M.Sc. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (I.T.) - … Computer Networks 25 75 100 5 Object Oriented Software Engineering 25 75 100 6 E-Commerce 25 75 100 7 Multimedia Systems 25 75 100 8 Advanced

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Page 1: M.Sc. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (I.T.) - … Computer Networks 25 75 100 5 Object Oriented Software Engineering 25 75 100 6 E-Commerce 25 75 100 7 Multimedia Systems 25 75 100 8 Advanced
Page 2: M.Sc. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (I.T.) - … Computer Networks 25 75 100 5 Object Oriented Software Engineering 25 75 100 6 E-Commerce 25 75 100 7 Multimedia Systems 25 75 100 8 Advanced




Continuous University Total Paper Paper Title Internal Exam Max. Number Assessment Max. Marks.

Max.Marks Marks

1 Computer Architecture 25 75 1002 Distributed Database

Systems 25 75 1003 Programming in Java 25 75 1004 Computer Networks 25 75 1005 Object Oriented

Software Engineering 25 75 1006 E-Commerce 25 75 1007 Multimedia Systems 25 75 1008 Advanced Java

Programming 25 75 1009 Visual Programming 25 75 10010 Windows Programming 25 75 100

PRACTICAL11 Practical - I

Java Programming 25 65 100Record 10

12 Practical - IIVisual Progamming 25 65 100Record 10

13 Practical - IIIAdvanced JavaProgramming 25 65 100Record 10

14 Practical - IVWindows Programming 25 65 100Record 10

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Continuous University Total Paper Paper Title Internal Exam Max. Number Assessment Max.Marks Marks

15 Object OrientedAnalysis & Design 25 75 100

16 Internet and itsapplications 25 75 100

17 Network Programming 25 75 100

18 ELECTIVE-I -Software ProjectManagement 25 75 100

19 ELECTIVE-II - ArtificialNeural Networks 25 75 100

PRACTICAL20 Practical V : Internet

and its applications 25 75 100

21 Practical VI :Network Programming 25 75 100

22 Practical VII : Mini Project(Based on web pageDesign or Multimedia) 25 75 100

PROJECT23 Project Work 150

Project Report 175Viva Voce 75 400

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Unit - I

Central Processing Unit : General Register and StackOrganisation - Instruction Formats - Addressing Modes -Data Transfer and manipulation - Program Control - RISC.

Unit - II

Pipelining - Arithmetic, Instruction and RISC Pipelining -Vector Processing - Array Processors.

Unit - III

Computer Arithmetic - Addition and Subtraction -Multiplication and Division Algorithms - Floating Point anddecimal Arithmetic operations.

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Unit - IV

Input - Output Organisation - Peripheral devices - I/OInterface - Asynchronous Data Transfer - Modes of Transfer- Priority Interrupt - Direct Memory Access - I/O Processor -Serial Communications.

Unit - V

Memory Organisation - Memory Hierarchy - Main Memory- Auxiliary Memory - Associative Cache and Virtual Memory- Interconnection Structures - Interprocessor - Arbitration.


1. M.M. Mano - Computer System Architecture - 3rd Edition- PHI - 1994.

2. J.P. Haves - Computer Architecture and Organization -McGraw Hill - 1988.


Unit - I

Features of Distributed versus Centralized Databases- Why Distributed Databases - Distributed DatabaseManagement System (DDBMSs) - Review of Databases -Review of Computer Network - Levels of DistributionTransparency - Reference Architecture for DistributedDatabases - Types of Data Fragmentation - DistributionTransparency for read-only Applications - Distributiontransparency for Update Applications - Distributed DatabaseAccess Primitives - Integrity Constraints in Distributed

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Databases - A Framework for Distributed Database Design -The Designing of Database Fragmentation - The Allocation ofFragments.

Unit - II

Equivalences Transformations for Queries -Transforming Global Queries into Fragment Queries -Disributed Grouping and Aggregate Function Evaluation -Parametric Queries - Optimization of Access Strategies - AFramework for Query Optimization - Join Queries - GeneralQueries - A Framework for Transaction Management -Supporting Atomicity of Distributed Transactions -Concurrency Control for Distributed Transactions -Architectural Aspects of Distributed Transactions.

Unit - III

Foundations of Distributed Concurrency Control -Distributed Deadlocks - Concurrency control Based onTimestamps - Optimistic Methods for DistributedConcurrency Control - Reliability - Basic ConceptsNonblocking Commitment Protocols - Reliability andConcurrency Control - Determining a Consistent view of theNetwork - Detection and Resolution of Inconsistency -Checkpoints and Cold Restart - Distributed DatabaseAdministration - Catalog Management in DistributedDatabases - Authorization and Protection.

Unit - IV

Distributed object database management systems -Fundamental object concepts and Models - Object - Abstract

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Data Types - Composition (Aggregation) - Class Collection- Subtyping and Inheritance - Object Distribution Design -Horizontal Class Partitioning - Vertical Class partitioning -Path partitioning - Class partitioning Algorithms - Allocation -Replication - Alternative Client / Sever Architectures - CacheConsistency - Object Identifier Management - PointerSwizzling Object Migration - Distributed Object Storage -Object Query Processor Architectures - Query ProcessingIssues - Query Execution - Correctness Criteria - TransactionModels and Object Structures - Transactions Managementin Object DBMSs - Transactions as Objects - Conclusion -Bibligraphic Notes - Exercises.

Unit - V

Parallel Database Systems - Database Server Approach- Database Servers and Distributed Databases - ParallelSystem Architectures - Objectives - Functional Aspects -Parallel Data Processing - Parallel Query Optimization - DataPlacement - Query Parallelism - Parallel Execution Problems- Initialization - Interferences and Convey Effect - LoadBalancing - Parallel Execution for Hierarchical Architecture- Problem Formulation - Basic Concepts - Load BalancingStrategy - Performance Evaluation - Conclusion -Bibliographic Notes - Exercises


1. Stefano Ceri, Giuesppe Pelagatti - Distributed Data basePrinciples & Systems - McGraw - Hill.

2. M. Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez - Distributed databasesystems - Prentice Hall - Second Edition.

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Unit - I

Introduction to Java - Features of Java - Object OrientedConcepts - Lexical Issues - Data Types- Variables - Arrays- Operators - Control Statements.

Unit - II

Classes - Objects - Constructors - Overloading method- Access Control - Static and fixed methods - Inner Classes- String Class - Inheritance - Overriding methods - Usingsuper - Abstract class.

Unit - III

Packages - Access Protection - Importing packages -Interfaces - Exception Handling - Throw and Throws - Thread- Synchronization - Messaging - Runnable Interface - Interthread Communication - Deadlock - Suspending, Resumingand stopping threads - Multithreading.

Unit - IV

I/O Streams - File Streams - Applets - String Objects -String Buffer - Char Arrary - Java Utilities - CodeDocumentation.

Unit - V

Network basics - Socket Programming - Proxy Servers- TCP/IP Sockets - Net Address - URL - Datagrams - workingwith windows using AWT Classes - AWT Controls - LayoutManagers and Menus.

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1. P. Naugton and H. Schildt - Java 2 (The CompleteReference), Third Edition.

2. Cay S Horstmann & Gary Cornell - Core Java - Vol.1Fundamentals - Addision Wesley Pvt. Indian Branch.


Unit - I

Introduction uses of computers networks, networkhardware, network software, reference models - the physicallayer - theoretical basis for data communication,transmission media, wireless transmission, narrow bankISDN broad band ISDN and ATM, cellular radio,communication satellite.

Unit - II

The data link layer, data link layer design issues. errorcorrection & error detection - elementary data link protocols- sliding window protocols.

Unit - III

Medium access sub layers - the channel allocationproblem, multiple access protocols, IEEE standard 802 forLANs & MANs satellite networks.

Unit - IV

Network layer - network layer design issues, routingalgorithms - congestion control algorithms - internetworking

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- Internetwork architecture - Internet working issues - Internetprotocol standards - Internet IP - Ipv6

Unit - V

Transport layer - transport services - elements oftransport protocols - internet transport protocols (TCP/IP) -application layer- network, security, DNS, SMMP, electronicmail, world wide web, multimedia.


1. A.S. Tannenbaum - computer networks PHI - III edition1996.

2. Behrouz Forouzan - Introduction to datacommunications and networking.

3. Fred Halsall - Data Communications, ComputerNetworks and open systems - Addision Wessley.


Unit - I

System development as an industrial process -Introduction - A useful analogy - System developmentcharacteristics - The System life cycle - Introduction - Systemdevelopment as a process of change - System developmentand reuse - System development and methodology - Object- Orientation - Introduction - Object - Class and instance -Polymorphism - Inheritance - Object - Oriented systemdevelopment - Introduction - Function / data methods -

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Object-oriented analysis - Object-oriented Construction -Object-oriented testing.

Unit - II

Object-oriented Programming - Introduction - Objects -Classes and instances - Inheritance - Polymorphism - Anexample - Architecture - Introduction - System developmentis model building - Model architecture - Requirements model- Analysis model - The design model - The implementationmodel - Test model - Analysis - Introduction - Therequirements model - The analysis model.

Unit - III

Construction - Introduction - The design model - Blockdesign - Working with Construction - Real-time specialization- Introduction - Classification of real-time systems -Fundamental issues- Analysis- Construction - Testing andVerification - Database specialization - Introduction -Relational DBMS - Object DBMS - Discussion.

Unit - IV

Components - Introduction - Use of Components -Component Management - Testing - Introduction - On testing- Unit testing - Integration testing - System testing - TheTesting Process - Managing object-oriented softwareengineering - Introduction - Project selection and preparation- product development organization - Project organizationand management - project staffing - software qualityassurance - software metrics.

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Unit - V

Case Study : warehouse management system -Introduction to the examples - ACME WarehouseManagement Inc. - The requirements model - The analysismodel - Construction - Case study : Telecom - Introduction- Telecommunication switching systems - The requirementsmodel - Other object-oriented methods - Introduction - Asummary of object-oriented methods - Object-orientedAnalysis (OOA/Coad-Yourdon) - Object-Oriented Design(OOD/Booch) - Hierarchical Object - Oriented Design(HOOD) - Object Modeling Technique (OMT) - Responsibility- Driven Design.

Books for Study

1. Ivar Jacobson - Object-Oriented Software EngineeringADDISION-WESLEY.

2. Stephen R. Schach - Classical and Object-orientedSoftware Engineering - McGraw Hill INTERNATIONALEDITIONS.


Overview of electronic commerce : introduction -definition of electronic commerce - potential benefits ofelectronic commerce - internet and www as enablers ofelectronic commerce - impact of electronic commerce on

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business models - electronic commerce security -organization of topics - implications for the accounting.

Electronic commerce and the role of independent thirdparties : introduction - consulting practices and accountants- independence - CPA vision problem - new assuranceservices identified by the AICPA - impact of Electroniccommerce on the traditional assurance function - third partyAssurance of web based electronic commerce - implicationsfor the accounting.

Regulatory environment : Introduction - cryptographyissues - privacy issues - web linking - domain name dispuits- internet sales tax - electronic agreement and digitalsignature - Internet service providers and international liablelaws - implications for the accounting.

Unit - II

EDI electronic commerce and the Internet : introduction- traditional EdI System - data transfer and standards -financial Edi-EdI systems and the internet - impact of EdIInternet applications on the accounting profession.

Risks of insecure system : introduction - overview ofrisks associated with internet transactions - internetassociated risk - intranet associated risk - social engineering- risks associated with business transations - risksassociated with confidentially maintained archival - Master-file and reference data - risks associated with virus andmalicious - implication of the accounting.

Risk management : introduction - control weakness Vscontrol risks - Risk Management paradigm - disasterrecovery plans - Implications of the accounting.

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Unit - III

Internet security standards; introductions - standardsetting issues and Committees - security committes andorganization - security protocols and languages - messagingprotocols - secure electronic payments and protocols - therole of accountants in internet related standard settingprocess. Cryptography and authentication : introduction -message security issues - Encryption technique - KeyManagement - additional authentication methods - additionalnon-repudiation techniques - implications of the accounting.

Unit - IV

Firewalls : introduction - firewall defined - TCP/IP - Opensystem Interconnect (OSI) - components of firewall - typicalfunctionality of firewalls - network topology - securing thefirewall - factors to consider in firewall design - in-housesolution Vs commercial fire wall software - Limitations ofsecurity prevention provided by firewall - Implications of theaccounting. Introduction - the set protocol - magnetic stripcards - smart cards - electronic check- electronic cash -implications of the accounting.

Unit - V

Intelligent agent : introduction - definition of intelligentagent - capabilities of intelligent agent - level of agentsophistication - agent societies - intelligent agents andelectronic commerce - online information Chain - limitationsof agents - implications of the accounting.

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Web based marketing : Introduction - the scope ofmarketing - business marketing and information technology- strategy congruence - the four Ps applied to internetmarketing - the fifth “P” personalization - internet marketingtechniques - online adv. mechanisms - web site designissues - Intelligent agent and their impacts on marketingtechniques- Implications of the accounting.


1. Marilyn Greenstein, Ph.D., Tood M Feinman, - “ElectronicCommerce” - TMH.

2. Kalakota & Winston - Frontiers of Electronic Commerce- Addison Wesley - Fifth Indian reprint 2000.


Unit - I

What is Multimedia : Definitions - CD-ROM and theMultimedia Highway - Where to use Multimedia - Introductionto Making Multimedia : The stages of a Project - What YouNeed - Multimedia Skills and Training : The team - Macintoshand Windows Production Platforms : Macintosh Versus PC- The Mancintosh Platform - The Windows Multimedia PCPlatform - Networking Macintosh and Windows Computers- Hardware Peripherals : Connection - Memory and StorageDevices - Input Device - Output Hardware - CommunicationDevices.

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Unit - II

Basic Tools : Text Editing and Word Processing Tools -OCR Software - Painting and Drawing Tools - 3-D Modelingand Animation Tools - Image - Editing Tools - Sound EditingTools - Animation, Video and Digital Movie Tools - HelpfulAccessories - Making Instant Multimedia : Linking MultimediaObjects - Office Suites - Word Processors - Spreadsheets -Databases - Presentation Tools. Multimedia Authoring Tools;Types of Authority Tools - Card-and-Page-Based AuthoringTools - Icon-Based Authoring Tools - Object-OrientedAuthoring Tools - Cross-Platform Authoring Notes.

Unit - III

Text : The Power of Meaning - About Fonts and Faces -Using Text in Multimedia - Computers and Text - Font Editingand Design Tools - Hypermedia and Hypertext - Sound : ThePower of Sound - Multimedia System Sounds - MIDI VersusDigital Audio - Digital Audio - Making MIDI Audio - Audio FileFormats - Working with Sound on the Macintosh - NationalInterchange File Format (NIFF) - Adding Sound to YourMultimedia Project - Toward Professional Sound : The Redbook Standard - Production Tips.

Unit - IV

Images : Making Still Images - Color - Image File Formats.Animation : The Power of Motion - Principles of Animation -Making Animations that Work. Video : Using Video - HowVideo Works - Broadcast Video Standards - IntegratingComputers and Television - Shooting and Editing Video -Video Tips - Recording Formats - Digital Video.

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Unit - V

Planning and Costing : Project Planning - Estimating -RFPs and Bid Proposals - Designing and Producing :Designing - Producing - Content and Talent : AcquiringContent - Using content Created by Others - Using ContentCreated for a Project - Using Talent - Delivering : Testing -Preparaing for Delivery - Delivering on CD-ROM - CompactDisc Technology - Wrapping It Up - Delivering on the WorldWide Web.


1. Tay Vaughan - Multimedia : Making it work - Fourth Edition- Tata McGraw - Hill Edition - 1999.

2. John F Koegel Buford - Multimedia Systems - AddisonWesley - First Indian Reprint 2000.

3. Walterworth John A - Multimedia Technologies andApplications - Ellis Horwood Ltd. - London - 1991.


Unit - I

Servlet overview - the Java web server - your first Servlet- Servlet chaining - server side includes - Sessionmanagement - security - HTML forms - using JDBC inservelts - applet to Servlet communication.

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Unit - II

The software component assembly model - the Javebeans development kit - developing beans - notable beans -using infobus - Glasgow developments.

Unit - III

EJB architecture - EJB requirements - design andimplementation - EJB session beans - EJB entity beans.

Unit - IV

EJB clients - development - tips, tricks and traps forbuilding distributed and other systems - implementation andfuture directions of EJB.

Unit - V

Variable in pearl - pearl control structures and operators- functions and scope.


1. Karl Moss Java servlets - Tata McGraw Hill Edition.

2. Dustin R. Callaway - Inside servlets - Addision Wesley.

3. Joseph O’Neil-Java Beans Programming - TMH.

4. Enterprise Java Beans - Tom Valesky - Addison Wesley.

5. Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell-Core Java 2 Volume II- Advanced Features - Addison Wesley.

6. Ed Peschko & Michele De Wolfe - Perl developer’s guide- Tata McGraw Hill Edition.

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Unit - I

Customizing a Form - Writing Simple Programs - Toolbox- Creating Controls - Name Property - Common Button -Access Keys - Image Controls - Text Boxes - Labels -Message Boxes - Grid - Editing Tools - Variables - Data Types- String - Numbers.

Unit - II

Displaying Information - Determinate Loops -Indeterminate Loops - Conditionals - Built-in Functions -Functions and Procedures.

Unit - III

Lists - Arrays - Sorting and Searching - Records - ControlArrays - Combo Boxes - Grid Control - Projects with Multipleforms - DoEvents and Sub Main - Error - Trapping.

Unit - IV

VB Objects - Dialog Boxes - Common Controls - Menus- MDI Forms - Testing, Debugging and Optimization -Working with Graphics.

Unit - V

Monitoring Mouse activity - File Handling - File SystemControls - File System Objects - COM/CLE - automation -DLL Servers - OLE Drag and Drop.

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1. Gary Cornell - Visual Basic 6 from the Ground up - TataMcGraw Hill - 1999.

2. Noel Jerke - Visual Basic 6 (The Complete Reference)Tata McGraw Hill - 1999.


Unit - I

Windows Fundamentals - Programming Concepts andVocabulary for Windows - Windows Development Tools -Resource Information.

Unit - II

Application Framework - Project Utility - Writing WindowsProgramming (Procedure Oriented - Pie-chart Application).

Unit - III

MFC Library - MFC Design Considerations - Key featuresof MFC Library - C Object - Simple Application and Template- Drawing Client Area - Fourier Series Application withResources - Bar Chart with Resources.

Unit - IV

Graph Applications - Word Processor Applications - OLEFeatures and Specifications - Container Application.

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Unit - V

Active X Controls - Create simple Active X Controls withMFC - Customizing Controls - COM - DHTML - ATL vs. Active X.


1. C.H. Pappas and W.H. Murray - Visual C + + 6 (TheComplete Reference) Tata McGraw Hill Edition - 1999.

2. Lars Klander - Core Visual C ++ 6 - Addision Wesley -First Indian reprint 2000.

3. Herbert Schildt - Windows 98 Programming from theGroundup - Tata McGraw Hill Edition - 1999.




1. Substring Removal from a String. Use String BufferClass.

2. Determining the order of numbers generated randomlyusing Random Class.

3. Implementation of Point Class for Image manipulation.

4. Usage of Calender Class and manipulation.

5. String Manipulation using Char Array.

6. Database Creation for storing e-mail address andmanipulation.

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7. Usage of Vector Classes.

8. Implementing Thread based application & ExceptionHandling.

9. Application using synchronization such as Thread based,Class based and synchronized statements.

APPLETS10. Working with Frames and various controls.

11. Working with Dialogs and Menus.

12. Working with Panel and Layout.

13. Incorporating Graphics.

14. Working with Colors and Fonts.


PAPER 12 - VISUAL PROGAMMING1. Building Simple Applications.

2. Working with Intrinsic Controls and Active X Controls.

3. Application with multiple forms.

4. Application with Dialogs.

5. Application with Menus.

6. Application using Data Controls.7. Application using Common Dialogs.8. Drag and Drop Events.9. Database Management.10. Creating Active X Controls.

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1. Develop an HTML Page using Controls.

2. Server side arithmetic manipulation by accepting datafrom client.

3. Develop an Applet using Buttons and Controls.

4. Display a message using Session Bean.

5. Using Entity Bean manipulate the data base usingcontainer Manager.

6. Using Entity Bean manipulate the data base using BeanManager.

7. Event Handler using Action Event.

8. Event Handler using component Event.

9. Event Handler using Key Event.

10. Event Handler using Mouse Event.

11. Event Handler using Adjustment Event.

12. Reading and writing using Serialization Object.


13. Working with Frames and Various controls.

14. Working with Dialogs and Menus.

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15. Working with Panel and Layout.

16. Incorporating Graphics.

17. Create an Editor using AWT Components.



1. SDK program for window creation and display.

2. Window Creation using CFrame wind.

3. Usage of Mouse Routines.

4. Creating Menus for Windows.

5. Implementing keyboard Accelerator.

6. Checking / Unchecking and Enabling / Disabling Menus.

7. Inserting and Removing Menus at Runtime.

8. Floating Pop-up Menus.

9. MDI with cascaded and tiled window.

10. Creating modal and modeless Dialog box.

11. Creating Status Bar.

12. Using List Box with CList Box Class.

13. Using Edit Box with CEdit Class.

14. Working of Spin Button Controls.

15. Creating Graphics Editor.

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System Development - Object Basics - DevelopmentLife Cycle - Methodologies - Patterns - Frameworks - UnifiedApproach - UML.

Unit - II

Use-Case Models - Object Analysis - Object relations -Attributes - Methods - Class and object responsibilities -Case Studies.

Unit - III

Design Processes - Design Axioms - Class Design -Object Storage - Object Interoperability - Case Studies.

Unit - IV

User Interface Design - View layer Classes - Micro-LevelProcesses - View Layer Interface - Case Studies.

Unit - V

Quality Assurance Tests - Testing Strategies - Objectorientation on testing - Test Cases - Test Plans - Continuoustesting - Debugging Principles - System Usability - MeasuringUser Satisfaction - Case Studies.

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1. Grady Booch - Object Oriented Analysis and Design -Addison Wesley - 2000 edition.

2. Ali Bahrami - Object Oriented Systems Development -McGraw Hill International Edition - 1999.


Unit - I

Internet Concepts - Internet Services - Types of Accounts- Media for Internet- ISP - TCP / IP and Connection Software- Dial-up Networking - Setting up and Internet connection -Testing Connection - Disconnecting from the Internet.

Unit - II

Contenders - Issues in high-speed Connection -Connecting via ISDN, ADSL and Cable Modem - Intranets -Components of an Intranet - Steps for Creating Intranet -Maintenance - Connecting LAN to Internet.

Unit - III

E-mails - Downloading E-mails - Signatures andStationery - Web Based E-mail - E-mail tasks - OutlookExpress - Sending and Receiving files using Eudora - OutlookExpress and Pine - Multiple e-mail accounts - Sending fromletters - Formatting e-mail - E-mail mailing lists.

Unit - IV

Forms of Chat and Conferencing - Internet Relay Chat(IRC) - Chatting in Microsoft Chat and V.Chat - Starting and

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Managing a channel - Web-based Chat - Direct Chatsystems - MUDs, MOOs and mussles - Voice and VideoConferencing.

Unit - V

Elements of Web - Browsers - Security and PrivacyIssues - Purchasing Products Online with wallet programs- Netscape Navigator and Communicator - Microsoft InternetExplorer.


1. Margaret Levine Young - Internet - The CompleteReference - Millennium Edition - TMH Edition - 1999.

2. Harley Hahn - The Internet - Complete Reference -Second Edition - TMH Edition.


This paper is suitable for candidates already havingsufficient knowledge in VC++ and Visual Basic.

Unit - I

Overview of Active X Scripting - Java Scripting - Stand-Alone Scripts - Active X Controls - Creating Active X Controls.

Unit - II

Active X Documents - Active X Document Architecture- Creating Active X Documents.

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Unit - III

URL Monikers - Hyperlinking - Hyperlink Interface -Working with URL Monikers - Overview of ISAPI - ISAPIExtension - ISAPI Filter.

Unit - IV

Designing IIS Applications - Building IIS Applications -Building Data Driven DHTML Applicaitons.

Unit - V

Active X Documents - Technology - Migration Wizard -Modifying Code - Launching and Testing Document - Testingthe DLL.


1. John Paul Muller - Visual C ++ 5 from Ground UP - TataMcGraw-Hill Edition - 1998 (for first three units).

2. Noel Jerke - Visual Basic 6 (The Complete Reference) -Tata McGraw-Hill Edition - 1999 (The fourth and fifthunits).



Unit - I

Introduction to Software Project Management - SoftwareProject versus other types of project - Problems -management control - Stockholders - RequirementSpecification - Information and control in organisations.

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Introduction to step wise project planning - Select-identifyscope and objectives - Identify project infrastructure -Analyse project characteristics - products and activities -Estimate effort for each activity - Identify activity risks -Allocate resources - Review / Publicize plan - Execute planand lower levels of planning.

Project evaluation - Introduction - Strategic assessment- technical assessment - cost benefit analysis - cash flowforecasting - cost-benefit evaluation techniques - riskevaluation.

Unit - II

Selection of an appropriate project approach - choosingtechnologies - technical plan contents lits - choice of processmodels - structured methods - rapid application development- waterfall model - v-process model-spiral model - softwareprototyping - ways of categorizing prototypes - tools -incremental delivery - selecting process model.

Software effort estimation - introduction - where-problems with over and under estimates - basis for softwareestimating - software effort estimation technique - expertjudgement - Albercht function point analysis - Function pointsMark II - Object points - procedural code oriented approach- COCOMO.

Activity Planning - Objectives - Project Schedules -projects and activities - sequencing and scheduling activities- network planning models - formulating a network model -

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using dummy activities - representing lagged activities -adding time dimension - forward pass - backward pass -identifying the critical path - Activity float - shortening projectduration - identifying critical activities - precedence networks.

Unit - III

Risk Management - nature of risk - managingidentification - analysis - reducing - evaluating - z values.

Resource allocation - nature of resources - requirements- scheduling - critical paths - counting the cost-resourceschedule - cost schedule - scheduling sequence.

Monitoring and control - creating the frame work -collecting the data - visualizing the progress - cost monitoring- earned value - prioritizing monitoring - Change control.

Unit - IV

Manging contracts - types of contract - stages in contractplacement - terms of contract - contract management -acceptance.

Managing people and organizing teams - organisationalbehaviour background - selecting the right person for thejob - instruction in the best methods - motivation - decisionmaking - leadership - organizational structures.

Softwae quality - importance defining - ISO 9126 -practical measures - product versus process qualitymanagement - external standards - techniques to helpenhance software quality.

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Unit - V

Small projects - some problems - content of a project plan.

PRINCE 2 - an overview - BS6079 : 1996- an overview- Euromethod - an overview.

Books for Study :

1. Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell - Software ProjectManagement - Second Edition - McGraw-Hill.

2. Walker Royce - Software Project Management -Addision Wesley.


Unit - I

Introduction to Neural Networks - Basic Concepts ofNeural Networks - Inference and Learning - ClassificationModels - Association Models - Optimization Models - Self-Organization Models.

Unit - II

Supervised and Unsupervised Learnings - StatisticalLearning - AI Learning - Neural Network Learning - RuleBased Neural Networks - Network Training - NetworkRevision - Issues - Theory of Revision - Decision Tree BasedNN - Constraint based NN.

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Unit - III

Incremental learning - Mathematical Modeling -Application of NN - Knowledge based Approaches.

Unit - IV

Heuristics - Hierarchical Models - Hybrid Models - ParallelModels - Differentiation Models - Control Networks - SymbolicMethods - NN Methods.

Unit - V

Structures and Sequences - Spatio temporal NN -Learning Procedures - Knowledge based Approaches.


1. Limin Fu - Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence -McGraw Hill International Edition - 1994.

2. Robert J Schalkoff - Artificial Neural Networks - McGrawHill - 1997.


1. Learn to use IE & Netscape Navigator.

2. Creation of E-mail and sending messages.

3. Chat.

4. Greetings with pictures.

5. Downloading text and images.

6. Voice mail service

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7. Search engines. (Search a given topic and produce thedetails about that topic).

8 . Design a Web Page of your favourite teacher, explaininghis academic and personal facts and give suitableheadings and horizontal rules. Design it in appropriatecolor, Practical - VI.


1. Working with Java Scripts

2. Creating ActiveX Controls

3. OLE Server

4. OLE Container

5. Working with URL Monikers

6. Creating an ISAPI Extension

7. Creating an ISAPI Filter

8. Building IIS Application

9. Data-Drive DHTML Application

10.Active X Documents


(Based on Web Page Design or Multimedia)