What does it feel like to sweat into your eyes? Why does it hurt to get sweat in your eyes? What affect is sweating this much going to have on your body? Can you explain in terms of osmosis?

Mrs Abrey Lesson 3 sports drink

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What does it feel like to sweat into your eyes?

Why does it hurt to get sweat in your eyes?

What affect is sweating this much going to have on your body?

Can you explain in terms of osmosis?

Sports drinks

Lesson objectives

• All will know the dangers of dehydration

• Most will be able to describe how sports drinks restore the concentration of the body fluids

• Some will be able to assess and evaluate the use of sports drinks

Sports drinks

• How much of a bodies mass is water?

• 75%

• If you become dehydrated what would happen to the concentration of your blood?

• How will this affect the water in your cells?

• How will this affect your cells function?

Sports drinks

• Is it worth buying sports drinks?

• Use the nutritional information from the drinks labels to construct a table showing the following information Energy (kJ), protein, carbohydrate, sodium ions, potassium ions

Drink Carbohydrates(g/l)

Sodium ions(mmol/l)

Chloride ions(mmol/l)

Osmolarity units

Cola 105 3 1 650

Dioralyte 16 60 60 240

Gatorade 62 23 14 349

Isostar 73 24 12 296

Lucozade 180 0 0 658

Lucozade sport

64 3 14 280

Sports drinks

• Draw a graph to show your results