Multilateral Well Completions and Interventions Why and How 8/25/2015 1 George E. King Engineering GEKEngineering.com

Multilateral Well Completions and Interventions

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Page 1: Multilateral Well Completions and Interventions

Multilateral Well Completions and Interventions

Why and How

8/25/2015 1 George E. King Engineering


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Application Objective

1. Multiple targets Increase reserves by combining targets that

separate reservoirs are separately uneconomic

isolated fault blocks

good quality sand bodies

2. Limited Size Targets Achieve high productivity in a confined

oil lenses space which would limit horizontal

bocks limited by conductive faults well length

3. Drainage Patterns Improve areal sweep

more linear flow

flexibility to control inflow location

modify over time by sidetracking

4. Completion by layer Improve vertical sweep

different prod. via layers

5. Improve Existing Wells Increase productivity and reserves

multilateral sidetracking

6. Handle Reservoir Geology Increase productivity

penetrate natural fractures

penetrate shale barriers

7. Limit water/gas production Reduce gas and water handling costs

reduce drawdown, less coning and loss of hydrocarbon production caused

distancing from faults by water or gas

8. Injection Increase injectivity.

new wells Improve areal and vertical sweep.

sidetracks of existing wells Reference: SPE 35711, Salas, et. al.

Some Potential Applications For Multi-lateral Wells

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Best Candidates

• Compartments

– vertical boundaries

– lenses

– fault blocks

• Launching points for fracs

• Launching points for more laterals??

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Multi-Laterals at Primrose

Stacked laterals with uncemented slotted liner in upper layer

~ 2000 ft

50 ft

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Multilaterals in Sharjah

Open hole laterals in the same layer

~ 4000 ft

~ 3000 ft

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Swell Packers

Across Shales


(TAML-Level 4)


9200’ TVD

Thru-Tubing Retrievable Electric


Pump (ESP)

Power Transfer Collar

ESP Feed through

Hydraulic Set Packer

Flow Meter

ESP Feed through

Hydraulic Set Packer

Flow Meter

Flow Meter

Flow Meter

ESP Feed through

Hydraulic Set Packer

ESP Feed through

Hydraulic Set Packer


ESP Feed through

Hydraulic Set Packer

5 ½” Tubing

to Surface

5 ½” Tubing

9 5/8” x TBD

IsoRite (LRS)

5 ½” Tubing

5 ½” Tubing

ESP Wire

9 5/8” x TBD

IsoRite (LRS)

9 5/8” x TBD

IsoRite (LRS)

ESP Wire

5 ½” Tubing

Mechanical Advantages • Thru-tubing retrievable pump and motor

• Access to all laterals

• Motherbore flow control

• Downhole/real time injection splits

• Potential lateral flow control*

• Access to log laterals and remedial work

Technology Developments • Power Transfer Method to ESP

(Inductance – Coil, Sealed “Wet Connect”)

• 7-Line Feed through Packer

(9 5/8” x 5 1/2” x 4.892”)

• Orienting and Locking Method for IsoRite LRS

(Lateral Re-Entry System)

Reservoir Benefits • Hot water for flooding cold, viscous

reservoir (200+ degrees F)

• Local source of water

• Potential improved horizontal sweep

TPI Isolation




Swell Packers

Across Shales

Cemented Junction

Freeze Protect

(Crude or Methanol Water)

Cemented Junction

Cemented Junction



Injection Zone Injection Zone

High Perm

Shut Off Injection


Injection Zone

Injection Zone

Injection Zone



Injection Zone

Injection Zone

Injection Zone



Top of Sad

Water Source



*Potential Lateral Flow Control

Straddle to Seal Off

or Reduce Injection

No Water Injection (Straddle)







Prepared By:

Jerry Brady…………. BPX Alaska

Joe Hess……………. Halliburton

Donn Schmohr…….. BPX Alaska

Mik Triolo…………… BPX Alaska

Scott Mattison……… BPX Alaska

Laura Larson………. BPX Alaska

9-5/8” Casing

12-1/4” Hole

10-3/4” Flush Joint


12-1/4” Hole

10-3/4” X 9-5/8”Casing Alignment

Sub 7” X 5-1/2” B X 5-1/2”P Keyed

Tubing Alignment Sub

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Amoco Norway Downhole Splitter

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Lateral Technology Levels • Level 1 - Open/Unsupported Junction

• Level 2 - Mother Bore Cased & Cemented, Lateral Open

• Level 3 - Mother Bore Cased & Cemented, Lateral Cased but not Cemented

• Level 4 - Mother Bore & Lateral Cased & Cemented

• Level 5 - Pressure Integrity at Junction (not cement)

• Level 6 - Pressure Integrity at Junction achieved with casing

• Level 6S - Downhole Splitter

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L e v e l 1 , 2 L e v e l 1 , 2 L e v e l 1 , 2 L e v e l 3 L e v e l 3 L e v e l 3

M u lti-la te ra l o p e n h o le o p e n h o le o p e n h o le l in e r l in e r l in e r

O p tio n s o p p o se d sta c k e d fo rk e d o p p o se d sta c k e d fo rk e d

H y d ra u l ic se a l a t ju n c tio n ? n o n e n o n e n o n e n o n e n o n e n o n e

Iso la tio n a lo n g w e l lb o re ? l im i te d l im i te d d i ffic u l t n o n o n o

P e rfo ra tin g p o ssib le ? d i ffic u l t v . d i ffic u l t y e s l im i te d v . d i ffic u l t l im i te d

L in e r/sc re e n in se rtio n p o ssib le ? y e s v . d i ffic u l t y e s y e s y e s y e s

L a rg e d ia m e te r la te ra l re c o m p .? y e s y e s y e s n o n o n o

P o ssib le u se in o ld w e l l? y e s d i ffic u l t y e s y e s y e s y e s

U se fu l in h ig h p re ssu re w e l l? n o n o n o n o n o n o

P o te n tia l in u n sta b le fo rm .? l im i te d n o l im i te d l im i te d l im i te d l im i te d

L a te r w a te r c o n tro l p o ssib le ? d i ffic u l t v . d i ffic u l t l im i te d n o n o n o

G e n e ra l stim u la tio n p o ssib le ? y e s y e s y e s y e s y e s y e s

M u l tip le stim u la tio n p o ssib le ? d i ffic u l t n o l im i te d n o n o n o

P ro d u c tio n c o n tro l p o te n tia l? d i ffic u l t n o l im i te d n o n o n o

En try w i th w ire l in e ? d i ffic u l t n o l im i te d l im i te d n o y e s

En try w i th C T ? y e s d i ffic u l t y e s y e s d i ffic u l t y e s

U p /d o w n d ip p o te n tia l? y e s l im i te d y e s y e s l im i te d y e s

R isk , n o t a c h ie v in g c o m p le tio n ? lo w m o d e ra te lo w m o d e ra te h ig h m o d e ra te

R isk , o f lo o sin g e n ti re w e l l? m o d m o d e ra te lo w lo w m o d e ra te lo w

C o st o f c o m p le tio n ? lo w m o d e ra te lo w m o d e ra te h ig h m o d e ra te

N u m b e rs D o n e m a n y m a n y m a n y m a n y m a n y m a n y

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Level 1

• Consolidated formation required

• Lateral access limited, but not impossible

• Production control limited (better options than with a slotted or perfed liner)

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© 1996 Baker Hughes Incorporated

All rights reserved.

Level 1 - Open Hole Trunk

Open Hole Laterals

l Consolidated formations

l Lateral access limited

l Production control limited

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Level 2

• consolidated formations best use

• can straddle for production control

• full opening main bore

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© 1996 Baker Hughes Incorporated

All rights reserved.

Level 2 - Cased Hole Trunk

Open Hole Junction

l Consolidated formations

l Full opening main bore access

l Lateral re-entry potential

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Level 3

• consolidated formation preferred, but completions made in unconsolidated formations

• junction is the weak point of completion

(no integrity or control)

• full bore access to main and lateral

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© 1996 Baker Hughes Incorporated

All rights reserved.

Level 3 - Cased Hole Trunk

Mechanically Supported Junction

l Consolidated formations

l Noncemented junction

l No hydraulic integrity at the


l Mainbore and lateral re-entry


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Level 4

• Consolidated formation

• mechanical supported junction

• no pressure isolation at junction - (junction is normally cemented)

• fullbore access to main, reduced lateral size (but still has full bore access).

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© 1996 Baker Hughes Incorporated

All rights reserved.

Level 4 - Cased Hole Trunk

Cased and Cemented Lateral

l Consolidated formations

l Mechanically supported


l No hydraulic integrity at

the junction

l Full bore access to main

bore AND lateral

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Level 5

• Consolidated or unconsolidated formation

• mechanical supported junction

• pressure isolation at junction is provided by mechanical seal (not cement)

• access preserved to main and lateral for re-entry, but may not be full-bore

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© 1996 Baker Hughes Incorporated

All rights reserved.

Level 5 - Cased Hole Trunk

Hydraulically Isolated Junction

l Consolidated or unconsolidated formations

l Cement does not qualify as hydraulic isolation

l Mainbore and lateral re-entry access8/25/2015 20

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Level 6

• Consolidated or unconsolidated formation

• mechanical supported junction

• pressure isolation at junction is provided by mechanical separation/isolation

• fullbore access to main and lateral (may be two equal laterals in special case of level 6s.

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• Recognize compartmentalization

• Boundaries

– pinchouts

– faults

– folds

– inclusions

– selective chemical modification

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Oil Fingerprinting

• Every source of hydrocarbon has slightly different characteristics

• Marker materials - suggestions – carbon number plot shape

– carbon number anomalies (wax ends)

– asphaltene content, resins, etc.

• Can separate producing intervals be identified? Already been done!

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When is a compartment important?

• if it has a significant effect on recovery, then it is important.

Modeling is suggested to get to recovery numbers and decisions. You will have to make some assumptions about the connection - geologic info helps!

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1991 OB Pilot

1992 UB Pilot

Phase 1-5

Phase 6-7 Phase 10 Quads

Phase 8 Phase 10 Duals Phase 9

1991 OB Pilot Single Laterals

1992 UB Pilot Single Laterals

Phases 1-5 Single Laterals

Phases 6-7 Dual Laterals

Phase 8 Re-Entries

Phase 9 Quad Laterals

Phase 10 Dual Laterals & Quad










0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000




Hz. M



Fig. 7 - Drilling, Completion, Artificial Lift & Tie-in Costs 71314001.ppt

Average Horizontal Length (meters)

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Quad Laterals

(7 wells)

Dual Laterals

(25 wells)

Single Laterals

(66 wells)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Average Horizontal Length (meters)

Fig. 8 - Horizontal Well Fluid and Oil Rate Multiples











Hz. R



rt. O





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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100








te (


) (m



Cum Oil Prod (E3m3)

Fig. 9 - Production Comparison: Single Lateral and Vertical Offset





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te (


) (m



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Cum Oil Prod (E3m3)

Fig. 12 - Production Comparison: Dual Lateral and Vertical Offsets 71314004.ppt







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1996 QUAD LATERAL 191/14/005/13W2

1995 DUAL LATERAL 191/01-35-005-13W2

1993 SINGLE LATERAL 191/08-28-005-13W2

1986 VERTICAL INFILL 121/08-35-005-13W2

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96












Cum Oil Prod (E3m3)

Fig. 13a - Production Comparison: Quad, Dual, Single Laterals and Vertical Offset




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1996 QUAD LATERAL 191/14/005/13W2

1995 DUAL LATERAL 191/01-35-005-13W2

1993 SINGLE LATERAL 191/08-28-005-13W2

1986 VERTICAL INFILL 121/08-35-005-13W2








te (


) (m



1 10 20 30 40

Cum Oil Prod (E3m3)

Fig. 13b - Production Comparison: Quad, Dual, Single Laterals and Vertical Offset

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Alternatives to Multi-laterals

• fracturing

• multiple completions

• multiple wells

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Response to adding a lateral

• Depends on well placement, barriers, reservoirs, fluids and homogeneity within the compartment.

• Always question the model results. – What is the grid of the model

– what are the assumptions

– Examples………..

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An idealized reservoir


Compare it with field


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case 1

case 2

case 3

case 4

case 5

case 6

case 7

case 8

case 9

100 ft

200 ft

250 ft

333 ft

500 ft

500 ft

500 ft

1000 ft

Cases 2 - 9 add an extra 1000 ft to the original 1000 ft wellbore length

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• 2 to 5 legs or laterals

• legs – opposed

– stacked

– forked

– multi-planar (can be one leg)

• A “lateral” does not have to be horizontal - many, probably most aren’t.

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• how many laterals

• need for re-entry – diagnostics

– mechanical access

– chemical access

• need for pressure seal

• wellbore stability

• lengths

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US Multi-lateral Use (1995)

• Oil 72%

• Gas 25%

• Water Flood 2%

• Gas Storage 1%

• Old numbers! - floods and thermal application increasingly use multi-laterals

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US Multi-lateral (1995)

• 2 legs - 45%

• 3 legs - 43%

• 4 legs - 9%

• 5 legs - 5%

• At this point in the development, most multi-laterals had been drilled in the Austin chalk and Baaken shale.

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Junction Design

• 1. Formation Character

• 2. Differential Pressure at Junction

• 3. Production Control Requirements

• 4. Well Path Planning

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Formation Character

• Strength - sand or shale, reactive, phase sensitive.

• Stability - both now and later

• If the rock in the junction has a sonic travel time of less than 120 u, expect junction failure on drawdown - this is an estimate from underbalanced perforating work.

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Differential Pressure

• Amount of differential - this is a minor point if the load is applied slowly, until water influx gets there.

• Shock / surge loads - this is very significant

– control?

• isolate the junction

• eliminate the surge (controlled startups at every shut down).

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Production Control

• Surge volumes, frequency, and rate of application of surge.

• downhole or surface equip. slug sensitive? Emulsions, upsets, etc. ?

• gas / water influx control needed?

• re-entry likelihood?

• abandonment concerns?

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Well Path Planning

• angle to zone

• depth

• potential for smooth turnout

• influence of other junctions

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SPE 35712 - M-L Catagories

• Draining a single layer in which areal permeability anisotrophy is critical (affects production with conventional methods).

• Draining of several stacked layers which may or may not communicate.

• Draining of several compartments which may or may not communicate.

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SPE 3712 - ML choices

• Catagories – 1. Draining a single layer in which areal permeability anisotrophy is critical

(affects production with conventional methods).

– 2. Draining of several stacked layers which may or may not communicate.

– 3. Draining of several compartments which may or may not communicate.

• Choices – option 1 favors horizontal mother bore

– option 2 favors vertical motherbore

– option 3 favor horizontal mother bore, depending on compartment location.

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SPE 35712 - ML - flow management

• Will production be commingled?

• Need of re-entry to branches.

• Downhole control needs

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ML - Advantages

• higher PI

• control for gas/water coning

• increased reservoir contact

• better chance of intersecting fractures

• better sweep potential (check alignment)

• specific EOR applications

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ML- Disadvantages

• higher initial costs

• higher risks

• candidate selection difficulties

• sensitivity to heterogenities (can be advantage)

• poor vertical perm in horizontals

• infant completion/workover/production technology

• cross flow

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Making The Opening

• Section Mill

• Whipstock / Window Mills

• Premilled Window

• Cavity Shots

• See the section on window cutting

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ML Productivity - the right choice?

• Options

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Stacked Multi-lateral

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Stacked and Opposed

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Dual Well Using "Relief Well" Intersection Technology from

Recompletion or New Well

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Opposing Laterals

• Reasons:

– Cut friction pressure losses, in wells producing at high rates.

– Position well bores to flank areas

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Opposing Laterals

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Potential Updip Completion

• Uses:

– chasing attic oil

– moving a contact away from rising water

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Isolation Potential

• Levels

– Open Hole

– Selective Isolation

– Selective Re-entry

– Full Time Isolation

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Downhole Test of Multilateral Reentry Completion: Schlumberger-Anadrill’s RapidAccess System

Conducted at Amoco’s

Drilling Technology Test Facility

Catoosa, Oklahoma

November 1997

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Test steps successfully completed

• cased a vertical well with orienting sub as part of the casing sting

• milled a window; one trip

• used gel to control debris

• drilled a lateral

• cemented a drop-off liner in the lateral

• cleaned out and retrieved whipstock from main wellbore

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RapidAccess System Schlumberger-Anadrill

Lateral completed open hole or with liner

Orienting sub (keyway)

Up to 3 laterals can be drilled, each with different keyways, which allows selective reentry for stimulations or other workovers

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Control within the lateral

• Profiles and sleeves

• ECPs at strategic positions

• Hydraulic flow control

• Screens and liners

• Most operations depend on ability to enter the lateral.

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Lateral placement?

• location of contacts

• thickness of zones

• relationship to kickoff point

– departure angle

– dogleg angle

– re-entry needs

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Well path based on geologic


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Completion ability an issue too

• Must be able to get the completion into place

• Can it be kept on line and producing steadily?

• re-entry?

• isolation?

• Plug and Abandonment?

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One of many proposed lateral entry control systems – all are expensive and few are well proven.

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There are many sketches of lateral exit windows; and most have window debris that make exit and return very difficult.

The typical window is from 10’ to 20 ft in length (casing length opening).

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Lateral Re-Entry Needs

• 1. Logging the lateral

• 2. Lateral shutoff

• 3. Stimulation

• 4. Cleanout

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Alaska Multi-lateral Well Interventions

Taylor West


GPB Orion / Polaris

Well Management Masterclass, Oct 30-Nov 3, 2006 8/25/2015 85

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VO Producer Design • Production Interval:

– 6-¾” production holes with 4-½” slotted liners or 4”x 4.8” Screens

• Completion Design: – 4-½” tubing with GL artificial lift

and Jet Pump back-up via sliding sleeve

• Functionalities: – Monobore design

– Mechanical integrity at window

– Thru-tubing access to all laterals

– Selective lateral isolation

– Selective lateral access using diverter or MLT tool

Lateral Entry Module (LEM)


Diverter and Isolation Sleeve

Lateral DiverterLateral

Isolation Sleeve

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ML Interventions Challenges & Checklist

• GPB uniquely positioned to lead effort due to access

• Current design ~ 3 yrs old

• Limited experience – mixed success

• Risk to high value wells discourages “testing”

• Need to test Baker component functionalities

• Need to test access / logging technologies

• Need to develop new techniques & tools

• Need to build confidence with town & wells group

Well Management Masterclass, Oct 30-Nov 3, 2006


– Intensive focus from Wells Group CTU PEs

–iCoil installed in 1-3/4” service coil w/ straightener

–Bench tested all BHAs through model junction

–Incorporated learnings from Milne & West Sak interventions


Kit Functionality:

Diverter Set

Diverter Pull

Isolation Sleeve Set

Isolation Sleeve confirm full shut-off

Coil transit / work through sleeve

Sleeve Pull

Motherbore memory logging

Motherbore FCO /Stim

Use Mainbore centralizer (coil / PL tools)

Open Mainbore Shear Disk

Able to reach TD in Laterals

Mainbore IBP located on junction

Work through Diverter:

1-3/4" Coil entry through Diverter

Confirm CoilCade modeling for Depth reached

I-Coil DSP (real-time CCL/Temp/Press)

I-Coil DTS - flowing & pump-in

Downhole fluid sampling

memory tools - surveillance & diagnostics

FCO w/ carrying fluids

Simple Stimulation (Diesel/Xylene)

E-line Tractor Production logging, WFL

Diagnose / Identify water entry along a lateral

Shut-off water entry along a lateral

Discovery Tool Lateral Access w/o diverter:

Shop Testing through junction

Jet Blaster for slot cleaning & FCO

FCO w/ carrying fluids

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CTU ML Interventions Key learnings

Significant FEL - early Wells Group engagement gave ownership

Drift / wash runs ensure success in running full-diameter components

Not easy to stay in the mother bore

Not a smooth design – lips, ledges (mostly at windows)

No significant fill evident in laterals

New surprises on previous givens – PPROFs – slick is best!

Pipe straightener – limited additional depth reached (+300’)

Metal-to-metal lubricants extended coil reach 3000’+

ML checklist items

Proved worth of iCoil – knowing where you are (ccl), pressure, temp

Diverter set / transit w/ tools / retrieved

Sleeve set / transit / confirmed sealing / pull

Lateral entry / Sample / FCO / Stim

MLT “Discovery Tool” lateral entry – 1st successful run in this completion design

Mainbore and lateral logging – ID water and gas entries

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Well Management Masterclass, Oct 30-Nov 3, 2006


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Well Management Masterclass, Oct 30-Nov 3, 2006


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Problems in Re-Entry

1. EOT location relative to junction 2. Making the corner 3. Stiffness of tube 4. Departure angle 5. Junction shape

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Solutions in Re-Entry

1. “poke and hope” 2. bent face 3. bent face and motor 4. “gate” products a. whipstocks b. selective ramps / lugs or profiles

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Can you be sure where you are?

1. Pipe depth measurement 2. MWD tools 3. Conformance to model prediction 4. End of the lateral measurement 5. Others?


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