important to consult a qualified and trained aroma therapist as some essential oils are so concentrated that they have the potential to be harmful, and can burn the skin. They may also be harmful if swallowed.

Bacteria, Virus and Fungi:

Geranium has been extensively studied for potent antimicrobial properties, and it is the organic Geranium x asperum from Egypt that is most potent for antimicrobial applications (the ‘x asperum’ meaning it’s a particular strain of Pelargonium graviolens). We also now have an incredible Geranium Absolute, with a deep, rich aroma. This is an exquisite oil to experiment with as a perfume.

Although, the Tea tree oil has a harsh, medicinal smell, it is one of the most powerful immune system boosters in the world of herbology. Its antiseptic properties make it perfect for topical applications for cleaning wounds and treating bacterial/ fungal infections. Tea tree oil can be used for aromatherapy in simmer pots, diffusers, or steam therapy.

In England, hospital staff administered essential oil massage to relieve pain and induce sleep. In fact, “English

hospitals also use a variety of essential oils (including lemon, lavender and lemongrass) to help combat the transmission of airborne infectious disease” (Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide).

Injury, Inflammation and Pain:

As an arthritis or muscular treatment, the topical application of essential oils in aromatherapy can have both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Clove, cinnamon and thyme generally carry anti-inflammatory properties. The eucalyptus oil has analgesic qualities that may also double as an antiseptic. In “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide,” skin conditions benefit from the use of essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties as well, as they help reduce swelling, redness and tenderness.”

“We found that the smell of green apples reduced the severity and duration of migraine headache pain and may have a similar effect on joint pain,” says Dr. Hirsch. “The scent seems to reduce muscle contractions, which are the main cause of pain in migraines.”

Inflammation is a very common cause of pain. It generally involves swelling. To create a relaxing and inflammatory-busting effect, it is important to use more sedative oils than stimulant oils. The following essential oils can be helpful in alleviating painful, inflamed joints: Chamomile, Rosemary, Marjoram and Turmeric.

The key to relieving muscular pain, including back pain, is to use an essential oil that is relaxing to start with. Lavender and Chamomile are two such herbs, as they are both calming and help to relax the entire body. The following essential oils can be combined with lavender for a more muscle-relaxing effect. When combining these, ensure that the lavender is always the dominant oil. They include peppermint, eucalyptus and Japanese mint oil, when combined together this preparation smells quite nice. I have used this in a diffuser and


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steamer to also treat sinus problems and seasonal allergies. One can also safely use a few drops of lavender, eucalyptus and Japanese mint oils in your bath water if you prefer rather than applying these herbs topically.

A good balance of these four oils would be six drops of lavender and just one drop of the other three.

It is wise to remember to use what works for you, as we are all individuals with different rates of recovery and we may differ on what scents we like. If you don’t like one scent, try another. Most people enjoy the smell of mint and eucalyptus while others may prefer to use lavender alone. Even my animals relax and are soon to fall asleep after a lavender bath.

Look at aromatherapy as an adventure or experiment. One will never run out of herbs to use, that is the beauty of using them.

Angela H. Penn is a herbalist student, published author and freelance writer who lives in Canada. This is her third article for the Mystik Way magazine. You can read her blogs at : http://littleburstsofinspiration.wordpress.com/ You can also find her on Facebook.


Willard, Terry, PhD. Textbook of Modern Herbology. 2nd Revised edition. © 1998, 1993.

Salvatore Battaglia, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy. Perfect Potion; 2nd New edition edition (May 2004).

Aromatherapy for Pain Relief By Mary Margaret Chappell in Arthritis Today.

http://www.naturaltherapypages.com.au/article/Aromatherapy_for_Stress_and_Anxiety. © February 20th, 2012.

Better Health Channel of Canada: Aromatherapy

“Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition”; L. Trivieri Jr. and J. Anderson (Eds.); 2002

“Advanced Aromatherapy: The Science of Essential Aromatherapy”; K. Schnaubelt; 1995

Alina Von Posadowski


I awaken with the earth as the sun rises Love still exists you know, under many disguises

do you hear the birds as they tell their story ? Perched high in the trees that stand tall in their

glory The one-leggeds, the two as well as the four

Blessed be to all forever more Earth, Wind, Water and Fire

I ask the gods to mold my desire Let my spirit coincide with yours

Blessed be to all forever more And when the darkness fall the moon shines

bright The fairies and the gnomes dance in the twilight

The sacred wisdom of magical lore


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Avalon invaded by the Swedes PART II

Continued on from issue 16... We eventually man-aged to cover the distance of Salisbury plains &

leave behind the weird energies we had encountered. (Either military, alien or psychic...possibly all three together)

After taking Linn her daughter & friend along some out of this world English countryside akin to step-ping back in time we arrived to the delight of every-one in Glastonbury. Instead of guiding them around we decided it would be best for them to explore the Abbey & shops with myself going to say hi to some good friends then meet up at the courtyard cafe & the Goddess temple as we only had a few hours there. To cut a long story short, we all duly met up at the cafe, boosted our energies in the Goddess temple & were ready to leave when Linn announced that she had met some Spanish tourists who had informed her of a wonderful crop circle at Silbury Hill near Ave-bury some fifty miles away but in the direction of home. Of course we all jumped at the chance, excit-edly all jumped into the car &I began to guide them towards Avebury... (Yet again Ministry of Defence property & daily crop-circle appearances) so yet again the weird & unexplained events began all over again... watches/phones started acting strangely... yet the most bizarre being the fact that I know the way having been visiting there for a good many years. All the sign posts indicating directions to Avebury were missing... bar one, which to me did not make any sense at all because it pointed in a direction that would normally take you to a town called Ames-bury... similar sounding. Ok I thought it’s a year or

so that I have traveled this route & they may have changed and re-routed the roads, thus we headed of in the direction of the sign only to find ourselves driving past & through very strange looking estates... almost ghostly in appearance, a total lack of people & traffic... all that was missing was tumble weed blowing silently down the road. Again we seemed to have stumbled into either something very ma-trix like or were all four of us entering a trance like dream state (if it had been just the one person, you could of said it was pure imagination) Everything appeared very surreal / ethereal! Then eventually we came across a small roundabout with a sign indi-cating to a supermarket (at last there appeared to be some reality returning) & duly we came across the supermarket, parked the car and enquired within as to where we were... to which we were informed it was Amesbury (just as I had suspected) so not knowing the area I asked directions from the young girl behind the checkout... Avebury will be about eight miles from the right turn at the roundabout, the B4 road she replied. I duly thanked her & again we headed off in the direction she had given us... then it suddenly dawned on me as I saw the road sign by the roundabout...A4...it had not been called B4 for over 20 years...and the checkout girl was aged only about 18 …the hairs on the back of my neck prickled & stood up.

I will continue the adventure in issue 18 as there is a great deal more to tell....

Ed Mystikmaster


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Anthony John (Founder of the ‘City of Light Project UK’)


Donations To The City of LightProject<https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAQ7A5YY2DLBC>

Telephone +44 (0)1458 831 640Mobile +44 (0)7926 604133

Click Here to get ‘The City of Light Book’ onAmazon<http://www.amazon.com/City-Light-Humanity-What-Next/dp/1463782683/ref=sr_1_2?s=-books&ie=UTF8&qid=1317560323&sr=1-2>

ReadingFor the next couple of issues we are publishing the complete book “The City of Light” written by Anthony John. The city of light is about creating an eco-society that lives with both ethical and spiritual values in Glastonbury, UK.

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TheCity of Light

Humanity – What Next?

A Spiritual Calling

Join in the Project at www.cityoflight.co.uk

© 2011 by AnthonyJohn

All rights reserved.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written

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permission of the copyright holder.

Disclaimer and Terms of Use: The Author and Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or rep-resent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author and Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or fi-nancial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.

First Printing, 2011

ISBN 1450550321

Printed in the United States of America


It is said that behind every great man is a great woman and there has never been a truer word spoken about the ‘City of Light Project’ here in the UK and for this rea-son, this book/vision is dedicated to the beautiful, amazing and near perfect wife - Nicki Vee.

Nicki is a very special wife she is caring, giving and above all supportive of my vision for life, working tirelessly coaching people to be the best they can be and when she is finished she gives totally of her time to ‘The City of Light Project’ here in Glastonbury.

In my world she is wife of the year, thank you seems not enough to say for all your loving support…

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Table of Contents

Mission, Dream & Purpose

Glastonbury Visitor Centre

Part One – The Vision

1. The Purpose of This Life

2. Vision of The City

3. We Are Not Alone

4. 1st Step – Seed Community

5. 2nd Step – The Ascension Team

6. 3rd Step – Preparation

7. 4th Step – Construction Phase 1

8. 5th Step – First Settlers

Part Two – Getting Started NOW!

9. Getting Started - The 1st Family

10. The World Wide Support Family

11. Politics, Economics & Social


12. Q & A’s

13. Application Forms to Join The


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Mission, Dream & Purpose

The City of Light project is focused on creating an eco-society with ethical and spiritual values, based around the reconstruction of an ‘Atlantean Healing Temple’. It’s seen as a social experiment where each person involved feels an intrinsic part of the pro-ject whether they are a founder, a live in family member or part of the global support family.

This ‘experiment’ has the objective of finding a way that leads mankind towards a new path, a new way of living. It’s a path where individually and collectively citizens give and share with others the gifts of our human earthly life whilst living in harmony, not only with other life on the planet but with Mother Earth herself.

Humanity has reached a turning point; for so many to continue to live unconsciously is no longer an option. Living consciously will be the choice of the courageous few. Only those open enough and willing enough to experience ‘uncertainty’ from a place of love, truth and trust will forge the path for a new harmonious civilisation.

History has shown us that change happens in our moments of decision. It also shows that a decision by one person can set off a chain reaction as other people of similar val-ues and outcomes join in to give life to a seed of an idea. When that idea is nourished it grows and as it grows it gains momentum. So what might seem impossible becomes possible.

This project is for those that feel a spiritual calling, an inner knowing that they are here for a greater purpose. One seed of wheat alone cannot make a loaf of bread yet a field of wheat can make millions of loaves. Today there are many individual spiritual seeds here on the planet, this project is here to act as a catalyst for those ready to make a difference.

This vision is fluid and flexible, the story it tells is of an ideal. The truth is that it will take the combined will and determination of a few to be an example of what’s possible and for it to gain momentum. Only a personal dedication to the growth of oneself, and a belief that from a conscious state it’s possible, can this seed grow – we look forward to you sowing your seed in this field.

“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has” - Margaret Mead

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Humanity – What Next? The Glastonbury Visitors Centre

Approaching ‘The Glastonbury Experience’ I’m wondering what to expect, I’ve heard much about the City of Light and inside I’m feeling not only curious, I’m expectant and also somewhat healthily excited. Having read the ‘City of Light’ vision I’m cer-tainly feeling ‘a spiritual calling’. And although I am not really sure what it is, it feels as though I’m following an intuitive thought deep inside my heart. My journey to this point in my earth life has not been without challenge and over time with some help, I have come to see this is all part of my path, my human life journey.

Now fully aware of my third and fourth dimensional self, my ego self, duality and the chemistry my emotions create inside my own earth vessel, I am also acutely aware of the unconscious reactions my body seems to automatically make without my being able to control it. Thankfully I am now also aware of the bigger part of me, the part free of negative emotionality and the joyous and love filled experience I can create almost on demand, providing of course I don’t allow my senses to connect with and make meaning of my filtered eternal experience.

Ah this is it, turning the corner at the bottom of Glastonbury High Street, I’m catching the first glimpse of ‘The City of Light Experience’ and I can feel immediately its energy and like gravity it is pulling me towards it. Externally the building looks vibrant and inviting, a glistening white temple that stands out from the other buildings and seems to be connecting to a part of me that I know of , yet don’t know well and I feel imme-diately ‘at home’. I am inside now experiencing what as a child I had imagined ‘The Tardis’ in the Doctor Who TV show to be like, as it is quite vast.

The reception area I’m standing in exudes a wonderful loving energy and is quite busy with people; a couple at the dedsk are being helped by what I can only imagine a real Goddess looks like. She is dressed in a beautiful priestess like dress with wondrous flowing long hair; you can feel her amazing energy just by standing near to her. The place is decorated with beautiful painted walls adorned with quite plain yet very clear notice boards giving simple, clear information about the centre. There is a young man standing close by one of the information boards and there are headsets hanging from hooks on the wall that seemingly tell you more about how everything works here. I am putting on some hedphones, a voice says,

“Welcome to ‘The City of Light Glastonbury Experience’. The purpose of this centre is to both inform you as well as potentially educate you to become aware of the fullest potential of your human experience. We have all heard of enlightenment and possi-bly about expanding your consciousness, but what does this mean and what needs to happen for you to have thes experiences. Think of your life, just for a moment, as a jigsaw puzzle that you have never been able to complete. It’s a puzzle clouded with unanswered questions; you have never quite understood how to fit all the pieces together. Well let me shate with you right now, that’s what this ‘Experience’ is all about and if you play full out and share some time here with us, suddenly the pieces of the puzzle will all fit together and the mysteries of life, why we are here and what

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happens after we pass, will all become clear.

You may be aware we have just entered the Age of Aquarius and it is bringing with it great change, some we have seen already and more is on its way. These changes are likely to have a profound effect on the combined human experience and the way we live, and how we share, with all other life forms, our beautiful planet, ‘Mother Earth’.

Of the 7 billion pople sharing the planet at this time it’s said some are here on a spe-cial mission. These souls are known as ‘seeds’ and are part of what is known jointly as ‘The Ascension Team’. They are here right now to help where they can with cur-rent and future challenges as they occur. Many of these people will not know each other nor be aware that they are even part of this team but they will, if they have not already, feel a strong sense of ‘a spiritual calling’. Many may feel ‘a calling’ to become a part of ‘The City of Light Project’ which is being created by ‘seeds’ in the ascension team right here in this building.

Could it be synchronicity has brought you to this very time and place for a reason? Could you be a ‘seed’? Your journey through the centre could help you decide that by sharing time at one or more of the daily sessions here in our miniature ‘Atlantean Healing Temple’ or even in a private session in the ‘Healing Room’. There are ses-sions here each day each lasting around an hour or two. Each session will bring you to a greater awareness and understanding of Mother Earth and Humanity’s ascen-sion to a higher consciousness and a higher dimesion… so please feel free to book your place.

As you notice the opposite wall you will see a giant jigsaw and on each piece of the puzzle you will find information about individual sessions, so please have a read. You can book any one or any number of sessions that you are drawn to; you can even book to see them all. Each we trust will help you gain clarity and understand-ing about ‘what’s next’ for humanity as well as for yourself on your own personal journey. You can even book to have dinner here at the centre around our huge din-ing table where many take time for a unique sharing of food and thoughts receiving answers to their questions.

Entrance here to everything at the ‘Experience’ is free; all we ask is for a donation, which all goes to the ‘City of Light Foundation Fund’. The Foundation is tasked with bringing ‘The City of Light’ project into physical reality. Each session has a suggest-ed minimum donation which goes to meet the running costs of the centre.

Many thanks for coming and sharing time and we trust you connect with the mis-sion, Many Blessings.”

Well, that was so interesting I think I’ll find out more. The lady at the desk is free now…

“Hi, I’ve just listened to the headset there and am fascinated, I read ‘The City of Light’ book and felt compelled to come and find out more here in Glastonbury, what do I need to do to really learn more from coming her? I’m staying in Glastonbury for the

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next few days…”

“Well, hello and welcome”, she said, “thank you for your interest and coming to share time with us. The ‘Glastonbury Experience’ is laid out in such a way that it can become a place of learning for anyone at whatever stage of awareness; you can learn more about the different dimensional opportunities open to us all and how we can experi-ence them… and much more. It’s also a place of healing where you get the opportunity to start healing your unconscious negative past and ultimately let it go; you can ex-perience being in the moment and how to have a future filled only with the energy of love itself.

As you may have heard the centre has a daily event program, each event lasting an hour or two and each session has either a video or a live speaker. The sessions teach how humans live a third dimensional experience and where our journey may be head-ing. There is information as to how you can get involved in ‘The City of Light’ project and each session informs you of what you can do to support the project if indeed you are drawn to do so. You are always welcome to stay on afterwards to share time, or have a drink and discuss what you can do going forward.

The jigsaw here on the wall shows the different events and the times they are being shown. We advise booking but it’s ok to just turn up, we suggest you get here 15 min-utes before the session starts.

The ‘temple’ is primarily for meditation, contemplation and prayer. Each session here also lasts an hour or so and there are a wide variety of meditations to meet everyone’s needs including guided ones for a complete beginner. We also show films on certain evenings, all films with a message. The month’s film list is here next to the jigsaw. Everything can be booked here with me.

The ‘Healing Room’ is for private time with one of our healers. The healing sessions are the same as those that will be performed at ‘The City of Light’. There are three ba-sic types of healings; crystal healing, sound healing or The Journey as well as readings from a very special set of cards of which we, as far as we know, are the only ones here in the UK sharing messages from your

divine self. All of these sessions can take you inside of yourself to heal past wounds, both physical and emotional as well as bring clarity to your ‘Now’ world and decisions you are making.”

“Wow, that’s brilliant”, I said, “thank you… I’ll take a look then at the program and de-cide what I want to participate in. I’ll be back in a moment, oh by the way, how much do all the sessions cost?”

She replied, “We ask only for a donation. The purpose of the centre is to raise aware-ness of ‘The City of Light’ project and to find those interested in getting involved. The project needs people willing to give their time and expertise to help move the project forward and currently we are looking for people with a variety of skills. There’s a list here on the board. We are also working to financially fund the creation of the ‘City of Light UK’ project; we are monitoring the amount of money donated, as well as that

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pledged for the future, and we are getting nearer every day to the target we believe we need to get things underway. So all we ask for is a donation. The amount is constantly moving up and as you contribute you will be able to see the numbers change in an up-ward direction. We do have minimum recommendations calculated on what we need to keep the visitor centre open; there is no maximum, so please donate whatever you can, the faster we reach the target the faster we can put the first stone in the ground.”

Well, I thought, I definitely feel like I would love to experience more and know more about the project. I have decided to take a look at all the sessions and get myself booked in.

“Oh, and by the way,” she said, “don’t forget you can have dinner with us in the evening. Dinner starts at 7.30 pm and we always have gorgious healthy food. More important-ly, our dinners are another opportunity to share, interact with like-minded people and to expand your awareness.

The evening ends with an open Q&A session at around 9 – 9.30 pm or later!”

“Thank you so much,” I replied, “I really can’t wait to join in this great adventure, I’ll see you on the inside…”

...to be continued in Issue 18 with Part One - The Vision

Alma De La Cruz Gossman © August 21, 2012Discovery ~Double Etheree~

Life On Earth In our space Divine Nature I will walk this path Stepping with utter care Contemplating sacred truths So engaged in all its splendour I move forward and dare to wander Brand new doors appear for me to enter In awe of such tremendous miracles All my veils are lifted from my head My soul filled with amazing joy Trembling I shake at my core Silence becomes so clear What a sense of peace Nothing matter I sense love My soul Free

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hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back. We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download.

Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month.

Please email me on [email protected]


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Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine!

If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs.

Any small contribution is greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 18 will be out in October 2012