Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013 M ustang S c ien c e L a b Multicellular Magic By: Sarah Thompson, Sydney Griffioen, Morgan Roberts, Ashley Roberts, and Olivia Cross Ms. Moffitt’s Class 1 s! I made some added a couple in case you ep up the good Dr. Knotts

Multicellular Magic

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Nice work kids! I made some comments and added a couple of pictures in case you want them. Keep up the good work. – Dr. Knotts. Multicellular Magic. B y: Sarah Thompson, Sydney Griffioen, Morgan Roberts, Ashley R oberts, and Olivia Cross. Vocab. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Multicellular Magic

Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013



Sc ience Lab

Multicellular Magic

By: Sarah Thompson, Sydney Griffioen, Morgan Roberts, Ashley Roberts, and Olivia Cross

Ms. Moffitt’s Class

Nice work kids! I made some comments and added a couple of pictures in case

you want them. Keep up the good work. – Dr. Knotts

Page 2: Multicellular Magic

Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013

VocabPore= a pore sends out food, water, and fertilizer through out a plant.

guard cell= a pair of crescent – shaped cells that control the opening and closing of one of the tiny pores on the outer surface of a leaf.

Page 3: Multicellular Magic

Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013


Facts about week 1

Ms. Moffitt’s Class

Facts:#1) Zebrina has two guard cells 1 in the upper epidermis and 1 in the lower epidermis. #2) If you look carefully in a 10x or 40x power, you may be able to see a small opening between the plants root hair as shown in figure one.#3) A stoma is a pore found in the epidermis of a leaf. The pore allows gases to enter or exit the leaf.#4)There are hundreds of stomates in the lower epidermis.#5) Three most important gasses to pass through each stoma are carbon dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen.

Lower leaf only. For more information, see the end of this article: https://camcom.ngu.edu/Science/biology/BIOL%202450/Laboratory%20Part%20I/LeafStructure201%20Procedures%20scidiv_bcc_ctc_edu_rkr_biology201.pdf

I’ll email it to Ms Moffit, so ask her about it.

#1, 3, 4, and 5 relate to the Zebrina observations. Group those facts together. #2 relates to Timothy hay seed root hairs. Point out that you

observed both species (Zebrina plus Timothy hay).

Page 4: Multicellular Magic

Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013


Week 2 facts

In week two we looked at red and white blood cells in the microscope. We identified single celled and multi- celled organisms. The white blood cells looked purple and the red blood cells were red. We looked at human blood smears. We looked at the different types of white blood cells, Basophil, Neutrophil, Eosinophil, Lymphocyte, and Monocyte.

Which ones did you see? Not all were visible. In addition to red blood cells, you probably saw

Nutrophils and platelets.

They looked purple because of the stain that was used. Without

stain, they would be clear and hard to see.

Page 5: Multicellular Magic

Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013


Week 3 facts

Ms. Moffitt’s Class

We looked at different bacteria and the different organisms that live and move on the water. It was interesting since we got to see the bacteria that was very hard to find in the microscope. They were, hotdog shaped, curved hotdog shaped, and berry shaped bacteria. We learned about good and bad bacteria. We also filled out a worksheet about what we learned to help us for our power point.

Red blood cells, yeast, and bacteria.Photo by Michael E. Knotts.

Gram stained bacteria: Micrococcus luteus, Bacilllus subtlilis, and Rhodospirillum rubrum.

Photo by Michael E. Knotts.

Here are a couple of pictures you

might like.

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Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013




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Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013



Page 8: Multicellular Magic

Second Mountain Park Elementary Conference on Cell Biology, October 2013