MRogers.proposal 1 (1)

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  • 8/2/2019 MRogers.proposal 1 (1)


    Max Rogers

    Ms. Caruso

    ENGL 1102

    22 February 2012

    Proposal: Behind Closed Doors

    The novel that is currently being developed has a strong purpose embedded inside of its

    pages. The novel is appropriately named,Behind Closed Doors.Behind Closed Doors is a story

    of a man in his late thirties. He has a loving wife and a beautiful daughter. Their story takes place

    during the Italian Renaissance. The main characters name is Giovanni. Giovanni makes an

    honest living working as a painter. He makes enough money to support his family but not much

    past that. He is considered to be in the middle class of society and he is not very well known in

    the community. Giovanni is a dynamic character who will grow many times throughout the

    story. It is through the events in Giovannis life that the purpose of the novel will be revealed.

    Giovanni starts as a simple middle class man. As he pushes through his conflicts, both

    internal and external, he grows to become a powerful person in the community. To do this, he

    must push himself past his fears. Giovannis story is one of success for the common man and he

    shows that anyone, no matter how small they may think they are, can make a great impact on the

    world around them. This novel should bring hope to those who feel that their life is a struggle.

    Giovanni is a character that most people can still relate strongly to today. This is what makes

    Behind Closed Doors so powerful. It will allow for the audience to slip away from their pain and

    hardships and into a new world from the past; while at the same time, they can connect to the

    Comment [BC1]: Put your name i


    Comment [BC2]: Refer to the han

    Moodle for the proper version of M

    Comment [BC3]: Why?

    Comment [BC4]: Combine the co

    these four sentences.

    Comment [BC5]: Combine these t


    Comment [BC6]: What is this?

  • 8/2/2019 MRogers.proposal 1 (1)


    story and be inspired by the actions of the protagonist. It is truly a story of universality and the

    conflicts in the book are shared amongst people across the board.

    There is a very specific reason thatBehind Closed Doors is presented in a novel and not a

    movie or any other form of media.Behind Closed Doors is meant to be an intimate experience

    for the reader. This helps to create a personal connection between the reader and the characters

    of the novel. The audience needs to have time alone with the characters. The novel format will

    also allow for the reader to see the inner thoughts of the characters which is something that is

    harder to do in a movie format. Acting tends to be an external form of storytelling while with a

    novel, the reader will be able to segue back and forth between external and internal actions. This

    strong bond between the reader and the characters will help to support the main purpose of this

    story by giving the reader a chance to become strongly encompassed by the characters world.

    Delving into the plot, there is a very straight forward yet complicated schema of conflicts

    that take place through the storys events. The novel starts at the kitchen table of Giovannis

    home. His wife and daughter are both with him and they are sharing breakfast. As they discuss

    what they will be doing for the continuation of their day, the reader can see that while they are

    for the most part happy, they seem to be somewhat disconnected from each other. This tends to

    be an issue in modern households and this disconnect will help to support the purpose of the

    novel by connecting the reader to the characters lifestyle. Giovanni begins to gatherhis things

    and heads outside his home.

    The next few chapters of the book consist of Giovanni being introduced to the different

    crimes that the church is committing. Being a painter that is working in the church, Giovanni

    sees artists in the community along with scientists and scholars being pulled into the church

    Comment [BC7]: You dont give m

    concrete detail in this paragraph. W

    more detail to each idea in this para

    Comment [BC8]: Be more specific

    Comment [BC9]: Take this senten

    and allow the information to come o

    another sentence.

    Comment [BC10]: This is the firsttell your reader that there will be cri

    story. Consider giving more informat

    introduce the story.

  • 8/2/2019 MRogers.proposal 1 (1)


    through back doors and taken into rooms that are heavily guarded. Giovanni struggles internally

    about whether or not he should tell someone about what he sees during the day. Because this is a

    novel and not a movie, video game, or other form of media, the audience will be able to see into

    the inner workings of the characters.

    Giovanni eventually cant handle keeping what he has seen to himself. He confesses what

    is going on to his wife and daughter. His wife asks him to keep it to himself. She is worried

    about his safety and knows that they are in a point in history where the church and science/art is

    at a crossroads. Giovannis life is spent living in a time period just after The Black Death spread

    across Europe killing millions. Corruption found itself merging into the Roman Catholic Church.

    Many priests used money as a way to make it to the top. Priests were buying their positions (Van

    Hove 1). These corrupt officials knew that art and science were posing a threat to the church and

    they had to stop it in whatever way possible.

    Giovannis daughter goes against her mother and urges Giovanni to do something about

    what he has seen. Giovanni knows that his daughters advice is what is morally right and he

    begins to assemble a group of fellow artists and scientists that live in his area. Just like him, they

    are common men who lead common lives. This relates directly to the purpose in that common

    men can change the course of history. With this new faction of people brought together under

    Giovannis leadership, they began to form a plan to take down the church.

    There is a festival that happens every year where Giovanni lives. The faction plans to

    take out the head officials in the church during the festival. Everyone is gathered in the towns

    square where most of the bartering takes place during the day. About two hours past sunset, the

    festival shows off a grand firework spectacle. The fireworks direct everyones attention in the

    Comment [BC11]: How and why?

    Comment [BC12]: Why does this

    Comment [BC13]: Work to give tr

    in this paragraph to connect your ide

    Comment [BC14]: Work to chang

    the wording of this sentence. There

    more succinct way you can say this.

    Comment [BC15]: Transition.

  • 8/2/2019 MRogers.proposal 1 (1)


    direction away from the church officials. When the fireworks start, the faction storms the

    officials from behind and assassinates them. They then use what time they have left during the

    fireworks display to disappear into different shops.

    The falling action of the novel comes when the faction gathers a few days after the

    assassination. They know that they must stay together to fight against opposing forces who

    attempt to stop the advancement of science and art. Giovanni by this time has risen to a respected

    position of his peers. His wife struggles with his new position in the community and his daughter

    admires his courage. In the end of the novel, Giovanni reflects on the choices he has made and

    hopes that his future will lead him across a path of purpose. Comment [BC16]: Max,

    You have certainly developed a conc

    well-thought-out, and I can see how

    be a hit. As you look to revise, thoug

    you to work on better connecting yo

    You seem to skim through your idea

    from a piece of content to a piece of

    Work to make the connection for yo

    by either elongating your sentences

    more content, by taking out sentenc

    dont necessarily belong, and by givi

    transitions throughout your paper.

    Just as you mentioned in your memo

    include more of the historical contex

    come as you elongate your sentence

    include transitions.

    Also, you dont seem to have a conc

    just an ending of your ideas. Work t

    this conclusion. What is it that you w

    your reader before they move on to

    proposals in the pile?

    Im looking forward to seeing what y

    revise in your portfolio!

    -Ms. C

  • 8/2/2019 MRogers.proposal 1 (1)


    Van Hove, Alphonse. "Hierarchy." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. New York: Robert

    Appleton Company, 1910. 14 Feb. 2012

    Comment [BC17]: Put the Works

    on this page.