Multi-period optimisation of a utility plant model in gPROMS Joana de Jesus Antunes Fernandes Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering Supervisors Dipl.-Ing. Gerardo Sanchis Prof. Dr. Carla Isabel Costa Pinheiro Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Maria Joana Castelo-Branco de Assis Teixeira Neiva Correia Members of Comittee: Prof. Dr. Carla Isabel Costa Pinheiro Prof. Dr. Pedro Miguel Gil de Castro November 2017

Multi-period optimisation of a utility plant model in gPROMS€¦ · Multi-period optimisation of a utility plant model in gPROMS Joana de Jesus Antunes Fernandes Thesis to obtain

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Page 1: Multi-period optimisation of a utility plant model in gPROMS€¦ · Multi-period optimisation of a utility plant model in gPROMS Joana de Jesus Antunes Fernandes Thesis to obtain

Multi-period optimisation of a utility plant model in

gPROMS Joana de Jesus Antunes Fernandes

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Chemical Engineering


Dipl.-Ing. Gerardo Sanchis

Prof. Dr. Carla Isabel Costa Pinheiro

Examination Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Maria Joana Castelo-Branco de Assis Teixeira Neiva Correia

Members of Comittee: Prof. Dr. Carla Isabel Costa Pinheiro

Prof. Dr. Pedro Miguel Gil de Castro

November 2017

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First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors Carla Pinheiro and Gerardo

Sanchis and to Professor Costas Pantelides for giving me the chance to work in Process Systems Enterprise for

six months, and learn a lot about gPROMS ProcessBuilder.

To all the people that made my life easier in London, since all PSE to my flat mates: Luís Belchior,

Susana Bento and Ricardo Baltazar for all the time we spent together and the great adventures discovering the


To my friends and my boyfriend which helped me not only in this step, but also throughout my degree

and my life: the deepest recognition.

I would like to thank José Auzendo, for his important support during this period.

Also, I would like to thank my family, especially my father and mother for giving me all the conditions

and support all this years, to accomplish my objectives.

To all of you a big thank you!

Joana Fernandes

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Sabendo que, nos grandes complexos industriais, a procura e os preços das utilidades estão em

constante mudança, são várias as oportunidades para otimizar a gestão das diferentes utilidades. No entanto,

na maioria dos casos, os métodos de otimização existentes não fornecem as ferramentas necessárias para uma

boa distribuição das utilidades pelo complexo, particularmente em situações onde o planeamento requer a

otimização de múltiplos períodos. Neste sentido, a empresa Process System Enterprise tem vindo a

desenvolver uma nova ferramenta capaz de determinar a melhor estratégia operacional para a otimização de

um determinado grupo de períodos.

Neste trabalho, um ficheiro contendo todas as variáveis necessárias à otimização dos vários períodos foi

criado no software gPROMS. Este ficheiro oferece a oportunidade de minimizar o custo total do sistema de

utilidades através da seleção das unidades operacionais apropriadas e das suas condições de operação, de

forma a eficazmente satisfazer as exigências do processo. Com o objetivo de testar esta ferramenta, três

problemas de otimização de vários períodos foram considerados. A eficiência da otimização foi também


Os resultados obtidos indicam que a abordagem proposta, de um modo geral, apresenta um bom

desempenho ao encontrar o mínimo custo para os problemas estudados. No entanto, concluiu-se também que

o tempo de otimização aumenta exponencialmente com o número de períodos, não sendo possível otimizar

longos grupos de períodos.

Palavras Chave:

Sistema de utilidades, otimização de vários períodos, planeamento a curto prazo, gPROMS

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Knowing that price tariffs and demands are constantly changing, it is essential to optimise site

generation utilities. However, many current optimisation applications do not provide full capabilities for

maximising economic value, particularly in situations where optimal multi-period planning is required. For that

purpose Process System Enterprise has been developing a new tool capable of determining the best operating

strategy over a given planning horizon.

In this work, a multi-period optimisation file, able to minimise the total cost of a utility plant, satisfying

the process demands by selecting the appropriate operating units, and choosing their operating conditions,

was developed in gPROMS software. In order to test this tool, three multi-period optimisation problems were

considered and an analysis of the optimiser computation efficiency was made.

The results have shown that the proposed approach often shows good performance in finding the

optimum solutions for the multi-period problems. However, it was also concluded that the optimisation time

increases exponentially with the number of periods. Thus, it is not possible to optimise long planning horizons.


Utility system, multi-period optimisation, short planning, gPROMS

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Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................... iii

Resumo ........................................................................................................................................................ v

Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... vii

List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................. xiii

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. xv

Glossary .................................................................................................................................................... xvii

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Motivation .................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1. State of Art ................................................................................................................................... 2

1.2. Original Contributions .................................................................................................................. 3

1.3. Dissertation Outline ..................................................................................................................... 3

2. Background ....................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1. Utility Systems .............................................................................................................................. 5

2.1.1. External Supply .................................................................................................................... 6

2.1.2. Utility Lines ........................................................................................................................ 10

2.1.3. Main equipment ................................................................................................................ 12

2.2. Multi-period optimisation: existing methods ............................................................................. 21

2.2.1. Issues and Problems .......................................................................................................... 23

2.3. Sequential and Integrated optimisation methods ..................................................................... 23

3. Materials and Methods................................................................................................................... 27

3.1. The gPROMS Software................................................................................................................ 27

3.2. gPROMS Utilities ......................................................................................................................... 28

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3.3. Model Development Workflow .................................................................................................. 28

4. Flowsheet implementation ............................................................................................................. 29

4.1. Reference flowsheet validation ............................................................................................. 29

4.1.1. Overview of the reference flowsheet ................................................................................ 29

4.1.2. Validation of the reference flowsheet in gPROMS ............................................................ 30

4.2. Main Process Flowsheet ........................................................................................................ 31

5. Optimisation ................................................................................................................................... 33

5.1. Optimisation Problem Formulation ............................................................................................ 33

5.2. MINLP Formulation .................................................................................................................... 34

5.3. Objective Function, Controls and Constraints Variables ............................................................ 35

5.3.1. Objective Function ............................................................................................................. 35

5.3.2. Control Variables ............................................................................................................... 35

5.3.3. Constraints Variables ......................................................................................................... 36

6. Multi-period optimisation in gPROMS ............................................................................................ 39

6.1. Multi-period planning problem formulation .................................................................................. 39

6.1.1. Definition of the planning horizon ..................................................................................... 39

6.1.2. Single-period optimisation ................................................................................................ 40

6.1.3. Multi-period optimisation ................................................................................................. 41

6.1.4. Multi-period optimisation validation ................................................................................. 41

6.2. Multi-period optimisation problems .......................................................................................... 43

6.2.1. Number of boiler switches in the planning horizon .......................................................... 43

6.2.2. Maximum boiler load change between periods ................................................................ 59

6.2.3. Minimum amount of electricity produced in the planning horizon .................................. 62

6.3. Optimiser time performance analysis ........................................................................................ 65

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7. Conclusions and Future Work ......................................................................................................... 67

7.1. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 67

7.2. Future Work ............................................................................................................................... 69

References ................................................................................................................................................. 71

Appendices ................................................................................................................................................ 77

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List of Tables

Table 1. Most used fuel in utility systems. [13] ........................................................................................... 9

Table 2. Comparison between a fire tube boiler and a water tube boiler. [19] ........................................ 13

Table 3. Process demands and utilities prices of the reference utility system. [1] .................................. 30

Table 4. Equipment efficiencies of the reference utility system. [1] ........................................................ 30

Table 5. Comparison between the literature results and the simulation results. ..................................... 31

Table 6. Modified equipment efficiencies. ................................................................................................ 31

Table 7. Minimum and maximum equipment loads. ................................................................................ 36

Table 8. Optimisation cost of the independent periods. ........................................................................... 40

Table 9. Cost comparison between single and multi-period optimisation files results. ........................... 42

Table 10. First approach: optimisation results of the different switch definitions. .................................. 45

Table 11. Second approach: optimisation results using different switch definitions. .............................. 49

Table 12. Third approach: optimisation results using different switch definitions. .................................. 53

Table 13. Optimisation results obtained using different boilers availabilities, when NPSS≥2. ................. 56

Table 14. Optimisation results obtained using different boilers availabilities, when NPSS≥3. ................. 57

Table 15. Minimum electricity production constraint: optimisation results. ............................................ 63

Table 16. Time of the different modes of start-up. [61] ........................................................................... 79

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List of Figures

Figure 1. Utility system schematic representation. [8] ............................................................................... 6

Figure 2. Gas-turbine-based cogeneration plant. [10] ................................................................................ 7

Figure 3. Example of a steam system. [9] .................................................................................................... 8

Figure 4 and Figure 5. Representation of a fire tube boiler [20] and water tube boiler [21], respectively.

.............................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Figure 6. Combustion efficiency. [27] ........................................................................................................ 15

Figure 7. Gas turbine representation. [30] ................................................................................................ 17

Figure 8. Steam turbine representation. [33] ............................................................................................ 18

Figure 9 and Figure 10. Schematic diagrams of a typical tray-type and spray-type deaerator,

respectively. [35] .................................................................................................................................................. 19

Figure 11. Traditional optimisation method. [53] ..................................................................................... 24

Figure 12. Sequential and integrated optimisation methods [10] ............................................................ 25

Figure 13. Project workflow. ..................................................................................................................... 28

Figure 14. Main process flowsheet modelled in gPROMS. ........................................................................ 32

Figure 15. Process steam demands of the planning horizon. .................................................................... 40

Figure 16. Multi-period optimisation files results: boilers status. ............................................................. 41

Figure 17. Periods cost comparison between single and multi-period optimisation results. ................... 42

Figure 18. First approach: boiler status optimisation results with M=150 € using switch definitions A, B

and C. .................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 19. First approach: boiler status optimisation results with M=10 using switch definition A and B.

.............................................................................................................................................................................. 47

Figure 20. First approach: boiler status optimisation results with M=10 € using switch definition C. ..... 47

Figure 21. Second approach: boiler status optimisation results with NAS≤2 using switch definition B. .. 51

Figure 22. Second approach: boiler status optimisation results with NAS≤2 using switch definition C. .. 51

Figure 23. Third approach: boiler status optimisation results with NPSS≥2, using switch definition B. ... 54

Figure 24. Third approach: boiler status optimisation results with NPSS≥2 and different past boiler

status, using switch definition B. .......................................................................................................................... 54

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Figure 25. Third approach: boiler status optimisation results with NPSS≥3, using switch definition B. ... 55

Figure 26. Fixing Binaries 1 when NPSS≥2: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B. . 57

Figure 27. Fixing Binaries 2 when NPSS≥2: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B. . 57

Figure 28. Fixing Binaries 1 when NPSS≥3: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B. . 58

Figure 29. Fixing Binaries 2 when NPSS≥3: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B. . 58

Figure 30. Ligaments cracking leads to a tube failure. [63] ....................................................................... 59

Figure 31. Corrosion fatigue leads to the crack of a tube surface. [63] .................................................... 60

Figure 32. Steam boiler tube failure caused by caustic gouging. [64] ....................................................... 60

Figure 33. Optimisation cost versus maximum boiler load change between periods. ............................. 61

Figure 34. Boiler loads versus ∆ Load. ....................................................................................................... 62

Figure 35. Turbine Loads versus MEP. ....................................................................................................... 64

Figure 36. Vent load when MEP=125 MWh. ............................................................................................. 64

Figure 37. Process system demands.......................................................................................................... 65

Figure 38. Optimisation time versus number of periods optimised.......................................................... 66

Figure 39. Utility system project flowsheet [1] ......................................................................................... 77

Figure 40. Reference flowsheet modelling in gPROMS Process Builder. .................................................. 78

Figure 41. Variation of staybolt stress with firing rate. [65] ...................................................................... 79

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Abbreviation Description

𝜂 Efficiency

∆ Load Maximum boiler load change between periods

𝑏𝑡 Boiler status in period t

𝑏𝑡−1 Boiler status in period t-1

B1 Boiler 1

B2 Boiler 2

B3 Boiler 3

BFW Boiler Feed Water

DOG Degrees of Freedom

𝐶𝑡 Cost of period t

𝐶𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 Cost of the planning horizon

𝐶𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑑 Modified cost of the planning horizon

𝐹𝑡 Boiler Load in period t

𝐹𝑡−1 Boiler Load in period t-1

FS Flash Drum

HP High-Pressure Steam

LP Low-Pressure Steam

M Switching Cost Factor

M Mass Flow Rate

MEP Minimum Electricity Produced

MP Medium-Pressure Steam

MINLP Mixed integer non-linear programming

MILP Mixed integer linear programming

NLP Non-linear programming

NPSS Number of periods with the same boiler status

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PRV Pressure Reduction Valve

𝑆 𝑟,𝑡 Boiler r switch in period t

SMILP Successive Mixed Integer Linear Programming

SR Spinning Reserve

TW Treated Water

W Shaft Work

WHB Process waste heat boiler steam

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1. Introduction

Energy and utility optimisation is one of the key issues facing industrial process. The ultimate goal in

managing a steam and power system is to satisfy the process energy demand at the minimum cost. [1]

Refineries and chemical production sites are the major consumers of energy in the form of electricity,

steam and hydrocarbon feedstock. [2] The refining and petrochemical industries generally own process plants

and utility systems. In general, a petrochemical park comprises a large number of chemical plants sharing a

common utility plant. On the one hand, process plants are configured to convert raw materials into products,

to finish this transformation and to do the separation of some materials. All these processes consume energy,

mainly steam and electricity, which are provided by the utility system. [3] On the other hand, utility systems

consume fuel to generate utilities to supply the energy requirements for the process plants, in order to

maintain the production.

The utility balance between the production plants and the utility plants should be maintained at all time

to guarantee smoothly production. Whenever a change occurs in the production side, the utility plant might

need to make suitable changes to maintain the balances. [3] For example, the daily fluctuations of the

electricity and power demands subject the utility plant to frequent equipment load changes and partial

shutdowns. [4] As these changes occur in the different operation periods, the optimal choice of units changes

over the planning horizon.

The scheduling of equipment in a utility plant to meet varying demands is an established operational

problem. In the past years, to obtain the best option for the changes, plant engineers were relied mainly on

their own experiences and/or applying some simple material and energy balance calculations. Due to the

complexity inside of a production site, this approach is time-consuming and easily leads to miss out good


In order to solve the multi-period operational planning, some mathematical programming models,

containing the energy and mass balances details of the utility plant in the different periods, have been

proposed to find the best operating conditions and configuration of the utility pant for a given planning

horizon. [3]

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1.1. Motivation

Multi-period optimisation planning for utility plants has been an active research issue in chemical

industries because of the consistently changing of utilities prices and demands. The operating decisions for

different periods can have a large economic impact on operation profit.

The production planning is typically done for more than one period and, in most of the cases, they are

related between themselves. Consequently, the choice of the same units for all periods, or choosing units

based on optimal operating costs for individual periods, ignoring their relationship, could lead to suboptimal

solutions. Therefore, if no proper operational planning is used, companies cannot avoid paying high transition

costs, resulting in low profits, and may fail to satisfy the process demands.

The key is how to manage the options available in the most cost effective way, while meeting all the

constraints of the system. The multi-period optimisation is able to minimise the utility plant total cost,

satisfying the yearly requirements of the utility system, by selecting the appropriate operating units, choosing

their operating conditions, and determining the optimal operating strategy over the planning horizon.

However, it is a complex problem, since most of the technologies have to be chosen among a list of fixed size

units (e.g. gas turbines or internal combustion engines) and synergies between technologies have to be

valorised. [5]

Nowadays, optimal multi-period planning is a challenge that needs to be overcome. Some studies

believe it will be the secret to succeed in a highly competitive enterprise environment in the near future. [6]

1.1. State of Art

The state of art of utility systems and the current situation about the multi-period optimisation existing

methods is presented.

The main process flowsheet was adapted from a reference process flowsheet chosen from the open

literature. Its main equipment is well explained in different engineering books and in additional literature.

Regarding the multi-period optimisation of utility systems, there are some articles available that were

used as a starting point to optimise the respective flowsheet (e.g., see [6]).

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1.2. Original Contributions

The state of the art section shows that most of the progresses done in the area of utility plant

optimisation have been achieved with single period optimisation. However, the multi-period optimisation of

these systems is essential to ensure that the process utility demands are satisfied at the minimum planning

horizon cost. Therefore, this work aims to contribute to the development of the multi-period optimisation in

utility plants.

1.3. Dissertation Outline

This thesis is organized in the following way:

Chapter 2 presents a literature review on utility systems, utility lines and main equipment of utility

plants. A background review about the existing multi-period optimisation methods is also presented. Chapter

3, describes the software used for the modelling and optimisation of the utility plant considered in the project.

In chapter 4, the flowsheet implementation is described sequentially. Chapter 5 describes the optimisation

formulation, the objective functions minimised, the control variables and constraints variables that were taken

in account. In chapter 6, the multi-period problems considered are presented. It has most of the optimisation

results for the various approaches attempted. This chapter also presents an analysis of the optimiser

performance when higher planning horizons are considered. Finally, Chapter 7 regards the conclusions of the

project and suggestions for future work on the subject.

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2. Background

In the present chapter, a literature review and background history is presented in order to situate the

scope of the problem being studied, to identify the work already developed on this topic and to choose the

best approach for the present project.

Bearing this in mind, this chapter provides a general explanation of how a utility plant works, what are

its main lines and equipment, and presents an analysis of the existing methods for multi-period optimisation in

utility systems.

2.1. Utility Systems

A utility system is required to manage the demand and supply of the various utilities. To be effective,

the utility systems need to be operated in a way able to cover the multiple demands changes, coming from the

process units at any time. A loss of utility supplies to the process units can cause a significant disruption to

process operations; for instance, a loss of steam for heating, water for cooling or electricity for running pump

are simple events easy to occur which may have a big effect in numerous production areas. [7] To avoid these

events, multiple supplies of utilities, or different supplies routes, are commonly used to minimise the effects of

a failure of the utility system.

In general, the number of flow paths available in a utility system is big. Due to this, the number of

degrees of freedom to satisfy the utility demands is, frequently, very high. As illustrated in Figure 1, the system

may have multiple fuels, steam and electricity feeds supplied to the site from external sources and, on-site, it

may have fuel, steam and power lines, which can both receive and distribute these utilities. In addition, there

is some equipment able to convert fuel into steam (e.g. boilers or cogeneration plants) and others to convert

fuel or steam into power (e.g. cogeneration and power plants). The level of complexity increases furthermore

by the possibility of the plants on-site have different quality demands for fuel and steam, and for electricity

consumption. Because of all the possible flow paths, a utility balance based on an optimisation approach is the

key role for optimising the overall steam and power system.

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Figure 1. Utility system schematic representation. [8]

2.1.1. External Supply

Several chemical processes cannot be achieved at ambient temperatures or pressures. A significant

number of process streams need to be heated up or cooled down to reach the desired operation temperature,

to cause condensation or vaporization, to add or remove heats of reaction, mixing, adsorption, etc. [9]

Generally, a utility stream, or another process stream, is used to heat or to cool the liquid and gas streams.

When a utility stream is the option chosen to do this indirect heat exchange, a utility is required. The

utilities can be defined as the fluids that receive or give energy to a process stream, in order to change its

temperature. There are various forms of utilities: electricity, steam (at various pressure levels), fuels, hot and

cold water, hot air, etc. [8] In this chapter, electricity, steam and fuels are the types of utilities discussed. Electricity

Chemical complexes require a significant quantity of electricity for a high number of different

applications. Electricity is very important in the process units. Its demand is mainly determined by the work

required for pumping, compression, air coolers, and solids-handling operations, but also includes the power

needed for instruments, lights, and other small uses. [10]

Chemical plants can decide to buy utilities from outside sources or to produce them. In the past,

electricity was more usually purchased from the local supply company. However, with the development of

cogeneration technologies plants, this scenario has been changed. There are very attractive solutions for the

plants that want to generate its own electricity or to reduce their dependence from an external supplier. These

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technologies combine heat and power production from a single fuel source. The gas turbine (linked to a

generator) produces electricity, and the exhaust gases remaining from that process are used in the heat

recovery steam generator (also called as waste-heat boiler) to produce steam or hot water (Figure 2). The

overall thermal efficiency of such systems can be in the range of 70% to 80%; which is much higher than the

30% to 40% of efficiency obtained in a conventional power station. [10] This is explained by the fact that in the

conventional power station the heat in the exhaust steam is wasted in the condenser.

The decision of having this technology depends on the price of electricity. The choice depends whether

the export of electricity is an attractive use of capital. In fact, this “make or buy” scenario gives chemical

producers strong leverage when negotiating electric power contracts, and they are usually able to purchase

electricity at, or close to, wholesale prices [10].

Figure 2. Gas-turbine-based cogeneration plant. [10] Steam

Steam is the most widely used heat source in most chemical plants. [9] It is used for generating power in a

range of process industries: refineries, petrochemicals, chemical, food, sugar, paper, fertilizer, synthetic fibre

and textiles. It is so popular and useful due to its high specific and latent heat, high heat transfer coefficient,

facility to control, easiness distribution and cheap price. [11]

Steam is produced at different pressure and temperature conditions. Typically, in a steam system there

are three different levels of steam pressure: High Pressure (HP), Medium Pressure (MP) and Low Pressure

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steam (LP). High pressure steam will be usually between 600 and 900 psi. Medium pressure steam will have a

pressure around 150 and 250 psi. Low pressure steam will be about 50 psi. [10] [11]

The HP steam is required for electrical power generation and for process heating at high temperatures.

The remaining HP steam is expanded either through let-down valves or steam turbines known as back-

pressure turbines to form MP steam. [10] At these conditions, the steam will be used for intermediate

temperature heating or expanded to LP steam. If there are low temperature heat requirements, the low

pressure steam can be used for process heating. Normally, a small amount of LP steam is used to strip

dissolved non-condensable gases, such as air from the condensate and make-up water. [10] It is also often

used as “live steam” in the process, for example, to strip vapour or for cleaning, purging, or sterilizing

equipment. [10] In addition, medium and low pressure steam can also be expanded in condensing turbines, to

generate shaft work for process drives or electricity production. The condensate can be used in the process if a

low-temperature heat is required. The remaining condensate will return to the boiler as feed water.

The selection of steam conditions is not only limited by the process demands, but also by the equipment,

distribution piping and water treatment costs.

Figure 3. Example of a steam system. [9] Fuel

Fuel is burned in utility facilities such as boilers, electricity generation plants (e.g. gas turbines), and

cogeneration plants. It can also be burned to provide heat for a process or stream, to drive pumps or

compressors. [12]

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The required amount of heat can be produced by a variety of energy sources, including nuclear and

renewable energies; fuel combustion in the presence of oxygen is the most common source. To ensure

complete combustion, fuel is usually burned with excess of air. As air and fuel are mixed at high temperatures,

the oxygen reacts with carbon, hydrogen, and other elements in the fuel to produce heat. As long as fuel and

air are both available, combustion will continue, and heat will be generated. [13]

Many different solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels are fired in these facilities. The most common fuels being

burned in utility facilities include fossil fuels, biomass and refuse-derived fuel. Occasionally, combinations of

fuels are used to reduce emissions or to improve boiler performance. [13] A big number of fired process

heaters use natural gas as fuel, as it is the cleaner choice and requires less maintenance of burners and fuel

lines. [9]

Table 1. Most used fuel in utility systems. [13]

Biomass Biomass is a no fossil fuel and it includes materials such as wood, bagasse, nut hulls,

rice hulls, corncobs, coffee grounds, and tobacco stems.


Coal is a brown-to-black combustible sedimentary rocklike material, composed

principally of consolidated and chemically altered plant material that grew in

prehistoric forests; it includes all solid fuel, classified as anthracite, bituminous,

subbituminous, or lignite coal, coal refuse, or petroleum coke.

Natural gas Natural gas is a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon gases found in geologic

formations beneath the earth’s surface, of which the principal constituent is methane.

Oil Oil is a liquid fuel derived from crude oil or petroleum, including distillate and residual


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2.1.2. Utility Lines

Utility lines are the pipelines in which the utilities are distributed from its arriving on-site (or

production) to its consumption. Steam lines

In the design of a steam distribution system, a detailed knowledge about overpressure and condensate

events is mandatory, to ensure that steam traps and safety valves would be correctly positioned. It is also

required a special attention in the pipe layout to guarantee the removal of liquid condensate from dead-legs

and low points in the system. [14] Moreover, permanent maintenance and isolation of safety valves and steam

traps are crucial.

Steam is conveyed for long distances on its lines, through machinery and fittings. Due to its high

temperature in relation to the environment, there is the possibility of heat losses to the surroundings. In some

situations, as the temperature falls, its cooling is hard to avoid, and the condensation of that steam can occurs,

producing an undesirable liquid.

This condensed liquid occupies less volume than the equivalent mass of steam [14] and its presence can

cause problems in steam lines. As the speed in steam distribution systems is very high, these liquids can have a

strongly impact on fittings such as instruments, valves and bends, producing a catastrophic damage. The

condensate must be removed from the steam mains, in order to prevent flooding of the pipework and the

carryover of liquid into instruments, machines and process areas. [14]

Removal of condensate is reached by the installation of steam traps, which are designed to capture and

release the condensate from the steam pipeline in a controlled manner. Detailed calculations must be carried

out on main steam layouts, to correctly size steam traps and safety valves for condensate removal and

pressure relief. Once collected, the hot condensate can return to the system, reducing the quantity of fresh

water and energy required for steam production (or raising) at the boilers.

On the one hand, the energy and mass balances of steam systems are achieved not only by the steam

produced in the boilers, but also by fresh steam purchased. On the other hand, the heat losses are replaced by

heat input from the distribution system. [14]

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Safety relief valves are used in the different steam systems in order to protect the steam pipework. They

are installed to relieve overpressure of steam in the line and therefore protect the steam system from

disastrous failure. These valves are usually designed and sized to relieve steam, but not condensate. The

capacity of a safety relief valve to relieve liquid is less than that for steam, due to the different characteristics

of gases and liquids. Safety relief valves are not designed to vent condensed liquid, and under these

circumstances cannot be guaranteed to provide adequate pressure relief for the pipework system concerned.

[14] Power lines

Large industrial factories, such as the industrial complexes, require a significant quantity of electricity

on a daily basis for a considerable number of different applications – lighting, heating, power for equipment,

etc. [15]

The voltage at which the supply is taken or generated will depend on the demand. [10] Electricity

generated at power stations, which feed into the national grid (since this is the most efficient means of

transporting electricity over large distances) is available at high voltages. On arrival at site the electricity must

be gradually reduced in voltage to supply the individual requirements of the different users. [15] Transformers

at the plant are used to step down the power to the supply voltages used on site. [10]

Electricity is transported in electrical cables that must be designed to the appropriate standards for the

voltage, to be carried and suitably protected when installed. Cables must be insulated to ensure that electricity

does not "leak out" and dissipate into the surroundings. This is a potentially hazardous situation, which can

result in electrocution if personnel come into contact. [15] Fuel Lines

The efficient and effective movement of fuel from producing to consumption regions requires an

extensive and elaborate transportation system. Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport

large quantities of oil or natural gas over land.

In many instances, natural gas is produced in a particular well and it will have to travel a great distance to

reach its point of use. The transportation system for natural gas consists of a complex network of pipelines,

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designed to quickly and efficiently transport it from its origin to areas of high demand. [16] Natural gas is

conveniently used as a boiler fuel, since it can be transported easily via gas pipelines when in gaseous state,

and by trucks or ships when in liquid state. [21]

Oil is most commonly transported through pipelines. Oil pipelines are typically used to move crude oil

from the wellhead to gathering and processing facilities, and from there to refineries and tanker loading

facilities. Pipelines require significantly less energy to operate than trucks or rail and have a lower carbon

footprint. [17]

2.1.3. Main equipment

The main equipment of a utility plant is presented in this section. Boiler

A boiler can be defined as a closed vessel in which a fluid (normally water) is heated under pressure.

Fuel is burned to heat the vessel, and the heat transfer occurs from the combustion gases and the fluid. [18]

Boilers are classified into different types, based on their working pressure and temperature, fuel type,

draft method, size and capacity, and whether they condense the water vapour in the combustion gases.

Boilers are also described by their key components, such as heat exchanger materials or tube design.

There are two primary types of boilers: water tube boilers and fire tube boilers. In the water tube

boilers, the water passes inside the tubes and the hot gases surround the tubes heating them up. In the fire

tube boilers, the hot gases pass through the tubes heating up the water existent in the vessel. The difference

between these two types can be done on various points: type of fluid that flows inside the tubes, steam

generation rate, area required for the steam generation, transportation, efficiency, fluctuating loads, operating

cost, etc. [19]

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Table 2. Comparison between a fire tube boiler and a water tube boiler. [19]

Figure 4 and Figure 5. Representation of a fire tube boiler [20] and water tube boiler [21], respectively.

Fire tube boiler Water tube boiler

Fluid Circulation The hot flue gases flow inside the tubes

and water surround them.

The water flows inside the tubes and the

hot flue gases surrounds them.

Pressure Low pressure: about 25 bar. High pressure: about 165 bar.

Steam generation


Low steam generation rate: 9 tonnes per


High steam generation rate: 450 tonnes

per hour.

Area required Higher floor area required for steam

generation: 8 m2 per tonne per hour.

Lower floor area required for steam

generation: 5 m2 per tonne per hour.

Fluid transport

easiness Difficult fluid transportation. Easy fluid transportation.

Efficiency The overall efficiency is up to 75%. The overall efficiency is up to 90% with

the economiser.

Direction of fluid

The direction of water circulation is not

well defined, that is, a definite path is not

provided for the circulation of water.

The direction of water circulation in

water tube boiler is well defined, i.e. a

definite path is provided for the

circulation of water.

Operation Cost Low operating cost. High operating cost.

Maintenance Cost Low maintenance cost. High maintenance cost.

Size of power plant It is suitable for small power plant. It is suitable for large power plant.

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14 Steam and Hot Water Production

The boilers are used to supply energy to a certain fluid, in most cases, water. It can be heated up,

producing hot water, or can be vaporised, generating steam.

Hot water is commonly used in heating applications. The water supplied by the boilers is usually

between 180oF and 200

oF and the operating pressure is, in general, higher than 30 psi and lower than 125 psi.


Steam can be produced in the boilers from high to low pressure. Low pressure steam boilers are limited

to a minimum of a 15 psi design pressure. High pressure steam boilers are used for design pressures range

from 75 to 700 psi. [22] Fuel

Boilers can operate with various types of fuels, each affecting differently the performance and

maintenance of the boiler. Natural gas, propane or oil are the main fuels used by industrial boiler systems,

whereas heavy oils and solid fuels are less popular due to the increase of emission regulations, cost and

maintenance considerations. [22]

Natural gas is the most important gaseous fuel for industrial applications. [23] It has a unique C/H2 ratio

which, when compared with other fuels, requires a very less amount of air to be burned. Due to its low carbon

and high hydrogen content, the burning of natural gas is very clean when compared to the burning of oil. [24]

Propane is a product of the refining processes. Similar to natural gas, it is a very clean choice when

compared to oil. However, its price is fairly higher than the natural gas. Propane is generally carried and

delivered to the usage point with the help of pressurized gas containers. [24]

The fuel oil used in a boiler is mainly obtained from a mix of extremely heavy hydrocarbons, which tend

to have relatively high amounts of hydrogen content in comparison to coal. The burning of a fuel oil usually

produces the same kind of pollutants as produced with the burning of coal. Boiler and heating systems that

employ oil for its operation happen to be more expensive than gas powered boiler systems, since they need a

complicated burner mechanism as compared to its gas counterparts for efficient firing. Therefore, the use of

oil as a boiler fuel has been reduced in the last years due to the increase of available gaseous boiler fuels

technologies. [24]

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15 Efficiency

Boilers efficiency can be measured by three distinct ways: combustion efficiency, thermal efficiency and

fuel-to-steam/ fuel-to-water efficiency. [22]

Combustion efficiency is a measure of the burner performance; it evaluates how effectively the heat

content of a fuel is transferred into usable heat. In a combustion reaction, a stoichiometric amount of air is

required to react completely with a given quantity of fuel. However, combustion conditions are never ideal

and an excess of air must be supplied to burn totally the fuel. [25] The amount of unburned fuel and excess air

in the exhaust gases are used to evaluate the combustion efficiency, Figure 6. [26] On the one hand, too much

air cools the boiler and carries away useful heat. On the other hand, with a too small amount of air, the

combustion will be incomplete. [27]

Combustion efficiency can be estimated using Equation 1, where stack heat loss is assessed by

measuring: the net stack temperature (the difference between the temperature in the flue and the

temperature in the mechanical room) and the carbon dioxide concentration or oxygen concentration in the

flue gas (%) . Note that carbon monoxide is also often measured, as an indication of unburned flue gases. [28]

Combustion Efficiency % = 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 − 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠

Fuel Input∗ 100

Equation 1

Figure 6. Combustion efficiency. [27]

Thermal efficiency is an indicator of the ability of the boiler vessel to transfer heat from the combustion

process to the water or steam inside the boiler. Thermal efficiency does not account for radiation and

convection losses. [22]

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𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 % = 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡

𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡∗ 100

Equation 2

Fuel-to-steam or fuel-to-water efficiency is most commonly referred as “boiler efficiency” because it

measures the overall efficiency of the boiler. It accounts for the effectiveness of the heat exchanger as well as

for the radiation and convection losses. [26]

The two most prominent industry-wide testing standards for boilers are ASME PTC 4 and BTS-2000. The

BTS-2000 Standard is designed to facilitate laboratory testing and allows a fair comparison of boiler efficiency

ratings under standard conditions. ASME PTC 4 is a more appropriate test standard for industrial and utility

boilers, particularly those firing solid fuels, and for determining boiler efficiency once the boiler is installed and

operating. [26] ASME Power Test Code PTC 4.1 has two methods for determining fuel-to-steam efficiency: the

input-output method, Equation 3, and the heat loss method, Equation 4. [22]

Boiler efficiency Input-output method (%) = 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝐵𝑇𝑈𝑠)

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 (𝐵𝑇𝑈𝑠)∗ 100 Equation 3

Boiler efficiency Heat loss method (%) = 100 – Stack loss – Radiation loss – Convection loss Equation 4

The efficiency of a boiler is an important parameter when selecting a boiler, and it is critical that the

values used when comparing boilers are on the same basis. For example, when the term “Thermal Efficiency”

is used, it is important to confirm that radiation and convection losses (jacket losses) are not included. Today,

there are many options for operating boilers more efficiently, including high turndown controls, oxygen trim,

variable frequency drives and extended surface economisers. [22] Mass and energy balance

The boiler feed water (BFW) is determined by the production of the steam required (M steam, i), taking

into account the quantity of water intentionally wasted to avoid concentration of impurities during continuing

evaporation of steam (M blowdown, i ), Equation 5.

By using Equation 6, it is possible to know how much heat the boiler will need to produce the required

amount of steam and, consequently, the amount of fuel necessary.

Boiler efficiency (𝜂𝑖,𝑟) calculation was discussed in section

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M BFW,i = M steam, i + M blowdown, i Equation 5

𝑄𝑖,𝑟 =𝑀𝐵𝐹𝑊,𝑖. ∆𝐻𝑣𝑎𝑝


Equation 6 Electricity generation

In a utility plant, the most used equipment to generate electricity are gas turbines and steam turbines. Gas turbines

Gas turbines convert the energy produced by burning fuel via three main sections: a compressor, a

combustor and a turbine. [29] These components work together to accelerate air in order to create thrust, to

drive generators to produce electricity and to turn pumps and ship propellers. [30]

They operate in a continuous thermodynamic cycle. To begin the cycle, the compressor rotates and

draws ambient air. Then, the air is pressurised in the compressor, in some cases to 40 bar pressure. [29] The

pressurised air then moves into the combustion chamber, where a fuel mixture is ignited, heating the air and

causing it to expand into the turbine. As the heated air expands through the turbine, it pushes against the

turbine blades which then rotate the turbine shaft. The rotational energy is used to spin a generator and

create electricity. Because they are attached to the same shaft, the rotation of the turbine also rotates the

compressor, keeping the system operating. [30]

Of the power generated by the turbine, 55%-65% is used to drive the compressor and the remainder is

used to drive the generator. [29] This ratio of total turbine power to the power that was used to operate the

compressor is called the back work ratio. [30]

Figure 7. Gas turbine representation. [30]

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18 Steam turbines

A steam turbine is a device that extracts thermal energy from pressurised steam and uses it to do

mechanical work on a rotating output shaft. [31]

Steam turbines operate under extreme temperatures and pressures. They operate by utilising steam

energy. The steam strikes the rotating blades that are fitted on a disc mounted on a shaft. This high-velocity

steam produces dynamic pressure on the blades and shaft, both starting to rotate in the same direction. As the

steam flows through each stage of blading, it expands because it transfers its energy to the rotor. Thus, each

stage of blading is larger than the previous one to capture as much energy as possible.

In this equipment, the steam energy is extracted and converted into kinetic energy by allowing the

steam to flow through its nozzles. This energy conversion induces mechanical work in the rotor blades. The

rotor is connected to a steam turbine generator, which collects mechanical energy from the rotor and converts

it into electrical energy. [32]

Figure 8. Steam turbine representation. [33] Power generation of a steam turbine

Most of the power generated in a utility system is produced in steam turbines (k). Their isentropic

efficiency ( 𝜂𝑘) depends on the inlet and outlet steam conditions and steam rate (M k), Equation 8.

In Equation 7, the turbine shaft work (𝑊𝑘) is determined. For a given total power demand (𝑊𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑),

and knowing on-site power generation (𝑊𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛−𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒), power import (𝑊𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟

𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡) can be determined, Equation 10.

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𝑊𝑘 =𝑀𝑘


. 𝜂𝑘 Equation 7

𝜂𝑘 = 𝑓 (𝑀𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑘 , 𝑇𝑖𝑛 , 𝑃𝑖𝑛 , 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡) Equation 8

𝑊𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛−𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 = ∑𝑊𝑘


Equation 9


= 𝑊𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 −𝑊𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟

𝑜𝑛−𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 Equation 10 Deaerator

A deaerator is a device that is widely used for the removal of oxygen and other dissolved gases from

the feed water to steam-generating boilers. Oxygen is the main cause of corrosion in hot well tanks, feedlines,

feed pumps and boilers. If carbon dioxide is also present, then the pH will be low, the water will tend to be

acidic, and the rate of corrosion will be increased [34].

There are two basic types of deaerators, the tray-type and the spray-type:

The tray-type (also called the cascade-type) includes a vertical domed deaeration section

mounted on top of a horizontal cylindrical vessel which serves as the deaerated boiler feed

water storage tank.

The spray-type consists only of a horizontal (or vertical) cylindrical vessel which serves as both

the deaeration section and the boiler feed water storage tank.

Figure 9 and Figure 10. Schematic diagrams of a typical tray-type and spray-type deaerator, respectively. [35]

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20 Working principle

The water to be purified needs to be strongly agitated or boiled to ensure that it is completely

deaerated. This is achieved in the head section of a deaerator by breaking the water into as many small drops

as possible, and surrounding these drops with an atmosphere of steam. This gives a high surface area and

allows rapid heat transfer from the steam to the water, which quickly attains steam saturation temperature.

This releases the dissolved gases, which are then carried with the excess steam to be vented to atmosphere.

The deaerated water then falls to the storage section of the vessel. [34] Mass and energy balance

The returned process condensate (Cond) together with the treated water (TW) are used as boiler feed

water (BFW). As mentioned before, the oxygen and other dissolved gases (α) content of these streams need to

be removed by the injection of LP steam in the deaerator. Therefore, the flowrate of boiler feed water is

determined as shown in Equation 11.

The energy balance of the deaerator is presented in Equation 12.

𝑀𝐵𝐹𝑊 = 𝑀𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑 + 𝑀𝑇𝑊 + 𝑀𝐿𝑃𝐷 (1 − 𝛼) Equation 11

𝑀𝐿𝑃𝐷 . (ℎ𝐿𝑃 − ℎ𝑇𝑊) . (1 − 𝛼) = 𝑀𝐵𝐹𝑊 . (ℎ𝐵𝐹𝑊 − ℎ𝑇𝑊) - 𝑀𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑 . (ℎ𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑 − ℎ𝑇𝑊) Equation 12 Steam Header

The steam header is the main steam pipeline. It receives steam from one or more boilers, and holds it

under pressure until it is sent to the downstream equipment.

The header capacity is determined by the user configurable dimensions. The pressure difference is used

as the driving force to transfer steam from the boilers into the header, or from header to header, and from the

header to downstream equipment.

The pressure in the header is based on the amount of contained steam, and its temperature. A

weighted average of all inlet steam temperatures is used to determine the final header temperature.

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21 Mass and energy balance

In general, steam can enter in the headers (j) by following five paths: from a boiler steam, a pressure

reduction valve (PRV), a turbine extraction, a process waste heat boiler steam (WHB), and recovered steam

from a flash drum (FS), Equation 13.

For mass and enthalpy balances, a header works as a black box, were the input steam must be equal to

the output, Equation 15. The steam can leave the headers to go to a steam turbine, a pressure reduction valve

or to a process unit, Equation 14. It should be noted that in some cases, steam losses due to leaks and trap

losses can occur.

𝑀𝑗𝑖𝑛 = ∑𝑀𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑖,𝑗 + ∑𝑀𝑃𝑅𝑉 𝑠,𝑗


+ ∑𝑀𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑘,𝑗


+ ∑𝑀𝑊𝐻𝐵 𝑙,𝑗 + ∑𝑀𝐹𝑆 𝑚,𝑗


Equation 13

𝑀𝑗𝑜𝑢𝑡 = ∑𝑀𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑛,𝑗 + ∑𝑀𝑃𝑅𝑉 𝑠,𝑗 +∑𝑀𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑘,𝑗


+∑𝑀𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑞,𝑗


Equation 14

𝑀𝑗𝑖𝑛 = 𝑀𝑗

𝑜𝑢𝑡 j = { 𝐻𝑃,𝑀𝑃, 𝐿𝑃} Equation 15

2.2. Multi-period optimisation: existing methods

In the last three decades, many studies have been made to operate the utility plants at their maximum

efficiency. Most of them have formulated the optimisation problem using mixed integer linear programming

(MILP) framework, where some of the variables are restricted to be integer. Nevertheless, these models can

also be developed using nonlinear models (MINLP).

Papoulias and Grossmann [36] described a MILP model for the synthesis and design of utility systems,

for fixed demands, and, Kalitventzeff [37] presented a MINLP problem for management planning of utility

networks for chemical plants. However, these studies only consider operations at current conditions, not

taking into account the past utilities demand. They are either based on optimisation for a single period of

operation, or do not include the potential changeover cost between periods of operation.

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To solve the optimisation problem for a longer period, Hui and Natori [38] suggested a mixed-integer

formulation for multi-period synthesis and operation planning for utility systems, and Iyer and Grossmann

[39], [40] proposed a MILP model for multi-period operational planning for utility system, considering both the

operational cost of the periods and the changeover cost between periods. Unfortunately, these studies

considered steam and electricity profiles as constants, and uncertainties associated with future demands were

not considered.

To take this into account, Papalexandri et al. [41], [42] included in their multi-period models a range of

past variations during normal operation. Yi and Han [43], [44] integrated re-planning and rule-based optimal

operation, to handle prediction errors for energy demands during multi-period operational planning. Further

improvements to address uncertainties in mixed integer programming were discussed by Velasco-Garcia [45].

He took into account the shutdowns and start-ups costs of utility operating units and, he also, optimised the

system with successive mixed integer linear programming (SMILP), which resulted in significant cost savings.

More recently, Luo et al. [46] proposed a multi-period mixed integer linear programming method that takes

into account the charges related to environmental costs. The main issue about these methods is that both

consider discrete time periods. Thus, when the duration or range of the process variations is too high, the

implementation of these methods can be difficult.

In the last decade, the existing methods have been tested and industry constraints started to be taken

into account. Kim et al. [47] considered emergency situations in the optimisation models, by using quantitative

constraints for the utility system to handle unexpected equipment failures. Pinto et al. [48] discussed the

modelling of a nonlinear planning and scheduling problem for refinery operation, using largescale mixed

integer programming, applying both discrete and continuous time representation approaches. In the same

study, it can be seen how the objective function and the constraints in optimisation models can be formulated

for refinery production. Furthermore, Zhang et al. [49] and Micheletto et al. [50] discussed the overall refinery

optimisation through the integration of different process units in a mixed integer optimisation model. These

authors concluded that a better optimisation result can be achieved by taking advantage of the network

interactions among different process units, rather than optimising each unit separately. [51]

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2.2.1. Issues and Problems

The existing publications focus on mixed integer programming problem framework, and uncertainties

within the process are generally handled with the formulation of multi-period models. [51] In general, the

methods presented do not consider possible relationships among process constraints. Typically, these

constraints are formulated for a particular purpose; however, it is likely that one of the variations caused by

one constraint has an effect on another system constraint. Consequently, the effects on optimal solution due

to constraint interactions are generally ignored.

Most of the existing techniques for multi-period system optimisation studies highlight the importance

of variations in utility systems optimisation. A common feature has been to characterise variations or

uncertainties associated with a certain factor (e.g. steam demand, fuel price, etc.), by considering a few

discrete quantitative levels of this factor (e.g. several representative values of steam demand). [52] Some

authors have also proposed using heuristic approaches to deal with these process variations. This may have

provided acceptable results for operations, but a more rigorous operating strategy should be developed, so

that a decision support can be provided to operators to run the process at optimum. [51]

Moreover, most of the current methods disregard the fact that, due to all the uncertainties of a utility

system, the optimal solution can be infeasible. Thus, a way to explicitly state how frequently the optimal

solution should remain in the feasible region into the optimisation model, and maintain the operation at an

optimum, is also required. [51]

2.3. Sequential and Integrated optimisation methods

For efficient energy utilisation and economic profit improvement, the interactions between production

systems and utility systems have to be taken into consideration. [53] The previous researches mainly focused

on optimising the two systems separately, which missed the opportunity for obtaining global optimality.

The traditional optimisation method for these two systems is a hierarchical sequential approach that

follows the next three steps:

1. Task scheduling: scheduling of the manufacturing unit by minimising inventory. The objective is to

obtain the optimal allocation of products and process flows to gain efficient use of raw materials.

[53] This determines the number of tasks, their timing and their size, to be performed in the

production units. It just takes into account the production constraints.

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2. Utility demands estimation: based on the production planning results, the total energy demands for

the processing plants are calculated. In these calculations, the concept of energy integration [54]

and pinch analysis [55] can be used to improve the heat exchange network, minimising the utility

demands in the production units.

3. Utility system planning: operational planning of the utility system to fulfil the utility demands. At this

point, it is extremely important to plan how the utility system will operate, not only meeting the

utility demands, but also minimising the energy costs.

In this approach, the task scheduling affects significantly the utility demands. As this is the first step, the

operation planning and the subsequent energy costs are strongly dependent on the task scheduling results. At

the same time, it cannot take into account the operational planning of the utility system. Changing the order of

these two first steps, it seems not to be feasible, once it generally leads to infeasibilities at the task scheduling

level of the production units. [10] Therefore, the traditional sequential approach inevitably does not lead to

the optimal energy cost solution.

Figure 11. Traditional optimisation method. [53]

With this in mind, an approach that simultaneously determines the production schedule and

operational planning of utility system, by globally taking into account the constraints of production and the

constraints of utility generation, has been subject to research in the last years. It complements the sequential

approach, resulting in a better syncronisation between the manufacturing unit and site utility system, thereby

maximising the energy efficiency of the complete industrial unit. This approach is called the integrated

optimisation method.

Some recent research has focused on developing models and methods that try to incorporate aspects

of task scheduling and operational planning of utility system. Puigjaner [56] presented a detailed framework

for heat and power integration into batch and semi-continuous processes. Moita et al. [57] developed a

dynamic model, combining a salt crystalisation processing unit and a cogeneration unit. Zhang and Hua [58]

developed a model for determining the MILP optimum operating points of a refinery coupled with a

cogeneration unit.

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However, the implementation of the integrated approach in a real industrial environment leads to a high

number of model constraints, which will increse the complexity of the model and probably increase too much

the resolution time. This could eventually require the development of an intermediary approach, combining

the advantages of both: the faster resolution time of the sequential approach and the greater operational

profitability offered by the integrated approach. [10]

Figure 12. Sequential and integrated optimisation methods [10]

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3. Materials and Methods

This chapter describes the software used for the modelling of the utility plant considered in the project,

the model libraries used and the project development workflow.

3.1. The gPROMS Software

The software used in this work was gPROMS. It is a platform for high-fidelity predictive modelling for

the process industries, developed and hold by Process System Enterprise. gPROMS is an equation based

modelling system, resulting on a numerical solution of all the equations in a model or a flowsheet at the same

time. This type of numerical resolution has several advantages, increasing the robustness and fastness of the

solver in comparison with traditional sequential-modular simulation approaches.

A gPROMS ModelBuilder is an environment for expert modellers to build, validate and execute steady-

state and dynamic process models, and to deploy them across the organisation. It provides all the facilities of

the gPROMS advanced process modelling platform, for creating and managing custom models. A model

created in gPROMS includes a set of equations and both variables and parameters. The value of the

parameters is defined on the SET section of the model. In contrast, variables can be either calculated in an

equation or its value can be defined on the ASSIGN section. Each variable is related to a variable type, and the

bounds and default value of the variable will be the same as for the variable type.

Another fundamental part of a gPROMS project is the PROCESS entity, where all the assigned variables

are stored. To simulate a flowsheet, the process is run, while gPROMS calculates the degrees of freedom and

solves the system. This is done in the gPROMS ProcessBuilder, which is a next-generation advanced process

modelling environment for optimising the design and operation of process plants. It combines industry-

leading, steady-state and dynamic models with all the power of the gPROMS equation-oriented modelling,

analysis and optimisation platform, in an easy-to-use process flowsheeting environment.

The gPROMS platform provides optimisation capabilities that allow the user to optimise whole process

flowsheets, involving continuous or integer/discrete decision variables in steady-state or dynamic optimisation

mode, to come up with truly optimal process design and operations. In the optimisation toolkit, the objective

function can be minimised (e.g., total cost) or maximised (e.g., profit), through varying a series of control

variables (assigned variables) and defining some constraints (not assigned variables).

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gPROMS offers a number of products and complete libraries for diverse applications. Examples of

products are: gPROMS Utilities, gPROMS FormulatedProducts, gSAFT, gFLARE, gFUELCELL, etc.

3.2. gPROMS Utilities

gPROMS Utilities is an advanced model of libraries for utility management systems. It is built on the

gPROMS platform and it is used to create and configure flowsheet models and run what-if scenarios and

optimisations. These libraries contain 36 units, covering all major elements required to represent utility

management on large industrial, chemical or oil and gas sites.

gPROMS Utilities Planner is an offline planning tool for optimising future site management. It is an

application based on the gPROMS Platform and gPROMS Utilities Model Library, accessed and operated

through Microsoft Excel®. It is used for the runtime solution and allows the user to quickly configure and

optimise multiple scenarios from a user-friendly interface. Its main use is to help in tactical and operational

decisions: short, medium and long term planning. Due to this, the user can also define different time horizons

for different plant types. It is also used to validate process models and to give interfaces to historian or

accessible databases.

gPROMS Utilities Advisor is an online advisor for monitoring and optimising current site operation. It is a

windows application with a flexible deployment options (Microsoft Excel®, Web, operator native screens). It is

connected to the plant historian, and periodically simulates and optimises site operation, providing advice to

the operators.

3.3. Model Development Workflow

Figure 13 shows the sequence of actions that was followed to complete this work.

Figure 13. Project workflow.

Process Flowsheet


Single Period Optimisation

Multi-period Optimisation

Multi-Period Problems Solution

Optimiser Time Performance


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4. Flowsheet implementation

In order to solve the multi-period optimisation in a utility plant, the process flowsheet configuration of

the case study plant needs to be modelled. In this chapter, the implementation of the main process flowsheet

is presented. In the first section, the validation of the reference flowsheet is made, while in the second section

it is explained how the main process flowsheet is adapted from the reference one.

4.1. Reference flowsheet validation

4.1.1. Overview of the reference flowsheet

The open literature offers a limited range of utility plants flowsheets. Within the options presented, the

reference flowsheet chosen was the one that, firstly, presented enough data to be modelled and validated,

and secondly, covered most of the equipment exhibited in section 2.1.3 and, at the same time, was simple.

This flowsheet [1] is presented in Figure 39 (Appendix 1). In this utility plant it is possible to see the

production of steam in different boilers, power production in diverse turbines and distribution of the produced

steam for different headers.

This utility system includes three levels of steam generation as supply headers operating at nominal 625

psi, 165 psi and 65 psi pressures. The steam is produced in the boilers and, afterwards, it is sent to the high-

pressure steam header. From this header, it can follow three different paths.

Primary, it is used to produce power, by letting-down the steam from 625 psi to 65 psi in the steam

turbine TG-1002. Secondly, it can feed an extraction (condensing) turbine, TG-1001. This turbine has two

outlets: the first outlet recovers mechanical work from the high pressure steam generated, providing 165 psi

steam, while the second outlet extracts the remaining steam with low-pressure steam for the condensation.

Thirdly, the high-pressure steam can be let-down by using a valve followed by an ejector. The ejector will boost

steam flow by spraying water to a set point temperature.

A large portion of the 165 psi steam from the extraction turbine is used as process steam (for process

heating and other uses), while the remaining steam is used to generate power through a back-pressure turbine

(KT-7101) or a pressure control valve supplying the 65 psi header.

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At the same time, the steam from the second outlet of the extraction turbine (TG-1001) goes to the

condenser. The condensed water produced is used, together with the process condensate return, to feed the


The low-pressure steam is used to satisfy the steam demands in the process and to feed the deaerator.

In the deaerator, this steam preheats water that will be purified afterwards. Finally, the purified left water will

be sent back to the boilers.

The system has also an opening that permits the escape of steam in an emergency case. That is located

in the lower pressure steam header and it is called vent. In normal conditions, it must be kept with zero flow.

4.1.2. Validation of the reference flowsheet in gPROMS

Using the gML Utilities library models it is possible to reproduce the reference flowsheet in gPROMS

ProcessBuilder. These libraries present nearly all the equipment required in a utility plant (presented in section

2.1.3). Figure 40 (Appendix 2) shows the replication of the reference flowsheet in gPROMS ProcessBuilder.

It should be noted that, in order to represent the extraction turbine (TG1001), two single stage turbines

are used. Each of them regarding a different outlet: TG1001_HP_MP and TG1001_Cond; the first one lets

down the steam from 625 psi to 165 psi and the second one forward the steam to the condenser.

Table 3 presents the prices of the different utilities used in the system and the process demands. In

Table 4, the efficiencies of the equipment are presented.

Table 3. Process demands and utilities prices of the reference utility system. [1]

Table 4. Equipment efficiencies of the reference utility system. [1]

Equipment Boiler 1 Boiler 2 TG-1002 TG-1001 HP

MP TG-1001 Cond KT-7101

Efficiency (%) 75 85 60 72 85 91

Fuel Price (€/GJ) 3.8 Total Power (MWh) 20

Power Imported (€/MWh) 81 MP use (kIb/h) 54

BFW (€/kIb) 2.3 LP use (kIb/h) 77

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Comparing the simulation results with the data available in the above mentioned paper (Appendix 1), it

is possible to validate the flowsheet modelled in gPROMS, Table 5.

Table 5. Comparison between the literature results and the simulation results.

Literature Results [1] Simulation Result Relative Error (%)

Power Generated (MWh) 10.6 11.0 3.8

Simulation Cost (€/h) 2066 2104 2

Table 5 shows that the relative error between the literature results and the simulation solutions is very

low. This means that the gML utility models used in the flowsheet and the assumptions made are validated.

4.2. Main Process Flowsheet

Some modifications in the flowsheet presented in the previous section were made in order to increase

the complexity of the system: an extra boiler was added to the flowsheet and the boilers and the turbine TG-

1001 Cond efficiencies were modified (Table 6).

Figure 14 shows the main process flowsheet of the utility plant.

Table 6. Modified equipment efficiencies.

Equipment Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3 TG-1001 Cond

Efficiency (%) 90 91 92 97

These modifications vary not only the steam production in the boilers, but also the loads of the following

equipment. Therefore, the simulated results obtained previously (Table 5) are outdated. In order to update

these results, there are two alternative methods that can be used: the trial and error method, or an

optimisation of the main flowsheet. As the number of decision variables is really high, the first approach is

highly time consuming. Bearing this in mind, the optimisation of the utility plant at this point is extremely


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Figure 14. Main process flowsheet modelled in gPROMS.

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5. Optimisation

This chapter presents an explanation about the optimisation problem formulation and how the costs

are estimated. It also presents the limitations of the utility system in study.

5.1. Optimisation Problem Formulation

Process optimisation is usually a mathematical systematic procedure based on the models created to

describe systems. This action avoids the manual changing of the values of the decision variables, by running

several times the same simulation. The main drawback of this trial and error optimisation approach is the

difficulty to manually satisfy all the process constraints, and to know if the value found is the real optimal one.

Moreover, when the optimisation problem is complex, that task can be highly time-consuming.

Using gPROMS, the optimal solution can be solved without the trial and error approach. To do so, it is

required to specify the variable to be optimised (objective function), the variables that will vary in order to

reach the optimal solution (control variables), and the equality or inequality constraints.

The optimisation problem can be formulated after the flowsheet is ready and operational by declaring

the objective function. It can minimise the total cost, as presented in Equation 16, or maximise the profit, as

shown in Equation 17.

min𝑢(𝛷) = ∫ 𝑧 𝑑𝑡



Equation 16


(𝛷) = ∫ 𝑧 𝑑𝑡 𝑡


Equation 17

where 𝜙 is the function to optimise, objective function; u is the vector of parameterised control signals,

which takes in consideration the conditions and degrees of freedom (DOF) that are wanted to be solved in the

optimisation problem; t is the time horizon and time intervals for parameterisation of the control variables.

If there are variables that have to assume a fixed value or a value within a range of values in the

process, they can be defined in the gPROMS platform as equality or inequality constraints, respectively. In a

mathematical approach, those constrains are given by Equation 18 and Equation 19.

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𝑓(ẋ; 𝑥; 𝑦; 𝑢; 𝑝) = 0 Equation 18

g(ẋ ; x; y; u; p) ≤ 0 Equation 19

where f represents the equality constraints and g represents the inequality constraints, x is the vector

of the state variables (assigned DOF), 𝑥 is the derivative of x, y is the vector of the algebraic variables (time-

invariant variables) and p is the parameters vector.

5.2. MINLP Formulation

In this work, the objective function is defined to minimise the total cost of a defined planning horizon.

In the formulation of the multi-period planning problem, binary variables are required to represent the

existence of equipment or its start-up/shutdown, while continuous variables are required to represent the

operational conditions such as flow rates, temperatures or pressures. Therefore, multi-period planning

problems are formulated as MILP (mixed integer linear programming) or MINLP (mixed integer nonlinear

programming). Most of the chemical processes, including utility plants, have nonlinear characteristics such as

energy balances and efficiency of the equipment, and thus the problem can be formulated as a MINLP

problem. The solver used was the OAERAP (Outer Approximation/Equality Relaxation/Augmented Penalty).

The OAERAP algorithm decomposes the MINLP into a NLP sub-problem and a MILP master problem.

The set of variables is divided into a subset of complex variables (binary structural variables) and a subset of

non-complicating (continuous) variables. The continuous variables are optimised in the NLP primal sub

problem, which provides an upper bound to the final solution, whereas the discrete variables are optimised in

the master problem, which corresponds to the original MINLP, and provides a lower bound to the MINLP

solution. First, the algorithm solves the NLP relaxation of the integer variables, to obtain the first intermediate

iteration to the next problem. After that, the MILP master problem finds an integer point that features an

augmented penalty function, to find the minimum over the convex linearised function. Then, the algorithm

solves a NLP, fixing the integer variables, to find the optimum value of the continuous variables. Finally, it

calculates the gradient based on the linearised functions, and determines if the optimal point was reached or if

it needs to do another iteration and to calculate the respective point. Essentially, the final solution is obtained

by iterating between the two sub-problems until convergence is achieved. It is important to note that, due to

the linearisation of the non-convex functions, there is no guarantee of finding the global optimum. [59]

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5.3. Objective Function, Controls and Constraints Variables

5.3.1. Objective Function

In the multi-period optimisation, the main goal is to minimise the total cost of the planning horizon

(Equation 21). In fact this cost is the sum of the cost of the single periods (Equation 20).

𝐶𝑡 = ∑∑𝐶𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑟 . 𝑄𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑖,𝑗 + 𝐶𝐵𝐹𝑊∑𝑀𝐵𝐹𝑊,𝑘 + 𝐶𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡



Equation 20

𝐶𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = ( ∑𝐶𝑡 )


Equation 21

In Equation 20, it is possible to see that the cost of a single period is the sum of the cost of the fuel

fired, treated water and power imported. In Equation 21, the start-up and shutdown costs of the boilers are

not considered. Whenever these costs need to be taken into account, Equation 22 must be used. The switching

cost is expressed as the multiplication of the switching cost factor (M) with the total number of boiler switches


𝐶𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑑 = ∑𝐶𝑡




Equation 22

where M is the switching cost factor (M).

5.3.2. Control Variables

In the main process flowsheet, the variables that will vary in order to reach the optimal solution

(control variables) are the boilers and turbines status and loads. In Equation 24 and Equation 26, boilers and

turbines are constrained as considered either as on or off. While in Equation 23 and Equation 25, they are

constrained in load limits. The minimum and maximum loads of the boilers and turbines are presented in Table


𝑀min 𝑟 ≤ 𝑀𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟,𝑟 ≤ 𝑀max 𝑟 Equation 23

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𝑧𝑟𝑀min 𝑟 ≤ 𝑀𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟,𝑟 ≤ 𝑧𝑟𝑀max 𝑟 z= (0,1) Equation 24

𝑀min𝑘 ≤ 𝑀𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒,𝑘 ≤ 𝑀max𝑘 Equation 25

𝑧𝑘𝑀min𝑘 ≤ 𝑀𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒,𝑘 ≤ 𝑧𝑘𝑀max𝑘 z= (0,1) Equation 26

where z is a binary variable that indicates the status of the equipment (off when equal to 0 and on

when equal to 1).

Table 7. Minimum and maximum equipment loads.

Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3 TG-1002 TG-1001



Cond KT-7101

Minimum Load

(kIb/h) 100 100 90 50 50 70 10

Maximum Load

(kIb/h) 160 140 120 80 70 100 20

5.3.3. Constraints Variables

Some of the variables that will be determined by the optimiser need to assume a specific value, or need

to be within a range of values. These variables represent the limits of the system and they need to be

considered in the optimisation file as equality or inequality constraints, respectively.

In the utility plant in study, the system constraints considered are presented below. Spinning reserve constraint

Spinning reserve (SR) is probably the most important resource used by utility system operators, to

respond to sudden generation outages and prevent load disconnections. [60] Generally, a fixed amount of

spinning reserve is scheduled in the optimisation, in order to guarantee that the system will be operated with

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an acceptable level of risk. In other words, this SR is required to compensate sudden generating units’ outages

and sudden load increases.

In this work the SR was defined as the free capacity of the boilers in operation, Equation 27. Taking in

consideration the maximum boiler loads, a SR equal to 10 ton/h was fixed (Equation 28).

𝑆𝑅 = ∑𝑧𝑟𝑀𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟,𝑟


Equation 27

𝑆𝑅 ≥ 10 Equation 28 Flow constraints

Additionally, it is necessary to consider that the flowrates estimated by the optimiser need to be

positive. In the system in study, the mass flowrate of the ejector, let-down valve, treated water and vent were

constrained as shown in the following equations.

𝑀𝐸𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 ≥ 0 Equation 29

𝑀MP_LP_Valve ≥ 0 Equation 30

𝑀Treated water ≥ 0 Equation 31

𝑀𝑉𝑒𝑛𝑡 ≥ 0 Equation 32

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6. Multi-period optimisation in gPROMS

The multi-period planning problem for a utility system is defined as follows: given a fixed flowsheet

configuration of a utility plant and process demands, the choice of operation units and optimal operation

policy for each period are determined, while the process demands and process constraints are satisfied in an

optimal manner.

In this chapter, the multi-period planning is firstly defined in gPROMS software. After, three multi-

period optimisation problems are solved using this software. Lastly, the optimiser performance of gPROMS for

higher planning horizons is analysed.

6.1. Multi-period planning problem formulation

The implementation of the multi-period optimisation tool in gPROMS was divided in four steps: the

definition of the planning horizon, single optimisation of the different periods, multi-period optimisation of the

planning horizon and validation of the multi-period optimisation results.

6.1.1. Definition of the planning horizon

A planning horizon constituted by seven periods was considered. In this work, it is assumed that the price

of fuel, electricity, and water are constant and equal to the values provided by the literature [1]. These values

are presented in Table 3. It should be noted that these assumptions are not significant when short-term

planning is considered.

As seen before, the process demands differ from period to period as a result of product plan, market

sale and seasonal variation. In industry, steam and power demands are predicted for the planning horizon

based on the plant history data. The uncertainties in the demands are an unavoidable and inherent problem

for long-range planning, and often make the solutions for optimal planning problem infeasible or non-optimal.

For the short-term planning case, uncertainties can be minimised and the planning result can be more realistic

and applicable. [6]

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The process steam demands used in the current work are presented in Figure 15. It should be noted that,

since the literature followed does not provide plant history data regarding steam and power demands, these

values were arbitrarily chosen. Power demands were assumed equal to 20 MWh over the planning horizon.

Figure 15. Process steam demands of the planning horizon.

6.1.2. Single-period optimisation

At this point, it is possible to determine the operation units and operation conditions that best meet the

process demands for each period, by optimising the periods independently. The objective function presented

in Equation 20 is minimised by varying the control variables shown in section 5.3.2, while respecting the

system constraints defined in section 5.3.3. The minimum cost of each period found by the optimiser is shown

in Table 8.

Table 8. Optimisation cost of the independent periods.

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

Cost (€/h) 2186 1993 2341 1974 2253 2077 2273 15097








1 2 3 4 5 6 7


m D







MP Demand LP Demand

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6.1.3. Multi-period optimisation

An optimisation problem comprising all the periods is constructed. In this way, a single optimisation is

able to optimise all periods - this avoids solving numerous single period optimisations.

When considering a multi-period optimisation problem, the periods cannot be optimised independently.

They are optimised together by using a single optimisation file. In this “multi-period optimisation file”, the

total cost of the planning horizon (defined in Equation 21) is minimised, by varying the control variables of all

the periods and considering their constraints.

The total cost of the multi-optimisation file obtained was 15111 €/h and the best choice of boilers status

is presented in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Multi-period optimisation files results: boilers status.

6.1.4. Multi-period optimisation validation

As mentioned before, the multi-period optimisation file considered exactly the same variables and

constraints than the single period optimisation files. Therefore, its total cost should be the same than the sum

of the independent costs. Table 9 presents these two costs and the relative error between them. Since the

relative error is very small (0.1%), it is possible to validate the multi-period optimisation file.

In addition, the multi-period optimisation file also gives the possibility to optimise each period

independently, by minimising Equation 20. These results can be compared with the minimum cost obtained in

the single optimisation files. Once more, in Figure 17 it is possible to see that the results are approximately the




0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 1



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 2



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 3

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Table 9. Cost comparison between single and multi-period optimisation files results.

Sum of Individual Costs


Multi-period Cost


Relative Error (%)

15097 15111 0.1

Figure 17. Periods cost comparison between single and multi-period optimisation results.









1 2 3 4 5 6 7


st (




Individual Multi-period

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6.2. Multi-period optimisation problems

As mentioned in chapter 1, the multi-period optimisation approach is required to solve problems when

the periods are not independent.

In this work, three different multi-optimisation problems were taken in consideration:

1. Limiting the number of boilers switches in the planning horizon in order to meet the boilers

start-up and shutdown time constraints;

2. Considering a maximum boiler load change between periods to avoid boiler material damage;

3. Ensuring a certain amount of electricity produced in the planning horizon.

In order to solve these problems, an optimisation file that allows the user to add constraints linking the

periods is necessary. The multi-period optimisation file presented in section 6.1.3 is used for this purpose. It

should be noted that the results presented in that section represent the base case, and will be used to validate

the different approaches developed to solve those three problems.

6.2.1. Number of boiler switches in the planning horizon

As discussed earlier, a common operational feature of utility systems in industry is the high variation of

the utility demands. The optimum number of boilers in operation can be changed according to these demands,

to improve the efficiency and economy of the operation. Generally, the minimum cost solution found by the

optimiser suggests several start-ups and shutdowns of the boilers during the planning horizon.

However, these changes cannot be reached suddenly: it is necessary to ensure a low gradient of

temperature, with respect to the time, to avoid thermal fatigue for both start-up and shutdown. In addition,

when a boiler experiences a start-up, it needs to be inspected, tested, calibrated, preheated, etc. According to

the Boiler Operation Engineering Book [61] a start-up takes at least 6 hours to be completed.

If, for example, the seven periods of the planning horizon represent seven hours of operation, the

solution found by the optimiser (Figure 16) is not relevant, because the start-up and shutdown time

constraints are not respected. Therefore, the number of boiler status changes in the planning horizon needs to

be limited.

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44 Boiler status change

When a boiler experiences a start-up, its status is modified from offline (𝑏𝑡 = 0) to online (𝑏𝑡 = 1),

while when it experiences a shutdown it is the other way around. In both cases, the boiler switches status.

In gPROMS, the switch (𝑆𝑡) can be defined as the difference of the boiler status of two consecutive

periods (𝑏𝑡 and 𝑏𝑡−1). If a boiler changes its status, 𝑆𝑡 can be equal to 1 or -1 while if not it is equal to 0.

A variable that sums the number of boiler switches in the planning horizon is also required in order to

limit the number of boiler status changes. Bearing this in mind, the switch variable cannot assume -1 values,

and the switch definition cannot be as simple as defined previously.

Therefore, three switch definitions that ensure a good estimation of the number of switches in the

planning horizon are proposed:

Switch definition A squares the difference between the boiler status of period t and the period

before (t-1), Equation 33.

𝑆𝑡 = (𝑏𝑡 − 𝑏𝑡−1) 2

Equation 33

Switch definition B is able to avoid negative values without squaring the difference between boiler

statuses, Equation 34.

𝑆𝑡 = 𝑏𝑡 − 𝑏𝑡−1 ∗ 𝑏𝑡 + 𝑏𝑡−1 − 𝑏𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑡−1

Equation 34

Switch definition C, contrarily to the other definitions, is a linear definition. The switch is a control

variable of the optimisation system and its value is chosen by the optimiser respecting 𝑒𝑡1and 𝑒𝑡2

constraints, as shown in Equation 35 and Equation 36.

𝑒𝑡1 ≥ 0 𝑏𝑡 − 𝑏𝑡−1 + 𝑆𝑡 ≥ 0 Equation 35

𝑒𝑡2 ≥ 0 𝑆𝑡 + 𝑏𝑡−1 − 𝑏𝑡 ≥ 0 Equation 36

with 𝑆𝑡 𝜖 [0,1] 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑡 𝜖 [0,1]. Approaches

In order to limit the number of boiler status changes in the planning horizon, three different

approaches are proposed below.

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45 First approach

When the equipment experiences a start-up or a shutdown, it involves related costs. In some

circumstances, these costs are quite considerable. Thus, if ignoring them, the number of boiler switches

chosen by the optimiser can be unrealistically high. The first approach takes in consideration the start-up and

shutdown costs.

The initial problem, limiting the number of allowable switches in the planning horizon, can be solved

using this approach by increasing the value of the switching cost factor (M).

Optimisation Results

The multi-optimisation file was run by minimising Equation 22, with different switching cost factors (M).

Both switch definitions were used. Start-up and shutdown costs are assumed equal, constant in time; and the

same for the three boilers.

Table 10 presents the optimised cost, the number of switches of each boiler in the planning horizon and

the sum of the boiler switches obtained for each cost factor (M).

Table 10. First approach: optimisation results of the different switch definitions.

(€) M = 0 M = 10 M = 35 M = 75 M = 150

Switch Definition A

Cost (€/h) 15112 15381 15534 15506 15544

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 6 ; 0 ; 0 6 ; 0 ; 0 0 ; 2 ; 2 0 ; 0 ; 0

Total number of Switches 6 6 6 4 0

Switch Definition B

Cost (€/h) 15112 15381 15534 15506 15544

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 6 ; 0 ; 0 6 ; 0 ; 0 0 ; 2 ; 2 0 ; 0 ; 0

Total number of Switches 6 6 6 4 0

Switch Definition C

Cost (€/h) 15112 15309 15518 15530 15565

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 2 ; 0 ; 2 0 ; 2 ; 0 0 ; 2 ; 0 0 ; 0 ; 0

Total number of Switches 6 4 2 2 0

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By analysing the results presented in Table 10, some conclusions can be taken:

Primary, it is possible to see that when M is equal to zero, both switch definitions give the same cost. In

fact, when the switching cost factor is equal to zero, no extra constraints are added to the system and the

feasible solution area is not altered. This explains why the solution found is the same than the one obtained in

the base case (Table 9). This test is done in order to validate the performance of the optimiser when the first

approach is used: once the solutions obtained are the same, it is validated.

Secondly, when comparing the results for the different cost factors, it is possible to see that switch

definitions A and B provide the same optimisation results while definition C does not.

Analysing the results given by switch definitions A and B, it is possible to see that when high penalties

(75 and 150 €) are used, the optimiser chooses to have fewer switches in order to minimise the objective

function. While when small penalties (10 and 35 €) are applied, the number of switches do not change, but the

costs are higher. This means that, in these cases, the solutions found by the optimiser are not global solutions,

they are local solutions. It represents a drawback of switch definitions A and B.

Contrarily to definitions A and B, the results presented by switch definition C are globally consistent: the

increase of the cost factor penalty decreases the number of switches for all switching cost values. Therefore,

the drawback seen in the other definitions is not seen in this definition.

However, switch definition C presents a slightly higher cost than the other definitions when M is equal

to 150 €. Since both solutions choose do not change boilers status during the planning horizon (total number

of switches for each boiler is zero), it can be concluded that the global solution is not being found by the

optimiser in this case. It represents a drawback of switch definition C.

As seen in Table 10, the optimiser chooses different boiler status according with the switching cost

factor applied. Some of them are shown in Figure 18, Figure 19 and Figure 20.

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Figure 18. First approach: boiler status optimisation results with M=150 € using switch definitions A, B and C.

Figure 19. First approach: boiler status optimisation results with M=10 using switch definition A and B.

Figure 20. First approach: boiler status optimisation results with M=10 € using switch definition C.


In Figure 18, it is possible to see that when the switching cost factor is equal to 150€, none of the three

boilers changes status. Comparing this solution with the base case (Figure 16) it can be seen that they are the

same. This result can be explained as follows: when the switching cost is very high, each switch has a big



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 1



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 2



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 3



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 1



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 2



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 3



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 1



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 2



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 3

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impact on the total cost of the planning horizon due to the increase of the switching cost parcel (Equation 22).

Therefore, in these situations, it is more economic do not change boiler status.

The drawback of switch definitions A and B can be recognised by comparing the total number of

switches in Figure 19 and Figure 20. When switch definition C is used, the optimiser chooses to have lower

switches (four instead of six) in order to have a lower switching cost, and consequently a minor total cost.

Conversely, with switch definitions A and B, the optimiser is not able to find this solution, accepting a local



In what concerns the solution of the initial problem (limiting the number of switches in the planning

horizon), this approach is highly unpredictable. It is hard to predict how many switches the optimiser will

choose by increasing or decreasing the switching cost factor. Second approach

To overcome the limitations of the first approach, the second approach was created. This approach

limits the total number of switches by establishing how many times a boiler can start-up and shutdown in the

planning horizon.

The boilers can have different start-up and shutdown time constraints. Therefore, the number of

allowable boiler switches (NAS) can be different from a boiler to the other. Bearing this in mind, this approach

allows the user to specify distinct NAS for the different boilers.

In order to limit the number of boiler status changes, a variable that sums the total boiler switches in

the planning horizon is required (Equation 37). With this variable, it is possible to constrain the system as

indicated in Equation 38.

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 =∑𝑆 𝑟,𝑡



Equation 37

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 ≤ 𝑁𝐴𝑆𝑟 Equation 38

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Optimisation Results

The constraints presented in Equation 38 were added to the multi-optimisation file, and the

optimisation solutions were obtained by minimising Equation 21. Different numbers of allowable switches per

boiler were studied and the results are presented in Table 11.

It should be noted that the NAS considered was the same in the three boilers in study.

Table 11. Second approach: optimisation results using different switch definitions.

NAS ≤ 10 NAS ≤ 2 NAS ≤ 1 NAS ≤ 0

Switch Definition A

Cost (€/h) 15112 15172 - -

Optimisation time (s) 85 757 > 3600 > 3600

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 2 ; 2 ; 2 - -

Switch Definition B

Cost (€/h) 15112 15362 15563 15547

Optimisation time (s) 112 466 150 33

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 2 ; 1 ; 2 0 ; 0 ; 0 0 ; 0 ; 0

Switch Definition C

Cost (€/h) 15112 15175 15543 15565

Optimisation time (s) 194 239 234 197

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 2 ; 2 ; 2 0 ; 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 ; 0

By analysing the results presented in Table 11, some conclusions can be taken:

Primary, it is possible to see that when the NAS needs to be lower or equal to ten, the three switch

definitions give the same results. As in the base case, the number of switches is zero for the first and second

boilers and six for the third one; when the number of allowable switches per boiler is equal to ten, no extra

constraints are added to the system, and the feasible solution area is not altered. This explains why the

solution found is the same than the one obtained in the base case (Table 9). This test is done in order to

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validate the performance of the optimiser when the second approach is used: once the solutions obtained are

the same, it is validated.

Secondly, switch definition A cannot solve the multi-period optimisation problem when the number of

allowable switches is lower than one (NAS ≤ 1) or equal to zero (NAS ≤ 0). In order to solve this robustness

problem, different strategies were followed: decrease of the optimisation tolerance, modification of the initial

guesses, relaxing the constraints, etc. However, none of these different attempts improved the optimisation

performance. As the other two approaches gave a solution for the same NAS, it is thought that this problem is

perhaps due to the non-linearity of this switch definition.

Thirdly, switch definition B found a solution with a higher cost than definition C, when the number of

allowable switches per boiler is equal or lower to two. This means that for this NAS, definition B is finding a

local solution and not the global one. This represents another drawback of switch definition B.

Fourthly, when the number of allowable switches per boiler is equal to zero, both solutions have the

same boilers status choice (total number of switches for each boiler is zero); however, switch definition C gives

a slightly higher cost than switch definition B. This means that the global solution is not being found by the

optimiser in this case. This is the same drawback of switch definition C, seen in the first approach.

Lastly, when comparing the optimisation time for the same NAS between the switch definitions, it is

possible to see that there is not a pattern between optimisation time and optimisation performance. For

example, when the NAS is equal or lower to two (NAS ≤ 2), the optimisation of switch definition B is faster than

definition A, and slower than definition C, but definition B gives a worst result (local solution is found) than the

other two; inversely, when NAS is equal to zero (NAS ≤ 0), the optimisation of switch definition B is faster than

switch definitions A and C, and the result provided is better (definition A could not find a solution, and a local

solution is found by definition C).

As seen in Table 11, the optimiser chooses different boiler status according to the number of allowable

switches per boiler. Some of them are shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21.

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Figure 21. Second approach: boiler status optimisation results with NAS≤2 using switch definition B.

Figure 22. Second approach: boiler status optimisation results with NAS≤2 using switch definition C.

The drawback of switch definition B can be recognised by comparing the solutions presented in Figure

21 with the ones presented in Figure 22. For a NAS equal or lower to two, when switch definition C is used, the

optimiser chooses to have exactly the same number of switches per boiler as the maximum allowed, in order

to have the minimum total cost. Conversely, when using switch definition B, the optimiser is not able to find

this solution, accepting a local one with fewer switches that, consequently, leads to a higher cost.


By applying this approach, the number of switches per boiler in the planning horizon is limited.

However, it is not able to ensure that the start-up and shutdown time constraints are respected. For example,

in Figure 21 it is possible to see that the optimiser suggests that boiler one should be shut down, and started-

up between consecutive periods.



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 1



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 2



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 3



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 1



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 2



0 2 4 6 8




Boiler 3

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52 Third approach

In order to overcome the limitations of the second approach, the third approach was created. This

approach forces the optimiser to keep the status of the different boilers for at least n periods during the

planning horizon.

A new parameter that indicates the minimum number of periods that a boiler needs to keep its status

(NPSS) is required in the model. The different periods are organised in groups: each group has the same

number of periods than NPSS. The number of groups is function of the number of periods (n) and NPSS, and it

is determined through Equation 39.

In order to guarantee that a boiler keeps its status for a determined period of time, the different

groups are constrained in the multi-optimisation problem, by limiting the sum of the boiler switches of each

group to one or zero, as shown in Equation 40.

Bearing in mind that the start-up and shutdown time constraints need to be respected in the first

periods of the planning horizon, information about the status of the boilers that preceded the planning horizon

(i.e. past information) is requested in the model. For example, if the NPSS is equal to two, the last two boiler

statuses of the preceded planning horizon are required in the model.

𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑠 = 𝑛 − 𝑁𝑃𝑆𝑆 + 1 Equation 39

∑ 𝑆𝑡+𝑖 ≤ 1



Equation 40

Optimisation Results

The constraints presented in Equation 40 were added to the multi-optimisation file and the

optimisation solutions were obtained by minimising Equation 21. Different NPSS were studied and the results

are presented in Table 12. Due to work time constraints, switch definition C was not studied in this approach.

It should be noted that the boiler switches (B1, B2, B3 Switches) only consider the switches between periods

that are being optimised (switches between past boiler status and optimised periods are not considered).

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Table 12. Third approach: optimisation results using different switch definitions.

NPSS ≥ 0 NPSS ≥ 2 NPSS ≥ 3

Switch Definition A

Cost (€/h) 15112 - -

Opt time (s) 98 > 3600 > 3600

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 - -

Switch Definition B

Cost (€/h) 15112 15547 15564

Opt time (s) 90 164 121

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0 ; 0 ; 6 0 ; 0 ; 0 0 ; 0 ; 0

By analysing the results presented in Table 12 some conclusions can be taken:

Primary, it is possible to see that when NPSS is equal to zero, both switch definitions give the same

results. In fact, in this case no extra constraints are added to the system, and the feasible solution area is not

altered. This explains why the solution found is the same than the one obtained in the base case (Table 9). This

test is done in order to validate the performance of the optimiser, when the third approach is used: once the

solutions obtained are the same, it is validated.

Secondly, the robustness problem of switch definition A is also found in this approach: the optimiser

cannot solve the multi-period optimisation problem when NPSS is equal to two or three. In order to solve this

problem, the different strategies mentioned in the second approach have been tested again but,

unfortunately, none of the different attempts improved the optimisation performance. As switch approach B

gave a solution for the same NPSS, it is thought that this problem is perhaps due to the non-linearity of switch

definition A.

Thirdly, comparing the solutions provided by switch definition B, when NPSS is equal to two or three, it

is possible to see that both solutions choose do not change boiler status during the planning horizon. However,

the cost associated is different. This means that the equipment loads are different in the two optimisation

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Past Boiler Status Periods Optimised

Past Boiler Status Periods Optimised

solutions. Therefore, the solution with the higher cost (NPSS equal to three) is a local solution. This represents

another drawback of switch definition B.

As seen in Table 12, the optimiser chooses different boiler status according to the NPSS defined. Some

of them are shown in Figure 23 to Figure 25. It should be noted that the green points characterise the boiler

status of the periods preceding the planning horizon, and the blue ones represent the optimiser choices. As

mentioned before, the number of green points is the same than the NPSS imposed.

Figure 23. Third approach: boiler status optimisation results with NPSS≥2, using switch definition B.

Figure 24. Third approach: boiler status optimisation results with NPSS≥2 and different past boiler status, using switch definition B.



0 10




Boiler 1



0 10




Boiler 2



0 10St


s Period

Boiler 3



0 5 10




Boiler 1



0 5 10




Boiler 2



0 5 10




Boiler 3

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Past Boiler Status Periods Optimised

Figure 25. Third approach: boiler status optimisation results with NPSS≥3, using switch definition B.

The importance of adding past information to this approach can be noted by analysing Figure 23 and

Figure 25. In Figure 23, the boiler statuses of the last periods of the previous planning horizon were the same;

therefore, the optimiser choice of the actual planning horizon was not constrained by past information.

Contrarily, in Figure 25, the boiler statuses of the last periods were different; therefore, and in order to respect

the start-up and time constraints, the first period of the actual planning horizon needed to have the same

boiler status than the period before.

In Figure 25, it is possible to verify that when NPSS is equal to two or three, the optimiser chooses does

not change the boilers status during the planning horizon in order to have a lower cost. However, it was seen

before that, in general, the minimum cost of the planning horizon is associated with the higher number of

boiler switches.

In fact, when the NPSS is equal to two, the optimiser could meet the start-up and shut down time

constraints by changing its status four times; while when the NPSS is equal to three, it could have three





0 10




Boiler 1



0 10




Boiler 2



0 10




Boiler 3

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56 Optimiser performance analysis

In a utility plant the equipment is not available at all the time. The global availability of a utility plant

varies greatly depending on the type of fuel, the design of the plant and how the plant is operated. For

example, when maintenance and inspections are required, the equipment involved is not available.

In general, boilers offer high availability ranging between 87% and 94%. Planned outage ranges from 4%

to 14% and unexpected failure in large steam generators are very low. [62]

In gPROMS the availability of the equipment can be considered in the optimisation file by fixing

binaries. For instance, if a boiler is not available in a certain period of the planning horizon, the corresponding

binary is fixed to off in the multi-optimisation file. Herewith, the optimiser will find the minimum cost solution

for the planning horizon taking in consideration this restriction.

In this work, different availabilities of the third boiler were considered, in order to test the optimiser

performance in the third approach, for NPSS equal to two and three. The costs obtained when NPSS is equal to

two are presented in Table 13, and the corresponding boilers statuses are shown in Figure 26 and Figure 27.

The costs obtained when NPSS is equal to three are presented in Table 14, and the corresponding boilers

statuses are shown in Figure 28 and Figure 29. It should be noted that the squared points represent the

boilers status that were fixed.

Table 13. Optimisation results obtained using different boilers availabilities, when NPSS≥2.

Fixing binaries 0 Fixing binaries 1 Fixing binaries 2

Description Not fixing binaries B3 off in period 8 B3 off in period 7

Cost (€/h) 15547 15518 15423

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0; 0; 0 0; 0; 1 0; 0; 4

Boiler status representation Figure 23 Figure 26 Figure 27

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Figure 26. Fixing Binaries 1 when NPSS≥2: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B.

Figure 27. Fixing Binaries 2 when NPSS≥2: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B.

Table 14. Optimisation results obtained using different boilers availabilities, when NPSS≥3.

Fixing binaries 0 Fixing binaries 1 Fixing binaries 2

Description Not fixing binaries Boiler 3 off in period 5 Boiler 3 off in period 6

Cost (€/h) 15561 15428 15380

B1 ; B2 ; B3 Switches 0; 0; 0 0; 0; 2 0; 0; 2

Boiler status representation Figure 25 Figure 28 Figure 29



0 10




Boiler 1



0 10




Boiler 2



0 10




Boiler 3



0 10




Boiler 1



0 10




Boiler 2



0 10




Boiler 3

Fixing Binaries Past Boiler Status Periods Optimised

Fixing Binaries Past Boiler Status Periods Optimised

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Figure 28. Fixing Binaries 1 when NPSS≥3: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B.

Figure 29. Fixing Binaries 2 when NPSS≥3: boiler status optimisation results using switch definition B.

When a boiler is not available in one of the periods of the planning horizon, a new limitation in the

system is introduced and, consequently, the feasible solution is reduced. Thus, a higher cost than the base

case cost is expected in these situations.

However, the results presented in Table 13 and Table 14 show exactly the opposite: when boilers

binaries are fixed, the solutions found by the optimiser have a lower cost than the initial one. This confirms

that the optimiser performance does not manage to get to the most optimal solution in these cases. In fact,

the optimiser accepts a local solution instead of searching for better ones.



0 10




Boiler 1



0 10




Boiler 2



0 10




Boiler 3



0 10




Boiler 1



0 5 10




Boiler 2



0 5 10




Boiler 3

Fixing Binaries Past Boiler Status Periods Optimised

Fixing Binaries Past Boiler Status

Periods Optimised

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For this reason, it can be concluded that the local solutions found on the first time were eliminated of

the feasible area when the boiler binaries were fixed; this has guided the optimiser to find a better solution.

Once more, the drawback of the switch definition B was tried to be overcome by decreasing the

optimisation tolerance, modifying the initial guesses, relaxing the constraints, etc. Once again, none of these

different attempts improved the optimisation performance. Thus, it is thought that this problem is maybe due

to the non-linearity of switch definition B. Perhaps better results will be found when switch definition C will be

tested (as seen in the first and second approaches).

Regardless this optimiser performance problem, the third approach is able to not only limit the number

of boiler status during the planning horizon, but also to ensure that the start-up and shut down time

constraints are respected.

6.2.2. Maximum boiler load change between periods

Utility boilers are constructed using different materials with different thicknesses that expand and

contract at different firing rates. When the equipment experiences drastic operation changes, the firing rate is

adjusted to maintain its pressure and temperature, as shown in Figure 41 (Appendix 3).

In these situations, the boiler is temporarily overfired or underfired, causing transient thermal shocks to

the header. The repetition of these events may lead to material ligament cracking (Figure 30), and to corrosion

fatigue, if the stresses caused by the thermal shocks are going together with a high oxygen concentration of

boiler water and the protective magnetite (Fe3O4) layer is broken (Figure 31).

Figure 30. Ligaments cracking leads to a tube failure. [63]

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Figure 31. Corrosion fatigue leads to the crack of a tube surface. [63]

In addition, boiler load changes play a major role in caustic gouging due to the constantly changing of

the operation conditions, resulting in repetitive upsets to coolant flow. These upsets cause caustic problems,

as tube wastage (Figure 32), when it concentrates at the edges of the steam bubbles; for the reason that

caustic concentrations remove the protective layer of iron oxide.

Figure 32. Steam boiler tube failure caused by caustic gouging. [64]

To avoid boiler material damages, the manufacturers recommend the users to not exceed prescribed

limits for maximum heating and cooling rates of components. Bearing this in mind, the boiler load change

between periods needs to be limited, in order to safeguard its normal operation.

In gPROMS, the maximum boiler load change between periods (∆ Load) can be integrated in the multi-

period optimisation file as system constraints. These constraints relate the loads of two consecutive periods as

shown in Equation 41.

|𝐹𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡−1| ≤ ∆ Load Equation 41

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In general, the operation conditions of the boilers are different and, consequently, different boilers

present distinct risks of damage. Taking this in consideration, this formulation allows the user to specify a

specific ∆ Load for a particular boiler.

In this formulation, start-ups and shutdowns of the boilers are not considered. It is assumed that boilers

do not change status during the planning horizon.

Optimisation Results

The constraints presented in Equation 41 were added to the multi-optimisation file, and the

optimisation solution was obtained by minimising Equation 21. Different ∆ Loads were studied and the results

are presented in Figure 33.

It should be noted that ∆ Loads were considered equal in the three boilers.

Figure 33. Optimisation cost versus maximum boiler load change between periods.

Analysing Figure 33, it is possible to see the reduction of the cost when the maximum boiler load

change between periods is higher. This result can be explained as follows: when the ∆ Load is higher, the

system is less constrained and, consequently, the feasible solution area is higher, which results in a lower cost.

When ∆ Load is equal to four, it is also possible to see that the optimisation cost is the same than the

base case cost (na). Since the maximum boiler load change between periods in the base case is 3.7 ton/h,

when ∆ Load needs to be lower or equal to four, no extra constraints are added to the system and the feasible

solution area is not altered.

This explains why the solution found is the same than the one obtained in the base case. This test is

done in order to validate the performance of the optimiser, when the maximum boiler load change

formulation is used: once the solutions obtained are the same, it is validated.






0 1 2 3 4 na


st (



∆ Load (ton/h)

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In Figure 34, it is possible to see that the ∆ Load limitations are being respected. As an example, the

grey line (∆ Load=1) tries to have the same shape than the light blue line (∆ Load=4) but, due to its tight

constraint, it cannot reach the same loads, having shorter lines between periods than the other one.

Figure 34. Boiler loads versus ∆ Load.

6.2.3. Minimum amount of electricity produced in the planning horizon

As mentioned in chapter, chemical plants have been changing their electricity sources. More

and more, it is highly attractive to generate electricity instead of buying it from the grid. This, consequently,

reduces the dependence from an external supply.

In these situations, it is mandatory to ensure that the amount of power required by the processes is

produced. Therefore, the utility plant needs to ensure that a certain amount of electricity is produced in the

planning horizon.

In gPROMS, this problem can be solved by adding the minimum electricity production constraint (MEP)

in the multi-period optimisation file. This constraint limits the sum of the power generated in the planning

horizon to be equal or greater than MEP, as shown in Equation 42.

In this formulation, power demands, electricity prices and fuel prices are assumed constant.

∑𝑃𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖 ≥ MEP



Equation 42








0 2 4 6 8








Boiler 1








0 2 4 6 8








Boiler 2







0 2 4 6 8








Boiler 3


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Optimisation Results

The constraint presented in Equation 42 was added to the multi-optimisation file, and the optimisation

solution was obtained by minimising Equation 21. Table 15 presents the total cost and the total amount of

electricity produced in the planning horizon when MEP is equal to 0 and 125 MWh.

Table 15. Minimum electricity production constraint: optimisation results.

MEP (MWh) 0 125

Total Cost (€/h) 15112 15658

Total electricity produced (MWh) 123 125

Comparing the solutions presented in Table 15, it is possible to see that the increase of 2 MWh in the

total amount of electricity produced highly increases the total cost of the planning horizon.

The explanation for that is related with the simplicity of the utility plant in study. Since this plant does

not have a gas turbine unit, an increase in the electricity production requires an increase in the turbines loads.

If a higher flow in the turbines is required, the steam production in the boilers needs to be greater. In the

meanwhile, this excess of steam is not used in the process and, consequently, it is vented. Since venting steam

represents an entirely loss of mass and enthalpy content from the utility system, the efficiency of the utility

plant considerably decreases. This justifies the high increase of the total cost of the planning horizon.

In industry, the steam is vented only in extraordinary occasions, as it represents a waste of useful

steam. Even though the solution obtained is not realistic, it proves that by adding the MEP constraint, gPROMS

can optimise the planning horizon, ensuring a certain amount of electricity produced. As future work, this

constraint should be added to a utility plant having a gas turbine.

Figure 35 presents the turbines loads when the minimum electricity production is equal than 0 (blue

line) and 125 MWh (brown line), and Figure 36 shows the flow of the vent stream during the planning horizon.

In Figure 35, it is possible to see that, when MEP is equal to 125 MWh, KT7101 and TG1002 turbines had

to increase their load in period four and six in relation to the solution obtained when MEP is equal to 0 MWh.

As a result, the load of the vent stream in these periods increased.

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Figure 35. Turbine Loads versus MEP.

Figure 36. Vent load when MEP=125 MWh.










1 2 3 4 5 6 7


t (t









0 2 4 6 8


ad (









0 2 4 6 8


ad (










0 2 4 6 8


ad (











0 2 4 6 8


ad (





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6.3. Optimiser time performance analysis

For multi-period operation planning models, the number of decision variables increases with the number

of periods. Even for a small flowsheet, as the one used in this work (Figure 14), the optimal solution for a 7

periods problem has 105 decision variables (15 variables per period). This requires an exhaustive search of all

possible operation plans for the n periods under study. Thus, it is important to analyse the optimisation

performance when the number of periods is higher.

In order to test the optimiser computation efficiency in a larger planning horizon, the optimisation time

of 14 periods is studied in this chapter. The steam demands of the fourteen periods were randomly chosen,

their values are shown in Figure 37. As previously assumed, power demands are constant. A short-time

planning is considered. Therefore, fuel, electricity and water costs can also be considered constant over the

planning horizon.

Figure 37. Process system demands.

In order to study the rise of the optimisation time with the increase of the number of periods to be

optimised, the multi-optimisation file was run with 7 to 14 periods. The time that each optimisation took is

shown in Figure 38.







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14




MP Steam Demand LP Steam Demand

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Figure 38. Optimisation time versus number of periods optimised.

Analysing Figure 38, it is possible to conclude that the optimisation time scales exponentially, due to the

increase in the number of decision variables.

In this work, several solutions for multi-period optimisation problems were proposed for a short-time

planning. Therefore, a quick optimisation is required. Bearing this in mind, the development of a

computational strategy for efficient solutions of the operational planning model is required for longer planning










6 8 10 12 14


e to






Number of periods

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7. Conclusions and Future Work

7.1. Conclusions

From the state of art done for this project, it is possible to conclude that the multi-period optimisation

of utility systems is a recent subject, since it has been studied for less than 20 years. As it was stated before,

the operating decision choices for different periods can have a large economic impact on operation profit: if no

proper operational planning is done, there is a high possibility of not satisfying the process demands and,

consequently, having a drastic decrease in the production rates.

To the extent of my knowledge, there is not a public available study that describes the solution of multi-

period optimisation problems as this work. Few articles were found regarding multi-period optimisation in

utility plants, and none considers the damage of the boilers associated to a high number of boiler status

switches, or to a big load changes between periods; or either to ensure a minimum electricity production in

the planning horizon.

Thanks to the validation of the reference flowsheet in gPROMS, it was possible to conclude that

gPROMS utility libraries can clearly be used to simulate a utility plant system.

Three multi-period planning problems, requiring multi-period optimisation, were solved using gPROMS


The problem number one, limiting the number of boiler switches in the planning horizon, was solved by

using three different approaches. In the first approach, this goal was tried to achieve by increasing the

switching cost factor; the second approach by establishing how many times a boiler can start-up and shutdown

in the planning horizon; and the third approach by forcing the optimiser to keep the status of the different

boilers for at least n periods during the planning horizon.

The approach that better solves the problem number one is the third approach. For the reason that,

the first approach is highly unpredictable (it is hard to predict how many switches the optimiser will choose by

increasing or decreasing the switching cost factor), and the second approach is not able to ensure that the

start-up and shutdown boiler time constraints are respected.

Concerning the switch definitions used to solve this problem, it is believed that definition A has a

robustness problem due to its non-linearity (in most of the cases it was not able to find a solution) and, switch

definition B does not always provide the global optimum (as, in general, the optimiser accepts a local solution

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instead of searching for a better one). In the meantime, switch definition C provided frequently good results.

Therefore, this definition leads to a better optimiser performance.

The problem number two, to avoid boiler material damage due to high load changes, was solved using

the maximum boiler load change between periods constraint. This is an innovative device that allows the user

to specify the recommended limit for boiler load fluctuations, during the planning horizon that safeguards its

normal operation.

The problem number three, to ensure a certain amount of electricity produced in the planning horizon,

was solved by the inclusion of the minimum electricity production constraint. Thanks to this, it can be

guaranteed that the amount of power required by the processes is produced, which allows the reduction on

the dependence from an external electricity supply.

The optimisation time scales exponentially with the number of periods, due to the proportional

increase of the number of decision variables. At a certain point, the optimisation time is so high that it makes

the problem computationally intractable.

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7.2. Future Work

The present work presents the initial step for solving multi-period optimisation problems of a utility

plant in gPROMS. In the near future, the switch definition C drawback shown in the first and second

approaches should be analysed. In addition, this definition should also be tested in the third approach. If the

optimiser performance problems found when using definitions A and B will be solved, the switching cost

should be added to the objective function (Equation 22). If not, a new switch definition should be developed

and tested.

The minimum electricity production constraint must be verified in a utility plant, having a gas turbine

unit in order to evaluate its effectiveness.

For longer time horizons, the development of a computational strategy for efficient solution of the

operational planning model is required.

Afterwards, the approaches proposed to solve the multi-optimisation problems should be tested in a

more complex flowsheet.

Further improvements are still required in relation to the use of an integrated optimisation method,

instead of the sequential method scheduling, to better synchronise the manufacturing unit and the site utility

system, thereby maximising the energy efficiency of the complete industrial site.

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Appendix 1.

Figure 39. Utility system project flowsheet [1]

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Appendix 2.

Figure 40. Reference flowsheet modelling in gPROMS Process Builder.

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Appendix 3.

Table 16. Time of the different modes of start-up. [61]

Appendix 4.

Figure 41. Variation of staybolt stress with firing rate. [65]