We are so glad you could celebrate with us today. If you are new to Valley, visit the atrium for a Meet and Greet. We’d love to meet you and give you a gift. JANUARY 18 & 19 Journey - God’s Heart for the Nations (Sundays, February 9-March 8 from 4-6 pm) There is a huge world that Jesus loves and came to earth to redeem. This class will show you God’s heart for the nations. Go to journeycourse.com to register. Child Dedication (Sunday, February 9, at 11 am in the Chapel) Our next child dedication ceremony is coming up! Come see parents commit themselves to raise their child in the nature and love of the Lord. If you want to dedicate your child, but haven’t attended the child dedication class yet, join us on Sunday, January 26, at 11 am in the church office. For more information, email Chelsea at [email protected]. BOLD FAITH WE RE J UST GETTING STARTED! 2 PETER 1:3-6 MOBILIZING EVERYONES GOD- GIVEN POTENTIAL TO DEEPLY LOVE CHRIST AND THEIR NEIGHBORS. 515-226-9973 • VALLEY . CHURCH Night to Shine (Friday, February 7 from 3-9 pm) Night to Shine is less than a month away and it’s not too late to get involved! We still need item donations, as well as volunteers. Please visit our atrium display or online at valley.church/nighttoshine for more information. Valley U (Sunday, January 26 at 6:30 pm) Join us for our first Valley U of the year! Topics include: Leadership RSVP – respond to God’s invitation to grow your leadership at home, work, church, and community The 7 Deadly Worldviews – understand the worldviews in competition with Christianity in American culture Grandparenting Matters – engaging the incredible potential to spiritually influence your grandchildren. Save the date and pick a class to attend! 1. In knowing _________, you have ______________ you will ever ________ for ________. (3-4) 2. Take every _______________ to boldly _______ to your foundational _________. (5-6) Good _____________ Spiritual _________________ Alert ________-______________ Passionate ____________

MY NAME: MY STORY22jikk1tdb4w14ii611iap6a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · attended the child dedication class yet, join us on Sunday, January 26, at 11 am in the church office. For

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Page 1: MY NAME: MY STORY22jikk1tdb4w14ii611iap6a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · attended the child dedication class yet, join us on Sunday, January 26, at 11 am in the church office. For

Name: Phone:

Email: Check as many as you like:

Sunday Lunch with Pastor - Yes, I/we’d love to attend a Sunday lunch with Pastor Quintin and Ruth sometime soon. Please have the church contact me/us to schedule a lunch (fill out above). Number attending .Life Group - Contact me about getting involved.Newsletters - Please sign me up to receive the following email newsletters. (Please check those that apply.)Valley Church ENews Community Bridges/LoveYouDSMDisaster Relief High SchoolWomen’s Ministry Global Opportunities Prayer Updates


We are so glad you could celebrate with us today. If you are new to Valley, visit the atrium for a Meet and Greet. We’d love to meet you and give you a gift.

January 18 & 19

Journey - God’s Heart for the Nations(Sundays, February 9-March 8 from 4-6 pm)There is a huge world that Jesus loves and came to earth to redeem. This class will show you God’s heart for the nations. Go to journeycourse.com to register.

Child Dedication (Sunday, February 9, at 11 am in the Chapel)Our next child dedication ceremony is coming up! Come see parents commit themselves to raise their child in the nature and love of the Lord. If you want to dedicate your child, but haven’t attended the child dedication class yet, join us on Sunday, January 26, at 11 am in the church office. For more information, email Chelsea at [email protected].

Bold Faith

We’re Just GettinG started!2 Peter 1:3-6

moBilizing everyone’s god-given Potential to deePly love christ and their neighBors.515-226-9973 • valley.church

Night to Shine (Friday, February 7 from 3-9 pm)Night to Shine is less than a month away and it’s not too late to get involved! We still need item donations, as well as volunteers. Please visit our atrium display or online at valley.church/nighttoshine for more information.

Valley U (Sunday, January 26 at 6:30 pm)Join us for our first Valley U of the year! Topics include:• Leadership RSVP – respond to God’s invitation to grow

your leadership at home, work, church, and community• The 7 Deadly Worldviews – understand the worldviews in

competition with Christianity in American culture• Grandparenting Matters – engaging the incredible

potential to spiritually influence your grandchildren. Save the date and pick a class to attend!

1. In knowing _________, you have ______________

you will ever ________ for ________. (3-4)

2. Take every _______________ to boldly _______ to

your foundational _________. (5-6)

• Good _____________

• Spiritual _________________

• Alert ________-______________

• Passionate ____________

Name: Phone:

Email: Check as many as you like:

Sunday Lunch with Pastor - Yes, I/we’d love to attend a Sunday lunch with Pastor Quintin and Ruth sometime soon. Please have the church contact me/us to schedule a lunch (fill out above). Number attending .Life Group - Contact me about getting involved.Newsletters - Please sign me up to receive the following email newsletters. (Please check those that apply.)Valley Church ENews Community Bridges/LoveYouDSMDisaster Relief High SchoolWomen’s Ministry Global Opportunities Prayer Updates


Page 2: MY NAME: MY STORY22jikk1tdb4w14ii611iap6a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · attended the child dedication class yet, join us on Sunday, January 26, at 11 am in the church office. For

Venue Attended: (please circle venue/time)

Celebration (5:30pm, 8:15, 9:30, 11) Traditions Maplenol Cafe

Name: single married widowed single again


Phone: Email:

Children: (attending with you; names and birthdates)

change of information sign up for Valley ENews

College 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70+

Regular Attender Returning Again

Need a name tag New to Des Moines

New to Valley? How did you hear about us?

Circle any or all:

Family/friend Online Saw the building Event

Valley Community Center other:

I would like to find out more about volunteering for:

SHARE1. Are you a person who loves routine or someone

who keeps mixing things up? Share an example.

2. Share a time when you or someone you know persevered, even when things were difficult.

STUDY3. Share some ways your faith and walk with Christ

have grown in the last year.

4. What is a major takeaway from the message? How can it help shape your 2020?

5. Read 2 Peter 1:3-4. What bold move of spiritual growth is Peter calling Christians to in these verses? Describe a way you can do this in your own life.

6. Read 2 Peter 1:5-6. What word in this series of words stands out most to you personally? Why?

DIGGING DEEPER7. Read Hebrews 12:1-3. Who are some of the “great cloud

of witnesses” that have impacted your life? What bold moves did they make in their spiritual lives?

8. What is one thing you can throw off in order to run with endurance?

9. According to this passage, what is necessary to ensure we don’t give up (v. 3)? What’s one area in which you need to practice endurance?

SUPPORT10. For those that didn’t have an opportunity last week,

break up into groups of 3-4 and write down and share your bold faith commitments. Pray for each other after everyone has had an opportunity to share.

SERVEIf you’d like more information about these opportunities, email [email protected].

• Provide a meal this winter for our Singl Mom’s Group

• Host a Super Bowl Party and invite your One Life – February 2

• Night to Shine – February 7• Be a Conversation Partner for ELL - Starting January 27

Venue Attended: (please circle venue/time)

Celebration (5:30pm, 8:15, 9:30, 11) Traditions Maplenol Cafe

Name: single married widowed single again


Phone: Email:

Children: (attending with you; names and birthdates)

change of information sign up for Valley ENews

College 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70+

Regular Attender Returning Again

Need a name tag New to Des Moines

New to Valley? How did you hear about us?

Circle any or all:

Family/friend Online Saw the building Event

Valley Community Center other:

I would like to find out more about volunteering for:

Third Friday (Friday, February 21)Check out the Valley Community Center the third Friday of each month. We’re celebrating our neighbors by inviting them to special FREE activities and classes. Volunteer to help or invite a neighbor, coworker, or friend to come check it out with you!

Community Bridges Luncheon(Sunday, February 9, at 11am in Northpoint)Do you have a passion you want to use to meet new people? Come to our luncheon to:• Learn steps to grow your spiritual influence • Get ideas on how you can make connections with neighbors and coworkers• Share a meal with other people who have a heart for those who don’t yet know God

You’ll come away with an action plan and simple ways you can become a better bridge builder.

Valley Community Center VolunteersConnect with guests and meet new friends at the Valley Community Center! We’re looking for volunteers to help us in many different ways:

• Daily activity volunteers• Marketing efforts• Ongoing building operations, maintenance, and cleaning• English Language Learning (ELL) Conversation Partners

The ELL program is designed for people who speak English, but would like to practice speaking and listening. Conversation partners are native English speakers that join the conversation and build friendship!

These are just a few volunteer needs we have at the VCC. There are so many more! If you’re interested, sign up on the Community Card or email Lisa at [email protected].