202 International Journal of Scientic Study | October 2014 | Vol 2 | Issue 7 Management of Oral Mucocele: A Case Report Namish Batra 1 , Renu Batra 2 , Dharmesh Vasavada 3 , Rashmi G S Phulari 4 1 Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Manubhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Mujmahuda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, 2 Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Manubhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Mujmahuda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, 3 Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, Manubhai Patel Dental College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, 4 Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Manubhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Mujmahuda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India Corresponding Author: Dr. Namish Batra, Manubhai Patel Dental College, Munjmahuda, Vadodara - 390 011, Gujarat, India. Phone: +91-9537508008. E-mail: [email protected] mucoceles are formed by dilation of the duct secondary to its obstruction caused by a sialolith. The majority of retention cysts develop in the ducts of the major salivary glands. 4,5 Clinical Characteristics Mucocele is the common salivary gland disorder, and it is the second common benign soft tissue tumor in the oral cavity. It is characterized by accumulation of mucoid material with rounded, well circumscribed transparent, bluish colored lesion of variable size. It is a soft, uctuant painless swelling with rapid onset that frequently resolves spontaneously. It is common in rst three decades of life with equal gender prevalence. CASE REPORT A 36-year-old male patient reported with a chief complaint of solitaire diffuse swelling in lower lip since 3 days. Patient also gave history of previous swelling 2 months in the same region which resolved on its own. Medical and dental history was not contributory. Patient is habituated to lower lip biting. Extraorally no gross asymmetry was detected. Intraorally a single diffuse swelling of 1 cm 2 × 1 cm 2 is seen which was round in shape, with a smooth surface INTRODUCTION Mucocele is a common lesion of the oral mucosa that results from an alteration of minor salivary glands due to a mucous accumulation. Mucocele involves heavily glycosylated proteins accumulation causing limited swelling. 1 Two different variants of mucocele can appear: Extravasation and retention. Extravasation type is due to the leaking of uid from the salivary gland ducts and acini to surrounding soft tissues. Retention mucocele appears due to decrease or absence of glandular secretion produced by blockage of salivary gland ducts. 2 Clinically, there is no difference between extravasation and retention type of mucocele. Etiopathogenesis Trauma and obstruction of the gland are considered to be the most common pathologies. 3 Extravasation mucoceles undergo three evolutionary phases. In the rst phase, mucous spills from the excretory duct into surrounding tissues where some leukocytes and histiocytes are found. Granulomas become visible during the resorption phase due to histiocytes, macrophages and multi-nucleated giant cells associated with a foreign body reaction. In the nal phase, connective cells form a pseudo capsule without epithelium around the mucosa. 1 Retention Case Report Abstract Mucocele is benign painless swelling of minor salivary gland, which most commonly involves lower lip and is characterized as diffuse and uctuant. It is characterized by accumulation of mucin with spherical, well-circumscribed transparent, bluish colored lesion. Most of the time mococele is smaller than 1 cm extravasation cyst is mostly seen in association minor salivary gland whereas retention cyst in association with major salivary gland. Many treatment modalities have been mentioned in the literature, and surgical excision is advocated. The aim of this article is to emphasize on different treatment modalities and present a case report of complete excision of mucocele. Keywords: Extravesation, Mucocele, Retention, Salivary gland

mucocele 8

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202 International Journal of Scientic Study | October 2014 | Vol 2 | Issue 7Management of Oral Mucocele: A Case ReportNamish Batra1, Renu Batra2, Dharmesh Vasavada3, Rashmi G S Phulari41Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Manubhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Mujmahuda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, 2Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Manubhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Mujmahuda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, 3Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, Manubhai Patel Dental College,Vadodara, Gujarat, India, 4Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Manubhai Patel Dental College and Hospital, Mujmahuda, Vadodara, Gujarat, IndiaCorresponding Author: Dr. Namish Batra, Manubhai Patel Dental College, Munjmahuda, Vadodara - 390 011, Gujarat, India. Phone: +91-9537508008. E-mail: [email protected] are formed by dilation ofthe duct secondary to its obstruction caused by a sialolith. The majority ofretention cysts develop in the ducts ofthe major salivary glands.4,5Clinical CharacteristicsMucoceleisthecommonsalivaryglanddisorder,andit isthesecondcommonbenignsofttissuetumorinthe oral cavity. It is characterized by accumulation ofmucoid materialwithrounded,wellcircumscribedtransparent, bluish colored lesion ofvariable size. It is a soft, uctuant painless swelling with rapid onset that frequently resolves spontaneously. It is common in rst three decades oflife with equal gender prevalence.CASE REPORTA 36-year-old male patient reported with a chiefcomplaint ofsolitaire diffuse swelling in lower lip since 3 days. Patient alsogavehistoryof previousswelling2monthsinthe same region which resolved on its own. Medical and dental history was not contributory. Patient is habituated to lower lipbiting.Extraorallynogrossasymmetrywasdetected. Intraorallyasinglediffuseswellingof 1cm21cm2is seenwhichwasroundinshape,withasmoothsurface INTRODUCTIONMucoceleisacommonlesionof theoralmucosathat resultsfromanalterationof minorsalivaryglandsdue toamucousaccumulation.Mucoceleinvolvesheavily glycosylatedproteinsaccumulationcausinglimited swelling.1 Two different variants ofmucocele can appear: Extravasation and retention. Extravasation type is due to the leaking ofuid from the salivary gland ducts and acini tosurroundingsofttissues.Retentionmucoceleappears due to decrease or absence ofglandular secretion produced by blockage ofsalivary gland ducts.2 Clinically, there is no differencebetweenextravasationandretentiontypeofmucocele.EtiopathogenesisTrauma and obstruction ofthe gland are considered to be the most common pathologies.3 Extravasation mucoceles undergothreeevolutionaryphases.Intherstphase, mucous spills from the excretory duct into surrounding tissues where some leukocytes and histiocytes are found. Granulomas become visible during the resorption phase duetohistiocytes,macrophagesandmulti-nucleated giantcellsassociatedwithaforeignbodyreaction.In the nal phase, connective cells form a pseudo capsule withoutepitheliumaroundthemucosa.1Retention CaseReportAbstractMucocele is benign painless swelling of minor salivary gland, which most commonly involves lower lip and is characterized asdiffuseanductuant.Itischaracterizedbyaccumulationofmucinwithspherical,well-circumscribedtransparent,bluish colored lesion. Most of the time mococele is smaller than 1 cm extravasation cyst is mostly seen in association minor salivary glandwhereasretentioncystinassociationwithmajorsalivarygland.Manytreatmentmodalitieshavebeenmentionedin the literature, and surgical excision is advocated. The aim of this article is to emphasize on different treatment modalities and present a case report of complete excision of mucocele.Keywords: Extravesation, Mucocele, Retention, Salivary gland203 International Journal of Scientic Study | October 2014 | Vol 2 | Issue 7Batra, et al.: Extravesation Mucoceleand a bluish translucent hue (Figure 1). The swelling was soft in consistency, uctuant, non-tender, non-reducible, compressible,afebrileandnon-pulsatile,Adifferential diagnosis ofmucocele, lipoma, oral hemangioma, and oral lympangioma, was made. Since the swelling was small it was decided to surgically remove under local anesthesia. Using blunt dissection cystic cavity was removed intact along with excision ofaccessory salivary glands (Figure 2). Closure is done with 4-0 vicryl.DISCUSSIONThe appearance ofmucocele is pathognomonic, therefore, the knowledge concerning the lesion location, history oftrauma,infection,variationsinsize,bluecolorandalso theconsistencyhelpsinthediagnosisof suchlesions.6,7 The history and clinical ndings help in diagnosing ofa supercial mucocele. Radiographic evaluation is considered to be a diagnostic factor in the formation oforal ranulas to rule outsialoliths.Removalof theaccessorysalivaryglandshasbeen urgedasthetreatment.Marsupializationcansolelylead torecurrence,butlargelesionsarebesttreatedwith marsupialization.Laser,cryosurgery,andelectrocautery havealsobeenusedfortreatmentof theconventional mucoceles.8,9 Intralesional corticosteroid injection are also considered in the management oforal mucocele, but some studies suggested that the initial cryosurgery or intralesional corticosteroid injection relapse is more often.10 Removal ofsurrounding glandular acini, excision or dissection oflesion down to the muscle layer and avoiding damage to adjacent gland and duct are some strategies to reduce recurrence.11 Histopathologicalreportpresenteditasextravasation mucocele and accessary minor salivary glands (Figure 3). Microscopically,mucocelesappearasgranulationtissue, neutrophils, and histiocytes.CONCLUSIONMucocele is the most common benign lesion ofthe oral cavity. Majority ofthese cases can be diagnosed clinically. Managementof mucoceleisdonesurgicallybyexcision ormarsuplizationdependingonthesizeof thelesion. Recurrence is rare ifmanaged accurately. REFERENCES1.BagnSebastinJV,SilvestreDonatFJ,PearrochaDiagoM,Milin MasanetMA.Clinico-pathologicalstudyoforalmucoceles.Av Odontoestomatol 1990;6:389-91, 394-5.2.Baurmash H. The etiology of supercial oral mucoceles. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60:237-8.3.YamasobaT,TayamaN,SyojiM,FukutaM.Clinicostatisticalstudyof lower lip mucoceles. Head Neck 1990;12:316-20.4.BaurmashHD.Mucocelesandranulas.JOralMaxillofacSurg 2003;61:369-78.5.Ata-Ali J, Carrillo C, Bonet C, Balaguer J, Pearrocha M, Pearrocha M. Oral mucocele: Review of the literature. 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