MS. BURKE PR. 1 By: Bryan Mera

Ms. Burke Pr. 1

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  • 1. Ms. Burke Pr. 1
    By: Bryan Mera
  • 2. INTRO
    Matt was a young boy who lived with a lady named Cecilia. He usually stayed by himself never met anyone else he didnt know why. One day Maria, Emilia, and Steven three kids from the Alacran Estate the house that Cecilia works at. They went to his house and looked through the window and asked him if he wanted to play with them. Matt didnt say anything because he was to frightened because he never met other kids. Well Emilia and Steven left but Maria decided to stay and just look at Matt. Matt realized it was getting dark and he was afraid that La Chupacabra (Mythical Creature that sucks blood out goats, chicken, and occasionally people) might get her and suck her blood. Matt has heard many stories from Cecilia and how they come out and suck the blood dry. So Matt got a chair and threw it at the window, Maria was startled Matt climbed out the window but he bare foot so his hole foot was cut up badly so the three kids took him to Alacran Estate to get some help.
  • 3. CLONE
    Ounce at the Alacran Estate Steven asked for a doctor. At the moment was busy. So they put him on a couch. A maid Rosa got some tweezers and started pluck out all the glass left in his feet. There father f came and he read that there was some kind of writing on his foot it read Property Of Alacran Estate. The father knew there and then what it was he said he's a CLONE. So Rosa and the kids just threw him on the ground because he was a clone. The doctor finally came and took him to perform surgery on his foot. When they were done Rosa took him to a dark room and kept him trapped in that room like a chicken. She even treated him like a chicken buy getting saw dust and filling his room with it. When Cecilia and Maria saw the conditions he told the boss the Head Honcho but he goes by El Patron.
  • 4. El Patron
    One day while Matt was laying down on all the saw dust. The evil maid Rosa came and picked him up. She took him to the bathroom and started giving him a bath. Matt didnt know why. Rosa warned matt saying that he's not allowed to talk to anyone unless they address him. Matt was so frightened he decide not to talk at all. He figured that it would be the smart thing to do. When it came time and he was all dressed up he finally met the person they called el patron. He met himself. El patron was the one who the cloned from to make a clone. El patron asked Matt if he knew why he was before him today. He said nothing. Then Cecilia came with Maria. They told him how they were treating matt like if he was in a dungeon and about the sawdust. El patron told his body Guards to take Rosa to the ejiit pin. El Patron then asked Matt to pick a body guard to protect him through his time in the Alacran Estate it was between Daft Donald and Tam Lin Matt chose Tam Lin because he looked friendlier. Then El Patron said nobody mess with may clone or you'll have to answer to me.
  • 5. Party time
    A couple months later it was El patrons birthday. El patron invited many people many ex presidents , dictators, the worlds best doctors famous actresses. Also many family members. Most of which did not like el patron. Matt had spotted Maria in the crowd so he wanted to talk to her. He rearranged the seating chart and Maria sit right next to him. At the front table. During the gift giving time el patron got some presents. So did Matt, Matt was in a altercation earlier with this kid Tom. So Matt made Tom sit in the baby table and made him eat mashed up peas. Maria didnt think it was funny. When Maria was going to give her gift to matt she took it back because he was to mean with Tom. But Matt wanted the gift and a little extra since she made a scene so El Patron ordered her to kiss him. She did was she was told but left very upset. They make up after Matt apologized for what he did. But Maria gave him a kiss this time out of love.
  • 6. OASIS
    Tam Lin Matts best friend to date wanted to do something nice for him so he set up a little picnic. So Tam Lin ordered an eejit to order a safe horse (a horse that only stays on the estate). They traveled as far as they could until the horse couldnt go anymore. Tam Lin and Matt started climbing a mountain until they found a plateau and there was an oasis there in the middle of the desert. Tam Lin told him that if he wanted to ever to be alone he could just come to the oasis and since he always had to be alone because Cecilia is always working and no one ever paid attention to him he usually had to be alone so he thought that it would be a nice way to get to himself so from then on he went to the oasis thinking about what people thought about him even though it didnt really matter to him. He looked in a little box and it said I have to go with el patron and I cant do anything to do about it.
  • 7. Death
    El Viejo El Patrons Grandson died he didnt want to be like El Patron taking body parts form other people just to prolong his death. El Patron has been using other peoples body parts to make him live he was 148 years old but El Viejo believed that god had a plan for him so he was going to stick to that plan. He died and they had a funeral. Matt entered the funeral and ounce the priest saw him he got furious saying who put this unbaptized soul in here. Maria came and defended him saying that everyone has a soul and that he can get baptized they left. Matt told Maria about an operation el patron had recently a piggy back heart he knew it was going to give out. Suddenly el patron just fainted he fell out of his chair they rushed him to the hospital. Maria and Matt went to a secret passage that matt found. Maria told matt abut a secret hallway in the passage. But only el patron could open it. Since Matt was a clone he was el patron so he would be able to open it. Maria said that the only reason he is still alive was because el patron wanted his heart healthy enough so the el patron could take it and so he can live. Maria came up with a plan to take him to the U.S. they got caught because Emilia and Steven knew about there plan so they turned him over to the body guards. They took him to the hospital and placed him next to el patron and el patron said I gave you a fine life a childhood I never had you owe me He wanted his heart but Cecilia had other ideas she had basically poisoned Matts heart so El Patron couldnt use it. A couple hours later El Patron was pronounced dead. Mr. Alacran {El Patrons Great Grand Son} said that there was no more need for them so he said to kill him.
  • 8. Betrayal?
    Tam Lin was ordered to kill Matt. Matt got tied up so strongly he could barely wiggle. They took him to a car and started driving Tam Lin said to take them to the waste dump and hell kill him there. Matt was not going out with out a fight. When hey opened the door Matt lunged forward and head butt in the stomach but Matt didnt realize was that he wasn't at the waste dumps he was in the plateau. Tam Lin organized for matt to escape and go to Aztlan. To find Maria. Matt started off in the morning carrying as much water as possible. Matt soon got to the border but that were he met farm patrol. He noticed that the alarm went off and that the farm patrol had left so he made a break for it. Farm patrol saw him and tried to get him. They managed to get his book bag but he just slipped off. That where he met Carlos of the keepers in Aztlan.
  • 9. Keepers
    Matt was taken to a place where there were a lot of kids were around boxes working. They told him to be calm and to take it slow for a little while. Matt never actually been with other kids. Except Maria. Two kids were being friendly and asked if he would like to be with them. He agreed and he started working with a two boys one was Fidelito and the other was Chancho. Fidelito told him that he has to work. But Mat said that he was going to St. Luis. Fidelito was also going and chanco too. They told him that for food he had to work. There motto was its hard but fair. Matt helped Fidelito and Chancho untill they had to go to sleep. Carlos the keeper was reading them a story about a five legged horse. Julio told them that 4 of the legs would listen to the brain but the 5th leg would not. Matt asked why wouldnt they just put a computer chip in his brain so all five legs could work. Carlos was furious. And told him that making him into a zombie would take his life away. The next day Fidelito, Chancho, and Matt were scheduled to go to so they went up in a hovercraft. Ounce they got there. They were introduced to there St. Luis n. Well they had to take out all the plankton out of the polluted water. At bedtime they would need to confess all there wrong doings. Matt would not confess anything. One day a kid named Ton-Ton stole holo-game from the keepers lounge. Then he asked matt again if he had anything to confess he said no. then Fdelito said that he would confess for him but matt said not to and then matt started confessing an he got beat for it. Then matt kept saying the same thing and Jorge said that he was just going to trough the motion he said if he took out the lackey he would take the aristocrat out of him. So he said told Fidelito to assume the position so matt got furious and just tried to tackle the keeper then all of the sudden Chacho comes in and gets in and starts punching. Then a keeper Carlos comes in and then ties them up and ordered them to go to the boneew keeper Carlos. He introduced him to the job he told him that he must to do what he is told to get foodyard. They threw him in a pile of bones left from whales. They kept sinking down and they found bats there and chancho was terrified so he just passed out. Matt kept calling him until he himself fell asleep and that when Ton- Ton came and got a shrimp truck and dug out the bones and the boys out too.
  • 10. Dia De Los Muertos
    That same day they escaped from the keepers control. Ton-Ton and Fidelito filled up the keepers door with salt while they were sleeping so they could get away. Ton-Ton put Matt and Chancho in the tank of the shrimp truck so they could go faster. Ton-Ton maneuvered the truck through the gates of the foster home. The truck was solar paneled but when the sun went down they had to start going walking. Ton-Ton noticed that chanco wasnt looking so good. So he stayed with him while matt and went to get help but the smell was so bad that Ton-Ton gave the boys some lemons so it could take the smell away. It barely worked. All of the sudden Matt had an asthma attack. So then two old people helped him out one was Consuela the other one was named guapo her brother. They took them to the hospital where they had chancho. They knocked on the door and a nurse came out. They asked for chancho they took them there and then there were two keepers there Jorge and Carlos they were waiting for them and they also found Ton-Ton on the ground hurt. Then Carlos and Jorge went to grab them they fought back making a big scene so them Marias mother came out and asked for an explanation for the big commotion. The keepers told her that they were running away being rebels. Ton-Ton told her about the drug they used that makes them fall asleep and they couldnt wake up until the drug wore off. The keepers said that Ton-Ton was as stupid little kid and that he didnt know what he was talking about .Esperanza (Maria's mom) said then I guess you wouldnt mind taking a drug test and took them away. Them Maria came and started hugging Matt. Esperanza started coming up with a plan how to take down aztlan estate. Matt told her that he was a clone and she said not anymore that since the original died the clone take its place so now matt was el patron and but opium wouldnt let anything go by the border only with el patrons signature. She said that she would do anything in her power to give matt full power of opium but then he would have to run opium straight to the ground matt agreed. Then they headed to OPIUM.
    Since opium wasnt letting anything by they were going to be killed if they would go by with out having permission of el patron but since matt was now el patron he could get by without getting killed. They come up to the port and matt placed his hand on the scanner he was relieved when it said welcome. He noticed that it was very quiet and all he could hear only the birds chirping and a faint noise when he kept moving closer to the house the noise got stronger and stronger but he noticed it was the piano. Mr. Ortega his music teacher was playing the piano and he tapped him on the shoulder. Mr. Ortega was scared because he thought matt was dead then Cecilia cam in the room and started explaining why it was so quiet. She told him that everyone died. EL patron wanted to get buried with everything that belonged to him. Including people. So at his funeral Mr. alacran brought out a wine from the year that el patron was born some 148 years ago. And he wanted it to be served on his 150th birthday but if he wouldnt make it that far then on his funeral. Everyone took a sip of the wine including Tam Lin. It was poison El patron planned it all out if he goes down everyone was going down with him. Matt was very upset because he warned daft mc Donald the other body guard not to drink it. Yet tam lin did. He wanted to live happily as tam lin as his father and he finally knew what the not meant that he was going with el patron and he couldnt do anything about it. He then started thinking about how he was going run opium with Maria and how fidelito would be excited he was looking forward to his ruling opium.