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Music survey monkey results

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Page 2: Music   survey monkey results

Question 1I asked the audience out of these possible rock magazine titles names which one they preferred. 44.4% people liked the name ‘Edge’ therefore as this won majority of the vote I shall base my masthead around this name as it appealed to the highest about of people.

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Question 2

I wanted to know what colour scheme to use for my housestyle throughout the magazine. I gave them options too choose from however I also gave them a chance to respond back with their own favourite colour scheme they thought would be useful for the magazine. However the colour scheme with 37.5% of the count was ‘White, black and red’ These colours are usually stereotyped with Rock magazines so people will recognize the genre before picking it up.

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Question 3

For this question I wanted to be able to tell what were the most liked things in magazines and what was the least liked things in magazines. I chose for them the to label them 1-6 so I could get a clear view as top 3 favourites and bottom 3.

Overall 1st was – Competitions with 2.33 average rating

2nd was – Interviews with 2.44 average rating

Joint 3rd was – Reviews and quizzes/giveaways with 3.44 average rating

4th was – Unsigned acts with 3.56 average rating

5th was – Advertisements with 5.78 average rating

Therefore this shows me what to put more off within my magazines and what to only included on a few pages.

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Question 4

I have asked roughly asked the same question as I did on the previous question but this time what they did NOT want too see in the magazine. The results have came out the same so I have a clear idea of what to include the most and what to include the least.

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Question 5

I needed to insure my magazine was affordable and what the audience would most likely pay for a magazine. The maximum the audience wanted to pay for a magazine is £2 so I will base my price between £1 - £2 to make sure it is affordable and something majority of the audience would buy.

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Question 6I wanted to find out what font out of the following people liked and were able to read the most. This was to insure the writing chosen was easy for them too see but also be different so it was noticeable with that magazine. Blue ridge Heavy SF got 44.4% of the vote followed by Calibri so I will use a mix of these throughout the magazine.

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Question 7

I wanted to find out what other Rock magazines people were most interested and read the most. This was so I could get more ideas from that magazine and incorporate them into my magazine as this is what the target audience likes and is most interested in. Kerrang won with a high percentage of the vote being 75%.

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Question 8

I wanted to have an idea of what style of language I should use within the magazine. 77% of the target audience liked the idea of informal language to be used. This would make the magazine appeal to the lower class teenagers between 15 – 24 as it would be easier for them to read and understand.

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Question 9

100% of the target audience wanted too se conventional goods within the magazine. This will includes CD’s, clothes and concert tickets that they will be able to purchase from the magazine. This would help promote the magazine aswell.

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Question 10

I wanted to find out how much people read magazines and how much they would like a new issue of a magazine to be out. From my findings I’ve found out that the magazine should be distributed weekly as this received the most votes at 62.5%. Also from my results a daily magazine would be out too much and a seasonal one would not be out enough.