The Middle Ages: Life and Times During Medieval Europe World History Date: ____________ The Feudal System o The feudal system provided __________ and _____________. Everyone knew their place and what they had to do. o The ____________ __________ provided for an economy that was based on Religion o Following the fall of the ___________ ____________ civilization fell into a series of battles, invasions and insecurity. o People turned to __________ for order and security.

Ms. Moody's World Historywchsworldhistoryclass.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/8/3/... · Web viewFormation of Western Europe 800 to 1500 AD The Crusades The First Crusade consisted mostly

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The Middle Ages:Life and Times During Medieval Europe 500 to 1400 AD

World HistoryDate: ____________

The Feudal System

o The feudal system provided __________ and _____________. Everyone knew their place and what they had to do.

o The ____________ __________ provided for an economy that was based on ____________ and being self-sufficient on the manor.

Religiono Following the fall of the ___________ ____________ civilization fell

into a series of battles, invasions and insecurity. o People turned to __________ for order and security.

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Manor: The Economic Side of Feudalismo The manor was the _________ estate.o The manor system was an ______________ arrangement between a lord

and his _________.o The lord would provide serfs with ____________, ________ ___ __________,

and protection from _____________.o In return, the serfs tended the lord’s lands, ______ for his ___________, and

performed other tasks to maintain the ____________.o The manor was largely a _______-_____________ community.

Who do you think each of these

chess pieces represents from the

Middle Ages? (Left to Right)







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Education of a Knighto The education of a young noble began early ( ____ ___).o He would be sent off to the castle of another _______.

He waited on his hosts and learned ________ ___________. He played ____________ and learned war ______________.

o To develop fighting skills, he would practice _________ fighting.

o At around the age of _____, the boy would become a ___________.

o A squire would act as a servant to a _____________.o The squire took care of the knight’s __________,

_____________, and ______________.o The squire would also escort the knight to

_____________.o At around ______, a squire became a full-fledged

__________.o Knights were to abide by a complex set of ideals, which

became known as the code of ___________.o Later in the Middle Ages battles were often for


Knights Continued…o Knights were bound by a strict code of conduct called ___________.o According to this code, knights were expected to be _________, __________, true

to their word and _____________ of women and those weaker than them.

The Castleso Medieval castles were designed in response to the

___________ they had to withstand. Wooden castles were easily destroyed by the burning missiles slung by _______ _________.

o Castles began to be built with _______ and their walls were built _________ and _________ --exposed walls could be as thick as 33 feet.

o Rectangular towers were rounded off to deflect ___________.o As protection against battering rams, castle doors were

reinforced with one or more ________ ____________ and sometimes a second door.

Charlemagneo The best known Medieval King was ________________,

who ruled over a large empire in what is now _________, __________ and parts of Italy.

o Charlemagne encouraged learning and set up _____________.

o He also rescued the Pope from _______ attackers, thereby spreading his empire and Christianity.

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The Church & The Holy Roman Empire Feudalism and the manor system created ____________ among people. Shared beliefs in

the teachings of the __________ __________ ____________ together.o Priests and other religious officials administered the ______________, or important

religious _________________.o Kings and peasants were subject to __________ _______, or the law of the Church, in

matters such as ____________ and religious practices. After the death of _________________, the ________ Roman Empire was the ________ kingdom

that arose from the ruins of his empire.o When Pope _____________ crowned Charlemagne emperor in 800, he unknowingly

set the stage for future conflicts between __________ and ________________.o Otto I, a German leader, allies with the church. He creates the Holy Romany


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The High Middle Ages:

Beginnings of the Crusades Muslim Seljuk Turks conquered nearly all ______________ provinces in Asia Minor.

o In 1071, Jerusalem was conquered by the ___________ ___________. In 1093, Byzantine emperor ___________ wrote a letter to Pope ____________ asking him

and western Europe to join his war against the __________ Turks, so that the Holy Land could be controlled by _________________ once again.

The letter to the pope begged for help, so that the Holy Sepulcher, Christ’s tomb in _____________, would not be _______________.

o At the Council of _______________, Pope Urban II declared a _________ _______ in the East and the __________ of God in the West.

o The pope called for this crusade, or holy war, to help the Byzantine Empire, to assert his own _______________ in the West, and to get the Christians in Western Europe to stop ______________ each other.

Pope Urban II called for the ____________ in a famous speech. o In this speech, he referred to the Muslims as “____________” and promised

forgiveness of ________ and ___________ to anyone who fought against them.

The Crusades The First Crusade consisted mostly of ________ people, including _________, who lacked

supplies, equipment, weapons, and ______________.o Many peasants joined the crusade to gain new _________ and __________, as there

had been many crop failures. Serfs wanted to escape _______________.o Even ______________ and debtors joined the crusade in order to escape

punishments.o Many of the people in the First Crusade _______ on the way to ________________ due

to a lack of ________ and _____________ with others along the way. In 1099, crusaders conquered ________________ and forced Jews and Muslims to

____________ to Christianity, leave the city, or ________. Fighting continued in the Holy Land between crusaders and __________, who were fighting

in the name of ____________. Led by ______________, sultan of Egypt, the Muslims conquered ______________ and most of

the Holy Land in 1187. The King of England, Richard the _______ - _________, led the Third Crusade against Saladin. Rather than fight, King Richard the Lion-Hearted and Saladin agreed to a ________

________. o Under the treaty, European ___________ would be allowed to safely ________ the

Holy Land, which would remain under the control of the ____________.o Many new trade routes opened between the ________ and the _________.

In the Fourth Crusade, crusaders attacked and plundered _______________, the city they had originally come to protect!

For the next ____ years, _________ more crusades were fought, but the Holy Land remained under ____________ control.

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Farming Improvements Use of __________ instead of ________. Horses could plow

_________ as much as an oxen in a day.

The __________ __________ _________ emerges. Enables people to use ______ of their 600 acres of farmland instead of just __________.

Field 1: 200 acres for a _________ crop such as wheat or rye.Field 2: 200 acres for a _________ crop such as oats, barley, peas, or beans.Field 3: 200 acres lay __________ for animals to graze.

Revival of Learning At a time when serious scholars and writers were writing in Latin, a few remarkable poets

began using a lively ___________, or the everyday language of their homeland. Since most people could not read or understand Latin, these writers brought literature to

the people.

England Develops By the early 800s, there were many small ________ - _________ kingdoms

throughout the former Roman province ____________. For centuries, invaders from various regions in Europe landed on English

shores. Many of them stayed, bringing their own ways and changing ___________ _________________.

o 800’s -- Danish ____________ invaded. It wasn’t until _________ the Great, king from 871-899, that managed to turn back the Vikings.

o Alfred united the kingdoms of Britain under one rule, calling it ____________ (“Land of the Angles”).

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Fight Night Champion: Harold Godwinson ( ________ - ________ who claimed the

throne) Challenger: William duke of Normandy (Became known as William

the __________) Event: Oct. 14, 1066 -- the Normans and Saxons fought the battle

that changed the course of English history. (Battle of _________ ) Decision: Harold was ________ by an arrow in the eye, the Normans

won a decisive victory. William laid the foundation for a ____________ _____________. (William grants fiefs to 200 Norman Lords in exchange for a pledge of loyalty.)

King Henry King Henry rules from 1154 to 1189. (He is a ____________ of William the conqueror.) Henry marries _________ of Aquitaine. She was a wife to two kings and a mother to two kings. Henry strengthened the royal courts of __________ by sending royal ________ to every part of

England at least once a year. They collected ________, settled _________, and punished __________.

King Henry also introduced the use of the ______ in English courts. A jury in medieval Europe was a group of ________ people—usually 12 neighbors of the accused—who answered a royal judges questions about the _______ of a case.

o Jury trials became a popular means of settling __________. Only the king’s court was __________ to conduct them.

King Henry was succeeded first by his son Richard the Lion-Hearted, hero of the Third Crusade.

King John When Richard died, his __________ brother John took the throne. John was an extremely _______ king. The last straw was when he _______

taxes. The nobles _____________.o John was forced to sign the _______ ________ (Great Charter). This

guaranteed the nobles certain ________ political rights. It put a _______ on the king’s powers.

King Edward I King Edward I needed to _______ taxes for a war against the

_________ in 1295. King Edward I summoned two __________ (citizens of wealth

and property) from every borough and two _________ from every county to serve as a Parliament, or legislative group.

Two groups gradually formed in Parliament:o House of ____________ (Knights & Burgesses)o House of _________ (Nobles & Bishops)

At first Parliament was meant to be a tool to _________ the great lords. As time went by, however, Parliament became __________.

Like the Magna Carta, it provided a _________ on royal power.

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