MUMBI- A RESPONSE TO ILL WAIT FOR YOU-Janette ikz SO i heard it told a thousand fold ,over and over That God is Love  And I pray tell what is Love? IS love the above Calling over the below...the transcendental ether Calling the finite in you and me? The pure calling the murky and the mundane? Pray tell us Is Love the Godly in one calling to the Godly in the other? So i heard it told over and over, the story unfolding like a chorus Whispered from pillar to post igniting and exploding Silent and deep within our souls like a kakapo call in the serendipitous night Beating in our breast like a second conscience that Love is pinioned and hurts...  And the mortal me stood baffled and wondering swayed like kelp That how could we be one with God if we cant see the infi nite and the depth In a piece of garbage blown by the wind and in the torn tatters of the beggar In the corner of our street How could we be one with God if we cant see beauty in the daily drudgery of our lives? So we cower and we wait within the pe rsonal limitations we built Singing our music-less songs like birds in a wire-caught, trapped, damned and doomed.... But I have seen the story unfold through the mouth of a teeth-less old timer  And Love was a release and a freeing and a healing and a forgiving It was a desiderata a ques t for a deeper connection with God For at Love`s altar all are t hrashed and shelled and winnowed and ground and cleansed To make sacrificial bread for the God-love is not an event Like laughing or crying or pining for the Love you lost It is a journey like living and growing and dying It is God`s dictum-All energy states tends to their lowest so it is not for us to seek to love To be loved or to shun love but it`s Loves` and Gods `bigger plan That Love finds us and embraces the worthy or shuns us as wanting

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SO i heard it told a thousand fold ,over and over 

That God is Love

 And I pray tell what is Love? IS love the above

Calling over the below...the transcendental ether 

Calling the finite in you and me? The pure calling the murky and the mundane?

Pray tell us Is Love the Godly in one calling to the Godly in the other?

So i heard it told over and over, the story unfolding like a chorus

Whispered from pillar to post igniting and exploding

Silent and deep within our souls like a kakapo call in the serendipitous night

Beating in our breast like a second conscience that Love is pinioned and hurts...

 And the mortal me stood baffled and wondering swayed like kelp

That how could we be one with God if we cant see the infinite and the depth

In a piece of garbage blown by the wind and in the torn tatters of the beggar 

In the corner of our street

How could we be one with God if we cant see beauty in the daily drudgery of our lives?

So we cower and we wait within the personal limitations we built

Singing our music-less songs like birds in a wire-caught, trapped, damned and doomed....

But I have seen the story unfold through the mouth of a teeth-less old timer 

 And Love was a release and a freeing and a healing and a forgiving

It was a desiderata a quest for a deeper connection with God

For at Love`s altar all are thrashed and shelled and winnowed and ground and cleansed

To make sacrificial bread for the God-love is not an event

Like laughing or crying or pining for the Love you lost

It is a journey like living and growing and dying

It is God`s dictum-All energy states tends to their lowest so it is not for us to seek to love

To be loved or to shun love but it`s Loves` and Gods `bigger plan

That Love finds us and embraces the worthy or shuns us as wanting

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It is not a seeking game nor a waiting state but it is you living life to the full

Embracing the high and the low and seeing Love and beauty

In the murky and the dirty and in the beautiful.....

It is waking up with a song in your lips and an ahhh but i have loved stuck in your throat

 And so I have seen it stencilled in the hearts of new disciples

 And heard a junior disciple ask the masters

“But how can we love if the innocent and the beautiful in us has been 

Rent to tatters and maligned and blown all over and thrown at us like insults?” 

 And the old sage said” love is neither a receiving nor a giving......it is the Godly in us

Whispering silently like a gentle breeze and the utmost in us raging

 And burning white, hot and furious like a passionate kiss” 

These I have heard told a thousand fold over and over and seen. And felt their truth

Stir in my soul and become my truth too and i could silently murmur 

Love is a simplifying it is the Godly in me and in you

Letsbal 2013

That poem ends with Ill wait. if God wanted people to wait you will still be 1day old waiting waiting......There is a reason God made time to move and people

along with it 

God has one wish for us- that we live to the fullest. To experience life in its entirety for then can we make choices aligned with His goal and celebrate His
