Music Video Research

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textual analysis of 3 music videos- last slide how it represents women through different shots selected.

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Music video research

Music video researchAnalysis of 3 music video from the came genre

(Female artists)

Long shot slightly tipped to a low angle make the house look dominant, lighting very gloomy, depressing- sad moment saying goodbyeMoved to a mid shot- visible costumes sending her husband of to war, soft lighting, crack of dawn, early send off.Close up of performer, playing piano, soft music, link to the sad storyline of having to say goodbye.

Cut back to the same shot- (plan on using a similar shot)Cut to long shot- take in the bare setting- costume of a wedding dress lost without her partner- lighting dark and dingy- depressed emotion created.Cut back to a close up - rule of thirds- feeling the music- relaxed facial expression- thinking about the past or couples in similar circumstances. (camera moves not performer)Cut to a new young couple- unaware of the dangers of love- lost in each other- above shot- creates a vulnerable image of the couple- lighting- bright and natural- happiness

Lighting has gone back to soft- lost without their partner- shows the lighting is a significant source in this video to portray emotions of the performers. Long shot- makes him look small in comparison to the bed- substantiate the loss he feels without his wife. Comfort of a female companion impacting on his loneliness.Avril lavigne- when youre gone

Camera tracking towards silhouetted artist- limited lighting creates mystery- sadness (3-4 sec shot)Long shot of the sea after 2 sec editing starts to shot a fade into a close up shot of the performers hand holding a candle- soft lighting- sadness- traditional symbol- celebrating something

Soft lighting- by candle in hand, performer walking towards the camera (20 sec shot) rule of thirds, centre of the shot. A thousand years by Christina PerriEstablishing shot of the ocean- clam soothing relates to the slow pace of the music.

Cut to the establishing shot of twilight cover of the song.

Cut to close up of performer- rule of thirds- face is centre of the shot, express emotion to the camera and audience.

Cut back to walking towards the camera- softly lighted by candle light, relation to the lyrics- gentle forever lasting love signified by marriage- wedding of Edward and Bella in the new twilight film.

Camera tracks in towards the narrative performer. Filmed in black and white- old fashioned or adds a sadness to the song.

Close up of feet and water- bandaged- injured- water (cleansing herself).

Mid shot of performer- led down- frustration?Close up of bandaged hand- been hurt before (unwrapping her bandages- letting go)Camera tracks up to the performer- elegant movementCut back to man head down- relation to a bad breakup or fight between them?Long shot camera pans around- take in surroundingsHigh angle- vulnerable- looking away hurt emotions- link to colour of black and white- sadness.Immortal- evanescenceWhat does each music video tell you about the representation of women?

Each shot resembles a different perspective of women. All three of these songs sing their songs about relationships. All of these shots represent the vulnerability of women. For example Christina Perri uses the soft lighting of a candle to light her shot. The purpose of this shows the delicate scene and adds more of a grieving look into the shot, this is similarly used in the fight song by Rachael Platten shown dancing around a camp fire on the beach, both fire lighting represent a sense of celebration of either a sense of freedom in Fight song or of a love story in A thousand years. In Evanescences video she demonstrates vulnerability through camera angles. For instance In the second shot she is shown in below the camera at a high angled shot to emphasise her vulnerability as she sings about her lost love. The Sympathy of the video is further interpreted through the filter of black and white to add a sad feature to the audience/viewer.A.L- When your goneEvanescence- immortalC.P- A thousand yearsThe idea that she is silhouetted shows her lack of importance by hiding her identity at the beginning of the music video adding to her vulnerability as a female.