MUDBUGS NEWSLETTER - GWRRA Chapter La Mchapterlam.com/news/Newsletters/2018/2018December.pdffor shopping, traveling to see family, buying gifts online and getting special buys in your

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Newsletter Editor: Thomas Reed [email protected]

Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge

Louisiana District


Next Meeting - Catfish Hut, 03 January2019 @ 6:30


December 2018



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Chuck & Toni Pritchard


Mary & Tim Dunn



Warren & Judy Alderson



Willie & Jackie Courtney TREASURER: Toni Pritchard


Robert & Joan Partigianoni


Linda & Gordon Myrick

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Mickey and Mary Searels


The Thanksgiving feast was awesome, good food the deserts was really good as always. Lots of great things were said of each

one telling what they were thankful for. We are so blessed to have such a great big family in Chapter M.

Chapter M donated $300, in Toys, and thank you to the others in the Chapter that donated time and money for the Angel Tree,

altogether we figure at Wal*Mart last Saturday, we raised close to $1500 in toys and cash great job Chapter M.

We have enjoyed the Season so far; the Christmas Tree farm was a great time of fun and fellowship always a great time out

there. We had 13 or so made it, it was really foggy going out but cleared up nicely!! We then ate at the Super Y.

Was the Deridder Parade fun or what? Yes, there was so many small kids this year, oh and so cute they were. Thank you all for

making it. Only one break down this year, but as always you cannot keep a winger down long, he was back in the Parade within 10

min and finished the parade, good job!!

We hope all can make the Leesville Parade this Saturday Dec, 8 let’s show off our bikes and lights and our Chapter. Will be a lot

of fun!!

Then we invite you to our Christmas Party it will be at the Leesville Golf Course Dec, 15th starts at 6 PM Bring a Gift let the gift

start at $20 same as last year. This will be the White Elephant gift exchange, Women bring your Gift for a Woman, and Men bring

your Gift for a Man.

Please Bring a covered dish or a desert for the dinner Mary is cooking the meat. The meats will be Roast Beef, and Roast pork.

Please bring enough of the side dishes we want everybody to have plenty.

Look for the phonetree in your email for these events this month. Bring all receipts to me, if you have anything you have

bought for the chapter to the party. That way Toni can Balance out the Chapter account, and get ready for our Business Meeting

with the District Jan, 19th.

No rides after the 15th so we can all spend time with our Family’s

Merry Christmas to all,

See you all at the meeting

Mickey and Mary Searels

LA-M Chapter Directors

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Louisiana District Director Team

Fritz & Johnette Beter


Mike & Pam Jastram

M 225-964-3999 P 225-975-7790

Hello Louisiana - Tis The Season

We hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and hope your Christmas will be even better. Tis the season

for shopping, traveling to see family, buying gifts online and getting special buys in your email.

Everyone and his brother is sending out emails to go to their website and buy from them. We are going

to address a few things to watch out for when buying online.

Shopping Online -First make sure there is no viruses or spyware on your PC. This should be fol-

lowed all year long.

There is nothing wrong with shopping online as long as you are careful and pay attention to some things.

When you are ready to check out, make sure your browser is in a secure mode before putting in your

credit card number. Look at your screen and somewhere there will be a little padlock or the address

bar at the top will be green. This means that your browser is in secure mode and encrypted for you to

put in your number. Another thing that you can do is to use a FREE pay service like PayPal. Your info is

always secure and the payment is encrypted between the seller and PayPal. BTW, you can also use Pay-

Pal to email money to someone for FREE.

Phishing (Fishing) Emails - Most people by now know about phishing emails. These are emails

that someone is trying to get you to buy something or go to their website. As a rule of thumb, if you

don’t know who the sender is, DON’T open the email. Even if you know the person but the email looks

funny, DON’T click on the link in the body of the email. Now, there are a lot of good emails that are

sent out with specials, you have got to be careful and see if these are real or fake. If you are not

sure, open another browser screen and go directly to their website. 9 out of 10 times you will see the

special on their website.

The bottom line is to ALWAYS LOOK TWICE before you CLICK. Just making sure that is where you

want to go on the internet, can save you a bunch of grief later. We hope this has been helpful.

From your District Team - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Fritz & Johnette Beter / Mike & Pam Jastram, Louisiana District Directors, [email protected]

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Lessons learned by a “Hard Head”

Two lessons this old hard head has learned over the years have really helped me live life more comfortably and safely. The first I learned in the Army in my early twenties. If you want to stay warm on a cold night in the desert, strip down to your skivvies in that goose down sleeping bag so your body heat can warm it up. Don’t wear the same clothes, socks and boots you have had on all day that are damp with sweat. Believe me, you will freeze to death. It just seemed like the more you wore to bed the warmer you would be. My mistake!

Fast forward to July, 2012 and our LA Chapter D ride to Wing Ding in Fort Wayne, IN. Can you believe the weather soared to over 100 degrees every day? I thought it was supposed to be cooler up north! Several days it was in the neighborhood of 106 degrees. We started home in our ATGATT mode. That would be “All the Gear All the Time”: Full face helmet, riding jacket (flow thru), gloves (ventilated), riding pants (flow thru) and over the ankle boots with special cooling, coconut socks. We had our wet cooling towels around our necks and wet cooling vests under out jackets. We would open up our winged air deflectors which created a nice cooling draft over our wet gear, although I admit that at over 100 degrees, it is best to close them. 100 degree air will heat you up, not cool you down. We would stop every hour, generally at a service station, in the shade, to have some water. While we were stopped, a group of bikers, obviously not familiar with our riding style, pulled up. Most of them were wearing shorts, sleeveless shirts, gloveless, in sandals and with novelty helmets. They were sunburned to a crispy red. A couple of them almost passed out as they got off their bikes. They looked at us and asked “How do you guys ride with all those clothes on? It’s hot out here!” I realized they were overheated and dehydrated and although we had gotten pretty warm, we were in far better condition than they were. I tried to explain to them that we were much cooler going down the road than they were but they were “non-believers”.

We have friends in our chapter who don’t buy the “more you wear the cooler you will be” concept. One time, I challenged a friend to walk thru a restaurant without a jacket and to put mine on and walk back. He immediately recognized his arms were cooler with the jacket on. He could feel a slight breeze he had not felt before. Next I asked him to ride for an hour in my jacket. Today, he and his co-rider are sporting brand new, high viz, mesh riding jackets with padding. A lot of you guys know what I am talking about. Share this wisdom with your friends.

If you would like to know more about how to ride in hot weather, there is a great GWRRA University training module just for you. Contact me or Mike Stevenson if you would be interested in having this seminar presented to your chapter.

Until next time, let me leave you with these words of wisdom from our former Chapter Educator, Charles Parker: “If you have a $10 head, wear a $10 helmet. If you want to keep it, cover it, and when you get to a fork in the road, take it!”

Jim & Reba Berry

Louisiana District Educators

[email protected]

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Did you know you can look up your own Rider Ed Database information? It is easy to do, it just takes a few minutes and it ensures your information is correct. Next time you are surfing the net take a few minutes to bring up the GWRRA.org main page, look for the officers tab mouse click it then the Rider Education tab. On the left side of the page that comes up there will be a series of choices, one of them is My R. E. Information. Click on the “I need Help” button. Follow the instructions to be able to see your rider Information. You can see things like your last rider course date and expiration, cpr/1st aid information and expiration. Rider Ed seminars taken and when. Your user name is your GWRRA member number, your password is the first two numbers of your mailing address and your membership expiration date. If you are not in the Levels program get with your chapter director, ride coordinator, district educator or me. You can even talk to one of the Level 3 or 4 riders in your chapter about the program!

Did you know that our Louisiana District has three MFA instructors? Well, we do and we all are available to come your chapter for teaching an MFA class. Just contact me and let me know your chapter needs a class. I will contact our District Educator so he can look to see if other members form other chapters that may need the class also. Then we will schedule a time when the instructor is available to travel. We will also work out the payment options too. Think of it this way, wouldn’t you want your riding brothers and sisters knowing first aid and cpr for that just in case time? As a wise woman says; It’s not levels it’s for life!!!

A wonderful thing about living in the southern part of the US is being able to ride all year. Something we need to think about is we also create wear and tear on our motorcycles all year. That means changing out parts that wear, parts that need lubrication or cleaning. Parts that need adjustments or replacing in a timely fashion. I read a lot of questions from riders on Facebook, the GL 1800 Riders forum and others on when your motorcycle oil should be changed. There are plenty of different answers given out there too! The best answer in my eyes is when the owner manual suggests it. You can’t go wrong there!! Use OEM brakes, they work great and may cost a tad more but you will know you are getting a quality product. This is my opinion only but there is one more important part on a motorcycle.

No, not tires or LED lights. It is the part between the handlebars and seat!!!

Ride Safe, Ride Smart

Mike & Becky Stevenson

Assistant District Educators

[email protected]

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Mary and I would like to thank you all for your support in our program from all over the state. We have covered the state with signs and bumper stickers all across our state. You can see the work you have done. There is no telling the lives you have saved by your efforts THANK YOU.

There has been changes in our program, and we have new things that we can use. Go visit our District web-page and click on the Moterist Awareness Program tab. There you will find some new things you can download and use. Coloring pages for the kids, cut outs and tri-folds, that are very good. We also have some 15-minute mini packs.

You just have to call me to get them, then I can send them to you. It takes less time than a full 45-minute seminar and they are fun!! We would like to come to your town and put on a school program anywhere across the state, it is really easy to do. With the coloring pages and the handouts, we have, kids just love them. If you know a teacher, she can help you get in. They are looking for things to do at the end of the year. We can come and support you in any way you need.

Walmart's is a good place to set up, why not a bike show? A scout group, the Lions Club are always looking for someone to come and talk to their group. But most of all, have fun with it. Our school program will make you smile, and put a smile on a child's face. Plus, when you train a child they never forget it.

Mickey and Mary Searels - LA-District Motorist Awareness Coordinator

[email protected] 337 370 8956

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Membership Enhancement

Louisiana Participation Award Program

Here it is June. Almost half of the year is gone already.

Is your Chapter participating in the Louisiana Participation Award Program?

Would you like to? Want to hear more????

Do you think your Chapter doesn’t participate enough to participate?

Do you think your Chapter isn’t big enough to participate?

Does your Chapter “Just want to ride” and thinks that participating will stop all of that?

Do you think it is too late to begin this journey?

Well….the answer to these and many other questions can be answered quickly and easily. All you have to

do is visit the Louisiana District Website and click on the District Programs button. There you will find

ALL of the useful, helpful information and documents you will ever need in order for your Chapter to par-


Do you want more clarification? Simply give us a call or drop us an email and we will be more than happy

to answer any questions you or your chapter may have regarding this program.

Believe us it is not that difficult! It can be a lot of fun! We promise it will bring your chapter closer to-

gether. What do you have to lose?


Riding On A Wing And A Prayer,

Fritz & Johnette Beter, Louisiana District MECs,[email protected], 504-469-3178

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It has been awhile since we gave an update to our travels. Here is a synopsis of where we have been and who we have met.

Since our last article we have now attended more Chapters and also made it to Wing Ding where we represented the Louisiana District as part of the District Team. It was great to see so many familiar faces from the District.

On August 6th we travelled to Chapter K in Metairie, LA. The Chapter Directors Tony Cefalo and Debbie Sutton were very gracious in letting us explain the Couple of the Year Program and Joan was able to address the Chapter as the District University Coordinator (DUC). We also got to meet with Mike and Becky Stevenson their Chapter Couple. I had heard for several years that if you want to attend a fun and exciting Chapter Gathering, you have to go to Chapter K. I can see now why they have that reputation.

The following day, August 7th, we went to Chapter B in Lafayette, LA. We met with Melissa and Glenn Richard. We again got to give a short talk on the Chapter Couple Program and Joan again talked more about the DUC and what that means to each Chapter. Jim Berry the District Educator was also in attendance. We had a great time at this Gathering.

We got a small break for a few days until August 14th when we attended the Chapter E Gathering, Alexandria, LA. Some of the Chapter M group came also. We met with Gil and Bev Harding the Chapter Directors. They let us say a few words about the Couple of the Year Program and we to meet the Chapter Couple Stephen and Sheila Gordy. I was given an opportunity to say a few words about their Chapter Couple and the program at the District Level, and Joan spoke about the DUC and how she and Jim Berry and Reba, the District Educators who were also in attendance, will be able to help them get the training needed to keep up their Levels Program.

We got another short break and on 21 August we were sitting in the Chapter J Gathering in Lake Charles, LA. A group from Chapter M came along. We got to meet with the Chapter Directors Tommy and Aleta Benoit and they let us again talk on the Couple of the Year Program and Joan spoke as the DUC to let them know how the DUC and Jim Berry can help them with their training needs and the Level Program. I got to have a nice talk with Richard and Sue Stahl their Chapter Couple about the District COY Program and it looks like they are game to participate.

As your District Couple we made it to Wing Ding 40, held in Knoxville, TN. This was from 28 August to 01 September. We arrived on Monday afternoon prior to the start. During the WD Rally we help with recruiting booth and sold tickets for the daily 50/50 drawings and the Grand Price Tickets. We met several District Couples during the week and helped with the production of the International Couple of the Year Ceremonies. Joan was asked to be the timekeeper and I was asked to be the Verifier of the Judges Ballot prior to being tabulated. As 1/2 of the Louisiana District Couple I was asked to carry the Louisiana State Flag in the opening Ceremony. During the Wing Ding we were asked to do a Module and we also did a Ham Radio SIG forum. As you can see your Dis-trict Couple managed to stay busy.

Lest we forget to mention that we also attended the Chapter M Gathering in DeRidder, LA. Yes this is our Chapter but they need to be mentioned. Mickey and Mary Searles are the Chapter Directors and they have done an excellent job trying to strengthen the Chapter. Mickey and Mary have supported our efforts in doing the job of District Couple as they both have held that position previously. We have met with Warren and Judy Alderson the Chapter Couple. They have plans to participate in the District Couple Ceremonies. Mickey has given us time during the Gatherings to mention our travels and to talk about the Couple of the Year program. Joan has been able to talk on being the DUC and how we can help provide training needed and to help individual couples maintain their levels program.

Robert and Joan Partigianoni

LA-M [email protected]

Robert & Joan

2018-2019 LA District Couple

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Chapter O in Franklinton, LA, was our next Chapter that we visited on September 7th. We met with the Chapter Directors Wendell and Marie Vince. We were able to meet the Chapter Couple Rudy and Paula Winstead and have a nice talk with them prior to the Gathering starting. Mike and Becky Stevenson, the Chapter K Couple and also being the Assistant District Educators also showed up. As the Gathering was in progress, Wendell ask us to say a few words. We talked about the District Couple upcoming changes and how the program works and Joan talked on the DUC position and how that with the District Educators would allow for training to be conducted District wide and down to the Chapter level. Mike and Becky brought a game to the Gathering and everyone got some great laughs out of the entire Gathering. Thank you Chapter O for making us feel welcome.

We went back out of the District to Jonesboro, Arkansas on 29th of September. We chose this Chapter Rally because due to un-seen events, Arkansas did not have a District Rally this year. It seemed because of the Tennessee District Rally this year was moved to the Louisiana District Rally date that everyone decided to go to Tennessee District Rally instead of the Louisiana District Rally. Infact not one couple from Arkansas came to our District Rally. So, with that in mind we did some research and found that Chapter D in Arkansas has a big Rally and get someone from each of the Chapters within the District at their Rally. We received a warm welcome from the Chapter D-ARK Chapter Directors, Keith and Mary Jo Cooper. This Rally is held in a State Park and is right on a beautiful Lake Fierson. The weather was absolutely beautiful so the outdoor games were well attended. After meeting with Keith and Mary Jo, we were told that there was a dignitary from GWRRA that will be showing up. As I looked across the parking lot, I no-ticed Jere and Sherry Goodman, one of the Presidential Assistance for GWRRA. Shortly later, the new Arkansas District Director Sam Lister, came up and introduced himself. We got to hear from him again when he got his chance to talk about his District and his team and what was going on to make a bigger and better district. We sat at lunch right across from the Arkansas District Couple of the Year. Their names are Tim and Bonnie Nagy. They are a lovely couple and we enjoyed our talk with them. During the Rally we were asked to say a few words. We thanked Keith and Mary Jo for their excellent welcome and we mentioned that not one cou-ple actually came to the Louisiana District Rally and that we realized that they went to Tennessee instead. We told them that we really missed them and we want them back. They all seemed to believe that next year they will return in great numbers. We will love to see them back. During our time there we were able to talk to almost every attendee. Joan gave away a free Registration for the Louisiana District Rally and it was won by a Chapter D-ARK participant. They said they will bring several couples with them.

On October 1st Joan and I went to Chapter C and we arrived about 1 hour early and met with the Chapter Director Buster Hendrick-son. He has been the CD for the better part of 8 years. They have a Chapter Couple Joe and Dinara Jisa, but they weren’t at the Gathering. We were asked to give a briefing of Wing Ding 40, and then later we were given the floor again to talk about the District Couple program and Joan was able to say a few words about training and the District Educator and the DUC and how they are help-ing with the participants in all Chapter to keep up with the levels program and to get any training they are interested in to any

Chapter. We found there was lots of stories and laughter during this Gathering. Thank you, Buster for a great visit.

Our last Chapter that we visited was Chapter D in Monroe, LA. We got there early and met with the Chapter Directors Jim and Carol Rogers. They were last years District Couple for Louisiana. We also got to visit with Jean and Eddie Peavy which is the Chapter Cou-ple. We were able to speak to the group and we brought up the fact that we are trying to encourage all Chapters Couples to try for the District Couple. Joan as the District COY Coordinator told them we are here to help them with the process. Joan talked on the benefit of having their District Educators the Jim and Reba Berry and how he has worked very hard with our DUC to bring events to the District.

Joan and I would like to thank each Chapter for making us feel welcome in your Chapter Gatherings. We would also like to thank the District Team for the awesome support we have received as the Louisiana District Couple. We have tried to represent this Dis-trict all over the State as well as other Districts we have Visited.

Robert and Joan Partigianoni, LA-M, Louisiana District Couple 2018-2019, [email protected]

Robert & Joan

2018-2019 LA District Couple Continued

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CHAPTER November Meeting

Door Prize Winners

25/25 Winners

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Chapter M Thanksgiving Dinner

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Ride to Grant Christmas Tree Farm

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No helmet Post by WingAdmin » Fri Sep 28, 2018 3:34 pm

So I was on my way to Cyclemax at lunch hour today to pick up some new filters for my bike. I saw traffic on the road up ahead, which is odd, being that it's a rural road. As I got closer, I saw cars stopped, and realized it was an accident. As I got closer, I saw a motorcycle laying on its side, and a pair of feet on the ground. I saw 3 or 4 people standing there looking at the rider on the ground. My first thought was, "oh no, the guy has been killed, and they're all standing there looking at the horror." Then I saw the guys feet move, and realized he was alive, but nobody was helping him - they were just standing there watching. I pulled my car over and got out, as I did, I saw a line of blood draining off to one side. I grabbed the QuickClot trauma kit that I carry in my bike and in my car and ran over. He was a man of about 60. His shoes were off to one side - for whatever reason, any time I've seen a motorcycle accident (including my own), the rider's shoes always seem to be ejected off the rider's feet. He was laying on his back, with blood coming from his head. I could see the impact mark on the ground where his head had hit the asphalt. There was some flesh and hair there. No helmet. He had some other superficial road rash, as all he was wearing was a pair of jeans, a flannel shirt, some shoes and sunglasses. He was trying to get up, I got him to lay still, put the QuickClot sponge and some gauze on his head, and held his head to prevent him from moving his neck. I could feel the gravel and grit ground into his head as I applied the bandages. He was awake, but clearly concussed. He could tell me his name, but didn't know what day it was, where he lived, or his telephone number. He did know that his motorcycle was white. He did not know he had been in an accident, and was not aware that he was injured. He kept asking where his wife was, and where my mother was - I think he thought I was his son? I kept him talking and continued to reassure him and try to keep him still. That was the hardest part - being concussed, he was convinced there was noth-ing wrong, and really did not want to be laying there on the road. Within 10 minutes or so, EMS arrived, bundled him up and took him away. Apparently, from the onlookers, he had been following too close to a car, and when the car slowed to turn right, he panicked, locked it up, and went down. As he did, the front wheel hit the post of a mailbox, high-siding him and flinging him off the bike, where he landed on his head, on the road.

Link for Quick Clot Kit —


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101-02 Co-Rider - How does the Co-Rider prepare for the ride?

101-05 Motorcycle Crash Scene Response -What are the roles on the Crash Scene Team (Scene con-

troller, Traffic Controller, First Responders and Communications)

101-06 Who’s Afraid of the Dark? - What is it about night riding that un-nerves so many people? What

can help?

102-01 R U Ready to Ride? - What are some physical and mental distractions? How can you overcome them?

102-02 When You’re Hot, You’re Hot! - How do you stay cool?

102-06 A View from the Rear - What does the co-rider need to ride more comfortably, both physically and


102-07 Helmets: Fact or Fiction - Why is it important to properly fit a helmet and how do you do that?

103-01 Dangerous Epidemic – Distracted Drivers - According to 2014 Insurance statistics what

are the top 10 activities that cause accidents (lost in thought, cell phone, rubber necking, other passengers, reaching for

something, eat or drinking, adjusting audio or temp controls, adjusting mirrors or wipers, pets and smoking)?

103-03 Only Sugar Melts in the Rain - What are some distractions to driving in the rain?

103-04 Team Riding - What are some key elements of team riding conduct? (passing, parking, grouping, intervals,


103-05 High Side Scenarios - What is a high side fall and how do they occur?

104-01 Brrr, It’s Cold - What can you do to help yourself deal with the cold?

104-02 Riding Mountains, Hills and Curves - Mountain Riding Hints (rpms, braking, down shifting,


104-03 Trailering - How much can my trailer weigh? (Tongue wt 20-70, total 400-500)

What are some packing suggestions?

104-05 Road Captain - What are the Drag Bike Responsibilities?

106-01 On the Level – Level Up - How can you check your own Rider Ed Data?

106-02 The Mature Rider -What physical effects of aging influence our ability to ride safely and what can we

do about them?

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Chapter M, DeRidder

Mudbugs Gathering

The Catfish Hut

181 Catfish Rd, Deridder, LA

1st Thursday every Month at 6:30 pm

Next Gathering January 3rd, 2019

181 Catfish Hut Road, DeRidder LA 70634 – (337) 462-2266,

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Up Coming Events

December 2018

Dec 8th - Leesville Christmas Parade

Dec 15th - Chapter M Christmas Dinner

Jan 2019 - Annual Polar Bear Ride TBD

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Events Calendar for 2018

December 2018

Dec 8th - Leesville Christmas Parade

Dec 15 - Chapter M’s Christmas Part, Leesville Golf Course off of HY 171 just past the

Traffic Circle going north on the right-hand side of the highway.

January 2019

Rides TBD

Polar Bear Ride—Early January 2019, TBD

19 January - Annual GWRRA District Business Meeting in Lafayette.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

06 Dec - Debbie Houser

07 Oct - Ray Moseley

09 Dec - Susie Davis

14 Dec - Chuck Pritchard

17 Dec - Tommy Woods

23 Dec - Neva Reed

07 Dec - Miche & Kat Lodrige

23 Dec - Stan & Brenda Salter

Christmas Parade



Christmas Parade


Christmas Party



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For Sale

2000 Yamaha Venture, 30Kmiles, V4, Watercool 1300cc, 5-speed, shaft drive, large, long haul tourer. Full dress, AM/FM stereo tape and cd changer, CB, Digital cruise, Aux lights and Air horns. Asking $4295 or best offer. Call Miche at 337-208-8888.

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Stu’s Grill

11459 US-190 Merryville, LA

(337) 8250707


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Dairy Queen

410 Mahlon Street, DeRidder, LA 70634
