Abhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest Abstruse (ub STROOS) adj. difficult to comprehend or understand Accolade (AK uh layd) n. an expression of approval or praise; laudatory notice or recognition, such as an award or prize Amalgamation (uh mal guh MAY shun) n. the process or result of combing or mixing two or more things Ameliorate (uh MEEL yuh rayt) v. to make better or improve Amorphous (uh MOR fus) adj. having no definite form or character; shapeless or characterless Anathema (uh NATH eh much) n. a person or thing condemned, accused, damned, cursed, or generally loathed Anecdote (AN ek doht) n. a brief narrative of an amusing or interesting event Aspersion (uh SPER zhun) n. an insulting or derogatory remark; a slanderous, defamatory statement Assuage (uh SWAYJ) v. to pacify or soothe; to lessen another’s fear, distress, or pain Attenuate (uh TEN yoo ayt) v. to weaken or make thin Auspice (AW spis) n. a favorable sign or omen; (auspices) sponsorship or patronage; an emblem or symbol Behoove (bih HOOV) v. to be incumbent upon, suited to, or proper for Beleaguer (beh LEE ger) v. to surround; besiege Besmirch (bih SMERCH) v. to soil or tarnish, especially a person’s honor or reputation; to defile Bilious (BIL ee us) adj. irratble or irascible; unpleasant or distasteful Brackish (BRAK ish) adj. having a somewhat salty taste, usually unpleasantly so

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Page 1: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Abhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest

Abstruse (ub STROOS) adj. difficult to comprehend or understand

Accolade (AK uh layd) n. an expression of approval or praise; laudatory notice or recognition, such as an award or prize

Amalgamation (uh mal guh MAY shun) n. the process or result of combing or mixing two or more things

Ameliorate (uh MEEL yuh rayt) v. to make better or improve

Amorphous (uh MOR fus) adj. having no definite form or character; shapeless or characterless

Anathema (uh NATH eh much) n. a person or thing condemned, accused, damned, cursed, or generally loathed

Anecdote (AN ek doht) n. a brief narrative of an amusing or interesting event

Aspersion (uh SPER zhun) n. an insulting or derogatory remark; a slanderous, defamatory statement

Assuage (uh SWAYJ) v. to pacify or soothe; to lessen another’s fear, distress, or pain

Attenuate (uh TEN yoo ayt) v. to weaken or make thin

Auspice (AW spis) n. a favorable sign or omen; (auspices) sponsorship or patronage; an emblem or symbol

Behoove (bih HOOV) v. to be incumbent upon, suited to, or proper for

Beleaguer (beh LEE ger) v. to surround; besiege

Besmirch (bih SMERCH) v. to soil or tarnish, especially a person’s honor or reputation; to defile

Bilious (BIL ee us) adj. irratble or irascible; unpleasant or distasteful

Brackish (BRAK ish) adj. having a somewhat salty taste, usually unpleasantly so

Brevity (BREH vih tee) n. briefness; conciseness

Callow (KAL oh) adj. inexperienced; immature

Canvass (KAN vus) v. to solicit votes, sales, opinions, etc.

Celerity (suh LAYR ih tee) n. quickness; swiftness

Cozen (KOH zun) v. to cheat; swindle; deceive; defraud

Cynosure (SIH no zher) n. the center of attention or interest; a celebrity

Dearth (DERTH) n. scarcity; lack; insufficiency

Page 2: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Decimate (DES uh mayt) v. to kill or destroy all or a large proportion of

Dilatory (DIL uh tor ee) adj. delaying or procrastinating; designed or intended to bring about delay

Dispatch (dis PACH) v. to send off, especially quickly

Duress (dyoo RES) n. compulsion or procurement by threat, coercion, or restraint

Efface (ih FAYS) v. to obliterate, wipe out, or rub out

Egregious (uh GREE jyus) adj. shocking, extraordinary, or outstanding in a bad way

Eminent (EM uh nint) adj. distinguished; high in stature or rank; prominent

Epithet (EP ih thet) n. a word or phrase describing a person used instead of or added to the person’s name; an insulting or derogatory characterization

Espouse (eh SPOWZ) v. to advocate, support, promote, or argue for

Evanescent (eh vuh NES unt) adj. fleeting; fading quickly; passing away; vanishing

Exacerbate (eg ZAS er bayt) v. to increase in harshness or severity; aggravate; worsen

Exculpate (eks KUL payt) v. to free from blame; clear from charge of fault or guilt; vindicate

Foment (foh MENT) v. to instigate; stir up; incite; stimulate; arouse

Foppish (FAH pish) adj. excessively vain about one’s dress, manner, or general appearance; overly refined

Forensic (fuh REN sik) adj. pertaining to debate or rhetoric; suitable as evidence in a court of law

Garrulous (GAYR yoo lus) adj. excessively talkative or wordy

Grandiloquent (gran DIL uh kwent) adj. given to using pompous, high-sounding language

Iconoclast (y KAHN oh klast) n. one who attacks cherished beliefs or traditions

Impecunious (imp eh KYOO nee us) adj. lacking money; penniless; indigent

Impetuous (im PEH chyoo us) adj. impulsive; rash; spontaneous

Impudent (IM pyoo dunt) adj. rude; brazen

Impunity (im PYOO nih tee) n. privilege; license; exemption

Indolence (In doh luns) n. laziness; aversion to exertion; slothfulness; sluggishness

Intransigent (in TRAN si junt) adj. stubborn; unwilling to compromise; inflexible

Page 3: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Intrepid (in TREP id) adj. fearless; courageous

Inundate (IN un dayt) v. to flood or overflow; deluge; overwhelm

Invidious ( in VID ee us) adj. likely to create ill will, animosity, or envy

Jocular (JAHK yuh ler) adj. not serious; joking; facetious; jesting

Juxtapose (jux stuh POHZ) v. to put side by side, usually in order to compare or contrast

Languish (LANG qwish) v. to lose strength or vitality; weaken; become feeble, droop; fade

Lurid (LOOR id) adj. sensational or shocking; shining with an unnatural glow; gruesome or revolting

Maladroit (mal uh DROYT) adj. bungling; awkward; clumsy

Marshal (MAR shul) v. to put in proper order; assemble; arrange clearly

Maudlin (MAWD lin) adj. overly sentimental; foolishly tearful

Mellifluous (meh LIF loo us) adj. sweet sounding; flowing smoothly

Miasma (my AZ muh) n. noxious, dangerous, or unwholesome emissions, atmosphere, or influence

Multifarious (mul tuh FAYR ee us) adj. greatly diversified; having various parts, elements, or forms

Nefarious (neh FAYR ee us) adj. extremely wicked

Nepotism (NEP uh tiz um) n. favoritism bestowed upon family members or close friends, especially in business or politics

Obstreperous (uh STREP er us) adj. resisting control in an unruly, noisy, boisterous manner

Ostracize (AHS truh syz) v. to banish, exile, or exclude by general consent

Pandemic (pan DEM ik) adj. affecting a majority of a nation or the world

Peregrination (per uh gruh NAY shun) n. a journey or travel

Plenary (PLEE nuh ree) adj. absolute, complete, or full

Portend (por TEND) v. to indicate in advance; foretell; predict

Presage (PREH sij) n. anything that foreshadows future events; an omen or sign of what is to come

Profligate (PRAHF luh git) adj. recklessly extravagant or wasteful; shamelessly immoral

Propitious (proh PISH us) adj. favorable to; advantageous

Punctilious (punk TIL ee us) adj. exacting in the observance of niceties and formalities of conduct

Page 4: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Quandary (KWANH duh ree) n. a perplexing or difficult situation; dilemma; predicament; “catch-22”

Querulous (KWer uh lus) adj. full of complaints; whining

Repudiate (rih PYOO dee ayt) v. to reject, disown, or cast off as unbinding, non-authoritative, or without force

Reticent (RET ih sunt) adj. reluctant to speak; reserved

Retinue (RET ih noo) n. a group of attendants or servants

Rhapsodic (RAP soh dik) adj. exaggerated or exalted enthusiasm, especially as expressed in writings speech, or music

Ruminate (ROO min ayt) v. to think over; ponder; mull over; “chew on”

Salubrious (suh LOO bree us) adj. favorable to or promoting health; healthful

Sanguine (SANG gwin) adj. hopeful; confident; optimistic; cheerful

Schism (SIZ um) n. a split, division, or disunion

Scintilla (sin TIL uh) n. a spark or trace; shred; small particle; tiny bit

Surfeit (SER fit) n. excess; overindulgence, especially in eating or drinking

Temerity (tuh MAYR ih tee) n. rash or foolhardy boldness; audacity; effrontery

Temporal (TEM puh rul) adj. pertaining to time, especially the present time; short-lived or transitory (as opposed to eternal); secular (worldly) as opposed to spiritual (not of the world)

Torpor (TOR per) n. a state of suspended activity or powers; dormancy; sluggishness or lethargy

Tribulation (trib yoo LAY shun) n. a great suffering, distress, or trouble

Truncate (TRUNG kayt) v. to shorten by cutting off a portion

Turgid (TER jid) adj. swollen; inflated; bombastic; pompous

Unctuous (UNK choo us) adj. oily, fervently and overly pious or moralistic; having a suave, smooth, and insincere manner

Usurp (yoo SERP) v. to take control or seize and hold by force or without right

Vacuous (VAK yoo us) adj. expressionless; empty-headed or simpleminded

Veritable (VAYR ih tuh bul) adj. truly; very much so; genuine

Vilify (VIL ih fy) v. to belittle or speak slightingly of in the extreme; slander; defame

Page 5: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Virulent (VEER yoo lunt) adj. poisonous; extremely injurious; deadly

Wangle (WANG gul) v. to obtain or accomplish something by trickery, scheming or deception

Zealous (ZEL us) adj. overly enthusiastic or passionate, especially in devotion or activity

GRE words

Acolyte (AK uh lyt) n. a servile attendant; assistant; helper

Adamant (AD uh munt) adj. insistent; unwavering

Approbation (ap ruh BAY shun) n. official approval; commendation

Ascribe (uh SKRYB) v. to attribute to or refer to

Austere (aw STEER) adj. severe or stern in manner or appearance; rigorously self-disciplined or simple in lifestyle

Bastion (BAS chyun) n. a fortress or stronghold

Boorish (BOR ish) adj. ill-mannered; unrefined; rude

Bumptious (BUMP shus) adj. overly and offensively self-assertive

Burgeon (BER jun ) v. to begin to grow or develop, especially suddenly; bloom; sprout; thrive

Cajole (kuh JOHL) v. to persuade by flattery or by promises; entice; taunt

Cant (KANT) n. any special language used by a particular group, class or profession; slang; jargon

Chauvinism (SHOH vuh nih zum) n. unreasonable devotion to one’s race, country, or sex

Chimerical (kih MAYR ih kul) adj. imaginary; wildly fanciful; unreal; impossible

Coquettish (koh KET ish) adj. alluring; enticing; coy (feigned shyness)

Corpulence (KOR pyoo luns) n. excessive fatness; obesity

Deign (DAYN) v. to condescend; to deem another worthy or fit in accordance with one’s own sense of self-worth, stature, or dignity; to grant or allow

Deleterious (del eh TEER ee us) adj. harmful or injurious to physical or mental health

Desultory (DES ul tor ee) adj. lacking order or consistency; rambling; disjointed; passing randomly from one thing to another

Diffidence (DIF ih duns) n. lack of self confidence or faith in one’s own ability; timidity or shyness

Page 6: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Dint (DINT) n. force; power

Discursive (dis KER siv) adj. rambling from subject to subject; digressive

Dupe (DOOP) n. a person who is easily fooled

Ebullient (eh BYOO lee int) adj. overflowing (bubbling over) with excitement, enthusiasm, or fervor

Elysian (ih LIZH un) adj. blissful; heavenly; delightful

Emendation (ee men DAY shun) n. improvement or correction of errors

Engender (en JEN der) v. to bring about, cause or produce

Ennui (ahn WEE) n. a feeling of discontent or weariness; boredom

Fasstidious (fas TID ee us) adj. difficult to please, finicky

Fodder (FAH der) n. coarse food, especially for livestock

Fulminate (FUL mih nayt) v. to explode or erupt violently or noisily; to denounce or condemn vehemently

Glib (GLIB) adj. fluent in speech or writing, but without thought, restraint, or sincerity

Ignominious (ig noh MIN ee us) adj. disgraceful; dishonorable; contemptuous

Incorrigible (in KOR ih juh bul) adj. unmanageable; unruly; uncontrollable; incapable of being reformed

Incumbent (in KUM bint) adj. pressed or emphatically urged; currently in office

Ineffable (in EF uh bul) adj. incapable of being expressed in ewords or spoken; inexpressible

Ingenuous (in JEN yoo us) adj. acting or speaking in a candid manner; innocent, naïve, or unsophisticated

Invective (in VEK tiv) n. vehement protest, attack, or abuse with words

Knavery (NAY ver ee) adj. trickery; deceit; crafty dealing; dishonesty

Lachrymose (LAK ruh mohs) given to shedding tears (crying); tearful; mournful

Laconic (luh KAH nik) ajd. Brief and to the point; expressing much in few words; terse; concise

Livid (LIV id) adj. enraged; extremely angry

Lugubrious (luh GOO bree us) adj. dismal, depressing, or mournful (usually exaggeratedly so)

Maverick (MAV er ik) n. a person who takes an independent stance; a radical or non-conformist

Mendicant (MEN duh kunt) adj. living by begging for food or money

Page 7: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Mercurial (mer KYER ee ul) adj. volatile; given to changing moods suddenly

Mordant (MOR dint) adj. biting or stinging (as a remark or expression)

Nugatory (NOO guh tor ee) adj. futile; worthless; of no real value

Obdurate (AHB dyoo rit) adj. unyielding; stubborn; unmoved by persuasion, especially with respect to moral influence

Odious (OH dee us) adj. deserving or causing hatred or scorn; detestable; despicable; offensive

Ostentatious (aws ten TAY shus) adj. boastful; pretentious; showy

Pastiche (pas TEESH) n. an assortment or variety

Paucity (PAH sih tee) n. scarcity; insufficiency

Pejorative (puh JOR uh tiv) adj. negative in connotation; belittling

Penchant (PEN chunt) n. strong liking or taste for something; tendency or inclination to favor something

Penitent (PEN eh tunt) adj. regret for an offense, wrongful act, or sin committed

Penurious (puh NYOO ree us) adj. extremely stingy; miserly

Perfidy (PER fih dee) n. deliberate breech of trust or faith

Perfunctory (per FUNG ter ee) adj. performed without care, interest, or enthusiasm

Pernicious (per NISH us) adj. injurious; ruinous; hurtful

Perspicacious (per spih KAY shus) adj. insightful; astute; discerning; keen in mental perception

Petulant (PEH chyoo lunt) adj. irritable; irascible; grumpy

Precocious (preh KOH shus) adj. showing maturity beyond one’s age, especially in children

Pristine (pris TEEN) adj. pertaining to the earliest times; pure or unspoiled

Prodigal (PRAH duh gul) adj. extremely wasteful, especially with money

Progenitor (proh JEN ih ter) n. ancestor; foregather; ascendant; predecessor

Pugnacious (pug NAY shus) adj. inclined to fight; quarrelsome; contentious; argumentative

Pungent (PUN junt) adj. sharp in taste or smell; acidic

Pusillanimous (pyoo sih LAN ih mus) adj. cowardly; faint-hearted; timid

Rancor (RANG ker) n. malice; hostility; spite; resentment; animosity

Page 8: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Recondite (REK un dyt) adj. difficult to understand; obscure

Repose (reh POHZ) n. rest; inner peace; tranquility; serenity

Respite (REH spit) n. a brief rest or cessation; pause

Rife (RYF) adj. abundant; prevalent; widespread; commonly occurring

Risible (RIH zuh bul) adj. laughable, comical, or ludicrous; given to or easily aroused to laughter

Sardonic (sar DAH nick) adj. disdainful; contemptuous; scornful

Saturnine (SAT er neen) adj. characterized by a gloomy, dark, or sluggish disposition

Savant (suh VAHNT) n. a person who has had profound or extensive learning or understanding; scholar

Sedition (sih DIH shun) n. any act designed to incite others against the government or to resist lawful authority; treason

Sedulous (SHE jyoo lus) adj. diligent; persevering; untiring; indefatigable

Solicitous (suh LIH sih tus) adj. worried; concerned; anxious; distraught (especially over the well-being or safety of others)

Specious (SPEE shus) adj. seemingly reasonable or genuine, yet without true merit

Stolid (STHAL id) adj. unconcerned; indifferent; dispassionate; unemotional; stoic

Strident (STRY dun) adj. harsh-sounding; shrill; grating

Stultify (STUL tih fy) v. to cause to appear foolish; to impair or to render ineffectual or futile

Subjugate (SUB juh gayt) v. to subdue or conquer; enslave

Taciturn (TAS ih tern) adj. silent; reserved; uncommunicative

Tantamount (TAN tuh mownt) adj. equivalent; equal to; amounting to

Tortuous (TOR choo us) adj. twisting; curving; winding; not direct or straight

Travesty (TRAV es tee) n. a comical and ludicrous parody; portraying something as ridiculous; a debased imitation

Trenchant (TREN chunt) adj. insightful; keen; penetrating

Truculent (TRUK yoo lunt) adj. fierce; cruel; brutal; ferocious

Turbid (TER bid) adj. clouded; muddy

Turpitude (TER pih tood) n. depravity; wickedness

Page 9: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Ubiquitous (yoo BIH kwih tus) adj. being everywhere, especially at the same time

Venal (VEE nul) adj. able to be bribed or bought; corruptible

Vicissitude (vih SIS ih tood) n. change or variation in the course of something-especially of circumstance or fortune in life

Vituperate (vy TOO per ayt) v. to scold harshly and abusively

Winnow (WIH noh) v. to separate, scatter, or disperse; to separate or sift out, especially good from bad

Academic Challenge


Ablation (uh BLAY shun) n. destruction of part of the body (especially, part of the brain)

Ambulatory (AM byoo luh tor ee) adj. able to walk or move about

Aspire (uh SPYR) v. to breathe

Aural ( AH rul) adj. pertaining to the ear or o the sense of hearing

Deglutition (dee gloo TIH shun) n. the act or processof swallowing food

Hypertrophy (hy PER truh fee) n. abnormally large growth of a bodily organ

Incontinence ( in KAHN tih nuns) n. the inability to control one’s bodily urges and function

Lacuna (luh KYOO nuh) n. a cavity, hole, or gap in a bone

Mandible (MAN duh bul) n. the principle bone of the lower jaw

Myopic (my AH pik). Adj. nearsited

Olfactory ( ahl FAK tuh ree) adj. pertaining to the sense of smell

Palate ( Pal it) n. the roof of the mouth

Peristalsis(payr ih STAWL sis) n. involuntary contractions that move food through the digestive system

Sentient (SEN shunt) adj. having the power of one’s senses

Somatic (so MAT ik) adj. pertaining to the body

Surdity (SER dih tee) n. deafness

Tactile ( TAK tul) adj. pertaining to the sense of touch

Page 10: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Vesicle (VES uh kul) n. any fluid-filled sac in the body

Visceral (VIS er ul) adj. physiological


Aboriginal (ab uh RIJ uh nul) adj. native to a region

Antediluvian (an tee dih LOO vee un) adj. anything ancient, primitive, or outdated

Bibelot (BIB loh) n. a small item of rarity, beauty, or curiosity; relic; artifact

Conjugal (KAHN joo gul) adj. referring to the relationship between two married persons

C of a culture or spirit

Husbandry (HUZ bin dree) n. exploitation of domesticated animals for consumption, load carrying, ect

Midden (MID un) n. dunghill or refuse heap

Nomad (NOH mad) n. a person who moves about in a seasonal pattern, especially in search of work and usually without a fixed home

Nuptial (NUP shul) adj. pertaining to a marriage ceremony or to a marriage

Petroglyph (PET roh glif) n. a prehistoric carving or drawing on stone

Philistine (FIL ih steen) n. a person who is extremely indifferent to culture or aesthetic refinement

Primogeniture (pry moh JEN ih ter) n. the condition or fact of being firstborn of the same parents; seniority by birth among children of the same parents

Rite (RYT) n. a formal ceremonial act or procedure, often part of solemn religious occasions

Runic (ROO nik) adj. pertaining to the characters of any ancient alphabet

Sept (SEPT) n. division of a tribe or clan

Sepulcher (SEP uhl ker) n. a burial tomb or receptacle for sacred relics

Totem (TOH tum) n. an object or animal with which a tribe, clan, or group of people identify in its rituals

Vendetta (ven DET uh) n. a private feud in which kin are oblige to seek revenge for wrongs done to relatives


Annulet (AN yoo lut) n. a ring shaped-molding or ridge

Bastille (bas TEEL) n. a fortification or castle, typically used as a prison

Page 11: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Bastion (BAS chyun) n. a projection from an outer wall of a fortification designed to defend the adjacent perimeter

Bulwark (BUL werk) n. a strong defensive wall structure

Buttress (BET rus) n. an extra thickness or projection in a wall designed to strengthen it

Cantilever (KAN tuh lee ver) n. a structure that projects out beyond its supporting wall

Concourse (KAHN cors) n. an open space where several paths meet

Cusp (KUSP) n. the point where two curves meet

Edifice (ED uh fis) n. a monument

Façade (fuh SAHD) n. the exterior front or face of a building

Fenestration ( fen uh STRAY shun) n. the scheme or pattern of windows in the design of a building

Hermitage (HER mih tij) n. private or secluded retreat

Hovel (HUH vul) n. a shed or poorly constructed or ill-kept house

Imbricate (IM brih kit) adj. overlapping in a regular, orderly pattern

Kiosk ( KEE ahsk) n. an open summer house or pavilion; a small structure

Mausoleum ( mah zuh LEE urn) n. a monumental tomb

Mezzanine ( MEZ uh neen) n. a low balcony above the ground floor of a building

Obelisk (AH buh lisk) n. a tapering(narrowing)column that forms a pyramid at the top

Oculus (Ah kyoo lus) n. a round window

Peristyle (PER ih styl) n. a colonnade or row of piers surrounding a building or courtyard

Portal (POR tal) n. an impressive or monumental entrance or gate

Refectory (ruh FEK ter ee) n. a large dining hall at a church, college, or other institution

Rococo (ruh KOH koh) adj. ornate, highly decorative

Rotunda ( roh TUN duh) n. a dome-covered circular hall or building

Vestibule (VES tih byool) n. an inner or middle room in a building

Voussoir (voo SWAH) n. a wedge-shaped stone used in making an arch or vault


Page 12: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Aurora (uh ROR uh) n. a display of changing colored light high in the atmosphere

Azimuth (AZ uh muth) n. a measurement of direction, expressed as an angle and measured clock-wise from a celestial reference point

Corona ( kuh ROH nuh) n. faint halo-like outer portion of the sun’s atmosphere’

Cosmogony (kahz MAH jun ee) n. the study of the ultimate origins of physical systems

Facula (FAK yoo luh) n. a small, bright spot on the sun’s surface

Nadir (NAY der) n. the point on a celestial sphere directly below the observer

Nebula (NEH byoo luh) n. an irregular, diffuse interstellar cloud

Occultation (ah kuhl TAY shun) n. passage of one celestial object in front of another

Penumbra (puh NUM bruh) n. the region of semi-shadow in an eclipse; the less dark outer region of a sunspot

Pulsar (PUL sar) n. a collapsed star of extremely high density

Sidereal (sy DEER ee ul) adj. having to do with the stars

Syzygy (SIH zih jee) n. straight alignment of three celestial bodies

Umbra (UM bruh) n. the region of total shadow in an eclipse; the dark center of a sunspot

Zenith (ZEE nith) n. the point on the celestial sphere directly overhead


Abiosis (ay bee OH sis) n. absence of life

Antigen (AN tih jin) n. a foreign substance (such as a virus) that enters the body, thereby stimulating the production of an antibody

Carcinogen (kar SIN oh jin) n. any cancer-causing substance

Catalyst (KAT uh list) n. any substance which creates or increases the rate of a (chemical) change without itself being affected

Clastic (KLAS tik) adj. causing or undergoing division into parts

Cytology (sih TAHL uh jee) n. the study of cells

Desiccant (DES ih kint) n. any drying agent

Detritus ( dih TRY tus) n. decaying organic matter lying just below the surface

Page 13: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Enzyme (EN zym) n. a protein which acts as a biological catalyst

Immiscible (im MIS ih bul) adj. not capable of being mixed

Ionization (y un uh ZAY shun) n. the process of charging an electrically neutral atomic configuration by heat, electrical discharge, radiation or chemical reaction

Lipid (LIP id) n. fatlike substance that cannot be dissolved in water

Osmosis (ahs MOH sis) n. diffusion of a substance in a liquid solution across a membrane

Substrate (Sub strayt) n. any substance which is acted on or altered by an enzyme

Symbiosis (sim bee OH sis) n. the living together of two dissimilar organisms in a mutually beneficial relationship

Synapse (SIN aps) n. the junction, usually a tiny gap, between two neurons or nerve cells

Synergy (SIN er jee) n. coordination of different elements to achieve a common end

Systemic (sis TEM ik) adj. referring to or distributed throughout an entire organism

Zygote (ZY goht) n. a fertilized egg


Ambiparous (am BIH per us) adj. having both leaves and flowers

Aphyllous (ay FIL us) adj. without leaves

Arboreal (ar BOR ee ul) adj. pertaining to trees

Autonomic (aw toh NAH mik) adj. referring to movements produced by some internal stimulus

Biennial (by EN ee ul) n. any plant that blossoms or sprouts every two years

Conifer (KAHN ih fer) n. a cone-bearing tree

Cuticle (KYOO tih KUl) n. the waxy outer layer of a plant

Deciduous (dih SIH kyoo us) adj. shedding all the leaves at a certain season of the year

Epidermis (eh pih DER mis) n. the outermost layer or a plant

Flora ( FLOR uh) n. the plant population of a given region or period

Foliage (FOL yij) n. leaves of a plant or tree

Frond (FRAHND) n. the leaf of a fern, palm tree, or banana tree

Page 14: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Fruticose (FROO tih kohs) adj. shrub like

Guttation (guh TAY shun) n. exudation (sweating) of water droplets from plants in a humid atmosphere

Herbarium (er BAYR ee um) n. a collection of dried or preserved plants

Hermaphrodite (her MAF roh dye) n. having both male and female organs

Hirsute (HER soot) adj. covered with very long, soft hairs

Hydrophyte (HY droh fye) n. a plant normally growing in water or damp places

Ligneous (LIG nee us) adj. like wood: having woodlike qualities

Perennial (per EN ee ul) adj. in botany, a plant that lives for two r more years; generally, continuing through the year; continuing without cessation or intermission perpetual

Pubescent (pyoo BES int) adj. covered with a sfot down; arriving at puberty

Scandent (SKAN dint) characterized by a climbing growth

Sedge (SEJ) n. grasslike herbaceous plant, growing in wet areas

Sylvan (SIL van) adj. living in the forest or woods; sylvestrine

Tendril (TEN drul) n. a thin, modified stem used for climbing by twining or adhesion

Terrarium (ter AYR ee um) n. a small glass enclosure for plants

Tropism (TROH pih zum) n. involuntary response- e.g., a stem’s bending movement- to some external stimulus (such as water, sun, or gravity)

Ventral (VEN trul) adj. pertaining to the lower or inner surface (of a leaf, petal, ect.)

Verdant (VER dunt) adj. lush in vegetation (literally, green)

Viable (Vy uh bul) adj. able to live, develop, or thrive

Business, Economics, and Finance

Accrue (uh KROO) v. to accumulate over time (e.g., interest or money owing)

Actuary (AK choo ayr ee) n. a specialist or expert on statistics, especially in the area of insurance

Amortize (AM or tyz) v. to account for the reduction in the value of an asset over the period of ownership of the asset

Annuity (uh NOO uh tee) n. a contract to pay a sum of money yearly or at regular intervals

Appraise (uh PRAYZ) v. to assess the market value of an asset

Page 15: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Arbitrage (AR bih trahzh) v. to take advantage of differing prices for the same security or commodity

Arrears (uh REERS) n. a debt due but unpaid

Contraband (KAHN truh band) n. goods illegally transported across a border (e.g., to avoid payment of taxes)

Debenture (duh BEN cher) n. a note by a company promising to pay a debt, backed by the general credit of the compay

Embargo (em BAR goh) n. an official prohibition or restriction of foreign trade by one nation against another

Entrepreneur (ahn truh pruh ner) n. someone who takes risk in a business venture, usually as the business owner

Escrow (ES kroh) n. a temporary account established to hold funds pending the completion of an investment or purchase transaction

Exchequer (EKS chuh kur) n. the treasury of a state or nation

Fiscal (FIS kul) adj. pertaining to the fianances of a government or business

Hedge (HEJ) v. to offset the risk of loss (e.g., from market price fluctuations)

Insolvent (in SAWL vunt) adj. where one’s financial liabilities exceed one’s assets

Negotiable (nuh GOH shee uh bul) adj. transferable (from one party to another)

Pecuniary (puh KYOO nee ayr ee) adj. financial; monetary

Neonage (PEE uh nij) n. a system of forced labor based upon debts incurred by workers

Procure (pro KYOOR) v. to obtain through purchase

Prospectus (pro SPEK tus) n. a descriptive circular used in soliciting orders (e.g., for the purchase of stock or other securities

Repatriation (re pay tree AY shun) n. return of financial assets deposited in a foreign bank in a home country

Scrivener (SKRIV ner) n. a professional or public copyist, scribe, or notary

Specie (SPEE shee) n. money in the form of coins

Spendthrift (SPEND thrift) n. a person who is overly free or undisciplined in spending money

SUBSIDY (SUB sih dee) n. financial grant or aid

Page 16: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Surety (SHOOR tee) n. one who guarantees the performance (e.g. payment) on behalf of another

Syndicate (SIN dih kit) n. a group of persons or businesses joined together in a cooperative effort to reduce risk and increase efficiency

Underwrite (UN der ryt) v. to access, select and reject risks, usually for the purpose of determining insurability and insurance rates

Usurious (yoo ZHOOR ee us) adj. referring to an extremely high or unlawful rate of interest

Voucher (VOW CH sayf) n. legally acceptable evidence of debt repayment; written evidence of authorization to make a purchase

Warrant (WOR int) n. a certificate giving the holder the right to purchase securities at a specified price for a specified time period

Yield (YEELD) n. the return on an investment (e.g., dividends or interest)

Civil Law

Affidavit (af ih DAY vid) n. written declaration of fact, made under oath (or affirmation) of the party making it

Agency (AY jun see) n. a relationship in which one party is legally authorized to act on behalf of another

Annul (uh NUHL) v. to make or declare invalid or void

Attest (uh TEST) v. to state a fact in writing and swear to its truthfulness

Barrister (BAYR ih ster) n. a counselor-at-law; attorney; lawyer

Bequeath (buh KWEETH) v. to make a posthumous gift by one’s will

Breach (BREECH) v. to break a contractual promise

Chattel (CHAT ul) n. any movable property (not attached to land)

Codicil (KAH dih sul) n. a legal document which adds to or changes the provisions of a will

Conservator (kun SER veh tor) n. one who is authorized to handle the property and/ or personal affairs of another who is incapable of doing so for himself or herself

Decedent (dih SEE dunt) n. a deceased person

Demur (duh MER) v. to claim that even if another party’s facts are true there is no legitimate claim or legal recourse

Easement (EEZ munt) n. an interest in land giving the holder the right of access to or a particular use of the land

Page 17: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Fiduciary (fuh DOO see ayr ee) n. one charged with the legal responsibility for administering and/or managing another’s assets

Franchise (FRAN chyz) n. a right or privilege granted by authority (especially, suffrage – the right to vote)

Impeach (im PEECH) v. to discredit; to detract from a person’s credibility or believability

Indemnify (in DEM nuh fy) v. to restore a victim of a loss to the same position as before the loss occurred

Jurisdiction (joor is DIK shun) n. the authority (usually of a court) to hear and decide legal disputes

Lien (LEE un) n. a formal cliam against property that has been pleged or mortgaged to secure the performance of an obligation

Mitigate (MIT uh gayt) v. to minimize or lessen the severity of damage

Notary (NOH tuh ree) n. a person who is officially authorized to authenticate legal documents (contracts, deeds, etc.)

Novation (no VAY shun) n. substitution of a new contract or obligation for an existing one

Proxy (PRAHNK see) n. authority to act (e.g., to vote) for another

Quitclaim (KWIT klaym) v. to transfer or relinquish title in property to another without any representation as to one’s legal authority to do so

Rescind (ree SIND) v. to cancel, nullify, revoke; retract; annul; to invalidate by subsequent action

Revocable (ruh VOH kuh bul) adj. capable of being revoked, canceled, or rescinded

Stipulate (STIP yoo layt) v. to specify, require, or set forth a particular fact as a condition of an agreement

Subpoena (suh PEE nuh) n. a court order compelling a witness to provide information or to be present at a court hearing

Subrogate (SUB roh gayt) v. to substitute one party (e.g., a creditor) for another

Tort (TORT) n. a non-criminal and non-contractual wrongful act committed against another

Vest (VEST) v. to attain a right or interest without possibility of losing it

Waive (WAYV) v. to voluntarily give up or surrender a right or privilege

Engineering and Construction

Auger (AW ger) n. a tool for boring holes in wood

Page 18: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Banister (BAN ih ster) n. a vertical member used to support a handrail

Barb (BARB) n. sharp point on a tool projecting in the opposite direction from the main point(s)

Batten (BAT un) v. to reinforce (a slatted wall or door) with a cross-member

Berm (BERM) n. a bank of earth piled up alongside a road or wall

Bevel (BEH vul) n. a non-right angle which one surface makes against another surface

Bushing (BUH sheeng) n. a sleeve or fitting used to connect two pipes or cables

Caliper (KAL uh per) n. a two-pronged instrument used to measure diameter or thickness of an object

Conduit (KAHN doo it) n. a tube, pipe or channel for conveying a flowing substance, usually water

Crampon (KRAM pahn) n. a hooked device used to lift heavy weights

Crimp (KRIMP) v. to bend or warp an object (e.g., metal or wood)

Dowel (DOW ul) n. a round peg used to join wooden parts together

Flange (FLANJ) n. a projecting rim, edge, collar or ring on a pipe or shaft

Glazier (GLAY zher) n. one who cuts and fits glass panes for windows

Laminate (LAM ih nayt) v. to build up material in layers

Lash (LASH) v. to bind or fasten with a rope or cord; to whip

Lathe (LAYTH) n. a machine for shaping circular forms (especially, pieces of wood)

Masonry (MAY sun ree) n. stonework

Nib (NIB) n. any projecting piece or part

Pitch (PICH) n. a dark, sticky substance used for roofing and paving

Piton (PEE than) n. a spike hammered into rock fissures or ice to aid in climbing

Rasp (RASP) n. an abrading tool made for steel

Rout (ROWT) v. to groove or hollow out

Shear (SHEER) v. to cut metal with blades

Siphon (SY fun) v. to withdraw liquid by suction

Slag (SLAG) n. the residue of a blast furnace, used for roofing surfaces

Page 19: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Solder (SAH der) v. to join together or patch metal parts with a melted metal alloy

Splayed (SPLAYD) adj. fanned part

Strut (STRUT) n. a type of structural brace

Winch (WINCH) n. a machine used to pull up heavy weights

Criminology (Crimes and criminal Procedure)

Abduct (ab DUKT) v. to carry off a person by force

Asbcond (uh SKAHND) v. to flee from a geographic area or to conceal oneself without authorization, usually for the purpose of avoiding legal proceedings

Acquit (uh KWIT) v. to relieve an accused from criminal charges

Alibi (AL uh by) n. an excuse intended to avert blame

Arraign (uh RAYN) v. to bring before a court of law to hear and answer charges

Collusion (kuh LOO zhun) n. an agreement between two or more parties to defraud another of their property or rights

Complicity (kum PLIH sih tee) n. association with or participation in a crime

Duress (dyoo RES) n. actual or threatened force, violence, or imprisonment, causing another to act contrary to his or her will

Extort (eks TORT) v. to demand payment based on threats

Extradite (EKS truh dyt) v. to deliver (give up) a criminal from one state or nation to another

Flagitious (fluh GIH shus) adj. scandalous, villainous

Forge (FORJ) v. to counterfeit; to shape molten metal

Illicit (ih LIH sit) adj. illegal

Immurement (ih MYOOR mint) n. confinement within walls

Incendiary (in SEN dee ayr ee) n. an agitator, especially one who stirs up discontent by starting fires

Incognito (in kahg NEE toh) adj. living under an assumed name

Indict (in DYT) v. to charge with a crime or accuse of wrongdoing

Kleptomaniac (klep toh MAY nee ak) n. a person who has a compulsive desire to steal

Larceny (LAR suh nee) n. theft of personal property

Page 20: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Peccadillo (peh kuh DIL oh) n. a slight or minor offense: misdemeanor

Peculation (pek yoo LAY shun) n. stealing or misuse of public money entrusted to one’s care; misappropriation; embezzlement

Perjure (PER jer) v. to lie under oath, especially to give false testimony in court

Pilfer (PIL fer) v. to steal repeatedly (especially, from one’s workplace)

Poach (POHCH) v. to take fish or game unlawfully from private or protected property

Recidivism (Rih SIH dih vih zum) n. habitual repetition of or return to criminal activity

Regicide (REJ uh syd) n. murder of a monarch (king or queen)

Vandalize (VAN duh lyz) v. to deface, damage, or destroy property

Vigilante (vih juh LAN tee) n. one who takes justice into one’s own hands

Ecology (Meteorology, Soil Science, and the Environment)

Agrarian (uh GRAYR ee un) adj. pertaining to agricultural land and its cultivation

Biome (BY ohm) n. a discrete region characterized by the same life forms and conditions

Cataclysm (KAT uh klih zum) n. a violent or overwhelming subversion of ordinary phenomena of nation (e.g., a flood, earthquake, or volcanic eruption)

Debacle (deh BAH kul) n. a violent rush or flood of debris-filled waters; an overwhelming defeat

Diurnal (dy YER nul) adj. referring to or occurring during the daylight hours

Ebb (eb) v. to recede or fall back (as the tide)

Effluent (EF loo unt) n. waste matter emitted by a sewage treatment or industrial plant

Endemic (en DEM ik) adj. restricted to a particular habitat or geographic range

Eolian (ee OH lee un) adj. affected by wind

Estival (ES tuh vul) adj. pertaining to summer

Fallow (FAL oh) adj. left idle (uncultivated) to restore productivity, usually referring to land used for agriculture

Fumerole (FYOO mer ohl) n. a hole or vent (of a geyser, volcano, or spring) from which fumes or vapor rises

Hybernal (hy BER nul) adj. relating to winter

Page 21: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Humic (HYOO mik) adj. derived from the soil

Humus (HYOO mus) n. decayed or decaying organic material in the surface layers of soil

Indigenous (in DU uh nus) adj. native to a given area

Leach (LEECH) v. to separate a liquid from a solid (usually waste) by flowing or percolating water into surrounding soil

Littoral (LIT er ul) adj. pertaining to a shore (coastline), particularly the area of the shore between the high and low tide marks

Maelstrom (MAYL strum) n. a whirlpool

Matutinal (muh TOO duh nul) adj. pertaining to or functioning in the morning

Pedology (pih DAHL uh jee) n. the study of soils

Pluvial (PLOO vee uh) adj. relating to rain; drizzly

Quagmire (KWAG myr) n. soft ground where footing is insecure; swamp; bog

Simoon (sih MOON) n. desert wind or duststorm

Spate (SPAYT) n. a sudden flood

Squall (SKWAWL) n. a strong sudden wind

Vernal (VER nal) adj. relating to the spring

Virazon (VEER uh zahn) n. a sea breeze

Zephyr (ZEF er) n. a gentle breeze; a west wind

Gastronomy (the Art and Science of Good Eating)

Baste (BAYST) v. to moisten meat in its own juice during cooking

Braise (BRAYZ) v. to cook first by searing, then simmering in a small amount of liquid

Bran (BRAN) n. the coat of a grain seed, used for cereal

Brazier (BRAY zhyer) n. a pan for holding burning coals, used for open-flame cooking

Calorie (KAL ere e) n. a unit of heat (not nutrition)

Colander (KAHL in der) n. a peforated basket used to strain water-filled foods

Comestible (kuh MES stuh bul) adj. fit for eating; edible

Page 22: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Confectionery (kun FEK sun ayr ee) n. any sweet food comprised primarily of sugar

Cuisine (kwih ZEEN) n. particular style of prepared food

Culinary (kUL uh nayr ee) adj. pertaining to cooking

Decanter (deh KAN ter) n. a narrow-necked glass container used to hold and serve wine

Desiccate (DEH sih kayt) v. to dry or dehydrate

Elixir (eh LIK ser) n. a liquid essence said to contain healthful properties

Gastronomy (gas TRAHN uh mee) n. the science of preparing and serving food

Larder (LAR der) n. a pantry; place where food is kept

Pasteurize (PAS chyoor yz) v. to sterilize by raising and lowering temperature to prevent fermentation and growth of bacteria

Percolate (Per koh layt) v. to filter liquid though a permeable substance in order to extract the substance’s essence

Serrated (ser AY tud) adj. saw-toothed (especially, a knife)

Sieve (SIV) v. to strain

Spit (SPIT) n. a pointed skewer to hold meet over coals or fire

Tripe (TRYP) n. the stomach and intestinal lining of an animal

Truss (TRUS) v. to secure (hold together) with skewers or twine before cooking

Tureen (ter REEN) n. a large, deep pot used to serve soup and sauces

VIAND (VY und) n. a dish or article of food serve at a fine meal; course

Vintner (VINT ner) n. a dealer in or producer of wines

Zest (ZEST) n. the outside rind of any citrus fruit which contains the essential oils used for flavoring.


Acclivity (uh KLIV ih tee) n. an ascending slope

Accretion (uh KREE shun) n. gradual addition of new land to old by deposit of sediment carried by the water of a stream

Aggrade (uh GRAYD) v. to build up a grade or slope by the deposit of sediment

Page 23: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Alluvial (ul LOO vee ul) adj. pertaining to sediment deposited by flowing water, usually at the bottom of a body of water

Alpine (AL pyn) adj. pertaining to great mountain heights

Apex (AY peks) n. tip, point, or angular summit (of a mountain)

Atoll (AT ahl) n. a coral island

Avulsion (uh VUL shun) n. rapid erosion of a shoreline during a storm

Benthal (BEN thul) adj. pertaining to the deepest zone or region of the ocean

Berm (BERM) n. a narrow shelf or ridge

Caldera (KAWL dayr uh) n. a crater formed at the top of a volcanic mountain

Cataract (CAT uh rakt) n. a waterfall of great volume in which the vertical flow is concentrated in one sheer drop

Confluence ( KAHN floo ins) n. the point of convergence and uniting of two streams

Cordillera (kor dil YAHR uh) n. a system of mountain ranges

Debouchure ( dih boo shyoor) n. mouth of a river or point at which tributaries connect with larger passages

Eddy (EH dee) n. circular movement of water produced by counter currents

Estuary (ES choo ayr ee) n. river basin affected by ocean tides, having a mixture of fresh and salt water

Fell (FELL) n. a bare, uncultivated rocky hill or mountain

Kame (KAYM) n. a short, conical, steep hill

Lotic (LOH tic) adj. pertaining to a flowing stream, river, or spring

Meriidian (muh RIH dee un) n. a line of longitude, passing over both north and south poles

Piedmont ( PEEd mahnt) adj lying or formed at the base of a mountain

Riparian (ry PAYR ee un) adj. pertaining to a riverbank

Scarp (SKARP) n. a steel slope or inland cliff

Sedimentary (seh dih MEN tuh ree) adj. describing accumulation of material deposited by water, wind, or glaciers

Spit (SPIT) n. a narrow strip of alluvial deposit projecting into the sea

Page 24: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Tundra (TUN druh) n. a vast, cold, treeless region

Geology (Rock Formations, Minerals, and Metals)

Anodize (AN oh dyz) v. to treat a metal in an electrolytic process so that it forms a protective coating of oxide

Aven (AY vin) n. a vertical shaft leading upward from a cave passage

Beneficiate (ben u FISH ee ayt) v. to improve the grade of ore by milling, sintering, etc.

Chatoyant (shuh TOY unt) adj. having luster or glow of certain gems, particularly cat’s-eye

Denude (dih NOOD) v. to wear away or remove overlying matter from under laying rocks, exposing them to view

Facet (FAS it) n. the polished surface of a gemstone a flat surface of a rock fragment

Fault (FAWLT) n. a fracture in the earth’s crust

Hyaline (HY uh leen) adj. glassy; crystalline; transparent

Igneous (IG nee us) adj produced by volcanic eruption or fire

Karat (KAYR ut) n. a unit for measuring the fineness of gold

Lodestone (LOHD stohn) n. a natural mineral containing iron that acts as a magnet

Nacreous (NAY kree us) adj. pearly; having the luster of mother of pearl

Obsidian (ub SID ee un) n. black volcanic rock

Quarry (KWOHR ee) v. to extract stone from the surface

Sectile (SEK til) adj. capable of being cut with a knife without breaking off in pieces

Shard (SHARD) n. a spikelike fragment of glass

Tufa (TOO fuh) n. a soft porous rock formed from lime deposits in springs

Ventifact ( VEN tuh fakt) n. a stone that has been shaped to some extent by the abrasion of wind driven sand

Vitreous (VIT ree us) adj. having the luster of broken glass


Amnesty (AM nis tee) n. a general pardon by a government for past offenses

Apparat ( uh PAYR it) n. the existing power structure or political organization

Page 25: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Despot (DES put) n. a ruler having absolute ruler; tyrant; dictator

Edict (EE dikt) n. an official order or proclamation having the force of law

Hegemony (heh JEM uh nee) n. a domination by one state over others

Insurgency (in SER) jin see) n. a minor revolt against a local government; uprising

Junta (HOON tuh) n. a small group, usually composed of military officers, ruling a country in the absence of a civilian government

Mandate (MAN dayt) n. authority given to an elected official by the electorate

Moratorium (mor uh TOR ee um) n. an officially declared stoppage or delay

Ombudsman (AHM boods mun) n. an intermediary between a citizen and the government who investigates complaints by citizens about government agencies or officials

Polity (PAHL ih tee) n. a system or form of government

Potentate (POH tun tayt) n. a monarch, dictator, or similar person possessing great political power

Ratify (RAT ih fy) v. to approve officially; sanction

Referendum (ref uh REN dum) n. popular vote on either proposed legislation or a popular initiative

Regalia (rih GAYL yuh) n. emblems of trappings of a political or military office

Regime (reh ZHEEM) n. the government of a specific leader; administration

Secede (suh SEED) v. to separate from an organized body of government

Subjugate (SUB joo gayt) v. to conquer or dominate a people or territory

Subvert (sub (VERT) v. to overthrow, ruin, corrupt, or otherwise undermine the stability or order of a government

Suffrage (SUF rij) n. the right to vote

Tharalldom (THRAWL dum) n. slavery; serfdom

Titular (TICH uh ler) adj. in title only (e.g. a monarch or president); nominal; and without actual power or authority

Tyranny (TEER uh nee) n. absolute authority, usually exercised oppressively

Usurp (yoo SERP) v. to assume political power or office by force or without right


Page 26: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Alliteration (uh lih ter AY shun) n. repeating the same sound at the beginning of words

Anachronism (uh NAK ruh nih zum) n. a word or expression not corresponding to the language of a given period of history; anything seemingly from another time

Anagram (AN uh gram) n. a word (or group of words) made up of the same letters as those of another word or group of words

Aphasia (uh FAY zhyuh) n. loss of the ability to speak

Assonance (AS uh nuns) n. therepetition of sounds, especially vowel sounds, in a word or phrase

Cadence (KAY dins) n. the rise and fall in pitch, volume, or stress in speech

Colloquial (kuh LOH kwee ul) adj. informal spoken or written expression

Connotation (kuh noh tay shun) n. suggest or convey feelings or ideas in additioni to the express meaning (denotation) of a word

Dialect (DY uh lekt) n. a distinctive regional variety of a language

Elocution (el uh KYOO shun) n. the study and practice of speaking properly and effectively in public oratory and in professional acting

Euphonic (yoo FAHN ik) adj. having an agreeable or pleasing sound

Evocative (ih VAHK uh tiv) adj. causing an emotional reaction in the listener (or reader)

Expletive (EKS pluh tiv) n. any word used as a filler

Idiom (ID ee um) n. a phrase which has a special meaning apart from the individual words used in the phrase

Intonation (in toh NAY shun) n. the melodic pattern produced by the variation in pitch of the voice during speech

Lexicon (LEX sih kahn) n. collection of vocabulary; dictionary

Locution (loh KYOO shun) n. any utterance, expression, or phrase

Mnemonic (nee MAH nik) adj. symbolic substitution or abbreviation, used for memorization (and in computer programming)

Parlance (PAR luns) n. any particular manner of expressing oneself, using vernacular and idioms

Pejorative (puh JOR uh tiv) adj. negative in connotation

Peroration (per uh RAY shun) n. the concluding part of a public address or speech (especially, summing up and recapitulating key points and/or exhorting and uplifting the audience)

Page 27: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Phonetic (fuh NET ik) adj. based on sounds (e.g. the phonetic spelling of a word)

Pidgin (PIH jun) n. a mixture of different languages

Polyglot (PAH lee glaht) n. a person who speaks or writes in several languages

Proem (PROH um) n. an introduction, preface, or preamble (in speech or writing)

Prosody (PRAH suh dee) n. the distinctive rhythm, stress, and intonation in a language (or of poetic verse)

Rebus (REE bus) n. the representation of a word by pictures or symbols

Rhetoric (RET uh rik) n. persuasion through argument

Rostrum (RAHS trum) n. a platform for public speaking; dais

Semantic (suh MAN tik) adj. involving signs (especially words) and the things (ideas) they are intended to signify

Syntax (SIN taks) n. construction of a sentence; arrangement of words in a sentence

Transcribe (tran SCRYB) v. to reduce speech to a written form


Allegory (AL uh gore e) n. a collection of extended metaphors in narrative form used as a device for teaching a lesson

Allusion (uh LOO zhun) n. a reference in a literary work to an identifiable person, event, place, or literary passage

Analect (AN uh lekt) n. a literary fragment or passage

Anthology (an THAH luh jee) n. a collection of selections from the writings of one or more authors

Apocryphal (uh PAHK rih ful) adj. of unknown authorship or doubtful integrity

Ballad (BAL id) n. a narrative poem meant for recitation or singing

Colophon (KAH luh fahn) n. a publisher’s and/or printer’s distinctive emblem, monogram, or cipher

Denouement (day noo MAHN) n. the final unfolding of a plot; the final resolution or outcome following the climax

Doggerel (DAW guh rul) n. poetic verse of generally poor quality; verse characterized by a crude, rough, irregular, or burlesque style

Elegy (EL uh jee) n. a poem (or song) of mourning; a lament

Page 28: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Epic (EP ik) n. a literary work recounting the travels and deeds of a legendary (heroic) figure

Epitaph (EP ih taf) n. an inscription on a monument in memory of a deceased person

Euphemism (YOO fuh mih zum) n. a pleasant or complimentary word or phrase used instead of one that is harsh or derogatory to prevent the conveyance of a bluntly honest opinion

Figurative (FIG yoor uh tiv) adj. metaphoric; not to be interpreted literally

Fustian (FUS chun) n. describing pretentious, pompous, or bombastic writing

Lampoon (lam POON) n. harsh satire, usually directed against a particular person

Litotes (LY toh teez) n. an understatement made for rhetorical emphasis

Masthead (MAST hed) n. a statement of the name, ownership, etc. of a publication

Missive (MIS iv) n. a letter, usually formal or official

Motif (moh TEEF) n. a literary, artistic, or musical device that serves as the basis for suggestive expansion; the basic element repeated throughout the work

Ode (OHD) n. a lyric poem marked by exalted feeling

Opus (OH pus) n. a literary or musical work

Parody (PAYR uh dee) n. a distorted and usually humorous imitation of a particular style of writing

Pastiche (pas TEESH) n. a composition made up of bits from various sources; an imitation of another writer’s stle or technique, usually done for satirical or humorous purposes

Pathos (PAY thohs) n. the quality of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion (in literature, art, or music)

Pseudonym (SOO duh nim) n. a fictitious name used by an author

Satire (SAT yr) n. a literary form employing irony, ridicule, and sarcasm

Scholiast (SKOH lee ast) n. an ancient commentator or annotator of classic texts

Tome (TOHM) n. a very large or scholarly work

Treatise (TREE tis) n. a comprehensive and systematic literary examination of a particular subject

Vignette (vin YET) n. a short, sketchy story

Vita (VEE tuh) n. a brief, autobiographical sketch

Maritime Matters (Boating)

Athwart (uh THWORT) adv. Transversely; from side to side

Page 29: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Ballast (BAL ust) n. any heavy material placed low in a ship (or other structure) to increase stability

Buoyant ( BOY ent) adj. able to float

Dredge (DREJ) v. to deepen a channel by scraping or suction

Flotsam (FLAHT sum) n. the part of a ship’s wreckage found floating gin the water

Furl (FERL) v. to secure sails, awnings, or flags

Hull (HUL) n. the outer body or shell of a ship

Jetsam (JET sum) n. debris from a ship that has washed ashore; cargo thrown overboard to lighten a ship

List (LIST) v. to tilt from side to side

Moor (MOOR) v. to fasten, tie down, or anchor a ship in its dock

Purser (PER ser) n. a clerk on a passenger ship in charge of safekeeping money and possessions of crew and passengers

Regatta (rih GAH tuh) n. a boat race or series of boat races

Sextant (SEKS tunt) n. a type of navigational instrument used on ships

Sinuate (SIN yoo ayt) v. to maneuver in a series of curves around a set course, usually for evasive purposes

Staunch (STAWNCH)) adj. sturdy; watertight

Tack (TAK) n. the direction a vessel takes in relation to the wind

Ullage (UL ij) n. the empty space in a tank for holding liquid (e.g. fuel or water)


Conflate (kun FLAYT) v. to integrate two separate sets to produce a single set

Congruent (kahn GROO unt) adj. equivalent; having exactly the same size and shape

Conojugate (KAHN joo git) adj. having the same or similar properties

Corollary (KOR uh layr ee) n. a theorem proved by a previously proved theorem

Innumerate (ih NOO mer it) adj. mathematically illiterate

Interpolate (in TER pul ayt) v. to estimate a value of a function between two known values (by a method other than that defined by the equation or law that represents the function

Page 30: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Involution (in vuh LOO shun) n. the process of multiplying a quantity by itself a given number of times (i.e., takinga number to a “power”)

Iteration (ih ter AY shun) n. one step in a sequence of repeated steps in the solution of a problem (iterative: adj. repeating)

Matrix (MAY triks) n. an array of terms (numbers) arranged in columns and rows

Ordinal (OR duh nul) adj. indicating the order, position, or rank of an item among others in a group or set

Permutation (per myoo TAY shun) n. an operation on a set of elements (numbers in which each element is replaced by itself or by some other element of the set

Ratiocination (ray shee uh suh NAY shun) n. the act of drawing conclusions from premises; reasoning

Scalar (SKAY ler) n. an element of a set or field (e.g., of numbers)

Stochastic (stuh KAS tik) adj. referring to a sequence of uncertain outcomes over time (usually used in statistics and linear programming)

Tertiary (TER shee ayr ee) adj. third

Medicine and the Health Professions

Astringent (uh STRIN junt) n. a substance that cuases binding by contraction; a harsh, biting substance

Benign (bih NYN) adj. harmless; gentle (as in a benign tumor)

Chronic (KRAH nik) adj. continuous; constant; prolonged; recurring periodically

Congenital (kun JEN ih tul) adj. existing or dating from birth; inbred; inborn; innate

Emetic (uh MEH tik) n. any substance used to induce vomiting

Febrile (FEE bryl) adj. feverish

Geriatric (jayr ee AT rik) adj. relating to medical care and treatment of the elderly

Hospice (HAH spis) n. a shelter for the sick, dying or underprivileged (or for travelers)

Morbidity (mor BID ih tee) n. the incidence or prevalence of disease (or death)

Natal (NAY tul) adj. pertaining to birth

Pathology (path AHL uh jee) n. the study of the processes and causes of disease

Prognosis (prahg NOH sis) n. a medical prediction or forecast of the course of an illness and chances of recovery

Page 31: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Prosthesis (prah STHEE sis) n. an addition to the end of (esp., an artificial limb)

Quarantine (KWOR un teen) n. sequestration (isolation) of a person to prevent spread of disease (also used as a verb)

Remission (ree MIH shun) n. abatement or lessening (of the symptoms of a disease)

Senescent (suh NES unt) adj. growing old; aging

Syncope (SING kuh pee) n. a brief loss of consciousness; fainting or swooning

Syndrome (SIN drohm) n. a cluster of symptoms, all thought to be caused by the same disease or illness

Vellicate (VEL uh kayt) v. to cause convulsive twitching

Vertigo (VER tih goh) n. a dizziness and the sensation of head-spinning

Metaphysics and the Afterlife

Anagogic (an uh GAHG ik) adj. relating to spiritual or lofty ideals

Animism (AN uh mih zum) n. the belief that natural objects and phenomena possess souls or spirits

Apocalypse (uh PAH kuh lips) n. a cataclysmic, violent even in which forces of good destroy those of evil

Apostate (uh PAH stayt) n. one who defects from or abandons one’s faith, church, or principles

Apotheosis *uh pah thee OH sis) n. the elevation of a mortal to the rank of a deity (god); deification; glorification

Atone (uh TOHN) v. to reconcile wrongful acts (sins) through forgiveness

Auspice (AW spis) n. a prophetic sign; omen

Deity (DEE uh tee) n. a divine or supreme being

Ethereal (EE THEER ee ul) adj. nonmaterial; heavenly

Expiate (EKS pee ayt) v. to atone for one’s wrongful acts (sins)

Hallow (HAL oh) v. to make holy; consecrate

Heathen (HEE thin) n. a nonbeliever; pagan; infidel; kafir

Heresy (HAYR uh see) n. a dissenting or unorthodox religious belief; sacrilege

Kismet (KIZ mut) n. fate; destiny; fortune

Mormonism (MAM uh ih zum) n. the personification of material wealth as evil

Page 32: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Manitou (MAN ih too) n. a supernatural being that controls nature

Oracular (or AK yoo ler) adj. prophetic; foretelling; portentous (oracle: n. a divinely inspired utterance)

Perdition (per DIH shun) n. a place or damnation; hell

Pious (PY us) adj. acting dutifully in reverence (whether or not genuine) to God

Prescience (PREH shuns) n. direct acquaintance with the future, as opposed to fore-knowledge based on inference

Recreant (REK ree unt) adj. failing to maintain faith

Sacrilege (SAK rih lij) n. a statement or act that degrades that which is sacred; heresy

Sacrosanct (SAK roh sankt) adj. sacred; holy inviolable; hallowed

Secular (SEK yoo ler) adj. rejecting religion as necessary in understanding or interpreting the world

Serendipity (sayr uhn DIP ih tee) adj. unsought good fortune

Veneration (ven er AY shun) n. reverence; devotion

Military Science

Armistice (AR muh stis) n. a general truce; cessation of war

Belay (buh LAY) v. to cancel a command (also, to make secure or fast)

Bivouac (BIV wak) n. a temporary encampment, usually with little or no shelter

Brassard (BRAS erd) n. a distinctive insignia worm on the shoulder of a uniform to indicate task or rank

Breach (BREECH) n. an expedient passage through an obstacle

Brigade (brih GAYD) n. a type of military unit; subunit of a battalion

Capitulate (kuh PICH yoo layt) v. to surrender

Citadel (SIT uh dul) n. a fortress or stronghold, especially for defending a city

Clandestine (KLAN DES tin) adj. secret; concealed

Coup (KOO) n. a highly successful maneuver; a surprise attack

Covert (KOH vert) adj. secret; hidden

Debark (dee BARK) v. to unload or leave a ship or aircraft

Page 33: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Decrypt (de KRIPT) v. to convert encrypted (coded) text to plain text through the use of a decoding system

Defect (duh FEKT) v. to repudiate one’s native country in favor of an opposing nation

Deploy (dih PLOY) v. to send troops or equipment to a foreign area for duty

Espionage (ES pee uh nahzh) n. spying to obtain information about a government’s plans or activities

Foray (FOR ay) n. an incursion or raid

Garrison (GAYR uh sun) n. a fortified, secured area or building for station troops

Interdiction (in ter DIK shun) n. disruptive action designed to prevent an enemy from gaining access to routes, areas, or supplies

Mercenary (MER suh nayr ee) adj. for hire; not motivated by political loyalty or allegiance

Perfidy (PER fuh dee) n. deceptive tactics that tend to destroy the basis for restoring peace

Preemptive (pree EM tiv) adj. launched or initiated because of evidence that the enemy is about to move or attack

Reconnaissance (rih KAH nuh suns) n. observation of an area of military significance

Sabotage (SAB uh tahzh) n. intentional destruction or obstruction aimed at disrupting military or government activities

Sentry (SEN tree) n. a soldier whose job is to maintain a watch against threats from the enemy

Shrapnel (SHRAP nul) n. destructive fragments resulting from the explosion of a bomb or projectile

Sortie (SOR tee) n. an air mission

Traige (TREE ahzh) n. a method of ranking sick or injured people according to severity of sickness or injury for the purpose of determining priority of treatment

Vanguard (VAN gard) n. troops (forces) sent in advance; the forefront of an army

Waylay (WAY lay) v. to lie in wait for the purpose of ambushing or intercepting

Music and Musicology

Anthem (AN thum) n. a short choral song of a serious (e.g. religious or patriotic) nature

Aria (AHR ee uh) n. part of an opera, oratorio, etc. where the action is stopped and characters sing their reaction to the dramatic situation

Ballad (BAL ud) n. a (vocal) song whose words tell a story

Page 34: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Ballade (BAL ud) n. an instrumental piece, usually long, that is lyrical and romantic in style

Baroque (buh ROHK) adj. attempting to achieve artistic effect (in music, literature, or art) by startling and irregular movement in style and form

Cadence (KAY duns) n. a point of rest or conclusion; modulation in tone; measured movement

Cadenza (kuh DEN zuh) n. an extended cadence just before a point of rest, allowing for a soloist to improvise or play a composed passage to display his or her technical ability

Canon (KAN un) n. a musical form in which the voices enter successively with the same material; a round

Chorale (koh RAL) n. a hymn or psalm sung to a melody

Clarion (KLAYR ee un) n. a shrill-toned trumpet

Coda (KOH duh) n. n. a composition for a solo instrument (or group of instruments) and orchestra

Conservatory (kun SER vuh tor ee) n. a special school which offers instruction in all aspects of music

Forte (FOR tay) adj. strong; loud

Fugue (FYOOG) n. a musical form consisting of a number of imitative explorations of a theme

Glissando (glih SAHN doh) n. a series of ascending or descending notes played quickly so as to give the impression of sliding from the first to the last note

Libretto (Lih BREH toh) n. the words or text for an opera, oratorio, etc.

Madrigal (MAD ruh gul) n. a Renaissance form of unaccompanied choral music based on a nonsacred text

Melisma (muh LIZ muh) n. a florid melody with a free rhythm structure

Nocturne (NAHK tern) n. a slow, quiet lyrical piece

Oratorio (or uh TOR ee oh) n. a large multisectional musical form which is really an unstage sacred opera

Ostinato (ah stih NAH toh) n. a repeated melodic pattern whose insistence becomes a characteristic of the piece

Overture (OH ver cher) n. an instrumental introduction to a musical play or opera

Polyphony( puh LIF uh nee) n. the simultaneous combination of two or more melodies

Prosody (PRAH zuh dee) n. the art of setting text to music

Reprise (rih PRYZ) n. repetition of a musical phrase

Page 35: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Requiem (REK wee um) n. a composition written for a funeral Mass

Sonata (suh NAH tuh) n. a musical piece composed for solo instrument, sometimes with piano accompaniment

Syncopation (sing kuh PAY shun) n. a shifting of the normal accent (stress) in music, so that “offbeats” are stressed

Timbre (TIM ber) n. the unique quality of a sound produced by a particular instrument or voice

Troubadour (TROO buh dor) n. a poet-musician of the Medieval period

Philosophy and Logic

Autonomy (aw TAH nuh mee) n. independence from external constraints; self-determination

Canon (CAN un) n. a rule, norm, tenet, or principle that is logically consistent

Corporeal (kor POR ee ul) adj. relating to the body or to physical matter

Dialectic (dy uh LEK tik) n. a question-and-answer method of investigation

Discursive (dis KER siv) adj. characterized by analysis

Empirical (em PEER ih kul) n. based on direct or practical observation and experience

Epicurean (ep ih KYOOR ee un) adj. pertaining to t he pursuit of pleasure

Fallacious (fuh LAY shus) adj. logically unsound; misleading or deceptive

Heuristic (hyoo RIS tik) adj. serving to persuade through discovery and revelation rather than through logic or rhetoric

Immanent (IM uh nunt) adj. existing within the mind; indwelling or inherent

Irrefragable (ih reh FRUG uh bul) adj. irrefutable; undeniable

Metaphysics (met uh FIZ iks) n. the philosophy of being; the study of being in its universal aspects

Nihilism (NY uh liz um) n. the belief that there is no purpose to existence; rejection of established laws and institutions

Nonsequitur (nahn SEK wih ter) n. that which does not follow logically

Ontology (ahn TAHL uh jee) n. the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of existence (being)

Paradox (PAYR uh dahks) n. a seemingly contradictory assertion that may nevertheless be true or valid

Postulate (POS choo lut) n. a hypothesis that cannot be demonstrated

Page 36: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Prolepsis (pro LEP sis) n. a preconception or necessary assumption or principle; anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them; an error in chronology in which an event is dated before the actual time of occurrence


Amplitude (AM plih tood) n. height or depth (range) of the crest (or trough) of a wave

Attenuate (uh TEN yoo ayt) v. to reduce in size or amount

Buffer ( BUF er) n. a temporary storage area for data or signals as they pass from one system to another

Centrifugal (sen TRIF uh gul) adj. conveyance outward by force from a rotating center

Cryogenics (kry oh JEN iks) n. production and effects of extremely low temperatures

Damp (DAMP) v. to lessen a vibration

Decibel (DES uh bul) n. a unit of measurement of the intensity (loudness) of sound

Entropy (EN truh pee) n. the degree of disorder or tendency toward the breakdown of a system

Fission (FIH zhun) n. the process of splitting apart or disjoining

Fulcrum (FUL krum) n. the point of pivot or a lever

Galvanize (GAL vuh nyz) v. to excite (stimulate) by electrical current; to coat iron with zinc in order to prevent rust

Incandescent (in kun DES unt) adj. emitting light due to production of heat

Joule (JOOL) n. a unit of energy or work used in scientific measurement

Kinetic (kuh NEH tik) adj. produced, creating, or characterized by motion

Luminous (LOO min us) adj. giving off light

Modulate (MAHJ yoo layt) v. to vary

Opaque (oh PAYK adj. describing a material that is unable to transmit light

Parallax (PAYR uh laks) n. a shift in the relative position of objects due to a change in perspective

Photic (FOH tik) adj. pertaining to light

Quantum (KWAHN tum) n. a discrete and indivisible unit of energy

Refraction (ree FRAK shun) n. the bending of a wave as it passes obliquely from one medium to another

Resonate (REH zuh nayt) v. to vibrate greatly as a response to an external stimulus

Page 37: mrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.commrspenalora-english3.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAT voca…  · Web viewAbhor (ub HOR) v. to hate intensely; despise; detest . Abstruse (ub STROOS)

Sonic (SAH nik) adj. pertaining to sound waves

Spectrum (SPEK trum) n. the entire range of wavelengths produced when a beam of electromagnetic radiation is broken up into its array of entities

Thermal (THER mul) adj. pertaining to heat

Torque (TORK) n. a force that produces a twisting or rotating motion

Viscosity (vis KAHS ih tee) n. internal friction of a fluid; resistance to flow

Political Science

Cabal (kuh BAL) n. a secret group of political conspirators

Cadre (KAH dray) n. close-knit group of leaders whoa dvocate particular views

Caucus (KAW kus) n. a closed meeting, usually by a political party to plan a strategy

Clout (KLOWT) n. political power or influence

Coalition (koh uh LIH shun) n. an alliance of political parties or states based on a common purpose

Gerrymander (JAYR ee man der) v. to alter voting district lines so as to further one’s own interests in obtaining votes

Graft (GRAFT) n. money or property gained through political corruption