“Politehnica University of Bucharest FILS MULTICULTURALISM and  ATI!AL I"#TIT$ Professor% !vidiu Caraiani Students% &'&'#

Multiculturalism and National Identity

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“Politehnica” University of Bucharest





!vidiu Caraiani



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&( Multiculturalis)


Multiculturalis) is the acce*tance or *ro)otion of )ulti*le ethnic  cultures% a**lied to the

de)o+ra*hic )a,e-u*  of a s*ecific *lace% usually at the or+ani.ational level% e(+( schools%

 /usinesses% nei+h/orhoods% cities  or nations( In this conte0t% )ulticulturalists advocate e0tendin+e1uita/le status to distinct ethnic and reli+ious  +rou*s 2ithout *ro)otin+ any s*ecific ethnic%

reli+ious% and3or cultural co))unity values as central(

The *olicy of )ulticulturalis) is often contrasted 2ith the conce*ts assi)ilationis) and social


4 Su**ort for )ulticulturalis)

Multiculturalis) is seen /y its su**orters as a fairer syste) that allo2s *eo*le to truly e0*ress

2ho they are 2ithin a society% that is )ore tolerant and that ada*ts /etter to social issues( They ar+ue

that culture is not one defina/le thin+ /ased on one race or reli+ion% /ut rather the result of )ulti*le

factors that chan+e as the 2orld chan+es(

4 !**osition to )ulticulturalis)5hen critici.in+ )ulticulturalis)% it is i)*ortant to first define the ter)( Andre2 6ey2ood

distin+uishes /et2een t2o overall for)s of )ulticulturalis)7 descri*tive and nor)ative( 8The ter)

9)ulticulturalis): has /een used in a variety of 2ays% /oth descri*tive and nor)ative( As a

descri*tive ter)% it has /een ta,en to refer to cultural diversity ; As a nor)ative ter)%

)ulticulturalis) i)*lies a *ositive endorse)ent% even cele/ration% of co))unal diversity% ty*ically

 /ased on either the ri+ht of different +rou*s to res*ect and reco+nition% or to the alle+ed /enefits to

the lar+er society of )oral and cultural diversity”(

 ation states  that% in the case of )any #uro*ean nations% 2ould *reviously have /een

synony)ous 2ith a distinctive cultural identity of their o2n% lose out to enforced )ulticulturalis)

and that this ulti)ately erodes the host nations distinct culture(!ther critics ar+ue that )ulticulturalis) leads directly to restrictions in the ri+hts and freedo)s

for certain +rou*s and that as such% it is /ad for de)ocracy% unde)ocratic and a+ainst universal

hu)an ri+hts(

The anti-thesis of )ulticulturalis) is )oral% reli+ious% and cultural solidarity a)on+ the *eo*le

of a nation( Belief in one<s self and the ulti)ate +ood of his *eo*le( A cohesiveness that *roduces a

national vision% 2ith set /oundaries of acce*ta/ility and unacce*ta/ility in the affairs of a nation%

2hile allo2in+ for the natural differences in )en( Multiculturalis) as a tool of 2arfare /eco)es

i)*otent and re=ected in such an environ)ent(

4 Can Multiculturalis) Reduce Pre=udice>The ter) “)ulticulturalis)” has recently co)e into usa+e to descri/e a society characteri.ed /y

a diversity of cultures( Reli+ion% lan+ua+e% custo)s% traditions% and values are so)e of the

co)*onents of a culture% /ut )ore i)*ortantly culture is the lens throu+h 2hich one *erceives and

inter*rets the 2orld(

In the *ast several years there has /een a +ro2in+ trend to2ards )ulticulturalis) in )any areas

of our society( Most of these trends are found on colle+e and university ca)*uses( 2e thin, this is

li,ely due to a /elief that the traditional Christian A)erican values and vie2s are una/le to deal 2ith

the +ro2in+ nu)/ers of various ethnic )inorities in our society( Althou+h this trend 2ould see)

a/le to chan+e society for the /etter%2e /elieve that it has /een and 2ill /e lar+ely ineffective( It

does% ho2ever% have so)e *ossi/le advanta+e over society<s traditional vie2(

The Contact 6y*othesis states that “increasin+ contact /et2een +rou*s can in so)ecircu)stances decrease *re=udice /et2een the)(” It is *ossi/le that education a/out various cultural

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+rou*s alone% could reduce *re=udice si)ilarly to actual contact? /y increasin+ reco+nition of 

si)ilarities% *rovidin+ infor)ation that +oes a+ainst the stereoty*ical +rain% and /rea,in+ do2n the

illusion of out-+rou* ho)o+eneity( It 2ould li,ely do so less than contact(

Multiculturalis) )i+ht /e a/le to reduce *re=udice 2ithout /uildin+ the resent)ent a)on+ different


'( @lo/ali.ation

Multiculturalis) also rises the *ro/le) of globalization% the na)e of a *rocess of increasin+ the

connectivity and interde*endence of the 2orld<s )ar,ets and /usinesses( This *rocess has s*eeded

u* dra)atically in the last t2o decades as technolo+ical advances )a,e it easier for *eo*le to travel%

co))unicate% and do /usiness internationally(

@lo/ali.ation% or the increased interconnectedness and interde*endence of *eo*le and countries%

is +enerally understood to include It is reco+ni.ed that +lo/ali.ation has /oth *ositive and ne+ative

i)*acts on develo*)ent(Conte)*orary analysts associate +lo/ali.ation 2ith deterritorialization% accordin+ to 2hich a

+ro2in+ variety of social activities ta,es *lace irres*ective of the +eo+ra*hical location of 


#ven thou+h +eo+ra*hical location re)ains crucial for )any underta,in+s for e0a)*le% far)in+

to satisfy the needs of a local )ar,et% deterritoriali.ation )anifests itself in )any social s*heres(

Business *eo*le on different continents no2 en+a+e in electronic co))erce? television allo2s

 *eo*le situated any2here to o/serve the i)*act of terri/le 2ars /ein+ 2a+ed far fro) the co)fort of 

their livin+ roo)s? acade)ics )a,e use of the latest video conferencin+ e1ui*)ent to or+ani.e

se)inars in 2hich *artici*ants are located at dis*arate +eo+ra*hical locations? the Internet allo2s

 *eo*le to co))unicate instantaneously 2ith each other not2ithstandin+ vast +eo+ra*hical distancesse*aratin+ the)( Territory in the sense of a traditional sense of a +eo+ra*hically identifia/le location

no lon+er constitutes the 2hole of “social s*ace” in 2hich hu)an activity ta,es *laces( In this initial

sense of the ter)% +lo/ali.ation refers to the s*read of ne2 for)s of non-territorial social activity(

The ne+ative effects of +lo/ali.ation7

!**onents of +lo/ali.ation *oint out to its ne+ative effects( So)e of the) are listed /elo2(

- "evelo*ed nations have outsourced )anufacturin+ and 2hite collar =o/s(

- That )eans less =o/s for their *eo*le( This has ha**ened /ecause )anufacturin+ 2or, is

outsourced to develo*in+ nations li,e China 2here the cost of )anufacturin+ +oods and 2a+es

are lo2er( Pro+ra))ers% editors% scientists and accountants have lost their =o/s due to

outsourcin+ to chea*er locations li,e India(- @lo/ali.ation has led to e0*loitation of la/or(

- Prisoners and child 2or,ers are used to 2or, in inhu)ane conditions(

- Safety standards are i+nored to *roduce chea* +oods(

- o/ insecurity( #arlier *eo*le had sta/le% *er)anent =o/s( o2 *eo*le live in constant dread of 

losin+ their =o/s to co)*etition( Increased =o/ co)*etition has led to reduction in 2a+es and

conse1uently lo2er standards of livin+(

- Terrorists have access to so*histicated 2ea*ons enhancin+ their a/ility to inflict da)a+e(

Terrorists use the Internet for co))unicatin+ a)on+ the)selves(

- Co)*anies have set u* industries causin+ *ollution in countries 2ith *oor re+ulation of 


- Fast food chains li,e Mc"onalds and DFC are s*readin+ in the develo*in+ 2orld( Peo*le areconsu)in+ )ore =un, food fro) these =oints 2hich has an adverse i)*act on their health(

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- The /enefits of +lo/ali.ation is not universal( The rich are +ettin+ richer and the *oor are

 /eco)in+ *oorer(

- Bad a*ects of forei+n cultures are affectin+ the local cultures throu+h TE and the Internet(

- #ne)y nations can s*read *ro*a+anda throu+h the Internet(

- "eadly diseases li,e 6IE3AI"S are /ein+ s*read /y travellers to the re)otest corners of the

+lo/e(- Local industries are /ein+ ta,en over /y forei+n )ultinationals(

- The increase in *rices has reduced the +overn)ents a/ility to sustain social 2elfare sche)es in

develo*ed countries(

- There is increase in hu)an traffic,in+(

The *ositive as*ect of +lo/ali.ation

@lo/ali.ation has a *ositive side as 2ell( Su**orters of +lo/ali.ation ar+ue that it is +ood and

 /eneficial( So)e of their ar+u)ents are listed /elo2(

- @lo/ali.ation has created the conce*t of outsourcin+(

- 5or, such as soft2are develo*)ent% custo)er su**ort% )ar,etin+% accountin+ and insurance is

outsourced to develo*in+ countries li,e India( So the co)*any that outsourced the 2or, en=oysthe /enefit of lo2er costs /ecause the 2a+es in develo*in+ countries is far lo2er than that of 

develo*ed countries( The 2or,ers in the develo*in+ countries +et e)*loy)ent( "evelo*in+

countries +et access to the latest technolo+y(

- Increased co)*etition forces co)*anies to lo2er *rices( This /enefits the end consu)ers(

- Increased )edia covera+e dra2s the attention of the 2orld to hu)an ri+ht violations( This leads

to i)*rove)ent in hu)an ri+hts(

4 Cultural effects of globalization

“Culture8 is defined as *atterns of hu)an activity and the sy)/ols that +ive these activities

si+nificance( Culture is 2hat *eo*le eat% ho2 they dress% /eliefs they hold% and activities they

 *ractice( @lo/ali.ation has =oined different cultures and )ade it into so)ethin+ different( As #rla

2in+le% fro) the ational @eo+ra*hic article titled 8@lo/ali.ation8 states% 85hen cultures receive

outside influences% they i+nore so)e and ado*t others% and then al)ost i))ediately start to

transfor) the)(8

!ne classic culture as*ect is food( So)eone in A)erica can /e eatin+ a*anese noodles  for 

lunch 2hile so)eone in Sydney% Australia is eatin+ classic Italian )eat/alls( India is ,no2n for its

curry and e0otic s*ices( France is ,no2n for its cheeses( orth A)erica is ,no2n for its /ur+ers and

fries( Mc"onald<s  is a orth A)erican co)*any 2hich is no2 a +lo/al enter*rise 2ith G&%HHH

locations 2orld2ide( This co)*any is =ust one e0a)*le of food causin+ cultural influence on the

+lo/al scale(

Another co))on *ractice /rou+ht a/out /y +lo/ali.ation is the usa+e of Chinese characters intattoos( These tattoos are *o*ular 2ith today<s youth des*ite the lac, of social acce*tance of tattoos

in China( Also% there is a lac, of co)*rehension in the )eanin+ of Chinese characters  that *eo*le

+et% )a,in+ this an e0a)*le of cultural a**ro*riation(

The internet /rea,s do2n cultural /oundaries across the 2orld /y ena/lin+ easy% near-

instantaneous co))unication /et2een *eo*le any2here in a variety of di+ital for)s and )edia( The

Internet is associated 2ith the *rocess of cultural +lo/ali.ation /ecause it allo2s interaction and

co))unication /et2een *eo*le 2ith very different lifestyles and fro) very different cultures( Photo

sharin+ 2e/sites allo2 interaction even 2here lan+ua+e 2ould other2ise /e a /arrier(

G( Cultural nation( ational identity

The conce*t of cultural nation *oses one of the )a=or *ro/le)s in the hu)anities since thereis no consensus ho2 to define it( A /ase line 2ould /e to say that the )e)/ers of a cultural nation

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are a2are of constitutin+ an ethical-*olitical /ody to+ether% 2hich is differentiated fro) others /y the

)e)/ers sharin+ a nu)/er of definin+ cultural features( Those features can include lan+ua+e%

reli+ion% tradition% or shared history( All this can /e ta,en as a si+n of a historically evolved distinct

culture( The 1uestion 2hether a nation needs to have an associated territory is su/=ect of de/ate(

The conce*t of cultural nation is nor)ally cou*led 2ith a historical doctrine ta,in+ as a

 *rinci*le that all hu)ans can /e divided into +rou*s called nations( In this sense% 2e are dealin+ 2ithan ethical and *hiloso*hical doctrine 2hich is at the /asis of the ideolo+y of nationalis)( The

)e)/ers of a nation are distin+uished /y a co))on identity and +enerally /y a shared ori+in and

the sense of co))on ancestry(

 ational identity s*ecially refers to the distinction of s*ecific features of a +rou*( A vast array

of different criteria are used% 2ith a ran+e of different a**lications( Li,e this% s)all differences in

 *ronunciation or different dialects can /e sufficient to cate+ori.e so)eone as a )e)/er of a different

nation( !n the other hand% so)e *ersons can have diver+in+ *ersonalities and /eliefs% live in

different *laces and s*ea, different lan+ua+es and still see each other as )e)/ers of the sa)e

nation( Further)ore% there are cases in 2hich a +rou* of *ersons defines itself as a nation not /ased

on the features they have% /ut for the features they lac, or disli,e( The feelin+ of /elon+in+ to a

nation is then used as a defense a+ainst other +rou*s% even if these other +rou*s 2ould a**ear to /ecloser in )atters of ideolo+y cultural *ractices( Finally% )e)/ers of a nation can e)*hasi.e their 

co))on history des*ite ethnic and lin+uistic differences% as is the case of S2it.erland% 2hich sees it

self as a 85illensnation8 nation /y 2ill(

The cultural nation and the state

A state 2hich identifies itself e0*licitly as the ho)e of a cultural nation is a nation-state(

Many of the )odern states are in this cate+ory or try to le+iti)i.e their e0istence in this 2ay%

althou+h there )i+ht /e dis*utes and contradictions as to the a**ro*riateness of this( Because so

)any of the states are nation-states% the 2ords 8nation8% 8country8% and 8state8 are often used


If the cultural nation is conce*tuali.ed as e0clusively ethnic% and not as re1uirin+ a territory% a

nu)/er of nations 2ithout land can /e found( A *ro)inent e0a)*le 2ould /e the 8+y*sy nation8-- a

cultural nation can e0ist 2ithout havin+ an inde*endent state% and not all inde*endent states are

cultural nations( Many inde*endent states are si)*ly ad)inistrative unions of different cultural

nations or *eo*les(

!ther e0a)*les of cultural nations 2ithout states are the e2s /efore the creation of the state

of Israel( !n the other hand% states li,e Bel+iu) consist of several cultural nations% )ost *ro)inently

Fle)ish and 5alloons( The 1uestion of 2hether the state of Canada har/ours one cultural nation or 

t2o British Canadian and uJ/Jcois has /een o/=ect of *olitical de/ate as 2ell( It could also /e

said that the nations of the #n+lish% Scottish and 5elsh are also nations 2ithout states as they e0ists

as a lar+er soverei+n state ,no2n as the United Din+do)(

Co))on lan+ua+e

A lan+ua+e is the *ri)ary in+redient in the )a,in+ of a nation( 5ithout a co))on lan+ua+e

a nation cannot evolve( A co))on Culture% a co))on 6istory is de*endent on Lan+ua+e( Also to

deal 2ith everyday affairs 2ithin a +rou* of *eo*le livin+ in a s*ecified /oundary need a co))on

)ean of co))unication to trade and sociali.e( Thus even if a +rou* of *eo*le sharin+ co))on

Lan+ua+e% Culture and 6istory )ay live in different countries /ut 2ould still consider the)selves

attached to their res*ective nations as lon+ as they share the sa)e lan+ua+e(

Co))on culture

Many nations are constructed around the idea of a shared culture% the national culture( The

national culture can /e assu)ed to /e shared 2ith *revious +enerations% and includes a culturalherita+e fro) these +enerations( As 2ith the co))on ancestry% this identification of *ast culture 2ith

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 *resent culture )ay /e lar+ely sy)/olic( The archaeolo+ical site of Stonehen+e  for instance is

o2ned and )ana+ed /y #n+lish 6erita+e% althou+h no <#n+lish< *eo*le or state e0isted 2hen it 2as

constructed% K HHH to HHH years a+o( !ther nations have si)ilarly a**ro*riated ancient

archaeolo+ical sites% literature% art% and even entire civili.ations as <national herita+e<(

Identity is defined as 2hen you as, yourself 82ho 2e are and 2ith 2ho) 2e fit8( There are)any ,inds of social identity such as national identity% re+ional identity% and racial identity% ethnic

identity% econo)ic su*er-re+ions etc( ational identity )ean 8relatin+ to% or /elon+in+ to a nation as

an or+ani.ed 2hole8( #thnic identity )ean 8relatin+ to a si.a/le +rou* of *eo*le sharin+ a co))on

and distinctive racial% national% reli+ious% lin+uistic% or cultural herita+e8% and 8Bein+ a )e)/er of a

 *articular ethnic +rou*% es*ecially /elon+in+ to a national +rou* /y herita+e or culture /ut residin+

outside its national /oundaries8(

 ational identity% accordin+ to Pare,h enco)*asses three co)*onents7

a a co))on constitution of a *olitical co))unity% includin+ a+reed rules% la2s and nor)s%

 / i)a+es of the nation% shared /et2een )e)/ers of a national co))unity and

c a sense of *ersonal co))it)ent to the co))unity(All the a/ove are characterised /y a de+ree of su/=ectivity and dyna)is)( That is% none of 

the) can /e *recisely circu)scri/ed or unani)ously defined% nor can they re)ain static in *lace and

ti)e( 5ith res*ect to the i)*ortance of the national identity in a *erson:s self-identification% it see)s

that the second and third ele)ent *lay a si+nificant role and are related to funda)ental *sycholo+ical


A funda)ental constituent of a nation and a co))on ele)ent that functions as a unifyin+

factor is its shared traditions( There see) to /e t2o cate+ories of tradition? the first includes <*ure<

ones% those that their roots lie in the *ast and have /een *reserved in ti)e% inter2oven 2ith the

nation<s ha/its% nor)s% values and *ractices and that are an inte+ral *art of *eo*le<s national identity(

The second cate+ory refers to the traditions 2hich are invented( These are artificial out2ardly

<i)*osed< to the nation and )i+ht serve *olitical or other *ur*oses% functionin+ as a unifyin+ factor 

or a factor enhancin+ faithfulness to the nation( #ric 6o/s/au) distin+uishes /et2een three ty*es of 

tradition( The first includes traditions that reflect the social cohesion of a nation% the second includes

traditions that o*erate for the interest of the rulin+ classes and the third the )ediu) for i)*lantin+ or 

<enforcin+< ideals% values or rituals( The t2o latter ty*es are e0a)*les of invented traditions(

The ne+ative ele)ent of invented traditions is that 2hen called for the )ani*ulation of the )asses

can function as a covert 2ay of fanatisin+ *eo*le% cultivatin+ racis) and *re=udice and intolerance

for every out-+rou*( Si)ilar feelin+s of national *ride or faithfulness to the national +rou* 2ere

e0*loited /y the Second-5orld-5ar a.i authorities in order to /rin+ a/out the e2ish holocaust as

 *art of an 8ulti)ate )ission8( The sy)/ols of the a.i invented traditions 2ere their anthe)% the

s2asti,a% the for)al )ilitary salute and )any other 2hich hel*ed the re*resentatives of the 8Arean ation8 to esta/lish the sense of uni1ueness and su*eriority and to stren+then the sense of unity and


Reli+ious faith is in i)*ortant constituent of national identity( The intensity of identification

2ith a reli+ion is iften *ositively correlated 2ith the stren+th of one<s national identity( 6o2ever% it

see)s reli+ion itself is so)ethin+ o/scure and indefinite% not to )ention every individual<s

 *erce*tion of his reli+ion and his inter*retation of 2hat reli+ious faithfulness )eans( Bau)steer 

8Meanin+s of Life &N-&O a**roaches the issue critically notin+ that in )any instances in the *ast

reli+ion has 8cheated8 its 8*ure8 character /y servin+ *olitical interests( 6e adds that reli+ion often

 /eco)es ri+id one e0a)*le /ein+ Catholicis)% thus not satisfyin+ *eo*le<s e)otional needs as they

evolve alon+ 2ith social chan+es in ti)e Reli+ions are ri+id /ecase they cannot follo2 sociocultural

chan+es in ti)e% thus they cannot satisfy *eo*le<s evolvin+ e)otional needs(

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A*art fro) constitutin+ a source of life )eanin+% the construction of national identity

 *rovides a lin, 2ith the *ast - a ,ind of 8collective )e)ory8 of the co))on national ori+in one

2ants to consider hi)3herself a )e)/er of( Additionally% it *rovides an orientation for the future? it

ins*ires a sense of as*iration% or an ideal( !ne function of this orientation for the future )i+ht /e the

rationalisation of la/our and *roduction as a /esto2al to the nation and% accordin+ly% the *roduction

of children as a 2ay of contri/utin+ to its *reservation and e0*ansion(T2o institutions that *lay a si+nificant role in the construction of a *erson<s national identity

are the fa)ily that underta,es the *ri)ary role in the *erson<s socialisation and the school% 2hich is

the secondary socialisation institution( They /oth *rovide sources of historical infor)ation% national

ideals% attitudes% values% e)otions% that are trans)itted to the individual and contri/ute to the

for)ation of his 3 her national identity(

5hat the clai) of the scholars )i+ht i)*ly is that the content of the national identity is so

2ide% co)*le0 and fluctuatin+% that it cannot =ustify so)e *eo*le<s stren+th of /eliefs and ri+idity od

attitudes as it ha**ens in cases of ne+ative nationalis) as o**osed to li/eral nationalis)% racis)%

national stereoty*in+ or chauvinis)(


5hether national identity is a fictive characteristic or not% should /e =ud+ed fro) the

conse1uences on *ersonality and co))unication( That is% ho2ever su/=ective% o/scure and elusive

national identity itself )ay /e% it is )ore i)*ortant to deter)ine the 2ays in 2hich it influences or 

even deter)ines thou+ht% e)otion and /ehaviour( #s*ecially 2hen feelin+s of national *ride and

 *atriotis) are )ani*ulated /y *olitical and )ilitary authorities for the sa,e of i)*erialistic or other unethical *ur*oses% it is crucial to e0a)ine it further( The fact that the content of national identity is

so)ethin+ conventional% has /een clearly illustrated /y )any scholars( All its constituents% traditions%

 /orders% custo)s% cultural ele)ents and so forth are 8a+reed8 and esta/lished throu+h re*etition or 

 *reservation in ti)e( 5hat is )ore% national identity is% as )entioned a/ove% co)*letely su/=ective

and idividualised? it cannot /e circu)scri/ed *recisely( T2o *eo*le )ay not share co))on history%

land reli+ion% race% custo)s% values or they )ay share so)e or all of the a/ove in different de+rees

and co)/inations( evertheless% they serve a very i)*ortant *ur*ose% funda)ental for the *eo*le<s

e)otional 2ell-/ein+7 the sense of /elon+in+% security% satisfaction of social needs solidarity%

 *roduction% underta,in+ of res*onsi/ility( Thus% 2e co)e to the conclusion that national identity is a

 *o2erful sy)/olic lin, that connects *eo*le in *lace and ti)e% and at the sa)e ti)e a dan+erous

8seed8 that can /e cultivated to cause dissention% disru*tion of the social order and alienation(