Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pith secondary wall formation and increases stem biomass in dicotyledonous plants Huanzhong Wang a , Utku Avci b,c , Jin Nakashima a , Michael G. Hahn b,c , Fang Chen a,c , and Richard A. Dixon a,c,1 a Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK 73401; b Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602; and c Bioenergy Sciences Center (BESC), Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Contributed by Richard A. Dixon, November 4, 2010 (sent for review September 22, 2010) Stems of dicotyledonous plants consist of an outer epidermis, a cortex, a ring of secondarily thickened vascular bundles and interfascicular cells, and inner pith parenchyma cells with thin primary walls. It is unclear how the different cell layers attain and retain their identities. Here, we show that WRKY transcription fac- tors are in part responsible for the parenchymatous nature of the pith cells in dicotyledonous plants. We isolated mutants of Medi- cago truncatula and Arabidopsis thaliana with secondary cell wall thickening in pith cells associated with ectopic deposition of lignin, xylan, and cellulose, leading to an 50% increase in biomass density in stem tissue of the Arabidopsis mutants. The mutations are caused by disruption of stem-expressed WRKY transcription factor (TF) genes, which consequently up-regulate downstream genes encoding the NAM, ATAF1/2, and CUC2 (NAC) and CCCH type (C3H) zinc nger TFs that activate secondary wall synthesis. Direct binding of WRKY to the NAC gene promoter and repression of three downstream TFs were conrmed by in vitro assays and in planta transgenic experi- ments. Secondary wall-bearing cells form lignocellulosic biomass that is the source for second generation biofuel production. The discovery of negative regulators of secondary wall formation in pith opens up the possibility of signicantly increasing the mass of fer- mentable cell wall components in bioenergy crops. lignocellulosic bioenergy crops | transcriptional regulation | lignin modication | biomass yield I n dicotyledonous plants, the stem structure in cross-section is organized into (from outer to inner) the epidermis, the cortex, a ring of vascular bundle cells and interfascicular tissues charac- terized by secondary wall thickening, and the parenchymatous pith cells with thin primary cell walls. The different cell layers are well-dened and manifest distinct functions. How these cells at- tain and retain their identities is still unclear. The secondary cell walls of mature plants comprise a large proportion of the lignocellulosic biomass used as starting material for second generation biofuel production (1, 2). The synthesis of secondary cell wall components is highly coordinated and regu- lated by ordered transcriptional switches (3, 4). Several closely related NAC transcription factors (TFs) act as master regulators (59). MYB domain TFs, either upstream (10) or downstream (11) of NAC TFs, may also function as master switches, and far- ther downstream, TFs directly interact with cellulose, lignin, and xylan biosynthesis genes (12, 13). Forward genetic mutant screening is a powerful tool to identify players in a given biological process. Screening for ectopic ligni- cation mutants in Arabidopsis has identied two mutants that show lignied pith cells (14, 15), but neither mutation denes a negative transcriptional regulator of lignin synthesis as origi- nally proposed (16, 17). In this study, we report the identication and characterization of Medicago and Arabidopsis mutants showing ectopic secondary cell wall formation in pith cells. The mutant phenotypes are caused by disruption of WRKY TFs, which function to maintain pith cells in their parenchymatous state by repressing downstream NAC and C3H zinc nger TFs that control xylan, cellulose, and lignin formation. Loss of func- tion of the WRKY TFs, therefore, results in a signicant increase in stem biomass. Results Identication of a Medicago Mutant with Secondary Wall Formation in Pith Cells. To identify genes that control secondary cell wall formation, we screened an M. truncatula Tnt1 retrotransposon insertion population (18, 19) by UV microscopy of stem sections (8). Mutant line NF3788 showed ectopic lignin autouorescence in pith cells, with the strongest phenotype in mature internodes (Fig. 1A). Phloroglucinol and Mäule staining (Fig. 1 B and C and Fig. S1A) conrmed progressive ectopic lignication into the pith with increasing stem maturity in the mutant. Furthermore, the red color of the Mäule staining suggested a high syringyl (S) lignin content in the pith cell walls, which was conrmed by thio- acidolysis (20). Although the total lignin in the stem of the mutant was only slightly increased, lignin levels were double in isolated pith material, with a fourfold higher level of S lignin units than in pith from WT plants (Fig. 1D). The walls of the lignied pith cells in the mutant were signi- cantly thicker than in the WT (Fig. 1 E and F). Secondary walls are primarily composed of lignin, xylan (hemicellulose), and cellulose. We, therefore, checked the lignied pith cells for the presence of xylan by immunohistochemistry using three distinct xylan-directed antibodies (21) and for the presence of cellulose using the cellu- lose-directed carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) 2a (22). The results conrmed that the pith cell walls in the mutant had un- dergone true secondary thickening as opposed to only lignication (Fig. 1 G and H). We, therefore, named the mutant secondary wall thickening in pith (mtstp-1). MtSTP Gene Encodes a WRKY Transcription Factor. To identify the gene responsible for the STP phenotype, microarray analysis was performed using RNA isolated from the fourth to eighth internodes of control and mutant plants in a segregating population. Fifty-seven probe sets were down-regulated in the mutant line by at least two- fold (Table S1), and candidate genes were selected based on their level of down-regulation and stem preferential expression in the Medicago Gene Expression Atlas (23). One candidate, Mtr.5137.1. S1_at, contained a Tnt1 insertion that cosegregated with the ectopic lignication phenotype. Using the Mtr.5137.1.S1_at probe se- quence to search against the M. truncatula databases at http:// www.medicago.org/, we identied the putative coding sequence of MtSTP, part of which was identical to IMGA|AC202489_11.1. Author contributions: H.W., F.C., and R.A.D. designed research; H.W., U.A., J.N., M.G.H., and F.C. performed research; H.W. and R.A.D. analyzed data; and H.W. and R.A.D. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conict of interest. Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gen- Bank database [accession nos. HM622066 (MtSTP genomic) and HM622067 (coding)]. The microarray data reported in this paper have been deposited in MIAMExpress database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/miamexpress/) (accession nos. E-MEXP-2792 and E-MEXP-2793). 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1016436107/-/DCSupplemental. 2233822343 | PNAS | December 21, 2010 | vol. 107 | no. 51 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1016436107 Downloaded by guest on May 29, 2021

Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pith secondary … · Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pith secondary wall formation and increases stem biomass in

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Page 1: Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pith secondary … · Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pith secondary wall formation and increases stem biomass in

Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pithsecondary wall formation and increases stem biomassin dicotyledonous plantsHuanzhong Wanga, Utku Avcib,c, Jin Nakashimaa, Michael G. Hahnb,c, Fang Chena,c, and Richard A. Dixona,c,1

aPlant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK 73401; bComplex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA30602; and cBioenergy Sciences Center (BESC), Oak Ridge, TN 37831

Contributed by Richard A. Dixon, November 4, 2010 (sent for review September 22, 2010)

Stems of dicotyledonous plants consist of an outer epidermis,a cortex, a ring of secondarily thickened vascular bundles andinterfascicular cells, and inner pith parenchyma cells with thinprimary walls. It is unclear how the different cell layers attain andretain their identities. Here, we show that WRKY transcription fac-tors are in part responsible for the parenchymatous nature of thepith cells in dicotyledonous plants. We isolated mutants of Medi-cago truncatula and Arabidopsis thaliana with secondary cell wallthickening in pith cells associated with ectopic deposition of lignin,xylan, and cellulose, leading toan∼50% increase inbiomassdensityin stem tissue of the Arabidopsismutants. Themutations are causedby disruption of stem-expressed WRKY transcription factor (TF)genes,which consequently up-regulate downstreamgenes encodingthe NAM, ATAF1/2, and CUC2 (NAC) and CCCH type (C3H) zinc fingerTFs that activate secondarywall synthesis. Direct bindingofWRKY tothe NAC gene promoter and repression of three downstream TFswere confirmed by in vitro assays and in planta transgenic experi-ments. Secondary wall-bearing cells form lignocellulosic biomassthat is the source for second generation biofuel production. Thediscoveryof negative regulatorsof secondarywall formation inpithopens up the possibility of significantly increasing the mass of fer-mentable cell wall components in bioenergy crops.

lignocellulosic bioenergy crops | transcriptional regulation |lignin modification | biomass yield

In dicotyledonous plants, the stem structure in cross-section isorganized into (from outer to inner) the epidermis, the cortex,

a ring of vascular bundle cells and interfascicular tissues charac-terized by secondary wall thickening, and the parenchymatouspith cells with thin primary cell walls. The different cell layers arewell-defined and manifest distinct functions. How these cells at-tain and retain their identities is still unclear.The secondary cell walls of mature plants comprise a large

proportion of the lignocellulosic biomass used as starting materialfor second generation biofuel production (1, 2). The synthesis ofsecondary cell wall components is highly coordinated and regu-lated by ordered transcriptional switches (3, 4). Several closelyrelated NAC transcription factors (TFs) act as master regulators(5–9). MYB domain TFs, either upstream (10) or downstream(11) of NAC TFs, may also function as master switches, and far-ther downstream, TFs directly interact with cellulose, lignin, andxylan biosynthesis genes (12, 13).Forward genetic mutant screening is a powerful tool to identify

players in a given biological process. Screening for ectopic ligni-fication mutants in Arabidopsis has identified two mutants thatshow lignified pith cells (14, 15), but neither mutation definesa negative transcriptional regulator of lignin synthesis as origi-nally proposed (16, 17). In this study, we report the identificationand characterization of Medicago and Arabidopsis mutantsshowing ectopic secondary cell wall formation in pith cells. Themutant phenotypes are caused by disruption of WRKY TFs,which function to maintain pith cells in their parenchymatousstate by repressing downstream NAC and C3H zinc finger TFsthat control xylan, cellulose, and lignin formation. Loss of func-

tion of the WRKY TFs, therefore, results in a significant increasein stem biomass.

ResultsIdentification of a Medicago Mutant with Secondary Wall Formationin Pith Cells. To identify genes that control secondary cell wallformation, we screened an M. truncatula Tnt1 retrotransposoninsertion population (18, 19) by UV microscopy of stem sections(8). Mutant line NF3788 showed ectopic lignin autofluorescencein pith cells, with the strongest phenotype in mature internodes(Fig. 1A). Phloroglucinol and Mäule staining (Fig. 1 B and C andFig. S1A) confirmed progressive ectopic lignification into the pithwith increasing stemmaturity in the mutant. Furthermore, the redcolor of the Mäule staining suggested a high syringyl (S) lignincontent in the pith cell walls, which was confirmed by thio-acidolysis (20). Although the total lignin in the stem of the mutantwas only slightly increased, lignin levels were double in isolatedpith material, with a fourfold higher level of S lignin units than inpith from WT plants (Fig. 1D).The walls of the lignified pith cells in the mutant were signifi-

cantly thicker than in theWT (Fig. 1 E and F). Secondary walls areprimarily composed of lignin, xylan (hemicellulose), and cellulose.We, therefore, checked the lignified pith cells for the presence ofxylan by immunohistochemistry using three distinct xylan-directedantibodies (21) and for the presence of cellulose using the cellu-lose-directed carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) 2a (22). Theresults confirmed that the pith cell walls in the mutant had un-dergone true secondary thickening as opposed to only lignification(Fig. 1G andH). We, therefore, named the mutant secondary wallthickening in pith (mtstp-1).

MtSTP Gene Encodes a WRKY Transcription Factor. To identify thegene responsible for the STP phenotype, microarray analysis wasperformedusingRNA isolated from the fourth to eighth internodesof control andmutantplants ina segregatingpopulation.Fifty-sevenprobe sets were down-regulated in the mutant line by at least two-fold (Table S1), and candidate genes were selected based on theirlevel of down-regulation and stem preferential expression in theMedicago Gene Expression Atlas (23). One candidate, Mtr.5137.1.S1_at, contained aTnt1 insertion that cosegregatedwith the ectopiclignification phenotype. Using the Mtr.5137.1.S1_at probe se-quence to search against the M. truncatula databases at http://www.medicago.org/, we identified the putative coding sequenceof MtSTP, part of which was identical to IMGA|AC202489_11.1.

Author contributions: H.W., F.C., and R.A.D. designed research; H.W., U.A., J.N., M.G.H.,and F.C. performed research; H.W. and R.A.D. analyzed data; and H.W. and R.A.D. wrotethe paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gen-Bank database [accession nos. HM622066 (MtSTP genomic) and HM622067 (coding)]. Themicroarray data reported in this paper have been deposited in MIAMExpress database(http://www.ebi.ac.uk/miamexpress/) (accession nos. E-MEXP-2792 and E-MEXP-2793).1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1016436107/-/DCSupplemental.

22338–22343 | PNAS | December 21, 2010 | vol. 107 | no. 51 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1016436107




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Page 2: Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pith secondary … · Mutation of WRKY transcription factors initiates pith secondary wall formation and increases stem biomass in

We then cloned the corresponding genomic sequence, whichcontained four exons and three introns. The Tnt1 insertion waslocated at the far 3′ end of the last intron, which was confirmed byRT-PCR (Fig. 2A andB). Therewas noMtSTP transcript detected

in themutant (Fig. 2C).MtSTP encodes aWRKY family TF that ispreferentially expressed in stem internodes, where its transcriptlevel increases with maturity (Fig. 2D) but is not influenced byhormones or biotic or abiotic stress (Fig. S1B).

Fig. 1. Phenotypic analysis of the Mtstp-1 mutant. (A) UV autofluorescence of cross-sections of the seventh and ninth internodes. The blue color is ligninautofluorescence in vascular bundles and interfaciscular fibers. Lignification first extends to pith cells near the bundle and then to the central part in olderinternodes. (B) Phloroglucinol stainingof thefifth, sixth, and seventh internodesof stems fromWTplants andMtstp-1mutant. (C)Mäule stainingof thefifth, sixth,and seventh internodes of stems from WT plants and the Mtstp-1 mutants. (D) Lignin content and composition determined by thioacidolysis. (Left) Total stem;error bars represent SD. (Right) Isolatedpith. (E) Lightmicroscopy of pith cellwalls inWTandmutant. (F) Quantificationof cellwall thickness of theWTandmutantsections; error bars represent ± SD (asterisks indicate a highly significant t test score; n = 30, P < 0.0001). (G and H) Detection of xylan and cellulose by immu-nohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies against distinct xylan epitopes (G) and a carbohydrate-binding module that binds crystalline cellulose (H) in stemsections ofWT (Upper) andMtstp-1mutant (Lower). Antibody andCBMnames are indicated inGUpper andHUpper. (Scale bar:A–C and E, 20 μm;G andH, 10 μm.)

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To confirm that the STP phenotype was caused by the Tnt1disruption in MtSTP, we used MtSTP gene-specific primers forreverse genetic screening of DNA pools from the Tnt1 mutantpopulation, and another insertion line, NF1715/mtstp-2, was re-covered with a similar phenotype to that of mtstp-1 (Fig. S1D).

Identification of Arabidopsis Mutants Showing the STP Phenotype.Several related WRKY proteins were identified from Populustrichocarpa, Vitis vinifera, Glycine max, and A. thaliana (AtWRKY-12/At2g44745). They all contained a conserved WRKYGQKmotif and a C2H2 zinc finger sequence at their C termini (Fig.2E). Two lines predicted to have transfer (T)-DNA insertionsin the AtWRKY-12 gene were obtained from the ArabidopsisBiological Resource Center (24), and PCR and sequencing con-firmed that both lines harbored an insertion in the last intronof the gene (Fig. S2 A and B). Homozygous plants of bothwrky12-1 and wrky12-2 showed reduced transcript abundance ofAtWRKY12 (Fig. S2C) and similar lignin phenotypes to mtstpmutants (Fig. S2 D and E).The walls of some pith cells in the wrky12 mutants underwent

secondary thickening as shown by transmission EM (Fig. 3A) andsimilar to Medicago mtstp-1 plants, contained deposits of xylanand crystalline cellulose that appeared indistinguishable fromthose in the secondary walls of adjacent xylem cells (Fig. S3 B andC).AtWRKY-12 andMtSTP are, thus, true homologs that functionin controlling pith cell wall formation in Medicago and Arabi-dopsis, respectively. We measured the diameters and dry weightsof wrky12-1 stems and found significantly increased biomass

density (Fig. 3B), presumably as a result of the increased de-position of cell wall material. This did not seem to occur at theexpense of the development of other plant organs, because whole-plant above-ground biomass was also significantly increasedby ∼25% in the mutant plants (Fig. S3A) and mutations in thesegenes have little impact on overall plant growth (Fig. S4).

Complementation of wrky12-1 with AtWRKY12 and MtSTP. To con-firm that the STP phenotype was indeed caused by disruption of theAtSTP gene, we performed complementation with two geneticstrategies. First, the WT AtWRKY-12 genomic sequence, includinga 1.88-kb promoter sequence and 458-bp 3′ untranslated sequence,was introduced into homozygous wrky12-1 mutant plants. Of 72phosphinothricin (BASTA)-resistant T1 transformants, 62 exhibi-ted a restored WT phenotype (Fig. 3 C and D). In addition, a 35S:AtWRKY12-YFP fusion was transformed into the wrky12-1 back-ground; 7 of 36 transformants showed retarded growth, some beingextremely small and unable to set seed (Fig. 3 E and F). However,the lignin UV autofluorescence pattern of stem sections was morenormal, although the stems were much thinner thanWT (Fig. 3G–I). Thus, AtWRKY12 is responsible for the STP phenotype. Ho-mozygous wrky12-1 plants were also transformed with a 35S:MtSTPconstruct, and 16 of 37 transgenic T1 plants were restored to theWT phenotype, indicating conserved functions for the homologousMedicago and Arabidopsis STP genes.

Expression Pattern and Subcellular Localization of AtWRKY12. Con-sistent with the expression pattern of MtSTP, AtWRKY12 is also

Fig. 2. Molecular cloning of MtSTP and alignment with homologous proteins. (A) MtSTP gene structure and Tnt1 insertion site. (B) PCR identification ofhomozygotes of the Tnt1 insertion line; the WT plant has only a gene-specific band, whereas the insertion line has only a T-DNA–specific band. (C) RT-PCRanalyses of MtSTP transcript levels using primers covering the full-length cDNA. ACTIN was used as control. (D) Quantitative (q) RT-PCR showing expression ofMtSTP in different organs (IN, internode) normalized to expression of ACTIN. Bars represent ± SD. (E) Alignment with homologous proteins. Black shadingindicates identical amino acids. The conserved WRKY domain and C2H2 zinc finger motif are marked by a line and triangles, respectively.

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highly expressed in stemandhypocotyls (Fig. S1C).Transformationof Arabidopsis with aWRKY12 promoter–b-glucuronidase (GUS)reporter fusion confirmed the preferential expression in stem andhypocotyl, and no expression was detected in root and floral tissues.Stem-section staining revealed GUS activity in pith cells and cortextissues but not vascular and interfascicular fibers (Fig. S5 A–E).Infiltration of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves or stable trans-

formation of WT Arabidopsis plants with Agrobacterium harboringthe 35S:AtWRKY12-YFP fusion resulted in localization of YFPsignal exclusively in the nucleus (Fig. S5F). Although the constructwas driven by the constitutive 35S promoter, the YFP signal instably transformed Arabidopsis was localized to nuclei of root epi-dermis and hairs on mature roots. There was no signal in the rootmeristemor root elongation zone (Fig. S5G andH), suggesting thatthe stability of the protein is developmentally controlled.

Mechanism of WRKY Function in Pith Cell Wall Formation.Microarrayanalysis indicated that 52 and 44 genes are up-regulated and 95 and286 genes are down-regulated, more than twofold, in the wrky12-1and wrky12-2 mutants, respectively (Table S1B). Among the up-regulated genes, a considerable number are related to secondarycell wall synthesis, including two C3H zinc finger TFs and theNACdomain TF NST2, which, like AtWRKY12, are most highly expres-sed in stem tissue (Fig. S6). AtNST2 regulates secondary wallthickening in anther endothecium (6), and AtC3H14 (At1g66810)has been reported to be a transcriptional activator of secondarywall synthesis in an in vitro assay (25).To test if expression of NST2 and the two C3H zinc finger TFs

are up-regulated in pith cells after loss of AtWRKY12 function, weisolated vascular and pith tissues from WT and wrky12-1 mutantplants.QuantitativeRT-PCRanalysis showed that these threeTFsare highly expressed in cells with secondarily thickened walls andbarely up-regulated in vascular tissues of the wrky12-1mutant, butthey are significantly up-regulated in pith cells of the mutant (Fig.S6). Genes responsible for secondary wall component synthesiswere found to be up-regulated in the mutant line frommicroarrayanalyses (Table S1C), and overexpression of lignin biosyntheticgenes in the mutant pith cells was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR analyses (Fig. S6). Thus, AtWRKY-12 controls cell fate inpith cells by acting as a negative regulator of NST2 and C3H zincfinger TFs, which, in turn, regulate secondary cell wall synthesis.To directly show that STP proteins can repress the expression of

these two classes of TFs, 35S:STP effector constructs and reporterconstructs, in which the promoter sequences of NST2 or the twoC3H TFs were placed in front of the firefly luciferase gene (Fig.4A), were cotransformed into Arabidopsis leaf protoplasts. Coex-pression of AtWRKY-12 or MtSTP down-regulated expression ofall three reporters by about 10-fold compared with empty vectorcontrols (Fig. 4B). To test if such repression also takes place inplanta, we overexpressed AtWRKY-12 in the Col-0 and wrky12-1backgrounds (Fig. 4C). This led to down-regulation of NST2 andthe two C3H zinc finger TF genes in both backgrounds (Fig. 4D).The promoters of NST2 and both C3H zinc finger TFs contain

a conserved W-box TTGACT/C motif, which can be bound byWRKY TFs. EMSA using heterologously expressed AtWRKY12protein revealed that AtWRKY12 could bind directly to theNST2promoter fragment (Fig. 4E) but not to the promoters of the twoC3H zinc finger TFs (Fig. S7).

DiscussionPith parenchyma cells normally have thin primary walls, althoughthey are adjacent to the ring of secondarily thickened vascularbundles and interfascicular cells. The function of WRKY TFs inmaintaining pith primary wall formation in two unrelated speciessuggests that a conserved mechanism exists in dicotyledonousplants for confining secondary wall synthesis to specific cell types.In the vascular bundles and interfascicular tissues of WT plants,where these WRKYs are not expressed, the NAC and MYB46TFs turn on the downstream C3H zinc finger transcription switchand other cell wall-related TFs. However, expression of NAC andMYB46 TFs is absent in pith cells (9, 11). Loss of WRKY ex-pression in stp mutants leads to derepression of NST2 and theC3H zinc finger TFs in the pith cells closest to vascular tissues andconsequent activation of downstream TFs; this activation turns onthe biosynthesis of the xylan, cellulose, and lignin required forsecondary wall thickening to levels that can ultimately increasethe stem biomass by up to 50%. Secondary wall synthesis in vas-cular bundles and interfascicular tissues seems unaffected in themutant plants. The progressive spread of ectopic secondary wallformation to the center of the pith during development in themutant plants suggests either the involvement of an additionalmobile signal or limitation of carbon supply for polymer synthesis.The WRKY genes are expressed in both pith and cortex, but the

striking secondary cell wall formation in the wrky mutants is onlyseen in pith cells. Overexpression ofMYB83 orMYB46 driven by theCaMV 35S promoter results in secondary wall formation in cortexbut not pith cells (11, 26), but overexpression ofSND1, the direct up-

Fig. 3. Phenotypes and complementation of the Arabidopsis wrky-12 mu-tant (A) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showing pith cell wallthickness of WT Arabidopsis and the wrky12-1 mutant. Each panel wasconstructed from two contiguous TEM fields; their points of assembly areindicated by the dashed lines. (B) Comparison of the biomass density in stemsof wrky12-1 mutant and control (CK; asterisks indicate highly significantvalues as determined by t test; P < 0.0001). (C and D) UV autofluorescence ofstem cross-sections of wrky12-1 (C) and wrky12-1 transformed with the ge-nomic complementation construct (D). (E) Visible phenotypes. The wrky12-1mutant plant is on the left, and 35S:AtWRKY12-YFP transformant in themutant background is on the right. (F) Phenotype of a 35S:AtWRKY12-YFPoverexpressor (Right) compared to wild-type (Left). (G) UV autofluorescenceof a stem section showing complementation of the STP phenotype. (H and I)UV autofluorescence of stem sections of WT Col-0 and wrky12-1. (Scale bar:C, D, and G–I, 20 μm.)

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stream master switch of MYB46 and MYB83, rarely causes ectopicsecondary wall formation in either cortex or pith cells (5, 9), in-dicating the existence of a complex transcription regulation network.How and why plants have evolved different mechanisms to controlcell wall formation in pith and cortex cells are still open questions.Many of the WRKY genes identified to date are involved in

plant defense (27–29). The involvement of WRKY genes in ligni-fication so far seems to be limited to potential roles as activators oflignification in response to microbial signals (30). The function ofWRKY genes as repressors of lignification and other componentsof the secondary cell wall development programmay have evolvedto limit wasteful carbon allocation into cells in the stem that arenot essential to support the plant against gravity.Much of the biomass on the Earth’s surface is found in plant

secondary cell walls. The present observations of large increasesin cell wall thickness, stem biomass density, and above-groundbiomass resulting from knockout of a single gene suggest a strat-egy to generate additional cell wall biomass in the stems of di-cotyledonous forage and bioenergy crops without otherwise af-fecting the health and growth habit of the plants. The latter must

still be shown under diverse environmental conditions. It remainsto be determined whether similar genetic controls exist in mono-cotyledonous species.

Materials and MethodsPlant Materials and Growth Conditions. Growth of mutant and WT plants andscreening for mutants with altered lignification patterns are described in SIMaterials and Methods.

Pith Cell Isolation from M. truncatula and Arabidopsis Plants. To isolate thepith from M. truncatula, stems were cut into 2-cm segments, and sur-rounding fiber and vascular tissues were removed by blade under a stereo-microscope. About 15 main stems from individual plants were used forisolation of pith, which was pooled for lignin analysis, frozen in liquid nitro-gen, and stored at −80 °C. Arabidopsis stems were cut into 0.5-cm segmentsand fixed immediately on ice in 75% (vol/vol) ethanol and 25% (vol/vol) aceticacid overnight. Thefixativewas exchangedby 10% (wt/vol) sucrose solution inPBS buffer (137 mM NaCl, 8.01 mM Na2HPO4, 2.68 mM KCl, 1.47 mM KH2PO4,pH 7.3); the mixture was kept at 4 °C for 2 h and then exchanged for 15% (wt/vol) sucrose in the same buffer overnight. The segments were longitudinally

Fig. 4. STP protein represses the expression ofdownstream transcription factors. (A) Constructs usedin transient expression assays. (B) Promoter activity ofNST2, C3H14, and C3H14L in Arabidopsis leaf proto-plasts is repressed by overexpression of AtWRKY12 orMtSTP genes. Error bars represent ± SD from threeindependent replicates. (C) Overexpression ofWRKY12 detected by qRT-PCR in WT and wrky12-1backgrounds. (D) Repression of NST2, C3H14, andC3H14L transcript levels in WRKY12 overexpressinglines. Error bars represent SD from three independentreplicates. (E) EMSA results showing direct binding ofAtWRKY12 to the NST2 promoter fragment.

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sectioned to 60μmusing a Leica CM1850 cryostat andmountedonmembrane-coated glass slides (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging). Pith and fiber tissues were thenseparated using microknives, picked using tweezers together with the mem-brane, and frozen at −80 °C.

Microarray Analysis. This was performed as described in SI Materialsand Methods.

Immunochemistry and Microscopy. Tissue processing and immunolocalizationusing monoclonal antibodies to recognize various carbohydrate epitopeswere carried out as described (21). Monoclonal antibodies were obtained ashybridoma cell culture supernatants from either the Complex CarbohydrateResearch Center (JIM and MAC series; available from CarboSource Services;http://www.carbosource.net) or PlantProbes (LM series, PAM1; http://www.plantprobes.net). The antibodies recognize apparently distinct xylan epito-pes as described (21). CBM2a was obtained from Dr. Harry Gilbert (Universityof Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom), and its immunolab-eling required an additional anti-polyhistidine antibody (H-1029; Sigma)step (22). For transmission EM, 80-nm sections were taken and stained with2% uranyl acetate for 5 min and Reynold’s lead citrate (31) for 1 min. Sec-tions were observed under a Zeiss 902A transmission electron microscopeoperated at 80 kV.

Molecular Cloning of the MtSTP Gene. To identify the gene linked to the STPphenotype, candidate genes were chosen based on the extent of down-regulation and stem expression specificity. PCRwas performed using the Tnt1forward primer 5′-TCCTTGTTGGATTGGTAGCCAACTTTGTTG-3′, the reverseprimer 5′-AGTTGGCTACCAATCCAACAAGGA-3′, and the gene-specific pri-mers MtSTPFw 5′-ATGGATGGAGAAAGAGATGTTCC-3′ and MtSTPRe 5′-TCAAAAAGACGTAAAACATTCGTG-3′ to detect Tnt1 insertions.

Real-Time PCR Analysis. This was performed as described in SI Materialsand Methods.

Protoplast Isolation and trans-Activation Assay. Arabidopsis protoplasts wereisolatedaccording toapreviouslypublishedprotocolwithminormodifications(32). In brief, leaves from healthy 30-d-old Arabidopsiswere cut into 0.5- to 1-mm strips with fresh razor blades. The leaf strips were put into a solution ofcellulase R10 and macerozyme (Yakult Honsha) and then underwent vacuuminfiltration for 5–30 min followed by digestion for 3 h without shaking in thedark. The protoplasts were collected on a 35- to 75-μm nylon mesh andtransformed by PEG-mediated transfection. The firefly luciferase constructwas modified from a Gateway compatible vector pPGWL7 (33). Promoteractivities were represented by Firefly LUC/Renilla LUC activities and normal-ized to the value obtained from protoplasts transformed with empty vector.

Gene Constructs and Plant Transformation. Complementation of the Arabi-dopsiswrky12mutantwasperformedasdescribed in SIMaterials andMethods.

Protein Expression and Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays. These wereperformed as described in SI Materials and Methods.

Determination of Lignin Content and Composition. Lignin content of stemmaterial (internodes five to eight) was determined by thioacidolysis, which,together with phloroglucinol and Mäule staining methods, was conducted asdescribed (34).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Drs. Elison Blancaflor and Richard S. Nelsonfor critical reading of themanuscript and Dr. Yuhong Tang for assistancewithmicroarray analysis. This work was supported by grants from the US De-partment of Energy (DE-GG02-06ER64303 and DEPS02-06ER64304), theOklahoma Bioenergy Center (OBC), and the Samuel Roberts Noble Founda-tion. The BioEnergy Science Center is supported by the Office of Biologicaland Environmental Research in the Department of Energy Office of Science.Generation of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center series of mono-clonal antibodies used in this research was supported by Grant DBI-0421683from the National Science Foundation Plant Genome Program, and theM. truncatula Tnt1mutants, jointly owned by Centre National de la RechercheScientifique and the Noble Foundation, were created through researchfunded in part by Grant 703285 from the National Science Foundation.

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